Why are our desires not fulfilled? Two parables: if your desire is not fulfilled

Psychologist Marina Morozova

One of the reasons is our disbelief in realization of desires. And everything in the world is given by faith. Therefore, to begin with, you just need to believe that the Universe, God is always ready to respond to our requests, desires and dreams.

And the Universe can do everything. And do not think that you do not deserve something. You are entitled to it.

But you can't dictate terms. When you give what you ask - it's up to God (the Higher Mind). And his decision, believe me, will be the best for you. A wish can come true in a week, six months, a year or two, depending on the complexity of the problem - at the best time for you.

The next reason why wishes don't come true, - a mess in our thoughts. We have such a chaos of conflicting, angry, depressing thoughts in our heads that it is very difficult to put them in order.


The main condition for training visualization - relaxation.

If you want a car, imagine it to the smallest detail, its color, brand, show it mentally to friends, neighbors, relatives, show off, dream about how you ride it, where and with whom, how you travel.

If you want to gain respect among colleagues, friends, imagine how they value you, respect you, what they say at the same time, how they listen to your opinion.

At the end, the dream must be approved, as if putting an end to it. That is, several times (preferably three times) say a statement in the present tense without the particle "not" (it does not pass into the subconscious), such as " Now I am completely healthy" or " Illness passes, I recover" or " I have an apartment". Wherein hold the image you created in your mind and believe that you really have it.
Do YOU ​​have a cherished desire - to LOVE AND BE LOVED?


Another secret. It is necessary to leave the opportunity to your higher self for something better. Indeed, it is quite possible that you will even get what you dare not even dream of.

Wish Fulfillment Technology won't work if you don't want the good of everyone. It is forbidden to achieve goals, walking over the heads or acting behind the back. All participants must win.

Your desires that you visualize should not harm others. Otherwise, all the bad things will come back to you with greater force. In this case, one of the laws of the Universe will work - the Law of radiation and attraction ("as it comes around, it will respond"). What thought you sent into space will return to you like a boomerang.

Of course, in the process of working on the fulfillment of desire doubts or conflicting thoughts may arise. Don't resist them (you will only reinforce them), let the doubts take shape, pass through your consciousness, and return to positive statements again.

And further. No need to calculate like yours a dream can come true, or try find the best way to fulfill it. Let the Universal Mind take care of the details.

What do we not dream of during our lives! To be beautiful and successful, loved and highly professional, to have a villa in the Caribbean and a small cozy cottage in the suburbs... But why don't our wishes come true?...

If all human desires were fulfilled, the globe would become hell.
Pierre Buast

Man is the only creature whose development depends entirely on his desires and on interaction with his own kind in the process of their implementation. He has a sense of the past, present and future, is influenced by environment and influences her.

He can weigh his chances and adjust his behavior. With the awakening of another desire, new needs are born in him, and he feels the need to satisfy them. To accomplish this task, he has to evolve.

If a person does not feel a lack of something, he stops in development. Only an unsatisfied desire makes us put our minds into action and look for ways to solve the problem.

Desire is the engine of progress. It is it that pushes us forward, causing everything that happens to a person individually and to humanity as a whole. The continuous development of desire shapes the present as well as the future towards which we are moving.

Why, then, does a person experience a permanent stress, trapped in your unfulfilled desires?

Distorted original message

The biggest reason is misguided motivation.

A person's desires are sometimes associated not only with the needs of his survival, well-being and development, but also with competition.

Yes, a person is constantly changing, but this is due not so much to the degree of comfort of his existence as to the desire to possess what others have.

All the trouble is that he not only wants to have much more than his neighbor, it is important for him that the latter have less than him. Therefore, very often human desire is denoted by such terms as "egoism", "desire for exceptional pleasures" or "desire to receive the highest pleasure."

Why do we envy the employee who left marry a rich foreigner and left for permanent residence in America, why are we ready to look for flaws in it and gossip about the fact that there is no smell of love there, just one naked calculation?

Why are we in a hurry to stigmatize the successful, to expose the successful, to criticize the talented, to denigrate the hardworking, to doubt the kind and smart? Why?

because we would not only like to be the same ourselves, but also surpass, prove our exclusivity, irreplaceability, originality, uniqueness, etc. Even without being aware of this, we aim only in the category of "highest grade". And as a result, we get a permanent stress of unfulfilled expectations.

The bar is too high

How to understand your desires? They constantly change, interact, complement and mutually exclude each other. Sometimes we load our brains like this...

Michael Jackson has repeatedly said that he would like to live forever. And he was obsessed with the idea of ​​cloning. And how did it all end?

    I want a lover, strong, rich, kind, free, blue-eyed, handsome, smart, enterprising, sensitive, gentle, courageous, without bad habits, with a car, a country house, a good job, a position in society, relatives on the other side of the world ... Maybe , stop?..

    I want to graduate from high school, get an excellent certificate and wave to Paris!

  • Who does not love me - let him love!
  • I want to make history...

    I want to be the champion...

  • I want to have a baby!
  • I wanna be with you!

    I want purple shades!

  • I want to be baptized in the Spirit, I want to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven...
  • I want a man!

  • I want to go to the sea!
  • Oh, and I saw such a cool "Nissan Qashqai" red! Want!!!

    And I would eat lasagna!

  • I want to go to space!
  • “But I want, but I want to run over the roofs again, chase pigeons ...”

Stop, stop! Decide what is most important to you and what you want in the first place: ice cream or a villa in the Caribbean? And then weigh your chances.

Perhaps your burning dream of becoming a famous basketball player will run into a simple and understandable objective reality associated with short stature.

How to stop chasing your dream?

The Consequences of Impossible Desires

If desires are constantly not fulfilled, a person becomes discouraged and experiences stress.

Stress is the result of disappointment from unfulfilled desires. How does this happen?

Here is what V. A. Latyshev writes about this in his book “Energy Therapy - EURASIA”:

“As a result of the failure to fulfill a desire, a strong focus of “frozen” - undischarged emotion is formed in the cerebral cortex, which subjugates all the activity of the body - its energy flows, all thoughts and actions of a person.

To restore harmony, it is necessary to eliminate, discharge the "frozen" emotion (a clot of "perverted" energy) or sublimate this energy potential.

Otherwise, after the appearance of a focus of "frozen" emotion, a chain reaction begins to develop - the hypothalamus is excited, which causes the pituitary gland to secrete a lot of adrenocorticotropic hormones (ACTH) into the blood.

ACTH causes the adrenal glands to secrete adrenaline and other physiologically active substances (stress hormones) that cause a multifaceted effect: a strong heartbeat, rapid breathing, unstable blood pressure, headaches and other ailments, as well as corresponding feelings of anger, fear, excitement, etc.

If there is no subsequent energy discharge, biologically active substances circulate in the human blood for a long time, which do not give rest to either the nervous system or internal organs.

Due to the fact that the stressful situation persists - "frozen" emotions are not discharged, an unmet need sends impulses to the cerebral cortex and stress hormones (energy imbalance) continue to be released.

The task of a person, as a living energy system, is to satisfy his needs without coming into conflict with himself, with the people around him and with the entire outside world, i.e., without causing new tensions.

Each satisfied need brings a person closer to the goal.- to harmony with oneself, with the outside world and a sense of security (freedom from anxiety - tension).

Sometimes the stress caused by the impossibility of desires, a person neutralizes strange newly acquired manias and habits. For example, he becomes a television or computer "maniac", does not crawl away from the saving illusory nature of the blue screen, which replaces his real life.

Live sexual desires are not satisfied? You can resort to virtual sex or video. The dream of love does not come true - you can come up with it using correspondence with the same disembodied user under a universal faceless nickname.

Surrogates of love, sex, life... How many now modified phantoms of fulfilled desires. But in the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon, reality suddenly overtakes ...

Then new manias overtake a person:

An impulsive desire to buy everything. Oniomania and shopmania with their varieties: sales mania (sale mania) - a painful desire to buy things on sale, label mania (mania of labels) - dependence on advertised brands.

The pursuit of the "company" turns into an obsessive state, into the impossibility for a person to buy anything else. Turns around, for example, gadget addiction - a passion for the constant acquisition of all technical innovations, in 99% of cases unnecessary. Or "leads" junk food addiction - an obsessive desire to visit chains of fast food restaurants.





The worst thing is that when drinking, eating, drowning out their internal impulses in all sorts of ways harmful to his body, a person does not think about the consequences of such consolations.

And he does not notice how the stress gradually caused by disappointment in unfulfilled desires leads to the inhibition of the machine of his desires. And sometimes to a complete stop. The person seems to put an end to himself and no longer wants to do anything. So, it stops in its development.

How to free yourself from the captivity of desires

Each of us already has what he needs at the moment at this level of his development. Not everyone can accept this immutable and deafening fact with joy and gratitude and make it the launching pad for a new round of life.

We just want to compare ourselves with someone more successful and prosperous and include in our list of priorities what we don’t need or can’t do yet. We, like magpies, who see a bright object, set off after prey, and then this object gathers dust on our shelf and does not find its application.

But in the pursuit of it, we experienced many side effects that are rapidly moving us away from a harmonious state of happiness. What to do?

1. Get rid of the future tense. Constant thoughts about the future poison the present.

2. Break the habit of constantly comparing yourself to others!

3. Make a list of your joys today. It can be unexpectedly long. This will cheer you up and make you think that not everything is so bad.

4. Review everything you already have and what else do you want. After all, “the desire for what we do not have destroys the enjoyment of what we have” (Michel Montaigne).

In faith, it turns out that most of of our desires belongs to the realm of so-called surpluses, without which it is quite possible to do without. “If you don’t want much, then even a little will seem like a lot to you.” (Democritus)

5. Be clear about what you want. Sometimes there is such a mess in our head that even a modern brain, trained with large amounts of information, cannot disentangle it.

For some of our desires overlap and even exclude others, but we do not notice it. We, for example, want to marry the rich and famous, not work, and still reach the top of our careers. How this can be combined, few know.

6. Think about the consequences of fulfilling your desires. Just imagine what the fulfillment of the desire to become a billionaire can turn out to be for a simple Masha Penkina, a saleswoman from the wholesale market.

Remember the words of one wise woman: “If you want to have something, it means that at the same time it will have you!” (Dina Dean)

7. Release your desires! Think of them only as the engine of your progress, and not as a noose around your neck. Then it will be easier for you to cope with the disappointments that are inevitable on our way.

8. Don't run away from the stress of impossible wishes into the realm of artificial gratification, which is associated with psychotropic substances and other delusions. No alcohol, drug or antidepressant will make you a happy person.

9. If you are a believer, read the wise prayer of the Optina Elders in difficult moments of disappointment.

“Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day brings me.

Let me completely surrender to the will of Your Holy One.
In every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.

Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and firm conviction that everything is Your Holy Will.

In all my words and deeds guide my thoughts and feelings.
In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything is sent down by You.

Teach me to act directly and reasonably with each member of my family, without embarrassing or upsetting anyone.

Lord, give me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day.

Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen".

And I also think it is very useful to listen to the words of those who, by the example of their whole lives, have shown that “there are two desires, the fulfillment of which can make a person’s true happiness - to be useful and to have a clear conscience” (Leo Tolstoy).


Sometimes the wrong statement of thought plays a role in the block of desires. After all, literally everything in the world is interconnected: people, thoughts and events.

An individual person can be considered as some important unit of information of the surrounding world. And if it does not harmonize with the possibilities of the environment, then the desires will not come true.

For example, a person dreams of finding a new job. But he is constantly denied for one reason or another. These are not just failures, but signs of the Universe. Probably, a person is looking for a job not in his field, and it is time for him to change his qualifications or get rid of any shortcomings. And sometimes the Universe can even signal the opening of their own business, because some people outgrow the bar of employment earlier than others.

It is worth learning to recognize such desires and signals and learn how to analyze them.

Increase self-esteem

In the techniques of wish fulfillment, a person’s inner self-confidence is also important. For example, someone who nevertheless decides to open his own business dramatically changes the consciousness of himself and those around him, as well as colleagues.

This person has grown on a mental level, he is sure that he is no longer supposed to work for hire, that he deserves more. Such people are usually successful because they send rays of contagious confidence to the Universe. And the strength of a self-confident person is familiar to many: such people rarely get rejected and more often get what they want, even if it seems unrealistic. Therefore, it is so important sometimes to work on self-esteem and inner worldview.

Harm of haste and fuss

Sometimes the mistake of people is to rush. In the modern rhythm of life, haste and fuss are important factors in fruitful activity. But not for the fulfillment of desires. Sending a wish to the Universe, you can expect the result for years.

Some send a wish for wealth and only years later win the lottery or receive a long-awaited promotion at work. These are clear examples of a working mechanism.

Some scientists suggest that the universe is intelligent, and this is proved by a number of esoteric theories and practices. Therefore, when sending a wish to the bank of the Universe, it is better to let it go, because if you rush to fulfill it, you can get either a defective version or a refusal.

Our life is made up of desires. As a child, we dream of getting a bicycle as a gift for the New Year, in our youth - to have a sports car, today we want to succeed at work, tomorrow we dream of breaking away from this work and flying away to rest in warmer climes, and the day after tomorrow - so that the whole world is at our feet . Some of our wishes, of course, come true. Every day mysteriously turns our desires into reality, then deprives us of such pleasure.

Have you ever wondered why desires do not come true? And how to understand this pattern, when Luck is on our side, and when not? And, finally, what desires are fulfilled, and how to make sure that the world is really at our feet?

Probably, humanity does not know such a number, which is equal to the number of unfulfilled desires. And most often the reason that these desires do not become a reality is their unfulfillment and impracticability. You can dream of becoming President, you can dream of earning millions, you can dream of a snow-white yacht and a palace, but no dreams will come true if you do not make efforts to implement them.

Conclusion 1. Desires do not come true because we do not act, but wait for the weather from the sea.
As they say, Fortune loves the determined and the brave. Very often, the implementation of our desires in life is associated with the emergence of life's difficulties and problems. For example, you have a dream of becoming a fashion model, but you perfectly understand what sacrifices you need to make for the sake of beauty. Desire is desire, but you are subconsciously not ready for this, therefore such a dream is unlikely to ever come true.

Conclusion 2. The fulfillment of desires is hindered by uncertainty and fear of problems that may be encountered in the future.
Very often wishes to us. Many people dream of being millionaires or show business stars - and we take these desires for our own. But that's the problem: by making the dream of society our dream, we lose our "I". And, as you know, Fortune favors people with an inner core, with a bright personality.

Conclusion 3. Why do desires not come true? The reason is not in desires, but in us. In fact, these are not our dreams, but abstract dreams imposed on us by society - therefore they are not destined to come true.
It happens that we want to live differently, in other conditions, in a different environment, but such thoughts do not go beyond dreams. Have you tried to understand why desires are not fulfilled? The fact is that even if we want to radically change our lives, subconsciously everything suits us - due to habit or upbringing. Therefore, the dream of “dropping everything and leaving” is most likely impossible, because habits are more difficult to change than desires.

Conclusion 4. Desires are not fulfilled due to our habits: and if the dream turns out to be weaker than the habit, it is easier to change the dream.
Desires are different: both easily feasible and almost fantastic. And it is difficult to say with certainty that there are many / few chances for the fulfillment of one or another dream, because everything is decided by His Majesty Chance. But our dreams do not come true just because we ourselves are not sure of them. When there is no faith that your desire will come true, then there is no chance of its implementation.

Conclusion 5. Thought is material, and results will not come from disbelief. Believe in the feasibility of your desires - and then they will come true.

Life is movement, and our desires are the driving mechanism. There will be no life without desires, so you need to believe that they will come true, you need to make every effort to implement them - and then real success awaits you. After all, the decision on whether your wish will come true is made by the Queen of Fortune, and she loves only self-confident people who know what they want from life.

Anastasia Kostenko especially for

It happens, you make a wish, you wait for it, you wait, but all to no avail. 10 reasons why desires do not come true - you may find yours.

1) Low rank in the value system

The most common reason for the delay in achieving the desired result is that you, in fact, almost do not need this order. We already did the exercise where you ranked your values ​​in order of their importance to you. So, if, since then, the rank of your desire has not changed, and this is not at all easy to do, then life will not rush to fulfill it. It can be so for any purpose. A woman, it seems, wants to get married and sometimes even makes sluggish efforts for this, but, in fact, does not understand why she needs it. A man wants to earn more money, but, in fact, he tries to do it under the pressure of his wife, and this money is completely unimportant to him, because he always gives either to the work process itself or to some kind of hobby (Internet, fishing, beer, etc.). What to do with it - decide for yourself. Or take the withered goal for yourself as important and desirable for you and behave accordingly. Or remove claims to yourself or life that your desire is not fulfilled. Recognize that it is not important for you and stop wasting energy and time on this topic.

2) Want something completely different

Another very close reason for the delay in the realization of the goal is that you state one thing, but, in fact, you want another. Deep down, you really do not want what you supposedly strive for. And if you don't want it, you don't get it. For example, a woman fusses a lot and is looking for a man to marry him. That is, the goal she declares is that she wants to get married. But in fact, marriage itself is on her side, fed up with her previous marriage. But she really wants to find a father for her child, because she heard that raising a child without a father is not good. It is clear that, with such an attitude, she will have great difficulties with marriage.

3) Uncertainty of goals

The next possible reason for blocking with the achievement of a result is close to those discussed above. It can be characterized as the uncertainty of goals. This situation occurs when a person has several options for the development of events, but he has not decided for himself which option suits him best. None of the options has clear advantages over the others, they all have advantages and disadvantages, and it is not clear where to stop. But until you make your own choice, life will not fuss with it. Or she will somehow deal with your affairs, but in the same way as you - neither shaky nor rolls. People find themselves in such situations, for example, when they are not satisfied with their current job, but they can’t figure out what to choose instead of their current job, none of the known options attract them.

4) Variety of goals

Another reason for a possible blockage with the achievement of the desired result is the opposite of the one discussed above. Here, life is already delaying the fulfillment of your desire, because it does not know which of your many aspirations it should realize. In general terms, such a reason for blocking can be characterized by the words: I want everything and a lot at once.
There are many goals and desires, all of them are approximately the same in rank, that is, they are of little importance to you. And life is in no hurry to fulfill them - it is waiting for you to decide. Like you, however, do not make much effort to implement them - you simply do not have time for this.

5) Inconsistency of goals

Another reason for blocking the realization of the goal is the presence of an explicit (or implicit) contradiction in the content of the goal. For example, a person really wants to achieve something, but at the same time wants the opposite result, sometimes without knowing it himself. As a result, life does not know what he really wants, and the stated goal is not realized. How can it be? Let's take an example.
A woman has been struggling with overweight for many years, but the results of this struggle are very disappointing - the weight either decreases or increases again, that is, the desired goal - weight loss, is not achieved. During a session of communication with his subconscious, it literally stated the following: “I am trying to fulfill your long-standing order. Remember when you were little and in the third grade, you had a favorite teacher. The teacher was a big woman, everyone respected and loved her, and you passionately wanted to be like her. You were sure that the weight would give you solidity and, thus, give grounds for respect from the people around you. You said you really want to be like her when you grow up. Therefore, I try to fulfill your wish that people love and respect you as your first teacher. As you can see, here the long-standing desire to be big and solid, and the later desire to be slim, came into conflict. These desires compete with each other, therefore, the weight either increases or decreases, although the woman herself was completely unaware of this hidden struggle.

6) Incorrect goal setting

The next reason why the desired goal is not realized in any way is that you have formulated your goal incorrectly, and, as a result, it is not fulfilled in any way - in your opinion. In fact, anything can happen. For example, your incorrect order could have been filled for a long time, but in such a way that you did not even notice it. For example, if you declare to life: “My income is increasing every day!”, Then they can actually increase. Each new day you will earn more than the previous one (on average), but you will not even notice it, because the income growth will be exactly 1 kopeck per day! Formally, the order is fulfilled, your income is growing, you should be satisfied with yourself and life. And it will seem to you that your desire is not being fulfilled. It is being fulfilled, but a vaguely formulated order leads to an unexpected result for you. Note that an incorrectly formulated order may not be executed. Or performed in the strangest way.

7) Overestimation, unreality of the goal

Sometimes people set huge goals for themselves, which may turn out to be clearly beyond their reach. Big goals require the combined efforts of a group of people, and if you set out to move mountains alone (become a governor, build a large factory), the result may not be very comforting . As a result, such goals are not realized - we will consider why this happens.
8) Low self-esteem
Difficulties with achieving your goal can arise if you have low self-esteem and do not believe that you are worthy of it. Or, what could happen in your life. Although you smile, you consider yourself small and gray, who is doomed to be content with little. And, although you can ask life for a million dollars at once, but if this million is not from your reality, then you simply will not believe that you can have it. It will not arise. All the same applies to a rich groom or a beautiful bride - if you think inside yourself that these people or situations are intended for someone else, and not for you, then they will not happen to you.
Life realizes our true desires, and not invented or inspired by watching TV shows about a “beautiful” life.

9) Lack of Real Effort

Another typical mistake is the lack of real efforts on the way to the desired goal. Such goals acquire the status of dreams, dreams that are not destined to come true. Or they come true, but just as ghostly. For example, if you dream of a million dollars, but, at the same time, do not want to get up from the couch and make at least some effort to get it, then life will twist and send you your desired million. Which, for example, will be drawn on the cover of the next magazine.

10) Incorrect goal setting

The next reason why the desired goal is not realized in any way is that you have formulated your goal incorrectly, and, as a result, it is not fulfilled in any way - in your opinion.
And in fact, it can be anything. For example, your incorrect order could have been filled for a long time, but in such a way that you did not even notice it. For example, if you declare to life: “My income is increasing every day!”, Then they can actually increase. Each new day you will earn more than the previous one (on average), but you will not even notice it, because the income growth will be exactly 1 kopeck per day! Formally, the order is fulfilled, your income is growing, you should be satisfied with yourself and life. And it will seem to you that your desire is not fulfilled.
It is being executed, but a vaguely formulated order leads to an unexpected result for you. Note that an incorrectly formulated order may not be executed. Or performed in the strangest way.
A. Sviyash