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Sooner or later, the owner of the Android device faces the task of clearing the phone's memory. The space of internal memory, no matter how large, unfortunately, still has a limit. And one “fine day”, or “X-hour”, in case of overflow, notifies the user with alarming news: “I can’t install a new application!”.

There are no less “memory eaters” in the Android operating system than in Windows used on a computer. Junk files (temporary), browser cache, useless programs and content, installers, etc. In the phone, it is also necessary to optimize the "RAM" and clear the external and internal memory.

Remove "digital junk" from the device and make it work faster (improve the functioning of system memory) using special software tools - applications available on the official Google Play web resource. Let's take a closer look at their capabilities.

Automatic cleaning

A cleaner, system optimizer and antivirus all rolled into one will be useful for both experienced users and beginners who can barely cope with the basic settings of Android. After launch, it displays on its panel the data load of the flash drive and RAM. Detects residual files, identical and blurry photos. Speeds up RAM and games. Informs the user about applications causing CPU overheating.

To destroy unnecessary files and other “software” garbage on your phone using Clean Master, follow these steps:

1. In the utility control panel, tap on the icon of the "Junk" section.

2. Uncheck the items that do not need to be cleared. And then click "Clear" (the button at the bottom of the list).

A warning! If you clear the game's cache, all game progress is deleted. Be careful with add-ons!

3. Upon completion of the cleaning, Clean Master will report how much he managed to free up disk space on the device. After reviewing the data, under the text of the message, click "Done".

To unload the device's random access memory (RAM), use the "Memory boost" function (button on the main panel, next to "Junk").

1. After scanning, the cleaner application will display a list of programs and services that can be optimized. Disable unnecessary ones (if required) and tap "Acceleration".

2. To exit the section, click Done.

A ported version to Android of a mega-popular cleaner for computers running Windows. Keeps the download folders, clipboard and other directories of the mobile device clean and tidy, which are often littered. Provides secure web surfing. Able to delete logs of SMS messages and calls. Allows you to monitor the operation of RAM and the status of memory drives.

Selective cleaning and analysis of directories

Helps to quickly find and completely neutralize "heavy" files and folders on the device's memory cards. After analysis, displays a visual diagram of the occupied space.

The hierarchy of directories in the graphic scheme of the application can be scaled if necessary: ​​open the contents of folders and subfolders.

To delete a selected file:

  • open the menu (tap the “three dots” icon in the left right corner);
  • in the list of options, select "Delete" (delete);
  • in an additional window, confirm the launch of the command (click "Delete" again).

Displays detailed information about occupied and free space on SD cards, USB devices, external and internal storage in the form of visual infographics (radial charts) and standard form (display mode selected by the user).

Distributed for free. Has the status of trusted software (does not contain viruses and adware).

Lightning fast finds and destroys unnecessary folders and files. Indexes all objects stored on disks. Equipped with an internal search: finds an element for a given request within a few seconds. Displays the ten heaviest files. Supports a context menu to perform various actions on the selected object. It has a widget for online disk management from the desktop. Adapted for use on both phones and tablets.

Removing preinstalled apps

Some manufacturers install third-party applications into the operating system of their mobile gadgets by default. But not all of them are useful to the user. On the contrary, they are sources of "brakes", occupying precious disk space. In most cases, it is impossible to remove them with the regular functions of the phone. It requires the use of specialized utilities, as well as the inclusion of root rights.

One of the best tools to uninstall system apps on rooted Android. Before cleaning, it gives the user the opportunity to temporarily freeze (deactivate) the program. In this mode, you can observe how the operating system works in its absence. If everything is fine with the phone, the application can be safely removed from the drive forever.

Comprehensive prevention

To always keep your phone's RAM and drives in perfect order, it is not at all necessary to install several utilities (the first cleans, the second optimizes, etc.). For greater convenience, complex cleaning and acceleration of the operating system can be performed through multifunctional applications. Saves drive space, spends less time on "cleaning".

The combine application removes everything unnecessary from the device, speeds up the OS. Detects applications that consume excessive system resources (RAM, CPU, battery power). Delicately puts things in order in the cache of the Android shell and installed applications.

Clears the search history in the browser. Increases the level of privacy of personal data.

Supports disabling unnecessary components. Helps the user to select the optimal parameters in the settings (energy saving, display brightness, etc.).

Let your Android always have only useful applications and data!

This problem is especially relevant for budget phones, which are equipped with only a few gigabytes of internal memory.

If you also encountered a similar problem, then this material should help you. Here we will talk about how to clear the phone's memory on Android.

How to clear the internal memory on the phone through the Application Manager

The easiest way to clear the internal memory of an Android phone is to move installed applications from internal memory to a memory card. This procedure can be performed on any Android device with a memory card and Android version 2.2 and higher.

In order to move applications to a memory card, you need to open the Android settings and go to the "Application Manager" (or simply "Applications") section.

In the Application Manager section, you will see a list of all installed applications. Under the name of the application, its size will be indicated. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to find the applications that take up the most space on your phone's memory.

In order to transfer an application from the internal memory to the card, open its page in the "Application Manager" and click on the "To the memory card" button.

After that, Android will transfer the application to the memory card and free up space that the application used to occupy. It should be noted that some applications cannot be transferred to a memory card. For such applications, the transfer button will be inactive.

Also, through the "Application Manager" you can delete unnecessary applications. To do this, open the application page in the "Application Manager" and click on the "Delete" button.

How to clear the internal memory of an Android phone using the CCleaner app

Another simple and effective way to clear memory on an Android phone is to clean it using the application. As you know, CCleaner is a program for Windows that cleans the registry, cached data and other unnecessary files in the operating system. But, recently, the CCleaner application for Android has also appeared. This application analyzes the internal memory of the device and deletes unnecessary files.

So, in order to clear the phone's memory using CCleaner, you need to run this application and click on the "Analyze" button.

After the analysis of the internal memory is completed, the CCleaner application will display a list of what can be removed in order to clear the internal memory of the device. At this stage, you need to check the boxes next to the data you allow the deletion of, and click on the "Clear" button.

After that, CCleaner will delete the data you have selected and will display information about how much memory was cleared in this way. In my case, more than 200 megabytes of memory were cleared.

How to clear memory on SD card using SD maid app

If you run out of free space on your SD memory card, you can use the application to clear the memory. This application is very similar to CCleaner. But, unlike CCleaner, the SD maid app cleans the memory card, not the internal memory of the device.

In order to clear the memory on the memory card, launch the SD maid application and click on the "Update" button in the "Junk" section.

After that, SD maid will analyze the files on the memory card and give information about the number of junk files and the amount they occupy. In order to delete these files, you need to click on the "Clean" button

In my case, using the SD maid app, I was able to clear almost 900 megabytes of memory.

If you think that only viruses can harm the device, then you are deeply mistaken. And all because the presence of unnecessary files on it can play a cruel joke on the system. Therefore, in this article we will look at some simple but effective ways to clean Android from unnecessary files manually and with the help of special applications!

UPD! A video instruction has been added, answers to your questions that have been received in the LAN have been added and the relevance of all data has been checked - 03/29/2018

For example, you had an application, and then you deleted it as unnecessary. All the same, it will not be possible to remove all its files, there are residual ones that are stored in the smartphone’s memory. At the same time, files of this kind are not cleared, but accumulate like a cache in a browser, clogging up the device’s memory. By the way, you need to clear the cache.

And in general, the cache can play a cruel joke with you, falling into the hands of an attacker. In addition, RAM will be loaded by installed and unused applications. If you compare your smartphone in the first months after purchase, and a year after its use, then of course the difference will be extremely noticeable. Such a device, to put it mildly, slows down and refuses to work at full capacity.

We will talk below about how to clean your smartphone from debris and not harm it.

Of course, these tips will not save you from a number of problems that are not related to the "garbage" in your smartphone, but they will be useful if it has not been cleared for a long time. And if you keep an eye on your device, you won't have to strain too often because of its lags.

Device optimization

  • First of all, think before you install any application on your device. The fact is that even after its removal, tails on the device will still be saved, and this already loads the system additionally.
  • These can be mainly system applications embedded in the device's firmware. Of course, in most cases it will be impossible to do this without root rights. So if you intend to free up RAM, then try to get them). To get started, read the information on how best to remove applications built into the system. This must be done in order not to ruin your device by deleting some system file.
  • Large applications can be transferred to external memory. Of course, not all applications can be transferred, but most are still possible.
  • If there are ads in the applications, then it is better to turn them off. In the bulk, free applications are littered with ads. If you use the program Adblock Plus for Android, then you can get rid of ads without paying a penny for it.
    Check out the article.

There are many ways to get rid of junk on your phone/tablet, and there are a huge number of applications for this.

  1. Clean Master Phone Boost is the most popular application. This is due to the fact that it is completely free, and at the same time the most functional. It not only cleans your phone of junk, but also serves as an antivirus and a way to optimize the system.
  2. Smart Booster - Free Cleaner- Another program that helps clean your smartphone from garbage. It can be both paid and free. The application can clean the smartphone from all sorts of junk applications and activate the entire device.
  3. App Cache Cleaner - 1TapClean- This is a functional program that has the most huge functionality. It removes debris at high speed and makes the device work faster.
  4. History Eraser- a small program that clears the history of browsers, calls, etc.

Manual cleaning

Removing duplicate photos, or rather their reduced copies for the standard Gallery.

  • Download (open) the file manager from
  • Open it, look for folders sdcard0 or sdcard1
  • Go to DCIM/.thumbnails
  • Delete all files, leave the folder empty

We delete application files, their logs, cache, residual files after cleaning.

  • In the same sdcard0/1 we are looking for a folder agent
  • Opening a folder Cache, remove content
  • After in the folder agent find another directory preview, also clean
  • If you use applications such as VK or Viber, you can clear the cache of pictures and audio.

Video instruction

Answers to your top 4 questions about Android cleaning

Is it possible to clear the cache in a mobile browser?

A utility for cleaning files is already preinstalled on the smartphone, but there is no sense in it. Does it make sense to install third-party applications, or do they all only partially remove garbage?

Of course, programs will not be able to completely clean the clogged phone, but it removes the main elements: duplicate files, cache, without problems. So there is a need for such applications.

As you understand, getting rid of unnecessary files is quite simple. Don't forget about optimization and you'll be fine. Well, by resorting to the help of the described applications or a couple of simple tips for manual cleaning, you will save yourself space on Android.

Just remember not to install more than two cleaning apps on one phone. If the program is good, then it alone will cope with everything without problems, and a large number of tools will only take up additional precious space on the device.

As you know, there is never a lot of memory, no matter how much was installed initially, the time will come when the meta will no longer be enough. Then you have to clean the device from old and unnecessary files and applications. We will talk about how to clean the android memory in the most effective way.

How to clear the memory of a Samsung Android phone

One of the easiest ways to clean up memory is to delete the heaviest video and photo gallery files. To do this, go to the Gallery application, in the sections where all photos and videos are stored, sort everything by size, and then simply delete the heaviest ones. Or we transfer them to the cloud / external drive. You can also go to the device settings in the storage and subsection cleaning. There you can rub all the junk files that you do not need.

During operation, the Android system actually does not stop creating and deleting temporary system files using RAM and built-in memory. And the device works much faster if this memory is enough for this, and vice versa, a smartphone or tablet slows down a lot when there is no more space, and the system starts to wait for free space for operations, and often constantly gives errors. For users who do not know how to clear the android memory, we will give several ways:

  • Regular device tools;
  • Third party applications specially created for this purpose;
  • Using a computer (download files to a PC);
  • Move all large files to cloud storage;
  • The performance of the device depends not only on the free space on the drive, but also on the RAM.

android how to clean ram memory

To do this, you need to long press the home button to activate the window for viewing running applications, and if you don’t need them now, just click on “Close all”. This will free up RAM from programs hanging there that were previously open. It also does not hurt to clear the cache of applications, especially browsers and news aggregators. Each page is extra kilobytes and megabytes of memory. And yet, for some reason, people keep old correspondence and messages that will never be needed again, even for nostalgic purposes. Delete mercilessly all old messages.


Delete unused applications mercilessly for a long time. If you have not opened any application even once in the last week, then it is obvious that it is not important. You can always install it again in a couple of minutes if you need it. And sometimes some applications take up a lot of space.

Uninstalling apps is easy: you can drag the app icon to the top of the screen, where you'll see a menu of "Unload or delete" or "Info". We throw off to unload, and then follow the prompts. After deleting the application, the space in the device will increase


All Android devices have a file manager that shows what files and folders are in the system. Walking through the categories, you need to mark files that are not needed, or tap "select all", and then delete everything at once.

If you have a lot of files that you would not want to lose, then the best option would be to transfer them to an external drive, for example, to a PC, laptop, or upload them to cloud storage. To reset files to a computer, just connect to it with a USB cord, and simply transfer any files to the PC disk with the mouse, then delete them on your smartphone. Or do not copy, but immediately "move" with the removal of the source.

Over time, using a mobile device, its internal memory becomes clogged, resulting in quite noticeable malfunctions. In addition, the gadget can prohibit the subsequent saving of photos, downloading additional applications. To restore functionality, you need to understand,how to clear phone memory on androide, clean up as soon as possible. Today there are several ways to solve the problem.

How to clear the phone's memory on Android with a special program

One of the most popular programs today is Clean Master. More than 8 million users managed to evaluate its functionality. This is an impressive figure, which confirms the justification of the choice. Sort out,how to clear memory on androidwith the help of special software is easy. You need to install and run the program. Next, you need to do the following:

    open the program;

    on the main page, find the "Junk" tab;

    start determining the amount of free space that can be obtained;

    check marked files. Perhaps you still need some of them. With such files, you must uncheck the box indicating the subsequent deletion;

    start the cleaning process. Upon completion, a corresponding system notification will appear.

Sort out,how to clean android phoneusing the Clean Master program is completely simple. This is a very useful application that should not be removed from your device. It will allow you to keep your smartphone at the peak of its functionality, to do it without much difficulty.