How to solve examples in 2 steps. Lesson topic message

In mathematics, of course, it is important to be able to think and think logically, but practice is no less important in it. Half of the mistakes in math exams are due to incorrect calculation of simple operations with numbers - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. And it is important to develop these skills even in elementary school. In order not to miss anything, it is necessary to systematically work with the child using special exercise books. They allow you to work out mathematical skills and abilities and bring them to automatism. The simulators are diverse, it is not necessary to download them all, just one or two you like. Benefits can be used in working with younger students, regardless of the program for which the training is conducted.

Mathematics. We solve examples with the transition through a dozen.

Notebook for practicing addition and subtraction skills with the transition through a dozen. Not just examples, but interesting games and tasks.

Task cards. Mathematics. Addition and subtraction. Grade 2

Handy cards for second grade teachers. 2 options for addition and subtraction of the same kind. Suitable for organizing independent work in mathematics, depending on the progress in the program.

Mathematics. Addition and subtraction within 20. Grades 1-2. E.E.Kochurova

In various mathematics courses, the topic of addition and subtraction within 20 is studied either at the end of grade 1 or at the beginning of grade 2. In any case, the manual will help to consolidate the studied methods of manipulating numbers, in some tasks these methods are presented in the form of peculiar hints. In the course of independent work with a notebook, the child is guided by a sample of execution and algorithmic instructions. The ability to use such hints in studies will allow the student not only to find and use the necessary information in the course of the task, but also to carry out self-examination.

The notebook begins with practicing addition and subtraction within 10, this part is also suitable for first-graders.

Mathematics exercise book for grade 2

The notebook contains not only examples of addition and subtraction, but also the conversion of units into each other, and the comparison of calculation results (more-less).

3000 math examples (counting within 100 part 1)

Trainer with an account for time. Time to mark the solution of one column of examples and write down in the window below. Pay attention to the columns that the child solved for more than 5 minutes, which means that he had difficulties with this type of examples. Examples are given for addition and subtraction within ten and with the transition through a dozen, addition and subtraction of tens, manipulations within a hundred.

Score from 0 to 100

This recipe gives many examples of addition and subtraction to reinforce the skills of mental counting within 100.

We think it's right. Mathematics workbook. G.V. Belykh

The notebook is also made in the form of a simulator, solid examples and equations. It starts with a count within ten, then within a hundred (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), ends with a comparison of equations (examples with greater than, less than, equal signs).

The manuals will be useful both for primary school teachers in their work, and for parents to study at home with their children, in particular, during the summer holidays. Tasks of different levels of complexity will allow for a differentiated approach to learning.

Great mathematicians

Euclid. (c. 365 - 300 BC).

Ancient Greek mathematician. Worked in Alexandria in the 3rd century. BC e. The main work "Beginnings" (15 books), containing the foundations of ancient mathematics, elementary geometry, number theory, general theory of relations and the method for determining areas and volumes, which included elements of the theory of limits, had a huge impact on the development of mathematics. Works on astronomy, optics, music theory. Euclid proved many theorems and hypotheses.

Isaac Newton.

Born January 4, 1643, mechanic, astronomer and physicist, creator of classical mechanics, member, then president of the Royal Society of London. One of the founders of modern physics, formulated the basic laws of mechanics and was the actual creator of a unified physical program for describing all physical phenomena based on mechanics, discovered the law of universal gravitation, explained the movement of the planets around the Sun and the Moon around the Earth, as well as tides in the oceans, laid the foundations of solid mechanics media, acoustics and physical optics. Fundamental works "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" and "Optics". Newton developed differential and integral calculus. He discovered the dispersion of light, chromatic aberration, studied interference and diffraction, developed the corpuscular theory of light, and expressed a hypothesis that combined corpuscular and wave representations.

Examples in mathematics grade 2

Math examples for grade 2

Examples in mathematics grade 2

25 - 3 = 51 + 4 = 75 - 1 =

73 + 1 = 26 - 4 = 55 - 3 =

35 - 4 = 38 - 6 = 37 - 4 =

21 + 7 = 37 + 2 = 59 - 5 =

35 - 4 = 43 + 6 = 21 + 7 =

75 + 2 = 66 - 2 = 54 - 1 =

23 + 5 = 43 + 6 = 78 + 1 =

34 - 3 = 54 + 3 = 28 - 6 =

22 + 3 = 44 + 5 = 78 + 1 =

54 + 3 = 36 + 3 = 76 + 2 =

64 - 3 = 33 + 5 = 68 - 2 =

Target: learn to solve examples in two steps.


  1. Improve oral and written computing skills in solving examples in two steps;
  2. To develop and enrich students' speech with terminology when reading mathematical expressions; auditory and visual perception, attention, memory on the oral account when using didactic games, corrective and kinesiology exercises, develop logical thinking when solving problems;
  3. To cultivate purposefulness, independence, mutual assistance, accuracy and adherence to the spelling regime in notebooks.


  • machine made of geometric shapes;
  • textbook, pictures of animals;
  • homework cards.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.


Good afternoon, good hour!
How glad I am to see you!
looked at each other
And everyone quietly sat down.
Long awaited call
Everything is in place? Everything is good?
Pens, books and notebooks
The math lesson begins.

What we will do?


2. Teacher: We warm our hands and massage the earlobes.

Let's perform the exercise "Ear-nose" (kinesiology).

3. Message of the topic of the lesson.

Today we will conduct an unusual math lesson, we will go on a trip, and where, you will find out if:

a) Eliminate the extra number correctly and explain why,

B) arrange the numbers in ascending order and read the encrypted word:

11 14 8 17
L E AT With

That's right, we're going in the forest on the topic "Solving examples in two steps."

The purpose of our journey: the processing of knowledge, skills and abilities in solving examples in two steps.

The task of our journey: to work quickly, clearly, correctly.

4. Before we go on a trip, we need to get ready:

We start training
To become smart and dexterous (oral counting):

Read the expression in different ways: 8 + 3 = 11.

(The first term is 8, the second is 3, the sum is 11. The sum of the numbers 8 and 3 is 11.)

Next task:

What does it mean to multiply 5 by 2?

What does it mean to multiply 7 by 3?

And now let's check your attentiveness:

You need to clap your hands if the number is single: 9 12 16 5 3 2 14 20.

What number will I tap: 4 2 7 3 8.

Well done guys, you did a great job! Now we are ready to travel.

5. Geometric material.

Having guessed the riddle, you will find out on what we will go on a trip.

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz
The beetle runs down the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two brilliant lights. (The car.)

Look at the car and say what geometric shapes it consists of.

Well done, we coped with the tasks, we go on a journey through the forest.

Pay attention to the fit, fasten the seat belts, perform the “Bunny” exercise (finger gymnastics, kinesiology exercise).

We opened notebooks: we arrived in the forest. The first task will be given to you by the one about whom the riddle is:

Under the pines
under the trees
Lies a bag
With needles. (Hedgehog.)

That's right, hedgehog. The hedgehog invites you to write the numbers 4 and 14 nicely and neatly.

Guys, compare your show with the teacher's show and underline the best one (calligraphic minute)

Jumping on the branches, not a bird,
Red, not a fox. Who is it? (Squirrel.)

That's right, white. She has prepared a task for you - open the textbook on p. 223, No. 196 (solution of examples in two steps at the blackboard and in notebooks).

Worked, guys, and now everything is charging! And guess who will charge ...

sensitive nose
Fluffy tail.
Don't touch her
Coat like fire. (A fox.)

That's right, fox. Conducting a physical training session.

Stand up together, smile
All turn into animals!
Let's go softly like foxes
And like a clumsy bear.
White bunny jumping and jumping.
Gray hedgehog gathered all in a ball,
The ray of the hedgehog touched
The hedgehog stretched sweetly.

Solving problem No. 195, p. 223 (reading the problem, working on the condition, analyzing the problem, writing a short note, solving the problem).

Well done boys! All tasks are completed, all the animals are satisfied with your work! And they prepared homework for you on cards.

6. Summing up the lesson, grading.