Conferences training persons with disabilities to participate. All-Russian practical conference "Inclusive education: organization, legal and methodological support of the process

On June 30, 2016, the II M interregional conference "Variable forms of education for students with disabilities in educational institutions: experience, prospects for development and cooperation" .

The conference was organized by regional scientific and methodological center for distance education of children with disabilities.

Purpose of the Conference: to present effective forms of inclusive education for students with disabilities (hereinafter - HIA), including the use of distance learning technologies and discuss topical issues of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO for students with disabilities in educational institutions of the Moscow Region and other regions of the Russian Federation.

The conference was moderated by ASOU Vice-Rector L.N. Gorbunova and director of the RCDO ASOU O.A. Saveliev.

The conference program included plenary session and the work of four sections:

1. Features of psychological and pedagogical support for students with disabilities in the context of inclusive education and using distance learning technologies.

2. Extracurricular activities and additional education in inclusive and distance education of children with disabilities.

3. Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for IEOs of students with disabilities in the Moscow Region: results of implementation and development prospects.

4. Creation of special conditions in an educational organization for education of children with disabilities.

During the work of the Conference the following issues were discussed:

Interaction of participants in the educational process on psychological and pedagogical issues in the context of inclusive education for students with disabilities and using distance learning technologies;

Possibilities of using special technical means and software for organizing classroom and extracurricular activities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO for students with disabilities in the Moscow Region;

Conditions for organizing an inclusive educational space, including the Accessible Environment in educational institutions;

Successful experience of socialization of students with disabilities in the context of various forms of education, including additional education, students with disabilities;

Experience in vocational training for people with disabilities and people with disabilities;

The work of centers for psychological and pedagogical support of persons with disabilities in the framework of interdepartmental cooperation.

The conference was attended by employees of various divisions of the ASOU, managers and teachers of educational organizations of the Moscow region and a number of regions of Russia that implement inclusive and distance education for students with disabilities and disabilities; specialists of the support system (tutors, educational psychologists, teachers-defectologists, teachers-speech therapists). A plenary report at the conference was made by Professor Gribova O.E. The total number of conference participants is 263 people.

The conference participants showed great interest in the issues discussed. During the speeches, the need to hold the conference on a regular basis was repeatedly emphasized. Summing up the results of the conference, the teachers expressed their confidence that the main techniques and methods of work demonstrated in the sections by those who have experience in distance learning and inclusive education will be useful to everyone who will start working within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for HIA from September 1. It was noted that the conference contributed to the strengthening of cooperation between teachers in the Moscow region.

An analysis of the real situation that has developed over the past decade has sharply outlined the problem in preschool and school childhood: the number of children with disabilities increases sharply every year, the defects of which are often persistent and difficult to correct. Relying on the concept of integrated education of people with disabilities (HIA) - (letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2001 N 29 / 1524-6, "Law on Education") and a number of other documents. This concept states that “... every person, regardless of the state of health, the presence of a physical or mental disability, has the right to receive education, the quality of which should not differ from the quality of education received by healthy people ...

    The main task of the educational institution - to give the student the necessary minimum of knowledge, to develop in him the skills that will ensure his readiness for the next level of education or for practical activities, as well as to cultivate those qualities

    personalities that are necessary for his social adaptation.

Special educational needs differ in children of different categories, since they are determined by the specifics of mental development disorders. They determine the special logic of building the educational process for children with disabilities. Along with this, it is possible to single out needs that are special in nature, characteristic of all such children:

start special - corrective - education of the child immediately after the identification of a primary developmental disorder, as early as possible when preparing the child for schooling;

individualize learning to a greater extent than required for a normally developing child;

to introduce special sections into the content of the child's education that are not present in the education programs of normally developing peers;

use special methods, techniques and teaching aids (including specialized computer technologies) that ensure the implementation of "workarounds" of learning and facilitate the assimilation of educational material;

provide a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment;

maximize the educational space beyond the educational institution.

For each child with disabilities, an individual correctional and developmental training and development program should be written.

It is important for the teacher to understand and accept each child, taking into account his individual psychological characteristics and to adhere to some special requirements for a lesson or lesson.

There were and are such children in our preschool, so we try to pay attention to each pupil with a large group size.

Lesson planning includes both general educational and correctional and developmental tasks. Directly educational activity has a clear algorithm: getting used to a certain algorithm, children become more organized. Educators have different approaches to planning the activities of a child with disabilities: we plan separately the work of the whole group and a separate child with disabilities or draw up a general plan with the inclusion of blocks of tasks for each child with special educational needs. After each completed exercise, task, stage of the lesson, we draw an intermediate conclusion, orienting students to what they have already done and what they have to do. Also, in the classroom, teachers use more visualization, various forms of activity, skillfully select and use methods and techniques so that as many analyzers as possible are involved during work - hearing, vision, motor skills, etc.

If it is difficult for a "special" child to answer to the whole group, then he is given the opportunity to present the completed task in a small group. Working in pairs, in a group, allows such children to open up and learn from their comrades. Learning and development is based on interest, success and trust.

In order to provide methodological assistance to teachers at meetings of pedagogical councils, methodological associations, we regularly consider issues related to inclusive education. The organization of joint education provides not only for the involvement of children with disabilities in the educational process, but also for their active participation in the life of the children's institution. An example of this can be matinees, holidays, educational events. On them, disabled children and children with disabilities are not only spectators, but also active participants.

The key role in the education and support of children with disabilities, first of all, belongs to the family. In order to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance in the organization of family education. parent-teacher meetings, a decade of open doors, round tables with participants in inclusive education, and most importantly, tactful individual consultations are held.

There are several problems in teaching children with disabilities

The first is the provision of specialists - speech therapists, speech pathologists, psychologists, audiologists, tutors, etc. Such children should be taught, developed and accompanied by people with special education. And due to insufficient funding, we do not have such specialists in the region.

Secondly, there must be a detailed medical and pedagogical examination, but unfortunately there is a local hospital in the district, there are no narrow doctors. Once a year, the regional PMPK visits us. And for 40 minutes allocated for each child, it is impossible to accurately diagnose, outline an educational route and give recommendations to teachers and parents.

There is a problem in writing individual programs, recommendations are still being developed, so the teacher has to make it at his own discretion. There is no unity in writing.

The next problem is the proper enrichment of the subject-developing environment, again due to a lack of funds in the institution. With our own hands, we make manuals and didactic materials for classes from improvised materials. We are not able to use computer technology due to the lack of computers in classrooms and groups.

The fourth is working with parents. There are several categories of parents:

Parents love their child and accept his defect (“My child is not healthy, but I will do everything to make him a full-fledged person”);

Parents love their child, but do not accept the defect (“My child is not what they say, and I will prove it”);

Parents do not love their child, but accept his defect (“I put up with the fact that my child has problems, but I want to deal with him as little as possible”);

Parents do not love their child, and they do not accept the defect ("I cannot and should not have an abnormal child").

Inadequate position: The child is loved, the defect is accepted, but within the framework of overprotection. (“My child is a helpless creature offended by fate, I am guilty before him”).

Our goal:

1. Teach parents effective ways to interact with their child

2. Equip with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of pedagogy and developmental psychology

3 Form an adequate assessment of the capabilities of your special child.

The teachers of our preschool educational institution also began to revise approaches to the organization of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process, taking into account the large number of children with various disabilities.

Effective integration is possible only in conditions of continuous improvement of the education system. The opportunities for transformation are determined by new links between preschool education models and the introduction of relevant structures, such as, for example, an early intervention service; consultation points, etc. in the system of preschool educational institutions.

There is a counseling center in our preschool.

The goals of creating an advisory point (CP):

    Creation of conditions for the development and upbringing of a child with disabilities and his successful socialization in the future.

    Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

    Increasing the role of the family in raising a child with disabilities.

    Development of variable forms of preschool education.

Briefly express the essence of the indicated problem in the words of David Blunkett:“We have an obligation to enable every child, regardless of their needs and other circumstances, to reach their full potential, contribute to society and become a full member of it.”

To confirm the relevance of this problem, we can cite data on the level of readiness of children for schooling: there is a large number of children with immaturity of mental processes, with a lack of motivational readiness. Prevention and detection of dysontogenetic manifestations at an early age, and the timely provision of comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance to children helps to reduce the number of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren with disabilities. Modern conditions dictate the need to create an integral system of integrated (inclusive) education of children with disabilities as a prospect for public and high-quality education. That is why this topic was chosen, and why it is relevant!

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Chuvash State Pedagogical University. I. Ya. Yakovleva
Faculty of preschool and correctional pedagogy and psychology

Researchers, scientists, teachers of universities, colleges, doctoral students, heads and teachers of educational institutions, rehabilitation centers, psychologists, teachers, defectologists, speech therapists, tutors, educators, teachers of additional education are invited to participate in the conference.

The collection of articles will be registered and placed article by article in the scientific electronic library ( and included in the scientometric base of the RSCI(Russian Science Citation Index).


1. C Content and technologies for modeling a variable educational environment in accordance with the tasks comprehensive support for students with disabilities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

2. Pedagogical practices of inclusive education: experience and assessment of prospects

3. Innovative technologies of the correctional and pedagogical process

4. Cultural approach to the development of training and development programs for children of early and preschool age with disabilities

5. Correction and propaedeutics of speech disorders in a multilingual environment

6. Open information and communication environment: introduction of open (network) education technologies.

7. Varia (materials are accepted in other areas corresponding to the theme of the conference).

D To participate in the conference, you need to 15 February 2018 send by emailtatyana[email protected] yandex. enas attached files the following materials:

1. Application for participation in the conference

2. The text of the article in accordance with the requirements for the design of the publication

3. A scanned copy of the receipt for payment of the registration fee in the amount of 500 rubles. Details for paying the registration fee are sent after reviewing the article and accepting it for publication in the form of a response letter from the organizing committee. The amount of the registration fee includes reviewing, editing articles and layout of the collection, posting it article by article in the scientific electronic library (, printing costs for publishing the book and mailing by registered parcel post to the address specified in the application (only for participants from other regions! For residents of Chuvashia, self-delivery of collections from the faculty is provided at a convenient time for them)

The volume of reports should not exceed 4 typewritten pages.Texts should be carefully edited and correspond to the technical requirements for design:

Word -7.0, 8.0, 10.0. Paper format A 4, book. Font Times New Roman.

Pin size 14. Margins: left, right, bottom and top - 2.5 cm.

The indent of the first line is 1.25 cm. The line spacing is one and a half.

Russian language. Page numbers are not included.

It is not allowed to use graphs, diagrams, figures and tables.

The list of literature is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-2008. References to the literature are made in the text in square brackets to the corresponding source of the list of references after the citation.

The full title of the article is given in the center in capital letters in bold. Next - the initials and surname of the author. The next line under the last name indicates the university, city. The third line is the author's email address. Last name, first name, patronymic, university, city and email. addresses are in italics. Then the abstract and keywords are placed. The distance between the title and the text is 2 line spacing.

ATTENTION! Sample design


V.N. Petrov

ChGPU them. I. Ya. Yakovleva, Cheboksary, petrov @yandex.en

Annotation.Up to 5 offers.

Keywords: 3-4 words

Text of the article…………………


1. Nesterova, G. F. Psychological and social work with disabled people. Habilitation in Down syndrome. - M .: Speech, 128 p.

2. Odinokova, G. Yu. Features of interaction in a pair of "mother-child of an early age with Down's syndrome" // Defectology. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 77-88.

Address of the organizing committee : 428031, Cheboksary, st. Shumilova, 18-A, ChGPU them. AND I. Yakovleva, faculty of preschool and correctional pedagogy and psychology. Semenova Tatyana Nikolaevna - Ph.D., associate professor, deputy dean for scientific and innovative work.

Phone for information: +79278506608 (Semenova Tatyana Nikolaevna)


to participate in III International Scientific and Practical Conference

"Comprehensive support for children with disabilities"

Surname, name, patronymic (in full) ____

Place of work, position _____________

Academic degree_______________________

Academic title ________________________

City _______________________________

Mailing address ______________________


Home phone number (with area code) _____

Office phone (with area code)____


Inform the organizer of the event that the information is taken from the portal

Information mail

Interregional scientific and practical Internet conference
"Education of children with disabilities: equal opportunities - new perspectives"

01.12.2015 - 17.12.2015

We invite you to take part in the interregional scientific and practical Internet conference "Education of children with disabilities: equal opportunities - new perspectives".

The purpose of the conference is to draw attention to the problem of education of children with disabilities, the use of modern educational technologies, including information and communication (ICT) in special education, to discuss issues related to the implementation of the federal state educational standard for the education of children with disabilities, prospects and models inclusive and distance learning for children with disabilities.

1. "Special" standards for "special" children - changing the education system for children with disabilities

Issues for discussion

ñ Prospects and key directions of development in the education of children with disabilities in the modern educational context;

ñ New opportunities in solving the problems of educating "special" children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO for students with disabilities and the Federal State Educational Standard for the education of students with mental retardation

ñ The use of modern educational technologies in the practice of teaching children with disabilities

Open mic: G Are we ready for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for the education of children with disabilities?

2. Accessible education in an accessible environment: organizational and methodological aspects of inclusive education

Issues for discussion

ñ Methodological support of inclusive education

ñ Development of practice-oriented programs and technologies for teaching a child with disabilities in a general educational environment

ñ Organization of a system of psychological and pedagogical support for the process of inclusive education

ñ Modeling the components and content of an inclusive educational environment.

Free mic: Inclusive education - a forced reality or a perceived need?

Free mic: Distance learning for children with disabilities - a tribute to fashion or education that helps to overcome barriers?

4. Individualization of preschool childhood through the variability of educational programs

Issues for discussion:

ñ Providing comprehensive assistance to preschoolers with disabilities

ñ Program and methodological support of variable forms of preschool education for children with disabilities

ñ Features of designing a developing object-spatial environment as a condition for the socialization and development of preschool children with disabilities

ñ Use of innovative educational technologies in working with preschoolers with disabilities

Free mic: "Kindergarten for all" - myth or reality?

5. Promoting self-realization and career aspirations of young people with disabilities

Issues for discussion:

ñProblems of vocational guidance and professional self-determination of adolescents with disabilities

ñ Opportunities and problems of profile and pre-profile education for children with disabilities

ñ Features of the implementation of professional educational programs in the training of persons with disabilities

Free mic: How to overcome barriers on the way to a professional career (experience, problems and prospects for vocational education of persons with disabilities)?

6. Special approaches to teaching "special" children (Pedagogical experience workshop)

Conference period 01.12.2015 – 17.12.2015

Venue for an Internet conference:

website of the Center for Distance Education of Disabled Children of the State Educational Institution SIPKRO (

Teachers and heads of general education, special (correctional) and preschool educational institutions, specialists of methodological services, teachers of universities, institutions of secondary and higher professional education are invited to participate in the conference.

Main dates of the Internet conference:

12/01/2015 - 12/13/2015 - registration of participants in the scientific and practical Internet conference on the website ( by filling out an electronic form according to the model;

12/14/2015 -12/16. 2015 - discussion of the submitted materials;

12/17/2015 - summing up the results of the Internet conference.

To participate in an Internet conference, you must:

Go to the Internet site of the competition http://cde. sipcro. ru/teacher/ to the "Internet conference" section.

Send the text of the report or speech at the "Free Microphone" to the address of the Center for Distance Education of Children with Disabilities of the State Educational Institution SIPKRO cde@ sipcro. en. The subject of the letter indicates: "Internet conference". Articles are sent as attachments.

Attention! File names must begin with the last name of the author(s). Desirable not archive files. If you still use archivers, then please use only formats zip or rar.

Form of participation in the Internet conference: the conference is held in absentia. Participation in the conference is free. The conference materials will be published on the website of the Center for Distance Education of Disabled Children of the State Educational Institution SIPKRO ( All conference participants will receive a conference participant certificate.

Requirements for the design of materials submitted to the conference: Preparation of articles is carried out in the MS Word editor. The use of illustrations and presentations in Power Point format is allowed (and encouraged).

The document to be published begins with a header block that specifies:

· Title of the report(center alignment, Times New Roman (Cyr), font size 14, bold)

name of the educational institution and city (style Normal alignment on the center of the page, font Times New Roman (Cyr), font size 14, italic)

Contact email address (Normal style)

Requirements for the text of the report

· Text of the report – Times New Roman (Cyr), font size 14, justified alignment. References to the literature in the text in square brackets.

Literature - centered, Times New Roman (Cyr), font size 14, numbered list, left alignment, Times New Roman (Cyr) 14.

· Graphs, tables, charts, diagrams are inserted into the text as an object that must move along with the text: "format" - "position" - "in text";

· Rice. 1 “title” – below the picture, in the center, Times New Roman (Cyr), font size 14, bold;

· Table 1. The word "Table" - before the title, right alignment, Times New Roman (Cyr), font size 14, bold. Title – before the table, center alignment, Times New Roman (Cyr), font size 14, bold.

· Line spacing – 1,5; indent- 0.8 cm.

· Text fields - 25 mm left side, right, top, bottom - 20 mm

Organizing committee coordinates:

443111, Samara, Moscow highway, 125 A, room. 213

Samara Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educational Workers, Center for Distance Education of Disabled Children

Russia, Yekaterinburg

Participation form: part-time

On November 1, 2018, GAOU DPO SO "Institute for the Development of Education" holds the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Children with Disabilities and Disabilities in the Modern Educational Space: Strategies for Psychological and Pedagogical Support".

The purpose of the conference is a professional and public discussion of the content, mechanisms, effective practices of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in the process of mastering basic and adapted basic general education programs of general education, additional education, vocational training and vocational education.

Topical issues that are planned for discussion at the conference:
1. Strategies for psychological and pedagogical support for the development of adapted educational programs for preschool education by children with disabilities and disabilities: the experience of early assistance to children, the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education in educational activities with various categories of children with disabilities, models for designing and implementing adapted educational programs preschool education, the practice of tutor support for children and interaction with parents, etc.
2. Experience and prospects of educational activities in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education of students with disabilities: approaches to the development and implementation of adapted basic general educational programs, the implementation of a remedial orientation of training by means of classroom and extracurricular activities, methodological aspects of the formation of universal educational activities for students, approaches to assessing the educational achievements of students, the experience of organizing extracurricular activities of students, the interaction of a teacher and a tutor in the process of accompanying students, etc.
3. The first experience of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities): topical issues of teaching certain academic subjects, technological approaches to the formation of basic learning activities for students with varying degrees of intellectual disability, experience in designing a system for assessing students' achievements, innovations in the organization of extracurricular activities students and educational work, experience in implementing special individual development programs, tutor support for students.
4. Strategies for psychological and pedagogical support for the development of adapted educational programs for basic general education by children with disabilities and disabilities: the experience of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education in educational activities with students with disabilities, methodological aspects of adapting the working programs of training courses, courses of extracurricular activities, methodological approaches to the formation and assessment of the formation of universal educational actions among students, approaches to assessing the educational achievements of students, the experience of preparing students for the state final certification.
5. Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of adapted additional basic general developmental programs for children with disabilities and disabilities: the experience of inclusive additional education for children with disabilities, methodological aspects of adapting additional education programs for children in accordance with the characteristics of the psychophysical development of students and their potential, experience participation of children in creative associations and competitive events of various levels.
6. Formation of an educational environment for teaching people with disabilities and disabilities in the system of vocational training: experience and prospects of inclusive education, experience in adapting the content of educational programs, methods of educational activities and approaches to assessing the educational achievements of students with disabilities and disabilities.
7. Improving the professional competence of teachers in organizing educational activities with students with disabilities: effective practices for organizing methodological work in educational institutions, developing the subject, psychological, pedagogical, methodological and communicative competencies of teachers in preparation for the implementation of the national teacher training system growth and transition to a new certification model.

Employees of general education organizations, preschool educational organizations, centers for psychological and pedagogical and medical and social support, organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, organizations for additional education of children, professional educational organizations, organizations of higher and additional professional education, representatives of public organizations, parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities and children with disabilities.

When contacting the organizers of the event, be sure to refer to the website as a source of information.

Organizers: State Autonomous Educational Establishment of the Sverdlovsk Region "Institute for the Development of Education", Yekaterinburg

Contact Information: Email mail: [email protected]

Applications: Newsletter (.io).pdf, 149.332 KB)

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* On March 26, 2018, the scientific electronic library stopped indexing collections of articles based on the results of correspondence conferences in the RSCI.