specific vocabulary. Vocabulary in advertising texts (abstract and concrete, common and special, neologisms, jargon, phraseological units)

Letters today are completely irrelevant. This is especially true for those that are written by hand, because all this is the last century. Emails are in vogue today. They, as a rule, are very short and they deal only with essential information, that is, there is no romance, no feelings in them.

Still, it’s a pity that people stopped writing letters, because each person put a small part of himself, his experiences into them. Previously, they tried to write as much as possible in them, since they reached the addressee not in a day, and sometimes not in two. They could go for a whole week, or even a month.

Letters that were once written by young guys from the front to their loved ones, who were faithfully waiting for their return, were saturated with special romance. These triangles were so important and significant that many centuries have passed, and they are still kept and passed down from generation to generation.

But now is the time for innovative technologies that have eclipsed any feelings. It is not popular to write letters by hand these days. The same applies to telegrams, which previously seemed to come to the addressee instantly. But still, with their speed, they were eclipsed by messages using electronic media. Moreover, people began to communicate less live, because they have enough communication in social networks. But after all, this cannot replace touches, a gentle look that you can accidentally meet during a conversation with a dear interlocutor.

People who lived in the 19th century had a completely different opinion. Then the epistolary genre flourished. At that time, with the help of letters, not only relevant information was transmitted, but also cherished thoughts were transmitted. Here people were completely sincere and truthful. And that meant a lot. It seems to me that the whole point is that it is much easier to write about some feelings than to talk about them during a live conversation.

In addition, earlier the epistolary genre was often used in fiction. I believe that the most striking example of this is the correspondence between Onegin and Tatyana. Their letters were very emotional, but at the same time they were endowed with sincerity.

Tatyana's letters to Eugene are only confirmation of her love. It was very difficult for her to decide on this act, but nevertheless this heroine was ready for anything for the sake of her feelings, which constantly tormented her.
Tatyana writes her letters at night, when she is very excited after talking with the nanny. But still, she decides on such a reckless act, despite the fact that in this century it is absolutely not customary for a girl to be the first to show her feelings towards a man. This act is not without audacity. Tatyana understands this, which is why she is so worried. In this letter, the girl practically entrusts her fate to Eugene and is even afraid to imagine how he will react to this emotional, thoughtless act. The heroine, most likely, does not even realize that her reputation and honor are at stake because of this letter.

When the addressee reads the message that was written by Tatyana, he catches her excitement and the mood with which she wrote the lines. The girl first addresses Onegin to “you”, and after a while to “you”. Eugene soon also confesses to Tatyana about his feelings, which he has been nurturing for a long time.

Thus, it should be noted that the letters in this work are a very important element, since it is thanks to them that the reader can trace the mood of the characters, and the general development of events. Therefore, it is very sad that people have stopped writing letters, but still today is a completely different time, so you need to keep up with progress and strive only forward.