What directions does the individual educational route include? Implementation of an individual educational route in the educational activities of a student

Tatyana Suntsova
Designing an individual educational route


In practice, the process of education and upbringing is mainly focused on the average level of development of the child, and is based mainly on the statistical data of the correspondence of the majority of children of a given age to certain "age standards". But, it must be remembered that not every child can fit into the concept "average child", and, accordingly, not every pupil can fully realize their potential. The reasons can be both features and deviations in physical development, and behavioral problems.

This sets the task for the specialists of the preschool institution to create optimal conditions for the realization of the potential of each pupil. One of the solutions in this situation is the compilation and implementation individual educational route(hereinafter - IOM). Individualization of learning, education and correction is aimed primarily at overcoming the discrepancy between the level that is set educational programs, and the real possibilities of each pupil.

This is a personal way to compensate for learning difficulties, and then the realization of personal potential. child: intellectual, emotional-volitional, activity, moral and spiritual (Sh. Yu. Amonashvili, V. V. Davydov, V. Yu. Sukhomlinsky)

There is currently no universal recipe for creating IOM. Construction method individual educational route of the child, should characterize the features of his learning and development over a certain period of time, i.e., be of a prolonged nature. Can't define this route for the entire period of preschool childhood at once, setting its directions, since the essence of its construction lies precisely in the fact that it reflects the process of change (speakers) in the development and education of the child, which allows timely adjustment of the components of the pedagogical process.

When compiling an IEM, it is necessary to take into account some significant factors:

The need for coordinated actions of specialists at the stage of diagnosis (differentiation of the child's problems directly related to the disease, organic damage, from the problems of pedagogical neglect);

Clear interaction of all specialists of the institution at all stages of support;

The need for a combination educational, correctional and therapeutic activities;

A dynamic system of flexible transfer from one accompaniment option to another, depending on the dynamics of development and the capabilities of the child;

Inclusion of parents as full participants in correctional and developmental work in the activities of the institution.

primary goal individual educational route(IOM): the creation in kindergarten of conditions conducive to the socialization of a preschooler, his social and personal development, which is inextricably linked with the general processes of the intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, physical and other types of development of the child's personality.

An individual educational route is determined by educational needs, individual abilities and capabilities of the child (the level of readiness for mastering the program, as well as existing standards of content education.

When developing preschooler's individual itinerary, the following must be observed. principles:

The principle of reliance on the learning of the child.

The principle of correlating the level of actual development and the zone of proximal development. Compliance with this principle involves identifying potential abilities to assimilate new knowledge as a basic characteristic that determines designing an individual child development trajectory.

The principle of respecting the interests of the child. L. M. Shipitsina calls him "on the child's side". The cause of any problematic situation in the development of the child is both the child himself and his social environment. In difficult situations, an objective analysis of the problem is required, taking into account the life experience of adults, their many opportunities for independent self-realization, and taking into account many social structures and organizations. And on the side of the child is often only himself. The support system specialist is called upon to solve each problem situation with the maximum benefit for the child.

The principle of close interaction and coordination of work "commands" specialists, in the course of studying the child (phenomena, situations).

The principle of continuity, when the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem. The escort specialist will stop supporting the child only when the problem is solved or the approach to the solution is obvious.

The principle of rejection of the average rationing. The implementation of this principle - this support involves the avoidance of a direct evaluative approach in the diagnostic examination of the level of development of the child, leading in its ultimate expression to the desire "put labels" understanding of what is the norm. “Norms are not the average, what is (or the standard, what is necessary, but what is the best that is possible at a particular age for a particular child under appropriate conditions. One of the most important tasks of specialists implementing the ideology of psychological and pedagogical support individual development of the child, is to determine these conditions, and, if necessary, to create " (V. I. Slobodchikov).

The principle of reliance on children's subculture. Each child, enriching himself with the traditions, norms and methods developed by the children's community, lives a full-fledged childhood experience.

Structure individual educational route should include the following Components:

Target (setting goals, defining tasks educational work); why?

Technological (determination of the used pedagogical technologies, methods, techniques, systems of training and education, taking into account individual characteristics of the child) in what ways, games, technologies, activities, etc.?

Diagnostic (definition of the diagnostic support system); how will we track the results?

Effective (expected results are formulated, the timing of their achievement and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the measures being implemented) what results should the child achieve?

Approximate IOM scheme of a child for each specialist:

Section, direction of development Terms Goals and objectives Content of the work (programs, technologies) Diagnosis Expected result

Individual educational route should include the main directions:

Organization of motor activity (development of general and fine motor skills);

Skill Development (self-service, cultural-hygienic and communicative-social);

The development of higher mental processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech);

The development of higher mental functions (conscious memorization, understanding, arbitrariness, logical thinking, creative imagination);

Formation of the child's activity (manipulative, sensory-perceptual, subject-practical, playful, productive);

Speech development (dictionary, emotional side of speech, sound pronunciation* (*for a speech therapist, communication functions);

Formation of ideas about the environment (objective world and social relations);

cognitive development (development of academic skills).

In DOW process designing an individual educational route begins at a meeting of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPC). The main areas of work of the PMPK the following:

Development and refinement individual educational route for each child (includes definition educational programs and organizing them by topic in the time intervals available to the child, taking into account his current capabilities);

Development, refinement and implementation of schemes and programs for accompanying children with special needs, taking into account the data of a dynamic survey;

Hygienic regulation of loads;

Ensuring continuity and consistency in working with the child.

At a consultation with the participation of specialists from the preschool educational institution, a comprehensive IOM is agreed. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account following:

individual mode of visiting a preschool educational institution;

Decrease in the rate of speech and thought activity, increased fatigue;

Violation of communication skills;

Features of the motor development:

1) violation of fine motor skills (it is difficult for them to tie shoelaces, use scissors, decorate, they have difficulty developing graphic skills);

2) imbalance (unsteady gait, difficulty coordinating in space);

3) violation of visual-spatial coordination (it is difficult to participate in sports games and relay races, especially with the ball).

The main thing that determines success in solving a child's problems is the interest and high motivation of all participants in the process. escorts: child, parents, teachers, specialists.

Attachment 1.

Approximate scheme of a complex IOM of a child *

with disabilities and unwanted behavior

(per month, semester, academic year):

Specialist Direction of work Schedule of classes Content of work (programs, technologies) Interaction Note

Teacher-psychologist Correction of undesirable behavior.

Reducing the level of psycho-emotional stress. 1 time per week

Once a week 1. Lessons on the development of voluntariness.

2. Sand therapy, art therapy. 1. Consultation for educators "The use of visual schedules in the correction of manifestations of undesirable behavior", How to work with hyperactive children, “The child has hysterical manifestations. What to do?"

2. Designing problem situations.

3. Counseling parents. * The mental development of the child corresponds to the age norm

Speech therapist / defectologist Correction of sound pronunciation.

Correction of unwanted behavior

Joint classes with a psychologist to develop academic skills (as a tutor)* The development of cognitive processes corresponds to the age norm

Educator Development of arbitrary behavior. Development of communication skills.

Correction of unwanted behavior.

Development of motivation for learning activities. 1. Program "Childhood".

2. Elements of the program "I - You - We".

3. Ind. classes or in small (1-2 children) subgroups.

1. Ind. classes on the instructions of specialists.

2. Modeling of problem situations together with a teacher-psychologist.

3. Counseling parents

Musical director Development of arbitrary behavior. Development of communication skills 1. Inclusion in theatrical activities.

2. The use of elements of logorhythmics for the development of speech functions.

additional teacher education Development of voluntary behavior. Development of communication skills.

AFC specialist / physical education leader Development of gross motor skills, spatial orientation.

Decreased aggressiveness. 1. Breathing exercises.

Head Nurse Monitoring the state of somatic health.

Load level control. one. Daily: measurement of t°, blood pressure, heart rate.

2. Weekly: a survey of parents about the health of the child; load adjustment.

3. Monthly: monitoring the state of the somatic health of the child 1. Implementation of the recommendations of the pediatrician.

2. Control in physical education classes.

3. Control of the level of teaching load.

4. Consultations for teachers on somatic manifestations.

Pediatrician Monitoring the state of somatic health.

Load level control. Monitoring of the state of somatic health of the child 1. Recommendations of medical specialists.

2. Consultations for teachers on somatic manifestations.

Implementation of an individual educational route in the educational activities of a student

Chemistry teacher Sokolova E.N. MBOU "Secondary School No. 17"

G. Nizhnevartovsk

Individual educational routes are indispensable in the organization of project, research and creative activities, when children should be given the opportunity to choose. Designing IEM in the education system is a vital necessity that allows children to fully realize their needs and meet their interests.

Individual educational routes are the technology of the future, which contributes to the self-realization of students, and is aimed at the formation and development of a well-educated, socially adaptive, creative personality.

Documents devoted to the modernization of Russian education clearly express the idea of ​​the need to change the orientations of education to move on to the formation of the universal abilities of the individual. Achieving this goal is directly related to individual educational routes.

IEM is a specific method of individual learning that helps to learn both ahead of time and to eliminate gaps in the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, master key educational technologies, provide psychological and pedagogical support to the child, and thus increase the level of learning motivation.
An individual educational route is determined by the educational needs, individual abilities and capabilities of the student (level of readiness to master the program), as well as existing standards for the content of education.

Ensuring the implementation of individual educational routes for students at school is an attempt to solve the problem of personality development, its readiness to make a choice, determine the purpose and meaning of life through the content of education. This is an attempt to see the learning process from the perspective of the student.

The student's individual route model is an open system that includes the following system components:

    Conceptual , which is a set of goals, values ​​and principles on which the activities carried out within the framework of an individual route are based.

    Procedural and technological, which is a set of methodological and technological methods, ways of organizing educational activities that are used in the process of mastering the content of education.

Pedagogical understanding of the concept of an individual student route allows you to determine it,as a personal trajectory mastering the content of education at the chosen level, through the implementation of various types of activities, the choice of which is determined by the individual characteristics of the student.

Pedagogical the algorithm for implementing the student's individual route is a sequence of learning activities, goals through the use of forms and methods of organizing work that are most appropriate for the individual style of learning activity, the capabilities and needs of each student.

The necessary pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of individual routes of students are:

    didactic support of students in the process of implementing an individual route based on continuous monitoring of educational and personal achievements.

    methodological support of the teacher, in the process of solving specific educational and professional difficulties of the participants in the educational process, through the system of individual counseling .

The process of movement of students along an individual route ensures the formation and development of educational competencies at the level of each student, provided that the following are used in the process of implementing the route:

    opportunities for students to choose development level educational content in accordance with the characteristics and needs of students;

    educational technologies, providing an active position of the student when interacting with information and the outside world;

    monitoring system for evaluating learning outcomes.

When building IEM for each student withdevelopment problems the following principles must be taken into account:

1) systematic diagnostics;

2) individual selection of pedagogical technologies;

3) control and adjustment;

4) systematic observations;

5) step-by-step fixation.

The development of a student can be carried out along several educational routes, which are implemented simultaneously or sequentially. Hence the main task of the teacher is to offer the student a range of options and help him make a choice. The choice of one or another individual educational route is determined by a complex of factors:

    the characteristics, interests and needs of the student himself and his parents in achieving the necessary educational result;

    professionalism of the teaching staff;

    the school's ability to meet the educational needs of students;

    the possibilities of the material and technical base of the school.

The logical structure for designing an individual educational route includes the following steps:

    setting an educational goal (individual choice of the goal of pre-profile training),

Self-analysis, reflection (recognition and correlation of individual needs with external requirements (for example, profile requirements);

    choice of the path (options) for the implementation of the goal,

    specification of the goal (selection of courses, electives),

    itinerary layout.

The effectiveness of the development of an individual educational route (IEM) is determined by a number of conditions:

    Awareness by all participants of the pedagogical process of the need and importance of an individual educational route as one of the ways of self-determination, choice profiling directions of further education;

    implementation of psychological and pedagogical support and information support in IOM

3. active involvement of students in the creation of IEM

    organization of reflection as the basis for IOM correction.

    • The means of implementing the IEM are the following information and criteria:

      maximum allowable norms of training load;

      school curriculum: a set of subjects that make up the invariant part, subjects of regional (historical local history, a list of elective courses) and the school component;

      features of the study of certain subjects (elective courses); the need to maintain a balance between subject-oriented and orientation courses;

      options for calculating the teaching load;

      rules for filling out the form;

      opportunities and rules for making changes to the individual educational route.

This work can be carried out both as part of extracurricular activities and an elective course. When carrying out this work, it is advisable to use active methods and forms of activity (for example, simulation games, collective reflection, "flight log", diary, etc.).

IOM (individual educational route)

student (tsy) _8a_ class Alexander Sypkin, chemistry teacher Sokolova E.N.

Target: filling gaps in the subject of chemistry




Tasks, ways of working


form of control

Completion mark

Amount of substance

To form knowledge about the amount of matter; be able to solve problems using the physical quantities "amount of substance and molar mass"; be able to calculate the molar mass using chemical formulas

Form chemical thinking;

Develop the skills of searching and analyzing information; develop the skills of mastering speech means in cognitive activity; to form the ability to work in cooperation;

Build portfolio building skills

Theoretical: item 22 No. 1-4,

Work2 B4




Parents (familiarized): _____________ Class teacher: _______________

The correctional stage involves the work of a teacher, student and parents directly on an individual educational route, where topics are identified to fill gaps, it is indicated what knowledge, skills, skills the child will acquire as a result of mastering this topic, as well as what OUUN (general educational skills and abilities) he necessary.

The ways of working with a student are varied: individual assignments, organizing pair and group work, working with consultants, choosing “one’s own” homework, topics of creative work.

The teacher chooses the forms of control over the assimilation of knowledge in accordance with the individual and personal characteristics of the child.

As a result of the elimination of gaps in the student's ZUN, the teacher puts a mark on completion and introduces the child's parents to it, who sign the IEM sheet (individual educational route).

A problem group of teachers of our school developed recommendations for the prevention of learning difficulties for students within the framework of an individually oriented program:

Sheet individual learning route

Full name Fedorova Svetlana Yurievna

Student of MBOU "Secondary School No. 17"

for __2015_____/___2016____ academic year

Name of the elective course (grade 9)

Name of the teacher



Course dates

Teacher's signature

Solving difficult problems in chemistry

Sokolova E.N.

1st half

Sokolova E.N.



Deputy director for water resources management ______________ / __ Kiseleva S.A.

Pupil 9 "B" class / __________ / Fedorov S. Yu

In this sheet, the student enters information about elective courses, as well as information about the timing of mastering a particular course. The presence of the last column "Signature of the teacher" allows you to control the fact of visiting classes by the class teacher, the deputy director of the school for educational work. The last line "Total" makes it possible to prevent the student from exceeding the load (practice shows that students tend to choose not two or three courses at a time, as they are recommended, but more).

Individual educational route about elective courses and classes in institutions of additional education.

FULL NAME _________________________________________________,

student(s) _____ class of school No. ____ g. __________

for ______/_____ academic year

Future plans_______________________________________


Days of the week

Elective courses

Number of hours



Additional education (subjects, courses)

Student's independent work

Monday Wednesday Friday

From 01 to 30.05


Playing an instrument

This route contains information about elective courses and classes outside the school, for example, in institutions of additional education. The inclusion of the column "Days of the week", on the one hand, allows you to find out about the student's employment on different days, and on the other hand, timely adjust the workload.

When designing individual route according to the circle program the following model can be proposed for the student:

The route project is a table:


Key Concepts

Practical work

Difficulty level


Reporting form

Thus, the proposed IEM construction scheme can be developed for any program.

All children are different, so in the classroom you can use a student-centered approach to learning, which manifests itself through such aspects as:

* The formation of the content of the material in large modules and blocks, which allows you to increase the time for independent work of students;

* Use in the work of mutual and self-control;

* The use of techniques in which students make reference notes;

* Organization of individual work with individual students against the background of an independently working class or groups;

* Individualization of homework;

* Use of design technologies;

* Organization of the work of students in groups both in the classroom and at home;

* Organization of a research experiment;

* Formation of individual learning routes for both strong and weak students;

* Statement of the problem and search for its solution (problem method);

* Organization of independent search activities of schoolchildren through the gradual complication of tasks from reproductive to creative.

As a result of work with individual educational routes:

there is a positive dynamics of the quality of teaching in the classroom

the level of subject and meta-subject results increases

the level of self-assessment of educational and cognitive activity increases

the number of students - winners of competitions and olympiads is increasing

Any student, no matter what he is, gifted or not, is able to find, create or offer his own solution to any problem related to his own learning.

In my opinion, ensuring the implementation of individual educational routes for students at school is an attempt to solve the problem of personality development, its readiness to choose, determine the purpose and meaning of life through the content of education


1. When choosing ways of an individual approach to students, one should rely on knowledge of their personal characteristics.

2. Expand and master various methods of developing the cognitive interests of children.

3. Notice even small successes and achievements of students with low academic motivation to study, but do not emphasize this as something unexpected.

4. Provides in the classroom the predominance of positive emotions, a positive perception of the educational situation and educational activities, an atmosphere of goodwill.

5. To strengthen in oneself the position of not opposing oneself and more successful students to a poorly performing student.

6. The teacher's remarks should be devoid of negative emotional coloring and condemnation. Criticism should only be given to concrete actions of the student. without hurting his personality.

7. It should be remembered that excessive assertiveness and activity of the teacher's influence depletes the child's neuro-psychological strength (especially if he is sensitive, less resilient, mentally unbalanced) and forces him to defend himself. Children's (immature) ways of self-defense include negativism, the desire for liberation from elders, conflict and blocking of self-understanding.

2. Recommendations for planning work with underachieving and underachieving students.

A student may lag behind in learning for various reasons depending on him and beyond his control:

    absenteeism due to illness;

    Weak general physical development, the presence of chronic diseases;

    Impaired mental function. Often, children with a diagnosis are taught in general education classes in the absence of correctional classes or the unwillingness of parents to transfer the child to a specialized class or school;

    Pedagogical neglect: the child's lack of acquired general educational skills and abilities for previous years of study: poor reading technique, writing technique, counting, lack of independence skills in work, etc .;


It is important that, first of all, the class teacher knows why the student does not master the curriculum, how to help him in this matter. School narrow specialists (doctor, psychologist, speech therapist, social pedagogue), the student's parents, himself and his classmates should help to establish the specific reasons for the failure of the class teacher. Teachers, when talking with the class teacher, learn this information from him and use it in their work.

3. A plan for working with underachieving and underachieving students .

1. Carrying out a control cut of the students' knowledge of the class on the main sections of the educational material of the previous years of study.

Purpose: a)Determination of the actual level of knowledge of children.

b)Identification of gaps in students' knowledge that require rapid elimination


2. Establishing the reasons for the lagging behind of poorly performing students through conversations with school specialists: a class teacher, a psychologist, a doctor, meetings with individual parents and, especially, during a conversation with the student himself.


3. Drawing up an individual work plan to eliminate gaps in the knowledge of a lagging student for the current quarter.


Update as needed

4. Using a differentiated approach when organizing independent work in the classroom,include feasible individual tasks for a poorly performing student, fix this in the lesson plan.

During the school year.

5. Keep a mandatory thematic record of the knowledge of low-performing studentsclass.

In everyday work, it is convenient to use tables of requirements for individual topics and the general section.

List of used literature
1. Selevko, G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on activation, intensification and effective management of UVP. - M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2015.
2. Khutorskoy A.V. Methods of productive learning: a guide for the teacher. – M.: Gum. publishing center VLADOS, 2010

3. http://www.depedu.yar.ru/exp/predprofil/materl/predprofil/files/5_podder/5.31.doc

4.Individual educational routeKupriyanova G.V.

Individual educational route:

theoretical aspects, organization and support
The documents on the modernization of Russian education, including the Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation, clearly express the idea of ​​the need to change the orientation of education from the acquisition of knowledge and the implementation of abstract educational tasks to the formation of universal abilities of the individual based on new social needs and values. Achieving this goal is directly related to the individualization of the educational process, which is quite feasible when teaching students along individual educational routes. The value of an individual educational route lies in the fact that it allows everyone, on the basis of an operationally regulated self-assessment, an active desire for improvement, to ensure the identification and formation of a creative individuality, the formation and development of value orientations, their own views and beliefs. Ensuring the implementation of individual educational routes for students at school is an attempt to solve the problem of personality development, its readiness to make a choice, determine the purpose and meaning of life through the content of education. This is an attempt to see the learning process from the perspective of the student.

Individual educational route - this is a purposefully designed differentiated educational program that provides the student with the position of the subject of choice, development and implementation of the educational program when teachers provide pedagogical support for his self-determination and self-realization. (S.V. Vorobieva, N.A. Labunskaya and others)

Along with the concept of "individual educational route" there is the concept « » (G.A. Bordovsky, S.A. Vdovina, E.A. Klimov, V.C. Merlin, N.N. Surtaeva, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.), which has a broader meaning and involves several directions of implementation: meaningful ( variable curricula and educational programs that determine an individual educational route); activity (special pedagogical technologies); procedural (organizational aspect).

In this way, individual educational trajectory provides for individual educational route(content component), as well as the developed method for its implementation (technologies for organizing the educational process).

Individual curriculum performs a predictive function for a high school student - "I choose subjects for study"; individual educational program performs the function of designing for a high school student - "I am developing a program of educational activities" and finally individual educational route constructs educational activities - “I determine in what sequence, in what time frame, by what means the educational program will be implemented.”

The route system of education makes it possible to implement a personality-oriented approach, first of all, in the education of gifted individuals, which takes into account the intellectual abilities of children to the maximum, determines the personal trajectory of development and education. The introduction of the route education system makes it possible to create such psychological and pedagogical conditions that provide active stimulation of self-valuable educational activities in a gifted person based on self-education, self-development, self-expression in the course of mastering knowledge.

Based on the idea of ​​the universal genetic giftedness of children, a modern teacher must provide a field of activity for self-manifestation and self-expression of the student. But not all children are gifted. A fairly large number of students in educational institutions have learning difficulties. This is due either to the poor health of children, or to a low level of motivation, or for a number of other reasons. For these children, IEM can be a great learning tool.

According to an individual educational route developed for a particular student, taking into account his psychological characteristics and level of knowledge, a study, consolidation or repetition of a topic, a program of preparation for final certification can take place. Such a route can be developed for a weak student, for a strong student, for a frequently ill student.

Routes can be short or long. The use of individual educational routes helps to solve many problems related to the development of the student's personality: it contributes to the formation of his cognitive interest in the subject, the ability to independently acquire knowledge and apply it in practice. The child learns to work productively and achieve success.

There is currently no universal recipe for creating IOM. It is impossible to determine this route for the entire period at once, setting its directions, since the essence of its construction lies precisely in the fact that it reflects the process of change (dynamics) in the development and learning of the student, which allows timely correction of the components of the pedagogical process. The main task of the teacher is to offer the student a range of options and help him make a choice.

The choice of one or another individual educational route is determined by a complex of factors:

Features, interests and needs of the student himself and his parents in achieving the necessary educational result; the study of which takes place on the basis of a questionnaire;

professionalism of the teaching staff;

The school's ability to meet the educational needs of students;

The possibilities of the material and technical base of the school, part of the students can study with the teacher remotely, basically, this is a strong group of students.

Based on the diagnostic results, the teacher, together with the pupil and his parents, determines targets and goals route, builds a system of general recommendations, including: content to be mastered;

types of activities for the assimilation of educational content.

The design of IEM is carried out by the students themselves, with the involvement of parents, teachers, and not the formation of a "volitional" way.

IOM design principles (T.N. Knyazeva):

  • The principle of systematic diagnosis

  • The principle of differentiated (individual) selection of pedagogical technologies

  • The principle of control and adjustment

  • The principle of systematic observations

  • The principle of incremental fixation

The effectiveness of the development of an individual educational route is determined by a number of conditions:

Awareness by all participants of the pedagogical process (parents - students - teachers) of the need and importance of an individual educational route as one of the ways of self-determination, self-realization

Implementation of psychological and pedagogical support and information support for the process of developing an individual educational route by students;

Active involvement of students in the creation of an individual educational route;

Organization of reflection as the basis for the correction of an individual educational route.

The IEM structure includes the following components: target, content, technological, diagnostic.

Stages of IOM implementation

Implementation stages

Forms and methods of activity

practical way out


1. Carrying out boundary control measures, questioning, observation

2. Analysis of diagnostic work, questioning, observation

3. Identification of the success of training in core subjects

practical material for analysis
information about typical mistakes, possible causes of their occurrence, individual difficulties, learning motivation

information about children interested in subjects ... of the cycle

Organizational and design

Search for ways of pedagogical correction:

1. Definition of the topic, ZUN (knowledge, abilities, skills), OUUN (general educational skills) of students.

2. Choice of forms and methods of work.

3. Deadlines.

4. Compilation of IEM (individual educational route) of the student.

5. Development of explanations for parents to the student's IOM.

IEM (individual educational route of the student):

IEM for students with difficulty in the subject

IEM for students with an interest in the subject.

Advice for parents of students.


1. Identification of unrealized (reasons)

2. Identification of prospects for further work

3. Thinking through a system of measures to prevent errors on corrected

Adjusted IEM depending on the identified reasons for the failure of their implementation


Summing up the implementation of IEM students

Closing gaps in the subject for a student who has difficulty in the subject

The acquired knowledge in the profile subject for a student who is interested in the subject

Content of individual educational routes

Individual educational routes are developed in two types:

1. Individual educational route for low-achieving students

2. Individual educational route for motivated students.

During the implementation of an individual educational route, it may be necessary to adjust it. It is produced by the teacher and brought to the attention of the child and parents. In the case when the adjustment affects the essential features of the educational route (refusal to complete modules that affect the invariant part of education, a significant redistribution of study time, etc.), it must be approved by the school administration and agreed with the parents.

Stages of implementing the technology of an individual educational route:

1. Diagnosis of the level of development of personal qualities of students.

2. Fixing by the student and teacher of fundamental educational objects in the educational field or its topic in order to designate the subject of further knowledge.

3. Building a system of personal relationship of the student with the educational area or topic to be mastered.

4. Planning by each student of individual educational activities in relation to their own and common fundamental educational objects.

5. Activities for the simultaneous implementation of individual educational programs for students and the general collective educational program.

6. Demonstration of personal educational products of students and their collective discussion.

7. Reflective-evaluative.

Reflective-evaluative activity

Self-analysis and self-assessment in the course of progressing through the IEM is built according to the following plan:

1. How successful is my promotion?

2. What difficulties do I experience?

3. What mistakes do I make?

4. What is their reason?

5. What needs to be done to overcome difficulties and correct errors?

6. What are the goals and prospects for my further education?


1. What educational products have I been able to create?

2. How well do they match my original intent?

3. Do they need to be finalized, improved?

4. What has changed in me?

5. What are the goals and prospects for my further education?

The diagnostic stage of work involves carrying out boundary control measures, questioning, and observation. As a result, the teacher receives material for research and planning further work.

The analytical and research stage provides information about typical mistakes, possible causes of their occurrence, individual difficulties, learning motivation. The teacher has the opportunity to compare the results of learning at this stage with the real learning opportunities (RUV) of students.

At the organizational and design stage, the teacher searches for ways of pedagogical correction and draws up an IEM (student's individual educational route), as well as explanations for parents.

The correctional stage involves the work of a teacher, student and parents directly on an individual educational route, where topics are identified to fill gaps, it is indicated what knowledge, skills, skills the child will acquire as a result of mastering this topic, as well as what OUUN (general educational skills and abilities) he necessary.

Thus, an individual educational route really becomes a personal way of realizing the student's personal potential in education.

IEM is a specific method of individual learning that helps to eliminate gaps in the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, master key educational technologies, provide psychological and pedagogical support to the child, and thus increase the level of learning motivation.

Information and bibliographic material:
On the individualization of education. Definition of concepts

  1. Abankina, T.V. Development of a network of educational institutions in the regions: the results of the implementation of the priority national project "Education" in 2007-2008 / T.V. Abankina //Problems of education. - 2009. - No. 2. - P.5-17.

  2. Alexandrova, E. Once again about the individualization of high school students / E. Alexandrova // Educational work at school. - 2008. - No. 6. - P.27-46.

  3. Aleksandrova, E. Individualization of education: learning for yourself / E. Aleksandrova / Public education. - 2008. - No. 7. - S.243-250.

  4. Zotkin, A. Individualized learning in England and Russia / A. Zotkin, N. Mukha //School technologies. - 2008. - No. 2. - P.42-47.

  5. Loginova, Yu.N. The concepts of an individual educational route and an individual educational trajectory and the problem of their design // Bib-ka of the journal "Methodist". -2006. - No. 9. - P. 4-7.

  6. Krylova, N.B. Individualization of the child in education: problems and solutions / N.B. Krylov // School technologies.-2008. - No. 2. - P.34-41.

  7. Lerner, P.S. Subjective searches for the meaning of the content of education as a new task of cooperation pedagogy / P.S. Lerner // Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences. - M., 2008. - Issue 12.

  8. Selivanova, O.G. Teoriya i praktika upravleniya kachestva obrazovaniya obrazovanii v studentno-orientirovannom obrazovanii [Theory and practice of managing the quality of education of high school students in personality-oriented education]. Selivanova // Profile school. - 2008. - No. 5. - P.4-8.

Individual route

  1. Antsupov, S.V. Individual curricula in profile education: practice, successes, problems / S.V. Antsupov, T.N. Bogdanova, E.V. Ivanenko// School technologies. - 2009. - No. 1. - P.116-121.

  2. Artemova, L.K. Educational and professional route for high school students: problems, ways of implementation / L.K. Artemova // Profile school. - 2008. - No. 6. - S. 47-54.

  3. Bashmakov, M. Individual program: [Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor Mark Bashmakov writes about an individual learning route and an attempt to draw up a normative document reflecting this method]. - (Electronic resource). - http://zdd.1september.ru/2005/04/10.htm

  4. Bessolitsyna, R. Individual curriculum: design, choice, organization of education / R. Bessolitsyna, A. Khodyrev // Director of the school. - 2009. - No. 4. - P.58-63.

  5. Budinkova, V.S. Individual curricula of specialized education for students of educational institutions / V.S. Budinkova //Municipal entity: innovations and experiment. - 2008. - No. 4. - P.63-68.

  6. Gavrilenko, S.S. Individual educational route: [algebra and the beginning of analysis] / S.S. Gavrilenko // Mathematics at school. - 2007. - No. 3. - P.51-56.

  7. Gorbachev, G.G. Individual educational route as a condition for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical correction of preschool children with developmental problems / G.G. Gorbacheva // Preschool Pedagogy. - 2008. - No. 4. - P.37-38.

  8. Dekina, N.P. Map of choosing an individual training route / N.P. Dekina // Head teacher. - 2004. - No. 6. - P.46-47.

  9. Zhuravleva, K. Teaching according to individual curricula: increasing motivation and the student's ability to choose the desired load / K. Zhuravleva, E. Zubareva, I. Nistratova, E. Sekacheva // Director of the school. - 2008. - No. 3. - P.53-58.

  10. Zubareva, E. Education according to individual curricula / E. Zubareva, T. Kuznetsova, O. Anikeeva// Public education. - 2006. - No. 5. - P.91-98.

  11. Zubareva, E. School timetable ... for each student / E. Zubareva //People's education. - 2009. - No. 4. - S.205-208.

  12. Knyazeva, T.N. Individual educational route of the child as a condition for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical correction of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation / T.N. Knyazeva // Correctional Pedagogy. - 2005. -№1. - P.62-66.

  13. Manichkina, Z.I. Individual cognitive routes as a way of developing a child's personality in the conditions of UDOD / Z.I. Manichkina, N.P. Sadomova //Additional education and upbringing. - 2006. -№11. - P.23-27.

  14. Makotrova, G.V. Individual program for the development of high school students in the conditions of profile education / G.V. Makotrova // School technologies. - 2008. - No. 6. - P.104-108.

  15. Makotrova, G.V. Individual educational programs for in-depth study of chemistry / G.V. Makotrova // Chemistry at school. - 2008. - No. 1. - P.13-18.

  16. Provorova, A.V. Individual educational routes in the basis of the personal orientation of students in the conditions of an interschool educational complex / ed. N.N. Suptaeva: [Electronic resource].- http://lib.hersen.spb.ru

  17. Reindolf, T.A. Construction of a student's subject educational route based on individually-oriented teaching aids / T.A. Reindolf //Director of a rural school. - 2007. - No. 3. - P.35-39.

  18. Ryzhkova, I. The role of a tutor in the preparation of an individual educational program for a student / I. Ryzhkova // Directory of the head of the educational institution. - 2009. - No. 1. - P.58-61.

  19. Sergeeva, N.N. Individual educational route of the student within the framework of profile education / N.N. Sergeeva//Education Administrator. - 2009. - No. 2. - P.66-69.

  20. Kharchenkova, I. Individually oriented curricula as a tool for developing individual educational programs / I. Kharchenko//School planning. - 2006. - No. 1. - P.106-111.

  21. Tselishcheva, N. Innovation without quotes: learning according to an individual plan: The creative space of the Moscow network experimental site on this topic - 150 schools / N. Tselishcheva // Public education. - 2009. - No. 4. - S.199-204.

  22. Tsybenov, B.V. Working materials of a teacher and a student on an individual educational route / B.V. Tsybenko //Practice of administrative work at school. - 2009. - No. 4. - P.48-52.

  23. Shaposhnikova, T.V. Implementation of the linguistic profile of education in the form of an individual curriculum / T.V. Shaposhnikova, L.A. Baidurova // Education quality management. - 2007. - No. 4. - P.82-90.

  24. Yarulov, A.A. Organization of the implementation of individually-oriented curricula / A.A. Yarulov // School technologies. - 2004. - No. 3. - P.86-108.

  25. Yarulov, A.A. Individually oriented curriculum / A.A. Yarulov//School technologies. - 2004. - No. 6. - P.136-154.

Individual learning path

  1. Glushenkova, A.V. Diagnosis of educational skills and abilities (from the experience of the school in the formation of an individual trajectory of education and development of high school students) / A.V. Glushenkova // Director of the school. - 2008. - No. 4. - P.73-77.

  2. Gormin, A. Models of individual learning trajectories / A. Gormin //Director of the school. - 2007. - No. 1. - P.69-74.

  3. Evstifeeva, O. On the way to the school of individual education / O. Evstifeeva // Principal of the school. - 2004. - No. 4. - P.60-63.

  4. Individual educational trajectory of the student // Primary school plus before after. - 2007. - No. 12.

  5. Meleshko, V. Organization of individual education for children with special needs / V. Meleshko // Social Pedagogy. - 2004. - No. 3. - P.86-87.

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  7. Strokova, T. Individual learning strategies: design and implementation // Director of the school. - 2006. - No. 1. - P.42-47.

  8. Tobolkin, A.A. Individual educational project "Mathematical exchange" / A.A. Tobolkin // A gifted child. - 2009. -№3. - P.60-64.

  9. Turinova, N.P. Algorithm for constructing a personal learning trajectory / N.P. Turinova // Education in modern school. - 2006. -№4. - P.48-54.

  10. Turchaninova, Y. Individual educational trajectory in Texas style / Y.Turchaninova //Director of the school. - 2005. - No. 8. - P.55-59.

Individual trajectories of advanced training

  1. Kvashnin, E.G. Formation of teachers' competence in the field of information and communication technologies based on the construction of an individual educational trajectory / E.G. Kvashnin //Standards and monitoring in education. - 2009. - No. 2. - P.8-11.

  2. Lezhnina, L.V. Individual educational route as an innovation in the professional training of psychologists / L.V. Lezhnina // Standards and monitoring in education. - 2009. - No. 2. - P.21-25.

  3. Rykhlova, N.N. Competitive methodological service - competitive Russia / N.N. Rykhlova: [the work of the methodological service at the individual request of the teacher] // Methodist. - 2007. -№7. - P.17-21.

  4. Saitbaeva, E.R. Possibilities of the system of additional education in the formation of the teacher's professional readiness for the implementation of specialized education / E.R. Saitbaeva, Yu.V. Voronina // Profile school. - 2008. - No. 6. - P.54-60.

  5. Tutovskaya, E.A. Internship as a design of an individual development trajectory for a technology teacher: [in the advanced training system for a technology teacher in the Khanty-Mans school. ed. env.] / E.A. Tutovskaya // Pedagogical education and science. - 2008. - No. 3. - P.56-61.

Implementation of an individual educational route in the educational activities of a student

Individual educational routes are indispensable in the organization of project, research and creative activities, when children should be given the opportunity to choose. Designing IEM in the education system is a vital necessity that allows children to fully realize their needs and meet their interests.

Individual educational routes are the technology of the future, which contributes to the self-realization of students, and is aimed at the formation and development of a well-educated, socially adaptive, creative personality.

Documents devoted to the modernization of Russian education clearly express the idea of ​​the need to change the orientations of education to move on to the formation of the universal abilities of the individual. Achieving this goal is directly related to individual educational routes.

IEM is a specific method of individual learning that helps to learn both ahead of time and to eliminate gaps in the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, master key educational technologies, provide psychological and pedagogical support to the child, and thus increase the level of learning motivation.
An individual educational route is determined by the educational needs, individual abilities and capabilities of the student (level of readiness to master the program), as well as existing standards for the content of education.

Ensuring the implementation of individual educational routes for students at school is an attempt to solve the problem of personality development, its readiness to make a choice, determine the purpose and meaning of life through the content of education. This is an attempt to see the learning process from the perspective of the student.

The student's individual route model is an open system that includes the following system components:

    Conceptual , which is a set of goals, values ​​and principles on which the activities carried out within the framework of an individual route are based.

    Procedural and technological, which is a set of methodological and technological methods, ways of organizing educational activities that are used in the process of mastering the content of education.

Pedagogical understanding of the concept of an individual student route allows you to determine it, as a personal trajectory mastering the content of education at the chosen level, through the implementation of various types of activities, the choice of which is determined by the individual characteristics of the student.

Pedagogical the algorithm for implementing the student's individual route is a sequence of learning activities, goals through the use of forms and methods of organizing work that are most appropriate for the individual style of learning activity, the capabilities and needs of each student.

The necessary pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of individual routes of students are:

    didactic support of students in the process of implementing an individual route based on continuous monitoring of educational and personal achievements.

    methodological support of the teacher, in the process of solving specific educational and professional difficulties of the participants in the educational process, through the system of individual counseling .

The process of movement of students along an individual route ensures the formation and development of educational competencies at the level of each student, provided that the following are used in the process of implementing the route:

    opportunities for students to choose development level educational content in accordance with the characteristics and needs of students;

    educational technologies, providing an active position of the student when interacting with information and the outside world;

    monitoring system for evaluating learning outcomes.

When building IEM for each student with development problems the following principles must be taken into account:

1) systematic diagnostics;

2) individual selection of pedagogical technologies;

3) control and adjustment;

4) systematic observations;

5) step-by-step fixation.

The development of a student can be carried out along several educational routes, which are implemented simultaneously or sequentially. Hence the main task of the teacher is to offer the student a range of options and help him make a choice. The choice of one or another individual educational route is determined by a complex of factors:

    the characteristics, interests and needs of the student himself and his parents in achieving the necessary educational result;

    professionalism of the teaching staff;

    the school's ability to meet the educational needs of students;

    the possibilities of the material and technical base of the school.

The logical structure for designing an individual educational route includes the following steps:

    setting an educational goal (individual choice of the goal of pre-profile training),

Self-analysis, reflection (recognition and correlation of individual needs with external requirements (for example, profile requirements);

    choice of the path (options) for the implementation of the goal,

    specification of the goal (selection of courses, electives),

    itinerary layout.

The effectiveness of the development of an individual educational route (IEM) is determined by a number of conditions:

    Awareness by all participants of the pedagogical process of the need and importance of an individual educational route as one of the ways of self-determination, choice profiling directions of further education;

    implementation of psychological and pedagogical support and information support in IOM

3. active involvement of students in the creation of IEM

    organization of reflection as the basis for IOM correction.

      The means of implementing the IEM are the following information and criteria:

      maximum allowable norms of training load;

      school curriculum: a set of subjects that make up the invariant part, subjects of regional (historical local history, a list of elective courses) and the school component;

      features of the study of certain subjects (elective courses); the need to maintain a balance between subject-oriented and orientation courses;

      options for calculating the teaching load;

      rules for filling out the form;

      opportunities and rules for making changes to the individual educational route.

This work can be carried out both as part of extracurricular activities and an elective course. When carrying out this work, it is advisable to use active methods and forms of activity (for example, simulation games, collective reflection, "flight log", diary, etc.).

IOM(individual educational route)

student(s) _8a_ class

chemistry teacher

Target: filling gaps in the subject of chemistry

Tasks, ways of working

form of control

Completion mark

Amount of substance

To form knowledge about the amount of matter; be able to solve problems using the physical quantities "amount of substance and molar mass"; be able to calculate the molar mass using chemical formulas

Form chemical thinking;

Develop the skills of searching and analyzing information; develop the skills of mastering speech means in cognitive activity; to form the ability to work in cooperation;

Build portfolio building skills

Theoretical: item 22 No. 1-4,

Work2 B4

Parents (familiarized): _____________ Class teacher: _______________

The correctional stage involves the work of a teacher, student and parents directly on an individual educational route, where topics are identified to fill gaps, it is indicated what knowledge, skills, skills the child will acquire as a result of mastering this topic, as well as what OUUN (general educational skills and abilities) he necessary.

The ways of working with a student are varied: individual assignments, organizing pair and group work, working with consultants, choosing “one’s own” homework, topics of creative work.

The teacher chooses the forms of control over the assimilation of knowledge in accordance with the individual and personal characteristics of the child.

As a result of the elimination of gaps in the student's ZUN, the teacher puts a mark on completion and introduces the child's parents to it, who sign the IEM sheet (individual educational route).

A problem group of teachers of our school developed recommendations for the prevention of learning difficulties for students within the framework of an individually oriented program:

Sheetindividual learning route

for __2015_____/___2016____ academic year

Name of the elective course (grade 9)

Name of the teacher



Course dates

Teacher's signature

Solving difficult problems in chemistry

Sokolova E.N.

1st half

Sokolova E.N.

Deputy director for water resources management ______________/__

Student 9 "B" class / __________ /

In this sheet, the student enters information about elective courses, as well as information about the timing of mastering a particular course. The presence of the last column "Signature of the teacher" allows you to control the fact of visiting classes by the class teacher, the deputy director of the school for educational work. The last line "Total" makes it possible to prevent the student from exceeding the load (practice shows that students tend to choose not two or three courses at a time, as they are recommended, but more).

Individual educational route about elective courses and classes in institutions of additional education.

FULL NAME _________________________________________________,

student(s) _____ class of school No. ____ g. __________

for ______/_____ academic year

Future plans_______________________________________


Days of the week

Elective courses

Number of hours



Additional education (subjects, courses)

Student's independent work

Monday Wednesday Friday

Playing an instrument

This route contains information about elective courses and classes outside the school, for example, in institutions of additional education. The inclusion of the column "Days of the week", on the one hand, allows you to find out about the student's employment on different days, and on the other hand, timely adjust the workload.

When designing individual route according to the circle program the following model can be proposed for the student:

The route project is a table:


Key Concepts

Practical work

Difficulty level


Reporting form

Thus, the proposed IEM construction scheme can be developed for any program.

All children are different, so in the classroom you can use a student-centered approach to learning, which manifests itself through such aspects as:

* The formation of the content of the material in large modules and blocks, which allows you to increase the time for independent work of students;

* Use in the work of mutual and self-control;

* The use of techniques in which students make reference notes;

* Organization of individual work with individual students against the background of an independently working class or groups;

* Individualization of homework;

* Use of design technologies;

* Organization of the work of students in groups both in the classroom and at home;

* Organization of a research experiment;

* Formation of individual learning routes for both strong and weak students;

* Statement of the problem and search for its solution (problem method);

* Organization of independent search activities of schoolchildren through the gradual complication of tasks from reproductive to creative.

As a result of work with individual educational routes:

There is a positive dynamics of the quality of teaching in the classroom

The level of subject and meta-subject results is increasing

The level of self-assessment of educational and cognitive activity increases

The number of students - winners of competitions and olympiads is increasing

Any student, no matter what he is, gifted or not, is able to find, create or offer his own solution to any problem related to his own learning.

In my opinion, ensuring the implementation of individual educational routes for students at school is an attempt to solve the problem of personality development, its readiness to choose, determine the purpose and meaning of life through the content of education

1. When choosing ways of an individual approach to students, one should rely on knowledge of their personal characteristics.

2. Expand and master various methods of developing the cognitive interests of children.

3. Notice even small successes and achievements of students with low academic motivation to study, but do not emphasize this as something unexpected.

4. Provides in the classroom the predominance of positive emotions, a positive perception of the educational situation and educational activities, an atmosphere of goodwill.

5. To strengthen in oneself the position of not opposing oneself and more successful students to a poorly performing student.

6. The teacher's remarks should be devoid of negative emotional coloring and condemnation. Criticism should only be given to concrete actions of the student. without hurting his personality.

7. It should be remembered that excessive assertiveness and activity of the teacher's influence depletes the child's neuro-psychological strength (especially if he is sensitive, less resilient, mentally unbalanced) and forces him to defend himself. Children's (immature) ways of self-defense include negativism, the desire for liberation from elders, conflict and blocking of self-understanding.

A student may lag behind in learning for various reasons depending on him and beyond his control:

    absenteeism due to illness;

    Weak general physical development, the presence of chronic diseases;

    Impaired mental function. Often, children with a diagnosis are taught in general education classes in the absence of correctional classes or the unwillingness of parents to transfer the child to a specialized class or school;

    Pedagogical neglect: the child's lack of acquired general educational skills and abilities for previous years of study: poor reading technique, writing technique, counting, lack of independence skills in work, etc .;

It is important that, first of all, the class teacher knows why the student does not master the curriculum, how to help him in this matter. School narrow specialists (doctor, psychologist, speech therapist, social pedagogue), the student's parents, himself and his classmates should help to establish the specific reasons for the failure of the class teacher. Teachers, when talking with the class teacher, learn this information from him and use it in their work.

3.A plan for working with underachieving and underachieving students.

1. Carrying out a control cut of the students' knowledge of the class on the main sections of the educational material of the previous years of study.

Purpose: a) Determining the actual level of knowledge of children.

b) Identification of gaps in students' knowledge that require rapid elimination


2. Establishing the reasons for the lagging behind of poorly performing students through conversations with school specialists: a class teacher, a psychologist, a doctor, meetings with individual parents and, especially, during a conversation with the student himself.


3. Drawing up an individual work plan to eliminate gaps in the knowledge of a lagging student for the current quarter.


Update as needed

4. Using a differentiated approach when organizing independent work in a lesson, include feasible individual tasks for a poorly performing student, fix this in the lesson plan.

During the school year.

5. Keep a mandatory thematic record of the knowledge of poorly performing students in the class.

In everyday work, it is convenient to use tables of requirements for individual topics and the general section.

List of used literature
1. Selevko, G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on activation, intensification and effective management of UVP. - M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2015.
2. Khutorskoy A.V. Methods of productive learning: a guide for the teacher. – M.: Gum. publishing center VLADOS, 2010

3. http://www.depedu.yar.ru/exp/predprofil/materl/predprofil/files/5_podder/5.31.doc

4.Individual educational route Kupriyanov G.V.

Modern education relies heavily on an individual approach to learning for each student. How can the method of individualization be implemented in the school? There are many ways, and one of them is the compilation individual educational route schoolboy(IOM) and following it.

Concept definition

In the scientific literature, there are several interpretations of the concept of IOM, but the general essence is as follows:

Individual educational route — this is an individual program designed for a particular student and pursuing specific goals that must be implemented within a specified time frame. In other words, IOM is a way or a way of realizing a child's personal potential, developing his abilities according to an individual plan (route).

When compiling the route, the individual characteristics of the student must be taken into account. Namely:

  • educational base (knowledge that the student owns);
  • mental and physical condition of the student;
  • personal qualities, character traits of the child (the ability to work in a team and individually, the type of memory, social activity, motivation, etc.)
  • age;
  • social aspect (wishes of parents).

What are individual routes for?

The practice of introducing IEM is provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard. And the primary task of such routes is a profile orientation.

The explanatory note of the Ministry of Education, attached to the GEF standards, states: each student can draw up an individual study plan. 6 subjects are obligatory: Russian language and literature, mathematics, foreign language, history, life safety and physical education. The remaining subjects are selected depending on the chosen future profession. Six directions are offered:

  • natural science,
  • technological,
  • humanitarian,
  • socio-economic
  • universal.

That is, in addition to the six main subjects, the student will choose subjects from the cycle that he needs to prepare for his future profession. The total number of items will be adjusted by the clock grid.

A full transition of all schools to education according to the Federal State Educational Standard is planned for 2021.

What types of routes are already known and successfully used in pedagogical practice?

Now the IOM technique is used at school for other purposes, namely:

  • for lagging students - to fill gaps in knowledge on a particular topic;
  • help in teaching children with poor health (fatigue, reduced performance);
  • for weak performers - such IEM are provided for children with low motivation, for those who have no interest in learning, who cannot properly form their learning activities, etc.);
  • for gifted students with individual character traits (hyperactivity, increased emotionality, communication difficulties, etc.);
  • for children ahead of development.

In these cases, the main goal of IEM is to correct the discrepancy between the level set by the norms of the educational program and the child's personal characteristics.

Naturally, the compilation of IEM is provided not only for schoolchildren. In practice, it is often used individual routes of a preschooler, teacher.

Approximate algorithm for the introduction of IOM

There is no universal way to create individual routes today. There are only general recommendations that can help you navigate. Here are the approximate steps in building an IOM:

1. Information stage

The teacher organizes a conversation with children and parents, during which he explains the essence, goals and possibilities of individual routes. At this stage, the student fixes what he should know and be able to do by the end of the route.

2. Diagnosis and choice of methods

The teacher (together with the psychologist and class teacher) conducts a series of tests in order to determine the personal qualities of each student. Here it is important to identify the features of the nervous system, determine which type of activity will be more effective for the child, find out what exactly prevents them from doing successfully (the inability to work in a team, insufficient individual attention, the inability to concentrate in the classroom, gaps in past topics).

That is, at this stage, it is fixed what the student can and wants to learn within the framework of this subject and what can help / hinder him in this.

3. Definition of goals and objectives of IOM

For primary school students, the goals and objectives are determined by the teacher. This can be a short-term goal (for example, "Closing the gaps on the topic" Column addition ""), or a long-term goal (for example, a child writes poetry, and it is important for his IOM to determine those tasks that will help him develop his literary talent).

High school students should take an active part in setting the goals and objectives of their IEM, ideally they themselves should determine what they want to achieve and what needs to be done to achieve this. The role of the teacher in this case is only as a consultant.

4. Compilation of IEM. Now the important question is: "How will I move towards the fulfillment of the goal?".

The route indicates the goals to be achieved, methods of implementation, sources of knowledge, deadlines for each task separately, control method and final results.

5. Final stage. After the student has completed the IEM, a final attestation is mandatory (testing, control, oral questioning, report, etc.). Here it is important not only to assess the child's knowledge and the level of his skills and abilities, but also to determine how successful the IEM was, whether he met the deadline, what difficulties the child encountered, what he needs to improve.

Individual educational routes - examples and samples

Here are some examples of IOM of a very different plan.

1. Individual educational route for a primary school student

Parents Signature:

Teacher's signature:

2. An example of an individual educational route for a gifted child

Goal: development of creative and analytical skills

Parents Signature:

Curator's signature:

It is more convenient to make such a route for a quarter, half a year, a year. During implementation, adjustments can be made.