Preparation of written papers in mathematics. Text information processing

All entries in notebooks should be made out in neat calligraphic handwriting.
. Use a ballpoint pen with purple (blue) ink.
. All underlining, outlines of geometric shapes are done with a simple pencil.

In elementary school, students have notebooks to perform all types of training and tests in basic subjects.

Mathematics and Russian language:

  • Notebooks No. 1 and No. 2 (for current work)
  • Notebook number 3 (for tests.)

The presentation and essay refer to works of a creative nature and are signed as notebooks for creative work.

It is allowed to have notebooks on literary reading in which creative types of work are performed (essays, drawings, plans for works, definitions of literary concepts, etc.)
For the lessons of knowledge of the world, it is possible to use notebooks on a printed basis, but more often in practice, students have ordinary workbooks.
In accordance with the program requirements, it is allowed to have notebooks on music, a foreign language, optional courses, etc.
It is not required to keep notebooks on labor, fine arts, physical education, life safety, traffic rules.

Making inscriptions on the cover of notebooks

Notebooks of students of the 1st and 2nd grades are signed by the teacher. Notebooks of students in grades 3-4 are signed by the students themselves under the guidance of a teacher. Notebooks do not have to be signed in the same handwriting.

The inscriptions on the covers must be drawn up in a single form, in compliance with the norms of calligraphy.

The preposition "by" is written on the same line as the name of the subject.
Class numbering is written in Arabic numerals.
Last name and first name should be written in the genitive case. The last name is written first, followed by the full name.

Work on mistakes in workbooks. Daily work on mistakes should be an integral system, the effectiveness of which can be traced in improving the quality of training.

In elementary school, notebooks are checked daily without fail. Checking tests is carried out for the next lesson. Notebooks No. 3 are shown to parents with their issuance at home. But they are kept in the classroom until the end of the school year.

Students' work is checked by the teacher in red ink. Evaluation of written current and control works is carried out in accordance with the accepted norms of assessments.

Registration of written works in the Russian language

After class and homework, two lines should be indented (we write on the third).

When making a red line, an indent to the right is made at least 2 cm (two fingers). Compliance with the red line is required from the first grade when preparing texts, starting a new type of work.
Lines are not skipped during operation.

The new page starts at the topmost line and is appended to the end of the page, including the last line.

On the left, when designing each line, it deviates from the edge by no more than 0.5 cm.
The line on the right is appended to the end. The use of transfer rules is mandatory. Unreasonable presence of empty spaces on a line is not allowed.

The date of writing the work in the Russian language (and mathematics) is recorded in the center of the working line.

In the first grade, during the period of literacy, the date is recorded by the teacher or students in the form of a number and the initial letter of the name of the month: 1 d.

From the 3rd grade (from the 2nd half of the year) it is allowed to write numerals in words in the date record: December first.

The title of the work is recorded on the next working line (without a gap) in the center and is drawn up as a proposal.

For example:

Work on bugs.

The variability of the work is fixed on the next line in the center or in the margins (short form of notation):
1-in. (recording in Roman numerals)

The word exercise is written in full from grade 3, starting from the third quarter.
The numbers of exercises performed in notebooks are indicated in their full volume. If the exercise is not fully performed, then it is not indicated. A short and full form of recording is allowed (in the center of the line).


Exercise 234.
Exercise 234.

In work that requires writing in a column, the first word is capitalized. Punctuation marks (commas) are not included.

For example:


When performing this type of work in a line, the first word is written from the red line, with a capital letter, separated by commas.

For example: Wind, east, sand.

When performing various types of analysis, it is required to comply with the accepted norms for abbreviations of words, designations of terms. The word is reduced only by consonants:

deaf-ch., voiced-sound, consonant-accord., solid-tv.,
preposition - ex.
masculine gender
feminine gender
middle gender-cf.
Past tense - past
Present tense - present.
Future tense - bud.
Singular number-singular.
The name of the cases is indicated by a capital letter (Im.p. R.p. D.p. V.p. T.p. P.p.)

It should be determined that the designations above the words should be done with a pen, as well as with a simple sharpened pencil. All underlining is done on a ruler only with a pencil.
Some types of work can be carried out without a ruler, if children have a formed skill in working with a pencil.
When preparing written types of analysis, the requirements of the proposed samples should be observed. Draw students' attention to the setting of the existing dashes, periods and commas after certain abbreviations of terms.
Recall that in mathematics, when abbreviating the names of units of measurement
dots are not placed.

For example: mm, m, cm, h, min, km, kg, g, etc.

Students in grades 1-2 write in notebooks in a narrow line. The teacher determines the transition to a wide line from the 3rd grade, taking into account the students' successfully formed writing skills.

Organization of work on the formation of calligraphic skills

Primary school teachers have many different methods of organizing “handwriting minutes”. The methodology for their implementation requires compliance with the content, volume and frequency of:

Grade 1-2 - 2 lines, daily.
3-4 grade - 3 lines, 2-3 times a week.

The teacher writes samples in notebooks. In class, he writes a sample on the blackboard with comments, pointing out typical mistakes and ways to correct them. It is important to pay attention to the position of the notebook, landing, whether they hold the pen correctly. Many teachers use various devices to form calligraphic writing: stencils, tracing paper, etc.

To stimulate children in practice, various encouragement methods are used: inscriptions on the cover (It's nice to check your notebook! I write beautifully and competently. Chistyulka. I write on "5"!), Exhibitions of the best notebooks.

Incentive methods also include daily assessment of completed work in relation to calligraphy. Usually the score is placed on the margins. It is sometimes recommended to give grades to the journal as well. But calligraphy should not be turned into a kind of punishment for children. The teacher must remember the principles of a differentiated approach.

Registration of written works in mathematics

Between classroom and homework, 4 cells should retreat (the next work begins on the fifth cell).
Between the types of exercises in class and homework, two cells retreat down. It should be noted that the cell is not allocated for capital letters, i.e. one of the two (four) cells is considered for them.
Between the columns of expressions, equations, equalities and others, three cells retreat to the right (we write on the fourth).
The date can be written traditionally in the middle, or in the margins.
In any work, one cell is receded to the left of the edge of the notebook (5 mm).
Traditionally, the types of tasks are marked in notebooks. The word "Task" is written in the middle of the line, the number is marked.
The design of tasks also requires compliance with accepted standards. A brief record of the conditions of the tasks is drawn up in accordance with their type. "Main" words are capitalized. At the first stages of training, their incomplete recording is allowed (by initial letters).

In grades 1-4, there is no need to write the word "Decision".
There are several forms of recording problem solving: by actions, by actions with written explanations, by actions with a question, expression, equation.
The word "Answer" is capitalized below the solution. In the first class, the answer is written briefly. Later, students should write a complete answer. For example:
Answer: We bought 10 balls in total.
When writing the condition of the problem in the form of a table, there is no need to draw it. Students fill in the columns, retreating from them two or three cells. The names of the columns (columns) are capitalized.

When solving expressions for the order of actions, students should be required to comply with the following rules:
- write down the expression in full;
- indicate the order of actions with numbers above the signs;
- describe the actions to be performed in order (using oral or written methods of calculation), stepping down one cell;
- write down the final value of the expression.

We give examples of the design of complex equations, as required by mathematics teachers in high school.

X+123- 56*2= 638

All written calculations are done to the right of the equation.

Students also need to be taught how to write down tasks of a geometric type.
All drawings are made with a simple pencil along the ruler. Measurements can be signed with a pen. Designations by letters are carried out in block type, in capital letters of the Latin alphabet.

The words length, width of the rectangle are not allowed to be indicated briefly in Latin letters.

The length of the rectangle is 12 cm, its width is 6 cm. Calculate the perimeter and area of ​​the rectangle.

An example of a short note and a solution to the problem:

Length -12 cm
Width - 6 cm
Perimeter -? cm
Square - ? cm2
(12+6)*2=36 (cm)
12*6=72 (cm2)
Answer: Perimeter-36 cm, area = 72 cm2 (d / s)

A figure should be drawn only when it is required by the condition of the problem.
When preparing a mathematical dictation, the following requirements must be observed:
- write only answers in a line separated by commas, indenting one cell
- next to the number, write the names of units of measurement and prepositions for, in .. times.

Sample: 675, 564, 78, 7 times.

Journaling in elementary school

The diary is an official school document. There are certain requirements for its management. Mandatory presence of diaries is required from the 1st grade. But in some cases (taking into account the formation of reading and writing skills among schoolchildren), by decision of the teachers' council and the parent meeting, it is allowed to keep diaries from grades 1-2.
Diaries are kept with the help of parents and teachers.

Currently, there are many different diaries. Therefore, the class teacher should bring to students the uniform requirements for their conduct:

  • entries are made neatly, legibly, competently, in blue ink;
  • it is required to fill in all available sections (points) of this diary (starting with the title page);
  • information about the schedule of lessons, calls, names of subjects, names of teachers are filled out under the guidance of a teacher;
  • the names of the month and objects should be written with a small letter. An abbreviated notation is allowed (math., Lit. Thu., cognition, physics, iso);
  • homework is recorded in the designated column. Usually it is recorded on the day of the next lesson. Students should be required to regularly mark the exercise number, page, special notes (by heart, retelling)

sample: p.132, exercise 453
pp. 154-155 (retelling)

  • in the column "assessment" and "painting" the teacher grades in accordance with the assessment in the journal. The student submits the diary to the teacher at his first request. When grading for various types of verification work, additional entries are allowed next to the assessment: dictation (D.), control work (c.r.), etc.
  • in elementary school, the use of encouraging, commendable, instructive and other records is practiced: “Well done!”, “Clever!”, “We must try!”; in modern diaries, a special column is allocated for teacher comments, messages for parents, and so on.

Carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Test 1. What enzymes break down carbohydrates?

  1. Maltase.

Test 2. Which hormone causes the conversion of excess glucose into glycogen?

  1. Adrenalin.


    A growth hormone.

Test 3. What organic substances can carbohydrates turn into?

    to other carbohydrates.

  1. Both carbohydrates, and fats, and proteins.

Test 4. What is the main function of carbohydrates in the body?





Test 5. What enzymes break down fats in the digestive system?

    Amylase, maltase, lipase.

  1. Bile and lipase.

Test 6. To what products does the breakdown of fats occur in the intestine?

    to amino acids.

    to glycerol and fatty acids.

    to glucose.

    All of the above substances are formed.

Test 7. What organic substances can fats turn into in the human body?

    into non-essential amino acids.

    into essential amino acids.

    In carbohydrates and fats of the organism.

    The proteins, fats and carbohydrates of the body.

Test 8. What organic substances are the most energetically valuable, give more energy when oxidized?


  1. Vitamins.

** Test 9. What functions do fats perform in the body?


    Source of metabolic water.



Task 7.5. Fill in the table in your notebook:

Table 29. The value of water in the human body.

Task 7.6. Fill in the table in your notebook:

Table 30. The value of inorganic ions in the human body.

Task 7.7. Fill the table:

Table 31. Vitamins and their importance for the human body.

Task 7.8. Choose the correct answer:

Metabolism of inorganic substances. Vitamins.

Test 1. A little more water is always released from the human and animal body than it enters.

    No, as much is excreted as received (including water contained in food).

Test 2. Subcutaneous adipose tissue is the body's water depot.

Test 3. Where is iron mainly found in the human body?

    in erythrocytes.

    In the bones

    In the thyroid gland.

    In the spleen.

Test 4. Where is iodine mainly found in the human body?

    in erythrocytes.

    In the bones

    In the thyroid gland.

    In the spleen.

Test 5. What are the consequences of a lack of vitamin A in food?

Test 6. What are the consequences of a lack of vitamin B 1 in food?

  1. To growth retardation, to "night blindness".

    To the disease "take-take" - damage to the nervous system, paralysis, movement disorder.

Test 7. What are the consequences of a lack of vitamin D in food?

  1. To growth retardation, to "night blindness".

    To the withdrawal of calcium and phosphorus salts from the human body, to rickets.

    To the disease "take-take" - damage to the nervous system, paralysis, movement disorder.

Test 8. What are the consequences of a lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in food?

  1. To growth retardation, to "night blindness".

    To the withdrawal of calcium and phosphorus salts from the human body.

    To the disease "take-take" - damage to the nervous system, paralysis, movement disorder.

Test 9. Which vitamin regulates hematopoiesis?

Test 10. A mouse is placed on the scale pan under a metal grid and the scales are balanced. Which scale pan will become lighter in an hour?

    Cup with mouse.

    A cup without a mouse.

    The weight will not change.

**Test 11. Bergman's rule states that with distance from the equator to the poles, the size of individuals of the same species or closely related species of warm-blooded animals increases. This is explained by:

    Small size allows you to consume less food.

    Small size allows better hiding.

    With an increase in size, the relative heat transfer through the surface of the body decreases.

    The increase in size allows you to move faster.

**Test 12. Which of the following animals has the highest metabolic rate?

  1. At the frog.

**Test 13. A kangaroo rat, a moth, and a mealworm can do without water all their lives. How do they do it?

    Enough water contained in food.

    Use the water contained in food and metabolic water.

    Like a camel, they use water formed during the oxidation of fats.

** Test 14. Weighed the egg before incubation, then weighed the chicken that came out of this egg with the shell. What is the result?

    Both weights are the same.

    The egg weighed more before incubation.

    The chicken with the shell weighed more.

The main requirements for the structure of the workbook:

1. The workbook should have a preface explaining the appeal to students.

2. The system of questions and tasks should be built in accordance with the structure and logic of the material being studied. Between tasks, subordination should be defined, relating to both the content of the subject and over-subject skills. The task of the author is to lead the student from topic to topic, from solving simple problems to more complex tasks.

3. The illustrations in the workbook should be working, i.e. educational. They may ask questions that require explanation. You can add to the drawing or suggest your own version. Where possible and justified, it makes sense to offer to draw or supplement the diagram.

4. The compositional construction of the workbook depends on the author's intention, on the nature and content of the educational material, its volume, the nature of questions and tasks. However, in any case, there should be provided: sufficient space for students' answers, the possibility of correcting mistakes and inaccuracies.

5. At the end of each topic inside the notebook, a series of control questions is desirable, which allows you to once again systematize students' knowledge.

6. The conclusion completes the notebook, orienting students to the content of the educational material that will be studied later.

Thus, a modern workbook is a didactic complex that contributes to the gradual formation of the mental activity of students and is intended for independent work of students in the classroom, laboratory or at home.

The workbook can be used for taking notes, consolidating knowledge and controlling it. Its advantages are undeniable - saving the student's time by doing the work directly on the pages of the manual and, as a result, the ability to solve more problems.

Based on the first principle, tasks in workbooks can be divided into the following levels:

§ first level- these are tasks focused on the performance of algorithmic activities and containing a hint (tasks for identification, differences, classification tasks);

§ second level- these are special tasks for testing knowledge, allowing to produce the studied educational elements without external support or prompting (substitution tasks, constructive, typical tasks);

§ third level- these are tasks that require heuristic activities to apply knowledge in practice.

For the formation of mental activity with predetermined qualities, the following rules for developing a workbook must be observed:

1. Alternating easy, typical, frequently encountered tasks with atypical, rare ones.

2. The use of subject tasks with the need to navigate in the subject field, determine significant and less significant objects, exclude insignificant objects from the field of activity.

3. The inclusion of logical tasks, the solution of which requires the ability to correctly identify the conditions of the problem, select the necessary data and weed out the excess.

4. The use of psychological tasks in which one should not rush to make a decision, but must act thoughtfully.

In order to maintain the interest of students and the diversity of their activities, various types and forms of tasks are used. They use a wide range of different tasks: tests, puzzles, crossword puzzles, tasks with missing words, creative tasks, logical riddles.

A differentiated approach allows the use of workbooks for students with different features of mental activity and different levels of ability and intelligence. To implement this approach, multi-level tasks are used.

The benefits of workbooks are clear:

§ it is the most mobile genre of the known genres of educational literature;

§ workbooks respond faster than others to the needs of educational institutions and at the same time form these needs;

§ Workbooks are the materialization of the idea of ​​the humanistic school, since memorization and reproduction are replaced by independent acquisition of knowledge.

In order for the sheets of the workbook to be able to systematically form sustainable professional skills, they must meet the following requirements.

completeness- the presence of tasks for the development of all the studied concepts, facts, methods of professional activity.

grouping systems of tasks, generalized methods of solving which are transferred to solving problems of a wide range of professional activities.

Connectivity all blocks of information on the sheets of the workbook.

Ascending difficulties in solving problems and planned learning outcomes.

target orientation- for each task, a place is determined on the sheets of the workbook.

Target sufficiency– there are enough problems of fixing the solution methods if they have the property of transfer to other subject areas.

Psychological comfort trainees while working with a sheet of a workbook. Students have the opportunity to form concepts at an individual pace of mastering the content of educational information, to carry out self-control and control of the activities of their friend.


Sheets of a workbook on the topic "Dishes from stews and offal"



WELL: _______

GROUP STUDENT : _________

20___ - 20____ academic year


The notebook contains control questions, test tasks, as well as tasks for the implementation of technological schemes and tables, tasks for the development of technical and logical thinking. In addition, practical tasks that can be performed using the current Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments.

The performance of some tasks that are of a creative nature requires work with additional literature, the authors of which not only provide cooking technology, but also refer to the origins of cooking, the history of the creation of dishes, and the emergence of their names. The structure of the notebook includes tasks of increased complexity.

Questions and tasks placed in notebooks will help students to better understand the most important concepts of the course, to comprehend them. When performing some tasks, students need to give accurate and unambiguous answers, while others require them to search for an independent answer. Work with a notebook can be used in class and when doing homework.

To evaluate the work with the sheets of the workbook for each section, an evaluation table is included.

Dear student!

Before starting the task, read the instructions, repeat the theoretical material. Complete tasks neatly and legibly.





Worksheet #1.

GOAU NPO Professional technical lyceum №1


Student Group


Compiled by: Stupak Olga Valerievna

G. Blagoveshchensk 2014


Lesson #1


    Fill in the table by indicating their numbers next to the names of the Windows elements.

Element name

Element name

START button

Control button


Scroll bar



Task bar

Close window button

Quick launch bar

Minimize Window Button

System tray

Maximize window button

Program window

Window Title

Entry field

Program (task) button

    Answer the questions:

a) Which of the windows shown in the figure is active and which is not? Specify the signs by which you determined this.

b) How many windows can be open on the desktop at the same time? How many windows can be active?

c) How to switch between windows? List all methods.

Test 1

    The folder where deleted objects end up is called:

A) Shopping cart B) My documents

C) Operational D) Portfolio

    How to switch from Russian to Latin font and vice versa?

A) using keys +C) A) and B)

B) using the keyboard indicator D) differently

    What is the shortest way to copy a document to a floppy disk?

A) Drag the selected document into the window with drive A:

B) Select a document, execute commands Edit - Copy and

Disc 3.5 A: - Insert

B) with a button Copy on the toolbar

D) RMB on the document, select the command in the context menu

Submit - Drive 3.5A:

    How to create a folder?

A) only with the help of the command Create context menu

B) only with the help of a command File-Create

C) A) and B)

D) different

    What is in the window title?

A) The name of the program and its icon

B) File name and program icon

C) Program icon, program name and document name

D) File name and program name

    How to rename a document?

A) Enter a new document name

B) Use command File-Rename

B) Select the document and apply option A)

D) Select the document and apply option B)

Test key:

Lesson #2


Workshop 1.

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 

For more convenience, you can use the following key combinations:

close the document - < ctrl >+< F 4> , move to the next document - < ctrl >+< F 6>,

open document - < ctrl >+<О> , save the document - < ctrl >+< S >

Lesson #3



Workshop 2.

    Download Word. Type the following text and save it on a diskette under the nameTelephone. doc

Entertainment "Broken phone"

Surely everyone knows this game. Now let's complicate it a little. A large company is required to participate. One presenter, 5-6 people playing (the more, the merrier), the rest are spectators. The players go out the door. The host calls the first of them and reads to him in the presence of the audience a pre-prepared small text (10-12 sentences, not too complicated). The text is read once, clearly and not very quickly. The player's task is to retell the text he heard to the next player, who was previously outside the door. The second player retells to the third what he managed to remember in turn. Etc. As a result, the last player retells to the audience those crumbs of the original text that have come down to him. In general, the story changes so much towards the end that the audience simply falls with laughter! It is checked up on own experience.

Very well spent in friendly companies. It would be even better if you record everything on a tape recorder, and then let the storytellers listen to themselves.

    Determine your typing speed with the formula
    Typing speed \u003d number of characters typed / (time, min + number of errors).
    The number of characters typed can be found by running the command
    Service - Statistics, and the number of errors is to count the number of words in the typed text, underlined by a red wavy line.

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 


Additional task.

    Type any text in Russian (from a textbook, book or magazine), at least 2000 characters long and save it on a diskette under the name Optional1. doc

    Type any text in English (from a textbook, book or magazine) of at least 500 characters and save it on a diskette under the name faculty 1. doc


If, when typing, all words are underlined as erroneous, it means that the language of the document is set incorrectly. You can change the document language with the command Service - Language - Select language, then in the list that appears, select the language you need (Russian or English) and click the button OK.


Lesson number 4



Workshop 3.

new year song

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest

Slim in winter and summer

Green was.

The blizzard sang a song to her:

"Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!",

Frost covered with snow:

"Look, don't freeze!"

    Save the file with a nameSong. doc on a diskette.

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 


Lesson number 5



Practice 4.

    Download WordSong. doc

    Make the heading "New Year's song" bold 20 points. Headset select Arial. The main text of the song - size 16, italics, typeface CourierNew. Make the word "herringbone" in the main text bold, underline, highlight in green.

    Type and format the following text: main font size 12, title and formulas - 15, bold. The title is also underlined. Artist's signature - size 13, italics. Save the document in a folderMy documents.

Solving a quadratic equation

To solve a quadratic equation of the form

ax2 + bx + c =0

must first be calculated discriminant according to the formula

D \u003d b 2 -4ac

If a D <0 , then the equation has no real roots

Completed by a student of grade 9 Pythagorov Ivan

    Type and format the following text in the same way as the previous one. Indent from the name of the acid to its formula using the key< Tab > . Save the document in a folderMy documents.

H some acids

Nitrogen HNO 3

Dichromic H 2 CrO 7

Sulfuric H 2 SO 4

Coal H 2 CO 3

Salt HCl

Chrome H 2 CrO 4

Chlorinated HClO 3

Completed by a student of grade 9 b Mendeleev Ilya

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 

Lesson number 6



Workshop 5.

    Download Word. Open the file on the floppy disk with the nameA note. doc

    Apply the following styling to the text. Part of the text before the words "Explanatory Note" should be placed on the right edge, font size 14. Highlight the full name of the director in bold italics. Make the words "Explanatory note" size 18, bold underlined, place in the center. Place the main text in width, with hyphenation, size 14, in italics. Leave the date on the left edge, size 12.

    Move the right border of all text by 15 cm (on the horizontal ruler). Make the text up to the words "Explanatory note" with one and a half intervals. In the text of the note, set the red line to 1 cm, and shift the left border of the text by 2 cm. Make the text of the note with double spacing. Move the date to the right by 4 cm.

    Save the document with the same name.

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 


Additional task.

Fill out any of the previously typed texts ( Optional1. doc or faculty 1. doc ) using font design and paragraph alignment at your discretion. The only requirement is that the text should look nicely designed.


You can also use keyboard shortcuts for font design and paragraph alignment:

bold font - < ctrl >+< B > left alignment - < ctrl >+< L >

italic font - < ctrl >+< I > right alignment - < ctrl >+< R >

underlined font - < ctrl >+< U > center alignment - < ctrl >+< E >

width alignment - < ctrl >+< J >


To align text as much as possible and reduce ugly white spaces between words,arising from justification in width, you should applyautomatic hyphenation . This is done by the teamService-Language-Hyphenation . Next, check the boxAutomatic hyphenation and press the button OK .


Lesson number 7



Workshop 6.

    The following list is given: computer components, system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse, software, system programs, programming languages, application programs, computer networks, local networks, global networks.

    Arrange this list in three different types of lists:

Computer components

    System unit





    System programs

    Programming languages

    Application programs

Computer networks

    Local networks

    global networks

I. Computer components

System unit




II. Software

System programs

Programming languages

Application programs

III. Computer networks

Local networks

global networks

1. Computer components

    1. System unit




2. Software

    1. System programs

      Programming languages

      Application programs

3. Computer networks

    1. Local networks

      global networks

    Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 

    Save the document.


Security questions by topic

"Typing and editing text", "Font and paragraph design"

    How does a computer distinguish between words and paragraphs?

    What are the minimum and maximum font sizes that Word allows you to set?

    Which key should be pressed to get only capital letters?

    What is the difference between the keys < Delete > and < backspace > ?

    What actions are allowed to be performed on fonts?

    How to set red line, left and right paragraph borders?

    What types of alignment do you know?

    How to set line spacing?

    What types of lists can be specified when creating them?

    How to set automatic hyphenation?

    How to remove a piece of text?

    How to correctly put spaces around punctuation marks?

    < Enter > with the cursor set to the beginning of the line?

    What happens if you press the key < Delete > with the cursor positioned at the end of a paragraph?


Lesson number 8


Workshop 7.

    Create a table with 4 columns by 11 rows and fill it in as shown:


Height (cm)

Weight, kg)











    In the same document, create another table with a size of 5 columns by 9 rows and fill it as follows:

Name of product




magic wand


love potion


Living water


Water is dead


Magic carpet



Self-assembly tablecloth




frog princess



    Tables1. doc

    Create a new document. Make the following table in it. To merge cells, you must first select the cells to be merged, and then execute the commandTable - Merge Cells .

Vegetables, fruits and berries

The composition of the edible part,














Park Square, 13, 890-45-32

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Note: The ® icon will appear automatically if you enter characters sequentially (R ) without spaces.

    Save the document with a nameTable3. doc

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 

Security questions on the topic

"Creating Tables"

    Describe the ways you know how to insert a table into a document.

    What are the minimum and maximum table sizes that Word allows you to set?

    How can I change the table structure (add or remove rows and columns)?

    How can I resize table cells?

    What formatting is applicable for text inside a cell?

    Is it possible to insert a table inside a table? What operation should be used to additionally separate cells?

    How to apply cell fill?


Additional task.

Draw up a student's progress table (report card) according to the model that is on the last page of the diary. Highlight the objects of natural - scientific and humanitarian cycles with color.


Lesson number 9



Workshop 8.

Using the formula editor write the following formulas in the document:


and save the document asFormulas. doc

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 

Additional task.

Use the formula editor to design one or two pages from an algebra textbook with examples of solving problems and equations.


Lesson number 10



Practice 9.

    Using the commandInsert-Figure-Pictures design the following document according to the sample and save it. When typing, note the typing time and determine your speed (see Practice 2).


M The Ashins never stop trying their "creative powers" in many genres. Electronic poems and stories are not new to the sophisticated reader. Cybernetic machines have written several play scripts.

Machine suites, hymns and songs were performed with fair success, such as the quite popular in some countries "Beauty with push-button control".

In addition to such creativity, the machine also managed to graphically, in “artistic images”, embody the meaning of mathematical abstractions. The most famous are the Mandelbrot sets, which are called fractals.

    With a toolArtistic text ( word art ) create the titles of your favorite books.

    Using Drawing panel draw up a reference sheet on geometry, which will show all the geometric shapes you know with their names.

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 

Date: "___" __________ 200__

Dialing rate ______ sym/min

Additional task.

Design your business card using tables and drawings. There should be 12 identical business cards on the sheet.


Test task on the topic Microsoft Word

Using the sample provided by the teacher, create a similar document in Microsoft Word.



Microsoft WORD window

Element name

Element name

Create document

Printing a Document

Open document

Check spelling in a document

Delete fragment to clipboard

Paragraph indent marker

Copy fragment to clipboard

Paste fragment from clipboard

Drawing panel

Cancel action


Inserting a table


Cell Alignment

Inserting a formula

Cell fill

Page display scale

Type of font (typeface)

Paragraph left alignment

Font size (size)

Paragraph right alignment

bold font

Center paragraph alignment

Italic font

Justify a paragraph

Underline font

numbered list

Font color

bulleted list


Keyboard Shortcuts for Special Characters

Russian keyboard layout Latin keyboard layout


Keyboard shortcut


Keyboard shortcut








































workbook car engine

The functions of the workbook in the educational process are as follows.

Educational. It is supposed to develop in students the necessary knowledge and skills.

Developing. The workbook contributes to the development of sustained attention in the lesson. Thanks to the workbook, the educational material is easier to perceive. The workbook can be a tool in the development of thinking through specially designed tasks and exercises of a creative nature.

Nurturing. Cultivate accuracy in taking notes.

Formative. The workbook forms the students' self-control skills, provided that the sheets of the workbook are systematically filled out.

Rationalizing. Rational organization of study time and study work of trainees. When working with sheets of a workbook, most of the students' time is spent on learning the meaning of the concepts being studied, describing technical objects and the principles of their work, technological processes, and the basics of production technology.

Controlling. The workbook can be used to control the knowledge and skills of students. The workbook sheet is a test of the second level of mastering concepts. At the same time, the teacher has the opportunity to exercise this control constantly, at certain stages of the lesson, since the educational material in the sheets of the workbook is divided into blocks


There are three types of workbook: information, control, mixed.

The information view of the workbook carries information only about the content of the educational material. The educational information in the workbook gives students an orientation in the content of the topic under consideration. This type of workbook is widely used in vocational schools, since for many subjects there is no educational material in any textbook or educational information is dispersed over several textbooks. As a result, the teacher is forced to construct educational information in a workbook.

The control workbook is used after studying the topic of the lesson. Using the workbook sheets, the teacher can not only establish the fact of knowledge or ignorance, but also determine on which operation the student makes a mistake, and eliminate it at the stage of concept formation.

The mixed view of the workbook includes information and control blocks. New educational material is included in the information block, tasks and tests are placed in the control block to control the acquired knowledge and skills, tasks for independent work.

Currently, workbooks used in vocational training are classified by type:

· exercise books, or training notebooks;

Notebooks on graphic modeling;

semiotic-semantic notebooks.

Notebooks for exercises are designed for independent work of students, they contribute to the formation of skills and abilities for solving typical problems and exercises. This type of workbooks can be widely used in teaching methods for general technical disciplines.

For the formation of professional knowledge and skills in the system of professional training of personnel, the second type of notebook can be widely used - notebooks on graphic modeling. The professional activity of draftsmen, cutters, electricians is unthinkable without design and graphic modeling. Workbook sheets with a system of special practical tasks will allow the future professional to develop imagination, memory, thinking and other cognitive processes.

Semiotic-semantic workbooks are based on a combination of drawings, diagrams, graphic models with semantic intellectual tasks of a creative level. Workbook sheets of this type can be developed to develop the diagnostic and design skills of a future specialist. To do this, it is necessary to construct tasks and exercises in a special way based on the substantive basis of the professional activity of a specialist of a certain profile.


There are certain requirements for the structure of the workbook. The workbook should have a preface explaining the appeal to students. The system of questions and tasks should be built in accordance with the structure and logic of the formation of the relevant technical concepts. Between tasks, subordination should be defined, relating to both the content of the subject and over-subject skills.

The task of the author is to lead the student from topic to topic, from solving simple problems to more complex tasks. The illustrations in the workbook must be working, i.e. teaching. They may ask questions that require explanation. You can add to the drawing or suggest your own version. Where possible and justified, it makes sense to offer to draw or supplement the diagram.

The compositional construction of the workbook depends on the author's intention, on the nature and content of the educational material, its volume, the nature of questions and tasks. However, in any case, sufficient space should be provided for students' answers, the possibility of correcting mistakes and inaccuracies. At the end of each topic inside the notebook, a series of control questions is desirable, which allows you to once again systematize the knowledge of students. The notebook ends with a conclusion that orients students to the content of the educational material that will be studied later.

To control the level of knowledge formation, the sheet of the workbook includes the content of tasks or problematic issues.

In order for the sheets of the workbook to be able to systematically form sustainable professional skills, they must meet the following requirements.

Completeness - the presence of tasks for the development of all the studied concepts, facts, methods of professional activity. Grouping a system of tasks, generalized methods of solving which are transferred to solving problems of a wide range of professional activities. Connectivity of all blocks of information on the sheets of the workbook. Increasing difficulty in solving problems and planned learning outcomes.

Goal orientation -- for each task, a place is defined on the sheets of the workbook. Target sufficiency - enough problems of fixing the solution methods, if they have the property of transfer to other subject areas. Psychological comfort of trainees when working with a workbook sheet. Students have the opportunity to form concepts at an individual pace of mastering the content of educational information, to carry out self-control and control of the activities of their friend.