Help your child learn to write correctly. Developed fine motor skills

Studying at school is associated with many difficulties. The most relevant of them is a competent letter. How to teach a child to write correctly without mistakes? This question is asked by mothers concerned about the performance of their baby.

How to teach a child to write correctly and without errors

Of course, in principle, someone will be surprised by only one formulation of the question. There is a school, let them teach there. But the first truth that the parent of every student meets today is that much depends on how the preparation and consolidation of educational material at home is. There are several recommendations on how to teach a child to write correctly:

  1. Practice after school by saying to him the words in which he made mistakes in class or homework;
  2. Learn the vocabulary words that are usually given at the end of the textbook;
  3. Make sure your child reads a lot.
It has long been proven that well-read people write much better than those who you never see with a book. Visual memory works here and a person automatically writes some words correctly, not knowing the rules, but remembering how he saw them in a book.

When deciding how to teach a child to write beautifully and competently, remember that all children are different. Someone is born with the so-called innate literacy. This is an intuitive sense of the language, but only a few are so lucky when the rest are forced to learn the rules and cram numerous exceptions to them.

Trying to cope with how to teach a child to write correctly in the 2nd grade (as well as in the 3rd, 4th and others), do not scold him for the mistakes made, it is better to sort them out, learn the correct spelling so as not to repeat them again. Otherwise, you will only form an inferiority complex in a small student, and he may not understand how to write a word that is difficult for him.

How to prepare a child's hand for writing - this issue becomes relevant long before the start of school. Impatient parents, wanting to help the baby get comfortable with a pen and pencil, make many mistakes.

Primary school teacher and speech therapist Anastasia Speranskaya tells how to carefully approach this responsible matter.

You need to start writing no earlier than 7 years

Teaching a child to write before school is not worth it. Until this age, the mechanism of neuromuscular regulation has not matured in most children.

Writing is a very delicate process that requires the correct fit, fixation of the hand, a certain sequence of actions. Therefore, it is better to entrust this matter to a professional. The teacher works in the lesson with each student and makes sure that the process of developing handwriting takes place in the right way.

Exercises to develop fine motor skills will help prepare your hand for writing.

The best preparation for writing will be games for the development of fine motor skills. Sculpt from plasticine, play with cereals, string beads on a thread, tear paper and make applications out of it. This will prepare the muscles of the arm for the load.

You can also just draw (with pencils or wax crayons), paint, make simple hatching, spirals, patterns, straight and wavy lines of different lengths. Working out such elements before school will help the child quickly get used to the recipes.

First a pencil, then a pen

If the desire to teach a child to write is irresistible, give him a pencil. Learning should be an interesting activity, and you should try to avoid stress. Writing the first letters is a big stress for any kid. Therefore, he should always have the opportunity to correct the first mistakes. And this is convenient to do if the letters are written in pencil.

You need to do no more than 5 minutes at a time

They wrote one line, then rested - the first rule for caring parents. The concentration time of 7-8 years old in children is very short, and they can focus on letters for a maximum of 5 minutes (preferably 2-3).

Paradoxically, but at the initial stage of education, the less a student writes, the better he does.

Often, adults buy a child three different recipes and make them write one page every day. It is absolutely impossible to do so.

Teach your child to navigate on a piece of paper

If a child has problems with writing a particular letter (for example, he confuses “v” and “d”, writes “e” in the wrong direction) or he moves off the line, then you need to work on orientation on a sheet of paper.

Tasks are suitable for training: find 10 differences, draw a dot at the bottom (above, in the middle, to the left, to the right of some object on the page). Learn to draw small and large circles and compare their sizes.

Use notebooks in an oblique ruler with an additional line. In them, the oblique line goes very often, and not like in a regular notebook (every 2-4 centimeters). Frequent rulers help keep the correct slope and maintain the desired width of the letters.

Start immediately with capital letters

Writing in capital letters is, of course, easier. But there is a risk that the child will get confused when he needs to master 4 types of letters, albeit gradually. Printed large and small, uppercase large and small - how and what to write correctly is difficult to learn even for an attentive child.

Draw an image of a letter in the air

Practice writing letters in the air. First, do it with your whole hand - draw large letters. Then, during one lesson, “reduce the size” (“a” is large, “a” is medium, “a” is small). The child must draw the last letter (the smallest one) using only the hand.

Highlight beautiful letters

It is important to encourage the child for his successes, and not scold for mistakes. Therefore, take a green pen (or give it to the baby) and ask him to independently circle those letters that turned out better than others. You'll see, next time he will focus on them.

It is already very difficult for a child to write, and if you constantly focus on what did not work out, he will not want to learn at all.

Do not use handle attachments

Office stores now sell rubber tips that help form the correct grip on the pen. They can be used at the very first stage, when the child only takes a pencil or pen.

Then they should be abandoned. It is much more effective to show the baby how you hold the pen. Or make a grab together. Put your child's fingers in the right position, then grab his hand with yours and start writing. Let him feel the process: where you press hard, where you loosen your hand.

The ability to write beautifully and competently is considered one of the indicators of a person's individual culture. No one is born with a talent for exemplary writing and a natural gift for keeping records neat. Only thanks to the hard work of a young creature, his teachers and parents, can the ability to write grammatically correctly and beautifully be developed at an early age.

Whatever class a child goes to, he can make many mistakes in writing. Then parents think about how to help him accurately write off fragments from a book or from a blackboard and how to teach a child to write text or his own thoughts correctly from dictation.

The kid goes only to the first grade, and he already needs to accurately and beautifully write off the printed or written text from the textbook or from the example on the board. It seems absurd to adults that their child manages, with elementary copying, to write half incorrectly, but with a bunch of typos and omissions.

As soon as the stage of studying letters has been passed, the teacher, according to the requirements of the school curriculum for the first grade, begins to teach the kids to write off small words. It is not always possible for first-graders to do this correctly, because while the gaze wanders from the board or book to the notebook, the written letter disappears from their field of vision. Therefore, they spend their strength and energy searching for a lost letter or word, get tired, become inattentive, and the text is replete with errors.

How to teach a child to correctly write individual words based on a sample?

An effective way for a child attending grades 1-2 is to ask him to follow these steps in sequence:

  1. Read the word out loud the way it is written and not heard, for example: Oval, circle, dew, radish.
  2. name number of letters in the word.
  3. read the word again. Such training helps to develop the baby's visual memory, which contributes to the formation of his spelling skills.
  4. Cover sample and write your own word in a notebook.
  5. Read the written word word by word and count the number of letters in him. Compare the number of letters in the sample with the word that turned out.
  6. Match the written word with the sample letter by letter. If a mistake has been made, let the child find it on their own.

Having learned to write off words in this way, it will be easier for a child who goes to grade 3 or 5 to quickly and correctly reproduce part or a whole sentence, and there will be much fewer errors.

If the baby has problems with writing off sentences, conduct classes with him according to the following algorithm:

  1. The child reads the sample sentence aloud.
  2. Tells what it says.
  3. Counts the words in a sentence.
  4. Reads the first word and writes it down.
  5. Reads the first word and the second, writes the second.
  6. Reads the first three words and writes the third of them. The same action is performed with all words.
  7. Reads the written sentence aloud. Finds out whether everything is written correctly and whether the meaning is clear.
  8. Checks the sample against the written sentence, comparing each word.

Developing the ability to write from dictation

It is more difficult for children, for whom dictations come to replace the tasks for cheating. There is nowhere to peep, you need to know for yourself how words are written and what punctuation marks to put. A new problem arises: how to teach a child to write without errors what he perceives by ear?

Usually the requirement to write from dictation applies to students who have moved into the second grade. It is quite difficult for kids to reproduce the heard fragment in writing.

If your child gets nervous or throws a temper tantrum when you have to take dictation at school, try doing dictation with him regularly at home - use words, sentences, or any text from the paragraphs he went through in class.

Before writing a dictation text, do some preparatory work with your child:

  1. Let the child read the text.
  2. Discuss all the places where the baby can make mistakes and remember the rules that need to be followed in order to write correctly.
  3. Repeat the spelling of the words you need to remember, if any.

When proceeding directly to the dictation, consider the following points:

  1. Each sentence must first be read in its entirety, and then dictated word by word. It is important to teach the child to fully listen to the sentence, and then proceed to write it.
  2. If during dictations you notice that your child is about to make a mistake, you can quietly tell him to name the letter that belongs here.
  3. Teach your child to dictate to himself mentally or in a whisper words by syllables, pronouncing each sound.

At the end, have the child read what they have written. If mistakes are found, ask him to remember the spelling rules for the words in which the mistake was made, and make adjustments. Then write the same dictation again with your child and check it together.

If your systematic studies according to the described scheme do not bring a positive result, consult a speech therapist. Some children have problems with phonetic-phonemic perception - the child hears everything, but merging sounds prevent him from quickly comprehending words. The specialist may recommend taking a corrective course.

Other principles of teaching literate writing

Create all conditions so that the child can do homework slowly and carefully. How to teach a child to write correctly, and even beautifully, if during his classes you can hear the TV, the computer is turned on, or the family sorts things out?

Always supervise your child's homework. Checking with him the correctness of spelling, focus only on how to write this or that word correctly. For example, if the kid wrote "question", do not tell him that you need to write not "a" in the first syllable, but "o". Immediately say: here you need to write "o".

Pick up interesting stories for your child and teach him to read for 5-10 minutes a day (grades 1-5) or for 15 minutes (grade 5 and older), correctly pronouncing all the words in syllables as they are written. Carried away by reading, the baby will not notice how he remembers the correct spelling of words. In the future, he will be able to easily reproduce those speech units that he has already met in books.

In fact, it is not worth putting all the responsibility for the education of the child on the school. Sensitive, caring and patient parents can do much more for their children. It just takes a little effort.

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Greetings to all readers of the ShkolaLa blog in a new important topic.

“How to teach a child to write beautifully?” - more than one generation of parents of younger students is puzzling over this question. "Like a chicken paw!" "Dirt in the notebook!" “You explain, show, correct - but still, instead of letters, some kind of scribbles are obtained!” Familiar? And you want to help the child, but that's just how? Well, let's figure it out together.

But just let's find out first, but is it necessary? Or maybe let a child write for himself, as God puts on his soul. Handwriting is not the most important thing in life. Moreover, now in adulthood, everyone mainly types texts on the keyboard, and not manually writes.

Well, it's the same as an adult. And at school, everything is basically the old fashioned way, notebook pens and many, many notes. And if a child writes ugly and sloppy, then expect a decrease in academic performance on all fronts. Including oral subjects. After all, teachers of geography, history, biology also want to see cleanliness and order in notebooks.

And while the child is in grades 1, 2, 3 or 4, the situation with ugly handwriting can be changed. To do this, you need to know what affects the beauty of handwriting. So that letter to letter, number to number, and everyone is the same height and just like a ruler. And send all the notebooks to the exhibition.

Lesson plan:

Key Ingredients of Calligraphic Success

Developed fine motor skills

A child will not be able to write normally quickly and beautifully if his fine motor skills are not prepared for this. The muscles of the hand must be ready for the upcoming loads at school. And for this they need to be developed.

For this, tasks such as entertainment are suitable:

  • drawing and coloring with pencils;
  • modeling from plasticine;
  • construction from small parts, for example, from the Lego constructor;
  • beading;
  • origami;
  • work with scissors;
  • sorting out cereals, etc.

You can do this at least every day and not only train motor skills, but also enjoy it.

Ignoring the development of fine motor skills is stupid, not only from the point of view of beautiful handwriting, but also from the point of view of the development of thinking, memory, and imagination. And without them, school life is nowhere.

Strong back

It would seem, how are physical education and sports related to beautiful handwriting? It turns out that the connection is direct! A flat back, a strong shoulder girdle, a reliable posture, all this will allow the child to sit at a desk or at a desk correctly, evenly.

And posture during writing also affects handwriting. It will be difficult to write beautiful letters, lounging on the tabletop or bending over in three deaths.

So, “get on the charge!” A daily simple set of morning exercises will bring the child closer to beautiful handwriting. Charging on the "School" blog is dedicated, be sure to read it.

Correct handle

Handles are different:

  • gel and ball;
  • thin and plump;
  • smooth and rough;
  • pretty and not so pretty.

Which one to choose for a younger student?

The choice should be guided by the physiology of the child's hand. Our hands are still small, not strong. Therefore, thick, heavy "feathers" are put aside.

It's great if the pen is beautiful, but, you see, this is not the main thing.

When choosing between gel and ball, preference should be given to the latter. Gel pens tend to abruptly stop writing or scratch paper, and the gel spreads very well on paper.

The shaft of the pen should be thin and leave a neat thin mark. When buying a pen in a store, check it in action, it should slide easily and simply over paper, without requiring much effort.

If the pen is made entirely of metal or plastic, then this is not the best choice. The child's fingers will slide over it. It is better to choose a pen that has a special rubber pad with ribs or pimples where it is gripped by fingers.

Oh, and also, the teacher will certainly be very grateful to you if you refuse pens with buttons that can be very fun to click in the classroom.

Proper grip on the handle

If a child holds a pen like this

or like this

Do you think he can write well? Maybe it will work, but only the letter will be very slow. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the correct holding of the handle.

And how is it right? And this is when the pen lies on the middle finger, is held by the pad of the thumb and is covered by the index finger. And the little finger and ring finger serve to support the hand and slide bent over the paper.

This is where the difficulties arise. Well, our little schoolchildren cannot get used to the correct position of the handle and as soon as it is not enough.

Fortunately, dear parents, there are very specific ways to remedy this situation. Now I will tell you about them and show you. We made a special video for you with my first-grader son Artem.

Method "Tweezers"

This exercise will help the child understand how to hold it, this naughty ballpoint pen. The point is to grab the pen with three fingers (thumb, index, middle) at the very top and gradually slide your fingers down. In this case, the handle itself will fall into the hand as it should. Watch the video.

Method "Checkpoint"

Before you begin any written work, draw a bright dot on your child's middle finger. This will be where the handle will land. And on the handle, you can use colored tape or tape to mark the lower limit beyond which you can’t lower your fingers.

Method "Rubber"

Correctly holding the writing instrument will help the usual bank rubber band. Excellent trainer. We put an elastic band on the handle and on the child's wrist. And voila! The handle lies in the hand as it should. By the way, it also trains the arm muscles well.

Method "Napkin"

Another great and easy exercise. Fold an ordinary napkin so that the child can hold it with his little finger and press it against his palm with his ring fingers. So, the little finger and the ring finger are busy and cannot take part in the writing process. Only the correct “writing” fingers remain.

Method "Self-taught pen"

Let's not forget about a special device called a self-taught pen. This is a handle on which you can put on a special nozzle. The nozzle most often looks like a beautiful toy. A pen with such an overlay is simply impossible to take wrong. We haven't tried it ourselves, but we've heard a lot of positive reviews.

Exercise machine for right-handers "Self-taught pen" | Buy with delivery |

Simulator for left-handers "Self-taught pen" | Buy with delivery |

These five ways, if you practice them constantly, will be quite enough for the child to understand and remember how to hold the pen correctly.

Well, we train motor skills, we learn to hold the pen correctly. What else? What is the third principle?


Without constant training in this matter nowhere! You need to train constantly, both in the process of preparing for lessons, and outside of this process. Here you will come to the aid of various recipes. For grade 1 students, you can take prescriptions by age, you can even purchase an additional set of prescriptions the same as in school.

Well, for older kids for students in grades 2, 3 and 4, the cheating exercise is perfect. Just take any text and copy it into a notebook. This exercise, among other things, will help the child get used to cheating. Indeed, in schools now they not only write essays, presentations and dictations, but also periodically conduct so-called control cheating.

Nobody canceled exercises for hatching, stroking and drawing by cells. You can read more about them.

All of the above, dear parents, is enough to make a child's handwriting, if not calligraphic, then at least very, very pleasant. Oh, and also, I advise you to read an article about dysgraphia, it can make beautiful handwriting impossible.

I wish you patience and perseverance, and your little schoolchildren success in their studies and good health.

Until we meet again, in new interesting articles!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich

All parents want their children to be the best. This applies to everything, including education. If a child has learned to speak well, then this always causes joy in parents.

But after that comes an equally important stage, which is to teach the child to write. And if, up to a certain age, grammatical errors in a child are considered the norm, then a natural question arises, how to teach a child to write as competently as possible, so that he does not make mistakes. It is to this important issue that we will devote today's article.

✍ How to teach a child to write correctly? [School of speed reading and memory development in children]

How to Write Properly. Child development online. OGE / USE

Today, the problem of spelling is very relevant at school age. According to studies that were conducted in ordinary secondary schools in our country, almost seventy percent of students make mistakes in writing with one frequency or another. This indicator is average not only for our country, but also for most countries of the world.

At what age should attention be paid to ensuring that a child can write correctly?

Some parents who spell with their children as early as preschool years pay too much attention to the issue of literacy, while demanding that the child write without errors.

According to many experts and teachers, there is no need to rush the child and force him to learn to write absolutely without errors. He will definitely learn this, only everything needs its time. It is believed that the best time to teach a child to write correctly is the period from the second to the fourth grade. Of course, even at preschool age, you can also teach your kid to write correctly and correctly, but remember, if he doesn’t succeed, it will be wrong to scold him for it.

How to teach a child to write without mistakes?

There are several methods to teach a child to write correctly. We will consider the most popular and demanded of them.

  1. Dictations.
    According to many teachers of the Russian language, dictation is the most effective method for teaching children grammar. You can conduct dictations with your child at any time convenient for you. Try not to overload your child too much, especially at an early age. Do one or two dictations every day, except perhaps on weekends. It will not take you much time, but it will give a good result, which will definitely be displayed at the level of your baby's Russian language proficiency. Don't be too strict, but stay persistent, and you'll see results when your child writes all five-point dictations at school. Here are some tips to help make dictation more rewarding and enjoyable:
  2. Reading.
    If your offspring cannot remember how certain words are spelled, then reading will help him a lot. And it is useful to read as much classical literature as possible. Of course, books for a child must be selected in such a way that they are interesting to him, that is, they are age-appropriate. Classical writers have a lot of children's literature that will be interesting even to the youngest readers. Pay attention to writers such as Mark Twain, Mine Reid and Jules Verne. But even the youngest readers will love contemporary children's writers like JK Rowling. Reading aloud is especially effective, as it involves almost all types of memory. Ask your child to read aloud to you the book that he likes the most. In this case, you need to clearly pronounce sounds, both vowels and consonants. It has been repeatedly proven that this method allows the baby to subconsciously remember the correct spelling of even the most complex words.
  3. Grammar.
    Of course, reading and regular practice in the form of writing dictations will help your child master the spelling in Russian. But this may not be enough without studying the theory, namely the rules of grammar. Children sometimes begin to learn the basics of literate writing in Russian in kindergarten. Often, parents, in order to prepare the child for school, independently engage in his education, especially in matters related to reading and writing. But the foundations are laid in school. According to many teachers, the process of learning spelling from grades 1 to 5 is especially important. For example, already in the 2nd grade, children begin to learn the rules of the Russian language, and by the end of school they should master it almost perfectly. The success of studying grammar does not lie at all in meticulous memorization, as many believe, but in understanding. As experience shows, the complex spelling rules of the Russian language, of which there are a huge number, are poorly remembered by the baby. Therefore, it is important that he understands these rules. Even if your child does not remember by heart how the rule itself sounds, he will remember how to write this or that word correctly. And this, of course, is the most important thing. You can work with your child yourself, repeating the material that he learns at school. Also, you may even be ahead of the school curriculum. The main thing is that your classes with your child take place in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. Do not overwork your baby if he is tired. But also be persistent if you think that he is simply lazy.


In order for a child to want to learn and be able to write correctly, he must understand that he really needs it. Often children make mistakes, do not want to learn the rules of grammar, because they simply do not understand how important it is. Try to talk about this with your child.

Explain to him that absolutely all adults should be able to write correctly, and if he is also going to become an adult, then he will definitely need it. Show by example how you can write correctly in Russian. If your job involves writing or even just filling out some paperwork, then show your kid how you do it at your job.


In order to teach your child to write correctly in Russian, you need to apply an integrated approach to this issue. If your child is already in school, then he should receive most of the information in the classroom. Take extra care of it at home. Also very useful is reading aloud and writing dictations.

Practice with your baby, and you will definitely be able to teach him to write correctly in Russian.