How to become a pickpocket. Your clothes give you away

- Andrey Vladimirovich, what does the statistics say? How many pickpocketings have been committed in Moscow since the beginning of the year, how many of them have been disclosed?

— Usually about 10,000 pickpocketings are registered in Moscow every year. The 15th department of the MUR, which specializes in detaining pickpockets, solved 108 crimes, of which 77 are “ethnic”, i.e. committed by residents of Central Asia and neighboring countries who came to Moscow, 15 were committed by ethnic groups, consisting of a total of 35 people. I note that over the past decade, the number of such crimes in general has not changed.

- Why does the number of pickpocketing remain at such a high level?

- Pickpocketing is a latent crime, that is, invisible to citizens. Based on the estimates of a number of foreign and domestic experts, the ratio of registered to committed crimes is expressed as 1 to 75, i.e. for one registered crime, there are 75 unregistered ones: people themselves do not go to the police when they notice the fact that some thing is missing from a bag: a wallet, a phone, or something else. Most often they think they just dropped it somewhere. Or they do not want to waste their time writing a statement. That is, it turns out that in fact 750 thousand pickpockets are committed per year! Although registered - and we talked about this above - 10 thousand. Another important fact is the increase in the population of the capital and the territory itself (the addition of new districts. - MM.), and with all this, the negative point is the reduction in the staffing of our department. Plus, the number of visitors increases from year to year, and it is they who commit the main array of thefts.

- If they just arrived in Moscow and essentially don’t know anything, how do they manage to pickpocket? After all, it requires certain skills and years of training.

- Initially, they work as apprentices for fellow countrymen - I note that visitors are now united according to the principle of compatriots. Let's suppose that the natives of Uzbekistan adjoin their fellow citizens who have already settled down, and it is they who teach them all the "charms" of their craft. First, the "disciples" watch how their more experienced countrymen choose the victim, how they lead him, open the bags and steal. Then they are trusted not only to observe, but also to give them what they have stolen, that is, as we say, they accept the stolen “to waste”. That is, at first they simply look narrowly at the "profession", being in secondary roles. "Pupils" can also cover up the actions of their "teachers": they distract the victims, control the situation around them so that no one "copies" them. After some time, when they acquire a certain skill, they begin independent “labor activity”. The “disciple” understands that he can steal himself when an inner realization of confidence comes to him, after he has seen 10 times, 100 times, 1000 times how it is done.

- Are the thieves single or is it some kind of association?

“I would say an army of lone thieves. They cannot know each other, there are a lot of them. If only by diasporas, but then again, there are so many visitors now that, of course, they cannot know all of them.

Who usually becomes a thief? Probably, orphans, people from dysfunctional families?

— No… They also come from favorable families. It all depends on the environment of communication. And there are simple lovers of criminal romance.

- Andrey Vladimirovich, do thieves have some kind of hierarchy, certain "specializations"?

- Oh sure. Moreover, it is interesting that these "specializations" depend, as a rule, on the nationality of the thieves. Natives of Georgia, Abkhazians are highly professional thieves - "squatters". Of course, they steal both in transport and in minibuses. But basically the diocese of Georgians is cafes and restaurants. There they sit down next to each other, at the next table, and from the pocket of their jacket, which men usually hang on the back of a chair, they pull out a wallet. Or from a briefcase, which also men have a habit of putting on the floor. They can also change the briefcase, they can move it towards them, get the wallet out of there and put it back. Naturally, in order to enter a cafe, you need to have a certain outfit: you won’t go there in sweatpants and an elongated T-shirt. Plus, good lighting, no fuss ... Therefore, the appearance of the “squatter” is gold-rimmed glasses, a good suit, an expensive briefcase ... That is, no one can ever think that he is a pickpocket: a respected person!

"Transport workers" work in public transport, at bus stops, in the subway during rush hour. Due to the fact that the turnstiles have been installed, the thieves are trying to work “on the hook”. A crowd is created, they take advantage of this and steal wallets and phones. If they see something expensive, they can go to the salon. But, I repeat, the main danger is near the turnstiles. Some thieves manage to get the wallet out of the bag, pull out the money and put the already empty wallet back into the bag. And all this in a matter of seconds - depends on the skill. "Transport workers" are mainly visitors from Central Asia and neighboring countries.

In shopping centers, in shoe stores, thefts have now become “popular”. A woman puts her bag on an ottoman, tries on her shoes, and the thief sits next to him and takes out a purse from the bag or steals the bag. Or, if this is a grocery hypermarket, he takes a bag that lies in a cart. When you turn away to read the label, the composition of a product that interests you, thieves take advantage of this.

There are also "shakers". Although now the “shakers” are not at all the same as Yevstigneev’s hero - Ruchechnik in the film “The meeting place cannot be changed”, now such skill has been lost. Nowadays, it all happens differently and more like a robbery. Late in the evening, some tinted car with transit plates and a shaker in the back seat slowly rolls along the sidewalk. Their favorite place is Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya Street or Kutuzovsky Prospekt. They see a man walking alone, they stop, the pickpocket comes out, calls a passerby, begins to hug him and - almost takes away his wallet. Then he quickly falls into the seat: the car takes off. Many victims even understand what is happening, but the streets are deserted, dark. And the crime has already been committed.

Thieves can also be divided according to the methods of committing - with the help of which they steal: "surgeons" - with the help of tweezers, "scribblers" - these are those who cut bags with blades or nickels. Although now they almost never cut at all. Yes, and with tweezers the last time we detained a very long time, about two years ago. In the past, of course, this happened much more often, especially in the 1990s. There are also “pluckers” who act with sleight of hand, and “screeners” who steal, covering their actions with a screen: jackets, packages, umbrellas ...

Now there are many Transcarpathian gypsies in Moscow: small, thin, grimy, live in camps somewhere usually in the suburbs, come to Moscow, steal and leave. If they happen to be detained while committing a theft, they always say that they are 13 years old ... Although the shoe size is 43rd. Mommy arrives, brings metrics in which there is no photograph and according to which they are really 13 years old. We have to take them for research, in which it turns out that they are 19-20 years old, they already have children themselves ... This happens too.

There are pickpockets who steal car keys and then steal them. Mostly they are Georgians and Mingrelians. Near large shopping centers in parking lots, they are looking for scattered, uncollected people who can go, forget something, come back, who simply throw a bag into a cart or talk on the phone, do not look after things ...

- Is it really necessary to detain a thief only red-handed?

- Yes. And this is the main difficulty of our work - to catch the thief by the hand. Has anyone ever seen a thief work? Next to each of you, a thief is sure to someday rub. Who noticed him? Or how often have you heard “guard! they're robbing!" or “steal! Help!"? And employees of the 15th department of the MUR daily detain thieves red-handed! It takes five years to become an experienced opera, and we take one out of eight candidates. There was always a queue to our department, whole dynasties work for us, and fathers and sons, and brothers, and husbands with wives, and those who later became spouses. I really want to note that women work very well - on an equal footing with men, enduring all the hardships and hardships of service.

What does it take to become a master of your craft? What qualities should an operative possess in order to adequately work in the “pocket” department?

- Observation and self-discipline, patience and endurance. The most important thing is to love your job. Because the work is hard - you have to be on your feet all day long: both in frost and in heat, you have to stand at the bus stop and wait for the “fish to bite”. Irregular working hours, bad food. But all this is compensated by excitement. Imagine what it's like to experience euphoria when you notice a potential criminal, run after him for two hours and see that he really steals - you grab his hand and understand that everything was not in vain! For the sake of this, it is worth freezing or not eating - but such an adrenaline rush later! There was an interesting case in the mid-1990s. We were standing at the station and saw two people who were smoking, discussing something, laughing. Then another one approached them - apparently, also a good friend of them, and jokingly, with a laugh, pulled out a wallet from one of them and then gave it back. We decided to follow him, because he kind of gave himself away as a pickpocket. And indeed, after parting with his friends, he already committed a real pickpocketing, and we detained him.

- It is clear that your work schedule is far from standardized, as they say. Do thieves have a certain mode of operation?

- Yes. This is usually morning and evening hours. For “squatters” this is the time of a business lunch, when people gather in cafes and restaurants, or in the evening after a working day, when people come to drink coffee, chat and relax. As for transport, if in the morning people from the sleeping areas go towards the metro, then the crooks "on the hook" work in the sleeping areas, and in the evening, on the contrary, at the metro stops, from where buses leave towards the sleeping areas. Where there are people, there are crooks. On weekends, they spend the whole day in shopping malls, where a lot of people come to shop.

Do thieves have any special signs?

- I don’t know, they didn’t tell ... Although once, when we detained a thief, he said: “I shouldn’t have gone to steal on the 13th!” We caught him on the 13th. And then many of them are drug addicts: signs are not signs, but you have to steal.

What qualities should a thief have? After all, this is a constant nervous tension and every minute risk of losing your freedom!

- Like detectives, thieves must have patience and endurance. We once detained a young man from Lyubertsy for stealing a radio. And there were a lot of Lyubertsy pickpockets then. We asked: why don't you steal wallets? He said that he did not have enough restraint, that he could not look into the eyes and steal. Thieves need charm, for “squatters” knowledge of psychology is very important. We watched the video after the theft in a cafe and observed such a picture. A girl was sitting with a young man, on the arm of his chair hung a jacket, from which the thief stole a wallet. It can be seen that they just met a girl, they seduce each other. You look and wonder how a girl can not see! She is so passionate about communication that the thief just sat down at the next table and pulled out this wallet right before her eyes! Or - what is it, if not knowledge of psychology - when a thief pretends to be talking on the phone, while he himself walks around a cafe and examines the portfolios of potential victims. And then he steals a wallet with a very large amount of money. How did he know exactly where they were? They say about such thieves: they put their hand into the toilet and pull out five thousand dollars!

Pickpockets have robbed me four times: twice they pulled out my wallet in the market, once in public transport, and the last time I lost my money in a crowd of tourists near the Eiffel Tower.

Sergey Antonov


After each theft, another policeman reproached me for inattention and gave a bunch of advice. This is how I became an international expert in keeping pocket money.

Before depriving you of your wallet, the thief needs to know two things: how much money do you have and where do you hide it. I tell you how not to fall for the tricks of scammers and where it is better to keep your wallet when shopping.

Don't shine with money

It is important for a pickpocket that his victim has a lot of money in his wallet: the risk of getting caught is high and thieves will not risk for a thousand rubles.

Thieves often choose a victim near the counters, at the cash registers of stores. To do this, they look into your wallet to see how much cash you have. Therefore, it is better to keep large bills in a compartment locked.

When taking money out of your wallet or bag, turn away or cover yourself with your hand. You may look stupid from the outside, but safety is more important. Even the seller should not see how much money you have with you: he can be a pickpocket pickpocket.

Don't keep money in your back or breast pocket

Thieves call the back pocket “alien” because the money that is there is no longer yours, but a pickpocket. Approach from behind and pull out a wallet a couple of trifles even for a novice crook. For example, this is easy to do when entering public transport, when you want to get on the bus faster. Markets, tourist spots and souvenir shops are also at risk.

Another dangerous place is the chest pocket. In a crowd or on a busy street, you will run into a “passerby” and lose your money.

Don't put all your money in one place

Divide the money into two parts. Keep cash for small expenses - travel expenses, buying souvenirs, etc. - nearby: in jeans or the outer pocket of a bag. From there, money can always be quickly obtained, and small bills will not attract the attention of criminals.

Remember that the safe in your room is usually a cheap model that thieves can easily open in your absence.

Don't keep large amounts in your bag

It is better to keep money in the inside pocket of a jacket or jacket, but only if the pocket is buttoned. To get money out of there, a pickpocket will need to get under the jacket and unfasten the zipper, and this is difficult.

If you are walking with a bag, then it is better not to put large sums there. The hooligans will snatch the bag from their hands and run away. The handbag will be cut open, and then you will lose money, regardless of whether they were in a secluded side pocket or at the bottom. The same goes for backpacks. In the crowd, the thief will come close to you from behind and you will not even feel how he will get the money. It is not known how much time will pass before you discover the loss.

Sort bills by denomination

Sort banknotes by denomination. Put the big ones on the bottom and the small ones on top. Fold the wad of money in half and put it in your pocket. Knowing how much money you have with you, you can easily calculate the required amount without even taking your hand out of your pocket.

For example, you have 14,100 rubles - two banknotes of five thousand, three of one thousand, two of five hundred rubles and one hundred rubles. If the money is folded in order and you need to get 6,500 rubles without looking, then it’s enough to take the bottom bill (5 thousand), the third from the bottom (1 thousand) and the second from the top (500 rubles).

Do not constantly check if the money is in place

In the crowd, an ordinary person tries to protect himself from pickpockets, so he constantly keeps his hands near the place where the money is stored. If they are hidden in a bag, then you grab it with both hands or press it against you. If the wallet is in your pocket, then, making your way through the thick of people, you will instinctively keep your hand near this pocket. So a professional pickpocket will understand where your money is.

Worried about your belongings while traveling? Here are a few secrets about pickpockets that you should know.

Your clothes give you away

Pickpockets choose prey based on ease of success, and if you look like a typical tourist, that is, if you wear expensive clothes or something that clearly stands out from ordinary people, then you are at great risk. You should try to blend in with the local population as much as possible. Try not to wear expensive items that stand out in the crowd.

Pickpockets will do their best to look harmless

Pickpockets also make every effort to blend in with their surroundings, as this way they may appear harmless and pose no threat to you. And if you are looking for pickpockets in the crowd, you should pay attention to those people who look too modest and unpretentious. Most often they wear the most ordinary clothes, that is, jeans or sportswear.

They often work in pairs or groups.

Some pickpockets are real masters and can pickpocket you without problems alone, but most still work with partners. Perhaps one person will distract your attention, asking how to get to a certain place, while the second will pull out your wallet. Or, on public transport, a crowd of people will pass by you, and suddenly you will be left without money. In any case, you should keep a close eye on large and small groups of people.

They love tourist attractions

Even if you are in your hometown, more touristy areas put you at greater risk of pickpocketing. Sightseeing is a wonderful pastime, but you also need to make sure that all your valuables are safe.

Some bags are easier to steal

Not all bags are equal. Even those bags that seem more than safe to you can be an excellent target for pickpockets. Locked bags, for example, are not as secure as you think. But the clutch is a more difficult target for any pickpocket.

You can make things easier

Pickpockets don't like to draw attention and arouse suspicion, so if they can use you as an aid to stealing, they will definitely do so. For example, if the edge of your cell phone is visible from your pocket, they may simply grab onto that edge and wait for you to move on. As a result, the phone will be in their hands, and you will not feel anything. To avoid this situation, always check your belongings and hide them as far away as possible.

Pickpockets are masters of distraction

Some will stop you to ask you how to get somewhere, others will ask you to take a photo for them so that your hands are busy with the camera for a couple of seconds, someone may even spill tea or coffee on you and you will be too busy cleaning your clothes to think about your valuables. If someone asks you to take a photo, you don't necessarily have to say no. Just make sure all your valuables are securely hidden.

They can use your kindness against you.

Many pickpockets use your kindness to their advantage. At first glance, a completely innocent local resident drops a bag of groceries, and you, of course, help him collect them, while another pickpocket is already leaving with your wallet or phone. This does not mean that you need to stop being a good and kind person, but you should remember that the world is full of people who at any moment use these qualities of yours against you.

Their attacks can be avoided

Naturally, you would like to carry a cute handbag that you have specially purchased for this trip, but if you are going to a tourist area known for frequent pickpocketing, a travel bag or travel purse is your best choice. Some travel bags and purses fit under clothing, while others are securely fastened to the front at waist level. There may be dozens of pickpockets on the streets, but if all your valuables are well protected, you will not become their target.

Literally anyone can be a pickpocket

Pickpockets use the same techniques as mages, as far as distraction, timing, and sleight of hand are concerned. There are a large number of courses in which you can learn the "magic" of theft, so everyone can become a pickpocket if they wish. This means that there are many more pickpockets on the streets of cities than you might think. Anyone on the street can be a pickpocket, so be vigilant.

As long as there are trousers with pockets, there will be people trying to empty them. They work in every city: sharp skills, proven methods, honed craftsmanship elevated to the rank of science. They know and are able to do everything that is needed to leave tourists without cash. And the only way to keep them from ruining your journey is to outdo them at their own game. We have prepared a guide to the most important pickpocket secrets!

Quick primer

Pickpocketing is often the work of an entire team, known as the "mob whistle", each member of which has a specific task. The "bull" chooses the victim, the "stall" distracts him, while the "shadow" obscures the process of theft itself, called "failure", which is performed directly by the "tool" or "mechanic".

Shortly after the failure, the prey is handed over to the runner or "duke". Thus, even if the “mechanic” is caught, no money will be found from him. By the way, the "cannon" is an independent thief, possessing such impudence and such grace that allows him to work alone.

Pickpocket Art

Step 1: It's all about the location.

The first hurdle a pickpocket must overcome is personal space, as most people become quite wary when someone gets too close. That's why thieves often work in crowds: it's a great cover for physical contact. They prey on the subways, buses, concerts, nightclubs, parades and other places where people are distracted by some kind of spectacle.

Step 2: Assess the victim.

Pickpockets tend to avoid confrontation. By choosing a prey that poses the least risk, they become like wolves hunting a gazelle. But they must know what valuables the victim has and where he keeps them. Therefore, if a potential victim is in range, the thief herds the target carefully and imperceptibly. The breast pocket of the jacket is called the "pit", the side pockets of the pants are called "idiots".

Step 3: Come up with a distraction.

Elite pickpockets know that a simple question asked of a victim can dispel a person's vigilance and caution. Light pressure on your left elbow will distract you from the hand of a stranger who is pulling a phone out of your jacket pocket. The trick is not only to catch you off guard, but also to refocus your attention.

Step 4: Use science.

A real master will use your moves against you. For example, standing with you in the elevator, instead of pulling the phone out of his pocket, he will wait until you take a step out of the elevator and just leave the phone in his hand. Since he made almost no unnecessary movements, preparing only to put his hand in your pocket at the right time, you most likely will not feel anything.

Common pickpocket tricks

1. Icon "Beware of pickpockets".

As we said before, pickpockets need to understand where you keep your valuables. An easy way to do this is to put up such signs in tourist areas. The subconscious mind works in such a way that when a person sees this sign, he will definitely check the safety of his wallet and phone.

2. Collide and brake.

The classic scheme, for example, next to the turnstiles in the subway and on the escalators with two thieves involved. One person in front of you suddenly stops suddenly, because of which you crash into the "stall", the second - the "mechanic" - standing behind you, picks your pockets.

3. "Cardboard sign".

Any spectacle and the presence of a crowd gives the thieves an opportunity to do their job. But sometimes they have to come up with their own distractions. The most common schemes are to pour something on you, ask for directions, flirt, drop something and, of course, the classic - gypsy children waving pieces of cardboard in your face.

4. According to the old analogy: If you are in a crowd being chased by a bear, you don't need to be the fastest to survive, the main thing is not to be the slowest.

The tricks of pickpockets are as old as the world, although their profession is not among the oldest. Particular vigilance should be exercised in crowded places, such as Christmas markets. The German edition talked about how not to become a victim of pickpockets.

More than 110,000 pickpockets are registered in Germany every year, but the real figure is much higher. Due to the low chances of recovering stolen property, not all victims turn to the police. Some people go straight to the lost and found office, hoping to get at least their documents back if someone finds a wallet or purse thrown away by thieves after the cash was taken from them. The detection rate for these crimes in Germany does not exceed six percent, and the total annual damage is estimated at 25 million euros only for registered cases, on average - about 230 euros for each victim.

The number of suspects under investigation under this article of the criminal code is about five thousand people every year. In recent years, the German police have noted a steady increase in the number of children and adolescents who are temporarily detained for pickpocketing, but cannot be prosecuted due to their minor age. They operate, as a rule, under the supervision of adult members of the thieves' gangs.

Push reception

The offender allegedly accidentally pushes the victim - hits a passerby, and at this time quickly takes out his wallet from his pocket or bag. If the criminals work together, one of them, moving in front, suddenly stops, and his accomplice pushes the victim from behind, committing theft. This technique is also used on escalators and in public transport when entering or exiting.

Embossing reception

In overcrowded buses or wagons, a thief (supposedly forced) so unpleasantly and for a long time presses on one of the passengers, pushing him, while he, in order to avoid having to face this unnerving neighbor, turns away from him, substituting for theft - a bag on his shoulder, a backpack on back or back pocket.

Reception with city plan

Some alleged visitor (criminal) with a map of the city in his hands turns to a passerby with a request for help. While the victim is distracted, looking at a map or explaining the way, the accomplice discreetly puts his hand in his pocket or bag. At train stations, this criminal scenario is also played out near stands or information boards with a plan of city streets.

Reception with money change

The offender asks a passer-by or a random oncoming person to exchange a large coin for small ones. When he takes out the wallet, the thief distracts the victim's attention with something, quietly removing bills from the wallet. He can do the same thing by throwing at him the same coin that he asked to exchange.

Reception with ketchup, coffee or ice cream

Most often used near banks or ATMs. The clothes of a victim who has just withdrawn money are allegedly inadvertently soiled with ketchup, coffee, ice cream or lemonade. Exuberantly apologizing for the trouble and trying to clean the clothes, the criminal deftly removes bills from the wallet or takes out the entire wallet entirely.

Restaurant reception

The victims in this case are largely to blame. Anyone who carelessly hangs a jacket or jacket on the back of a chair should not be too surprised that sooner or later someone will pull out a wallet or a mobile phone from them. The same can be said about handbags, carelessly hung on the back. If the table is located in a passageway near the door, at some point the handbag can quietly make legs.

Reception at the supermarket

The perpetrator addresses a chosen victim who has hung a bag on the handle of a shopping cart or who has placed their bag in the cart. He asks for help to find him a certain product. Example: "Where did they hide the salt here?" While a kind person is trying to help, while being distracted, a wallet disappears from his bag, which usually becomes clear only near the cash register.

beggarly reception

It is always performed by a group of children and teenagers. They are somewhere in a diner or street cafe asking for money using a sign. As soon as the victim is distracted, someone from the gang quickly steals the wallet from the table or pulls it out of a bag or pocket. Possible option: a group of children surround a passerby on the street, playing, so to speak, a beggarly scenario. Adult members of the gang are somewhere nearby.

Reception with flowers

Some stranger greets the victim on the street, hugs, attaching a flower to his clothes - say, a red carnation. While the victim, in confusion, tries to understand why she received such a sign of attention, the thief leaves with the stolen wallet.

Reception "porter service"

In this criminal scenario, the target of criminals are elderly people returning home with their purchases - heavy bags from the grocery store. The thief or thief offers his help, takes the bags, climbs the stairs faster than the victim, managing to search through them and pull out the entire wallet or money from it.

Lift reception

It is used in pubs or bars - crowded, cheerful, conducive to communication and jokes. One of the visitors (the thief) approaches the victim and says that he can determine the weight of a person on a dare by lifting him from the floor. While hugging the victim, the perpetrator pulls out a wallet or mobile phone.

Time and place of action

They prefer to work in bustling places with a large crowd of people, and in Germany the season of traditional Christmas markets is just approaching. Not only the owners of stalls and kiosks selling souvenirs, mulled wine and various goodies are preparing for it, but also professional pickpockets, in most cases working in well-organized groups with a clear distribution of roles. You need to be vigilant all year round at train stations, in shops, public transport, but in the weeks leading up to Christmas it is better to remind yourself once again that your own carelessness can significantly spoil the festive mood.

In large German cities near popular Christmas markets, it is not uncommon to see mobile police stations in specially equipped buses. Their very presence once again reminds of the need to keep an eye on their pockets and bags, and in the event of a theft, victims can file a corresponding application with law enforcement agencies right on the spot. In front of these mobile stations tables with leaflets and brochures are set up, which describe with German precision the methods of criminals and give practical advice to potential victims.

Police warn

In Berlin, for example, such a memo has been translated into Russian. Some of the thieves' tricks seem to be invented for some movie: they are hard to imagine in life, the hidden intentions of pickpockets-tricks seem so obvious. But if the German police warn about them, it means that they have good reasons for this. Many tricks are built using psychological techniques and the effect of surprise, and are carried out by criminals who are good at choosing the right victim.

Based on all this, the German police strongly DO NOT recommend carrying valuables, documents and keys in the outer pockets of clothes, bags and backpacks, preferring for this purpose inner pockets, fanny packs, front pockets of trousers, chest pouches. Bags and backpacks should always be closed and carried in crowded places, if possible, in front or under the arm. Shoulder bags in such places should generally be abandoned.

Particular vigilance should be exercised in the event of any unusual situations, for example, if you are dirty with something or distracted. Also, avoid counting money in crowded places, and be especially careful after withdrawing cash from an ATM. In case of pickpocketing, be sure to contact the police, and also block stolen credit cards and the stolen mobile phone number.