Why is World War I called World War II? It is known that during this war the soldiers did not want to fight - they met on neutral territory, arranged drinking parties and "fraternization"

With calmness and dignity, Our great mother Russia met the news of the declaration of war on us. I am convinced that with the same sense of calmness We will bring the war, whatever it may be, to the end.

I solemnly declare here that I will not make peace until the last enemy warrior leaves Our land. strong as a granite wall, my army and I bless it for military labor.

Here's what's interesting - "until the last enemy warrior leaves Our land"

How did the 2nd Patriotic War, or the 1st World War (as we are used to) begin, according to official history?

On August 1, Germany declared war on Russia, the same day the Germans invaded Luxembourg. On August 2, German troops finally occupied Luxembourg, and an ultimatum was put forward for Belgium to allow the German armies to pass to the border with France. Only 12 hours were given for reflection.

On August 3, Germany declared war on France, accusing her of "organized attacks and aerial bombardments of Germany" and "violation of Belgian neutrality."

On August 3, Belgium refused the German ultimatum. On August 4, German troops invaded Belgium. King Albert of Belgium appealed for help to the guarantor countries of Belgian neutrality. London sent an ultimatum to Berlin: stop the invasion of Belgium, or England will declare war on Germany. After the expiration of the ultimatum, Great Britain declared war on Germany and sent troops to help France.


An interesting story turns out .. The king probably would not have thrown words like that - 'til the last enemy warrior will not leave our land" etc..

But the enemy, at the time of the speech, invaded Luxembourg ..What does it mean? Is that what I think, or do you have other thoughts?

Let's see where we have Luxembourg?

Nice deal - Luxembourg is oriented in color with the Netherlands, it turns out that all the land belonged to Russia? Or was it a kingdom of a different kind, World and Global, with Russia as its flagship? And the rest of the countries were not countries, but counties, principalities, regions, or God knows what it was actually called ..

Because the Patriotic War, and the second (the first, I think, is 1812) And then, after 100 years or so, again - 1914 .. You say - “Nuuuu, you never know what is written on the picture, so now, build a theory out of this?"But no, my friends .. There is not one picture here .. But two .. Or three .. Or thirty-three ..

The question is - who and when began to call the Second Patriotic War, the First World War? If this is being hidden from us (those who are involved in informing the population about the events of history - x / zTORIKI), then there is probably a reason for this? Will they foolishly do nothing to change the names of historical events? What a bummer..

And there are many such testimonies .. So there is something to hide.! What exactly? Probably the fact that our Fatherland was much wider at that time, so much so that Luxembourg was our territory, and perhaps it was not limited to this. We all know about the global nature of the world in the 19th century - when was this global world divided and severely demarcated?

Who lived in the Russian Empire?

“On the number of measures included in the draft lists of 1904 on the basis of Art. 152 of the military regulations of the edition of 1897"

Materials of the Samara recruiting presence. According to the materials of the Samara recruiting presence - Germans and Jews - religion

So the STATE was one but recently it was divided.

There were no nationalities back in 1904.

There were Christians, Mohammedans, Jews and Germans - this is how the mass of the people was distinguished.

In "Saint John" by B. Shaw, an English nobleman says to a priest who used the word "Frenchman":

"Frenchman! Where did you get this word from? Have these Burgundians, Bretons, Picards and Gascons also begun to call themselves French, as ours have taken the fashion to be called English? They speak of France and England as if they were their own countries. Yours, do you understand? What will happen to me and to you if this way of thinking is spread everywhere?”

(See: Davidson B. The Black Man's Birden. Africa and the Cigse of the Nation-State. New York: Times B 1992, p. 95).

“In 1830, Stendhal spoke of a terrible triangle between the cities of Bordeaux, Bayonne and Valence, where “people believed in witches, could not read and did not speak French.”

Flaubert, walking through the fair in the commune of Rasporden in 1846, as if through an exotic bazaar, described the typical peasant he came across in the following way: "... suspicious, restless, dumbfounded by any phenomenon incomprehensible to him, he is in a hurry to leave the city ""

D. Medvedev. France of the 19th century: the country of savages (instructive reading)

So what was it about...
And where is she, this "OUR LAND" ?


“Brotherhoods” on the Eastern Front began already in August 1914, and at the beginning of 1916, hundreds of regiments already participated in them from the Russian side, writes Interpreter.

On the eve of the new, 1915, year, sensational news spread around the world: a spontaneous truce and "fraternization" of soldiers of the warring British, French and German armies began on the Western Front of the Great War.

Soon the leader of the Russian Bolsheviks, Lenin, declared "fraternization" at the front as the beginning "transformations world wars into civil war"(note!!!)

Among these news about the Christmas truce, scanty information about "fraternization" on the Eastern (Russian) front was completely lost. "Brotherhood" in the Russian army began in August 1914 on the Southwestern Front.

In December 1914, on the North-Western Front, there were cases of already massive "fraternization" of soldiers of the 249th Infantry Danube and 235th Infantry Belebeevsky regiments.


One thing is clear - PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DRIVED TO THE SLAUGHTER by their leaders, GOVERNMENTS, who received the task from a certain "center" .. But WHAT kind of "CENTER" IS THIS?


Read the names of the settlements in Germany.. We rightfully considered this land to be ours!!!

Read it, and you will immediately understand “what” Emperor Nicholas II was talking about when he said "Our land" I mean myself, or the society headed by him (this is a question of a different nature) ALL THIS WAS "OUR LAND"(in addition to the Benelux countries - Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, etc.)

It turns out, if you follow the logic (why was it necessary to hide the name of the Second Patriotic War?), then the goal-setting was precisely the concealment of the Global (at that time) World, the Fatherland, which this war “finished off”?


Even during the Great Patriotic war, the Nazis, in turn, considered our territory their, AND THE POPULATION BY ITS CITIZENS - they behaved as if they had equal rights with the Bolsheviks at least they thought so..Yes, and part of the population was quite loyal, especially at the beginning of the war ..




If we go back to the times of unrest (17th century), or rather after its end, then several foreign princes and even the King of England Jacob (with what such joy?) Claimed the Russian throne, but the Cossacks managed to “shove through” their candidate, Mikhail Feodorovich, by truth or falsehood, what were very dissatisfied with the rest of the applicants -

DOES THEY HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS..? And the Polish Tsarevich Vladislav never recognized Michael as king, not showing due respect, according to etiquette, calling him illegally elected, considering his rights to the Moscow throne more solid ..

And here, I would put it in a quote from the brilliant Leonid Filatov, from "About Fedot-Sagittarius, a daring fellow"



(wiki) According to the well-known Soviet historian, Professor A. L. Stanislavsky, a well-known specialist in the history of Russian society of the 16th-17th centuries, the key role in the accession of Michael, instead of foreign princes and King of England and Scotland, Jacob I, who wanted to be elected by the nobility and boyars , the Great Russian Cossacks, who then united with the Moscow common people, played, the liberties of which the tsar and his descendants subsequently took away in all possible ways. The Cossacks received a grain salary, and they feared that the bread that was supposed to go to their salary would instead be sold by the British for money around the world ..

That is, the Cossacks-Great Russians “stirred” fearing that the English king, sitting on the Moscow throne, would take away their grain salary, and why didn’t they embarrass the very fact that an Englishman would rule in Russia !? Was it normal, okay?

Interesting why the Cossacks did not participate in wars led by Russia? THE ARMY OF MICHAL FEODORICHA WAS HALF…. FOREIGN, GERMAN!!

S. M. Solovyov. Works in 18 volumes. Book V. History of Russia since ancient times, volumes 9-10.

..But we saw that in addition to hired and local foreigners, in the reign of Michael there were regiments of Russian people trained in a foreign system; Shein near Smolensk had: hired many German people, captains and captains and soldiers on foot; Yes, with them were Russian people with German colonels and captains, children of boyars and all sorts of ranks, people who were written for military doctrine: with the German colonel Samuil Charles Reiter, nobles and children of boyars from different cities were 2700; Greeks, Serbs and Voloshan fodder - 81; Colonel Alexander Leslie, and with him his regiment of captains and majors, all sorts of clerks and soldiers - 946; with Colonel Yakov Sharl - 935; with Colonel Fuchs - 679; with Colonel Sanderson - 923; with colonels - Wilhelm Kit and Yuri Mattheyson - 346 initial people and ordinary soldiers - 3282: German people from different lands who were sent from the Ambassadorial order - 180, and all hired Germans - 3653;

Yes, with the colonels of the German Russian soldiers, who are in charge of a foreign order: 4 colonels, 4 large regimental lieutenants, 4 majors, in Russian large regimental watchmen, 2 quartermasters and captains, in Russian large regimental rounders, 2 regimental quartermasters, 17 captains , 32 lieutenants, 32 ensigns, 4 people of regimental judges and clerks, 4 wagon officers, 4 priests, 4 court clerks, 4 professional officers, 1 regimental Nabatik, 79 Pentecostals, 33 ensigns, 33 watchmen over a gun, 33 company borrowers, 65 German capors, 172 Russian caporals, 20 German guards with a flute, 32 company clerks, 68 Russian guards, two German undersized children for interpretation; total German people and Russian and German soldiers in six regiments, but Poles and Lithuanians in four companies 14801 people ...


From the beginning of the 19th century .. Opposite ends of the world - from Vietnam to South Africa and Indonesia - what ends, it would seem! But no - the same architecture, style, materials, one office built everything, but globalization, however .. In general, there are a small fraction of photos, for overclocking, and at the end of the post there is a link to MORE, for those who cannot stop right away)) for the braking distance for the sake of for..


Kyiv, Ukraine

Odessa, Ukraine

Tehran, Iran

Hanoi, Vietnam

Saigon, Vietnam

Padang, Indonesia

Bogota, Colombia

Manila, Philippines

Karachi, Pakistan

Karachi, Pakistan

Shanghai, China

Shanghai, China

Managua, Nicaragua

Kolkata, India. The Prince of Wales entered with an army. The palace in the "colonial" style is already standing

Kolkata, India

Calcutta 1813, India

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa

Seoul, Korea

Seoul, Korea

Melbourne, Australia

Brisbane, Australia

Oaxaca, Mexico

Mexico City, Mexico

Toronto, Canada

Toronto, Canada

Montreal, Canada

Penang Island, Georgetown, Malaysia

Penang Island, Georgetown, Malaysia

Bangladesh, Dhaka

Phuket, Thailand


Subparagraph Brussels, Belgium


Kolkata, India

Vendôme Column in Paris. You can see the doors and people are standing at the top.


With calmness and dignity, Our great mother Russia met the news of the declaration of war on us. I am convinced that with the same sense of calmness We will bring the war, whatever it may be, to the end.

I solemnly declare here that I will not make peace until the last enemy warrior leaves Our land. strong as a granite wall, my army and I bless it for military labor.

Here's what's interesting - “until the last enemy warrior leaves Our land”

How did the 2nd Patriotic War, or the 1st World War (as we are used to) begin, according to official history?

On August 1, Germany declared war on Russia, the same day the Germans invaded Luxembourg. On August 2, German troops finally occupied Luxembourg, and an ultimatum was put forward for Belgium to allow the German armies to pass to the border with France. Only 12 hours were given for reflection.

On August 3, Germany declared war on France, accusing her of "organized attacks and aerial bombardments of Germany" and "violation of Belgian neutrality."

On August 3, Belgium refused the German ultimatum. On August 4, German troops invaded Belgium. King Albert of Belgium appealed for help to the guarantor countries of Belgian neutrality. London sent an ultimatum to Berlin: stop the invasion of Belgium, or England will declare war on Germany. After the expiration of the ultimatum, Great Britain declared war on Germany and sent troops to help France.


PATRIOTIC WAR - this is what those who have been subjected to aggression call the war, as they SHIELD THEIR FATHERLAND


An interesting story turns out .. The king probably would not have thrown words like that - “until the last enemy warrior will not leave our land" etc..

But the enemy, at the time of the speech, invaded Luxembourg ..What does it mean? Is that what I think, or do you have other thoughts?

Let's see where we have Luxembourg?

Nice deal - Luxembourg is oriented in color with the Netherlands, it turns out that all the land belonged to Russia? Or was it a kingdom of a different kind, World and Global, with Russia as its flagship? And the rest of the countries were not countries, but counties, principalities, regions, or God knows what it was actually called ..

Because the Patriotic War, and the second one (the first one, I think, is 1812) And then after 100 years or so, again - 1914 .. You say - “Nuuuu, you never know what is written on the picture, so now, build a theory out of this?”But no, my friends .. There is not one picture here .. But two .. Or three .. Or thirty-three ..

The question is - who and when began to call the Second Patriotic War, the First World War? If this is being hidden from us (those who are involved in informing the population about the events of history - x / zTORIKI), then perhaps there is a reason for this? Will they foolishly do nothing to change the names of historical events? What a bummer..

And there are many such testimonies .. So there is something to hide.! What exactly? Probably the fact that our Fatherland was much wider at that time, so much so that Luxembourg was our territory, and perhaps it was not limited to this. We all know about the global nature of the world in the 19th century - when was this global world divided and severely demarcated?

Who lived in the Russian Empire?

“On the number of measures included in the draft lists of 1904 on the basis of Art. 152 military regulations of the edition of 1897”

Materials of the Samara recruiting presence. According to the materials of the Samara recruiting presence - Germans and Jews - religion

So the STATE was one but recently it was divided.

There were no nationalities back in 1904.

There were Christians, Mohammedans, Jews and Germans - this is how the masses were distinguished.

In "Saint John" by B. Shaw, an English nobleman says to a priest who used the word "Frenchman":

"Frenchman! Where did you get this word from? Have these Burgundians, Bretons, Picards and Gascons also begun to call themselves French, as ours have taken the fashion to be called English? They speak of France and England as if they were their own countries. Yours, do you understand? What will happen to me and to you if this way of thinking is spread everywhere?”

(See: Davidson B. The Black Man's Birden. Africa and the Cigse of the Nation-State. New York: Times B 1992, p. 95).

“In 1830, Stendhal spoke of a terrible triangle between the cities of Bordeaux, Bayonne and Valence, where “people believed in witches, could not read and did not speak French.”

Flaubert, walking through the fair in the commune of Rasporden in 1846, as if through an exotic bazaar, described the typical peasant he came across in the following way: “... suspicious, restless, dumbfounded by any phenomenon incomprehensible to him, he is in a great hurry to leave the city” ”

D. Medvedev. France of the 19th century: the country of savages (instructive reading)

So what was it about...
And where is she, this "EARTH IS OUR" ?


“Brotherhoods” on the Eastern Front began already in August 1914, and at the beginning of 1916, hundreds of regiments already participated in them from the Russian side, writes “Interpreter”.

On the eve of the new, 1915, year, sensational news spread around the world: a spontaneous truce and “fraternization” of soldiers of the warring British, French and German armies began on the Western Front of the Great War.

Soon the leader of the Russian Bolsheviks, Lenin, declared "fraternization" at the front as the beginning "transformations world wars into civil war"(note!!!)

Among these news about the Christmas truce, scanty information about “fraternizations” on the Eastern (Russian) front was completely lost. "Brotherhood" in the Russian army began in August 1914 on the Southwestern Front.

In December 1914, on the North-Western Front, cases of already massive “fraternization” of soldiers of the 249th Infantry Danube and 235th Infantry Belebeevsky regiments were noted.


One thing is clear - PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DRIVED TO THE SLAUGHTER by their leaders, GOVERNMENTS, who received the task from a certain “center”.


Read the names of the settlements in Germany.. We rightfully considered this land to be ours!!!

(enlarge map - )

Read it, and you will immediately understand “what” Emperor Nicholas II was talking about when he said "Our land" I mean myself, or the society headed by him (this is a question of a different nature) ALL THIS WAS "EARTH IS OUR"(in addition to the Benelux countries - Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, etc.)

It turns out, if you follow the logic (why was it necessary to hide the name of the Second Patriotic War?), then the goal-setting was precisely the concealment of the Global (at that time) World, the Fatherland, which this war “finished off”?


Even during the Great Patriotic war, the Nazis, in turn, considered our territory their, AND THE POPULATION BY ITS CITIZENS - they behaved as if they had equal rights with the Bolsheviks at least they thought so..Yes, and part of the population was quite loyal, especially at the beginning of the war ..




If we go back to the time of the Troubles (17th century), or rather after its end, then several foreign princes and even the King of England Jacob (with what such joy?) Claimed the Russian throne, but the Cossacks managed to “shove through” their candidate, Mikhail Feodorovich, by truth or falsehood, what were very dissatisfied with the rest of the applicants -

DOES THEY HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS..? And the Polish Tsarevich Vladislav never recognized Michael as king, not showing due respect, according to etiquette, calling him illegally elected, considering his rights to the Moscow throne more solid ..

And here, I would put it in a quote from the brilliant Leonid Filatov, from “About Fedot-Sagittarius, a daring fellow”



(wiki) According to the well-known Soviet historian, Professor A. L. Stanislavsky, a well-known specialist in the history of Russian society of the 16th-17th centuries, the key role in the accession of Michael, instead of foreign princes and King of England and Scotland, Jacob I, who wanted to be elected by the nobility and boyars , the Great Russian Cossacks, who then united with the Moscow common people, played, the liberties of which the tsar and his descendants subsequently took away in all possible ways. The Cossacks received a grain salary, and they feared that the bread that was supposed to go to their salary would instead be sold by the British for money around the world ..

That is, the Cossacks-Great Russians “stirred” fearing that the English king, sitting on the Moscow throne, would take away their grain salary, and why didn’t they embarrass the very fact that an Englishman would rule in Russia !? Was it normal, okay?

Interesting why the Cossacks did not participate in wars led by Russia? THE ARMY OF MICHAL FEODORICHA WAS HALF…. FOREIGN, GERMAN!!

S. M. Solovyov. Works in 18 volumes. Book V. History of Russia since ancient times, volumes 9-10.

..But we saw that in addition to hired and local foreigners, in the reign of Michael there were regiments of Russian people trained in a foreign system; Shein near Smolensk had: hired many German people, captains and captains and soldiers on foot; Yes, with them were Russian people with German colonels and captains, children of boyars and all sorts of ranks, people who were written for military doctrine: with the German colonel Samuil Charles Reiter, nobles and children of boyars from different cities were 2700; Greeks, Serbs and Voloshan fodder - 81; Colonel Alexander Leslie, and with him his regiment of captains and majors, all sorts of clerks and soldiers - 946; with Colonel Yakov Sharl - 935; with Colonel Fuchs - 679; with Colonel Sanderson - 923; with colonels - Wilhelm Kit and Yuri Mattheyson - 346 initial people and ordinary soldiers - 3282: German people from different lands who were sent from the Ambassadorial order - 180, and all hired Germans - 3653;

Yes, with the colonels of the German Russian soldiers, who are in charge of a foreign order: 4 colonels, 4 large regimental lieutenants, 4 majors, in Russian large regimental watchmen, 2 quartermasters and captains, in Russian large regimental rounders, 2 regimental quartermasters, 17 captains , 32 lieutenants, 32 ensigns, 4 people of regimental judges and clerks, 4 wagon officers, 4 priests, 4 court clerks, 4 professional officers, 1 regimental Nabatik, 79 Pentecostals, 33 ensigns, 33 watchmen over a gun, 33 company borrowers, 65 German capors, 172 Russian caporals, 20 German guards with a flute, 32 company clerks, 68 Russian guards, two German undersized children for interpretation; total German people and Russian and German soldiers in six regiments, but Poles and Lithuanians in four companies 14801 people ...


From the beginning of the 19th century .. Opposite ends of the world - from Vietnam to South Africa and Indonesia - what ends, it would seem! But no - the same architecture, style, materials, one office built everything, but globalization, however .. In general, there are a small fraction of photos, for overclocking, and at the end of the post, there is a link to MORE, for those who cannot stop right away)) for the braking distance for the sake of for..


Kyiv, Ukraine

Odessa, Ukraine

Tehran, Iran

Hanoi, Vietnam

Saigon, Vietnam

Padang, Indonesia

Bogota, Colombia

Manila, Philippines

Karachi, Pakistan

Karachi, Pakistan

Shanghai, China

Shanghai, China

Managua, Nicaragua

Kolkata, India. The Prince of Wales entered with an army. The palace in the “colonial” style is already standing

Kolkata, India

Calcutta 1813, India

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa

Seoul, Korea

Seoul, Korea

Melbourne, Australia

Brisbane, Australia

Oaxaca, Mexico

Mexico City, Mexico

Toronto, Canada

Toronto, Canada

Montreal, Canada

Penang Island, Georgetown, Malaysia

Penang Island, Georgetown, Malaysia

Bangladesh, Dhaka

Phuket, Thailand


Subparagraph Brussels, Belgium


Kolkata, India

Vendôme Column in Paris. You can see the doors and people are standing at the top.


This list must also include all the destroyed cities, which the manipulator has assigned the status of ancient Greek and ancient Roman. It's all nonsense. They were destroyed 200-300 years ago. Just because of the desertification of the territory, life on the ruins of such cities, basically, did not resume. These cities (Timgad, Palmyra and the like..)

were destroyed low air burst, unknown, terrible WMD..Look - top completely removed cities..and where are the wreckage? But it's up to 80% destroyed array!Who, when and where, and most importantly - with what, removed so much construction debris?

Timgad, Algeria, Africa

But a huge funnel 10 km from Palmyra (read more - )

The most interesting thing is that the entire territory with a diameter of 25-30 km from the conditional city center is littered with ruins - a real metropolis of the type of modern .. If Moscow is 37-50 km away. in diameter..

That is, it becomes clear that the cities were destroyed by low air explosions of enormous destructive power - COMPLETELY DEMOLIED ALL THE TOP PARTS OF THE BUILDINGS..

Here you can clearly see the territories of the city center covered with sand, and the mainland - even the pits of former reservoirs (greenish) are the remnants of the former luxury .. Palm trees grew here (hence the name - Palmyra) and so on and so forth .. It was an earthly paradise for enlightened people ..

In the photo above, I deliberately spaced the photographs of the objects into their locations in order to clearly demonstrate their remoteness from the center of Palmyra (let it be, for example, an amphitheater) and this is about 30 km in diameter ..

Compare buildings. Their design and original functionality is identical:

Lebanon, Baalbek

Orthodox Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul, Sevastopol.

Old Museum in Kerch on Mount Mithridates

Walhalla in Regensburg, Germany

Temple of Poseidon, Italy

Parthenon, Nashville, USA

Temple of Apollo at Delphi

Temple of Theseus in Vienna, Austria

Temple of Hephaestus in Athens

Paris. Church of the Madeleine. 1860

Temple of Garni in Armenia

You can continue indefinitely. The reader can verify this for himself, for this it is enough to google the name of any more or less large city in English plus the keyword old buildings or city + old photos or city + 19 century photos and click “show pictures”. Residential real estate will be very similar. Identical arches, pilasters, turrets, columns, balustrades.

For example, look at the pictures for the following keywords:

sidney old buildings / calcutta old buildings / boston old buildings
rangoon old buildings / manila old buildings / melbourne old photos


Materials used - as well as “hurried senks” to Sandra Rimskaya for the idea of ​​the post and the photo -

1914 THE SECOND PATRIOTIC WAR - This is what contemporaries called the First World War .. WHO CHANGED this NAME and why? The Past of the Once Global World.. WHAT DO WE KNOW about our PRESENT HISTORY?

With calmness and dignity, Our great mother Russia met the news of the declaration of war on us. I am convinced that with the same sense of calmness We will bring the war, whatever it may be, to the end.
I solemnly declare here that I will not make peace until the last enemy warrior leaves Our land. strong as a granite wall, my army and I bless it for military labor.

Here's what's interesting - "until the last enemy warrior leaves our land"

How did the 2nd Patriotic War, or the 1st World War (as we are used to) begin, according to official history?

On August 1, Germany declared war on Russia, the same day the Germans invaded Luxembourg. On August 2, German troops finally occupied Luxembourg, and an ultimatum was put forward for Belgium to allow the German armies to pass to the border with France. Only 12 hours were given for reflection.

On August 3, Germany declared war on France, accusing her of "organized attacks and aerial bombardments of Germany" and "violation of Belgian neutrality."

On August 3, Belgium refused the German ultimatum. On August 4, German troops invaded Belgium. King Albert of Belgium appealed for help to the guarantor countries of Belgian neutrality. London sent an ultimatum to Berlin: stop the invasion of Belgium, or England will declare war on Germany. After the expiration of the ultimatum, Great Britain declared war on Germany and sent troops to help France.


An interesting story turns out .. The king probably would not have thrown words like that - "until the last enemy warrior will not leave our land" etc..

But the enemy, at the time of the speech, invaded Luxembourg ..What does it mean? Is that what I think, or do you have other thoughts?

Let's see where we have Luxembourg?

Nice deal - Luxembourg is oriented in color with the Netherlands, it turns out that all the land belonged to Russia? Or was it a kingdom of a different kind, World and Global, with Russia as its flagship? And the rest of the countries were not countries, but counties, principalities, regions, or God knows what it was actually called ..

Because the Patriotic War, and the second (the first, I think so, is 1812) And then after 100 years or so, again - 1914 .. You say - "Nuuuu, you never know what is written on the picture, so now, build a theory out of this?"But no, my friends .. There is not one picture here .. But two .. Or three .. Or thirty-three ..

The question is - who and when began to call the Second Patriotic War, the First World War? If this is being hidden from us (those who are involved in informing the population about the events of history - x / zTORIKI), then perhaps there is a reason for this? Will they foolishly do nothing to change the names of historical events? What a bummer..

And there are many such testimonies .. So there is something to hide.! What exactly? Probably the fact that our Fatherland was much wider at that time, so much so that Luxembourg was our territory, and perhaps it was not limited to this. We all know about the global nature of the world in the 19th century - when was this global world divided and severely demarcated?

Who lived in the Russian Empire?

"On the number of measures included in the draft lists of 1904 on the basis of Article 152 of the military regulations of the edition of 1897"

Materials of the Samara recruiting presence. According to the materials of the Samara recruiting presence - Germans and Jews - religion

So the STATE was one but recently it was divided.

There were no nationalities back in 1904.

There were Christians, Mohammedans, Jews and Germans - this is how the masses were distinguished.

In "Saint John" by B. Shaw, an English nobleman says to a priest who used the word "Frenchman":

"Frenchman! Where did you get this word from? Have these Burgundians, Bretons, Picards and Gascons also begun to call themselves French, as ours have taken the fashion to be called English? They speak of France and England as if they were their own countries. Yours, do you understand? What will happen to me and to you if this way of thinking is spread everywhere?”

(See: Davidson B. The Black Man's Birden. Africa and the Cigse of the Nation-State. New York: Times B 1992. P. 95).

"In 1830, Stendhal spoke of a terrible triangle between the cities of Bordeaux, Bayonne and Valence, where "people believed in witches, could not read and did not speak French."

Flaubert, walking through the fair in the commune of Rasporden in 1846, as if through an exotic bazaar, described the typical peasant he came across in the following way: "... suspicious, restless, stunned by any phenomenon incomprehensible to him, he is in a great hurry to leave the city" ""

D. Medvedev. France of the 19th century: the country of savages (instructive reading)

So what was it about...
And where is she, this "EARTH OUR" ?


"Brotherhoods" on the Eastern Front began already in August 1914, and at the beginning of 1916, hundreds of regiments from the Russian side already participated in them, writes "Interpreter".

On the eve of the new, 1915, year, sensational news spread around the world: a spontaneous truce and "fraternization" of soldiers of the warring British, French and German armies began on the Western Front of the Great War.

Soon the leader of the Russian Bolsheviks, Lenin, declared "fraternization" at the front as the beginning "transformations world wars into civil war"(note!!!)

Among these news about the Christmas truce, scant information about "fraternization" on the Eastern (Russian) front was completely lost. "Brotherhood" in the Russian army began in August 1914 on the Southwestern Front.

In December 1914, on the North-Western Front, cases of already massive "fraternization" of soldiers of the 249th Infantry Danube and 235th Infantry Belebeevsky regiments were noted.


One thing is clear - PEOPLE were driven to slaughter by their leaders, GOVERNMENTS, who received the task from a certain "center" .. But WHAT IS THIS "CENTER" SUCH?


Read the names of the settlements in Germany.. We rightfully considered this land to be ours!!!

Read it, and you will immediately understand "what" Emperor Nicholas II was talking about when he said "Our land" I mean myself, or the society headed by him (this is a question of a different nature) ALL THIS WAS "EARTH OUR"(in addition to the Benelux countries - Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, etc.)

It turns out, if you follow the logic (why was it necessary to hide the name of the Second Patriotic War?), then the goal-setting was precisely the concealment of the Global (at that time) World, the Fatherland, which this war "finished off"?


Even during the Great Patriotic war, the Nazis, in turn, considered our territory their, AND THE POPULATION BY ITS CITIZENS - they behaved as if they had equal rights with the Bolsheviks at least they thought so..Yes, and part of the population was quite loyal, especially at the beginning of the war ..




If we go back to the times of unrest (17th century) or rather after it ended, then several foreign princes and even the King of England Jacob (with what such joy?) Claimed the Russian throne, but the Cossacks managed to "shove" their candidate - Mikhail Feodorovich, by truth or not, what were very dissatisfied with the rest of the applicants -

DOES THEY HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS..? And the Polish Tsarevich Vladislav never recognized Michael as king, not showing due respect, according to etiquette, calling him illegally elected, considering his rights to the Moscow throne more solid ..

And here, I would put it in a quote from the brilliant Leonid Filatov, from "About Fedot-Sagittarius, a daring fellow"



(wiki) According to the well-known Soviet historian, Professor A. L. Stanislavsky, a well-known specialist in the history of Russian society of the 16th-17th centuries, the key role in the accession of Michael, instead of foreign princes and King of England and Scotland, Jacob I, who wanted to be elected by the nobility and boyars , the Great Russian Cossacks, who then united with the Moscow common people, played, the liberties of which the tsar and his descendants subsequently took away in all possible ways. The Cossacks received a grain salary, and they feared that the bread that was supposed to go to their salary would instead be sold by the British for money around the world ..

That is, the Cossacks-Great Russians "stirred" fearing that the English king, sitting on the Moscow throne, would take away their grain salary, and why didn’t they embarrass the very fact that an Englishman would rule in Russia !? Was it normal, okay?

Interesting why the Cossacks did not participate in wars led by Russia? THE ARMY OF MICHAL FEODORICHA WAS HALF .... FOREIGN, GERMAN !!

S. M. Solovyov. Works in 18 volumes. Book V. History of Russia since ancient times, volumes 9-10.

..But we saw that in addition to hired and local foreigners, in the reign of Michael there were regiments of Russian people trained in a foreign system; Shein near Smolensk had: hired many German people, captains and captains and soldiers on foot; Yes, with them were Russian people with German colonels and captains, children of boyars and all sorts of ranks, people who were written for military doctrine: with the German colonel Samuil Charles Reiter, nobles and children of boyars from different cities were 2700; Greeks, Serbs and Voloshan fodder - 81; Colonel Alexander Leslie, and with him his regiment of captains and majors, all sorts of clerks and soldiers - 946; with Colonel Yakov Sharl - 935; with Colonel Fuchs - 679; with Colonel Sanderson - 923; with colonels - Wilhelm Kit and Yuri Mattheyson - 346 initial people and ordinary soldiers - 3282: German people from different lands who were sent from the Ambassadorial order - 180, and all hired Germans - 3653;

Yes, with the colonels of the German Russian soldiers, who are in charge of a foreign order: 4 colonels, 4 large regimental lieutenants, 4 majors, in Russian large regimental watchmen, 2 quartermasters and captains, in Russian large regimental rounders, 2 regimental quartermasters, 17 captains , 32 lieutenants, 32 ensigns, 4 people of regimental judges and clerks, 4 wagon officers, 4 priests, 4 court clerks, 4 professional officers, 1 regimental Nabatik, 79 Pentecostals, 33 ensigns, 33 watchmen over a gun, 33 company borrowers, 65 German capors, 172 Russian caporals, 20 German guards with a flute, 32 company clerks, 68 Russian guards, two German undersized children for interpretation; total German people and Russian and German soldiers in six regiments, and Poles and Lithuanians in four companies 14801 people ...


From the beginning of the 19th century .. Opposite ends of the world - from Vietnam to South Africa and Indonesia - what ends, it would seem! But no - the same architecture, style, materials, one office built everything, globalization, however .. In general, there are a small fraction of photos, for overclocking, and at the end of the post, there is a link to MORE, for those who cannot stop right away)) for the stopping distance for the sake of for..


Kyiv, Ukraine

Odessa, Ukraine

Tehran, Iran

Hanoi, Vietnam

Saigon, Vietnam

Padang, Indonesia

Bogota, Colombia

Manila, Philippines

Karachi, Pakistan

Karachi, Pakistan

Shanghai, China

Shanghai, China

Managua, Nicaragua

Kolkata, India. The Prince of Wales entered with an army. The palace in the "colonial" style is already standing

Kolkata, India

Calcutta 1813, India

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa

Seoul, Korea

Seoul, Korea

Melbourne, Australia

Brisbane, Australia

Oaxaca, Mexico

Mexico City, Mexico

Toronto, Canada

Toronto, Canada

Montreal, Canada

Penang Island, Georgetown, Malaysia

Penang Island, Georgetown, Malaysia

Bangladesh, Dhaka

Phuket, Thailand


Subparagraph Brussels, Belgium


Kolkata, India

Vendôme Column in Paris. You can see the doors and people are standing at the top.

Was the First World War even a world war? For many eyewitnesses, it was just "war". Until now, in England, the First World War is considered the "Great War". And only the experience of the Second World War turned the "Great War" into the "First World War".

But authors who are critical of the Eurocentric picture of the world object: in 1914, the European powers unleashed a war because of intra-European conflicts. It then turned into a world war as the major powers mobilized their colonial empires, whose soldiers bled on the European battlefields. Therefore, the First World War is the war of Europe in the world. Parallels can be drawn with the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), which was fought in America, Africa, and Asia.

The German historian Oliver Janz wrote a book, Year 14 - The Great War (14 - Der große Krieg), which was the final speech against this position. A professor at the Free University in Berlin writes: "from a military, political and economic point of view, this was not just a global, but a long war that became an era in itself." And this is because the war did not start in 1914 and did not end in 1918. For many years the war continued to rage on the periphery, in Morocco and Libya, in Russia and Turkey. The war left deep marks in India, Australia and Japan. According to Janz, the war was world not only from the point of view of world history: it actually was.

If the author states in the introduction that he did not want to write a historical reference book, he did it out of academic modesty. It is hardly possible to find among the works published in connection with the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War, a clearer, more understandable description of many of its main aspects. Janz easily made connections between big themes and expressive details, between – inherited – national and global perspectives.

The first global war in world history

Against this background, it is difficult to understand with understanding that Janz ignored the theory, which has become a priority for historical science, according to which the main responsibility for starting the war lies with Berlin. Perhaps the lack of references in the book to the relevant debate, which lasted for several months, is due to the decision of the editors to release the book ahead of schedule. Searching in vain in the bibliographic list of the book by Christopher Clark (Christopher Clark) "Sleepwalkers" (Die Schlafwandler) in English, which appeared back in 2012.

However, on the other side of this old-new dispute, Janz puts the emphasis in a surprising way: “The First World War shows how globalized the world and the world system of power was in 1914. It was not only the first total war in which all social forces and economic resources were involved: it was the first real global war in world history.

It has nothing to do with the battlefields where the war was fought. On October 20, 1914, when the Ottoman Empire entered the war on the side of Germany and Austria-Hungary, fronts appeared in the Caucasus, Mesopotamia and the Arabian Peninsula. Prior to that, Japan entered the war on the side of the Entente (in 1905 it defeated the Russian Empire), a major power outside of Europe. It was followed by other non-European states: Cuba, Ecuador, Panama, San Diego, Siam, Liberia, China, Peru, Uruguay, Brazil, Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Haiti, and the United States is the most important player, who played a decisive role in the war. So, in 1918, three-quarters of the world's population was at war.

1.2 million from the dominion are involved in the war

Most of all the battlefields were in Europe. Thus, at the beginning of the 20th century, European dominance reflected the world order. This includes colonial empires - primarily England, France and Russia. In the British dominion alone - Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Canada - 1.2 million people were involved in the fighting. Of these, nine hundred thousand people fought in Europe. India made a similar contribution to the war. Five hundred and fifty thousand men were called up from the French colonies, of which four hundred and forty thousand were sent to the theater of operations. One hundred thousand were in reserve.

The same was true during the Spanish Civil War and the Seven Years' War. On November 7, 1914, the Japanese besiege the port of Qingdao, which belonged to Germany, which put an end to the German colonies. In contrast, the colonial troops, led by Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, survived until the end of the war and resisted strong British and Belgian associations. Janz gives figures that help to see the scale of the war: on the German and British sides, about twelve thousand soldiers, especially Africans, became victims. In addition, another hundred thousand people died on the British side. In German East Africa alone, famines and epidemics claimed the lives of 650,000 people—one tenth of the population.

Very soon, the Royal Navy succeeded in sinking the few German Kreuzers on the other side of the ocean. Since 1915, German submarines have turned the English Channel and the Atlantic Ocean into a battlefield, with fatal consequences for themselves. Unlimited submarine warfare pushed the US to enter the war. However, this did not help break the trade blockade of the Entente countries. By depriving their opponents of strategic cargo, the Allies set an example of a successful economic war for industrial raw materials, which decisively led to the defeat of the Central Powers.

Janz rightly "sends" his colleagues to the East. Until now, the picture of statistical trench warfare personifies the war on the Western Front. A completely different situation developed on the Eastern Front, where it was often about extensive troop movements and breakthroughs.

Killed more in the East and Asia

The scorched-earth tactics used by the Russian Empire in its retreat in 1915 alone displaced three million people. Hundreds of thousands died. Also on the periphery of Europe, due to the deportation of Armenians and the Turkish "hunger policy", from eight hundred thousand to one and a half million people died. Perhaps Janz's thesis is correct: more soldiers and civilians died on the Eastern Front, between the Balkans and the Caucasus, the Tigris River and the Red Sea, than on the Western Front.

This thesis seems convincing when one analyzes the wars that followed the First World War and raged all over the world for a long time. Only the Revolution in Russia, the consequences of the Civil War, the famine claimed the lives of at least ten million people - primarily civilians. In 1922, the Greek invasion of Anatolia ended in disaster. Hundreds of thousands died, almost two million people were evicted.

The division of the territories of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East, which, contrary to previous agreements, came under the control of England and France, marked the beginning of the modern conflict in the Middle East. Japan's activities in China in 1931 were to be the prelude to World War II in the Pacific. Mahatma Gandhi began the fight against colonial domination, pointing out the contribution of India to the victory of England. But even stronger was the "anti-colonial political push" in the French colonies. Already in 1921, the Rif War began in Morocco.

After the war, the victors were able to secure the right to own numerous territories. Thus the British Empire reached its maximum extent. However, personnel and economic losses prevented the consolidation of these rights, and this, too, turned the war into a truly global event. But at the same time, the war marked the beginning of the end of European domination of the world.

The First World War: a look after a century: Proceedings of the international conference "The First World War and the modern world". - M.: Ed. MNEPU, 2013. - 560 p.: ill. - 1000 copies.

On August 1, 1914, German Emperor Wilhelm II loudly promised the nation that "the German soldier will return home in victory before the leaves fall from the trees." This fact is from the article that opens the collection. Very similar to the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, who said the same thing in June 1941, isn't it? Meanwhile, Kaiser's Germany was carefully preparing for war, the General Staff was poring over the details of future operations. All this came together in the Schlieffen plan, the cornerstone of which was blitzkrieg - lightning war. Six weeks were allotted for the defeat of the French and Russian armies.

At the same time, completely different points of view were expressed in Germany on the prospect of a war with Russia. Many German generals and diplomats adhered to Bismarck's old behest - do not climb into the Russian bear's lair with a stick. But they were shouted down by warriors intoxicated by the growing power of their state. However, after a few months, restraint was again spoken at the top of its voice.

The fact is that the practice crossed out all the ideas of military theorists, staff officers and field commanders about the nature of the new war. For the first time - and unexpectedly for the most authoritative generals - the war became not maneuverable, but positional. For the first time, no columns are marching anywhere, and the opponents are separated by a line of trenches stretching for hundreds of kilometers. What a blitzkrieg there is, a war of attrition has begun. Many Germans realized that they could not win such a war with the resources of the German bloc, and thought about salvation.

“Russia cannot be defeated, it can only be negotiated with,” this is the chief of the German General Staff Volkenhain. And the Minister of the Navy, Grand Admiral Tirpitz, said that shocked many: “I don’t know if there is an example of greater blindness in world history than the mutual extermination of Russians and Germans for the glory of the Anglo-Saxons.” In 1915, the Germans began trying to conclude a separate peace with Russia. They weren't successful.

The voluminous volume discusses many facets of a huge problem little known to non-specialists - the history of the First World War, which we called both the Great and the Second Patriotic War. Among the people it was also called German, and in socialist circles - imperialist. This is well known. Less well known is that many historians refer to this war as the Second Thirty Years' War, placing its end in 1945. Let us recall that our great scientist V. Vernadsky expressed this point of view in his well-known letter to Stalin.

We will not touch upon the articles on the German colonial troops, on the Irish, Albanian or Palestinian question, but it must be said about the events in Central Asia. The indigenous population of the region (foreigners in the terminology of that time) was not drafted into the army, they were not sent to the front. When the question of this was raised at the end of 1915, they decided to first get the opinion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And at a government meeting, Comrade (Deputy) Minister S. Beletsky said that the indigenous population of Turkestan, in particular the Kyrgyz, “is alien to the concept of Russia as a fatherland, which it is their duty to defend. On the contrary, they have an irresistible aversion to military service.” Beletsky warned that one rumor about the extension of military duty to these peoples could cause unrest and unrest. However, difficulties grew, and on June 25, 1916, a royal decree was issued on conscription of the indigenous population of the national outskirts for rear work (it was about the construction of defensive structures in the front line). On June 27, the corresponding circular of the Ministry of Internal Affairs followed. “The reaction of the indigenous population was not long in coming,” the book says, “a mass uprising of such force broke out on the vast territory of Turkestan and the Steppe Territory that the government was forced to send troops to suppress it.”

The authors of the reports that compiled the book adhere to an academic tone, avoid journalism and do their best to be objective. They do not say bluntly, as they have long said even in television programs (without remembering, of course, Grand Admiral Tirpitz), that in the 20th century the Anglo-Saxons managed to pit Germany and Russia twice. But still, here, too, the insidious behavior of our allies is not silent. “France and Great Britain tried in every possible way to evade the timely fulfillment of their obligations and shift the main burden of conducting military operations against a common enemy onto the Russian army. Russia, on the contrary, showed loyalty to the principles of the coalition strategy, and did this, as a rule, to the detriment of its national interests. Note that the same thing happened in World War II.

One of the major advantages of the collection is that the authors are not limited to the analysis of political, diplomatic, military and covert operations. The “humanitarian” information cited by many authors makes the picture of the Great War more voluminous. For example, the testimony of General Brusilov, who “asked many times in the trenches: why are we fighting, and every time inevitably received an answer that some kind of Ertz-Hertz-Pepper and his wife were someone were killed, and therefore the Austrians wanted to offend the Serbs, and why the Germans decided to fight because of Serbia is completely unknown.

The article “The image of the Russian generals during the First World War in Soviet fiction of the 1940s” is curious. “The historical retrospective of the war between Russia and the Germans has ceased to have a class character,” the article says, “the changes were caused by a sharp change in emphasis in the image of the enemy. The created "Comintern" image of the enemy, which was relevant in pre-war literature, did not pass the test of reliability in the first days of the Great Patriotic War. His failure turned into disappointment and shock, which required changing the propaganda canons in the direction of educating and encouraging hatred for the fascist invaders. The threat of enslavement colored the long-standing adversary in a different way... Those events that were previously depicted only as "bloody episodes of the world slaughter" now acquired a heroic coloring. An example of the heroism of the Russian army was the Brusilov breakthrough ... "

The book cites the words of Lenin, written back in October 1914: “Our slogan is civil war ... We cannot“ make it ”, but we preach it and work in this direction.” This work, as we know, was crowned with success. But one can also say this: no one, except Lenin, could predict how this Great War would end.