Complete isolation of the enemy. Complete isolation of the enemy grouping of the rest

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Dictionary Ushakov


environment, environment, cf. (books.).

1. only units Action on ch. surround-surround in 1 value Encirclement of the enemy ( military).

2. Framing, border of something. Tree environment. Surrounded by flowers.

3. only units Surrounding area, neighborhood books.). Surrounded by the city, there are many rest houses and sanatoriums. Geographical environment.

4. only units Environment, society, neighbors, loved ones. Literary environment of Pushkin. A person from someone's environment (someone's close, trusted).

5. only units, trans. The surroundings, the environment. “... As long as the capitalist encirclement exists, we will have wreckers, spies, saboteurs and murderers sent to our rear by agents of foreign states ...” Stalin.

Surrounded by whom books.) - accompanied by someone, together with someone. He is surrounded by a large family.

Rhetoric: Dictionary Reference


in rhetoric: a combination of anaphora and epiphora, the presence at the beginning or end of the same word or phrase; O. highlights the keyword, construction and makes it complete.

Border Dictionary


isolation of a certain grouping of the enemy, violators of the GG (invading bandit groups and sabotage and reconnaissance groups in order to destroy them, capture, capture, liquidate); a method of tactical actions of military forces and means in a border search (border operation). It is carried out by search, reconnaissance and search groups, other border detachments that have come into contact with violators of the GG, or units specially allocated for this. It is used upon receipt of reliable data on the location of the GG violators and is carried out covertly, in compliance with camouflage measures that ensure the suddenness of detention. The search for a sabotage and reconnaissance group is carried out by subunits from the cover group, search and reserve groups, and, in the case of operations on the sea sector, in addition, by border patrol ships (boats).

Counterintelligence Dictionary


a method of action used by the bodies and troops of the KGB with the aim of capturing or destroying enemy agents or sabotage and reconnaissance formations of the enemy, holding wanted state criminals, violators of the state border. The encirclement group is located directly around the location of the enemy with such a density that ensures his detention or destruction.

Naval Dictionary


isolation of the enemy grouping (forces) (envelopment of the enemy ship grouping) in order to eliminate it. Depending on the composition and importance of the encircled grouping and the size of the area, the encirclement can be operational or tactical.

Brief dictionary of operational-tactical and general military terms


isolation of the enemy grouping from the rest of the troops for its subsequent destruction or capture. It is most often achieved by the offensive of troops in converging directions, as a result of which a continuous internal front of the encirclement of enemy troops is created and an actively operating external front isolating the encircled enemy from the rest of his troops. O. can arise in any kind of combat (operation). When it is carried out, as a rule, it is necessary to have superiority in forces and means. However, in some cases it is possible to encircle the enemy with equal and sometimes smaller forces. This is achieved as a result of a bold and sudden maneuver, the creation of strike groupings on the flanks of the enemy's disposition and decisive actions by the troops. For the timely and rapid destruction of the encircled grouping of enemy troops in modern conditions, it is necessary to

  • Encirclement - a military strategic (tactical) technique, which consists in isolating a certain grouping of enemy troops (forces) from other forces and their allies in order to destroy or capture.
  • Take the enemy in the ring
  • In military affairs - the isolation of the enemy grouping from the rest of his troops
  • Isolation of the enemy group from its main forces
  • Complete isolation of the enemy grouping from his other troops in order to destroy or capture
    • Okhvat - a village in the Penovsky district of the Tver region, the center of the Okhvatsky rural settlement.
    • Taking the enemy in pincers
    • A maneuver carried out with the aim of reaching the flanks of an enemy grouping and attacking it from less protected directions in cooperation with forces operating from the front
      • Thomas Ball Barratt (Norwegian Thomas Ball Barratt; July 22, 1862, Cornwall, England - January 29, 1940, Oslo, Norway) - Norwegian Pentecostal leader of English origin; pastor, preacher, writer and musician.
      • Obstacles in the air that prevent the flight of enemy aircraft
      • Method for protecting mines and underground waters by full or partial fencing of workings with the help of waterproof devices
        • War - a conflict between political entities - states, tribes, political groups and terrorists, etc. - occurring on the basis of various claims, in the form of armed confrontation, military (combat) actions between their armed forces.
        • The moral medicine that nature uses when other means are lacking (Otto Bismarck)
        • Robert Redford film " the Milagro Beanfield"
        • Continuation of policy by other means
        • Half of Leo Tolstoy's novel



ENVIRONMENT, environment, cf. (book).

2. Framing, border of something. Tree environment. Surrounded by flowers.

3. only ed. Surrounding area, neighborhood (book). Surrounded by the city, there are many rest houses and sanatoriums. Geographical environment.

4. only ed. Environment, society, neighbors, loved ones. Literary environment of Pushkin. A person from someone's environment (someone's close, trusted).

5. only units, transl. The surroundings, the environment. “... As long as the capitalist encirclement exists, we will have wreckers, spies, saboteurs and murderers sent to our rear by agents of foreign states ...” Stalin .

❖ Surrounded by someone (bookish) - accompanied by someone, together with someone. He is surrounded by a large family.

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


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  • Stalin's entourage, R.A. Medvedev. Series: Life of Remarkable People...