The main idea is calling on the road. Calling on the road

Have you read the excerpts from the article? Calling on the road famous Russian critic, writer Viktor Borisovich Shklovsky.

Why does he call the book "dear"? How do you recommend looking at and reading the book? What should not be afraid? How did Pushkin, Gogol, L. Tolstoy feel about the book?


A book is a road leading us through life, helping us with the knowledge that we learned from it. The book must be considered and read carefully, like a watchmaker - a watch or a driver - a car. No need to be afraid that so many books have been written, no need to be afraid to read many different books - they will all come in handy.

Pushkin read a lot and therefore knew a lot. His interests were very broad, so he read a variety of books. And he knew how to read books correctly - seriously, carefully.

Gogol compiled his own dictionaries from the knowledge gained in books.

Tolstoy knew how to take from books more than what is written in them, therefore, while reading Jules Verne, he thought about gravity, weightlessness ...

“A book for Pushkin and Tolstoy is a subject for thought, material for thought. They don't stop at it, it kind of pushes them forward and further. And they go away from her."

Subject: Introduction to the textbook. "Calling on the road." Artwork and author.

Target:to prepare students for the perception of a new course of literature, to give an idea of ​​fiction as a special form of knowledge of reality.
During the classes.
I. Acquaintance with the textbook “Literature. 6th grade. Textbook for educational institutions. In 2 parts. Authors-compilers: V. P. Polukhina, V. Ya. Korovina, V. P. Zhuravlev, V. I. Korovin. Edited by V. Ya. Korovina / 15th edition, revised. M .: "Enlightenment", 2008.
Continuing the work begun in the 5th grade, we will name the author, editor, graphic designers and authors of illustrations, consider the reproductions on the cover and endpapers of the textbook.
Ask students to remember what cover, flyleaf, title page, imprint, and show it with a tutorial example.
What is the difference between a 6th grade textbook and a 5th grade textbook?
Let's pay attention to what applications are in the book, what has changed compared to the 5th grade textbook, what has remained the same.
Invite the children to name the names of the authors whose works they have already studied at school.
What were these works?
Let's ask if among the names of the authors there are those whose works the children read on their own.
Let's single out the boundaries of the sections: "Oral folk art", "Old Russian literature", "Works of Russian writers of the 18th century", "Works of Russian writers of the 19th century", "Works of Russian writers of the 20th century". The section "From the Literature of the Peoples of Russia" will be new. At the end of the second part there is a large section "From Foreign Literature", which includes "Myths of Ancient Greece".
— What sections will be new compared to the previous year? Which authors would you like to read?
II. "Calling on the road"
Reading the article of the textbook "They call on the road" (pp. 3-4). Conversation on questions 1, 4-5 (p. 5 of the textbook).
III. Artwork and author
Let us turn to a theoretical question: a work of art and an author. We will reflect the main content of the conversation in notebooks on literature.
Let the students think about what a work of art is.
Work of fiction this is a work of art spoken by a writer or poet "a word about the world" (M. M. Bakhtin).
In order to give children an idea of ​​the unity of the objective and the subjective in the work, of the reflection in it of both reality and the author's understanding of this reality, we will invite them to consider the binding of the textbook with a fragment of a reproduction of I. I. Levitan's painting “After the Rain. Plyos" (you can use a large reproduction of any other landscape).
- If you stood in the very place where the artist stood, with a camera in your hands, and photographed the Volga and the city of Ples, what would the photograph be like? Would she look like a painting? What would distinguish a photograph from a painting by I. I. Levitan?
Children answer that with the help of photography we will be able to convey the landscape we see more accurately and in detail, but we will not be able to reflect our impression and the mood that this picture evokes in us.
What can be compared to a work of art? Is it a photograph that accurately reflects the world, or a painting that expresses the moods and thoughts of the author?
To the definition of a work of art (see above), we add the notation that a work of art reflects the surrounding reality and the personality of the author.
- Who is the author?
Author is the creator of a literary work. In the work, the author expresses his thoughts and feelings, gives his assessment of reality.
Why does the author create his works? What is the role of the reader of a work of art? If you were an author, what readers would you like to write for?
In answering these questions, it is important to lead students to think about the active role of the reader. If the reader experiences the work together with the characters, quotes phrases from it, identifies himself with one of the characters, this means that not only the personality of the author, but also the personality of the reader finds expression in the work. The function of self-expression in contact with art is especially clearly visible when it seems to us that the author of the work said something that we have been thinking and feeling for a long time, but could not explain.
We invite students to connect this thesis with their reading experience:
— Have you ever had the feeling that you already thought and felt what the author writes, but did not find words to say about it? When reading what works did you have this feeling?
Teacher material
When studying specific works of art, students already in the 6th grade will meet with different meanings of the word author, related to each other, but at the same time relatively independent. In some cases, we will talk about the author as a real person, in other cases we will mean the author as the bearer of the ideological concept of a work of art. A work of art does not embody the fullness of the author's personality, but only some of its facets, and these two meanings of the word author are not identical to each other. A real person, a writer, may differ from the author of a work of art, that is, the bearer of an ideological concept.
Green, for example, appears before the sixth graders as a person who unshakably dreams of the bright, although his whole life was one hard test.
When working with software products of the 6th grade, we meet with two more concepts: epic narrator and image of the author.
this is a special artistic image created by the author to guide the story. In some cases, it can express the author's position, in others - completely different thoughts and emotions.
A vivid image of the narrator is created in Pushkin's Tales of Belkin, in N. S. Leskov's "Lefty", in the stories of A. P. Platonov, in M. M. Prishvin's "Pantry of the Sun" and in other works.
Image of the author this is a special aesthetic category, the image of the creator of this work. This is a specific artistic technique that reveals the originality of this work.
This theoretical material, of course, should not be given to children in the first lesson, but later, when analyzing specific works, the teacher himself must be aware of the difference between these concepts and offer students the correct terminology.
Author this is a person who has a first and last name, we can name the years of his life and the places in which he lived.
But there are works, speaking about which it is impossible to name the name of the author. What are these works?
Pupils name fairy tales, riddles, myths, other works of oral folk art.
In the "Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms" (part 2, p. 306) we find the word epigraph and Let's read its definition.
Prepare the performance of several ritual songs (for children who are engaged in folklore ensembles, or for those in whose families folklore traditions are still alive).

How to relate to the book, how to read it correctly, what advice to follow. The article “Calling on the Road” will help to understand these and many other issues.

Test yourself

1. You have read excerpts from the article “Calling on the Road” by the famous Russian critic, writer Viktor Borisovich Shklovsky.

Why does he call the book dear? How do you recommend looking at and reading the book?

The writer compares the book to a road because it only provides food for thought. In order to delve into those feelings, images and experiences that the writer wanted to convey, you need to stop, reflect on the book, how to "go off the paved road to the side, look around."

Shklovsky advises reading and viewing the book incredulously, carefully examining each line. A book should be studied with the same attention as a watchmaker studies a watch.

What should not be afraid? How did Pushkin, Gogol, L. Tolstoy feel about the book?

There is no need to be afraid that there are already so many books on the whole planet. Whatever book a person reads, it will remain in his memory, will always help him cope with his problems, find the right answers to life's questions.

Pushkin read a lot. One can only envy his curiosity and inquisitive mind. It was constantly changing - its interests were constantly expanding and multiplying. And it's all thanks to books. And also a serious attitude to reading.

Gogol compiled dictionaries based on what he read. For example, he wrote down descriptions of dishes that are in Russia. This helped him very well in creating images of the life of the heroes of his books.

For Tolstoy, the book was a subject for thought, material for reflection. The book pushed him to future achievements.

2-3. Check out what great writers have said about the book. Do you agree with the authors of these lines?

I agree with each of these authors. For example, André Maurois says that good books are worth rereading, writing out deep thoughts or good passages. It helps me understand books more.

Somerset Maugham loved to read criticism. He was interested to know the critic's opinion about the author. He said that it was always interesting to mentally argue with him or agree with him. It is like talking to another person, only it takes place within oneself. I fully agree with the English writer. Such an “internal dialogue” helps to better understand not only the work, but also oneself.

Try to support the thoughts from these statements with examples from previously read books.

To André Mauroy's statement:

For example, when reading Harry Potter, each time you can note new details for yourself and experience many events in a different way. Or, for example, opening the "Mistress of the Copper Mountain" again, you can only remember by the end of the next story that you read it - a word can be so exciting.

To Somerset Maugham's statement:

It is very interesting to read the epigraphs to the works, for example, by Pushkin. In his time, the ability to correctly select these few lines and put them at the beginning of the novel was a sign of the author's broad interests and erudition.

Remember the article about the book from the 5th grade textbook. Use the materials in this article to prepare your own statement about books and reading.

An article from a 5th grade textbook said that a good book is a best friend and "teacher".

This was stated by Pushkin, saying: "Reading is the best teaching." Mankind owes a lot to writing and literature. Books are primarily about history. Opening the book, you can learn about the past of your country, other peoples.

One of the most valuable books is the textbook. On its pages you can find accurate answers about the world around you and yourself. Fiction teaches us lessons in morality and spirituality, helps us form our own views.

Reading can be called creativity, because to understand the thoughts of the author you need to work hard, expend a lot of energy. The spiritual development of a person directly depends on how carefully and thoughtfully he reads.

4. Which of Shklovsky's thoughts seemed to you especially important for each reader?

Prepare a detailed answer by including words and phrases from the critic's article.

Particularly important advice from Shklovsky:

  1. Read carefully. To obtain exact knowledge, you need to carefully read the book, check what is written. Each book should be "examined" with your own eyes, not trusting someone's statements or critics' assessments.
  2. write out thoughts. To understand the author, you need to understand what is written. To do this, you need to make notes, write down your favorite thoughts and discuss them with friends. This is how it happens deepening knowledge.
  3. Read a lot. Pushkin read a lot. So increased breadth of his interests. During his short life, he learned a lot from books.
  4. choose the best. Reading ability formed in the process of reading. After several dozen books, you can form a fairly large reference apparatus interesting words and concepts. For example, Gogol had one like this - he wrote down the names of dishes.
  5. meditate. The book is a subject for thought. Any spiritually developed person will confirm this.

Such tips will help you learn to read correctly, as well as better understand yourself and others.

5. What book did Tolstoy consider the most important?

Tolstoy argued that the most important book is the one you are holding in your hands right now. This means that from any book you can learn important and useful knowledge, get aesthetic pleasure through reading.

The great writer drew attention to the fact that it is necessary to pay attention to the present moment, to consider the most valuable interlocutor of the person who is in front of you right now.

Calling on the road

Books should be treated like life. It must be read with one's own eyes. Incredulous. Consider. Look for accurate knowledge in it. And go from book to book. After all, a book is just a journey.

Here you are walking along the path, but if you want to count the trees, find out what kind of forest it is, then you need to leave the path. And this transition is the deepening of your knowledge, making notes, checking.

There are few good books, such as must-read ones, and we read them hastily, and therefore we get the mistaken feeling that we already know them. We ruin our reading.

The book should be considered as attentively as a watchmaker examines a watch and a chauffeur examines a car.

Do not be afraid that so many books have already been written. Anyway, don't read it. If you believe in yourself, then the number of things that you remember will be repeatedly remembered to you. You will go further and further in life, and books will go along with you and will talk to you.

Therefore, it is necessary to stock up on books on this journey.

Pushkin died young. But he read a lot and changed all the time. And when you get into the world of Pushkin, you are surprised at the large number of things that he knows. The breadth of his interests. His as if sometimes strange curiosity. And the ability to read. Serious attitude to reading.

When you build something, sew, you need to have material, thread. If you make something, you need a tool, nails, wood. In order to live and develop, you need to know an unusual number of books.

Gogol has amazing notes. He read and compiled his own dictionaries. For example, he wrote down the dishes that are in Russia.

Literature opens the world! The Kazakh writer Nurpeisov told me: “Well, what did I know before? His village and two days of horse racing around it. And books opened up the world to me.

There is a reference apparatus for the collected works of Tolstoy. And, looking through it, it is even difficult to imagine how many people he knew and how much he read. And kept in mind. He reads Jules Verne for children, and thinks about what gravity is, what weightlessness is in outer space. He knows how to take more out of a book than what is written in it. A book for Pushkin and Tolstoy is a subject for thought, material for thought. They don't stop at it, it kind of pushes them forward and further. And they move away from her.

Lev Nikolaevich said that the most important person is the person who is talking to you right now. And the most important time is now. And the book you are reading right now is the most important.

From the reflections of V. B. Shklovsky

Answers on questions

1. You have read excerpts from the article “Calling on the Road” by the famous Russian critic, writer Viktor Borisovich Shklovsky.

Why does he call the book "dear"? How do you recommend looking at and reading the book? What should not be afraid? How did Pushkin, Gogol, L. Tolstoy treat the book?

1, 4. The book is a road leading us through life, helping us with the knowledge that we learned from it. The book must be considered and read intently, like a watchmaker - a watch or a driver - a car. There is no need to be afraid that not a few books have been written, there is no need to be afraid to read many different books - they will all be needed.

Pushkin read a lot and therefore knew a lot. His interests were very broad, so he read a variety of books. And he knew how to read books correctly - seriously, intently.

Gogol compiled his own dictionaries from the knowledge acquired in books.

Tolstoy knew how to take from books more than what is written in them, therefore, while reading Jules Verne, he was thinking about gravity, weightlessness ...

A book for Pushkin and Tolstoy is a subject for thought, material for thought. They don’t stop at her, she seems to be pushing them forward and further. And then they leave her

5. What book L. Tolstoy considered the most important?

The one that you are reading at the moment, at this moment.