Parallel worlds real facts. The hypothesis of parallel worlds, as it is, in simple terms (5 photos)

Are there parallel worlds? ANSWER: Yes. How to get there?

Magic Academy. Lesson #1

Do parallel worlds really exist? Is the external space visible, audible, tangible by our senses an objective reality that exists independently of our consciousness? Interest in this topic was widespread among scientists in the second half of the last century, when the studies of the famous scientist Hugh Everett III made the most enlightened people think about the visibility and objectivity of our world to the perceived images of our consciousness, which correspond to our senses.

If you imagine a huge anthill in a garden bed, living according to its own laws in its reporting system, in continuous work for living and caring for offspring, not seeing a person watching them. And I'm tired of this troublesome anthill, and I pour a bucket of boiling water into the garden to plant a head of cabbage there. From my point of view, a head of cabbage will bring me and my family much more benefits than ants. Ants can "think" that it is God himself who is destroying their peaceful life, but they do not see or hear me. They have their own world, which is not perceived by their senses and does not fit into the framework of their idea of ​​the world. And I am an observer in this case.

If what we see does not really exist, more precisely, it exists, but only in certain limitations, then the world is not really the same as we see it and perceive it with our senses.

The sense organs of a person living in low vibrations are limited by the generally accepted ones - hearing, smell, sight, touch, taste. In a person advancing to a higher stage of his spiritual development, other sense organs open, the perception of the new world by which is not included in the generally accepted patterns, devices, models created by the existing Civilization, its laws, discoveries, models, since any scientific discovery needs confirmation in the form of empirical evidence. Namely, this fact within the framework of people living at low frequencies of envy, pride, pride, vanity, self-interest, greed, seems to be “nonsense”, “madness”, “foolishness”, “madness”, etc. you can continue the list yourself.

Therefore, people who consider themselves always and in everything right (pride, as a result, skepticism towards everything new, extraordinary, or, as they say now, creative) and who are not yet able to go beyond the outlined circle of their beliefs, thought forms, paradigms and dogmatic principles about the structure of this world, until now, unfortunately, they determined the course of history, the course of science, the scientific worldview, influenced by their convictions the thoughts of the surrounding majority. The same restrictions are imposed on us by the mass media - print, radio, television, imposing destructive programs on the human subconscious.

Get out of the limits of limited beliefs, erasing the destructive destructive programs embedded in our subconscious, recognizing the fact that all this was imposed on us, this is not our life, there is another, happier one that we ourselves can create with our thought forms, and there is a way for further development and prosperity of our society, not only in the plane of spiritual development, but also in the material plane.

And you can do it. We can do it. And one person can do a lot. Lots of. By changing ourselves, we change the environment, simply by changing the frequency of vibrations of our energy-informational torsion field, and our electrons, acting on the fields of another person, change the structure of his field. To do this, we just need to live and develop not only in the spiritual plane, but also in the material one.

If we imagine a bench with an emphasis on two legs, then the prevalence of loads on only one of its parts will eventually lead to the destruction of a comfortable seat. And on one leg, the bench will not hold. So the development of human spirituality must go in parallel with the development in the material world, otherwise the shop may break down. Any bias towards both material wealth and spiritual development without development in the material world will lead to depriving a person of those gifts that the Universe constantly presents to its favorites, those whose desires correspond to the desire of the Universe.

Hugh Everett III (born Hugh Everett III, November 11, 1930 - July 19, 1982) was an American physicist who created the quantum theory of parallel worlds. Hugh Everett was the first scientist (1957) to propose a many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, which he called "state relativity"; left physics after completing his doctoral dissertation, without receiving a proper response from the physics community; developed the use of generalized Lagrange multipliers in operations research and commercialized these methods as an analyst and consultant. Father of rock musician Mark Oliver Everett.

Let's try to figure out why the ideas of many scientists often do not find a proper response in their environment, in the Scientific Councils, for example.

I would say this: “Who are the judges?” People who call themselves famous scientists, limit themselves to certain limits, live by the old stereotyped thinking based on the already existing state of affairs in science, are not yet able to be creative, themselves still have destructive scenarios of their lives, often perceive everything new and unusual, extraordinary in science as nonsense with fear of losing primacy in some kind of teaching, fear of losing their place in this world, relying on envy, pride as their only support in life. Expanding the boundaries of one's worldview, an attempt to go beyond the limitations of consciousness with a new vision and staying at completely different vibrational frequencies is the path of development of science as the path of development of society in creation with creativity and inspiration.

You try to ask yourself why we don’t have Pushkins, Lermontovs, Dostoevskys now, where have the composers and artists gone? I will answer. They work like ants to feed their children, because the modern way of thinking, imposed on us by someone, has limited human consciousness to the lowest needs - material and animal instincts. And the higher the level of development of the material in Civilization, the more money is required for the most necessary. Previously, money was not needed for the Internet, Antiviruses, cesspools, education, medical care, utilities. With the acquisition of all these goods for money for everyone, did all people become happier? Do they have time to be creative? Who imposed this on us as a necessity?

If each person had only his own piece of land on which he could grow the most necessary, not subject to terrible state taxes, then the population would be healthier. Then the pharmacy network would have collapsed, city dwellers would have moved to the countryside, they would have had enough time for meditation, spiritual growth, self-development, and creative work. But it is unprofitable for the city and the authorities. The stereotypes of thinking imposed by someone have not yet allowed a person to escape from the imprisonment of their own norms and rules.

The destruction of these norms and rules, destructive stereotypes in thinking, leads to development, to evolution in consciousness. Only a proud person always considers himself right. The wisest, he always develops, doubting at every minute of his life whether he draws the right conclusion or not.

Try to start with yourself and think right now - maybe this is how it is, I mean the idea of ​​the existence of parallel worlds and our multi-world? Try to turn off logic and connect intuition. We know you have already done it!

Everett, Bohr, Einstein and Wheeler. During March and April 1959, with the assistance of John Archibald Wheeler (one of Einstein's last assistants), Everett visited Copenhagen to meet Niels Bohr, considered the founder of quantum mechanics. Bohr was not impressed by Everett's ideas at the time: he refused to take them seriously enough. And this is now clear. "I'm genius. Everything you say is bullshit." The state of one's own greatness and unwillingness to look deeper inside oneself led to this contradiction.

Many-worlds interpretation or Everett's interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that suggests the existence, in a sense, of "parallel universes", each of which has the same laws of nature and which are characterized by the same world constants, but which are in different states. The original formulation is due to Hugh Everett (1957).

The Many Worlds Interpretation (hereinafter referred to as MWI) rejects the non-deterministic collapse of the wave function, which accompanies any measurement in the Copenhagen interpretation. The many-world interpretation manages in its explanations only by the phenomenon of quantum entanglement and the completely reversible evolution of states.

MMI is one of many multi-world hypotheses in physics and philosophy. Today it is one of the leading interpretations, along with the Copenhagen interpretation and the interpretation of agreed chronologies.

Like other interpretations, the many-worlds one is intended to explain the traditional two-slit experiment. When light quanta (or other particles) pass through two slits, then in order to calculate where they will hit, it is required to assume that light has wave properties. On the other hand, if quanta are registered, they are always registered in the form of point particles, and not in the form of smeared waves. To explain the transition from wave to corpuscular behavior, the Copenhagen interpretation introduces a so-called collapse process.

While several new versions of the MMI have been proposed since Everett's original work, they all share two main points. The first is the existence of a state function for the entire universe, which obeys the Schrödinger equation all the time and never experiences non-deterministic collapse. The second point is the assumption that this universal state is a quantum superposition of several (and possibly an infinite number) states of identical parallel universes that do not interact with each other.

According to some authors, the term "multi-world" is only misleading; the multi-world interpretation does not imply the real existence of precisely other worlds, it offers only one really existing world, which is described by a single wave function, which, however, to complete the process of measuring any quantum event, must be divided into an Observer (who conducts the measurement) and an object, each described by its own wave function. However, this can be done in different ways, and therefore the result is different values ​​of the measured quantity and, characteristically, different observers. Therefore, it is believed that with each act of measuring a quantum object, the observer, as it were, splits into several (presumably, unlimitedly many) versions. Each of these versions sees its measurement result and, acting in accordance with it, forms its own pre-measurement history and version of the Universe. With this in mind, this interpretation is usually called the multi-world, and the multi-variant Universe itself is called the Multiverse.

However, one cannot imagine the "splitting" of the observer as the division of one Universe into many separate worlds. The quantum world, according to the many-world interpretation, is exactly one, but the huge number of particles in it is replaced by the most complex world function, and this world can be described from the inside in countless different ways, and this does not lead to uncertainties, because no one can observe (describe) the universe from the outside.

Everett suggested that the Universe of Copernicus is only one of the Universes, and the basis of the universe is the physical multi-world.

The conclusions and results of the study in my monograph "Analysis of energy-informational torsion fields from the point of view of philosophy and psychology, or How to control your reality" fully confirm this fact.

From the point of view of the most general cosmological theory of chaotic inflation, developed by many famous physicists, the universe is represented as a multiverse, a "tree of branches", each of which has its own "rules of the game" - physical laws. And each branch of the multiverse has its own "players" - elements of nature, very different from our particles, atoms, planets and stars. They interact, giving rise to "spaces and times" specific to each branch. Therefore, most branches of the multiverse are absolute terra incognita for our perception and understanding. But there are also those among them, the conditions in which are favorable for the emergence of Reason of our type. We live in one of these universes.

Until recently, physicists studying the "rules of the game" in our branch of the multiverse paid attention to everything - from the strong interaction in the smallest particles of matter to gravity that controls metagalaxies - with the exception of consciousness - that phenomenon of reality, which determines the specifics of our Universe.

In theoretical physics, consciousness is studied by sciences “borderline” with the humanities - philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, etc. At the same time, consciousness is not clearly distinguished from the complex mental complex - the triad of consciousness, reason, intellect.

And in Everett's articles, the consciousness of the Observer for the first time received the status of a "physical parameter". And this is the second basis on which everetics has developed.

From an Everetic point of view, “perceived reality” is a set of classical realizations of physical worlds (CRFM) and intelligently conscious worlds built on their basis, reflecting the interaction of the Observer with the only quantum reality of our universe. This set, at the suggestion of the leading researcher of FIAN, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Borisovich Mensky, was called "alterverse".

The essence of the quantum interpretation of events in the multiverse branch of this category of scientists' opinions is that none of the possible outcomes of the quantum interaction of the Observer and the Object remains unrealized, but each of them is carried out in its own CRFM ("parallel universe", as it is often called in popular literature ).

The branching of the CRFM generates Everett's "correlated state" - the interacting unity of the Observer and the Object. According to Everett's concept, the quantum-mechanical interaction of the Object and the Observer leads to the formation of a set of different worlds, and the number of branches is equal to the number of physically possible outcomes of this interaction. And all these worlds are real.

Based on such a physical foundation, today called the Oxford interpretation of quantum mechanics, everetics generalizes Everett's postulate to the general case of any interaction. This statement is equivalent to what is recognized as a real physical multi-world, which includes consciousness as an integral element.

The very information about a new view of the structure of our Universe seems insane to a person who is at low frequencies, limited in his perception of the world, living now, in the age of the transition of Civilization to the fifth dimension, in the third. Therefore, there is an imbalance, a bias towards divergence of opinions of scientists, whose frequency characteristics are also different, like any person.

The frequency level of the field of a person who lives “without a head”, without thoughts in his head, who is able to control his thoughts and reset his subconscious, is very different from someone who has not yet come to this on his own.

It must be understood that this is no longer a choice between the desires of people, but a conscious need to change in order to comply with the nature in which we live. Man is a part of nature, not its master, as some of us believe, and the quantum concept of consciousness does not separate me and you. We are one with you. If something is not right in your life, it means that I am also to blame for this. The integrity of a single picture of the world is determined by its laws and the events taking place in the life of each of us. Until now, the entrance to that parallel world has been closed for us, which really exists regardless of our consciousness and perception or non-perception of it by some individuals of our society.

Imagine that you are sleeping. Are you familiar with the concept of conscious dream control? There are people who can consciously control the events that occur during their sleep. For example, fly. And at that moment, they still don't know it's a dream. They are on the edge of sleep-wake. And yet at that moment they believe it is a dream.

Are you sure you are alive right now? Perhaps it is you who are sleeping now, and when you sleep you have your real life, but this restriction was imposed on our consciousness by the beliefs of our society? Imagine a person who is now 75 Earth years old. Assuming that a person sleeps 8 hours a day, out of 75 years, he slept for 25 years. Where has he been for 25 years? Have you thought? Fine. We're moving on. In this dream, we perceive everything as if we are in reality in reality. I liked the words of Igor Bibin, a man who strives for wealth not only materially, but also spiritually at the same time, that it is time to wake up and consciously manage your dreams. And you already know it too.

Remember the fairy tale about Aladdin's lamp. These wonderful Russian fairy tales ... The princess thought she was sleeping, but it was in reality.

And when did Cinderella become happy? That's right, when for the first time in her life she disobeyed her stepmother and went to the ball, bypassing the prohibitions of the cruel-hearted stepmother, who established her own rules and laws in her house. She succumbed to the call of her heart, turning off her mind and logic, connecting her intuition, experiencing a sense of joy and a little risk to get out of the circle in which her thinking was squeezed. Wake up already! Please wake up! Go beyond the existing stereotypes and destroy your past beliefs and there is a path to happiness.

At MOGI, at the Department of Humanities and Natural Sciences, an optional course is opened for everyone, giving rise to the opening of the School of Wizards at the University.

So, Lesson #1

First. Try to learn to live in a state of gratitude and gratitude for all that you already have. We must forget the word “thank God”, because there is nothing to save us from, everything is fine with us and we will not give the wish for salvation to the world, because then the Universe will surely provide us with this opportunity, since we wish salvation to another and attract situations in which we need to save us.

What we give is what we get. Thanksgiving means to give GOOD. I give well, I receive well. So, it is necessary to give GOOD.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I love you and hope it's mutual. So gratitude and thanksgiving is the first step towards the fulfillment of all our desires. Thank you always! Thank you everywhere! Thank yourself! Thank God! To thank this world for the given opportunity to live, create, walk, breathe!

Second. Word " demon-for a fee” from the words “the demon pays” must be transformed into the word “for free”, that is, as a gift, as a gift with love. This wonderful Russian language! Present - under the arch God under the arch Universe. We will now make you a gift with love.

A loving person is only giving something disinterestedly, not expecting anything in return. And to give something to loved ones, to all people as a gift, just like that, with love, with gratitude for what you have, what to give to this person, to this world. 10% of your income is better to give to charity. Only then does everything come from white energy. Only then.

Third. Don't forget to give gifts to yourself. At least 10-20% of your income should be spent on yourself. Spend not on children, grandchildren, loved ones, but on yourself, on what leads to the sending of emotions of Joy and happiness to the outer space. Then the Universe, always responding to our messages of happiness and positive emotions, will give us these gifts all the time. She does not know what, for example, money is. But the thought that there is no money and the pain sent to the external field will lead to the fact that the Universe will try to relieve you of this pain, and will try to remove the opportunity to earn more money from you.

Fourth. All true gifts come from giving. To love a person means to give him something from yourself, for example, positive emotions, a good mood with joy, with gratitude to God for what you have, something to give, and to receive true pleasure and joy from the process of giving.

Have you ever loved a person unselfishly? Learn now to enter into a state of Divine love for all living things. You already can.

"Love is the art of giving, not taking." Erich Fromm. The art of love.

The more people we love, the closer we are to God.

Joe Vitale in his famous book "The Greatest Secret of How to Make Money" reveals this topic and shows where you need to give just like that, as a GIFT, so that the Universe realizes all the best desires in the shortest possible time: "You need to ask yourself: Where did I get the most joy? Where did you remember your divine origin? What place, what person inspired you to go to meet your dreams? Who made you feel happy that you are alive?

Whatever your answer, this is the place where you should give money.

If you do that, then you are already happy.”

Therefore, learn to give, for giving is the path to happiness.

Giving knowledge, you get knowledge, giving money, you get money, giving love, you get love.

The main thing is to give selflessly! Where there is selfishness, there is no love.

Fifth. The dream visualization technique only works when combined with the technique of touching, of touching a new opportunity.

But this is possible only on condition that you do not have envy for someone who has what you do not yet have. If there is envy, get rid of it first. How to get rid of envy if it torments you a lot?


I'm really sorry. I am envious. Forgive me. You are welcome. Thank You for everything, especially for this forgiveness. I love you. I love me. Mercy. Compassion. Kindness and Creativity. Inspiration. Wealth. We are the Whole. One.

You can remove greed by adding: I am greedy. You can remove pride by adding: I am proud. Vanity can be removed by adding : I'm vain. You can also remove careerism, laziness, lust, simply by saying it to yourself, or out loud to someone. And for this you do not need to go to the Temple. This can be done while being alone. After all, your God is always there, he is inside you. You just need to open it in yourself, release it from the captivity in which your soul has been for a long time. You were under illusions about this world, you were asleep, you were under hypnosis. Now you can consciously manage your dreams, being in this reality here and now.

Everything ingenious is very simple. Difficult, then, with a lie. This wonderful Russian language! An alcoholic, you see, will never admit that he is an alcoholic, just like a greedy person. Say out loud: “I'm sorry. I am greedy” and means to start the process of transforming your consciousness to a zero state in the subconscious. This is the beginning of getting rid of the disease.

There are no other diseases in this world except greed, envy, vanity, careerism, pride, laziness, pride, lust. All physical diseases are derivatives of these diseases. And right now you can become healthy!

To become rich materially, it is simply necessary to get rid of envy of materially rich people. Without this step, further development in the material sphere is unacceptable!

So, contact technique. Technique for touching new life. Sitting in an expensive hotel, reading a newspaper, watching those who live in it, for example. Sit in an expensive car, feeling its comfort, soft seats, factory paint. Try on shoes that cost as much as your monthly salary. Entering this state, you will not have time to look back, as it turns out that these shoes are actually on your shelf. This technique has been experienced by all who have become millionaires. You will attract the opportunity to earn more money because you experienced the joy of fitting. Among the materially rich people in the country, we already have many spiritually enlightened individuals. Just believe.

Sixth. Flash of happiness. The Universe always gives us a hint in the form of a flash of energy at resonance, when we meet, for example, “our person” or a new opportunity suddenly appears to realize our plans. This energy must be used, not missed, otherwise later you will have to take this energy from your own reserves.

seventh. Goals in life should be set unattainable. Such that there is room to grow further. For example, to achieve Divine mutual Love. The only thing you should invest in is love. For only this brings true joy and a feeling of flight, as a flash of happiness that engulfs the whole body and soul in moments of sincere joy attracts the love of the Universe with the strongest magnet, so in such moments of life you want to create, giving the best that you have to everything the world. Then the world will become harmonious and prosperous not only within you, but also outside of you, around you, in the reality in which you now live.

We want to give you a gift just like that. Thank you for being by my side right now. With love, for being you. This resource contains the wish-fulfillment technique bought by us with Rodosvet from a person who is from a very poor family himself, and now a dollar millionaire in Russia. He talks about how to become rich. It works, try it and see for yourself! Information on how to become rich not only spiritually, but also financially, is located.

Having connected to the Source of inspiration and creativity, to the Source of the energy-informational torsion field of the planet, being in a state of meditation and divine love for ourselves, for the world, we open the horizons of our new clear vision.

Each of us lives in the world that lives within us. I build this world myself and, believe me, I became very comfortable next to myself. I am one. I love myself now. I love you. We can help you do this with yourself, which means that all our surroundings will be happy. Come to us, to the school of Wizards! Together we will be able to make each of us happy, which means helping everyone who wants and strives for happiness to have a happy environment, learn to dream and make wishes come true!

We are very sorry if you and I are still on different vibrational characteristics of the torsion field of the planet. Forgive us. You are welcome. We thank you for everything, especially for this forgiveness. We love you!

And of course, it's nice when people want to say something in response to us too, if you have something new to reveal to us, to become our mentors and teachers. Thank you for your sincere response in your soul and mutual human love!

We invite you to the International Scientific and Practical Conference in the Moscow region, where we can talk about this and related topics.

You will see the invitation below.

Educational consortium of association of universities in the Moscow region and other regions

Dear scientists, colleagues, psychologists, teachers of educational organizations, graduate students, masters, everyone who wants to develop spiritually!

We invite you to take part in the part-time International scientific and practical conference on the spiritual development of man on the topic: "Philosophical - psychological and pedagogical aspects of the spiritual development of the personality of a modern person."

This Conference will touch upon issues of psychology, history, philosophy, pedagogy, issues of creativity and spiritual development of modern man and the relationship of personality development with quantum physics and other issues of natural science.

The conference will take place April 15, 16, 2017 in one of the higher educational institutions of the Moscow region (if you wish to participate and give people your knowledge as a gift, for free, by publishing an article in our collection, we will send you the exact address for participation). Materials are accepted from teachers, scientists, everyone who has something to say to this world about how to become happier, healthier and richer not only spiritually, but also materially, until March 21, 2017 to email address - [email protected] with the obligatory note "participation in the International Conference on Self-Knowledge".

Based on the results of the sent materials, a collection “The Phenomenon of Man” will be created without fail, published at our institute annually by the department of GIEND.

In-person conference program:

9.30-10.00 Registration

10.00 Opening

10.20-12.00 Plenary session

12.00-12.40 Coffee break

12.40 -14.00 Work in sections:

Section 1. Socio-cultural environment of an educational institution in the formation of the spiritual principle among students.

Section 2. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of spiritual culture in family life.

9.30-10.00 Registration

10.00 -12.00 Work in sections:

Section 3. Positive experience of psychological and pedagogical activities for the spiritual and moral development of modern youth (Butovo).

Section 4. Spiritual and material well-being. How to achieve harmony? How to change your reality? Wish Fulfillment Technique.

Requirements for the structure of submitted materials:

  1. Information about the author


The full name of the organization is the place of work of each author in the nominative case, country, city (in Russian and English). If all the authors of the article work in the same institution, it is possible not to indicate the place of work of each author separately;

Email address for each author separately;

Postal address and phone number for contacts with the authors of the article.

  1. Title of the article (in Russian and English).
  2. Abstract (in Russian and English).
  3. Keywords (in Russian and English).

For example:

Solnechnaya E.S., Ivanov B.A.


Solnechnaya Elena Sergeevna

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Head of the Department of Humanities and Natural Sciences …….(Institute name)

Head of the Department of Humanities and Natural Sciences of the ……..


Ivanov Boris Alekseevich

Doctor of sociological sciences, candidate of technical sciences, professor.

Head of the Department of State and Municipal Management…….. (name of organization) Head of the Department of State and Municipal Management………

Mail, (mobile phone)


Recently more and more interesting information comes to us on the Internet about improvement of quality of the life. Much want to learn answers to questions: How to become the wizard of the life? How to make that all dreams turn into reality? Authors of this article have wide life experience, experience of lessons, falling and luck, experience of inspiration and creative joy. Also want to share with you the knowledge and to gain new knowledge after your response to this information.

  1. The actual text of the article.
  1. References (not less than 3 and not more than 10 titles) strictly in alphabetical order in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008.


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  2. Drawings. It is allowed to use figures (no more than 2) and tables (no more than 3) in the article. Figures and tables should be clearly referenced in the text of the article. Tables should be provided with headings, and figures with captions, for example: “Table 1. The main stages in the preparation of the final examination paper”, “Fig. 1. Functional model of the information support system of the educational process. Symbols in figures and tables, if any, must be deciphered in the caption or in the text of the article. Drawings are accepted only in monochrome (black and white, in two colors). Drawings (diagrams, diagrams) must be made using a computer. The use of halftones and hatching is undesirable. Drawing width - from 100 to 165 mm, height no more than 230 mm (together with the signature). Figures can be presented in a graphic format compatible with Word. The author must make sure that the drawing is well readable when printed - a drawing that is not clear enough may be rejected. Formats that allow editing of the drawing are preferred.
  3. Tables. The width of the table must be exactly 165 mm; it is set in the menu Table → Table properties → tab Table → Size. The text in the table cells is Times New Roman, size 12, without paragraph indentation, single line spacing. The thickness of the borders of the table is 0.5 pt. Tables can be presented both in the text of the article and in separate files with a name according to the same principle as figures.

Application for publication is submitted electronically by mail: [email protected]. In the case of co-authorship, each author fills out an application separately!

For the publication of an article in the journal “The Phenomenon of Man. Actual problems of social and humanitarian sciences and education. Issue 5" should be sent to the editorial office:

Photos from open sources

If we are alone in the Universe, then perhaps our brothers in mind "live" in others - parallel worlds? Why not admit that our world has its own "double"? It may contain inhabited planets, and their inhabitants may well turn out to be similar to us. Where is the scientific evidence, you ask? Although indirect, there is evidence. (website)

Parallel worlds exist!

Everyone probably knows the hypothesis of the existence of parallel worlds. The version that as a result of random quantum processes the Universe “multiplies” and forms a large number of its copies is very attractive.

Photos from open sources

You can also cross out the laws of physics and consider them pure abstraction. More recently, researchers from the European Space Agency have made a truly sensational discovery. With the help of super-powerful telescopes, scientists have discovered anomalous areas in the Universe that glow so brightly that this phenomenon simply does not correspond to physical laws. This fact is a confirmation of the theory of parallel worlds that can penetrate each other, as if seeping through. And the "luminous spots" are a trace of a long-standing contact with another space. Different measurements may have different physical constants.

Ranga-Ram Chari, an Egyptian-born Californian astrophysicist, analyzed a series of data and found the "noise" that only the contact of two spheres can leave. In these spheres, or bubbles, the birth of universes takes place.

Mythology and modern physics about parallel worlds

At the Max Planck Observatory, Ranga-Ram, Chari managed to get photographs from space depicting flares, which, apparently, are the places where two universes meet.

Photos from open sources

In this regard, the ancient Indian myth of the god Vishnu, who supports the entire universe and gives impetus to creation, is recalled. Every second, the pores of his body give rise to spherical "bubbles", that is, universes. As you can see, the discoveries of modern scientists confirm the ancient myths.

According to the multiverse hypothesis popular today, the birth of universes occurs at a small distance from one to the other. In the place of their contact, bright rings appear - exactly the same as those found in Chari's photographs.

We are simply not allowed into parallel worlds

Ancient sources speak about the existence of another universe more than once. It is noteworthy that Tsiolkovsky, the father of cosmonautics, believed in its existence, but at the same time said that they would never let us go there. What did the brilliant scientist mean? If we assume that in a world parallel to ours, physical laws known to us do not work, then how will we get there? After all, all the technologies that a person can create will be built in accordance with the standards of this, but not the neighboring world. We don't know anything about him...

Photos from open sources

It turns out that the next discovery of scientists has no practical benefit for mankind? Not certainly in that way. It will at least once again make us think: how does the universe actually work? And what place does a person and his still imperfect consciousness occupy in it?.. In the end, this explains such a phenomenon as anomalous zones, which may well be either gates to parallel worlds.

Recently there have been reports of the discovery of a magnetic anomaly in Antarctica, in the region of Lake Vostok, and that it is there that the entrance to the underworld of the Earth is located. Again they started talking about Admiral Richard Baird, who was trying to uncover the secrets of the planet's poles. The latter made several expeditions to the South Pole region in the 1940s and 1950s. What was he looking for? There is a hypothesis that the Earth is hollow, and at the poles there are entrances to the underworld inhabited by intelligent beings. Obviously, the American admiral was looking for such an entrance. However, the mistake was that Byrd imagined this entrance in the form of some very real tunnel or mine. In fact, this is just an energy formation that cannot be touched by hands and is referred to as a “parallel world.” Evidence the existence of parallel worlds lot. Recently, the British medium Dana Forsythe made a statement that shocked the English public. She said that she had found a passage to a parallel world. The reality she discovered turned out to be a copy of our world, only without problems, illnesses and any hint of aggression.
Forsyth's opening was preceded by a fair house of laughter in Kent. In 1998, four young visitors did not leave at once. Two more disappeared three years later. Then more. The police knocked down, but did not find any traces of the kidnapping of children. Moreover, as the investigation later established, all the missing were familiar with each other, and the disappearances occurred on the last Thursday of the month. At first, it was assumed that a serial maniac was “hunting” in the house of laughter. Say, the offender got there through a secret passage, which, however, was not discovered by operatives. As well as other traces of the killer. After thorough searches, the booth had to be covered up. Like it or not, it turned out that the wanted teenagers almost vanished into thin air. After the mysterious room was closed, the disappearances stopped.
Forsythe, on the other hand, claims that the exit to that world was in one of the distorting mirrors, and it could be used, apparently, only from that side. Probably, someone accidentally opened it when the first missing ones were nearby. And then the teenagers who fell into this trap began to take their friends there.

Curved mirrors were also observed during the study of the Tibetan pyramids by the famous traveler, Professor Ernst Muldashev. According to him, the pyramids are the gates to a parallel four-dimensional world. And it is not for nothing that in our three-dimensional world, the basis of which is a triangle, all pyramids have a quadrangular base. It is quite possible that in the four-dimensional world, invisible and impenetrable to us, there are pyramids for the transition to the five-dimensional world, the base of which should be built in the form of a pentagon. The scientist is sure that the pyramids of Egypt were built by people of parallel worlds who came to our three-dimensional world. Take the same Nefertiti: she was, as he claims, 3.6 meters tall, and she had a huge head stretched back. The ancient ruler of Egypt, Akhenaten, was 4.5 meters tall, and even more ancient rulers - Hathors - 18 meters. Why not antihumans?!
In these pyramids there were concave, semicircular and flat stone structures of various sizes, which scientists called "mirrors" - because of the smooth surface. In the zone of their action, the members of Muldashev's expedition did not feel very well. Some saw themselves in childhood, others seemed to be transported to unfamiliar places. According to the scientist, through such "mirrors" standing near the pyramids, you can change the flow of time and control space. Ancient legends say that these "mirrors" were used to go to parallel worlds.

Teleport zones

There is another hypothesis that our Universe is not three-dimensional, but eleven-dimensional. It could contain three three-dimensional worlds separated by two transitional dimensions. And all three worlds, invisible to each other, are, as it were, placed on three floors of the house-planet. In one - we are, in the other two - “foreigners”. If this is so, then it immediately becomes clear why the most powerful and advanced radio telescopes have never recorded UFOs when they fly up to the Earth or leave it. Back in 1930, scientist Charles Froth coined the term "teleportation places". So he designated zones where inexplicable and invisible movements of objects in space were noted. They really exist, but the attempts of earthlings to deliberately provoke teleportation have not yet succeeded.

Although there are examples of such teleportation. On February 1, 1964, California lawyer Thomas P. Mehan finished his usual day at work and got into his car to drive home to the town of Eureka, which was an hour and a half away. But no one else ever saw him at home, and the true circumstances of his sudden mysterious disappearance forever remained unknown. But it was impossible to call his disappearance without a trace ... ... Marisa Kledvans, a nurse in the emergency room of a hospital in Gerberville, California, without much interest, looked around at the figure of a young man in a black suit. - "Thomas P. Mehan, lawyer," - the stranger introduced himself.

He asked for medical attention because he experienced a sudden onset of pain while driving. The pain, according to him, was so strong that at some point the lawyer felt that he had died, and the whole world around him disappeared. Marisa checked the lawyer's health insurance card number and turned to the locker behind her. When a second later she turned to the patient, he was gone. He seemed to melt in the air! All searches for the mysterious patient yielded no results. Meanwhile, at about ten o'clock in the evening, a patrol of the traffic police came across the Mekhan's car near the El River. Tire tracks on the pavement testified to desperate and unsuccessful attempts to slow down. Blood stains were clearly visible on the roof of the car.
The glass of the right front door was lowered. The driver has disappeared. Bloodstains and human footprints in the mud stretched for fifty meters, and then broke off, as if a person walking away from the car suddenly melted into the air ...

The launched large-scale search for the missing brought the result only after nineteen days. The body of Thomas Mehan was found on the river bank 30 kilometers from the accident site. An examination of the body and an autopsy showed that there was a large deep abrasion on the head of the deceased, but it was not the cause of death, but the fact that the wounded man drowned in the river and drowned. A detailed reconstruction of the incident convincingly showed that Mekhan fell into the river at the very moment when he appeared in the emergency room of the rural hospital.

... On June 25, 1943, the ships of the American military squadron, sailing along the Aleutian Islands, recorded on their radar screens seven Japanese ships heading on a collision course. The squadron commander ordered to open fire. During a half-hour cannonade, the American ships fired 212 tons of shells, however, to the surprise of the American sailors, the enemy did not return fire, and when the shooting subsided, he disappeared without a trace. But it wasn't until after the war, based on US Naval Intelligence documents, that there were no Japanese ships in the area that day!

... October 25, 1974 Robert Wyoming went hunting. After wandering through the woods all day to no avail, he was finally around four; o'clock in the evening literally ran nose to nose with a huge buffalo. The mighty bull stood at a distance of some thirty meters from the hunter. Throwing up his gun and taking aim, Wyoming fired ... Everything that followed was like a dream. The bullet, as if in slow motion filming, slowly flew about fifteen meters and gently fell to the ground, into the fallen autumn leaves. The hunter was shocked. But as soon as he came to his senses, he was again shocked. Nearby, he saw something resembling ... a spaceship! Amazing creatures were standing next to the ship. They approached him, and one of the creatures asked the hunter how he felt ... Wyoming woke up only in the hospital where he was taken
fork forest guard patrol. In fact, it's been four days since then...

The archives of all countries of the world contain information about similar and other, even stranger cases. However, as a rule, all these mysterious events remain outside the field of view of science - it is too difficult, almost impossible, to comprehend this with a scientific mind. You cannot defend a dissertation on this material, and you can ruin your academic career - therefore, you should not undertake it. But, fortunately, not all scientists take such positions, and research on many "inexplicable" phenomena is being conducted in many countries. And more and more researchers are inclined to believe that the hypothesis of the existence of parallel worlds has the right to exist ... In the Universe, there are several parallel worlds at the same time, with most of which we can communicate - this is the main position of this hypothesis.

The simplest case communication with parallel worlds is a dream. The reality of what is happening in a dream convinces us that all this is really happening. Our subconscious mind draws information from dreams. At the same time, the speed of transmitting and receiving information in a dream is many times higher than the speed of transmitting and receiving information in the real world: in just eight hours of sleep, we can “live through” weeks and months of life, and in a minute of sleep, a whole serial film can flash before our inner gaze. . In a dream, we see images not only of the world around us, but also strange, unlike visions that are in no way connected with everyday life. Where do they come from? And is it possible to see something similar in reality? The infinite big Universe consists of infinitely small atoms. Possessing enormous internal energy, atoms remain invisible to us and acquire "flesh" only by uniting into molecules and forming matter, the material world surrounding us. But, despite the fact that atoms are invisible, it would never occur to anyone to deny the fact of their existence. After all, we, our body, also consist of atoms. Atoms make continuous oscillatory motions. Depending on the type and structure of atoms, these vibrations have different frequencies, different speeds, and different directions of movement in space.

Actually, because of the presence of this difference, we can exist. But what would happen if we suddenly began to "fluctuate" at the same speed as dreams in our subconscious mind? In this case, an outside observer would not see us - human vision and sense organs are simply not able to fix such a movement. But any other person who found himself in the same “rhythm” with us would not even feel anything. Suppose that we somehow managed to give our body the speed of radio waves. In this case, it would take us some fractions of seconds to circle the globe and end up in the same place again. At the same time, during the flight, we would have had enough time to examine the continents, islands and oceans flashing under us, but to an outside observer it would have seemed that we simply disappeared from the evil eye for a moment. Now suppose that next to us there is the same world that "moves" at a speed several orders of magnitude higher than ours.
Do you think we would feel his presence? Of course not - because our senses and consciousness are simply not able to register it. But the subconscious mind does this almost always. Therefore, we often have strange states: was I in this place or not? Where did I see this person? What does this smell remind me of? But, no matter how hard you try, don't remember: it was all somewhere at the intersection point of parallel worlds. It is exactly where, due to unknown reasons, the contact of “different speed” worlds happens, and mysterious cases occur that have no real explanation ...

Do you think that parallel universes are just a fiction of science fiction writers? Not at all. Scientists around the world have long been approaching the solution of parallel worlds and are finding more and more evidence.that they actually exist. Until now, scientists have limited themselves to theoreticalmodels of parallel universes, but over the past 10 years, several scientificconfirmation of these theories.

The first confirmation was found during the study of the map of the cosmic background radiationspace. Recall that relic radiation is electromagnetic radiation in space,which was discovered in the 20th century. Its existence was predicted by the astrophysicist GeorgeGamow, who is one of the creators of the Big Bang theory. According to this theory, inouter space must exist the original electromagnetic radiation,appeared with the formation of the universe.

In 1983, experiments were carried out to measure the background radiation, as a result of whichit turned out that the temperature of this radiation is not uniform throughout space. This is how the maps of the relic radiation of the Cosmos appeared, on which colder and hotter areas are marked. ExceptIn addition, accurate measurements of the CMB spectrum have been made using satellites, andit turned out that it fully corresponds to the radiation spectrum of a completely black body with a temperature 2.725 Kelvin.

Let's go back to our days. In 2010, scientists from University College London, studying mapsrelic radiation, found several round zones with an abnormally high radiation temperature. According to scientists, these "potholes" appeared as a result of the collision of our Universe with parallel Universes due to their gravitational influence. Scientists suggest that our worldis just a small "bubble" floating in space and colliding with othersimilar worlds-universes. There have been at least as many such collisions since the Big Bang.four, the researchers say.

Another confirmation of the theory of parallel worlds was discovered by mathematicians from Oxford. Byin their opinion, only the theory of splitting the Universe into an infinite number of parallel worldscan explain some of the phenomena of quantum mechanics. As you know, one of the fundamentallaws of quantum mechanics is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This principle states that forof the same particle, it is impossible to simultaneously determine the exact speed and exact location (coordinates in space and trajectory). And it's not a theory, it'sa fact that scientists encountered in their requant research. Trying to measure the particle's speed, they couldn't determine it.location, and trying to identify the position, could not measure the speed. Thus,both began to be determined by probabilistic characteristics.

In general, all quantum mechanics is built on probabilities, because exact measurements in it are practicallyimpossible. Many scientists who took up the study of quantum phenomena came to the conclusion thatour Universe is not completely deterministic, that is, it is only a set of

probabilities. For example, the famous experiment with photons, when a beam of light is directed atplate with slits, showed that it is in principle impossible to determine which photon passed throughwhat a gap, but you can make a so-called "probability distribution" picture.

Thus, scientists from Oxford concluded that it was Hugh Everett's theory of splittingUniverse into many copies of itself can explain the probabilistic nature of quantummeasurements. Hugh Everett is one of the founders of the theory of the existence of parallel realities. In the middle of the 20th century, he delivered a dissertation on the splitting of worlds. According tohis theories, every moment our universe creates an infinite number of copies of itself, and theneach copy continues to split in the same way. Splitting is caused by our decisions and actions,each of which has an infinite number of options for accomplishment. Everett's theory longremained unnoticed and, of course, was not taken seriously. However, she was remembered afterfruitless attempts to explain the absolute uncertainty of quantum phenomena and states.

Of course, science fiction writers were the first to write about parallel worlds, but gradually their ideas migrated toscientific direction. Since then, the idea has strengthened in the minds of scientists that the theory of parallel universesmay become a new scientific paradigm in the future. Hugh Everett's ideas developed and were supportedscientists such as Andrey Linde - professor of physics at Stanford University, Martin Rees -Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics at the University of Cambridge, Max Tegmark is Professor of Physics andastronomy of the University of Pennsylvania, etc. Perhaps very interesting discoveries await us in the future.

If you are a lover of scientific secrets and the latest discoveries, then pay attention to the sensational books by Anastasia Novykh called "Sensei" (below is one of the quotes from these books). From them you can learn even more about the mysteries of the universe, as well as about scientific discoveries, on the threshold of which modern scientists only stand. It is surprising, but many recent discoveries of scientists were described in detail in books several years before they were announced. You have a rare opportunity to find out what is really waiting for us. All books you can download from our website for free.

Read more about this in the books of Anastasia Novykh

(click on the quote to download the entire book for free):

And there are really a lot of life forms! If people have time, they will be able to study the paradox of parallels. There is nothing complicated there. All you need is ... However, we will not go into details. In short, there is nothing difficult, with the development of modern technologies, it is quite possible to go to a parallel world and find there a completely intelligent life with the appropriate intelligence. Why look for it somewhere on Mars with its microbes dangerous for people, if it is nearby? Life is full. By and large, the Universe is life itself, life in the most extensive manifestation and diversity.

- Anastasia NOVICH "Ezoosmos"

Everyone knows from the school geometry course that two parallels never intersect. But this theory, proven by Euclid, is increasingly being questioned. If you believe Lobachevsky's theory, then parallel lines may well intersect, somewhere in infinity ... All this, of course, causes controversy, however, in our life there are many inexplicable phenomena that prove that parallels still have common ground.

There is a term - "butterfly effect". It was discovered by the meteorologist Lorenz, who claimed that even one harmless flap of an insect's wing in Singapore could cause a hurricane in America. That is, any one insignificant event can cause serious consequences. Have you thought about what would happen if you stayed at home instead of going for a walk? The answer is obvious: the scenario of your life would change. It may seem imperceptible to you, but in fact everything has changed radically. Imagine a maze. Before you are three roads that lead to an unknown future. On each road you will find completely different situations and people. It's up to you to decide which path you take. Life offers us several options for the development of events, but we choose only one. These events take place in the same world, but at different times. Thus, for each choice and action there is its own reality, its own world.

Can you imagine that a person like you lives in another parallel, but only in the morning he put on a sweater of a different color and preferred to go to work by a different route. How all these worlds exist simultaneously is still a mystery.

The existence of parallel worlds has not yet been officially proven. But there is already a lot of evidence from real life. At the beginning of the twentieth century, an entire English regiment of soldiers disappeared in the gorges of the mountains. After numerous searches, no signs of the presence of people could be found there. Many scientists have suggested that the regiment entered the portal, and now it is in one of the parallel worlds.

This is not an isolated case, proving the existence of other dimensions. We all have heard about the disappearing ships and planes, which disappeared from the radar in an instant. All this once again proves the inconsistency of Euclid's theory.

Manifestations of parallel worlds and temporary movements were established in ancient times. According to popular beliefs, mirrors can be portals to a parallel reality. Caves and gorges of mountains were endowed with such abilities.

Nowadays, there are many theories regarding parallel worlds. But neither theory has yet been scientifically proven. However, this does not prevent us from believing that our one wave of eyelashes can lead to a plane crash.