How is the final grade in the electronic diary. Grades in the diary: what to do if the grades in the regular and electronic diaries differ

To check the child's electronic diary:

  • enter the schoolboy. To do this, you need to log in to the site portal;
  • select the "Diary" section in the upper horizontal menu, then - the "Diary" tab;
  • on the page that opens, you will see the lesson schedule, homework, grades and teachers' comments on them.

To inform the class teacher that you have checked the diary, click the "I have read the diary" button in the upper right corner. A check mark will appear in the diary with the date of the check. You can check the diary only for the week that has already ended. For the current week, the button becomes active on Friday. To check the diary for previous weeks, you need to go to the desired week in the calendar and click the "I have read the diary" button.

2. How can I find out for what and when an assessment was made?

  • to see which subject was rated and when, select the "Diary" section in the upper horizontal menu, then the "Diary" tab. Hover over the grade to see a pop-up window indicating when and for what form of control (control, independent work, etc.) the grade was given;
  • to see how the weighted average score for each of the subjects changed by week, select the "Analysis" section in the upper horizontal menu, then the tab. If you hover over the average score, a list of grades from which it was calculated will appear. You can view the weighted average for all grades or separately for control and current grades. To do this, select the appropriate filter in the right menu;
  • to build a graph of progress for each subject, mark it in the "Dynamics of progress" tab - the graph will be built automatically.

3. What do the symbols in the electronic diary mean?

  • point - the teacher is waiting for a response from the student if he has not prepared for the lesson or has not submitted a work or project for verification. Hover over a dot to see what work it is for. The teacher determines when the point should become a grade or be removed. A point can become an early grade if the current grading period expires before the point expires;
  • the number next to the score is the weight of the score. As a rule, these marks are obtained for control and independent work. The greater the weight of an assessment, the more it affects the weighted average and grade for the midterm assessment (quarter, module, or other assessment periods defined by the school). For example, if a score of "5 2" is given, this is a score of "5" (excellent) with a weight of 2, that is, two marks of "5" (5 + 5).

4. How is the grade for the intermediate certification determined?

If a school uses a weighted grading system, it is common for grades for midterm assessments to be weighted most heavily on assessments or tests. The marks for the work in the class and the answers at the blackboard have less weight. The marks for homework have the least weight, since when doing them the child was not limited in time and could use additional materials and outside help.

You can view the grades for the interim certification in the "Analysis" section, in the tab: the second and subsequent columns indicate the grades for the certification periods, the last - the annual grade.

Only a few days left until school holidays. Schools are summing up the results of the second quarter, and many parents, to put it mildly, are at a loss. The final grades of their children do not agree with the data of electronic diaries. Some excellent students turn into good students, and poor students, on the contrary, rejoice at the results. How did it happen?

- In principle, I don’t understand how marks are given in an electronic diary, because there are these intermediate points here.

It is difficult for Olesya Startseva to understand the electronic diary of her daughter. She does not understand why, with most of the fives in algebra, the final grade is a "solid" four.

- If the child studies well - here, let's say, 4.60 - then the teacher will not put 5, put 4, because the child does not reach 5. That is, we pull out the losers, but the good ones? I don't understand!

But Oksana Kucherova - the mother of three schoolchildren at once - calculating the average score seems to be a simple task

- Probably, everyone understands that it is added up and divided by the number of marks.

But everything is not so simple - after all, this average score can also differ from the final grade for the quarter. Here is an example. Grades for the first trimester - seven fives and four fours. The average score is 4.64, but the final grade is 4. Why? It turns out that the assessment of the assessment is different.

“Everyone understands that the significance of the test is still immeasurably higher than even a brilliant, but oral answer at the blackboard,” explains Elena Norenko, director of school No. 1995.

Assessments for tests in the electronic diary are in bold.

How much the assessment "weighs" is up to the teachers themselves.

“Of course, first of all, we are guided by the local normative act on grading. We pay attention to those works that show the child’s ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice, the extent to which he mastered the program material,” says the teacher of Russian language and literature at school No. 109 Larisa Evstratova.

“I had such a case that I was on the verge of a three or four, and the teacher gave me 4, because I wrote the control with a good mark,” says one of the students.

It turns out that the average score does not automatically become the final grade. Moreover, the administration of the educational institution is not entitled to establish a certain coefficient at which the score is rounded in one direction or another. This is when in some schools, in order to get 5 in a subject, it is enough to score 4.5 average points, and in others - 4.7. The decision still remains with the teacher, who knows the possibilities of each child.

"What can be the coefficient when we have only one thing - the child knows, and if not, what else needs to be done in order for him to master it?" Elena Norenko says.

At the same time, it is difficult to evaluate this knowledge on a five-point scale. To do this objectively, according to many teachers, it is more correct to use, for example, a 100-point scale. Such a system of knowledge assessment is already working as an experiment in some Moscow schools.

Each student has his own diary, which is checked weekly by parents and actively "visits" the teacher. As you know, grades in the diary are bad and good, reflecting the performance of a student as accurately and plausibly as possible.

Grades in a regular school diary

Many schoolchildren in emergency situations ask themselves the main question of how to correct grades so that parents are less upset and swear. For several decades now, real ways have been passed down by word of mouth that really help to modify an unsatisfactory grade and keep a cloudless mood of strict parents.

For example, a low mark can be brought out with whiteness or bleach, but it is also possible to use whitewash and completely remove a sad page. And that all the same, many pages remain in the diary, my mother will not notice anything. Such methods have been working for many years, but the scientific and technical process still does not stand still. Today, there are progressive ways to control the real progress of a student.

Today, like a few years ago, each student can have two diaries. Only in this case there is a fundamental difference. If earlier a student brought one diary for putting positive marks, and the other for deuces and comments; today, along with printed materials, an electronic diary is also actively used.

Probably, many mothers have not heard of this, and some even refuse to believe in such a leap in science. In fact, this is not a myth, but a reality, and the electronic diary guarantees true information, the impossibility of falsifying facts even by teachers.

Grades in the electronic diary

The concept of "Electronic diary" appeared relatively recently, and describes not a printed publication, but a special program in an electronic version, which is securely stored on the World Wide Web. Parents, students, and teachers have access to the site, and the knowledge assessment system is extremely transparent and transparent.

So, if a parent wants to inquire about the progress of their child, you need a computer and a connection to a virtual network. After entering the email address, a special website opens with data on a particular class of any school.

To gain access to viewing, it is recommended to register on the portal, remember the password. This data will allow you to visit the electronic diary an unlimited number of times at your discretion. Nothing complicated, but the main thing is quite realistic and feasible for parents who do not have the skills to work with a personal computer.

Many parents, not realizing their happiness, are seriously puzzled by the question, why exactly do you need an electronic diary? There are several options, but the idea is always the same. The developers of this unique program have provided the most transparent education system. It turns out that neither parents, nor schoolchildren, nor teachers can correct the grade. Accordingly, at the end of the quarter, everyone will receive what they deserve.

The main advantages of an electronic diary

Today, many schools and classes have started electronic diaries for reporting to the management and persistent parents. This is very convenient, although the class teacher's worries have noticeably increased. Now, after each lesson, he electronically assigns grades, after which he presses the button on the “Finish Lesson” screen. No one else has access to this information, so it is simply impossible to correct the mark.

Here is the first advantage, and there are plenty of them, it is not for nothing that electronic diaries are so popular today. The following points should also be highlighted:

— convenience of filling in an electronic diary;

— open access for parents and students;

- the impossibility of forging an assessment;

— transparent evaluation system;

- strict parental control;

- quick access to the program.

So this progressive method really works and is considered a useful development in the Ministry of Education. Not all schools resort to such a service, but those who do sign up do not regret their choice somewhat.

Electronic diary: is it possible to correct the assessment?

Many hackers seek to break into this progressive system so that students can increase their academic performance in such a dishonest way. However, to date, all attempts have been unsuccessful, since the electronic diary continues to exist, showing parents the real result of teaching their child.

But the issue of fake school grades is still particularly acute. Are there really no options? Some students try to guess the teacher's username and password in order to access his page and correct their own marks. Such efforts are again in vain, because after grading, the teacher presses the “Lesson done” button. After such a manipulation, there can be no talk of any corrections - there is no possibility and active windows. So it is advisable for the teacher to show special care in this matter.

If the teacher himself tries to correct the marks in the electronic diary of his student, then he will not succeed either. There is still no access to the page, or rather, it can only be printed out for greater clarity. So even a cunning teacher, if desired, will not be able to commit such an atrocity, because he also has control.

Accordingly, we can conclude that this is a very reliable virtual system, which certainly cannot be outwitted. As practice shows, there were numerous attempts, but in the end, the estimates were preserved in their original form.

Differences in assessments in real and virtual diaries

Many schoolchildren, especially middle and senior students, independently control their progress using electronic diaries. This interest is understandable, because it gives an idea of ​​the weak subjects, the performance in which you really want to pull up. Also, such control is very important for the upcoming USE, which in Russia is considered a real “ticket to life”.

Sometimes it happens that the grades differ, and then the student panics, especially if the score is underestimated. Is this possible? In fact, it is required to take into account such a concept as the “human factor”, which should be attributed to a teacher in a particular subject. It is possible that the grade was set erroneously due to the inattention and absent-mindedness of the teacher, but after the lesson is over, there is no way to correct it.

That is why you should not give up ordinary diaries, which have faithfully served schoolchildren for several generations. Do not be lazy and approach the teacher after the lesson for an assessment of knowledge, especially for a positive one. If this is not done, then there will be no evidence of the teacher's mistake in the electronic version. It turns out that the student tried in vain in the lesson and answered his homework so diligently.

Of course, the whole class can stand up for defense, but a strict teacher will definitely question such solidarity (what if it's just a conspiracy). It remains only to rely on the memory of the teacher, but even in it there may be extremely inappropriate gaps. So many students on the stream, is it possible to remember the progress of all?

That is why it is important to understand how important a paper diary is, which is sure to be found in every backpack and briefcase. A mark with the personal signature of the teacher is a confirmation that a gross mistake was made in the electronic version. In addition, the date of issuing a well-deserved score becomes another confirmation.

If a paper diary is accidentally lost within a year, you need to buy a new one - it will definitely come in handy and will help out more than once in difficult times.

Note to parents

In order not to scold your child for the lost diary, you need to ask the class teacher if there is an electronic version of the knowledge assessment. As practice shows: if a virtual diary appeared in the classroom, the real one is lost less and less.

If, after studying the electronic diary and comparing the ratings with printed products, differences are found, it's time to call your child for a serious conversation and without fail analyze the situation that has arisen.

There is no doubt about the authenticity of the estimates offered by the Internet site. This is the real academic performance of a student, which even professional hackers are not able to fake.

Every year more and more schools are happy to switch to keeping electronic diaries for greater transparency in the education system. Many teachers and parents have seen by personal example how accessible and useful such a service is. As it turned out, the electronic diary significantly facilitates the conduct of classes and the assessment of schoolchildren, and eliminates the development of corruption in the Ministry of Education. Therefore, do not ignore this option, it's time to offer it to your child's class teacher.

If teachers recommend monitoring their child's knowledge using a virtual diary, do not ignore such helpful tips. The fact is that with such a progressive method, you can follow your studies and control your child for honesty and openness with their parents. So it's time to master the basics of a personal computer, finally understand the rules of the World Wide Web.

Guidelines based on the documents of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Intermediate assessment is a convenient way to monitor student progress. When giving a quarter grade, all the strengths and weaknesses of the child are taken into account. This way you can get an objective assessment of his knowledge. Although for a number of subjects, such as physical education, music and fine arts, the introduction of an unmarked system is recommended.

Your school should develop a Regulation on the assessment of student achievements in subjects, which also takes into account controversial issues. The grading system for intermediate certification, the forms and procedure for its conduct should be specified in the Charter of the institution (Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"). Note that in the performance of professional duties, teachers have the right to freedom of choice of methods for assessing the knowledge of students (Article 55 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

  1. When using the outdated method of setting a quarter grade, the teacher summed up all the points received by the child and calculated the arithmetic mean.
    Further, the score was rounded up to integers up if the first digit after the decimal point is equal to or greater than 5, and down if this figure is less than 5.
    This method of intermediate certification was imperfect, since the calculation did not take into account why the child received this or that mark.
    That is why now this method is not recommended for use by the Ministry of Education and Science.
  2. The points earned for the test or control work are of great importance.
    Classwork grades and whiteboard responses are considered less significant.
    The results of homework do not have much weight at all, since when doing them, the child has the opportunity to use additional materials and outside help, he is not limited in time, and therefore the assessment of homework is rather subjective and is taken into account when grading only in controversial cases, as an indicator student's diligence.
  3. If in a quarter a child had at least one unsatisfactory grade in a subject, then during certification he cannot be given the highest score.
    But there may be exceptions to this rule.
    If in the final control work there were tasks on a topic on which the child had previously had an unsatisfactory result, but the work itself was completed with the highest score, then at the discretion of the teacher, the fourth grade may also be excellent.
  4. Add up all the grades for homework and calculate the total score.
    In the same way, calculate the average grade for classwork.
    If the results of class and homework are the same, we can assume that this is an objective assessment of the student's knowledge.
    If the score for classwork is higher or lower than for homework, it should be considered as a priority.
  5. Calculate and evaluate the overall result of examinations.
    If it matches the homework and/or classwork mark, it should be considered a quarter total.
    If the test scores are higher or lower, the test scores are given priority.
  6. In controversial cases, the results should be analyzed and an attempt should be made to understand the reason for the low scores.
    If the test tasks are performed worse due to the slowness or inaccuracy of the student, but objectively his knowledge is higher than the result obtained, you can put a higher score.
  7. Consider the individual characteristics of the child when giving quarter grades.
    If you know that a student's oral answers are always much better than written ones due to his personal qualities, you can increase the grade a little by focusing on the results of verbal methods of working with him.
    The opposite situation is also possible: if the child is more successful in written work than in oral work, pay attention to the corresponding marks. This will help to more objectively assess the student's knowledge, taking into account the level of his communication skills.
  1. Order of the Ministry of Education of the USSR of December 27, 1974 No. No. 167 "On approval of instructions on maintaining school records";
  2. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of December 29, 1997 No. No. 2682 "On violations in the preparation and conduct of the final certification of graduates of educational institutions";
  3. Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 19, 1998. No. 1561/14-15 "Monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes in primary school";
  4. Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated February 20, 1999. No. 220/11-12, p. 12 “On the inadmissibility of overloads of elementary school students”;
  5. Guidelines for working with documents in educational institutions (letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2000 No. 03-51 / 64);
  6. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 07.02.2001. No. 22-06-147 "On the content and legal support of official control of heads of educational institutions";
  7. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2002 N 14-55-353in / 15 "On the Methodology for Creating Evaluation Tools for the Final State Certification of University Graduates";
  8. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 13-51-237/13 dated 03.10.2003 "On the introduction of ungraded education in physical culture, fine arts, music."