Lexical and grammatical categories of adjectives. II

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By Latin adjectivum - adjective. An adjective is like a thread on a needle. The adjective name marks one of the five ideas of the world - the idea of ​​a sign (attribute), which, conditionally speaking, does not function independently, not absolutely, in isolation, but in the 1st turn, To serve the idea of ​​objectivity (the ability of a name to be determined by an adjective)

An adjective is a lexico-grammatical class denoting a sign of an object and having noun-dependent forms, forms, gender, number and case. For example: global crisis, global restructuring, global solutions.

Qualitative adjectives denote the qualities of objects: size, shape, and position in space. color, age characteristics., character traits.

Relative adjectives denote the relationship of objects to the elements of the environment: to objects. Material or spatial landmarks, actions.

For possessive adjectives, the question is "whose?".

According to grammar The properties are attached. They are divided into declinable and non-declinable.

There are inflectional morphological. , inflectional categories: completeness, (multiplicity, degree of comparison, gender, animate / inanimate, number, case)

Permanent features: full/multiple form, degree of comparison.

Elative is a constant characteristic.

Superelative - relative to other subjects in terms of quality (beautiful degree), the highest concentration of features.

The imperative is a multiple form. The syntactic form of the comparative degree does not change. Only the possessive form of the adjective has special grammatical forms.

Adjectives have only 2 syntactic functions:

  1. attributive (defining)
  2. predicative (predicate function)

For example: “My homeland, the song is mournful

My homeland, the song is mournful"

Adjective endings: - yy- gender, number, case ----- is expressed in one gramme.

The forms of gender, number and case express not only the inner shades of qualitative meanings, but only indicate a synthetic connection attached. With nouns in speech. Thus, in Fortunatov, the forms of the adjective are forms of agreement with the noun. Fortunatov recognized only full adjectives. Adjectives have poor endings because they only indirectly express a sign. Depending on the real meaning of the adjective, it answers 3 classical, logical questions that carry the concept of a sign (which?, which?, whose?). Peshkovsky said that the most generalizing question is what? . The adjective is always closer to the verb. According to Peshkovsky, what is it? - This is an ideal adjective, with the help of which we have a quality, but do not name it.

However, the roots of the adjective are far from always able to name only quality. For example: Mobile, fidgety, stone, ice. In the 1st ohm, the root expresses action, in the 3rd and 4th - consisting of a stone, of ice - a heart of stone and ice.

The Knight's Tales are not stories of a knight, but heroic, romantic stories. Based on the fact that there are different concepts in the root of an adjective, 3 categories of adjectives are distinguished in linguistics or morphology, in accordance with their semantic and morphological features.

Adjective - 1. qualitative - initial, because in them the sign is called by itself (regardless of the subject, directly) it is searched for by thought, for example: black - red), can be both full and short.

  1. The relative is not in itself, the sign is given in relation to the object. Or through an object. by which it is named. , for example - stone-ice., can only be full.
  2. Possessive - a sign is given, not in itself, but through relation to the object of possession or belonging, for example: Fox tail, Fox ears. , can be both complete and multiple (singularity criterion).

But this division into 3 digits is not logically perfect, because possessive and relative adjectives

convey a sign through a relation, which a qualitative adjective simply does not have.

It would be more logical to combine 2 and 3 into the category of relative (according to Vinogradov), for example - Father's house - father's house.

Based on these relationships, there can be transitional cases, for example: marble board - marble forehead.

Lamb leg Lamb cutlet

(Only possessive relative (of) - possessive

regardless from context)

Mutton look - qualitative - possessive.

Signs of quality adjectives

1. They are semantically diverse, while being combined into specific thematic groups. At the same time, they denote signs that are manifested to a greater or greater or lesser extent, that is, the dry residue.

  1. Qualitative adjectives carry a quality that can change quantitatively. At the same time, the quality and property will be expressed by the basis, lexical meaning. Your foundation. For example: color groups, position in space. Time (yesterday, Early, late), feelings (rough, bright. Light, dark, loud, quiet, smooth,) physical properties (strong, weak. Strong,), spiritual qualities (good, evil), assessment (good , bad, excellent).

Seven morphological features-

1. Change in degrees of comparison

2. forms of quality degree (subjective assessment, for example, beautiful)

  1. As a rule, they have full and short forms - (for example, mute, mute, red-red)
  2. form an adverb in -o, -e, -i / blue, tragic.
  3. They form abstract nouns with the following suffixes: -from, -ost, - is.
  4. Combinations with adverbs of measure and degree (very, barely, extremely)
  5. Almost all initial adjectives are included in the antagonistic sides (white_black, loud-quiet)
  6. The ability to be original.

Not all initial features of adjectives have all 7 features. , for example: lame, oblique, blind - there are no degrees of comparison. Adjectives that were relative in origin (business, friendly) for example: Tragically, tragically, tragically comical, comical, comically - do not have a short form. Dead - has no degree of comparison, chocolate (color)

Question 15.

Adjective as a part of speech. Lekeiko-grammatical ranks of adjectives.

An adjective is a part of speech that expresses the general categorical meaning of an attribute of an object in the form of grammatical dependence on a noun ( good student, thought interesting, the run was fast, the forest has become greener, most talented from students, color shirt khaki ).

For most adjectives, the grammatical dependence on the noun consists in gender agreement ( new table, new school, new business), animate/inanimate ( see good house, but good student), number and case ( cool magazine, cool magazines; famous writer, famous writer, famous writer). Some forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives ( prettier, more expensive) are devoid of forms of agreement and are subordinate to the noun on the basis of the syntactic connection of adjacency; adjoining nouns are also indeclinable adjectives adjectives of the type beige, khaki, air, Hindi.

In a sentence, an adjective is a definition or a nominal part of a compound predicate: ... Through the mist siliceous the path is shining; night quiet .

Lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives.

The abstract grammatical meaning of an attribute of an object appears in two varieties: a qualitative attribute (an intrinsic quality of an object) and a relative attribute (revealed through the relation of an object to another object, phenomenon, etc.). Among the relative features of an object with the help of linguistic means, the relation of belonging to an object to a person (less often to an animal), i.e., a possessive relation, stands out. The opposition of qualitative, relative and possessive features of an object underlies the allocation of three lexical and grammatical categories of adjectives - qualitative, relative and possessive.

Qualitative adjectives denote the qualities of objects: dimensions ( big tall, wide) shape and position in space straight, sheer), color ( crimson, red), physical characteristics ( warm, sour), age and physiological characteristics ( young, sick, deaf), intellectual properties and character traits ( smart, funny, kind), etc. A distinctive feature of a qualitative feature is that it can change its strength (intensity), therefore it characterizes the subject to a greater or lesser extent ( compare: beautiful gift - more beautiful gift - the most beautiful gift).

For quality adjectives are characterized by the following formal features:

  1. Ability to form a short form: cheerful - cheerful, brave - brave;
  2. Formation of forms of degrees of comparison: white - whiter - whitest;
  3. Compatibility with adverbs of measure and degree: very smart, very cunning;
  4. Entry into antonymic pairs: cold - hot; sick - healthy; while antonyms are easily formed by adding a prefix not- (sweet unsweetened);
  5. The possibility of forming adjectives with the meaning of subjective emotional evaluation: beautiful handsome: white pre-white;
  6. Ability to form abstract nouns: blue blueness, kind kindness;
  7. Ability to form qualitative adverbs: cheerful fun, quiet quiet.

Not every quality adjective is characterized by all of the listed features. For example, from the word blue short form is not formed; from words blind, bald comparative form is not used. But the presence of at least a few of the listed features allows us to consider this adjective as qualitative, because none of these features is characteristic of relative or possessive adjectives.

relative adjectives denote the relationship of objects to the elements of the surrounding reality: to objects ( institute dormitory‘at the institute’), materials ( nylon jacket nylon’) to temporal or spatial reference points ( yesterday's visitor, Siberian choir), actions ( reading room), etc. A relative sign cannot change its intensity, therefore, combinations of relative adjectives with adverbs of measure and degree are impossible (one cannot say: "very reading room"). From such adjectives, short forms, forms of degrees of comparison, as well as adjectives with the meaning of subjective evaluation are not formed. They do not have antonyms, do not form nouns and adverbs with a qualitative meaning. Relative adjectives always have a derived stem (in contrast to qualitative ones, which are often non-derivative: white, good, warm).

Possessive adjectives are characterized by a number of formal and semantic features that distinguish this group from other lexico-grammatical groups of adjectives. If qualitative and relative adjectives answer the question "what?", then for possessives there is a special interrogative word "whose?". From a semantic-syntactic point of view, possessive adjectives are synonymous with constructions with the meaning of possession; compare: Petya's book = a book that belongs to Petya. Possessive adjectives are characterized by special derivational suffixes - in, -ov / ev, -y (mother's, fathers, Igorev, fox). Possessive adjectives also have a special declension system.

Lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives and polysemy of the word.

The boundary between the lexico-grammatical groups of adjectives is mobile. One and the same adjective can be relative in its basic meaning, and qualitative in its figurative meaning, and vice versa.

Thus, relative adjectives can acquire a qualitative meaning; compare: stone house‘made of stone’ and stone heart‘ruthless, cruel’, stone face‘fixed’; the last two values ​​are qualitative, which is proved, in particular, by the possibility of forming forms of degrees of comparison (the face became more and more stone). Wed also: golden watches and golden hands; steel springs and steel nerves; raspberry compote and raspberry vest raspberry ringing. Many relative adjectives with the suffix -sk- can also be used in a possessive sense (however, they do not become possessive!). Wed: Pushkin Readings‘in memory of Pushkin’ (relative value) - Pushkin's poems‘belonging to Pushkin’s pen’ (possessive meaning); tolstoy sentiments‘like L. Tolstoy’ (relative meaning) - tolstoy novels(possessive meaning).

In some contexts, qualitative adjectives may develop additional relative meanings; compare: deaf person(qualitative value) - clunk‘characterized by phonetic deafness’ (relative meaning); quick step - fast train.

Possessive adjectives are quite often used in a relative sense; compare: Foxy burrow(possessive value) - a fox fur coat 9 relative value); wolf paw(possessive meaning) - Wolf Pack pack of wolves (relative value). It is also possible to display the qualitative meaning of possessive adjectives; compare: Foxy burrow‘belonging to the fox’ (possessive meaning) - fox cunning‘sophisticated’ (qualitative meaning).

Depending on the way of expressing the attribute, all adjectives are divided into lexical and grammatical categories: qualitative, relative and possessive. The ranks of adjectives differ from each other in semantics and grammatical features.

Qualitative adjectives - designate an object directly, that is, without relation to other objects (red, beautiful, kind), have comparison forms and short forms.

Relative adjectives - indicate a sign through relation to another object, they are derived from nominal bases (laboratory, wooden);

Possessive adjectives - denote belonging to a person or animal, that is, they contain an indication of the owner (foxes, fathers).

Short adjectives are formed from full qualitative adjectives and correlate with them semantically. Short adjectives are those that in the masculine singular have zero endings (black, handsome), in the feminine singular - the endings -а, -я (black, beautiful), in the singular of the neuter gender - the endings -о, -е (black, beautiful), and in the plural of all genders - endings -i, -ы (black, beautiful). Short adjectives in a sentence act as a predicate. ("How good, how fresh the roses were").

Degrees of comparison of adjectives is a grammatical category of adjectives that expresses the relative difference or superiority in quality inherent in objects. In Russian, three forms are opposed: positive, comparative, excellent.

A positive degree names a feature without any opposition to another feature. The comparative degree indicates a feature that a given subject has to a greater or lesser extent. The superlative degree indicates the highest degree of manifestation of this quality in comparison with other subjects (cf .: kind - kinder - kindest).

Formation of forms of comparison. The comparative degree is formed from the positive in two ways: synthetic and analytical.

The synthetic (simple) form of the comparative degree is formed from the positive stem with the help of the productive suffix -ee(s) and unproductive suffixes -e (from bases on g, k, x, d, t, st), -she (weaker, stronger, fresher, riper, quieter, farther, lighter, simpler, lower, smoother). In the last two words, not only alternation occurs, but also the meaning of the stem. Some adjectives form a comparative degree from other bases: bad - worse, good - better, small - less.

Separate adjectives form forms of comparative degree in two ways: further, more - more, further, and the first forms are used mainly in the book style of speech, in some cases, on the contrary, the form in -ee is colloquial in comparison with the form in -e, for example: brisk and louder - vernacular options, and smarter, louder - general literary. A simple comparative degree is not formed by former relative adjectives with suffixes -ov, -sk, -n, former participles with the suffix -l: combat, friendly, blood, burnt. Qualitative adjectives also do not form degrees of comparison, which denote a constant sign: married, widowed, lame, black, etc.

Adjectives used in the synthetic form of comparison do not change in gender, number and case, they do not agree with nouns, with the exception of adjectives with the suffix -sh and the ending -й: lesser, greater (for example, treat with more respect).

In a sentence, the synthetic form of the comparative degree most often serves as a predicate (In the conditions of the Far North, a deer is more enduring than a dog) and less often as a definition (The lesser of two evils is chosen).

The analytical (complex) form is formed with the help of formative words more, less, adjectives added to the positive form: stronger, less high. From adjectives that do not form a synthetic form of comparison, the form of the comparative degree is formed analytically: more friendly, more businesslike, more cruel.

In the case when both forms of the comparative degree can be formed, there is a stylistic distinction between these forms: book speech prefers more neutral complex forms, and colloquial speech prefers simple ones.

The analytical (complex) form, which includes a full adjective, usually acts as a definition in a sentence, for example: I need a more comfortable chair. Although it can be a predicate, for example: This chair is more comfortable.

If a short adjective is included in the complex form of the degree of comparison, then it is a predicate and, as a rule, a comparative union is used with it than, for example: The eldest daughter was more benevolent than the youngest.

1) The superlative, like the comparative, can be synthetic and analytical. The synthetic, or simple, superlative form is formed using the suffixes -eysh, -aysh (after hissing): strong - the strongest, deep - the deepest.

Analytical forms of the superlative degree are formed by combining the formative word: most with the forms of a positive degree, and also in combination with the forms of the comparative degree on -shi: the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the highest, the best. To enhance the degree of the feature in colloquial speech and fiction. Compound superlatives can be used, which are formed by combining the words most with a simple superlative: the simplest, most serious.

Complex forms of superlatives are also formed with the help of additional words most, least, added to the original form of adjectives (most expensive, least known, etc.). And by adding the words of everyone, everything to the form of a comparative degree (closer to everyone, dearer to everyone, etc.): Am I sweeter in the world than everyone, all blush and whiter? (P.)

Compound superlatives are productive and are used in all styles of speech.

If complex superlatives can be formed from all qualitative adjectives, then not all adjectives have simple forms. Many adjectives with suffixes -ast, -ist (heady, fibrous) do not have simple forms; -k (brittle, narrow); -esk (friendly, enemy); -l (tired, skillful); -ov, -ev (bad, combat), etc. Complex superlatives can be formed from such adjectives (the most fibrous, the most cumbersome, etc.).

Forms of subjective evaluation of qualitative adjectives should be distinguished from degrees of comparison. The degrees of comparison show the objective manifestation of a feature, and the forms of subjective evaluation evaluate this or that feature from the speaker's point of view. With these forms, the speaker can convey approval or disapproval, affection or disdain. Often the same assessment is conveyed in the noun to which the adjective refers: pretty curtains, hefty hands, tiny hands. Such formations can be both a purely emotional assessment of a sign, and at the same time indicate a real greater or lesser degree of its manifestation. Forms of subjective assessment are formed with the help of suffixes -enk, -onk, -echonek, / -ohonek, -eshenek / -oshenek, -yusenk-, -ushch, -enn, as well as with the help of prefixes nai-, archi-, pre-, once-, super-, ultra-: cunning, thin, heavy, furious, hefty, amiable, heavy-duty, trendy.

Adjectives with the suffix -ovat- / -evat- should not be included in the forms of subjective assessment, since these adjectives denote the objective incompleteness of the feature contained in the derivative base, and not the subjective assessment of this feature by the speaker: whitish, grayish, reddish.

The declension of adjectives, in comparison with the declension of nouns, is more unified. Each adjective changes by numbers and cases, and in the singular - by gender, therefore, in the nominative case, adjectives have a gender difference: the case endings of the masculine, feminine and neuter are different. In the plural, adjectives have no gender differences.

In modern Russian, adjectives have three main types of adjective declension:

I. Declension of qualitative and relative adjectives.

II. Declension of adjectives into -y.

III. Declension of possessive adjectives.

The most productive is the first type of declension, which, by the nature of the last consonant of the stem, is divided into three varieties: hard declension, soft declension, and mixed.

The hard variant includes adjectives with a base on a hard consonant (pure, simple).

The soft declension variant includes adjectives with a base on a soft consonant (summer, blue).

The differences in the declension of these adjectives are insignificant.

I. The mixed declension variant includes adjectives with a back-lingual stem (r, k. x), sibilant (w, w, h, u) and c. For example: strict, fresh, hot, skinny, short, etc.

When declining, these adjectives take the endings of a hard and soft variety: soft, soft, soft (or soft), soft, about soft, soft, etc.

II. The peculiarity of the declension of possessive adjectives with a base on j is that in I. and V. cases they have noun endings, and in all other cases they are declined as full possessive soft varieties.

But for adjectives of this type of declension, in contrast to adjectives of the I type of declension, in all forms, except for the I. and V. cases of the masculine gender, a dividing soft sign is written before the end (fox, fox, fox, fox). Possessive adjectives formed with the suffix - j have both full and short endings: fox - fox, etc.

III. Possessive adjectives in -in, -nin in all cases except I. and V. (for inanimate nouns) are declined as full adjectives of the solid variety. In I. and V. cases, they have noun endings.

Possessive adjectives in -ov (-ev) of the masculine and neuter form form R. and D. cases of the singular according to the model of nouns.

The remaining case endings coincide with the endings of the solid variant.

Zero declension combines adjectives of foreign origin. Neckline, mini, maxi, khaki, burgundy, extra, etc.

The paradigm of their declension is represented by one form.

noun adjective adverb grammatical

Depending on the way of expressing the attribute, all adjectives are divided into lexical and grammatical categories: qualitative, relative and possessive. The ranks of adjectives differ from each other in semantics and grammatical features.

Quality adjectives- designate an object directly, that is, without relation to other objects (red, beautiful, kind), have forms of comparison and short forms.

Relative adjectives- indicate a sign through relation to another object, they are produced from nominal bases (laboratory, wooden);

Possessive adjectives- denote belonging to a person or animal, that is, they contain an indication of the owner (foxes, fathers).

Short adjectives are formed from full qualitative adjectives and correlate with them semantically. Short adjectives are those that in the masculine singular have zero endings (black, handsome), in the feminine singular - the endings -а, -я (black, beautiful), in the singular of the neuter gender - the endings -о, -е (black, beautiful), and in the plural of all genders - endings -i, -ы (black, beautiful). Short adjectives in a sentence act as a predicate. ("How good, how fresh were the roses...")

Degrees of comparison of adjectives- This is a grammatical category of adjectives that expresses the relative difference or superiority in the quality inherent in objects. In Russian, three forms are opposed: positive, comparative, excellent.

positive degree names a feature without any opposition to another feature. comparative indicates a feature that a given object has to a greater or lesser extent. Superlatives indicates the highest degree of manifestation of this quality in comparison with other objects (cf .: kind - kinder - kindest).

Formation of forms of comparison. The comparative degree is formed from the positive in two ways: synthetic and analytical.

The synthetic (simple) form of the comparative degree is formed from the positive stem with the help of a productive suffix -her(s) and unproductive suffixes –e(from basics to g, k, x, d, t, st), -she(weaker, stronger, fresher, riper, quieter, farther, lighter, simpler, lower, smoother). In the last two words, not only alternation occurs, but also the meaning of the stem. Some adjectives form a comparative degree from other bases: bad - worse, good - better, small - less.

Separate adjectives form forms of comparative degree in two ways: further, more - more, further, and the first forms are used mainly in the book style of speech, in some cases, on the contrary, the form in -ee is colloquial in comparison with the form in -e, for example: brisk and louder - vernacular options, and smarter, louder - general literary. A simple comparative degree is not formed by former relative adjectives with suffixes - ov, -sk, -n, former participles with the suffix - l: fighting, friendly, blood, burnt. Qualitative adjectives also do not form degrees of comparison, which denote a constant sign: married, widowed, lame, black, etc.

Adjectives used in the synthetic form of comparison do not change in gender, number and case, they do not agree with nouns, with the exception of adjectives with the suffix -sh and the ending -й: less, more (for example, treat with more respect).

In a sentence, the synthetic form of the comparative degree most often serves as a predicate (In the conditions of the Far North, a deer is more enduring than a dog) and less often as a definition (The lesser of two evils is chosen).

Analytical (complex) form is formed with the help of formative words more, less adjectives added to the positive form: stronger, less high. From adjectives that do not form a synthetic form of comparison, the form of the comparative degree is formed analytically: more friendly, more businesslike, more cruel.

In the case when both forms of the comparative degree can be formed, there is a stylistic distinction between these forms: book speech prefers more neutral complex forms, and colloquial speech prefers simple ones.

The analytical (complex) form, which includes a full adjective, usually acts as a definition in a sentence (for example: I need a more comfortable chair). Although it can be predicate (for example: This chair more convenient).

If a short adjective is included in the complex form of the degree of comparison, then it is a predicate and, as a rule, a comparative union is used with it how (for example: The eldest daughter was more benevolent than the youngest).

1) The superlative, like the comparative, can be synthetic and analytical. The synthetic, or simple, superlative form is formed with the help of suffixes -eysh, -aysh(after hissing): strong - strong eysh oh, deep - deep aish uy.

Analytical superlative forms are formed by combining the formative word: most with positive degree forms, and also in combination with comparative degree forms on - shi: most beautiful, most smart, the highest, the best. To enhance the degree of a feature in colloquial speech and fiction, complex superlatives can be used, which are formed by combining words most with a simple superlative degree: the simplest, the most serious.

Complex forms of superlatives are also formed with the help of additional words most, least, added to the original form of adjectives (most expensive, least known, etc.), and by adding the words of all, everything to the form of a comparative degree (closer, most expensive and etc.): Am I the sweetest in the world, all blush and whiter? (P.)

Compound superlatives are productive and are used in all styles of speech.

If complex superlatives can be formed from all qualitative adjectives, then not all adjectives have simple forms. Many adjectives with suffixes do not have simple forms - ast, -ist(headed, fibrous); -to(brittle, narrow); -esk(friendly, hostile); -l(tired, skillful); - ov, -ev(bad, combat), etc. Complex superlatives can be formed from such adjectives (the most fibrous, the most cumbersome, etc.).

It is necessary to distinguish from degrees of comparison forms of subjective evaluation quality adjectives. The degrees of comparison show the objective manifestation of a feature, and the forms of subjective evaluation evaluate this or that feature from the speaker's point of view. With these forms, the speaker can convey approval or disapproval, affection or disdain. Often the same assessment is conveyed in the noun to which the adjective refers: pretty curtains, hefty hands, tiny hands. Such formations can be both a purely emotional assessment of a sign, and at the same time indicate a real greater or lesser degree of its manifestation. Forms of subjective evaluation are formed using suffixes -enk, -onk, -ehonek, / -ohonek, -yoshenek / -oshenek, -yusenk-, -usch, -enn, as well as with the help of attachments nai-, archi-, pre-, times-, over-, ultra-: cunning, thin, heavy, furious, hefty, amiable, heavy-duty, trendy.

Adjectives with the suffix –ovat-/-evat-, since these adjectives denote the objective incompleteness of the feature contained in the derivative basis, and not the subjective assessment of this feature by the speaker: whitish, grayish, reddish.

Declension of adjectives. Declension types and variants

Declension of adjectives, in comparison with the declension of nouns, is more unified. Each adjective changes by numbers and cases, and in the singular - by gender, therefore, in the nominative case, adjectives have a gender difference: the case endings of the masculine, feminine and neuter are different. In the plural, adjectives have no gender differences.

In modern Russian, adjectives have three main types of adjective declension:

I. Declension of qualitative and relative adjectives.

II. Declension of adjectives into –th .

III. Declension of possessive adjectives.

The most productive is the first type of declension, which, by the nature of the last consonant of the stem, is divided into three varieties: hard declension, soft declension, and mixed.

To solid the variant includes adjectives with a basis on a solid consonant (pure, simple).

To soft the declension variant includes adjectives with a base on a soft consonant (summer, blue).

The differences in the declension of these adjectives are insignificant.

I. K mixed the declension variant includes adjectives with a back-lingual stem (r, k. x), sizzling (w, w, h, u) and c, for example: strict, fresh, hot, skinny, scanty, etc. When declined, these adjectives take the endings of hard and soft varieties: soft uy, soft omu, soft uy(or soft wow), soft them oh softly ohm, soft them etc.

II. The peculiarity of the declension of possessive adjectives with a base on j is that in I. and V. cases they have noun endings, and in all other cases they are declined as full possessive soft varieties.

But for adjectives of this type of declension, in contrast to adjectives of the I type of declension, in all forms, except for the I. and V. cases of the masculine gender, a dividing soft sign is written before the end (fox, fox, fox, fox). Possessive adjectives formed with the suffix - j have both full and short endings: fox ... - fox, etc.

III. Possessive adjectives in –in, -nin in all cases except I. and V. (for inanimate nouns), they decline as full adjectives of the solid variety. In I. and V. cases, they have noun endings.

Possessive adjectives ending in –ov (-ev) of the masculine and neuter form form the R. and D. cases of the singular following the pattern of nouns.

The remaining case endings coincide with the endings of the solid variant.

Zero declension combines adjectives of foreign origin (decollete, mini, maxi, khaki, burgundy, extra, etc.). The paradigm of their declension is represented by one form.

The declension of adjectives is, according to scientific grammar, a change in gender, number and case of full forms, a change in gender and number of short forms, as well as a transformation of adjective forms in terms of brevity / completeness.
Adjectives have two main types of declension: adjective and mixed. The adjective unites most of the adjectives; in addition, substantivized adjectives and some nouns decline according to the same type. Different authors distinguish a different number of subtypes within the adjectival type of declension.
Two main subtypes are noted, differing in the position of stress in the word: with stress on inflection (ending -oy) and with stress on the stem (ending -y, -y). The first subtype has three varieties, distinguished by the final sound of the base, which precedes the inflection:
1) after paired consonants in terms of hardness / softness (dumb, native);
2) after the posterior palate (bad, tight);
3) after solid hissing (large, alien).
The subtype with an accent on the stem has six varieties:
1) after hard consonants, paired in hardness / softness: brave, boring;
2) after soft consonants, paired in hardness / softness: spring, brown;
3) after the posterior palatine: dilapidated, light;
4) after hard hissing: larger, red;
5) after c: stubby;
6) after iota: long-necked.
Adjectives of a mixed declension type are close to nouns of the corresponding declension type, but unlike nouns, they change by gender. The mixed declension type has three subtypes: the first pronominal, the second pronominal and the possessive; adjectives can decline on two of them.
According to the first pronominal subtype, possessive adjectives with a base on -y (fox, Cossack) and on -in (mother's, uncle) and a countable adjective third are inclined. The possessive subtype includes all other possessive adjectives.

Lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives

Adjectives express meaning in different ways attribution. Some adjectives denote signs that are directly perceived, ᴛ.ᴇ. are direct names of certain features, qualities. Other adjectives express signs through relation to an object, material, place, time, action, etc. For example, City Park(relationship to place) yesterday's newspaper(relation to time), a gold bracelet(related to the material), crushing machine(attitude to action).

On the opposition of these values, the categories of adjectives are formed: 1) qualitative; 2) relative.

Quality adjectives name such signs as color, size, shape, internal and external qualities of objects, people, animals. Relative adjectives express signs in relation to time, subject, circumstance, action. In addition to these two basic categories, in traditional grammar there is a 3rd group of adjectives - possessive.

1) indicate a sign by the individual belonging of an object to a person or animal (uncle, fox etc. ).

Transitional phenomena

The boundaries between qualitative and relative adjectives are not absolute, they can move from one category to another. For example, relative adjectives can turn into qualitative ones and, as a result, acquire some morphological features of the latter (short forms, degrees of comparison): box office(rel.) – theatrical gesture(kach.).

Much less often, qualitative adjectives turn into relative ones. This happens, for example, in phrases light and heavy industry, voiceless and voiced consonants, roughage, ferrous metallurgy.

Possessive adjectives

According to semantics, possessive adjectives stand out in a special category, because designate a sign through belonging to a person or animal, have special formal indicators: suffixes - in, -ov, -ev: grandfather, fathers. Possessive adjectives of this type, indicating belonging to a person, are preserved mainly in colloquial speech. Οʜᴎ did not compete with the genitive forms of nouns with the meaning of belonging: Alyosha's diary(official) - Aleshin's diary(razᴦ.). These adjectives became the basis for the formation of surnames with suffixes -in, -ov, -ev, for the names of cities and villages ( Kyiv, Saratov).

Type II possessive adjectives - type on - Russian: fatherspaternal, maternal, maternal.

Type III - possessive adjectives in -j, which indicate belonging to a person or animal. These adjectives combine the meaning of belonging and the meaning of relationship. For this reason they are called relatively possessive: fox tail(possessive) - fox coat(rel.). It should be noted that possessive adjectives do not differ from relative adjectives in their grammatical properties; therefore, they are often included in relative adjectives.

Possessive adjectives in - ov, -ev, -in, denoting individual affiliation - actually possessive. Adjectives in -j designate a common generic affiliation, not a single one.

Adjectives for - sky denote belonging to one person or group of persons and act, as a rule, in a relative sense.

Possessive adjectives can become relative when they denote belonging to a group or class of persons or animals. They have eliminated the connotation of personal belonging. Οʜᴎ mean “proper to someone, something” - wolf track,"made, prepared" fish oil, fox collar.

Possessive adjectives can change into qualitative ones. - cock character, wolf look.

Short and full forms of adjectives, their differences

Short forms are peculiar only to qualitative adjectives. At the same time, short forms are the primary forms of adjectives (in Old Russian). Of these, full forms were later formed by adding pronouns. In modern Russian, their relationship has changed: short forms are considered secondary, formed from full ones by adding generic endings (zh. p.
Hosted on ref.rf
and I, m.
Hosted on ref.rf
– Ø , cf.
Hosted on ref.rf
Hosted on ref.rf
oh e; pl. hours - s, and).

Short and long forms of adjectives have a number of differences.

1. Semantic. Full forms of adjectives denote signs that are not limited in time - timeless, permanent (healthy, smart). Short forms indicate a sign, limited in time which characterizes their proximity, for example, to participles as forms of the verb (he is cheerful, healthy- Currently; he is healthy permanent feature).

2. Morphological. Short forms in modern Russian have lost the ability to change by case, ᴛ.ᴇ. they have only forms of gender and number. Traces of the declension of Old Russian short adjectives have been preserved in phraseological turns and adverbs: on bare feet, in broad daylight, red-hot.

3. Syntax. Unlike full forms, short adjectives are always used with a bunch (zero or materially expressed) and perform the function of a predicate ( air is clear).

Οʜᴎ have more ability to control nouns than complete ones: he has angina. The full form in this case has a colloquial connotation.

Short forms can be combined with the infinitive: ready to do, happy to help.

4. Stylistic. The predicate, expressed in a short form, is the norm of the literary language, while the one expressed in the full form has a colloquial coloring: I am patient with this.

Short forms occupy a special place among adjectives. Οʜᴎ separated from the full forms in all respects. Some of them have lost their correlative with full forms: glad, must, much.

Declension types of adjectives

Adjectives change by gender, number and case. These changes are formalized with the help of special inflections. Adjective inflection system - ϶ᴛᴏ system adjectival type (as opposed to the substantive declension of nouns). There are 2 types of declension:

1) main (qualitative-relative) , declension of full adjectives (qualitative and relative), having three spelling options:

a) solid (with a solid base - handsome, kind);

b) soft ( blue, autumn);

c) mixed (with a back-lingual or hissing basis: dexterous - dexterous).

This type of declension of full forms is basic and productive (combines most adjectives).

2) additional, declension of possessive adjectives, with two varieties:

a) on - in, -ov (-ev)- substantive declension: uncles - fathers; uncles-a - fathers-a(option unclepaternal);

b) declension of possessive adjectives with the suffix - uy(-j): fox, fox-emu. This variety is called mixed varieties, because the paradigm combines inflections of a noun and an adjective (in the nominative and accusative cases it is declined like a noun).

Grammar -70 and -80, in addition to these types of declension, also stands out zero, which includes indeclinable borrowed adjectives beige, khaki, flared. In traditional grammar they are not inflected, outside of declension types.

Substantiation of adjectives

Substantiation - ϶ᴛᴏ transition to the category of noun words from other parts of speech, as a result of which the ability to directly point to an object is acquired. When adjectives pass, the word changes in several directions: 1) a change in the general (categorical) meaning; 2) change in morphological features; 3) change of syntactic properties.

1. When passing into nouns, the main meaning of adjectives is drowned out or lost - attribution, words acquire the meaning of objectivity - the lexical meaning of the word narrows (its specialization). For example: adjective canteen(knife, device, etc.) denotes a sign that can refer to many phenomena and concepts. Without a definable noun, the lexical meaning narrows down. As a result of the ellipsis of the noun, the function of denoting an object passes to the adjective denoting its attribute, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ from time to time becomes a permanent name of the object ( canteen, holiday). When substantiating, it is not necessary to change the lexical meaning of the adjective - it is narrowed to private (concrete). For example, old as a noun acquires only the meaning inherent in the phrase an old man. With an ellipsis, a noun old expresses a compound concept an old man= old man. Only some adjectives, being substantiated, acquire a new lexical meaning: young = newlyweds.

A.M. Peshkovsky explains the possibility of substantiation in this way: “In general, in an adjective, a sign is depicted not in itself, but as embedded in an object. Therefore, it (the adjective) contains a vague indication of the subject itself. And, if the subject is so well known that one hint is enough, the subject is omitted.”

The main condition for substantiation is the use without a noun ( Moscow ambulance).

2. Morphological changes include a change in the nature of the grammatical categories of gender, number, case, which in adjectives are not independent, but dependent on the noun. For example, Lullaby(with substantiation, these grammatical features become independent). A substantiated word cannot change by gender: living room, day off, past. Substantivized words acquire the sign of animation - inanimateness ( housemaid - c.p. = r.p.; embankment - c.p. = im.p.). The only morphological feature of the adjective that substantives retain is a special system of inflections and adjective declension.

3. In connection with the change in the essence of the general grammatical meaning and morphological features, substantives acquire new syntactic features: a) they get the opportunity to be defined by an adjective - sad past; b) due to the fact that the category of case has become independent, the word has gained the ability to be controlled by verbs, like nouns - enter the hallway, cherish the past; c) substantiated adjectives can be used as a circumstance or object - go to the sentry, enter the hallway.

If we compare substantives brave, young and maid, policeman, then we notice the difference in the degree of their relation to nouns. Some words can be used both as adjectives and as nouns. Οʜᴎ make up the majority and are called incomplete substantives. Such words can mean: names of persons by profession, social status (company); names of persons according to some attribute (sick); animal names (borzoi, bay); names of objects (children's); neuter adjectives (showy).

Other words, less numerous, are characterized by the fact that they finally break away from their category and completely pass into nouns. They do not have dual uses. (forester, dowry, goblin, comma). These are complete substitutes.

Lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives" 2017, 2018.

According to the nature of the lexical meaning and grammatical features, adjectives are divided into three lexico-grammatical categories:

1. Quality adjectives designate an attribute of an object directly. Most often it is the color (white, orange); properties and qualities of things perceived by the senses (delicious, hot, cold); intrinsic qualities of living beings (kind, brave, sympathetic); physical properties of people and animals (blind, strong fat); temporal extent (long, fast); position in space (left, long, steep) and etc .

Qualitative adjectives have a number of features, which include:

The presence of two forms of degrees of comparison - comparative and excellent (beautiful - more beautiful - more beautiful, most beautiful - most beautiful - most beautiful - most beautiful of all);

Availability of full and short forms (successful - successful, full - full, white - white);

ability to form adverbs -o, -e, -i; (cheerful - fun, brilliant - brilliant, brutal - brutal);

the ability to form abstract nouns with various suffixes: -in(a), -izn(a), -from(a), -ost/-is,(old - antiquity, new - novelty, rough - rudeness);

the ability to combine with quantitative adverbs ( very light, barely noticeable);

the ability to form synonymous rows and antonymic pairs (smart - stupid, brave - cowardly).

Not all qualitative adjectives have these properties. adjectives barefoot, oblique, blind, lame do not have degrees of comparison, and adjectives business, friendly, comic do not have a short form.

2. Relative adjectives designate a sign not directly, but indirectly, through the relation to various phenomena. Most often this material (wooden table), place (steppe spaces), time (yesterday's events), appointment (grinder), number (double exchange), weight, length, measure (meter bank, quarterly plan) subject, etc.

Relative adjectives are formed using suffixes - ov-/-ev- (birch, chintz), -en- (leather), -n- (room), -sk- (Bulgarian).

For relative adjectives, synonymy is possible with descriptive phrases that include the word from which the adjective is derived (harvester - cleaning machine; Volga coast - Volga coast).

Relative adjectives change:

By birth



do not have a short form.

3. Possessive adjectives indicate the belonging of the object to any living being and answer the question whose? (whalebone, mother's scarf, father's briefcase).

Possessive adjectives change

by birth (daddy's portfolio);



have their own suffixes

- in / yn (daddy, chicken),

- ov / ev (fathers, friends);

do not have degrees of comparison;

do not have a short form.

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Introduction: goals and objectives of studying the course "Morphology of the modern Russian language" at the faculties (departments) of journalism of universities This training aid

The complex goal of module I: · to give a theoretical understanding of the morphology of the modern Russian language, which is studied on a semantic-structural basis; Preds

grammatical meaning
Lexicology and morphology study the word. But lexicology studies the vocabulary of a language. In this section, it is important to study the meanings of the words. For example, the word earth has several meanings: 1. Third

grammatical meanings
Synthetic - grammatical meaning in one word Analytical - grammatical meaning in two words a) endings: kn

The question of the nature of the morphological categories of significant parts of speech is one of the most controversial in modern grammatical theory. There are generally 2 types of grammatical categories. 1) Cl

The system of grammatical (morphological) categories in modern Russian
Types of grammatical categories Classification Inflectional Mixed type

Significant and auxiliary parts of speech.
Parts of speech are a class, a group of words united by a common categorical meaning, morphological features and syntactic functions. From this definition it follows that

The main differences between significant parts of speech and service parts
Significant parts of speech Service parts of speech 1. Express concepts 1. Do not express concepts 2. Perform nominal

Questions for self-examination
1. What is grammar? What parts does it consist of? 2. What does morphology study? What are its main tasks? 3. What is the grammatical meaning in the word? How is it different about

Morphological features
So, the basis of the grammatical meaning of a noun is determined by the concept of objectivity, which combines into one group words denoting a specific object (table), an abstract concept

II. Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns
According to their lexical and grammatical features, nouns are divided into the following lexical and grammatical categories: proper and common nouns; animate and inanimate

Means of expressing the generic meaning of nouns
Indicators of generic meaning Means of expression Examples Morphological indicator Ending of a noun

Gender of indeclinable nouns
a) The indeclinable names of people are determined by the real biological sex (masculine - monsieur, kamikaze; feminine - miss, madam, lady). b) The names of animals are, basically

IV. Number of nouns
Nouns have two grammatical meanings of number: singular and plural. Nouns in the singular denote one object (table), nouns in the plural

Case system. declination
The case of nouns expresses the relationship of the noun to other words in the phrase and sentence. There are six cases in Russian. The nominative case is

Declension types of nouns
Nouns in relation to inflection Declinable Indeclinable 1st declension 2nd declension

Questions for self-examination
1. Give a definition of a noun as a part of speech, indicate its semantic, morphological features, syntactic functions. 2. Name the lexical and grammatical categories of entity names

Spelling training
Task 1. Add the endings of nouns to times __ about inflation __ in the Arctic __ about genius __ about sums __ in

"A noun as a part of speech" 1. Define the noun as a part of speech 2. What are the nouns

Morphological features
The adjective combines into one group words denoting a sign as a quality or property of an object (beautiful, kind, good), through relation to another object: inanimate (du

Transition of adjectives from one category to another
In modern Russian, the process of transition of adjectives from one category to another is alive and active, which is reflected in the tables below.

The comparative degree or comparative is an adjective form denoting that the quality feature named by it is presented to a greater extent than the same feature named by

Formation of a simple and complex comparative degree
The superlative degree indicates the superiority (greatest measure) of a feature in one object (person) in comparison with a group of homogeneous objects (persons). Simple prevot

Syntactic functions of short adjectives
· The nominal part of the compound nominal predicate: Everything is good under the moonlight. Separate definition: In the open field above me walks, free and dissolute, the January wind

Short form education.
Short forms of adjectives are formed using: 1) truncation of the ending, if the stem of the word ends in p, l, d, t: (round - round, peppy - peppy

V. Declension of adjectives
Adjectives are represented by the following types of declensions: 1. I declension. The first declension includes all qualitative and relative adjectives with hard, soft

Declension of qualitative-relative adjectives with a hard, soft and mixed stem
Unit number Mn. number Im. n. beautiful blue formal suit beautiful blue formal suit

Signs of substantiated adjectives
· They acquire gender, number, case, like nouns (tailor - m.r.; dowry - cf.; pavement - f.r.); May carry definitions (stone bridge

VII. Transition of other parts of speech into adjectives
The transition of other parts of speech into adjectives is called adjective (from Latin adjectivum - adjective). Most often, participles pass into adjectives. 1) Complete hell

Questions for self-examination
1. Define the name of an adjective as a part of speech, indicate its semantic and grammatical features. 2. List the lexical and grammatical categories of adjectives; bring

Spelling training
Task 1 Indicate how the suffixes are written in the given adjectives e / and e / and s / sk glossy __ edge __ how merciful __ thing __ in

"Adjective as a part of speech" 1. Define the adjective as a part of speech 2. Describe

Morphological features
The most significant sign of this part of speech is the ability to participate in the account, which can manifest itself in different ways: - indicate the amount of the account (three tables); - designate for

II. Lexico-grammatical categories of numerals. Their characteristic.
When highlighting the categories of numerals, first of all, the originality of the lexical semantics of this group of words is taken into account, which differently name the quantitative characteristics of counted objects (tr

III. Digits of numerals by structure
According to the structure, numerals can be: simple complex compound This classification takes into account the morphemic composition of numerals: Pro

IV. Declension of numerals
1) Declension of the numeral one. Declined as a pronoun this (one - this, one - this, etc.). 2) Declension of numerals two (masculine and neuter), two

Questions for self-examination
1. Define the name of the numeral as a part of speech; Show why this part of speech is highlighted. 2. Is it possible to classify numerals by structure? For what ranks? P

Spelling training
Task 1 Indicate in which compound words there is an element - two, and in which - two.

"The numeral as a part of speech" 1. Describe the numeral as a part of speech 2. Indicate the initial form

Morphological features
In semantic terms, the pronoun, taken by itself, is characterized by a high degree of abstraction, a generalized indication of an object, sign, quantity. And only in the text is it realized specifically.

II. Lexico-grammatical categories of pronouns. Their general characteristic
The most widespread classification is based on the semantic principle. By meaning, all pronouns are divided into 9 categories. 1) Personal (I - we; you - you;

Declension of pronouns
· Declension of personal and reflexive pronouns Indirect cases of personal pronouns are formed using suppletive stems. The reflexive pronoun self does not have a nominative p

Declension of pronouns-adjectives
Declension of pronouns my, yours, yours, whose, yours, ours. The pronoun whose vowel e is fluent: it is absent in all cases, except for the nominative and similar blame

IV. Transition of pronouns to other parts of speech
The numeral one can act as a pronoun when it acquires a demonstrative or indefinite meaning in the context: And she thought only of one thing: to resist, to hold

Questions for self-examination
1. Describe the pronoun as parts of speech; give examples. 2. Indicate the differences in understanding the boundaries of the pronoun as a part of speech. Whose position represents you the most correct?

Spelling training
Task 1 Insert the missing letters and open the brackets. nothing to do n __ what is inexplicable n __ (under) in what way

"Pronoun as a part of speech" 1. Define the pronoun as a part of speech 2. Indicate the initial form of the pronoun

1. What is meant by s / s "nominal parts of speech" 2. What nouns are called proper?

Overarching objective of module II
The Russian verb has a rather complex system of form formation, however, in the practical courses of the Russian language, it is given insufficient attention. In particular, in the school course there is no way from

Morphological features
The meaning of the action as a process in the verb is expressed in categories: type - the ratio of the action to its internal limit (decide - decide); inclinations - relation

II. The system of verb forms. Verb bases.

III. The indefinite form of the verb (infinitive).
1. Infinitive - "dictionary", initial, initial form of the verb. He names the process abstractly, that is, does not associate it with the time during which it lasts, with those who carry out

Verb type
The aspect category is one of the most important characteristics of the verb. Any Russian verb is a verb of a perfect or imperfect form, many verbs form aspect pairs: ignite -

Transitivity and intransitivity of verbs
Transitive verbs are verbs that denote an action directed at some object (object), and this object must be expressed by a noun in the accusative pas.

Voice of the verb
A significant part of the verbs of the Russian language can act in opposing constructions such as Workers build houses - Houses are built by workers. The secretary signs the protocol - Protocol signed

Conjugation of verbs
Changing verbs in persons and numbers is called conjugation (in the higher sense of the word). Verbs are conjugated only in the indicative mood in the present and future tenses. In Russian

verb mood
Inclination is the relation of action to reality established by the speaker. The Russian verb has three moods: indicative (I write), p

face category. Impersonal verbs.
The person is one of the most important characteristics of the verb. The person is inherent in the verbs of the present and future tenses of the indicative mood, as well as verbs of the imperative mood. Category

Category of number and gender of the verb
The category of number and gender of verbs are not the most important characteristics of the verb, since they characterize not so much the action itself as the subjects of the action. Number of verbs

Spelling training
Task number 1. Insert the missing letter, select the suffix. 1 start _ lead 1 talk _ talk 2 advice _ talk 2 develop _ think (thought) 3 ridicule _ make fun of 3 mourn _ talk

"Verb as a part of speech" 1. Define the verb as a part of speech 2. Describe in detail the indefinite form

Adjective signs
Variability by birth (singing child, singing girl, student reading a book, book read by a student). · Variability by numbers (blooming garden - blooming gardens).

Verb Features
View - perfect / imperfect (did (do) - did (do).). Pledge - real / passive (the engineer who designed the machine

Meaning and formation of real participles
Real participles call the attribute of an object according to the action that the object itself produces (the doctor who cured the patient; the leader who makes the decision). act

Meaning and formation of passive participles
Passive participles call such an action-sign that the acting person or object experiences. Passive present participle

III. Transition of participles to other parts of speech
Participles that combine the features of a verb and an adjective turn into adjectives. The process of turning participles into adjectives is called adjectivation.

Signs of adjectival participles
Loss of dependent words (fried potatoes (adj.) - fried potatoes (adj.)). Use in a figurative sense (apologizing girl (adv.) - sorry

Spelling workshop
Task number 1. Insert the missing letters in the participle suffixes. 1 pumped oil out of the tank 1 hiding 2 seeking 2 adhesive 3 targeted (

“The participle as a special form of the verb” 1. Describe the participle as a special form of the verb 2. Which of the following

I. General characteristics of the gerund II. Meaning and formation of gerunds 1. Meaning and formation of imperfect gerunds 2.

Verb Features
Common lexical meaning. For example, in a gerund, having read and a verb, read the general lexical meaning - to perceive something written or printed. General

Meaning and formation of imperfective gerunds
The imperfect participle usually denotes an action simultaneous with the action of the predicate verb: My sad comrade, waving his wing, pecks bloody food under the window. (

Meaning and formation of perfect gerunds
The perfect participle usually denotes the previous action (Having removed your head, do not cry for your hair). In a postposition, such a gerund may denote by

III. The transition of the participle into other parts of speech
Participles that combine the features of a verb and an adverb can turn into adverbs. This process is called adverbialization. The adverbialization of the gerund participle consists in the loss

The participle as a special form of the verb
1. Describe the gerund as a special form of the verb 2. Which of the verb features are characteristic of the gerund 1.

1. Find a two-part verb in each of the groups. Make sentences using the found verbs in the meaning of the perfect and imperfect form 1. marry, redeem, yes

The complex goal of module III: to emphasize the special specificity of the two parts of speech - adverbs and words of the state category - which consists in absolute immutability and is

II. Adverb ranks by meaning
According to their general meaning, adverbs are divided into two groups: · adverbial · attributive. Adverbs express different conditions

III. Degrees of comparison of adverbs
Degrees of comparison can form only qualitative adverbs formed from qualitative adjectives. The simple comparative degree of adverbs is formed with the help of

IV. Degrees of quality of adverbs
Adverbs formed from qualitative adjectives have degrees of quality. The degrees of quality include: suffix formations: for a long time - for a long time, for a long time - a long time ago

V. Formation of adverbs
Adverbs can be formed from: 1) nouns (without restraint, from afar, in the middle of running, upright, below, sullenly); 2) from quality adjectives with suffixes

VI. Transition of adverbs to other parts of speech
Adverbs can move into non-significant parts of speech: 1) adverbs near, instead of, contrary to, except for, in front of, over, through, among, finally turned into prepositions. Adverbs near, vg

Spelling training
Task 1. Determine the final vowel in adverbs 1 oblique_ 1 empty_ 2 dry_ 2 syzmal_ 3 hastily_ 3 verbatim_ 4 blind_ 4 empty_ 5 dry

"The adverb as a part of speech" 1. Describe the adverb as a part of speech 2. Indicate the main ways of forming n

Questions for self-examination
1. Why is the highlighted L.V. Shcherbay, did the new part of speech “category of state” gain rapid recognition among linguists? 2. What is the fundamental difference between the words of the category of state and adverbs, brief

Text for analysis
1. Quiet and foggy in the forest. 2. Morning is quiet and loud. 3. Horses stand still. 4. The student listened to the teacher with concentration. 5. A lot of troops are concentrated in this area. 6. The student's face was

Text for analysis
1. This song is better. 2. The boy draws better. 3. The patient got better. 4. Flowers are the last mile of luxurious first-born fields. They are dull dreams, more alive than the test

1. Determine what part of speech the highlighted words are: 1. adverb; 2. adjective in short form; 2. impersonal predicative word (state category).

The complex goal of module IV: to give a general description of the service parts of speech, that is, to point out those grammatical features that radically separate them from the banner

I. Service parts of speech
Service parts of speech do not name the phenomena of reality, but indicate the relationship that exists between these phenomena. These are prepositions, conjunctions, particles. They are sometimes referred to as "particles

III. Syntactic functions of prepositions
Expressing the idea of ​​relation, prepositions in their grammatical meaning are comparable to case endings, therefore they act together in a single functional complex, forming a prepositional case

IV. Relations expressed by prepositions
Linking words as part of phrases and sentences, prepositions can express a variety of relationships: spatial (put under the sofa); ·

Ranks of prepositions by origin
By their origin, prepositions are: · non-derivative - those that have lost their connection with the words from which they are formed (in, on, without, before, because of, etc.); · P

VI. Transition to prepositions of other parts of speech
Most of the prepositions in the Russian language belong to non-derivative, the most ancient prepositions. In addition to them, there are many derivative prepositions in Russian, i.e. those that are descended from adverbs,

Questions for self-examination
1. What group of words in Russian refers to prepositions? Give examples of such words. 2. Can prepositions be considered a separate part of speech and why? 3. What are the relative

Spelling training
Task 1. Open the brackets 1 (for) a meeting 1 (for) the elimination of errors 2 (c) a consequence of the disease 2 (c) due to progress 3 (c) due to circumstances

"Preposition as a service part of speech" 1. Describe the service parts of speech 2. Describe the pr

Writing unions. Ranks by value
Coordinating conjunctions are a grammatical class of conjunctions used to connect homogeneous members of a sentence and parts of a complex sentence. By value are distinguished

subordinating unions. Ranks by value
Subordinating unions are unions that serve to connect syntactically unequal units of the main and subordinate clauses as part of a complex sentence. By value

III. Conjunctions and allied words
Allied words are a category of pronominal words used to connect sentences. The following are used as allied words: interrogative pronouns-nouns (who,

IV. Ranks of unions by origin and structure
According to their origin, Russian unions are divided into two groups: non-derivative (primitive), inherited by the Russian language from the common Slavic fund (a, and, but, yes).

Questions for self-examination
1. What groups of words in Russian are called unions? Can they be called unions? Can it be called a separate part of speech? 2. What is the meaning and function of unions? Is it possible to approve

Spelling training
Task 1. Mark the sentences in which the underlined words are spelled correctly 1. So that they do not say, I will do this work. 2. We came here to

Spelling training
Task 1. Open the brackets 1 whatever (whatever) 1 what (same) thing 2 what (would) know, you need to learn 2 do everything the same (same) 3 whatever (whatever) it may be 3 he is (the same)

"Union as a service part of speech" 1. Describe the union as a service part of speech 2. Define a writer

I. Particles and parts of speech
Particles - a class of words that gives various additional semantic shades to both words and sentences and serves to create various forms of the word (Here is my house; p

Particle discharges by value and syntactic function
According to their meaning and functions, the particles are divided into four categories: 1) Particles that express the general semantic shades of the meanings of words in speech. These include:

Discharges of particles by origin and structure
Particles are divided into two main groups according to their origin. 1. Non-derivative (primordial) particles (de, they say, only, they say, would, yes, well, no, no, really, no, well, -s,

Questions for self-examination
1. What groups of words in Russian are called particles? 2. Specify the features that combine different particles into one part of speech. 3. What significant and functional words are similar

Spelling training
Task 1. Insert particles not or not 1 Wherever you ... are, write to us. 2 In Belarus, there are few families where ... victims of the war. 3 We ... to whom we do not

"Particle as a service part of speech" 1. Describe the particle as a service part of speech 2. Indicate the ranks of particles

I. General concept of modality. Modal words
Modality is one of the main categories of a sentence that forms predicativity as the relation of a statement to reality. The modality is objective (basic

Modal word ranks by meaning
By meaning, two groups of modal words are usually distinguished: modal words with an affirmative meaning, expressing the reality of the reported, its reliability (undoubtedly, of course, unconditionally

Discharges of modal words by origin
The correlation of modal words with significant parts of speech is determined by their origin from significant words, due to which the so-called functional homonyms have arisen in the language. Among

Questions for self-examination
1. What is modality and what are its main types? 2. What ways of expressing modality are there in Russian? Show with examples. 3. Are modal words part of speech and

"Modal words in modern Russian" 1. Why modal words occupy a special place in the system of parts of speech of the modern Russian language

I. Meaning of interjections
Interjection is a relatively unproductive part of speech, not related to either official or significant words, expressing (but not naming) emotions, expressions of will. (For example, O

Lexico-grammatical categories of interjections
In Russian, there are three lexical and grammatical categories of interjections: emotional, expressing various feelings of surprise, approval, threat, reproach, fear, sadness

Interjection ranks by origin
By origin, interjections are divided into non-derivatives, which in the modern language also include some borrowings (ah, oh, wow, oh, ege, gop, bis, bravo, cheers, etc.), and

III. Syntactic functions of interjections
As part of a sentence, the interjection performs a variety of syntactic functions. 1. In context, an interjection can take a position relative to an independent statement (so

IV. Interjections and onomatopoeic words
By morphological and syntactic features, as well as by the nature of correlation with realities, onomatopoeic words adjoin the interjection, which are imitations of the sounds of living

Questions for self-examination
1. What group of words in Russian is usually referred to as interjections? Give examples. 2. Is it right to consider interjection as a separate part of speech? Why? 3. What digits for s

Spelling training
Task 1. Find interjections, put the necessary signs 1 You would be a writer to be her (her)! 2 Here (those) times! 3 I'm going, I'm going in an open field: a bell ding (din).

"Interjection and onomatopoeic words as service parts of speech" 1. Describe the interjection as a part of speech

1. Write out the coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Indicate their value 1. I must have been terribly excited and stupid, because only after a few seconds I noticed that

Test #1
1. Indicate the noun of the general gender 1. terror 3. youth 2. rugby 4. upstart 2. Indicate the possessive adjective 1. cheerful 3. chocolate

Test #2
1. In which line is a mistake made in the formation of the word form? 1) eight hundred rubles 2) about forty-three boxes 3) to sixty meters 4) about both barrels 2

Questions for the exam
1. Introduction to morphology: basic concepts and objectives of the course. 2. Parts of speech and principles of their classification. 3. Noun as a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of names su

The life of a modern person cannot be imagined without contacts with the media. The press, television, radio and other media have a strong influence on the formation of social

IMPERSONAL VERBS - the lexical and grammatical category of verbs that do not combine with the subject and denote the state of nature (vyuzhit, purzhit); living beings (chill, unwell

lexical and grammatical category of numerals, including the words many, few, few, how many, several, so many, etc. (My memory has saved a few faces ... (P.))

List of abbreviations
The names of the quoted writers A. A. - A. Akhmatova A. B. - A. A. Blok A. V. - A. Voznesensky Ars. – Arseniev A. G. – A. Galich A. Gr. – A. S. Gribo

Dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books
1. Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary of linguistic terms. Moscow, 1969. 2. Vakurov V.N., Rakhmanova L.I., Tolstoy I.V., Formanovskaya N.I. Difficulties of the Russian language. Dictionary reference. M., 1993.

1. Bondarko A.V. Type and tense of the Russian verb (meaning and usage). M., 1971. 2. Bondarko A.V., Bulanin A.L. Russian verb. M., 1967. 3. Bulanin A.L. Difficult Morpholo Questions