Negative attitudes of a person. Negative mental attitudes

Often women adhere to negative attitudes that prevent them from living the life they want.

Women want to get married, but at the same time they think that all men are goats, that family life is something very tragic and difficult.

Today I propose to look at the attitudes that prevent us from living the life we ​​aspire to.

Installation is the truth we believe in, but this truth does not necessarily exist in reality.

The attitudes take over us so much that we do not even realize that it is possible to live differently.

Do you think it is possible, with such attitudes, to be happy woman:

  • - There is nothing to love me for;
  • “If I trust a man, I will regret it later;
  • - We must fight for our happiness;
  • “Men cannot be trusted.

Installations, like a filter, do not allow anything new to penetrate into our lives.

There is a common setting: “If happiness has come, then there will be misfortune.” Such a woman thinks that she does not deserve happiness or that happiness must be paid for. Sometimes happiness is opposed to "spirituality". Like, a “spiritual person” can only suffer.

Why do a huge number of people continue to hold on to their beliefs, despite the fact that they not only do not correspond to reality, but also cause harm?

1) Negative setting is "excellent" excuse. For example, you have a setup like this: "All men are goats" or "By the age of 30, all good men are married." These installations for you are an excuse for your loneliness. Because deep down you are afraid to be with a man and do not want to get married. If you are not married, if you are single, then you want it. Perhaps you are afraid that you will be abandoned, that you will be cheated on, you are afraid of negative feelings and you give up pain and disappointment in advance.

2) Often we justify our existence by overcoming obstacles: "I suffer, therefore I am". We get used to having problems. Problems become the meaning of life.

3) I notice that many do not give up their negative attitudes because they do not know what they will talk about with their friends then. If everything is fine with me, then what will I talk about? Many are afraid of being excluded from the circle, the community. But this baby feeling, the woman, as it were, says: “It’s better to let me be with problems, but not alone.”

4) Often we feel proud of our problems, we feel significant in overcoming obstacles, and it is strange for us to imagine what I would do if there were no problems.

5) We get used to live "on automatic" and often do not think about what we believe. We don't want to take responsibility for our lives. We heard that all men cheat, or that all men are selfish, which means that there is always someone to attribute their failures in their personal lives to. The men are to blame!

6) And, perhaps, the most important benefit, why we hold on to negative attitudes, sounds like this: Having problems, we don't feel alone. We are pity, support, give advice. “Everyone is happy with their problem, this is a very deep happiness, because it gives a feeling of connection with others in adversity, belonging to them. Happiness, on the contrary, makes a person lonely. It is easier to suffer than to solve. Misfortune is easier to bear than happiness. B. Hellinger.

It turns out that the only thing that does not allow us to get what we want is ourselves. We carry too many conflicting beliefs and attitudes within ourselves. We cling to old beliefs because we are afraid of change. And we are afraid to be happy.

But if you still decide to take a chance and become happy, then you need to work on identifying limiting attitudes and replacing them with new ones of your own positive, happy attitudes.

1) Working with settings is a lot of work that lasts not a month or two (as some authors write). Because there are so many hidden benefits to having these setups. To give up these benefits takes time and of course decision to be happy.

2) The second action after deciding to become happy is detection installations. Take these areas: happiness, man, woman, work, love, well-being, body. Write down everything you think about this. For example,

  • I don't deserve happiness;
  • Happiness must be earned;
  • Men only want sex;
  • Men cannot be trusted;
  • All the good men were taken apart;
  • If I fall in love, then I will be deceived, betrayed;
  • To love is painful;
  • To get something, I need to work hard.

3) Sometimes it is difficult to identify attitudes on our own, we grow together with them so much that they do not seem negative to us. I recommend listening to your speech, what do you say most often? Speech also reflects our limitations and our beliefs.

Perhaps you often repeat:

  • I do not know what I want;
  • I don't know;
  • I need;
  • I should;
  • I must;
  • It's impossible;
  • Horror;
  • "Yes, said the poor man";
  • That is how things turned out;
  • Accident;
  • Everything depends on money;
  • I'm shocked;
  • Roof rides;
  • Infection;
  • Madhouse.

Behind all these words are images. The woman jokes: I'm like a squirrel in a meat grinder. But actually it's not a joke.

4) When you have identified your negative attitude, you need to understand the hidden benefits, why you are comfortable holding on to this belief. I highly recommend two books to you: Gale Dwoskin"Method - Sedona" and Katie Byron"Love what is." Recognize that you need these problems, agree with them. And then you have to make a choice: stay with these problems, believing in the old settings, or abandon them.

5) Try doing a little research. Ask yourself a question: If I thought differently, what would change in my life? For example, you thought you had to fight for your happiness. What will change if you think that happiness comes to you easily? I think that the very first feeling that arises is resistance.

In The Sedona Method, there are simple techniques for letting go of resistance. Or this setup: Nothing dedends on me. How do you feel about the opposite thought, “Everything in life depends on me”? It's kind of uncomfortable, isn't it? Everything that happens in our life is created by our hands, or rather, by our thoughts.

6) Replace all negative settings with positive ones. Write down on paper. Choose two settings, no more. Collect Results to confirm this new setting. See the results, believe automatically. For example, setting "Life is hard". Look for examples that life is easy. Look carefully and you will surely find.

7) Save your notes, and compare your views and beliefs in six months, and you will definitely notice how actively you are moving in the direction of happiness and positive.

Write in the comments what negative attitudes you found in yourself.

Tatyana Dzutseva

In contact with

I have a dreams. You have dreams. We all have dreams, but there is also something that pulls us back. If it's not money, resources, or skills, it's the fear that we're not good enough. We all go through stages of struggle with uncertainty, with the feeling that we have nothing to give to the world, but we must not give up, we must continue to do what we are doing and constantly improve, because this is all we can do.

2. I don't deserve it

Most self-harm happens because of this belief. Your installations can play tricks on you without you even noticing. You can miss a project deadline while doing other things if you're a freelancer, or miss out on some important goals in your business.

3. I won't succeed

You will succeed if you keep trying, falling, getting up and learning from your mistakes. The main thing is not to give up. Don't let your attitudes take you away from what you really want to do in life.

4. I'm all alone (alone)

Often we think that everyone is against us, or that no one will understand us. That there are people who have everything in their hands instantly, and they never knew our problems. In fact, all people in the world experience ups and downs, everyone dreams, rejoices, and everyone suffers sometime. Everyone wants to be happy, everyone wants to be better. Do not close, share with others what you feel, otherwise how will you find the same as you?

5. What if...

What if the internet on earth goes down and all my projects disappear? What if something happens that destroys everything you work so hard to create? You leave yourself no choice if you constantly fear the worst. Of course, you can spend your whole life working at a local diner, but it can disappear like everything else.
And yet, one of the main features of the most successful people is that they are not afraid to lose everything and start everything from the very beginning.

How to deal with all of the above
If there was a simple secret or technique, I would write about it. However, it is not easy to get rid of destructive beliefs. This is real, but for this you need to be tuned in to change.
The solution is small steps. There is no need to rush, you are you. It sounds too easy that the answer is to accept and forgive yourself, but it's true. Often we resist who we are and what we have achieved or failed to achieve because society dictates to us what we should be.

Hello dear friends!

I think you may have noticed how negative beliefs can destroy any construct. This trend is most clearly seen not only in the prospects of professional relations, but also in relationships with relatives.

Negative attitudes are programs that, if systematically introduced into, can turn life in a radically different direction. It happens imperceptibly: a person, having stumbled once and not making the right conclusion, gradually begins to believe that he is unlucky.

As the great Mark Twain said:

If everyone living on planet Earth would think identically, then no one would dare to play at the races!

Of course, sometimes events happen that can knock the ground out from under your feet, everyone lives such an experience. But what if the constant noticing of the negative becomes a habit?

In today's article, I would like to reveal the most important and deepest aspects of the influence of bad beliefs on a person's life, which are directly proportional to the lack of success.

It's all about past experience.

I am convinced that the most unfortunate situation hides a huge layer of positive manifestations. That is, under the weight of negativity, if desired, you can always consider the minimum, but the benefit.

It is important, donated by the event and to notice the lessons you need for yourself. Many individuals are not able to properly experience difficulties, relying on or attracting emotional reactions to the cause.

They make it difficult to see the picture holistically and coolly, to conduct the most effective analysis of what happened. As a result, we are dealing with a fatal sign that can move an individual from its place under the Sun to the very plinth.

But what needs to be done to change the approach? I recommend that you pay attention to trying to stop making your principles or beliefs redundant.

It is not worth believing with bulging self-sacrifice in previously established truths that today they may not work. In order to clearly demonstrate how this works, I will give examples in several planes at once.

Relationships with the opposite sex

For example, a woman has been cheated on by her beloved man. Feeling sorry for herself for the longest time and painfully, blaming the Universe for injustice, she maniacally searches for an answer to the question “ Why?».

And most often she comes to the conclusion that men do not belong to the human race, but to the species of artiodactyl animals, and later, having met a worthy gentleman on her life path, she recalls her most familiar song: “ All men are goats!».

Negative beliefs that interfere with women's happiness are most often based on the painful experience of the past, making it difficult to take a different look not only at the renewed self, but also at the people around her.


Sometimes people are able to attract a serious illness into their lives because they believe in it. Moreover, some go to such extremes that, noticing some problems in their health, they turn to His Majesty the Internet, and there they are certainly convinced of the presence of all types of oncology overnight.

  • Next, the most powerful affirmations are included, which give rise to a real, not mythical problem: “ Everyone gets sick and so do I»;
  • « Impossible to be healthy»;
  • « I'm dying!»;
  • « My body is very weak and there is a predisposition»;
  • « If I get sick, I can finally rest» it. d.


Suppose a person, among his social circles, does not have a worthy example of a person who was able to get rich in an honest way. Thanks to this conviction, one can piously believe that all people with prosperity are scammers, and the poor are left with the opportunity to pick up crumbs and be content with little.

By repeating the “prayer” systematically, a person programs himself to stay in poverty, because he does not want to see himself in a role of a self-invented scammer in a panic.

The impact of negative energy on money is enormous! Given that the emotion spills out in verbal form, it gets even more power and influence. It extends not only to the head of the individual, but also to the potential progress along, and to the achievement of success.

Moreover, here one can see a tendency of ethnic attitudes, when belonging to a people determines a typical or atypical behavior of a person. This is especially pronounced in the infringement of rights, prejudice or far-fetched prohibitions.


A common mistake bad parents make is to instill in their children a sense of underestimation and imperfection. Think about the fact that if a person daily says that she is a dog and addresses them accordingly, after a couple of months, she really barks!

Children are very sensitive to thoughtlessly thrown words, in principle, like any other individual. But hearing from loved ones the phrase " you're stupid!», « not pretty!», « bad» « not like that» it. It's very hard to believe otherwise.

The attitudes are so strongly eaten into the subconscious that in the future they can only lead to complete walking along the very edge of the abyss, calming the soul with drugs, surrogates of fun and attention to one's nature, wounded in childhood.

Whether we like the fact or not, we are like robots carrying out secret, often unconscious beliefs that are masterfully hidden in the subconscious subconscious.

reflection in the mirror

A list of words and phrases that negatively affect a person can be long and tedious. But have you ever thought about what harm you can do to your loved one without a special plan for this venture?

You could hear examples of appeals at home, in a work team, at a school desk, and even on TV. But all of them, without your permission and consent, perform one simple mission - they destroy a person from the inside.

And if you do not take action, the results can be to get poor health, mental problems and lack of growth:

  • « I'm incapable of success!»;
  • « I am fat»;
  • « I am a bad husband, worker, family man...»;
  • « I am absolutely not feminine, not beautiful, sick, stupid»;
    And at the same time, the programming of loved ones is no less dangerous. When insulting insults can be thrown out in the hearts and in the absence of control, think about the fact that everything you have agreed upon will definitely come true!
  • « You can't even hammer in a nail, master!»;
  • “You disgusting mother and wife!»;
  • “You are not a child, but horror!» it. d.
    Carefully reread the phrases and be horrified at how rudely you self-hypnosis your wonderful life and family relationships, in fact surprised after: “ Lord, why do I need all this?"- so you also wished!

What we believe in is what we get!

Removing negative beliefs is impossible without changing thinking and rebuilding it in an optimistic way. Today, ideas that allow you to qualitatively manage your subconscious are getting a huge influence.

Although, these are not just ideas, but entire schools, practices and effective methods. All of them are created so that people understand the fact that there are no blocks and frames that are born only by their sick subconscious.

Programs in which there is no constructive can quickly destroy the harmonious flow of energy, which is inefficiently used to deal with fears and internal conflicts with oneself.

We absorb the affirmations of mother and father, society and other people's opinions, and then spend our whole lives fighting them. I think it's time to get rid of the malevolent and negative influence!

1. Say "No" to bad scripts!

A huge number of people do not share the term "realism" and "negative" in relation to the world. Remember, if you sincerely believe that any undertaking is doomed to failure, then this will be read in your behavior, and especially in speech!

Therefore, as soon as you notice the first signals of an accident, completely change your negative approach to life, otherwise failure is inevitable!

2. Bet on the positive!

Try to notice pleasant bonuses and gifts of fate instead of looking for an excuse to say " And here! Everything went wrong, which means that my gloomy mood was justified!»
Smile more, charge for positive and by all means, believe only in a good outcome. It cannot be otherwise.

3. Visualize

I suggest that you create by surrounding yourself with specific and clear guidelines for action. In addition, by doing what you like, you run the risk of succeeding as much as possible by enjoying the process.

On this I will finish!

Be sure to subscribe to updates and advise your friends to read the blog. Improve your life by getting rid of unnecessary things, and in the comments share your own methods for eliminating annoying and dangerous installations.

See you on the blog, bye bye!

Have you noticed how inner fears do not allow you to move forward? And often they do not even have real reasons for fear. Whether you want to change jobs or go on vacation - the worm of doubt is right there: “You are always unlucky”, “They don’t look for good from good.” Where is this annoying voice coming from? Who sowed this seed of doubt in your mind? And how to deal with such obstacles?

If you have been asking these questions for a long time, we want to congratulate you - this is the first step in getting rid of negative attitudes.

Negative attitudes are a powerful force that controls us, does not allow us to realize our potential and live a full happy life. They dispose a person to react and act in the same way in repetitive life situations. And every year, such a baggage of mistakes and failures that we drag inside ourselves grows and gets stronger, replenished with new negative experiences.

Mistakes in upbringing contribute to the formation of negative attitudes in childhood. Many parents tend to criticize their children with generalizations such as “you are such a slacker”, “you eat like a pig”, “you are always late”, “you are good for nothing”, etc.

All these hurtful words are formed into subconscious beliefs that deny any possibility of success and program for appropriate behaviors. But all these negative attitudes are just clothes from which you have long grown. Now it's your turn to choose for yourself what suits you.

In order to set foot on the path of liberation from these internal obstacles, you first need to understand what negative attitudes are and identify them in yourself. Consider the most popular beliefs that often become a stumbling block on the path to happiness.

Negative attitude #1: I'm not good enough

In childhood, we are taught that Santa Claus brings gifts only to good boys and girls. But what does "good" mean? Of course, obedient, that is, one who fulfills other people's requirements, who can be curbed.

And so we grow into adult men and women, but for some reason we continue to carry the burden of obedience. As a result, we fulfill other people's attitudes and prescriptions, sighing heavily and being angry at life. We choose an unsuitable university, followed by an unloved job, then we rush to start a family and soon we inherit a vow of obedience to our children.

Stop and think: what do you want? Take away all the "buts" and "ifs" and imagine a life that would bring you joy. You will notice that this life goes far beyond the scheme that parents, teachers, friends and the media impose on us.

And therefore, it immediately becomes uncomfortable for us to realize such dreams: the majority does not support us in such endeavors, which means that we become “naughty” and we will no longer see the mercy of the fabulous Santa Claus.

A person wants to leave a boring job and go on a year-long trip with the money set aside, but everyone around persuades him not to take risks, they frighten him with a crisis, the difficulties of moving. For many, the risk of failure turns them off the path to achieving their cherished goals. And then the person breaks down.

He returns to the safe route that most people approve of, he becomes obedient again and receives his regular "gifts": a loan with a minimum rate, a monthly salary, stability. Don't fall into the trap of approval, find your way and do things that revitalize you: give you confidence, awaken your willpower, make your eyes shine.

Negative attitude #2: I'm out of luck

Conquer your fears through action. Remember: fate is the favorite excuse of those who put responsibility on other people's shoulders all their lives (“I was born under an unlucky star”, “I was often teased as a child, so I am not sure of myself”, etc.).

Yes, circumstances do matter, especially for those who are inactive. Don't let superstitious fears paralyze you. When you are in constant motion, you are always ready to act and find solutions. Just don't stop.

Negative Attitude #3: I'm Not Supported - It Means I'm Doing Something Wrong

Thoughts that no one understands us, that others are against us, can cause severe pain. Awaken the fighter in you.

If you are confident in your own goals, don't pay attention to what others say. Remember, all geniuses were initially called madmen.

Negative Attitude #4: There are people who do things better than me.

And it is true. Our planet is inhabited by more than 7 billion people - so who exactly are you going to compare yourself with?

Answer the main question: why do you want to be the best? So that your mother praises you or that your friends envy you?

When you find the true reason for this attitude, you will see that it has nothing to do with you, it is imposed on you from the outside, and it can be safely discarded.

It happens that a person fails to do something for a long time, especially when it comes to creative realization and grandiose plans, such as starting a business, writing a book or a script, etc. Failure leads a person to a dead end called: “Why did I think that I would succeed? Why am I better than others?

At the root of this problem lies the wrong premise that we should compare ourselves to other people. In fact, we should compare ourselves only with ourselves in the past: “What have I achieved in the last year? What have I learned in the last week? Improvement always brings joy.

Negative Attitude #5: Fear of the Future

What if everything you do and strive for will one day disappear, and you will be left with nothing? What if something happens that makes your happiness impossible and all your efforts in vain?

To live in fear of the unknown is to leave no choice. Yes, life is very unpredictable, but no one guarantees that by choosing the easier path, you will also not encounter something that can forever destroy the most important thing that you have.

One of the strongest qualities of all successful people is that they are not afraid to lose everything and start over. Life is a process, not an end result.

The only question is what you will remember when you reach an advanced age. That you tried your best and didn't succeed, or will you be tormented by the thought that you never tried to do something really amazing? Think about it.

How to get rid of negative attitudes

You can get rid of negative attitudes by constantly moving towards your dream, as well as through careful and honest introspection. And it's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

The first and most important thing to do is to accept and forgive yourself for all your shortcomings and, without undue modesty, not lose sight of your virtues. Take a sheet of paper, divide it in half, and write honestly about your positive and negative qualities.

After the work is done, think about whether your shortcomings have a downside? Perhaps you are being too hard on yourself. Maybe frugality is hidden behind greed, and rationality behind suspiciousness? Find the shadow side of your pluses and understand for yourself that you are a holistic and unique person, ready for a bright and interesting life.

Happiness. There are different definitions for it. And it will be different for each person. But I think everyone will agree that happiness is when everything is good. When all areas of your life are in harmony.

Subconsciously, we all strive for this. So what prevents a person from always being happy? Not when you get rich or get married. Not under the condition of fulfilling something, but always experiencing happiness. And it is precisely internal negative attitudes that hinder us.

What attitudes prevent us from being happy

Installation is a general program of human behavior in a particular situation. By the age of thirty, each person "accumulates" in himself a whole set of internal attitudes that determine his life. He believes in many attitudes as true, that is, for him they are neither negative nor positive. For example, the attitude “all men change”. We are told about this from everywhere: TV, magazines, books. Well, if dad left the family, then all the more so this attitude took root in the subconscious of the child for a future life. And what happens next? A girl comes across only those men who cheat, confirming only her attitude, or even worse - she can’t build relationships in any way, because in this way she protects herself from these cheating men. As long as he doesn't change. It happens that excess weight, illness or acne protect against such men.

Are you familiar with the following settings or similar ones?

Nobody cares what I do

There is always someone better than me

Love hurts

I'm not sure of myself

I'm afraid of being criticized

People can offend

People are basically selfish and greedy

Life is full of suffering

Happiness doesn't last long

If I become open and honest, people will start using it.

I can never overcome my flaws

I can't express my feelings and emotions openly

Nothing in life depends on me

Wanting something just for yourself is selfish

I can not interest a worthy partner for life

I've never been lucky in a relationship

Being lonely is terrible

People only think about themselves

I'm afraid of change

I am very ashamed that I make mistakes

Money is evil, money makes you go to crimes and deals with conscience

The poor are happier

Money corrupts a person and instills in him all base passions.

I can't earn because I'm too stupid, I don't have enough strength because I'm a woman

Modesty adorns

My body is not beautiful enough

Now our task is not to analyze where all the installations came from. For this, you can go to an experienced psychologist, and there is no need for this. In any case, no one is to blame. Parents are not to blame for teaching you to live this way and not otherwise. They were taught by their parents and so on.

Dealing with Negative Attitudes: Affirmations for Happiness

Now we will look at how to recognize these installations and how to eradicate them. Read these negative attitudes again. Determine which ones are close to you. Write it down on a separate sheet.

Match these negative attitudes with positive affirmations. Affirmation is a positively charged phrase, which, when repeated many times, is fixed in the subconscious of a person and gives a setting to change his daily reality for the better.

An example of affirmations for negative attitudes that we discussed above:

I accept myself for who I am

People love me and I love people

I am the one and only for myself

I am open and ready for wonderful relationships based on love

I am a confident person

I am a confident person

I trust life

Everyone is entitled to their opinion

Life supports me in every situation

I'm happy

I feel safe because self-love protects me

Today I'm better than yesterday

I freely and openly express my feelings and emotions

I love me. I am the most important person for myself!

I take full responsibility for my life

I always get what I want for myself

I find the person I need. Between us love and passion

I deserve to be happy and loved

I can be happy regardless of anyone

Good comes to me from everywhere, from everyone and everything

I'm ready for change

I am confident in my success

I let go of all limiting thoughts now

I value money for the things it can give

I choose to think well about money now

I release all my fears and doubts about money

If others can be rich, I can too!

I respect my body and take good care of it

How to work with affirmations to get rid of negative attitudes

Write affirmations with your left hand before going to bed on a separate sheet or in a notebook.

“A word written before going to bed affects the consciousness and subconsciousness 100 times stronger than a word heard, read or said” (Igor Afonin).

And when we write with our left hand, we concentrate and, accordingly, transfer energy into beliefs, which makes them more powerful. You also need to write down negative attitudes, then ritually throw them away or burn them. The subconscious must believe that they are no more.

Hang your affirmations in a prominent place, repeat several times a day.

Of course, these are not all negative attitudes, but only approximate options. We have thousands of them in our subconscious. There is another way to identify some in yourself. Make a table. Write down everything that your parents told you in childhood or adolescence. Remember the basic settings. Think about whether they interfere with your life now.

Mother's Messages

Father's messages

Don't live! (I don’t need such a girl, how tired I am of you, etc.)

Everything in this life depends on you

Don't! (Don't run, don't jump, don't stand, don't knock, etc.)

The man is the head of the family!

What a terrible life!

A man must provide for his family!

Don't grow up!

You're doing fine

Beautiful should be only on holidays!

To achieve something, you have to work hard!

I have been practicing identifying negative attitudes for 7 years now. Since I began to consciously keep a diary, in which I analyzed the problem in detail, the attitudes that led to it, and wrote affirmations. Now I have a separate notebook for this. I can't say that I write there every day. And problems are already perceived as opportunities. But I will never forget my first entry: "I can't get pregnant." Moreover, there were no medical deviations. Consciously I really wanted, but subconsciously I didn’t want at all. Why? What am I afraid of? How to decide? These are the questions I asked myself. The answers poured in as soon as I picked up the pen. There were a lot of fears:

  1. I will lose my figure.
  2. Childbirth is incredibly painful.
  3. I can't pay enough attention to my husband.
  4. I won't have time for myself.
  5. I get bogged down with other moms about bottles, diapers, and pacifiers.
  6. I will not be able to go anywhere to rest for the next 5 years, because rest with a child is hard labor.
  7. In the kindergarten, the child will be ill for the first 3 years constantly.
  8. All purchases will be primarily for the child.
  9. Goodbye freedom.

In general, there were enough grounds for a subconscious unwillingness to have children. Once I understood all these reasons, I set about correcting them with positive affirmations:

  1. I create my figure myself.
  2. Childbirth is a natural process for the body.
  3. I always pay enough attention to my husband.
  4. I always have time for myself. A child needs a happy mother.
  5. I only talk to people about what I want to talk about myself.
  6. I go to rest with a child and enjoy communicating with him.
  7. My child is healthy and developing harmoniously. Kindergarten sickness is a myth.
  8. Purchases are divided according to the degree of need. If someone in the family needs something in the first place, then he will get it.
  9. Freedom is my choice.

As soon as I realized that all my fears are only in my head, that there are happy mothers too, I was already on my way to a happy life with a baby. Psychologists say that sometimes it is enough to be aware of a problem in order to solve it. Maybe. But I decided to repeat affirmations twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Two months later I got pregnant. And now, after 7 years, I can say that none of the fears have manifested themselves. I am a happy mother of a 6-year-old beauty, I have a great figure and always have time for myself and my husband.

Say goodbye to your negative attitudes and hello to a happy life!

In conclusion, I would like to say once again about happiness. Only in our head there is a definition for this word. And only we decide whether we are happy or not. Reveal your barriers, change to affirmations. And you will be happy!

Galina Savchenko for site