The response word of first-graders on the line on September 1.

Dear first grader,
On the very first school holiday
We wish you
Many joys in fate.

Knowledge is power, that's clear.
To make life beautiful
Know, read, learn
Be bold, don't be lazy!

Be smart and cheerful.
Let the school teach you
Think, argue and make friends,
Bright, interesting to live!

School, satchel, first class -
This is a new step for you.
A new home, in a way.
In it you will be in business!

Today you, first-graders,
Wonder kids and cuties!
Let everything be easy for you
Happiness let you smile.

Letters, numbers and notebooks
May they always be well.
Strive more for knowledge
On the "five" just learn!

Dear first graders! Today is a very important day! Now you are students. A world of useful knowledge awaits you, having received which, you can become smart, educated adults. I would like to wish you patience and strength. Knowledge is not easy to come by. But don't worry, school is not only a responsibility, but also new friends with whom you will walk shoulder to shoulder, perhaps for the rest of your life. These are fun holidays, interesting lessons, fervent changes and kind mentors-teachers who will always help you. Be attentive, cheerful, courageous and sympathetic! The Day of Knowledge! Good luck!

Dear first grader,
You have a holiday today:
The first bell rang
The first lesson is waiting for you.
Long school life way.
Remember, don't forget
That he will be successful
Who lives his dream.
Boldly go to the goal,
And luck is ahead!

Are you going to school for the first time?
You worry a little.
And you choose at this hour
You are the road to knowledge.

A briefcase, and a form, and a bouquet -
Everything is solemn, new.
Wishes and advice
We are ready to give you everything.

First grader, Happy Holidays!
School is waiting for you
Discoveries are waiting for you
Faithful friends.

To learn fun
You hurried to school
So that you succeed everywhere
There would be enough strength for everything!

To know a lot
Need to go to school
And not just sit
And have twelve!

The door to knowledge has opened
Bolder first grader
You are our student now
And your holiday today!

So congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
We want to stand out
Hurry towards knowledge
To be something to be proud of!

To "five" your diary,
Always attacked
And "couples", "unsuccessful", "cola"
They ran away in fear!

Today is a special day for you
Solemn, happy and anxious,
You will sit down at the desks for the first time
And enter the new world carefully.

May this day be remembered in our hearts
To keep goodness and happiness in the souls,
The school is waiting for you at dawn at the porch,
To gladly take in your arms!

Going to first grade today
You will be a student now.
Your home school
In Knowledge Day opened the door.

Will you study now
And "five" to receive,
Well, dolls and cars
The output will be expected.

You act like
Don't talk in class
Love knowledge immensely
Get to school first!

You are no longer a child
You are now a student!
Put away all the toys
Your friend is now a diary.

Let it fill up
Only five marks
And in school lessons
Behind the desk, don't get bored.

Thousands of years ago, the great Julius Caesar said: "Knowledge is power!". And today is the Day of Knowledge - an important, expected and very exciting holiday for every child and adult. Surely there is no person in Russia who cannot remember the day of his First Bell, the first solemn line in his life, the first teacher, the first school comrades, with whom the long journey to adulthood was once begun. This glorious day is celebrated by first graders, graduates, and students. After all, now they are starting a new school year, and the welcome line for Knowledge Day is a great start for it. And the best start of any line, as you know, is a congratulatory speech on September 1 from teachers, parents, director and school administration. Our article today is dedicated to her.

Solemn speech from the director of the school on the line on September 1

On the long-awaited day of September 1, a completely new time begins for every child in the country: first graders take their first steps into the world of knowledge, high school students discover the next stages of learning the depths of previously known sciences and new subjects. On this glorious autumn morning, the doors of all city and village schools are open to new residents. Teachers look forward to meeting with future wards, parents anxiously escort the children into the arms of a friendly team, the headmaster mentally repeats the solemn speech on the line on September 1, fearing to forget or miss something very important and necessary. After all, it is he who is the head of the entire educational institution, the head of the pedagogical process, the "father" of all newly minted schoolchildren and schoolgirls. A solemn speech from the school principal on the line on September 1 is an integral part of the holiday, its official beginning or beautiful end.

An example of the headmaster's solemn speech for the festive line on September 1

Dear friends!

Congratulations to all students, parents and educators on the start of the new school year!

The bell will ring, and a new great educational life will begin in classrooms, auditoriums, educational workshops, scientific laboratories. Knowledge Day is perhaps the only holiday that affects the entire population of our vast country. I wish all the children exciting journeys into the world of knowledge and great friends for life, parents - a keen interest in knowledge and success in their children's studies, teachers - grateful students and new heights in the art of teaching.

For many, September 1st marks the start of a new year, a new school year. May it lead to new knowledge and discoveries that will surely bring success, happiness, good luck and professional growth. Learn and live passionately! Happy new school year!

Congratulatory speech for September 1 from the administration and deputies

Along with the solemn speech of the school director on the line on September 1, a congratulatory and parting word from the administration and invited deputies of the city or village council plays a significant role. In their address, the speakers certainly mention the past academic year, but do not forget about the coming one. A typical congratulatory speech for September 1 from the administration and deputies consists of the following elements:

  1. Solemn appeal to the present teachers, parents, first-graders and senior students;
  2. A brief description of the occasion on which the line was assembled;
  3. A few phrases about the school, student statistics, student success at city and regional olympiads (competitions, contests);
  4. Briefly about the help of deputies, sponsorship and patronage;
  5. Congratulatory and parting words to real and potential schoolchildren;

An example of a congratulatory speech from the school administration and deputies on the line on September 1, read in the next section.

The text of the congratulatory speech from the deputies and the school administration on September 1, Knowledge Day

Dear friends!

On this day, schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, universities, academies and institutes will open their doors wide for their students, in whose lives a new stage in the knowledge of the world and society begins.

The priority areas for the development of Russian education implemented by the Government of the Russian Federation and the national project "Education" create new opportunities for ensuring the availability and quality of education, and improving the level of training of specialists. The stability and prosperity of our country in the third millennium will depend on them.

With a special feeling of gratitude, I turn to our teachers, educators, teachers, whose selfless work is deeply respected by the entire society. Innovative areas of activity of Russian teachers in the field of improving the quality of education, informatization of the environment, and the development of international cooperation deserve special attention.

Dear friends!

I cordially congratulate you on the beginning of the academic year, I wish you all good health, patience, and creative success in all your endeavors for the good of our Russia.

Welcome speech of the teacher on September 1

Any welcoming or congratulatory speech on September 1 carries an important message, and its essence depends directly on who the speaker is: the school principal traditionally congratulates everyone on the start of the school year, parents wish the students success and inspiration, first-graders are happy, graduates are sad, and teachers invite the guys to be friendly, patient and hardworking. Of course, the text of the speech can not be prepared in advance, but simply expressed impromptu "from the heart". But it's better to outline at least the main idea. Otherwise, the teacher's welcome speech on September 1 may turn out to be lengthy, crumpled, chaotic.

An example of a welcome speech by teachers to schoolchildren and parents on September 1

So this amazing day has come, which, after a hot summer, brought all the students together again. Each of you spent an interesting summer in your own way, you managed to miss each other and, of course, gain the strength that is so necessary for study. I hope this year will be successful for you. For some it will be the first and unforgettable, for others it will be the last and extremely intense, touching and exciting. In any case, today I sincerely want to congratulate each of you on the first day of school and wish you perseverance, diligence, determination, patience and success. And finally, I want to wish you never give up. No matter how insidious life may seem, be able to achieve your own and defend your opinion. Happy Knowledge Day, my dears! The school has already opened its doors and, with its usual cordiality, is waiting for you!

Dear colleagues, dear students, I want to congratulate you on the new academic year!

September 1 is a special holiday, the day when the first school bell rings after a long summer break. During the summer, the students rested and matured, managed to miss their teachers and classmates. Teachers have been on vacation, have accumulated a lot of interesting ideas for conducting exciting lessons. All of us will once again plunge into the whirlpool of school life, full of bright events and impressions.

Today I wish all those gathered that the coming year will bring everything that is planned. May plans come true and dreams come true. Believe in yourself, work hard on the tasks set, do not be discouraged when faced with difficulties - and everything will work out for you!

Beautiful speech of parents on Knowledge Day on September 1

Both children and parents are preparing for the Day of Knowledge. Particular attention is paid to the appearance of the children, their morale, a neat wardrobe and the presence of all the necessary attributes of a student (briefcases, stationery, sportswear, etc.). But not only clothes and hairstyles play a role in preparation for the start of the school year. It is important not to forget to compose a beautiful speech for parents on Knowledge Day on September 1. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to display memoirs. Just a couple of good lines with wishes and parting words are enough to express your support for schoolchildren and gratitude to the teaching staff.

And if it’s difficult to write your own parental speech for Knowledge Day, use our beautiful preparations for September 1!

The text of a congratulatory speech from parents to schoolchildren on Knowledge Day on September 1

Dear friends!

With great pleasure, I congratulate all those gathered on the Day of Knowledge, from September 1! Behind the long summer holidays, during which we all had time to relax properly. And now with renewed vigor we are ready to start studying and working. Today I would like to wish schoolchildren to easily and enthusiastically master new subjects, gain new knowledge. For teachers, I would like to treat work with soul and inspiration, because only you can ignite a craving for learning in students, only you can develop in them the ability to think, analyze, feel, empathize, which is so important in the modern world. I hope that the upcoming school year will be interesting, eventful, full of new victories and achievements - and I suggest that we all make it that way together!

Dear first graders! Today is your first school day - the first holiday of knowledge! All of you are so elegant, solemn.

Of course, you are worried about entering the new world, and so are we, your parents and teachers. Together we have a long way to go - 11 school years. I hope that this path will be bright, that new friends, good grades, many pleasant, unforgettable minutes await you ahead.

At school you will learn to read and write, learn foreign languages, get the necessary knowledge in mathematics, literature, physics, chemistry and other school subjects, but I want to tell you that this is by no means the main thing. The most important thing that a school can teach you is the ability to think, to independently find solutions to complex problems, to analyze, the ability to sympathize, empathize. I wish you that the first school year, and all subsequent years after it, will be like one of the chapters of an amazing book full of miracles and new discoveries.

The solemn speech on September 1 is a great start not only for the festive line, but for the entire academic year. And in order for this start to turn out to be successful, it is better to compose and rehearse the text of the speech well in advance. Or use ready-made templates for a congratulatory speech for the Day of Knowledge from the director, school administration, teachers and parents.

1st student
Farewell, beautiful country!
Preschool country!
I'm going to a new country
What is everyone's name?

2nd student
What are you, friend?
Yes, this is a school
A country that everyone is familiar with:
And mom and dad, and friends ...
And it will be well known to us.

3rd student
And here we are in a hurry to the first class,
Holding hands tightly.
So I want to know soon
With whom will we sit at our desks?
And what is the teacher's name?
Who can you play with?
About this to tell
To their own households.

6th student
I want to go to high school
On wings I fly there.
I like the parties there
And globes and maps
And boards and crayons
And school calls.
And so that we do not whimper,
There will be holidays.

7th student
And I want to learn the language:
German and English,
French...Ah! Still forgot
Of course it's Russian!
In a foreign land without a language
Anyone looks like a fool.

8th student
We will try very hard
And get fives.
Smarties, smarties
We want to become.

9th student
We have a lot to do
To be proud of us
And glorify the gymnasium
By their names.

10th student
And so that their teachers
Don't let us down
And in the future of their children
Bring it here.

11th student
You can't even imagine
What door will open for us now.
What discoveries will be here!
What events are taking place!

12th student
Now the first school bell will ring,
The teacher will start the first lesson with us,
Show us the school, show us the class
He will tell his story about the life of the country.

13th student
And you, our mothers, do not dare to roar!
Loom under the windows, make a loud noise.
So that we are not ashamed of you at school,
After all, the school charter is for everyone ...
And for you!

Poems for first graders on September 1

1st student
Takes often school
Kids in first grade
But today is a special day
We came! Meet US!

2nd student
Hello dear school!
Open wide the door!
We came! The people are cheerful
And talented, believe me!

3rd student
Behind the bouquet is hard to see
As long as I'm shorter.
I'm a little embarrassed -
You cannot take the doll with you.

4th student
I'm running to school!
Mom, be late.
Read a book for me
And play with cars.

5th student
I am the most businesslike in the family,
I'm big now
You read my primer, mom,
And then tell me.

6th student
You guys accept us
To your friendly family
You all teach us together

7th student
I was also going to school
Picked out all the outfits!
It just looks like it was a waste of time:
In fashion form they say!

8th student
I won't sleep in class
I will be diligent.
And a big boss
I will definitely.

9th student
We will be diligent
Diligent and diligent
And then study will begin
Just great!

Poems for first graders about school on the line on September 1

1st student
I couldn't sleep today
I woke up endlessly.
Maybe New Year's Eve?
But September is at the porch.

2nd student
This is our school today
First time and first class
This is a very new holiday.
We have wonderful.

3rd student
We don't know how to study
When to sit down, when to get up.
At night, maybe not to go to bed,
To not oversleep for the lessons.

4th student
Is it possible in a notebook with chalk
Write instead of a pen?
Is it better to be humble or bold?
Shut up or scream?

5th student
We don't know anything yet
But we want to learn.
Let's not be late for the lesson
We won't sleep for no reason.

6th student
And learn in notebooks
Only write with pens
And from the gym physical exercises
Let's do it together.

7th student
And to the buffet for pies
Let's run once
But today our mothers
They took us to first grade.

8th student
We all worry together
We are for them, they are for us.
These are not dances for you - songs:
First class is first class.

9th student
All paths are open before us
All roads are ahead of us.
We'll be famous someday
But so far we are only first class.

10th student
And while we just need to learn
To reveal the secrets of the world
Always strive for the unknown
To make it famous.

11th student
This is all for life, for science,
For the people and for the native country.
We all study not for the sake of boredom -
We must glorify the Motherland.


Presenter 1: September has come, summer is over,
The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come.
Children, parents, teachers,
Happy holiday, friends!

Host 2: Why did it suddenly become a tradition
Celebrate the change of years in December
After all, September is the beginning of the roads of all!
The year starts in September.

IN 1: First experience, example and tasks
And the syllable read in the primer,
All victories, mistakes, good luck
It all starts in September.

IN 2: Happy New Year, friends, teachers.
For others, the change of years in December,
And for us the new year is coming,
It always comes in September.

IN 1: A solemn and exciting moment is coming at our holiday. After all, now it will include those who came for the first time in the first class. Let's greet them and invite them with our first teacher Gradaleva Tatyana Nikolaevna (grade 1 enters to the music). The song "Teach at school" sounds.

IN 1: The line dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year is considered open!

IN 2: Russia! Russia!
The state is great!
Native, powerful and many-sided!
You are the source of inspiration and life!
And the native school is your island!
Let the heart beat louder
The anthem of our great Russia sounds!

IN 1: School! Attention!
The anthem of Russia is being performed

IN 2: Summer has blazed with hot heat,
Behind the happiest days...
And again, as before, we are with you
In the morning of early autumn they came.

IN 1: And everything will start all over again.
At school from bell to bell...
Again from the September pier
The school river will carry us ...

IN 2: The situation is not new
And quite understandable
If the director took the floor,
All in complete silence.
Looking forward to every time
What will he tell us now?

The floor for greeting is given to the director of the school.

IN 1: The word is given by ______________
IN 2: The word is given by _______________

IN 1: Hello school!
You are not just a building
You are like home to us.
Daily in the morning for a date
We are getting ready for you!

IN 2: Hello school! About you with excitement
We write awkward poems...
Replenishment comes every year
And graduates go to life ...

IN 1: There are various holidays throughout the year.
And today is your holiday.
First graders go for the first time
To your friendly school class.

IN 2: Yesterday only you were told "baby"
Sometimes called "prankster"
Today you are sitting at the desk,
And your name is First Grader.

IN 1: Today is not just Knowledge Day, today is the birthday of the new academic year.

IN 2: I have a surprise for you
Now 1st class will perform here
What's the surprise?
And the fact that without such guys is impossible,
They, you will see for yourself,
They want to study only "excellent".

Performance of first graders

Make way, honest people
First grader in front of you
I have a big portfolio
The backpack is new on the back.

Who got up early today?
Did you run to school quickly?
Well of course it's me
And my family is with me.

I go to school for the first time.
First time carrying a briefcase.
I boldly open the book -
I am a student now.

I have a holiday today.
There has never been a better day
Because first grader
Everyone calls me.

We must now learn
Don't yawn and don't be lazy
On "four" and on "five"
Answer in class.

Let's go to school together
All together as one.
We need to know a lot
We want to learn!

All: First grade!

IN 1: Dear kids! Put your ears on top!
Will contact you now
Master of control and essays.
Professor for passing tests and exams.
Inventor of the latest types of cribs.
The eldest student of the school is a ninth grader ____________.
And I'm happy to give him the floor.

Speech by a ninth grader

Here comes the desired hour
You are enrolled in first grade.
Tell everyone about school
Cherish the honor of the school
Keep always in order
Books, copybooks, notebooks.

Everyone needs to know perfectly:
Fighting at school is indecent!
Always be kind and cheerful
Sing more good songs.

School today for the first time
You will be guided by the road of knowledge.
Accept congratulations from me
And many good wishes.
Here you will learn a lot of tricks:
Solve problems, write correctly.

Learn not to be afraid of difficulties
And smart books to read.
And everyone will learn to take care of themselves:
Collect a portfolio, braid pigtails.
I really believe that everything will work out for you!
So good luck!
Have a good trip!

IN 2: Special congratulations, thanks,
We want to dedicate warm lines
Those who school, study and children
He gave most of his life in the world.

IN 1: We know that wisdom, patience, experience
They will help in any circumstances of life.
We have learned from you and will continue to learn
And we promise to work hard!

IN 1: We welcome the kindest...
IN 2: The most responsive...
IN 1: The most understanding...
IN 2: The fairest...

Presenters 1 and 2: Our dear teachers.

IN 1: Teachers are like us
And they are always waiting for the holidays, too,
But they manage to rest
And again inspired to go.

IN 2: We wish happiness to our school,
Her native teachers!
Flowers that are more tender and more beautiful than all,
Let me present to you.

IN 1: May you have more joy
Tenderness, love, flowers, kindness.
Well, we will try to grow so
To never upset you.

IN 2: It's time for the school reunion.
May our dreams come true.

IN 1: We ask all students today:
At school, be the host, not the guest.
There are many schools, but this one is like an undiscovered planet for you,
Which you will have to know!
Love, cherish, keep longer.

IN 2: The leaves swirl over the school
Swallows fly south.
And again the call is cheerful
Invite the kids to class.

IN 1: And now the solemn moment:
Call - and you are already a student!
Call - and the countdown will run,
And the school year is coming.

IN 2: Opening the academic year
Let that first bell ring
Meeting with a bell ringing
Everyone who came to the first lesson!

IN 1: A moment of attention!
Freeze, student!
Now it will ring out, your first call,
You will be invited to the first lesson.

IN 1: The right to make a call is granted
1st grade student _________ and 9th grade student ____________

IN 1: Strive for the knowledge of objects to go,
So that wings, like birds, could gain.
Feel free to learn the science of goodness.
On a glorious journey, on a long journey, kids!

According to our tradition, the youngest students are the first to enter the school - the 1st grade, and the high school student takes them to the classroom (taking them by the hand, they leave, music sounds)

IN 2: Our holiday has come to an end!
We wish you all success in your studies!
We invite you all to the classes.

Together: Happy school year everyone!
(phonogram "School bell")

Polyakova Natalia, MOU secondary school s. Student

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Successful examples of parting words for September 1 from the director

It is worth noting that a parting word from the administration should set the tone for the academic year and create the seriousness of things. His dominant speech leads students into the world of new knowledge and student experience. The word is the main key to the heart of many people, including children. Therefore, it is so important to choose an original congratulation. A few examples in prose from the school administration on the First Call.

Summer is a special time when you need to gain strength, restore energy and want to conquer new heights again, achieve success. The school provides all of you with similar opportunities. Here you will spend your leisure time, express yourself, growing up every day. Our teachers also rested during their vacation and collected many interesting ideas on how to conduct a lesson with greater benefit for you. I invite all of us to plunge into the incredible whirlpool of life, colored by special events and new knowledge. May all the dreams of everyone present here come true in the coming academic year.

May every cherished dream come true just like a star lights up in the sky. Never stop believing in yourself and striving to become better, more self-confident! Do not be discouraged when difficulties and difficulties appear on the way - this is just another step towards the implementation of the plan. All this makes you stronger and more resistant to life's ups and downs! I sincerely believe in you! Good luck guys!

It is with great pleasure that I congratulate all the present teachers, students and their parents on the Day of Knowledge. It is today and throughout the entire academic year that I wish to be very enthusiastic about acquiring new knowledge, with the zeal to master interesting subjects. And I wish teachers to look positively at everything that happens in school life, work with inspiration and put their soul into communication with their students.

And remember that the ability to empathize, analyze what is happening, plan and feel others are especially important qualities of a HUMAN with a capital letter in the modern world. These are the personalities we are trying to nurture in our school! I propose to start the year with you, which will be full of events, new emotions and knowledge! There are so many accomplishments ahead!

Speech to first-graders from graduates

Parting words from eleventh graders to young children who have just come to school are also very important, because they help them feel support and support in new life circumstances.

Dear first grader! Today is an amazing day for you and the many other students who have gathered here at the school assembly. I wish you simple homework, a kind and sympathetic teacher, a good mood and wonderful comrades. I am sure that you will succeed. Do not be shy and strive for new knowledge!

Dear first graders and their parents! Today you are the most worried! But do not worry, because ahead of each of you there will be many interesting and eventful days associated with school life. Now you have moved to a new level, you have become a little more mature. I will not deceive you that first graders can expect a lot of difficulties. But they are surmountable if you show diligence. And we will help you with this, support and direct you in the right direction. I want your school days to be bright and wonderful, which light the light of knowledge in your soul, teach you to be fair and kind.

Our first graders! You are standing on the school line for the first time and today is your first Day of Knowledge! Undoubtedly, many of you are worried as well as your parents, future teachers. Ahead of you is a new world that will open big doors for you. You will be able to make new friends, discover your talents and spend many unforgettable pleasant hours at this school.

At school, you will be taught to write, count, and over time you will know the basics of physics, chemistry and biology. But, I think that this is not the most important thing in life. The school will bring you an even better gift - the ability to make decisions on your own, think quickly, defend your point of view, and also empathize with your classmates, wish them happiness and good luck, and create a common joint team. My wish for you: let this school year and all subsequent ones be like one chapter of one of the amazing and magical books that you have just had to open. And this fairy tale will have the name "LIFE".

Parting words for first graders from the first teacher

Today for you, my smallest schoolchildren, congratulations and kind words will sound. Everyone is touched by how smart you are today, with huge bows and beautiful bouquets, you are standing on the school line. School seems to be something magical, new for you. Your eyes are burning, and those of your parents are shining with tears. You have come a long way from preschoolers. Today, a new road is open for all of you, which is called SCHOOL.

For many years you will walk side by side with your classmates and comprehend the mind and wisdom of life from teachers. Teachers will help you prepare for adult life, for whom not only the school curriculum is important, but also your manifestation of your personality. May this newly opened path become happy. We will teach you how to set new goals! Be happy!

The heart rejoices at the sight of the dearest and most sincere students of our school. May this year be successful for you, because what you will achieve in the future depends on the beginning. And to you, dear parents, we wish you patience and wisdom. Today is an exciting day for you, at the same time sad and joyful. You rejoice to see your baby so inspired, happy, smart. And sad - because you understand that time is so fleeting that your baby is already going to school. Not far off and graduation class. And during this period of time, we will teach your children to be independent, to comprehend the wisdom of life. But everything is just beginning!

Comic congratulations of teachers from students

Students love to say something funny about serious things.

Our dear teacher. We will be laconic, but we will try to put all the salt in our wishes. We wish you optimism, since only it will help you believe in a miracle called success with "hardened" Losers. Write off our pampering to us more often, because our imagination is limitless.

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you many exciting events in your life so that you do not have time to encourage our parents to visit the school. We wish you blooming health otherwise we don't want to miss your item. Let only pliable and interested students come to your lessons, so that all your pedagogical work and diligence are not wasted. And let your salary put a smile on your face so that you never want to leave the walls of our extraordinary school.

Such a cool performance will appeal to all participants in the school line.

Congratulations to school colleagues

Dear colleagues! So the red summer has rushed by and now we have a common goal - to bring the light of knowledge to many clear eyes and open hearts. It seems to me that you are all in a great mood today, and this is what suggests that you are looking forward to starting the lessons. Today, your beloved students have become a little more mature. I wish you to open to schoolchildren a lot of new and unusual material in the most accessible, sometimes original form. It is this approach to their work that can bring success to our entire school. Be a great and special TEACHER. You master new pedagogical methods, listen to each student with a sensitive heart.

Today is one of the most important holidays for all of us - the Day of Knowledge. Perhaps, after the summer vacation, difficult everyday life will begin, foreshadowed by calls, long lessons, endless changes, new complex topics, the passage of educational material, tests, and constant checking of notebooks. For some, our work will seem impossible, difficult or even monotonous. And you and I can be sure that our profession is a noble one, responsible to society.

Yes, it is very difficult to teach children, I would say it is difficult. But if love for the guys lives in your heart, this will be the most pleasant work in the world for you. I wish you great enthusiasm, the ability to guide and lead your students by the hand through the difficulties of the educational process. And may your children and their parents be immensely grateful to you for this.

5th grade greeting

The warmest holidays are behind us. Ah, it was so fun. But believe us, we will not be bored this year either. Ahead for schoolchildren, student everyday life begins: dictations and tests, difficult lessons and boring homework. But do not be sad, because all this is supported by fun at breaks, communication with classmates, a warm and understanding look of the class teacher. You see, your worries are in vain. There is no reason to be bored at school. And with that, I congratulate you.

Favorite and best 5 (A, B, C ...) class! I really want this academic year to become for you a forerunner of new experience, skills and knowledge. Let your childish and sincere friendship grow stronger, you will have new comrades. And with teachers you will develop only a warm and trusting relationship. I wish the school to become that special place where you will have fun spending your time and you will come here every morning with great interest. Become the best in everything - mentally develop, temper your spirit and improve physically.

Parting words of grade 11 to first graders

A wonderful tradition of passing on experience from high school students to new students at this school. Graduates can also give postcards or books to young schoolchildren. This encourages them to try and make their own efforts in mastering school knowledge and skills. As an example of such a speech, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with congratulations in prose.

Good luck, first graders! Today you have moved from preschoolers and are on the threshold of new discoveries. We wish you from yourself that your class become friendly and benevolent to each other. Let you click all the puzzles with ease, and master the Primer with great trepidation and interest.

Dear first graders! Now the first bell in your life will ring for you. This means that the doors to the Fascinating world of knowledge have opened wide open before you. Together with your classmates and teachers, you will walk along the ornate paths of school wisdom, learn the basics of strong friendship and have fun. May the very first New Academic Year in your life bring only the opportunity to develop yourself creatively, intellectually and physically! Good luck and good luck in all your initiatives!

First grader's oath

You can show a little creativity and add zest to the standard scenario of the school line. There are several variants of such ideas.

Fun and unusual to voice an oath to a first grader who will be asked graduates. To do this, students in grade 11 stand in front of first graders and pronounce the following text:

Do you swear to listen carefully to the teacher during the lessons, and not to count the leaves outside the window and catch flies? We swear!

Do you swear to come to the classroom without being late? We swear!

Do you vow to grow up and get wiser in a year? We swear!

Do you swear to always do your homework diligently? We swear!

Do you vow to become smarter, friendlier and wiser in a year? We swear!

You can also voice the oath on behalf of the first graders themselves at the school line on September 1. To do this, they are distributed to young schoolchildren and give them the word in turn. Such modern performances can take place in the format of an oath.

I promise to take care of my health so that I can go to school regularly!

I promise to try to carry only good grades in my school bag!

I promise not to fight with my friends! I will try very hard!

I promise to be a diligent student, not to run at breaks, but to walk!

I pledge to keep all my oaths and never break them!

Touching small congratulations to parents of grade 1

Friends and acquaintances of the parents of first-graders should congratulate them on such a significant holiday, make parting words, wish them well, using poetry or prose. In order not to think for a long time how to do this correctly for parents, you can use similar examples:

We wish you to be patient and comprehensive understanding. Your children will delight you with their victories and achievements. Let the path of knowledge of your child be easy and very interesting, let exciting events surround them every day. Good luck to all your family in the new school year!

On Knowledge Day, I would like to wish you, parents, only one thing: good moral health! As well as well-being, warmth in relations with the child and tranquility. May there be strength in difficult times to solve the problem. May your son (daughter) bring you only smiles, positive and joy. And their school life is filled with happiness and diversity.

May your young students never upset you with their grades and behavior. And they only bring home a lot of new discoveries, useful impressions and knowledge.

As you can see, my dear readers, the school line for first graders, 9th grade students, graduates and other children is a responsible step into a new adult life. It is worth preparing beautifully for it and coming up with an original performance.

And remember that September 1 is a responsible event not only for students, but also for their parents and teachers. An interesting greeting is another way to please them, even if it is small. Such parting words give strength to maintain confidence in difficult situations, to see difficulties from the other side and overcome them without hindrance. And school life captures with new achievements, interesting events and allows you to get real friends for life! See you soon, don't forget to subscribe!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva