Consultation (grade 8) on the topic: Plan of individual work with underachieving students. Material on the topic: Report on work with underachievers

Report of the Russian language teacher Gonchar T.A.

About working with underachieving students

For the 3rd quarter of 2014 - 2015 academic year

To identify weak students at the beginning of the year, I conducted an entrance test, which showed the level of students' learning. For the objectivity of the result in the lessons of the Russian language, various types of survey were used: oral, written, individual, frontal. Regularly and systematically, students were interviewed, grades were given in a timely manner in a journal, diaries, and notebooks.

After knowledge gaps were identified, I compiled

1. list of students with low motivation,

2. individual work plans with Zemskova O., Korsakova A., Tsuleiskiri M.,

3. schedule of additional classes,

4. thematic plan of work with underachievers in the Russian language.

Further, through conversations with students, their parents, a school psychologist, primary school teachers, a class teacher, studying documentation on the state of children's health, the reasons for the low motivation of 5th grade students Tsuleiskiri M. (5-A), Zemskova O., Korsakova A. .(5-G):

1. low quality of mental activity of students (poor development of cognitive processes - attention, memory, thinking, lack of formation of cognitive skills and abilities, etc.);

2. incorrectly formed attitude (negative) to educational work;

3. lack of control over the education of their children by parents.

Working with underachieving students Zemskova O., Korsakova A., Tsuleiskiri Russian lessons

Lesson stages

Control of preparedness of students

Creating an atmosphere of special goodwill during the survey.

Decrease the pace of the survey, allowing longer preparation at the blackboard.

Offer students an approximate response plan.

Permission to use visual aids that help to express the essence of the phenomenon.

Stimulation by evaluation, encouragement, praise.

Presentation of new material

Maintaining the interest of weak students with questions that reveal the degree of understanding of the educational material.

Involving them as assistants when explaining a new topic.

Involvement in making sentences in problem-based learning, in conclusions and generalizations, or in explaining the essence of the problem expressed by a strong student.

Independent work of students in the classroom

Breakdown of tasks into doses, stages, selection of a number of simple ones in complex tasks, a link to a similar task performed earlier.

A reminder of the reception and method of completing the task.

An indication of the need to update a particular rule.

Instruction on rational ways to complete tasks, requirements for their design.

Stimulation of independent actions of the underachievers.

More careful control of their activities, indication of errors, verification, corrections.

Organization of the work of strong students-consultants in the subject.

Use of individual tasks of reduced complexity.

Organization of group work in order to create a situation of success in the lesson for underachieving students.

Organization of independent work outside the classroom

The choice for groups of poorly performing the most rational system of exercises.

A more detailed explanation of the task execution sequence.

Warning of possible difficulties, use of consultation cards, cards with a guiding action plan.

  1. For each topic studied, the skills and abilities that the student should master were taken into account.
  2. After conducting independent, control, test work, an analysis was carried out from the classifications of errors made by each student in different types of work, work was carried out on the errors.
  3. Before carrying out diagnostic work, in order to prevent errors, a repetition of previously studied material was carefully planned.
  4. Differentiated work was carried out systematically, students were offered individual tasks, which were evaluated in a timely manner.
  5. Mutual assistance among students was organized.
  6. The results of the current, preliminary progress were systematically recorded in the students' notebooks and diaries.

Working with underachieving students

Zemskova O., Korsakova A., Tsuleiskiri M.

In after hours

1. During the 3rd quarter, 12 additional group lessons were held on the subject outside school hours (January 15, January 22, January 29, February 5, February 12, February 19, February 26, March 5, March 12, March 13, March 14, March 16) in which

  1. students are given the opportunity to retake papers for which they received unsatisfactory grades;
  2. schoolchildren are given tasks aimed at eliminating the mistakes they make when answering or in written work;
  3. typical difficulties in work are noted and ways to eliminate them are indicated, assistance is provided with the simultaneous development of independence in learning.
  4. tasks are performed according to the model;
  5. multi-level tasks are offered, incl. creative nature (for an additional assessment).

Korsakova was present at the 1st (12.03), Tsuleiskiri at the 1st (12.03), Zemskova did not attend classes.

2. During the 3rd quarter, 19 individual consultations were held (January 19, January 30, January 26, January 30, February 3, February 6, February 9, February 12, February 16, March 2, March 5, March 12, March 13, 20.03), on which

  1. for schoolchildren, tasks are selected to understand and correct mistakes;
  2. a detailed briefing is given on the procedure for completing homework, on possible difficulties,
  3. consultation cards are offered,
  4. tasks are given to repeat the material that will be required to study a new topic.
  5. the algorithm, rules on the basis of which the task is performed are indicated;
  6. similar tasks are performed;
  7. are called responses.

These students did not attend private lessons.

Accounting for attendance by students of additional group and individual lessons was carried out systematically and brought to the attention of parents through diaries and reports to the class teacher.

3. Students were offered additional individual tasks to complete, which

1. provide a repetition of the past;

2. focus on the most essential elements of the program, which usually cause the greatest difficulties;

3. help to correct and prevent common mistakes.

Additional individual tasks in the Russian language

F.I. student

Task topic

the date

Completion mark

Zemskova Olga

1. Spelling of roots with alternation

2. Spelling prefixes

3. Spelling analysis

4.Syntactic and punctuation analysis

5. Text-narration with a creative task.

6. Work on the mistakes of independent work






Korsakova Angelina

1. Spelling of the roots cas-kos, lag-lodge

2. Spelling prefixes

3. Spelling of prefixes ending in z, s

4. Punctuation analysis of simple and complex sentences

5. Text-description with a creative task

6. Text-narrative with a grammar task








Tsuleiskiri Mikhail

1. Spelling of unstressed checked vowels at the root

2. Spelling of unchanging prefixes

3. Spelling o, e after sizzling

4. Spelling and, s after q

5.Syntactic and punctuation analysis

6. Text-narration with a creative task

7. Work on the mistakes of independent work








4. In the 3rd quarter, individual conversations were held with students who do not have time in the Russian language.

Conversations with underachievers

F.I. student


the date


Zemskova Olga

2. Determination of the deadlines for the delivery of debts on the subject

3. Finding out the reasons for not being ready for Russian language lessons

4. Determining the deadlines for the delivery of debts on the subject

(conversation in the presence of parents and class teacher)





Hand over the debt for d.z, individual. tasks.

Hand over the debt on the topics "Morfemics", "Word formation", "Work on the mistakes of the s.r."

Korsakova Angelina

1. Finding out the reasons for the student's non-fulfillment of the requirements of the teacher of the Russian language

3. Finding out the reasons for not being ready for Russian language lessons

4. Determination of the deadlines for the delivery of debts on the subject (conversation in the presence of the student's parents)





Fulfill the teacher's requirements for preparing for Russian lessons.

Visit students. additional classes in Russian.

Hand over the debt on the topics "Spelling of prefixes", "Spelling of roots with alternation", "Work on the mistakes of s.r.", "Spelling analysis"

Tsuleiskiri Mikhail

1. Finding out the reasons for the student's non-fulfillment of the requirements of the teacher of the Russian language

2. Determination of the deadlines for the delivery of debts on the subject

3. Finding out the reasons for the unpreparedness for the lessons of the Russian language (conversation with the supervising head teacher)

4. Determination of the deadlines for the delivery of debts on the subject (conversation with the supervising head teacher)





Fulfill the teacher's requirements for preparing for Russian lessons.

Hand over the debt for d.z, individual. tasks

Visit students. additional classes in Russian. , individual lessons

Hand over the debt on the topics “And, s after ts”, “Spelling of alternating roots”, “Spelling of prefixes pre, with”, “Working on errors in s.d.”, “Syntactic analysis of a simple sentence”, “Punctuation analysis of a complex sentence2

  1. For implementation of an individual approach in teaching students Zemskova O., Kosarkova A., Tsuleiskiri M. and their parents were offered digital portals.

Remote work with students

Item No.

Work plan

teacher Pashnina Yu.N.

1. Goals:

1. Implementation of the Law on Education

2. Adoption of comprehensive measures aimed at improving the academic performance and quality of students' knowledge.

2. Tasks:

    Creation of conditions for successful assimilation of curricula by students.

    Selection of pedagogical technologies for organizing the educational process and increasing the motivation of low-performing students

    Implementation of multi-level training

    The study of the characteristics of underachieving students, the reasons for their lagging behind in their studies and weak motivation

    Formation of a responsible attitude of students to educational work

3. The main sections of planning:

I. Organization of work with underachieving students of a subject teacher

II. Planning the work of the class teacher with weak students

4. Fundamental directions and activities:

1.Organization of work with underachieving and underachieving students in the classroom.

2. Methods and forms of work with underachieving and underachieving students during extracurricular time.

3. Educational work with underachieving and underachieving students, aimed at improving academic performance.

4. Organization of work with parents of weak and unsuccessful students.

5. The program of the teacher's activities

with underachieving students

1. Carry out diagnostics at the beginning of the year in order to identify the student's level of education.

2. Use in the classroom various types of surveys (oral, written, individual, etc.) for the objectivity of the result.

3. Prepare and use reference diagrams, visual aids, technical means, didactic material in the classroom.

3. Regularly and systematically interrogate, giving marks in a timely manner, avoiding the accumulation of marks at the end of the quarter, when the student no longer has the opportunity to correct them (the number of respondents in the lesson should be at least 5-7 students).

4. Comment on the student's assessment, noting the shortcomings so that the student can eliminate them in the future

5. Eliminate gaps in knowledge identified during the tests, and then re-test knowledge.

6. Notify the class teacher or the student's parents directly about poor academic performance if there is an accumulation of unsatisfactory grades (3 or more “2s”)

7. Conduct individual-group consultations and classes with students in need of assistance to develop basic knowledge and skills

8. How can a subject teacher complete the following documentation:

Schedule of individual work with low achievers

The program of work with low-performing students at the account. year;

Tasks to fill gaps in knowledge;

The results of the thematic control of students' knowledge

Report of the subject teacher on work with low-achieving students.

primary school teacher Pashnina Yu.N..


1. Make a list of underachieving students in the subjects taught. Submit information to the head teacher

2. Carrying out a control cut of the students' knowledge of the class on the main sections of the educational material of the previous years of study. Target:

a) Determination of the actual level of knowledge of children.

b) Identification of gaps in students' knowledge that require rapid elimination.


3. Conduct an interview with class teachers to find out the reason for their lagging behind. Establishing the reasons for the lagging behind of poorly performing students through conversations with school specialists: a class teacher, a psychologist,


4. Meetings with individual parents and conversations with the students themselves

During the school year.

5. Participation in the discussion of issues of working with weak students and the exchange of experience with colleagues (at the teachers' council, Small teachers' councils, ShMO)

During the school year.

6. Drawing up a work plan to eliminate gaps in the knowledge of a lagging student for the current quarter.

September, update as needed.

7. Using a differentiated approach when organizing independent work in a lesson, include feasible individual tasks for a poorly performing student, fix this in the lesson plan, not to forget.

During the school year.

8. Keep a mandatory thematic record of the knowledge of poorly performing students in the class when analyzing the thematic record of knowledge on the subject of children of the whole class.

During the school year.

9. Reflect individual work with a weak student in workbooks or special notebooks on the subject.

During the school year.

Key points in the organization of the educational process

with underachieving children

    To enhance the effectiveness of work with low-performing students, use new educational technologies, innovative forms and methods of teaching: a personality-oriented approach (learning to build taking into account the development of individual abilities and the level of formation of learning skills) and different levels of differentiation at all stages of the lesson.

    Organize individual-group work, using differentiated training tasks, invariant practical work, differentiated test work, creative work of choice.

    In lessons and extracurricular activities, use "Help Cards", "Reminders for Students", use game tasks more widely, which make it possible to work at the subconscious level. Special situations of success are created in work.

    During the survey, low-performing schoolchildren are given an approximate response plan, they are allowed to use the plan drawn up at home, have more time to prepare for the answer at the blackboard, make preliminary notes, use visual aids, etc.

    Students are asked leading questions to help them present the material in a consistent manner.

    The assimilation of the material on the topics of the lessons at which the student was absent for one reason or another is periodically checked.

    During the survey and in the analysis of its results, an atmosphere of goodwill is ensured.

    In the process of studying new material, the attention of low-performing students is concentrated on the most important and complex sections of the topic under study, the teacher often turns to them with questions that clarify the degree of understanding of the educational material, stimulates students' questions in case of difficulties in mastering new material.

    In the course of independent work in the lesson, poorly performing schoolchildren are given tasks aimed at eliminating the mistakes they make in their answers or in written work: positive aspects are noted in their work to stimulate new efforts, typical difficulties in work are noted and ways to eliminate them are indicated, assistance is provided with the simultaneous development of independence in learning.

    When organizing homework for low-performing students, tasks are selected to recognize and correct mistakes: a detailed briefing is given on the procedure for completing homework, on possible difficulties, consultation cards are offered (if necessary), assignments are given to repeat the material that will be required to study a new topic. The volume of homework is calculated in such a way as to prevent overload.

6. The program of activities of the class teacher

with underachieving students

    In order to prevent a decline in academic performance and improve the level and quality of education of 4-A grade schoolchildren, intensify work with poorly performing students using effective forms of control.

    To take under systematic control the attendance of students of lessons, additional lessons of the School of Education.

    Outline ways to create success for these students, work in contact: class teacher - student - parents - teachers.

    In working with parents: keep in touch, involving them in activities with the child at home, conduct conversations, give advice and recommendations for improving academic performance.

    To work on the development of a conscious academic discipline of students, to develop positive motivation in learning.

Plan of work with low-achieving students for 2015-2016 academic year. year

class teacher 4-A class Pashnina Yu.N..


1. Register and compile a list of poorly performing students in grade 4-A based on the results of the previous year of study

2. Establishing the reasons for the lagging behind of poorly performing students. Record the information in a special notebook for working with underachieving students in your class.


3. Conduct an interview with subject teachers of grade 4-A to agree and clarify the work plan with low-performing students. offer teachers the presented work plan.


4. Interviews with teachers following the results of the trimester and the results of individual work with the child.

At the end of the quarter.

5. Individual conversations with teachers about the state of affairs of poorly performing students based on the results of the tests.

According to the control schedule.

6. Individual conversations with low-performing students about the state of their academic affairs.

Selectively, according to the situation.

7. Working with parents of underachieving students

Throughout the school year.

Sokolova Olga Igorevna

The concept of school failure. Failure is understood as a situation in which the behavior and learning outcomes do not meet the educational and didactic requirements of the school. Poor progress is expressed in the fact that the student has poor reading, counting skills, weak intellectual skills of analysis, generalization, etc. Systematic poor progress leads to pedagogical neglect, which is understood as a complex of negative personality traits that contradict the requirements of the school and society. This phenomenon is extremely undesirable and dangerous from a moral, social, and economic standpoint. Pedagogically neglected children often drop out of school and join risk groups. Underachievement is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon of school reality, requiring versatile approaches in its study. Poor progress is interpreted as a discrepancy between the training of students with the mandatory requirements of the school in the assimilation of knowledge, the development of skills and abilities, the formation of experience in creative activity and the upbringing of cognitive relations. Failure prevention involves the timely detection and elimination of all its elements. The failure of schoolchildren is naturally associated with their individual characteristics and with the conditions in which their development takes place. Pedagogy recognizes the education and upbringing of children at school as the most important of these conditions. The study of the problem is increasingly associated with a wide range of social issues, involves the use of data from all sciences about a person, an individual, a personality. It is didactics that is called upon to give a definition of poor progress, that this task cannot be solved by other sciences, since the concept of poor progress is primarily a didactic concept associated with the main categories of didactics - the content and process of learning. Although the task of disclosing the essence of underachievement has not been set in the literature, in many works one can find approaches to its solution. One of these approaches is to analyze the conditions that give rise to poor progress. However, studies carried out in line with this approach cannot be considered sufficient, they are aimed at clarifying the external connections of the phenomenon and leaving its internal structure in the shade. A backlog is a failure to meet the requirements (or one of them) that occurs at one of the intermediate stages within that segment of the educational process that serves as a time frame for determining progress. The word "backlog" denotes both the process of accumulation of non-compliance with the requirements, and each individual case of such non-compliance, i.e. e. one of the moments of this process. The inconsistency of such an understanding and terminology lies in the very essence of the phenomenon under study: the lagging process is made up of lagging behind acts.

The division of underachieving schoolchildren into types can be carried out depending on the nature of the relationship between the two main groups of personality traits of schoolchildren:

1. Features of mental activity associated with learning.

3. On this basis, three types of underachieving schoolchildren have been identified:

4. Underachieving students, who are characterized by a low quality of mental activity with a positive attitude towards learning and maintaining the position of a student.

5. Students with a relatively high level of development of mental activity with a negative attitude towards learning and partial or complete loss of the student's position.

6. Underachievers, who are characterized by a low quality of mental activity with a negative attitude towards learning and a complete loss of the position of a student, manifested in the desire to leave school. The first type of unsuccessful schoolchildren. All schoolchildren of this type are characterized by low learning ability associated with a reduced level of mental operations. The weak development of the thinking process (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and concretization) causes serious difficulties in the assimilation of educational material, which contribute to the emergence of a simplified approach to solving mental problems in schoolchildren. With this approach, students tend to adapt learning tasks to their limited abilities or avoid mental work altogether, as a result of which mental retardation occurs and learning work skills are not formed. Failure in studies and the inability to work together with the class are not a source of moral conflict for them, since, due to the limitations of their cognitive abilities, they correctly see their lag in their inability to assimilate individual subjects on an equal basis with everyone else. The absence of a moral conflict contributes to the preservation of the student's position and the formation of a positive moral orientation, since understanding the reasons for failure with a positive attitude towards learning is a good incentive to overcome shortcomings. This is evidenced by the fact that schoolchildren of this type willingly accept the help of teachers and comrades. The second type of underachieving students. Students of this type come to school with good intellectual preparation, with a desire to study well. However, the quality of their academic work is primarily reflected in the fact that they are accustomed to doing only what they like, in the absence of a broader and more stable motivation in educational work, these students avoid active mental work in subjects whose assimilation requires systematic and strenuous work (languages, mathematics), tasks in oral subjects are learned superficially. In the process of such work, they do not develop learning skills, the ability to overcome difficulties. Along with this, they develop a certain approach to work: its careless execution, low pace. For schoolchildren of the second type, failure in learning inevitably leads to moral conflict. It arises in connection with the contradiction between their broader intellectual capabilities and the weak realization of these capabilities, which is explained by the lack of skills for independent study. A moral conflict is found in them at an early stage of education and not only determines a negative attitude towards learning, but also leads to separation from the class team, which can cause a negative moral orientation. The third type of underachieving students. For this type, as well as for the first, low learning ability is characteristic. Weak development of thought processes causes serious difficulties in mastering educational material. When performing educational tasks, these students lack criticality; manipulating figures, they easily come to absurdity. Moreover, they do not try to compare the results obtained with the results of other students. Doing work in this way indicates not only difficulties in learning and inability to work, but also a careless attitude to learning. These schoolchildren have a very distinct narrowness of thinking. The weak development of the motivational side of cognitive activity is manifested in the absence of cognitive interests, in the nature of the general orientation of the personality. The combination of these qualities determines a negative attitude towards knowledge, towards school, teachers, as well as the desire to leave school. The general negative attitude determines the interests of this category. At school, they are most attracted to such subjects as physical education, labor lessons.

Ways to eliminate failure.

Modern didactics offers the following as the main ways to overcome academic failure:

1. Pedagogical prevention - the search for optimal pedagogical systems, including the use of active methods and forms of learning, new pedagogical technologies, problem-based and programmed learning, informatization of pedagogical activity. Yu. Babansky for such prevention was proposed the concept of optimization of the educational process. In the United States, they follow the path of automation, individualization, psychologization of learning.

2. Pedagogical diagnostics - systematic monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes, timely identification of gaps. To do this, the teacher's conversations with students, parents, monitoring a difficult student with fixing data in the teacher's diary, conducting tests, analyzing the results, summarizing them in the form of tables according to the types of mistakes made are used. Yu. Babansky proposed a pedagogical council - a council of teachers for analyzing and solving the didactic problems of lagging students.

3. Pedagogical therapy - measures to eliminate backlogs in learning. In the domestic school, these are additional classes. In the West - alignment groups. The advantages of the latter are that classes are conducted based on the results of serious diagnostics, with the selection of group and individual teaching aids. They are taught by special teachers, attendance is mandatory.

4. Educational impact. Since failures in studies are most often associated with poor education, individual planned educational work should be carried out with unsuccessful students, which includes work with the student's family. Pedagogy has accumulated considerable experience in overcoming poor progress. An analysis of various practical measures made it possible to identify some fundamental provisions. Educational and developing pedagogical influences come to the fore in work with underachieving schoolchildren. The goal of working with underachievers is recognized not only to fill in the gaps in their educational preparation, but at the same time to develop their cognitive independence. This is important because, having caught up with his comrades, the student should not lag behind them in the future. A temporary reduction in requirements for underachieving students is allowed, which will allow them to gradually catch up. The causes of failure are being neutralized (elimination of negative circumstances and strengthening of positive aspects). When working out ways to improve the educational process, as a rule, we have in mind the creation of especially favorable conditions for underachieving schoolchildren. Separate measures are also being developed for all students; they serve to improve the general conditions of education and upbringing of students at school. This includes proposals for improving accounting and control, recommendations on how to intensify the cognitive activity of students and their independence, strengthen the creative elements in it, and stimulate the development of interests. The ways of re-educating relations proposed in some pedagogical and psychological works seem to be fruitful: to put before the student such tasks that are accessible to him so that he can achieve success. From success, even the smallest one, a bridge can be built to a positive attitude towards learning. For this purpose, they use gaming and practical activities, involve underachieving high school students in classes with lagging junior high school students. In this case, pedagogical activity forced students to understand the values ​​of knowledge, to be critical of their studies at school. Attention was also drawn to the special conditions of the survey for underachieving students. It is recommended to give them more time to think about the answer at the blackboard, to help present the content of the lesson using a plan, diagrams, posters. It is recommended to combine the survey of poorly performing students with the independent work of other students so that it is possible to conduct an individual conversation with the responding student, find out his difficulties, and help with leading questions. It is noted that in the course of independent work in the classroom, it is useful to divide tasks for low-performing students into stages, doses, in more detail than other students, to instruct them. Much attention in the literature is paid to the differentiated work of the teacher in the classroom with temporary groups of students. It is proposed to distinguish three groups of students: weak, medium and strong. The task of the teacher is not only to bring up the weak to the required level, but also to give a feasible load for average and strong students. At certain stages of the lesson, independent work is organized in groups, and students perform tasks of varying degrees of difficulty. The teacher helps weak students first. At the last stage, students make a report on their independent work. This principle of constructing a lesson is used in the practice of many schools. It is important to note that the groups are temporary, the transition from one to another is allowed for students at their request and is carried out by the teacher, taking into account the success of each student's learning. Differentiation and homework of students is also necessary. This question has been relatively little developed, but there are interesting considerations that I would like to note: about the usefulness of programmed homework aids for those who are lagging behind, about the effectiveness of creating a problem situation and individualizing homework. In practice, schools widely use various kinds of additional classes with lagging behind. The prevalence of this measure, although it is rightly criticized for being irrational, is explained, in our opinion, by the fact that it increases the amount of time for studying the material. This method is the only one for those teachers who do not know how to differentiate the work of students in the lesson, to individualize homework.

Early prevention and correction of socially and pedagogically neglected students
Psychological and pedagogical prevention is a system of preventive measures related to the elimination of external causes, factors and conditions that cause certain deficiencies in the development of children.
Psychological and pedagogical correction - a set of special psychological and pedagogical influences on the personality of a neglected child with the aim of restoring him as a subject of education, activity and self-consciousness.
General principles for the prevention and correction of socio-pedagogical neglect of children:
1. An integrated and systematic approach to diagnosis, prevention and correction.
2. Taking into account the age and individual personality characteristics of the child and the specifics of the socio-pedagogical situation of the child's development.
3. Professional competence and separation of functions.
4. Reliance on the positive in the personality of the child and orientation towards the harmonization of its development.
5. Unity and complementarity of psychological and pedagogical methods.
6. Differentiated approach.

Early prevention of neglect is directly related to the quality of the educational process, and therefore is of a general pedagogical nature. Depending on the age of the child, 4 groups of prevention methods can be distinguished:
A. Stimulation and motivation of educational, cognitive and gaming activities:
- educational games;
- creating situations of emotional experience;
- creation of entertaining situations;
- creating situations based on life experience;
- creating a situation of success in educational, cognitive and gaming activities.
B. Organization of life to the activities of the children's educational team:
- creating situations of personal and group perspective;
- collective games;
- development of collectively unified requirements;
- collective competition;
- collective self-service.
B. Communication and interaction in various situations:
- respect;
- pedagogical demands;
- belief;
- condemnation;
- understanding;
- confidence;
- motivation;
- sympathy;
- pedagogical warning;
- analysis of the act;
- conflict resolution.
D. Psychological and pedagogical influence and stimulation of the child's activity:
- example, explanation;
- expectation of joy;
- stress relief;
- appeal to self-esteem, self-respect;
- an appeal to love, compassion, shame, a sense of beauty;
- requirement;
- suggestion.

Recommendations for teachers when working with underachieving children
How can you help a struggling child overcome self-doubt?
The teacher needs to create conditions for the student to experience success and the positive emotions associated with it. To do this, it is recommended to set such tasks for the teacher that will be feasible and feasible for him.
It is necessary to try to isolate those areas of activity in the course of which the student can take the initiative and earn recognition at school. This can be work in a summer camp, a hiking trip, playing sports, etc. Identifying “successful” areas of activity of a lagging student allows you to change the attitude of teachers, parents, and students towards him for the better.
It is useful to record, note and encourage the slightest success of the child in educational activities, the most seemingly insignificant shifts for the better.
Particular attention should be paid to avoiding new failures to gain a foothold. To do this, training the will of the child, you need to force him to bring the work he has begun to the end, without postponing it for “later” at the very first mistakes.
Particular attention should be paid to the nature and form of censure and encouragement of a lagging student. In no case should the censure concern the abilities of the student. It should be extremely specific and aimed at eliminating shortcomings that are clearly recognized by the student himself (for example, violations of discipline, negligence in work, etc.).
The psychologist recommends censure in the form of a simple surprise of the teacher about the deterioration in the work or behavior of the student ("I did not expect", "I was very surprised ...", etc.).
It is also important what is the tone of the teacher's speech at the moment of censure. Irritation, anger in the voice cause only a negative reaction of the student. You need to try to talk to him calmly, kindly and interestedly.
Attention should also be paid to such points related to the assessment received by the underachiever as its detailed justification, as well as the selection of the criteria by which the assessment is carried out, so that they are understandable to the student himself.
The technique used by the famous teacher Sh.A. can be quite effective. Amonashvili, - the transformation of a lagging student into a "teacher", a mentor helping a weak student from the lower grade.
The study of unsuccessful and undisciplined schoolchildren shows that their bad behavior is, most often, a reaction to failure, in the form of a protest against the prevailing negative attitude towards them from the teacher and peers.

As a result, although the child does not attend school every day, learning activity has already ceased to be the main, leading one for him, because he cannot cope with it and has lost interest in it. Staying at school, he, in essence, has already lost the social position of the student.
Therefore, work with such children should be aimed not only at filling gaps in their knowledge, abilities, skills, but also at changing their social position.
Helping a failing student in class
1. In the process of monitoring the preparedness of students:
- creating an atmosphere of special goodwill during the survey;
- slowing down the pace of the survey, allowing longer to prepare at the blackboard;
- offering students an approximate response plan;
- permission to use visual aids that help to express the essence of the phenomenon;
- stimulation by evaluation, encouragement, praise.
2. When presenting new material:
- more frequent appeal to weak students with questions, clarifying the degree of their understanding of the educational material;
- involving them as an assistant in the preparation of instruments, experiments;
- involvement in the utterance of proposals in problem-based learning to conclusions and generalizations or an explanation of the essence of the problem;
3. In the course of independent work in the lesson:
- breakdown of classes into doses, stages, selection of a number of simple ones in complex tasks;
- link to a similar task completed earlier;
- a reminder of the reception and method of completing the task;
- an indication of the need to update a particular rule;
- reference to the rules and properties that are necessary for solving problems, exercises;
- instructing on rational ways to complete tasks, requirements for their design;
- stimulation of independent actions of the weak;
- more thorough control over their activities, pointing out errors, checking, correcting.
4. When organizing independent work:
- choosing the most rational system of exercises for the group of successful students, and not a mechanical increase in their number;
- a more detailed explanation of the sequence of the task;
- warnings about possible difficulties, use of consultation cards, cards with a guiding action plan.

Family support for a struggling child
School difficulties are so diverse, so intertwined with other conditions of life, that it is sometimes difficult for a specialist to determine what is causing what. It is difficult for a teacher to understand them, most often there is not enough patience and understanding of parents - but the child suffers the most.

Sometimes it all starts with seemingly insignificant things that neither the teacher nor the parents pay attention to. This may be a slow pace of work, and difficulties in remembering letters, and inability to concentrate. Something is attributed to age - they say, not used to it, small, something - to education; something for reluctance. A very important point is missed there - the beginning of difficulties, while they are relatively easy to detect, they can be corrected quite easily and without consequences, one difficulty does not yet entail another, a third .... It is at this moment that parents should not only be especially attentive, but also ready to lend a helping hand to the child, support him. The later you pay attention to school difficulties, the more indifferent you will be to the failures of the child, the harder it will be to break their vicious circle. Constant failures discourage the child so much that difficulties “creep” from one really difficult subject, which is poorly given, to all the others.
If the teacher (deuce) and parents (by censure, or by harsher measures) are punished, then the desire to learn will disappear for a long time, and sometimes forever. The child gives up: he begins to consider himself helpless, incapable, and all efforts are useless. Loses interest, which means that the gap deepens. Psychological research has shown that learning outcomes depend not only on whether a person is capable or incapable of the task, but also on how confident he is that he can solve this task. And if failure follows one after another, then, naturally, there comes a moment when the child says to himself: “No, I will never succeed ...”. And if never, then there is no reason to try! Abandoned by mom or dad, among other things: “Well, what a stupid you are!” - can mess things up even more. And not only a word, but also just an attitude that you demonstrate (albeit unintentionally) with a reproachful look, intonation, gesture. A heavy gaze and tightly compressed lips, when you check homework, sometimes tell a child more big words. Sometimes parents justify themselves: “Yes, I didn’t scold him for his grades, but can he not spin in the lesson ?!”. The fact is that for a child it is not so important what you are dissatisfied with, what you scold him for, what you reproach him for - for bad grades or for bad behavior, for spinning in class or for not understanding how to solve an example . There is only one meaning - they scold me, which means I am bad, I am not good for anything, the worst of all ....
What can parents do if there are still school difficulties?
First - do not consider them as a personal tragedy, do not despair, try not to show your grief. Your main task is to help the child. Accept and love him for who he is, then it will be easier for him at school.
Secondly, you have a long joint work ahead of you (one child cannot cope).
The third is your main help: to maintain the child's confidence in his abilities, try to relieve him of the feeling of tension and guilt for failures. If you are busy with your own affairs and snatch a moment to ask how you are doing, or scold - this is not help, but the basis for new conflicts.
You should be interested in doing homework only when working together. Be patient. Working with such children is very tiring and requires the ability to restrain oneself, not to raise one's voice, to calmly repeat and explain the same thing several times - without reproaches and irritation. Parental complaints are typical: "There are no forces", "I've exhausted all my nerves ...". Can't help it - an adult, but the child is to blame! At the same time, all parents feel sorry for themselves, and no one - for the child ....
Don't overwhelm your child with things they can't do. It is very important that nothing interferes with you during classes, so that the child feels that you are with him and for him. Leave an interesting magazine, do not even watch TV with one eye, do not be distracted, do not interrupt classes to talk on the phone or run to the kitchen.
Never rush to force a child to complete a task on their own. First, sort everything out, make sure that he understands what and how to do.
It is equally important to decide with whom it is better to work - with mom or dad. Moms are usually whiter soft, but they often lack patience, and emotions are overflowing. Dads are tougher, but calmer. Try to avoid such situations when one of the parents, losing patience, calls to replace the other.
Your impatience, even if you don't say it: "I don't have any more strength!" already a reproach for the child, confirmation of his inferiority.
What else should be considered when preparing homework? The child will only in rare cases know what is being asked of him, but there is no malicious intent behind this. The fact is that homework is given, as a rule, at the end of the lesson, when the class is noisy, and the child is already tired and does not hear the teacher. Therefore, at home, he quite sincerely says that they were not asked anything. Or he still does not know how to write down tasks, does not have time and is not ashamed to admit it. What can be done? Ask a school friend about homework, tell him why your child did not have time to write down the assignment (this is very important!).
When preparing homework, try to reduce the amount of written work as much as possible. It is better to leave time for special (correctional) classes, for your favorite business and relaxation.
The total duration of continuous operation should not exceed 20-30 minutes. Do not strive at any cost and “sparing no time” to do all your homework.
Do not consider it shameful to ask the teacher: ask the child only when he himself is called, do not show everyone his mistakes, do not emphasize failures. Try to find contact with the teacher; After all, the child needs help and support from both sides. Work only on positive reinforcement: in case of failures, cheer up, support, and emphasize even the smallest success.
The most important thing in helping a child is a reward, and not just in words. Unfortunately, parents often forget about this. It is very important that parents reward the child not according to the results of the work, which can be good, but according to the work expended. If this is not done, the child will start working with the thought: “There is no point in trying! I still won’t get a good grade and no one will notice my success!” The reward for the child must be at the end of each week.
Children with learning difficulties need a measured and clear daily routine. We must not forget: such children are usually restless, unassembled, which means that it is not at all easy for them to follow the regime.
If the child has difficulty getting up, do not jerk him, do not rush, do not push him again. Better set the alarm half an hour earlier.
Do not start the day with lectures, quarrels, and when you say goodbye before school, refrain from warnings and warnings like: “Be good; do not fidget in class; see that they don’t complain about you again, ”etc. when meeting after school, it’s better to say “It’s good that you’ve already come, we’ll have lunch” than to ask the traditional: “Well, what are your grades today?”.
Perhaps the most difficult time is in the evening, when it is time to go to bed. Parents tend to quickly put the child to bed, and he, as best he can, is playing for time. Often this ends in a quarrel, tears, reproaches, and then the child cannot calm down and fall asleep for a long time. In such cases, it is especially important for children to relax. Therefore, it is better if dad or mom caresses him “like a little one” and, putting him to bed, sits next to him for a few minutes, listens, and dispels his fears. You can give the child some freedom (allowing you to sit down not exactly at nine, but from 9 to 9.30), complete rest on Sunday, and especially during the holidays, is no less important.
Never do school subjects with your child during the holidays! Holidays are for relaxation, not for fitting "debts". Children need rest and freedom so that their failures are forgotten. Go on a hike together, send the child to relatives, think of something else .... The main thing is to change the environment so that nothing reminds the children of school. The main thing is for you to understand as early as possible what is the reason for your child's school difficulties. If possible, it is better to seek advice from a doctor, speech therapist or psychologist in order to correctly diagnose and determine methods of correction. If this is not possible, try to figure it out yourself - of course, with the help of a teacher. Don't jump to conclusions and watch carefully. Very often, the whole complex of school difficulties arises for no particular reason, simply because the child cannot afford the pace and intensity of the class. And at their own pace, the child works great! Alas, the school is very reluctant to meet such children .... Meanwhile, the gradual entry into the school curriculum, individual work at home is good for the child. But more painful than children, parents experience this situation. They see: the child is lagging behind more and more, his condition is deteriorating - but they do not dare to pick him up from school for some time (sometimes a few weeks are enough), and not work with him at home, gradually increasing the load. Otherwise, the difficulties will deepen - this is inevitable.
So, attention and understanding is the biggest help you can give a child. Despite the failures in his studies, he must feel the support at home, believe: here he will always be understood. Do not overestimate the need for your presence during the preparation of lessons. It is better to explain everything, plan the work, and then - yourself. After all, the experience of independent work is very important and necessary! Do not stand above your soul - by doing this you only convince the child of his helplessness. Do not constantly make a remark (“Do not swing in a chair!”; “Do not gnaw a pen!”; “Sit right!”) - they distract, create a feeling of discomfort, insecurity. Do not interrupt lessons with questions, requests, do not push.
And one last reminder: the timeliness of the measures taken increases the chances of success! If possible, consult the child with specialists and follow all recommendations. Your sincere desire to help the child and joint work will definitely bear fruit!
Conclusion: Underachievement entails reluctance to go to school; children may have a favorite teacher or enjoy hanging out with friends, but in general they seem to view school as a kind of prison. It would seem that the school in which children spend so much time should bring joy, be a place for gaining experience and teaching in the broadest sense of the word. Teachers seem to consider it important to teach children reading, writing and arithmetic, but pay little attention to the fact that if they do not take into account the psychological, emotional needs of children, they contribute to the creation and maintenance of a society in which people are of no value. Teachers need to be able to feel if a child is anxious or suffering from something or feels that he is not worthy of much that is not worth learning. The fact that children reject school affects, first of all, teachers, and sometimes their negative emotions turn on children. There is a way out here - teachers and children can learn better, understand each other, see in a realistic light what they can do for each other and help each other feel stronger and better.
For a child to study well, at least four important conditions are necessary: ​​the absence of significant mental deficiencies; a sufficient cultural level of the family, or at least the desire to achieve such a level; material opportunities to meet the most important spiritual needs of a person; skill of teachers working with the child at school.

Memo "Psychotherapy of failure"

1. Do not beat a lying person
The student has already received an assessment of his knowledge and is waiting for calm help, and not new reproaches.

2. No more than one fault per minute
Ridding a person of shortcomings, know the measure. Otherwise, the person will become insensitive to your assessments. If possible, choose from among the many shortcomings the one that is especially intolerable, which you want to eliminate first of all, and help fight it.

3. Chasing two hares...
Start with the elimination of those learning difficulties that are primarily significant for the student himself.

4. Praise the performer, criticize the performance
The assessment must have an exact address. Criticism should be as impersonal as possible.

5. Compare the student's performance today to their own failures yesterday
Even the smallest success is a victory over oneself, and it should be noticed and appreciated according to its merits.

6. Spare praise
Select a tiny island, a straw of success, from the stream of failures, and a springboard will appear from which you can attack ignorance and inability.

7. Estimated safety technique
Evaluate activities fractionally, differentiated. There is a business motivation for the teaching: "I don't know yet, but I can and want to know."

8. Set very specific and realistic goals for students.
Don't tempt him with impossible goals.

9. The student is not an object, but an accomplice of the assessment
The ability to evaluate oneself independently is the main means of overcoming educational difficulties. Start accustoming to self-esteem with its differentiation. Beauty, speed of work, mistakes for inattention and mistakes "on the rules", timely completion of the task deserve a separate note.

10. Compare achievements
The assessment should be expressed in any visible signs: graphs, tables that will help compare yesterday's and today's achievements of the student.

A plan for working with underachieving and underachieving students



1. Carrying out a control cut of the students' knowledge of the class on the main sections of the educational material of the previous years of study. Purpose: to determine the actual level of knowledge of children; identifying gaps in students' knowledge that require rapid elimination


2. Establishing the causes of student failure through meetings with parents, conversations with school specialists: a class teacher, a psychologist, a doctor, and always with the child himself


Use of diagnostic techniques

3. Drawing up an individual work plan to fill gaps in the knowledge of a lagging student for the current quarter

4. Using a differentiated approach in organizing independent work in the classroom. Inclusion of feasible individual tasks. Creating situations of success in the classroom.

During the school year

5. Keeping thematic records of the knowledge of poorly performing students in the class

During the school year

6. Organization of individual work with a weak student by subject teachers

During the school year

7. Working with parents of underachieving students: individual conversation, holding a parent meeting with the invitation of all subject teachers. Purpose: Determining the level of interaction between the subject teacher and the class teacher, parents of students in solving problems for the success of children's education.

During the school year, as needed

8. Control over the attendance of low-performing students of individual-group, advisory classes. Purpose: To study the system of work of a subject teacher with underachievers in a lesson.

According to the plan

9. Control over the maintenance of notebooks and diaries by underachieving students. Work with notebooks and diaries of these students, teachers, class teacher

During every quarter

10. Observation of the teacher's work in extra classes. Purpose: How underachievers are involved in extracurricular activities, the attitude of lagging behind children to classes in the subject.

During a year. As needed

The program of the teacher's activities with weak students and their parents.

1. Carry out diagnostics at the beginning of the year in order to identify the student's level of education.

2. Use in the classroom various types of surveys (oral, written, individual, etc.) for the objectivity of the result.

3. Regularly and systematically interrogate, giving marks in a timely manner, avoiding the accumulation of marks at the end of the quarter, when the student no longer has the opportunity to correct them (the number of respondents in the lesson should be at least 5-7 students).

4. Comment on the student's assessment (it is necessary to note the shortcomings so that the student can eliminate them in the future)

5. The teacher must eliminate the knowledge gaps identified during the tests, and then re-control the ZUN.

6. The subject teacher must determine the time during which a poorly performing student must master the topic, in case of difficulty, give advice.

7. The subject teacher is obliged to notify the class teacher or the student's parents directly about poor academic performance if there is an accumulation of unsatisfactory grades (3 or more “2”)

8. The teacher should not reduce the grade of the student for bad behavior in the lesson, in this case he should use other methods of influence.

9. When fulfilling paragraphs 1.-9 and there is no positive result, the teacher reports to the school administration about the student's poor performance and about the work done in the following form:

F.I. student

Causes of failure

(teacher indicates self-identified reasons)

Survey types used

Forms of filling gaps.

Deadlines for submission of materials

Information to the class teacher (date)

Information for parents (date)

The result of the work

The program of activities of the class teacher

1. The class teacher is obliged to identify the reasons for the student's failure through individual conversations, if necessary, contacting a psychologist (methods of work: questioning students, parents, interviews), given that possible reasons include:

· absenteeism (for good or bad reasons)

· insufficient home preparation

· low ability

· unwillingness to learn

· insufficient work in the classroom

· bias in grading in class

· a lot of homework

· high level of material complexity

other reasons

2. In the event that poor performance is the result of missing lessons, the class teacher must find out the reasons for the absence (respectful, disrespectful)

Valid reasons are:

a) an illness confirmed by a doctor's certificate or a note from the parents for a period not exceeding 3 days.

b) Events confirmed by certificates, calls, orders of the institution conducting the event.

c) Exemption from the lesson of the student in case of poor health with a warning from the subject teacher or class teacher.

d) For family reasons (upon application addressed to the director of the educational institution)

Dishonest reasons are considered:

a) Absence of a lesson or lessons without appropriate documents confirming a good reason for the student's absence.

The class teacher must immediately inform the parents about skipping lessons through a diary entry (if the case is single), through a conversation with the parents (if the absences are repeated), through a small teachers' council (if the absenteeism is systematic)

3. In case of revealing dishonest homework or insufficient work in the lesson, the class teacher is obliged to carry out preventive work with the student's parents, seeking help from a psychologist in case the parents evade their duties.

4. In the case of paragraph 7 of the instruction to students to overestimate the volume of homework, the class teacher is obliged to discuss the issue with the subject teacher or contact the director of the educational institution, the deputy director for educational and educational institutions to check whether the volume of homework complies with the relevant standards.

5. If necessary, organize assistance to poorly performing students from the class asset.

6. In case of fulfillment of paragraph 1.-5. and the absence of a positive result, the class teacher reports this student to the school administration with a request to hold a small teachers' council.

7 To determine the ways of formation of educational motivation, it will be useful to study the attitude of students to academic subjects. To do this, you can use questionnaires to determine motivation.

Student Activity Program

1. The student is obliged to do homework, timely submit written assignments to the teacher for verification.

2. The student is obliged to work during the lesson and perform all types of exercises and assignments in the lesson.

3 A student who missed classes (with or without a valid reason) is obliged to independently study the educational material, but in case of difficulty, the student can contact the teacher for advice.

Parenting program.

1. Parents are required to come to school at the request of a teacher or class teacher.

2. Parents are obliged to control the student's homework and his attendance at the educational institution

3. Parents are obliged to help the child in mastering the missed educational material through independent studies or consultations with a subject teacher. if the child is absent from school due to illness or other valid reasons.

4. Parents have the right to attend lessons in which the student shows a low result.

5. Parents have the right to seek help from the class teacher, psychologist, administration of the educational institution

6. In case of parents evading their duties, materials are drawn up on the student and his parents to the commission for minors and the protection of children's rights in order to take administrative measures of punishment against parents.

Used sources. 1. The system of school work to prevent student failure. Kiseleva NI, Soshnikova ML, Deputy Director for Educational Work 2. Materials to prevent student failure. Agapova I.Yu. // The best pages of the pedagogical press - №2, 2002, pp. 41-49 3. Organization and evaluation of the modern lesson in elementary school. Lipova Nadezhda Grigorievna,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,5649/Itemid,118/

Primary school teacher GBOU secondary school No. 403 Sokolova O.I.

Goals and objectives of working with underachieving students and their parents

The main goals of the ongoing work with underachieving students and their parents are to ensure the implementation of the Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", to increase the level of education and the quality of education of individual students and the school as a whole.

Main tasks: to form a responsible attitude of students to educational work; increase the responsibility of parents for the education of children in accordance with the Law on Education.

System of measures to improve the educational process

to prevent school failure

1. Prevention of failure in the lesson should be carried out as follows:

  • Specially control the assimilation of questions that usually cause students the greatest difficulty. Carefully analyze and systematize the mistakes made by students in oral answers, written works, identify typical ones for the class and focus on their elimination. Monitor the assimilation of the material by students who missed previous lessons. At the end of the division of the topic or section, summarize the results of the assimilation of basic concepts, laws, rules, skills and abilities by schoolchildren, identify the reasons for the lag.
  • Be sure to check during the lesson the degree of understanding by students of the main elements of the material presented. Stimulate questions from students in case of difficulties in mastering the educational material. Apply means of maintaining interest in the assimilation of knowledge. Provide a variety of teaching methods that allow all students to actively learn the material
  • Select tasks for independent work on the most essential, complex and difficult sections of the educational material, striving for a smaller number of exercises, but submitted in a certain system, to achieve a greater effect, include in the content of independent work an exercise to eliminate errors made in the answers and in written work. Give instructions on how to do the job. Stimulate the formulation of questions to the teacher in case of difficulties in independent work. Skillfully assist students in their work, develop their independence in every possible way. To teach the ability to plan work, perform it at the right pace and exercise control.
  • Provide homework repetition of what has been covered, focusing on the most essential elements of the program, which usually cause the most difficulties. Systematically give homework to work on typical mistakes. Clearly instruct students on the order of doing homework, check the degree of understanding of these instructions by poorly performing students. Coordinate the amount of homework with other teachers in the class, excluding overload, especially for poorly performing students.

2. Helping a poor student in a lesson can be expressed in the following actions:

  • Creating an atmosphere of special goodwill during the survey Decreasing the pace of the survey, allowing longer preparation at the blackboard Offering students an approximate response plan. Permission to use visual aids to help convey the essence of the phenomenon.
  • Stimulation by evaluation, encouragement, praise.
  • Application of measures to maintain interest in low achievers with questions that clarify the degree of understanding of the educational material by them
  • Involving them as assistants in the preparation of instruments, experiments, etc.
  • Involvement in the utterance of a sentence in problem-based learning, in conclusions and generalizations or an explanation of the essence of the problem expressed by a strong student
  • Breakdown of tasks into doses, stages, selection of a number of simple ones in complex tasks, a link to a similar task performed earlier. A reminder of the reception and method of completing the task. An indication of the need to update a particular rule. A link to the rules and properties that are necessary to solve problems, exercises. Instruction on rational ways to complete tasks, requirements for their design. Stimulation of independent actions of the underachievers. More careful control over their activities, indication of errors, verification, corrections.
  • The choice for groups of weak performers of the most rational system of exercises, and not a mechanical increase in their number. A more detailed explanation of the task execution sequence. Warning of possible difficulties, use of consultation cards, cards with a guiding action plan.

The program of teacher activities with underachieving students and their parents

1. Use in the classroom various types of surveys (oral, written, individual, etc.) for the objectivity of the result.

2. Regularly and systematically interrogate, giving grades in a timely manner, avoiding the accumulation of grades at the end of the quarter, when the student no longer has the opportunity to correct them (the number of respondents in the lesson should be at least 4-6 students).

3. Comment on the student's assessment (it is necessary to note the shortcomings so that the student can eliminate them in the future)

4. The teacher must eliminate the knowledge gaps identified during the tests, and then re-control the ZUN.

5. The subject teacher must determine the time during which a poorly performing student must master the topic, in case of difficulty, give advice.

6. The subject teacher is obliged to notify the class teacher or the student's parents directly about poor academic performance if there is an accumulation of unsatisfactory marks (three or more unsatisfactory marks).

7. The teacher should not lower the grade of the student for bad behavior in the lesson, in this case he should use other methods of influence.

The program of activities of the class teacher

1. The class teacher is obliged to identify the reasons for the failure of the student through individual conversations, if necessary, contacting a psychologist, a social teacher (methods of work: questioning students, parents, interviews),

  • given that possible reasons include:
  • absenteeism (for good or bad reasons)
  • insufficient home preparation
  • low ability
  • unwillingness to learn
  • insufficient work in the classroom
  • bias in grading in class
  • a lot of homework
  • high level of material complexity
  • other reasons

2. In the event that poor performance is the result of missing lessons, the class teacher must find out the reasons for the absence (respectful, disrespectful)

Valid reasons are:

  • an illness confirmed by a doctor's certificate or a note from the parents for a period not exceeding 3 days;
  • events confirmed by certificates, calls, orders of the institution conducting the event;
  • release from the lesson of the student in case of poor health with a warning from the subject teacher or class teacher;
  • for family reasons (upon an application addressed to the director of the educational institution).

Dishonest reasons are considered:

  • Missing a lesson or lessons without appropriate documents confirming a good reason for the student's absence.

The class teacher must immediately inform the parents about missing lessons through a diary entry (if the case is single), through a conversation with the parents (if the absences are repeated), through a conversation with the deputy director for UVR, through a small teachers' council (if absenteeism is systematic).

3. In case of revealing dishonest homework or insufficient work in the lesson, the class teacher is obliged to carry out preventive work with the student's parents, seeking help from a social pedagogue or psychologist in case the parents evade their duties.

4. If students indicate that the volume of homework is too high, the class teacher is obliged to discuss the issue with the subject teacher or contact the director of the educational institution, the deputy director for educational and educational work, to check whether the volume of homework complies with the relevant standards.

5. Organize help for underachieving students from the active class.

6. If paragraphs 5.1-5.5 are fulfilled and there is no positive result, the class teacher informs the school administration about this student with a request to call the parents of this student to the Prevention Council or to talk to a meeting with the director, as well as to consider the case of this student at a meeting of a small pedagogical council.


individual work

with underachieving students.

Reasons for student failure.

A. First order.

Disadvantages of educational work and interaction between the school and the family.

Disadvantages of extracurricular influences.

Deviations in the anatomical and physiological development of the student.

B. Second order.

Big problems in the actual knowledge of the student and his skills.

Weak development of cognitive processes.

Poor development of learning skills.

Lack of education, indiscipline.

Negative attitude towards teaching.

Methods for studying the causes of failure.

Conversations with students, parents, class assets on a specific program.

Analysis of oral answers and written works of students.

Carrying out special "diagnosing" works and essays.

Types of learning assistance:

* Decrease the pace of the survey, allowing longer preparation at the blackboard.

* Permission to use visual aids to help convey the essence of the phenomenon.

* Maintaining the interest of low-performing students with questions that reveal the degree of understanding of their educational material.

* Involvement in making suggestions in problem-based learning, in conclusions and generalizations or explaining the essence of the problem expressed by a strong student

Prevention of academic failure

Control of preparedness of students

Specially control the assimilation of questions that usually cause students the greatest difficulty.

Carefully analyze and systematize the mistakes made by students in oral answers, written works, identify typical ones for the class and focus on their elimination.

Monitor the assimilation of the material by students who missed previous lessons. At the end of the topic or section, summarize the results of mastering the basic concepts, laws, rules, skills, and identify the reasons for the lag

Presentation of new material

Be sure to check during the lesson the degree of understanding by students of the main elements of the material presented.

Stimulate questions from students in case of difficulties in mastering the educational material.

Apply means of maintaining interest in the assimilation of knowledge.

Provide a variety of teaching methods that allow all students to actively learn the material

Independent work of students in the classroom

Select assignments for independent work on the most essential, complex and difficult sections of the educational material.

Strive for a smaller number of exercises, but filed in a certain system to achieve a greater effect.

Include in the content of independent work exercises to eliminate errors made in the answers and in written work.

Give instructions on how to do the job.

Stimulate the formulation of questions to the teacher in case of difficulties in independent work.

Skillfully assist students in their work, develop their independence in every possible way.

To teach the ability to plan work, perform it at the right pace, and exercise control

Organization of independent work outside the classroom

Ensure that during homework a repetition of what has been covered, focusing on the most significant elements of the program, which usually cause the greatest difficulties.

Systematically give homework to work on typical mistakes.

Clearly instruct students on the order of doing homework, check the understanding of these instructions by students.

A plan for working with underachieving and underachieving students

1. Carrying out a control cut of the students' knowledge of the class on the main sections of the educational material of the previous year of study.

2. Establishing the causes of student failure through meetings with parents, with the child himself

3. Drawing up an individual work plan to fill gaps in the knowledge of a lagging student and adjusting as necessary

4. Using a differentiated approach in organizing independent work in the classroom. Inclusion of feasible individual tasks during the school year

Causes of school failure:

unfavorable heredity;

disorders of nervous activity;

general incapacity for intellectual work;

physical weakness;

school immaturity;

pedagogical neglect;

insufficient development of speech;

fear of school, teachers;

infantilism (i.e. childishness)

asthenic condition;

decreased vision;


migration (students who do not speak Russian or who do not speak it in full);

socio-economic situation that has reduced the material standard of living of people (parents are forced, in addition to their main job, to earn extra money for another - the child is left to himself

Causes and nature of the manifestation of failure

Causes of failure

The nature of the manifestation

Low level of development of learning motivation (nothing encourages learning). Influence:

The circumstances of the child's life in the family; - relationships with other adults

Incorrectly formed attitude to teaching, misunderstanding of its social significance.

There is no desire to be successful in educational activities (lack of interest in getting good grades, satisfactory ones are quite satisfied).

Intellectual passivity as a result of improper upbringing by adults. Intellectually passive students - those who did not have the right conditions for mental development, nor sufficient practice of intellectual activity, they lack intellectual skills, knowledge and skills, on the basis of which the teacher builds education.

When performing a learning task that requires active mental work, there is no desire to understand and comprehend it. Instead of active thinking - the use of various workarounds: memorization, cheating, tips from comrades, guessing the correct answers. Intellectual passivity can manifest itself both selectively in relation to academic subjects, and in all educational work. Outside of the classroom, many of these students are smarter, more active and quick-witted than in the classroom.

Wrong skills of educational work - on the part of the teacher there is no proper control over the methods and methods of its implementation.

Students do not know how to study, they do not know how to work independently, because they use ineffective methods of educational work that require them to spend a lot of extra time and work: they memorize the text without highlighting logical parts; they begin to perform practical tasks before they learn the rules for the application of which these tasks are given; do not check their work or do not know how to check; work at a slow pace.

Incorrectly formed attitude to educational work: - gaps in education (there are no permanent work duties, they are not accustomed to perform them accurately, there were no strict requirements for the quality of work; spoiled, unorganized students); - incorrect organization of educational activities of educational institutions.

Unwillingness to perform a task that is not very interesting, boring, difficult, time-consuming.

Negligence and negligence in the performance of academic duties.

Unfinished or partially completed homework assignments.

Careless handling of textbooks.

Lack or weak development of educational and cognitive interests - insufficient attention to this problem on the part of teachers and parents.

Knowledge is assimilated without interest, easily becomes formal, because it does not meet the need for its acquisition, remains a dead weight, is not used, does not affect the student's ideas about the surrounding reality and does not encourage further activity.

Helping a failing student in class

Lesson stages

Types of learning assistance

Control of preparedness of students

Creating an atmosphere of special goodwill during the survey.

Decrease the pace of the survey, allowing longer preparation at the blackboard.

Offer students an approximate response plan.

Permission to use visual aids that help to express the essence of the phenomenon.

Stimulation by evaluation, encouragement, praise.

Presentation of new material

Maintaining the interest of weak students with questions that reveal the degree of understanding of the educational material.

Involving them as assistants in the preparation of instruments, experiments, etc.

Involvement in making sentences in problem-based learning, in conclusions and generalizations, or in explaining the essence of the problem expressed by a strong student

Independent work of students in the classroom

Breakdown of tasks into doses, stages, selection of a number of simple ones in complex tasks, a link to a similar task performed earlier.

A reminder of the reception and method of completing the task.

An indication of the need to update a particular rule.

Instruction on rational ways to complete tasks, requirements for their design.

Stimulation of independent actions of the underachievers.

More careful control of their activities, indication of errors, verification, corrections

Organization of independent work outside the classroom

The choice for groups of weak performers of the most rational system of exercises, and not a mechanical increase in their number.

A more detailed explanation of the task execution sequence.

Warning of possible difficulties, use of consultation cards, cards with a guiding action plan

Plan for working with underachieving and underachieving students



Carrying out a control cut of the students' knowledge of the class on the main sections of the educational material of the previous years of study.

determining the actual level of knowledge of children;

identifying gaps in students' knowledge that require rapid elimination.


2. Establishing the causes of student failure through meetings with parents, conversations with school specialists: a psychologist, a doctor, and always with the child himself.


3. Drawing up an individual work plan to fill gaps in the knowledge of a lagging student for the current quarter. Further adjustment.

4. Using a differentiated approach in organizing independent work in the classroom. Inclusion of feasible individual tasks.

During the school year

5. Keeping a thematic account of the knowledge of poorly performing students in the class.

During the school year

6. Organization of individual work with a weak student.

During the school year

Individual work plan

on eliminating gaps in knowledge for the 1st quarter of the 2016-2017 academic year


Corrective work. Activities

Estimated result

Fine motor skills of the hands are poorly developed.

Physical minutes at each lesson (special exercises);

Ball games in the classroom;

Manual labor (sculpting, designing, drawing, shading, etc.)

Graphic dictations

During the quarter

The correct position of the notebook when writing;

The slope of the letters;

Letter height;

Improve spelling and connection of some letters

Lack of visual-figurative thinking.

Work on a visual model;

Specialist. tasks:

1) name the geometric shapes that make up the house;

2) what parts is the rectangle divided into?

3) connect the image and the name of the corresponding figures with an arrow, etc.

During the quarter

Write a short note for the task

Low level of phrasal speech.

Buzzing reading;

Work on the educational and methodological set "Working with text" (at reading lessons and the world around);

Recovery of deformed sentences

During the quarter

Complete answers to questions;

Repair broken sentences

Lack of attention and perseverance

Memorization of a picture, a group of words (on the "World of Logic");

Find differences;

Find and cross out certain letters from the text (change letters, cross out differently) - no more than 5 minutes.

During the quarter

Timely switch from one activity to another