People are aliens how to recognize them. Officials about aliens

The report of the Russian ufologist E. Litvinov “Aliens among us”, made by him at a meeting of the Commission on the AL RGS, should even be called a little differently, emphasizing that the highest extraterrestrial civilizations (ECs) have been present on Earth from time immemorial, that is, aliens have always been among us and even contributed to the birth of our human society. (website)

There are hundreds of books and countless other materials, the ufologist says, that paint the big picture: aliens have always been on Earth, and this is documented, from rock art to myths, legends and religious teachings. Moreover, the most convincing evidence of this is hidden in every possible way. Nevertheless, according to the available information, ufologists count more than 80 alien races on our planet, who arrived mainly from the constellations Lyra, Canis Major, Taurus, Orion, Draco, Centaurus, Leo, etc., that is, from the closest quadrant of the Milky Way to us .

Why do we not notice the aliens who live among us

Many aliens live among people because they are very similar to us. Here is how E. Litvinov himself classifies them as such "invisible aliens":

  • biorobots, among which "men in black" stand out with their special functions;
  • aliens that look very similar to people or have the ability to take on the appearance of people (very often this is attributed to repiloids);
  • people appearing here from the future;
  • doubles (clones of people or energy copies);
  • star children and hybrid creatures;
  • so-called settlers (a delicate matter of a stranger settles in a person).

If aliens are on Earth from the very beginning, why are all kinds of horror stories constantly circulated about them in the media, from kidnapping people for terrible experiments to a massive alien invasion that is about to happen (the latter was supposedly scheduled for the just past New Year, but ... again did not take place) According to E. Litvinov, all alien races on Earth are exclusively peaceful. They do their best to help us, preventing the most terrible catastrophes. However, aliens do not have the right to rudely interfere in the development of earthly society (the law of the Universe on freedom of choice). But there are no aggressive aliens on our blue ball and never have been, if they existed, they would easily destroy or enslave people a long time ago.

Why aliens rudely do not interfere in our lives

The aggressiveness of aliens, as well as the silence of any information about them, is needed only by the powerful of this world in order to reign supreme over the masses. To this end, they come up with religions as a tool to enslave people, make the aliens themselves - myths and fairy-tale heroes, and at the present time, when it is simply difficult to hide information about aliens, they resort to the already proven method of creating "scarecrows". This is how the Illuminati, for example, unleashed practically the Third World War on September 11, 2001, declaring an international fight against terrorism, in fact, throwing enormous funds into its generation, which is why the world shudders in endless military conflicts to this day.

Now the Illuminati are actively playing the card of a “mass alien invasion”, not to mention the fact that they have long created the image of warlike, cruel and insidious reptilians (reptoids). In fact, according to conspiracy theorists and advanced ufologists, reptoids, who have inexhaustible emotional energy, are extremely kind aliens, and their hearts are boundless in their love for people. Moreover, the higher races of aliens present on Earth will never allow aggressor aliens here, which, of course, exist in the Universe.

Here is such an almost fantastic one, drawn by the famous ufologist E. Litvinov. To believe in his report or not is a personal matter for every earthling. In conclusion, we only note that the scientist ended his speech approximately in this way: unfortunately, the consciousness of earthlings today is still too primitive (which suits the powerful of this world very much), which is why no official contact with aliens can be expected in the near future ...

What secrets did the former Minister of Defense of Canada reveal? What I paid attention to when reading the report and how, using alien technologies, it is possible to prevent earthly cataclysms, this article will tell.

Aliens are really among us

Aliens among us!- officially declared the former Minister of Defense of Canada, Paul Hellyer. These words, the official said at the next meeting of congressmen, reading out his report. The sensational news excited the world community.

According to the politician, whose speeches were immediately dismantled into quotes, contact between a person and extraterrestrial intelligence took place a long time ago. The former secretary of defense, having access to top-secret documents, without a shadow of a doubt, reveals to the present congressmen and all interested, the secrets of extraterrestrial contact. The report includes:

  • Information about the UFO;
  • Cunning plans of the world government;
  • Cooperation of special services with an alien civilization.

Hellier, shared the shocking facts that space creatures already live among people. At least two of them are active US government aides. Others, “High Whites,” as the politician called them, live in Canada and the United States, not the only countries with which extraterrestrial civilizations have been closely cooperating (for more than 60 years).

Hellyer's claim that aliens exist

Aleksey Savin, a Russian lieutenant general in reserve, a military parapsychologist, has long ceased to hide his involvement in contact with aliens. For 15 years, he led a secret military unit, where, by order of the government, a group of selected people collected facts proving the existence of alien beings through negotiations with them.

For this, codes were developed, thanks to which there was a telepathic connection with the higher mind. In support of this, there is a video recording. On it, the military came into contact (telepathically) with aliens. And some, obviously, were transferred to the alien spacecraft, feeling everything that was happening, tactilely.

The employees of the secret division partially managed to agree with an extraterrestrial civilization on business contact with the Russian government, if not for the directive that resulted. It read: "Stop research, close the project, disband the special staff." Similar situations occur in the USA. The goal is to hide the truth. Informed personnel who have spent years researching are suspended from work. Individuals are eliminated.

Alexey Savin - Aliens Among Us

The former defense minister of Canada claims that interactions with alien beings are happening everywhere. Secret specialists regularly take on earth about twenty alien races. He also noted that communication with representatives of state authorities is carried out according to a well-established scheme. There is some exchange going on. The US government allocates secret laboratories for aliens, where they study people. In return, the aliens share their extraterrestrial technology. For example:

  • Cloning;
  • Anti-gravity engine;
  • Source of clean energy.

“The last point is decisive for earthlings, it is the transition to clean energy that can save humanity from global warming,” the politician says.

The result of his speech is shocking, people have exactly 10 years left to declassify extraterrestrial technologies, after which the elimination of humanity and overpopulation of the earth is possible.

Ufologist Sergey Sukhinov fully agrees with the words of the Canadian politician, focusing on two things:

  1. Such contact with alien intelligence is vital for earthlings. The aliens act as teachers for humanity, sharing the highest knowledge. Without their help, it will be difficult for people to cope with warming, a meteorite fall and other global disasters.
  2. Lack of contact with the public. The government, like people with fabulous money, does not want to share power and secret connections. Such a secret contact invisibly divides humanity into an elite and a commoner, preventing the latter from joining great knowledge.

Another quality of alien guests was noted, which was mentioned by the ufologist. This is the ability of aliens to mimicry (disguise). With the help of it, they acquire a human form, while remaining aliens.

The Canadian politician and the Russian ufologist are confident that establishing competent contact with extraterrestrial civilizations will allow people to survive any cataclysms.

Among the people aliens live, and there are a lot of them! How to spot aliens? There are several varieties of aliens and they are encrypted in different ways.

Humanoid aliens

Human-like aliens often infiltrate religious and government structures. Thus, from the inside, they try to influence the life of mankind. How to recognize them? As a rule, such aliens well built, tall and with a large head. Hair on the head of aliens either a little or not at all.

How to identify a humanoid alien? The aliens dodge glances, avoid handshakes. Among other things, they do not like to appear where there is a large crowd of people, they can not eat or drink anything for several days. Aliens can drink and not get drunk, they see perfectly in the dark.

trying reveal the alien, it is worth paying attention to how animals react to them. The latter do not perceive extraterrestrial inhabitants well - they hiss, their hair stands on end. If you take a picture of an alien, the film will most likely be overexposed.

Alien doppelgangers

Second type of alien living among people are twins. They can be an exact copy of a person, and the main purpose of the aliens is to replace the kidnapped person. The similarity of aliens with earthlings in this case is due to the fact that they either inhabit the human body or recreate it at the gene level.

Recognize this type of alien You can, if you carefully observe the behavior and habits. Often doubles are confused, suffer from a split personality, allergies, memory lapses. Their actions are spontaneous, unjustified. Doubles often change their point of view and act according to circumstances. Again, animals react extremely poorly to them.

What else is worth knowing about aliens among people

It turns out that about 60% of aliens are shorter than the average human. Of course, there are aliens 2 meters tall, but the vast majority are just small in size. Accordingly, Lenin and Pushkin could well be aliens.

There are practically no women among the aliens. And settlers often appear as if from nowhere and leave also unusually. At the same time, they have a very developed intellect and are not at all prone to conflicts. You can catch them on a question regarding aliens and the device of flying saucers. If you ask the stranger about this, he will tell you in detail, but you should not expect any emotions from him. The alien will narrate such complex things smoothly and clearly, but without interest.

So, it is possible to determine the presence of a representative of another civilization among people, but you will have to act gradually. As a rule, the deciphered stranger is immediately taken away by his brothers.

From whom are we descended? Actually, there is nothing surprising in the interest of aliens in earthlings, says Litvinov. - They created us, were the first gods, and now they just observe the course of development, making adjustments along the way.

According to the scientist, several civilizations participated in our emergence. For example, the Sirians from the constellation Canis Major founded the Egyptian nation, he says. - It is enough just to compare the first Egyptians with an elongated skull and a slender figure with the aliens themselves. One to one! No wonder the gods of the Egyptian people are often depicted with the head of a dog.

According to Litvinov's theory, the Pleiadians from the Taurus constellation and the Dessites from the Cygnus constellation worked on the European nation. These aliens outwardly are practically indistinguishable from modern people. The Lyrans also had a hand in the population of our planet (it is clear that from the constellation Lyra). They brought robotic hairy creatures to Earth. Probably, thanks to this, we got monkeys.

The Bible, the Koran, esoteric sciences, ancient legends and epics - in each of these sources there are certain references to alien gods, the scientist says. - Here, for example, the Chinese god Huang Di, Poured alien! The Chinese empire generally appeared thanks to aliens from the constellation Ursa Major.

And the Sumerians? These were representatives of an underwater civilization, which still occasionally flies to Earth. Once upon a time, alien gods appeared from the seas and lakes, teaching people urban planning and cattle breeding. And the priests and demigods were actually their offspring.

How to calculate an alien among people

They appear to infiltrate state and religious structures and thus influence humanity. Sometimes they help individuals in development or predict future events.


Growth from 1.7 to 2 meters. Well built. The head is somewhat enlarged with pronounced hemispheres, a large forehead and an inexpressive small mouth. The eyes are round, protruding or almond-shaped. They suffer from early hair loss.

How they behave.

Avoid handshakes and direct gaze. Avoid questions about childhood and parents. They do not like to go to doctors and shops, they are absolutely indifferent to gambling and mass spectacles. They can go without food and sleep for several days. They see well in the dark, almost do not get drunk.


Mandatory, punctual and accurate. They are not emotional, they use running jokes and anecdotes in conversation, but they do not differ in subtle humor. They are leaders in their own right, but they try not to step out of the shadows.

Paranormal abilities.

They have a phenomenal, trouble-free memory, a colossal amount of knowledge, especially on the universe, esotericism and the ancient history of the Earth.

They freely communicate with a computer and any other electronics, but they do not know how to work with an ax and other construction tools at all. They have the ability to telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis and even teleportation.

How to calculate them?

Best of all, these aliens are calculated by pets. When meeting with them, the latter's hair stands on end, and the tail - a pipe. These people do not work in the photographs either: some parts are constantly illuminated or completely disappear from the frame. And humanoid aliens are almost invisible to night vision devices.

Most likely, each person wondered if aliens exist. However, there are those who believe that they are constantly among people. However, what makes an alien stand out? How to calculate it? That is why you should study this article. You will be able to find out what appearance is characteristic of a particular type of extraterrestrial life, as well as figure out how to distinguish a masquerading alien from a person.

Aliens and their disguises

Many people believe that aliens live among people on Earth and there are some special ways to help you identify them. There are obvious aliens such as men in black, reptilians, "tall whites" and Nordics. There are others who have hypnotic powers or technology that allows them to disguise themselves among humans.

Alien identification

Obviously, every alien in disguise should look exactly like an ordinary person. Indeed, without disguise, a reptilian, for example, would be very easy to notice in a crowd in a shopping center. However, the culture of ufology speaks of a large number of humanoid aliens. Some people claim to have the ability to distinguish aliens disguised as humans. They identified specific distinguishing features that are worth paying attention to, since these features are always present in the aliens.

Men in Black

Men in black have been talked about for decades. They can always be seen after people have encountered a UFO. There is still debate about who or what they are. Some believe that they can be considered some type of android, while others are of the opinion that they are robots. No matter what they are, people in black always look the same, and if you meet one of them, you will quickly understand why they are so different from the average person.

  • They have no facial hair, are very pale, always bald, but sometimes wear wigs.
  • They have big blue eyes (but they often wear sunglasses).
  • They wear long black coats, black suits, white shirts, black ties and black hats.
  • They are unemotional and speak in a monotonous robotic voice.

The advantages and disadvantages of identifying people in black are not easy to determine, as there is very little evidence in the form of photographs or videos. However, the videos still exist and they really confirm that these aliens visited the Earth at one time or another. The objects in these videos are fully consistent with the description. Those who have encountered people in black report that they are robots or clones. Based on these testimonies, we can safely say that the men in black are definitely not people.


In March 2016, scientific journals began to report that more and more Pleiadians were appearing online. The Pleiadians claim to be aliens living among humans. They are also known as Nordics, or aliens with a Nordic appearance. And they tried to get in touch with people. They want to help people move to a new level of existence. The main characteristics of the Nordics:

  • high;
  • blondes;
  • Blue eyes;
  • thin, but athletic physique, outwardly attractive.

The Pleiadians came from the star systems surrounding the Pleiades. Some people believe that Scandinavians and Native Americans are descendants of this alien race. The Nordics themselves come from the planet Erra, which revolves around the star Tayget. Well, the Pleiadians themselves consider themselves descendants of another alien race, similar to the planet Lyra, which is located in another galaxy. In addition to characteristic external signs, this alien race is given out by interests and concerns, such as:

  • care for the planet;
  • concern for the development of the human race;
  • learning the art of healing;
  • acting as a spiritual guide, helping others grow spiritually.

Identifying Nordic will not be easy, because so many people living in Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Iceland can have all these traits and still not be aliens. Trying to distinguish a Nordic from a human seems to be very risky, so it's best not to do it. The most reliable way to know that someone is an alien of a given race is to let him introduce himself as such. Or you can find out about it in the process of kidnapping.

"Tall Whites"

This is a type of alien about which there is very little information. They are said to be tall, white, and very interested in Earth culture. It is reported that older individuals of these aliens can reach three meters in height, while young ones can blend in with the crowd, as they are the same height as the average person. UFO specialist Chris Russak reports that most people, most likely, have seen these aliens in their lives, but did not even suspect that they were aliens. An experienced medium, Charlie Kundallini, said that they love Las Vegas, because they can often be seen in the casinos, as well as at conferences and in the theaters of this city. However, it is not known why they are attracted to this particular city.


Reptilians look like reptiles. It is also reported that they can change their appearance due to the unique molecular structure. There is also information that they have a special kind of technology, similar to holograms, which helps them take on exactly the forms they want. For this race, Earth is an outpost. Their mission is to dominate and control the Earth as their own planet perishes. Reptilians are reported to have special abilities such as telepathy and the ability to become invisible. Here are some distinguishing features to look out for:

  • sensitivity to high and low temperatures;
  • acute vision and hearing;
  • piercing look;
  • forked tongue;
  • webbed feet;
  • frequent style changes: hair coloring, new hairstyles, constant new clothes in the wardrobe;
  • skin rash problems.

80 extraterrestrial civilizations

In April 2015, former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellier publicly announced that aliens are on Earth, and world leaders are hiding this from the public. Hellier urged world governments to show all the cards and tell the truth about the situation with the aliens. He hoped that such a statement would finally allow to cast aside all doubts about the existence of aliens. Hellier stated that aliens have been on Earth for many millennia. And this wasn't the first time Hellier had made public statements about his belief in the existence of aliens. In 2005, he asked the Canadian government to hold a public hearing on extraterrestrial life. In addition to this request, he also accused the government of the United States of America of planning an intergalactic war. Hellier later said that there are about eighty different extraterrestrial civilizations that either visit Earth or live on it on a permanent basis, and many of them look very similar to people.

Aliens on Earth?

Many peoples have stories and legends about how aliens visited the Earth. These stories are passed down from generation to generation. Some people believe that aliens are now living on Earth, others say that they lived on Earth thousands of years ago. And if you met someone who looked like an alien, what would you do?