Regulations on the forms of obtaining by graduates of educational institutions of gold and silver medals "for special achievements in learning". Getting a silver medal at school Gold medal at school conditions

The attitude to the silver medal at school in our time is very ambiguous.

What does a silver medal give?

Previously, Russian schoolchildren who received a silver medal at the end of school had the right to enter a university, including by passing a profiling exam for an excellent mark.

With the introduction of the USE, this privilege ceased to exist. Currently, the admission of Russian schoolchildren to universities is associated only with the number of points obtained in the unified state exam. The real help from a silver medal upon admission is only in the advantage of a student over another student without a medal with the same number of USE scores.

With the current state of affairs in Russian schools, receiving a medal does not give a student anything, except for the status of a medalist. But for the prestige of the school, teachers, the number of medalists released is still important. The school administration is always striving to increase the number of silver and gold medalists.

In connection with this situation, it was even supposed to cancel the presentation of gold and silver medals to schoolchildren, but after discussion it was decided that there should still be medalists in schools.

Things are a little different in Ukrainian schools. The silver medalist is awarded 200 additional points, which are so necessary for admission, which helped to increase the prestige of excellent studies, on the one hand, and the appearance of "fake" medalists, on the other.

The silver school graduate medal, like the gold medal, has been awarded for more than 50 years. Initially, the medals did indeed consist of real silver and real gold, but since 1954 alloys began to be used in the manufacture of medals, and after 1960 the name of the medals became purely symbolic. They are made mainly from an alloy of copper and nickel, and coated with a colorless varnish that prevents the metal from darkening. The medal is awarded for "Special Achievement in Teaching".

If you have set yourself the goal of getting a silver medal at school, then it would be nice to know under what conditions it is issued.

Conditions for obtaining a silver medal

How should schoolchildren applying for a silver medal study, how many fours can they have in their certificate?

Under the new rules, a silver medal can be received by any student of a Russian school who:

  • in grades 10 and 11 will have no more than two fours in each semester and at the end of each year;
  • and pass the exam not below the minimum threshold.

The conditions for obtaining a silver medal and the status of a medalist for Ukrainian schoolchildren are somewhat different.

To receive a silver medal, the school requirements are:

  • a student for the period of study in grades 10, 11 can have 8 points in no more than two subjects according to the results for the semester, for the year and according to the results of the state final certification;
  • all other marks should be 10-12 points.

The decision on whether a particular graduate will receive a medal or not is made at a joint meeting of the school council and the teachers' council. After approval by the local education authority, the decision is approved by the principal of the school.

Getting a silver medal at school, what needs to be done for this?

If you decide to seek a silver or gold medal, then:

Even if receiving a silver medal at school does not give the student any advantage in admission, it will give him the status of a student with extraordinary abilities (which can come in handy when). The name of the student will always adorn the list of medalists in the school annals.



Video: Gold Medal School URSR history of the Soviet Union medal

Video: Presentation of gold medals to school graduates of the Vyborg district.

On June 24, the best Vladimir graduates received the first serious awards in their lives. In the city palace of culture, they were awarded medals "For Special Achievements in Studying" by the head of the city, Sergei Sakharov, and the head of Vladimir's administration, Andrey Shokhin.

By the way, this year there was no division into "gold" and "silver" medals. The arithmetic mean of all grades for grades 10 and 11 was taken into account. If more than 4.5 points were scored, the graduate claimed a medal. And she, in turn, adds an additional 5 points to the sum of the results for the exam. This means that the medalist has more chances to enter the higher educational institution he dreams of! In total, 91 graduates of Vladimir became medalists at the end of the school in 2015. Last year there were more medalists - 121 people. There were no significant changes in the ranking of educational institutions. The leaders in terms of medals are schools No. 25, 23, 35, 3, as well as an industrial and commercial lyceum.

Komsomolskaya Pravda attended the medal ceremony and asked the graduates about their plans and goals.

Pavel Azarenkov, school number 15.

I won’t say that the fives were so easy to get, I had to discipline myself all the time in order to learn all, all subjects. My favorite subject is mathematics, so I plan to connect my life with this science. Now I will apply to Moscow universities. My mother and grandmother are proud of me and today they came to be happy for me and see firsthand how I am rewarded!

Alina Antonova, school number 15.

It is not difficult to get a medal and finish school with "five" if from the 1st grade you get used to always study well. My dad is strict, he made me learn all the lessons when I was sometimes lazy. I still remember how hurt I was when in the fourth grade I got a "4" for a quarter only because I showed my tongue to the teacher on an argument! After all, before that moment and after it, I did not have a single four in a quarter and for a year! I graduated from 9th and 10th grade as an external student, two at once in one year. In the future I want to become a teacher of Russian and literature because I love to read. Favorite books "Doctor Zhivago" and "Master and Margarita".

Ivan Shlykov, school number 3.

Studying was always easy for me and I can’t say that I tried very hard to get a medal. Somehow it just happened. I want to enter the military school of St. Petersburg. I will be a military engineer. Actually, I love history. But you don't always have to do what you love in life. My parents always gave me freedom of action, so I decided for myself that I would connect my life with the army.

Anastasia Luzina, school number 2.

For the 10th and 11th grades, I got all the "five" and earned myself a medal. I am glad about this, because it will add me points for entering the university! I will apply for an economist at our VlSU and Yaroslavl University. Of course, I would like to move to Yaroslavl more. I hope that it will be like that! My whole family came with me to celebrate the award of the medal: my mother, father, grandmother, grandfather and younger sister. Everyone is proud of me, it's very nice, because in order to finish school with "excellent" I had to do my homework until 3-4 in the morning!

Irina Snygina, school number 16.

A few years ago I set myself the goal of getting a “gold” medal! I want my parents to be proud of me. I plan to enter the Ryazan military school as a communications engineer. Mom and dad approve of my choice.

The medal "For Special Achievements in Education" is an honorary distinction for graduates of the 11th grade who received the final "5" in all subjects of the school curriculum for the last two years of study. Quite recently, the gold medal "For Special Achievement in Education" opened the doors of all universities, but in recent years its prestige has significantly lost ground.

What is the essence of the gold award for the successful completion of school

This is what a modern gold medal looks like

The medal for excellence in learning has been awarded since 1828. During this period, the award has undergone both external and procedural changes. For modern graduates, the medal is issued with the coat of arms of Russia and an enamel ribbon in the colors of the state flag on the obverse. On the reverse, it is indicated that the award was issued "For special achievements in education." The certificate of the medalist is made with gold stamping. Since 2014, the medal has not been awarded at the federal level, but the regions retain the right to encourage excellent students in this way.

Award conditions

Ball of medalists

A gold medal at school is probably the first cherished trophy that students dream of. However, over the years of study, someone is progressively striding towards his goal, and someone puts up with the fact that stable high marks are not his forte and are looking for how to express themselves in other areas of school life. Both those and others have the right to their own path, which by no means guarantees a cloudless future.

It is interesting. According to statistics, it is most difficult to earn a gold medal on Sakhalin - every 596th student receives a trophy. For comparison: in the Stavropol Territory, every 29th graduate becomes the owner of the award "For Special Achievement in Education".

So, in what case can a student count on a high reward after receiving a complete secondary education?

  • If for grades 10 and 11 in all subjects he has high final grades. Previously, the requirement was tougher - a high score was required not only in final grades, but also in semester and annual grades. Therefore, it is now easier to get a gold medal.
  • If the pedagogical council of teachers of the educational institution decided to reward the graduate, and on its basis, as well as on the basis of the order of the school director, the administration of the educational institution agreed on the issue with the apparatus of the local education department.
  • If the candidate is not studying externally.

What will additionally help to get a medal

A gold medal is a worthy reward for hard work in teaching

The main condition for receiving a high award for academic achievement, of course, is the final grade of "five" in all subjects of the school cycle. But there are also a number of requirements that will help schoolchildren become the owner of the coveted trophy at the graduation ball:

  1. Active social position in the life of the educational institution. The fact is that the decision to award is first made by the pedagogical council of the school on the basis of the academic work and personal qualities of the candidate. Therefore, it is very important to engage in extracurricular activities (subject olympiads, conferences, competitions, KVN-mi, etc.).
  2. Over the past two academic years, the student has not had recertifications in subjects in order to improve the score.
  3. The student studied the entire volume of the school curriculum in person. However, exemption for physical education for health reasons is allowed.
  4. The candidate for the medal was not exempted from the final attestation.

Benefits of medalists

To date, medalists participate in the introductory campaign on equal terms

For many years, receiving a gold medal meant benefits when entering a university: an applicant was admitted to any educational institution on the basis of an interview. Since 2009, a law has been adopted on equal conditions for enrolling in universities based on the average score, which is the sum of the score of the certificate and the scores obtained when passing the USE. The medal is just an advantage if the average grade is the same for several applicants. Since 2015, this condition has acquired additional value, since enrollment in a university occurs after the applicant has submitted the original documents on graduation. That is, if earlier a former student first assessed his place in the ranking of universities, and then determined in which of them he would study, now the graduate is forced to play blindly. In this case, of course, the presence of a medal provides a kind of insurance in case applicants have the same score.

Video: The first gold medalist of the USSR about the value of a school award

The medal "For Special Achievement in Education" loses its advantages over the years, but in any case remains an important incentive for learning at school. After all, the desire to be the first, the best, is laid down in childhood, and this forms ambitions that help to achieve success in adulthood.

More recently, graduating from school with a gold medal opened the door to any university for an applicant, giving him considerable benefits upon admission. Judge for yourself - the owner of the coveted award could enter any educational institution out of competition. The most prestigious universities readily opened their doors to gold and. But this also gave rise to rich ground for abuse, because it was very tempting to go to college without problems and exams. Now times have changed, benefits are a thing of the past, and the gold medalist will have to participate in entrance examinations on a common basis. Why do we need a gold medal now, what does it give? Although it does not exempt its owner from the need to take exams, it gives him a priority right to enter if several applicants score the same number of points. In addition, there are a considerable number of private universities, the management of which provides gold medalists with the right to become students without any entrance exams. Another incentive to finish school with a gold medal may be the fact that the city authorities very often reward graduates who have distinguished themselves in this way with cash payments or valuable gifts. And, of course, one should not forget that such an award becomes a worthy reward for especially diligent students.

Conditions for obtaining a gold medal at school

How to get a gold medal? A gold medal for graduation from school, or, more precisely, a medal "For special achievements in learning" is issued to those students in grades 11 (12) who have semi-annual, annual and final grades of "five" (in Ukraine, respectively, "ten", " eleven", "twelve") in all subjects included in the curriculum, and received the same marks on the state (final) certification. Students who are studying externally or who received excellent marks as a result of re-certification conducted in order to increase the score cannot receive a gold medal. The decision to award a gold medal is made by the pedagogical council of the general educational institution, agreed with the local education authority and approved by order of the school director.

Thus, to become the rightful owner of the coveted award, you need to make a lot of efforts. In fact, it is not at all easy to get only excellent grades in all subjects included in the school curriculum during two very difficult years of study (grades 10 and 11). But if the student is firmly convinced of his desire to become a gold medalist, his path to this award should begin with a conversation with the school principal. Having declared his intentions, the future medalist has every chance to receive additional support from the school administration in the form of the necessary teaching aids, literature, consultations with teachers outside of school hours. An additional advantage in determining a candidate for a medal will also be an active social life of a student: participation in olympiads, conferences, competitions and even KVNs.

As can be seen from the above, obtaining the highest school award is a very laborious task, requiring full dedication to the educational process for at least two years. Aspiration, no doubt, honorable, but not bringing significant benefits. That is why, it would be much more expedient not to chase after getting a medal, but to direct one’s forces towards decent preparation for passing the unified state exam and entering a university.

The attitude to the silver medal at school in our time is very ambiguous.

What does a silver medal give?

Previously, Russian schoolchildren who received a silver medal at the end of school had the right to enter a university, including by passing a profiling exam for an excellent mark.

With the introduction of the USE, this privilege ceased to exist. Currently, the admission of Russian schoolchildren to universities is associated only with the number of points obtained in the unified state exam. The real help from a silver medal upon admission is only in the advantage of a student over another student without a medal with the same number of USE scores.

With the current state of affairs in Russian schools, receiving a medal does not give a student anything, except for the status of a medalist. But for the prestige of the school, teachers, the number of medalists released is still important. The school administration is always striving to increase the number of silver and gold medalists.

In connection with this situation, it was even supposed to cancel the presentation of gold and silver medals to schoolchildren, but after discussion it was decided that there should still be medalists in schools.

Things are a little different in Ukrainian schools. The silver medalist is awarded 200 additional points, which are so necessary for admission, which helped to increase the prestige of excellent studies, on the one hand, and the appearance of "fake" medalists, on the other.

The silver school graduate medal, like the gold medal, has been awarded for more than 50 years. Initially, the medals did indeed consist of real silver and real gold, but since 1954 alloys began to be used in the manufacture of medals, and after 1960 the name of the medals became purely symbolic. They are made mainly from an alloy of copper and nickel, and coated with a colorless varnish that prevents the metal from darkening. The medal is awarded for "Special Achievement in Teaching".

If you have set yourself the goal of getting a silver medal at school, then it would be nice to know under what conditions it is issued.

Conditions for obtaining a silver medal

How should schoolchildren applying for a silver medal study, how many fours can they have in their certificate?

Under the new rules, a silver medal can be received by any student of a Russian school who:

  • in grades 10 and 11 will have no more than two fours in each semester and at the end of each year;
  • and pass the exam not below the minimum threshold.

The conditions for obtaining a silver medal and the status of a medalist for Ukrainian schoolchildren are somewhat different.

To receive a silver medal, the school requirements are:

  • a student for the period of study in grades 10, 11 can have 8 points in no more than two subjects according to the results for the semester, for the year and according to the results of the state final certification;
  • all other marks should be 10-12 points.

The decision on whether a particular graduate will receive a medal or not is made at a joint meeting of the school council and the teachers' council. After approval by the local education authority, the decision is approved by the principal of the school.

Getting a silver medal at school, what needs to be done for this?

If you decide to seek a silver or gold medal, then:

Even if receiving a silver medal at school does not give the student any advantage in admission, it will give him the status of a student with extraordinary abilities (which can come in handy when). The name of the student will always adorn the list of medalists in the school annals.