Cognitive literature. David Matsumoto

The 10 most popular and interesting scientific books from various fields of human knowledge, of course, will not make you a scientist immediately after reading them. But they will help you better understand how a person works, our whole world, and the rest of the universe.

"Big, Small, and the Human Mind". Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, Abner Shimoni, Nancy Cartwright.

The book is based on the Tenner Lectures delivered in 1995 by the famous English astrophysicist Roger Penrose and the controversy they provoked with equally famous English scientists Abner Shimoni, Nancy Cartwright and Stephen Hawking. The range of issues discussed includes the paradoxes of quantum mechanics, issues of astrophysics, theory of knowledge, and artistic perception.

"Big Atlas of Anatomy". Johannes V. Roen, Chihiro Yokochi, Elke Lutyen - Drekoll.

This edition is a worldwide bestseller. The reader is offered: unique photographs of anatomical sections, most accurately conveying the color and structural features of the structure of organs; tutorial charts that complement and explain the gorgeous color photographs of anatomical sections; didactic material covering the functional aspects of the structure of organs and systems; the principle of studying sections "from the outside to the inside", when parrying in the laboratory and in clinical work; introduction, devoted to the description of modern methods of visualization of structural features of organs and body systems. For the convenience of the professional reader, the names of organs and systems are given in Russian and Latin.

"A Short History of Nearly Everything". Bill Bryson.

This book is one of the major popular science bestsellers of our day, a classic of popular science. It contains the Big Bang and subatomic particles, primordial oceans and ancient continents, under its cover giant lizards roam and primitive hunters track down their prey ... But this book is not only about the distant past: it tells about the cutting edge of science in an accessible and fascinating way, about the incredible discoveries made by scientists, about global threats and the future of our civilization.

"Hyperspace. A scientific odyssey through parallel worlds, holes in time and the tenth dimension. Michio Kaku.

Instinct tells us that our world is three-dimensional. Based on this idea, scientific hypotheses have been built for centuries. According to the eminent physicist Michio Kaku, this is the same prejudice as the belief of the ancient Egyptians that the Earth was flat. The book is devoted to the theory of hyperspace. The idea of ​​multidimensionality of space caused skepticism, was ridiculed, but is now recognized by many authoritative scientists. The significance of this theory lies in the fact that it is able to combine all known physical phenomena into a simple structure and lead scientists to the so-called theory of everything. However, there is almost no serious and accessible literature for non-specialists. Michio Kaku fills this gap, explaining from a scientific point of view the origin of the Earth, the existence of parallel universes, time travel, and many other seemingly fantastic phenomena.

"Microcosm. E. coli and the new science of life. Carl Zimmer.

E. coli, or E. coli, is a microorganism that we encounter almost daily, but which is one of the most important tools of biological science. Many major events in the history of biology are associated with it, from the discovery of DNA to the latest achievements in genetic engineering. E. coli is the most studied living thing on Earth. Interestingly, E. coli is a social microbe. The author draws surprising and disturbing parallels between the life of E. coli and our own life. He shows how this microorganism is changing almost before the eyes of researchers, revealing to their astonished eyes the billions of years of evolution encoded in its genome.

"Earth. Illustrated Atlas. Michael Allaby.

A comprehensive picture of all processes occurring on the Earth, inside and around it. The publication contains: detailed maps of continents and oceans. Impressive colorful photos. Popularly stated complex concepts. Broad overview of environmental issues. An exciting story of life on Earth. Explanatory diagrams and drawings. Reconstruction of geological processes. Terminological dictionary and alphabetical index. The Atlas will become an indispensable reference tool and handbook for readers of all ages.

"History of the Earth. From stardust to a living planet. The first 4,500,000,000 years". Robert Hazen.

The book of the famous popularizer of science, Professor Robert Hazen, introduces us to a fundamentally new approach to the study of the Earth, in which the history of the origin and development of life on our planet and the history of the formation of minerals are intertwined. An excellent storyteller, Hazen from the first lines captivates the reader with a dynamic narrative about the joint and interdependent development of animate and inanimate nature. Together with the author, the reader takes a breathless journey through billions of years: the emergence of the Universe, the appearance of the first chemical elements, stars, the solar system, and, finally, the formation and detailed history of the Earth. The movement of entire continents through thousands of kilometers, the rise and fall of huge mountain ranges, the destruction of thousands of species of earthly life and the complete change of landscapes under the influence of meteorites and volcanic eruptions - the reality turns out to be much more interesting than any myth.

"The evolution of man. In 2 books. Alexander Markov.

The new book by Alexander Markov is a fascinating story about the origin and structure of man, based on the latest research in anthropology, genetics and evolutionary psychology. The two-volume book "The Evolution of Man" answers many questions that have long interested Homo sapiens. What does it mean to be human? When and why did we become human? In what are we superior to our neighbors on the planet, and in what are we inferior to them? And how can we better use our main difference and dignity - a huge, complex brain? One way is to read this book thoughtfully. Alexander Markov - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His book on the evolution of living beings, The Birth of Complexity (2010), has become an event in non-fiction literature and has been widely acclaimed by readers.

"The Selfish Gene". Richard Dawkins.

We are created by our genes. We animals exist to preserve them and serve only as machines to ensure their survival. The world of the selfish gene is a world of fierce competition, ruthless exploitation and deceit. But what about acts of altruism seen in nature: bees committing suicide when they sting an enemy to protect a hive, or birds risking their lives to warn a flock of a hawk's approach? Does this contradict the fundamental law of gene selfishness? In no case! Dawkins shows that the selfish gene is also the cunning gene. And he cherishes the hope that the Homo sapiens species - the only one on the entire globe - is able to rebel against the intentions of the selfish gene.
The translation is verified according to the anniversary English edition of 2006.

Pseudoscience and the paranormal. Critical view. Jonathan Smith.

Confidently operating with the data of psychology, physics, logical analysis, history, Jonathan Smith leads the reader through the mysterious territories of the unknown, not letting him get lost among complex scientific concepts and helping to distinguish between incredible truth and plausible deception.

In good or bad weather, there is no sweeter and more interesting activity than to sit on a cozy sofa surrounded by pillows, with a cup of hot tea at hand and, most importantly, a fascinating book in front of your eyes. We all love a good story, an epic story, a tearful story, a story that will drag us into the whirlpool of its events, enchant us with ornate phrases and make us forget about the real world, real people and real problems for an hour or two, or even for a whole day.

Books give us a chance to experience unprecedented adventures with the most diverse set of characters, to feel feelings that we have not been able to experience before, to visit unseen and sometimes non-existent lands. One book can last a day or a week, depending on how fast you read. However, it takes time, nevertheless, decently, and this hobby requires a lot of money. Therefore, every really good book is worth its weight in gold, because it more than pays for all costs, while mediocre or obviously weak literature only spoils the mood and makes you regret the time and money spent on it. We offer you the most interesting books to read, which can be purchased on the shelves of our local stores.

Planet Water, Boris Akunin

Akunin is impossible to miss. All his books, both novels and historical essays, capture from the very first minutes with their smooth narrative speech and fascinating plot. "Planet Water" continues a series of detective novels about the beloved character of Erast Fandorin, who, in his eventful life, managed to solve many crimes and conspiracies, as well as visit various parts of the planet, including mysterious Japan, where he learned the art of ninjutsu and found a faithful Masu's friend and assistant. However, the funny valet does not play a big role in this book. It consists of three stories, three new adventures of Erast with the corresponding subtitle "The Adventures of Erast Fandorin in the 20th century".

Paper Towns, John Green

The author of the tragic novel "The Fault in Our Stars", John Green, has already won a whole army of admirers. So it's no surprise that "Paper Towns" became an immediate best-seller and went off the shelves at record speed. The book is about teenager Q Jacobsen and his enigmatic neighbor Margo Spiegelman, for whom he has had feelings for many years. When one day Margot invites him to participate in a punitive operation against her offenders, Q immediately agrees. But after this enterprise, Margot suddenly disappears, leaving behind only a trail of notes and subtle hints. Like all the most interesting books, "Paper Towns" received a film adaptation, in which the famous supermodel Cara Delevingne played the main role.

Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and the years of his wanderings, Haruki Murakami.

Haruki Murakami is without a doubt one of the top 100 authors to read at least once in a lifetime. Like most Japanese writers, Murakami gives his books a special philosophical atmosphere, full of reflections and inner experiences of the hero, whose thoughts simply cannot be torn off. Every word is a revelation, every event has its own meaning, every detail gives additional meaning to the story. Tsukuru Tazaki is a colorless man whose life once took a sharp turn and rapidly rolled downhill when all his friends turned away from him for no reason. Many years later, the already adult Tsukuru decides to find out exactly when and what exactly went wrong in his life, going first to Nagoya, and later even to distant Finland.

The Martian, Andy Weyer

You know you've stumbled upon a real book when you're greeted with quotes like "duct tape works everywhere and everywhere. Tape is a gift from the gods and should be worshiped" and "it's not as bad as it looks. I mean, I'm still in the ass." .Just not that deep." And there are plenty of such gems in the book. Andy Weier's science fiction book, which won the film adaptation, does not try to impress the reader with beautiful turns of phrase or cheap action, it takes a completely different course. Mark Watney was left on Mars during the evacuation, presumed dead. Waking up completely alone and having no connection with the Earth, Mark had no choice but to try to survive on an alien planet, using all the means at hand in his arsenal.

Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts

Released in Russian in 2010, Shantaram takes pride of place in the list of the top 100 best books of all time. The plot tells about an Australian who escaped from prison, a former drug addict and robber. With the help of a fake passport and the name Lindsay Ford, he ends up in Bombay, where he begins a completely new life full of adventures, misadventures and all sorts of difficulties. In the book, the experiences of the protagonist himself, his thoughts, the wise statements of his acquaintances and, of course, descriptions of an exotic country and its inhabitants are intertwined in an amazing mix. On February 5, the continuation of the book with the intriguing title "Shadow of the Mountain" is coming out.

After you Jojo Moyes

"After You" is a continuation of the novel "Me Before You", telling about the later life of the main character, Lou Clark, after the death of her loved one. Trying to forget about him and open a new page in her life, Lou returns home and finds sympathy and understanding in a psychological support group among the same people who share with her the whole burden of her situation and her deep feelings. Thanks to them, Lou meets emergency doctor Sam Fielding, and mutual understanding arises between them. But despite the sympathy that Lou feels for a new acquaintance, she is still not sure that she can move on and love again. According to the author himself, "After You" is an unplanned book, but Lou's fate simply did not leave her alone, as, quite likely, many fans of the first book did.

The Mysterious Case of Billy Milligan, Daniel Keyes

Master of the psychological novel, author of the late 20th century masterpiece Flowers for Algernon, Daniel Keyes continues to explore the mysteries of the human mind. Based on the story of the very real man Billy Milligan, who suffered from multiple personality disorder, Keys created a truly amazing and goosebumps novel about how terrible it is to share your body with another consciousness and lose months, if not years, of your life in oblivion, until someone else, standing at the helm, does absolutely unthinkable things. The protagonist, like his real prototype, was accused of crimes that he did not commit. And until he was arrested, no one even suspected what chaos and what a struggle for a place in the sun was going on in Billy Milligan's head.

The Year We Met, Cecilia Ahern

The queen of the sentimental novel, Cecilia Ahern, once again pleases her fans with not only a touching love story, but also food for thought. Jasmine, the main character, had everything your heart could desire - a great job, friends and family. But all this changed overnight when she was suddenly fired and for a whole year she remains idle. However, the girl does not lose heart and takes on all sorts of small chores around the house, takes care of the garden, makes new acquaintances and builds relationships. Jesmine's adventures give you the opportunity to look at your own life from a different angle and learn something new about yourself, which you have not suspected until now.

All the Light We Can't See, Anthony Dorr

Reading about the war is not easy, writing about the war is even more difficult. However, Anthony Dorr took up this task without fear and, after many years of reflection, revealed to the world "The Light We Cannot See", which immediately hit the bestsellers and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. The plot follows the lives of two completely different characters, a shy German boy and a blind French girl, who, despite the raging war around them, are fighting for survival and for the right to grow up and be happy, while trying to maintain humanity and not lose loved ones.

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

Exciting detective thriller by former journalist Paula Hawkins immediately gained great popularity after the release and held the leading position in The New York Times bestseller list for 14 weeks. Rachel often watches from the train window for one, seemingly painfully perfect, family, husband and wife, whom she named Jess and Jason for herself. But one day, the beautiful picture is shattered when Rachel notices something shocking while driving by, after which Jess disappears. Rachel is sure she can find out what happened to Jess, but she's not sure if she should interfere in someone else's life.

We hasten to remind you that these are not all interesting books for reading that you can purchase. These are just a few suggestions based on the bestseller list in local stores. Do not be afraid to experiment and perhaps, unexpectedly for yourself, you will greatly expand your horizons and learn something new about yourself.

Now there are many different genres of literature. Each of them is useful to us. We read some books for fun, some to learn something, some just to start developing or learn a language.

What does scientific and educational literature include?

The scientific and educational literature includes such genres as:

  • story;
  • military equipment and weapons;
  • technical;
  • nature and animals.

As you can see, the scientific and educational literature has a fairly wide range for learning. A lot of people who read such literature, no matter what genre, wanted to learn something or learn something that they did not know before. Such literature is most suitable for teaching with a specific purpose. But it is also useful for general development.

Probably everyone has read at least a little of this literature. In a school, technical school, university or any educational institution, this is indispensable, because textbooks are primarily classified as scientific and educational literature. Thus, it turns out that from childhood we are accustomed to such literature, which helps us develop.

Books always help us develop as individuals. Fairy tales - develop our imagination, books in the fantasy genre - help us go beyond the usual idea and realize that everything may not be the way we see it, historical books tell us about the events of the past, books on philosophy show a certain point of view about the world and the actions of people, and so on.

Each genre, each book, each line carries a certain meaning. All of them form a personality in us. There is an opinion that those who read books are smarter, and it is quite correct, because by reading, we use our imagination, improve reading skills, learn to correctly punctuate, formulate our thoughts better, and vocabulary increases. And when watching TV, we often just get ready-made information that is not absorbed in our mind, it is forgotten almost immediately.

To summarize what has been said above, it turns out that scientific and educational literature carries a difference in genres, helps us in learning and development, and also contributes to the development of thinking.

There are many books and textbooks on self-development (), but it is often very difficult to understand what is worth reading for you. This article aims to dispel such doubts. Books are grouped into categories: business, speed reading and memory, oratory, creativity and heuristics, leadership. These are not all books and not all topics related to self-improvement and personal growth, but they are the most popular and discussed on the Internet.

The rating of books was formed on the basis of their presence in the tops of Internet reviews, as well as the personal opinion of the authors of the site. In addition, in the list of books you will find useful links by clicking on which you can download, read online or buy the book you need for free.

business thinking

The books on developing a business mindset that we can advise you will allow you to master at a basic level the principles of investing, managing assets, and successfully running your own business. All of these books were written by successful entrepreneurs and managers and, in fact, are a reflection of the life experiences of their authors.

Rich dad, poor dad. Robert T. Kiyosaki

A book by Japanese-American businessman Robert Kiyosaki. According to Kiyosaki, people struggle all their lives for financial well-being because they do not know the laws by which money works. The book is based on 2 different principles of education on issues related to money. Robert adopted these principles from his own father, a civil servant, and from the father of his friend Mike, a businessman who, according to Kiyosaki, later became one of the richest people in Hawaii. Little Robert chose the path suggested by his friend's father and achieved financial well-being. At 47, he was able to leave his business and engage in educational activities.
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Think and get rich! Napoleon Hill

Book by American writer, journalist and psychologist Napoleon Hill. It was first published in 1937. While the title implies that this book is about how to become rich, the author makes it clear that the philosophy it outlines can be used to help people succeed in all areas. This book is number six on BusinessWeek's business bestseller list and is also on the John Maxwell's A Lifetime "Must Read" Books List. By the time of Hill's death in 1970, the book had sold 20 million copies.
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Who stole my cheese? Spencer Johnson

This is a small book-parable, which is read in just 30-40 minutes. The author's idea is simple: change because it is inevitable. Company executives truckload the book and hand out copies to employees so they don't go into a stupor when faced with changing circumstances. Over 20 million copies of this book have been sold.

Six Sigma Course. How General Electric, Motorola and other leading companies in the world are improving their craft. Peter S. Pandy, Robert P. Newman, Roland R. Caveneg

Motorola and General Electric managers developed Six Sigma in the 1970s and 1980s, and in the 2000s, the method of management went mainstream, thanks in part to this book. The essence of the concept boils down to the need to improve the quality of the outputs of each of the processes, to minimize defects and statistical deviations in operating activities. The concept uses quality management methods, including statistical methods, requires the use of measurable goals and results, and also involves the creation of special working groups in the enterprise that carry out projects to eliminate problems and improve processes.

From good to great. Why some companies make breakthroughs and others don't. Jim Collins

How do companies become not only successful, but also profitable, and remain so for a long time? To answer this question, Collins deeply studied the experience of 1.4 thousand companies from the Fortune 500 list. In the preface to the book it is written that everyone knows a rather common phrase - "perfect is the enemy of good", and Collins, who has devoted many years to analyzing the principles of transition from good indicators to outstanding ones, he considers the opposite: “good is the enemy of the great”.
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And also pay attention to the list of Time magazine, which in 2011 selected 25 publications that have already brought up several generations of successful managers and are still relevant.

Speed ​​reading and memory

What can I read to learn how to read quickly? Today there are many books on the subject. Most of them contain the same information. Of the most interesting and different from other textbooks, the following books can be distinguished.

Improve your memory. Tony Buzan

The invention of Tony Buzan in the field of human memory is a self-expanding general mnemonic matrix (Self-Enhancing Master Memory Matrix, or simply SEM3). This technique allows you to greatly facilitate and speed up the memorization of any text. The book sets out a system of coherent presentation, explains the mnemonic principles on the basis of which it is necessary to create images that are easy to remember. In addition, the publication contains a large number of interesting and diverse examples of phenomenal memory.
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Count in your mind like a computer. Bill Handley

A simple and effective method of instant mental counting for children and adults. Proven methods are offered that allow you to perform mental calculations such as multiplication, division, addition and subtraction of numbers, operations with fractions, extracting square and cube roots with the speed of lightning. The main counting method used by the author is the reference number.
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Speed ​​reading technique. Oleg Andreev

This book is one of the most fundamental textbooks on the technique of speed reading. If you want to learn as much as possible about the principles of speed reading and the rationale for various techniques, this book will be of great interest to you. You can buy books on the website of the Oleg Andreev School by signing up for the course.
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Speed ​​reading at the speed of light. Joseph Bennet

The authors of the book promise to teach you speed reading in a month. Quite a popular book in RuNet. The author believes that it is necessary to read with pleasure. Whether you read technical literature, children's books, novels, or magazine articles, enjoyment is the most important component of effective reading. Relax, let the content capture your attention and interest.

PhotoReading. Paul Shelley

PhotoReading is one of the fastest ways to read. According to the author, it is possible to develop a reading speed of up to 25,000 words per minute. The author focuses on the work of the subconscious. Despite the fact that the technique raises many doubts, there are schools that teach this method of speed reading.

Communications and leadership

The best leadership books listed below are suitable for both men and women and will allow you to develop useful personal qualities. The personality of the leader and his behavior largely determine the fate of both the leader himself and the people he influences. Once you develop a certain way of thinking as a leader, you can easily follow the principles described in the books that will lead you to success.

How to win friends and influence people. Dale Carnegie

This book is perhaps the most famous work of Dale Carnegie. How to Win Friends and Influence People is a collection of practical advice and life stories from the author. This book, like others, teaches readers to believe in their own strength and develop business skills, relieves complexes, revealing the secrets of mastering the art of communication, and also helps to earn more.
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Leader personality. Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy has studied the behavior of many successful and highly effective people to understand the dynamics of leadership and identify turning points in their lives. As a result, the author has collected simple, but deep enough methods that will allow you to achieve success without compromising your personal life. Through these methods, you can become a person capable of taking responsibility for yourself and others. And as a result, you will become an authoritative person.
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Recognize a liar by the expression on his face. Paul Ekman

This book will interest not only fans of the television series "Theory of Lies", but also those who hear about it for the first time. Here the writer and psychologist Paul Ekman continues the rather interesting topic of recognizing deception when communicating with a potential liar or a person who, for some reason, tries to hide the truth from his interlocutor, which he began in The Psychology of Lies. This book will allow you to learn how to accurately recognize a lie by reading the face of a speaking person.
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10 commandments every business leader must break. Donald Q

Donald R. Q, ex-president of the Coca-Cola Company, believes that it is very easy to become a failure in business. There are ten serious miscalculations - everyone should have known them long ago - that are guaranteed to ensure a complete failure in business. These include "do not risk", "do not be flexible", "isolate", "believing in your infallibility", "play the game on the verge of a foul" and others. The 10 Commandments is a warning, an ironic "bible" for leaders, written by a man who has come a long way in developing his own business.
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Games People Play. Eric Bern

The book highlights the psychological problems of human relations in accordance with the original concept of the author, which lies in line with the psychoanalytic trend. Despite the controversial concept of Bern, many ideas and observations based on his rich experience as a psychotherapist can be useful for a wide range of readers, especially when resolving conflicts that arise in the process of communication between men and women, parents and children, etc.
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The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. John Maxwell

This book is a collection of laws that, according to the author, form the foundation of leadership in any area where you are called to lead people. In each chapter, John reveals the essence of the next law of leadership, showing by the example of the successes and failures of others, how you can apply this law in your life.

Creativity and heuristics

Books on creativity and heuristics (invention) are useful for people who want to develop their creative abilities. This rating is based on . According to the authors of the site, these books are most aimed at developing applied creativity skills that can be useful in any field of activity.

Lateral Marketing: A Technology for Searching for Revolutionary Ideas. Philip Kotler, Fernando Trias De Bes

The concept of lateral marketing is a development of Edward de Bono's idea of ​​lateral thinking. Despite the fact that the book is called "Lateral Marketing", its main content concerns the way of creative thinking. And some of the concepts from this book formed the basis of our training on the development of creative thinking.

Six Hats of Thinking. Edward De Bono

In this book, the famous lateral thinker Edward de Bono shows his original approach to improve the thought process. The method of six thinking hats is based on the fact that we can think in 6 different ways, and in order to distinguish these ways, 6 hats of different colors were invented as an association for better assimilation of the material. Continuing the analogy, de Bono develops the theory of six thinking hats by the fact that these hats can be put on, changed, taken off, etc.
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Tricks of the tongue - changing beliefs with the help of NLP. Robert Dilts

This textbook is one of the most popular works in our country by Robert Dilts, an NLP trainer and practitioner. Despite the fact that the author of the book is a true master of Neuro Linguistic Programming, this book will be useful not only for training communication skills or for creating internal psychological balance, but also for developing creativity and creative thinking.
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The innovator's dilemma. Clayton Christensen

This book is not about success stories, but about the reasons for failures in an innovative and developing economy. A Harvard Business School professor explains why once-successful companies go bankrupt and what happens to those who turn a blind eye to new technologies and market trends. The main lesson of the book is to adapt sooner and more often, even if it hurts today's profits.
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Introduction to TRIZ. Basic concepts and approaches. Heinrich Altshuller

This book is a systematic description of the basic concepts, terms, models and approaches of TRIZ as presented by the first developer of the theory Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller. The book is primarily aimed at those interested in TRIZ-RTV-TRTL, as well as teachers of these disciplines. The book is presented in an electronic version on the official website of the TRIZ creator.


Below are useful and smart books on how to master public speaking and rhetoric skills. If you are interested in this direction, pay attention to on our website.

Textbook of rhetoric. Speech training with exercises. Heinz Lemmermann

This book on rhetoric was written by the German professor of Bremen University X. Lemmermann almost in the middle of the last century. The book is intended as a systematic introduction to modern rhetoric for all readers without special philological and linguistic education. Heinz Lemmermann is trying to popularize the key concepts and principles of rhetoric that are necessary for each of us. The textbook is suitable for both adults and students. Thanks to him, everyone can master the course of rhetoric offered by the author and learn how to speak clearly and convincingly in public.

How to develop self-confidence and influence people by speaking in public. Dale Carnegie

This book first saw the light in 1956 in the United States, being a revision and addition to Carnegie's previous works on public speaking. Many people know that Dale Carnegie is a famous self-taught psychologist. But few people know that he founded his own "Institute for Effective Speaking and Human Relations" (Dale Carnegie Institute for Effective Speaking and Human Relations). Rhetoric, eloquence and skill in public speaking have always interested this famous American teacher, psychologist and writer.
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Black rhetoric. Carsten Bredemeyer

Carsten Bredemeyer is a well-known specialist in German-speaking Europe. Black rhetoric according to Bredemeyer is the ability to manipulate all rhetorical means and methods so that in the process of negotiations or speeches, the opponent or audience comes to the conclusion you need. It is also the ability to resolve contradictions, turn the negative thinking and behavior of the interlocutor into positive and constructive, not lose your head in heated debates and behave confidently.
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How to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Larry King

Larry King is one of the most famous people in the United States, the host of the popular CNN talk show, which is considered an honor by the most prominent figures in politics, business, sports and the arts. In How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere, communication master Larry King shares his secrets with readers.
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Body language. Allan Pease and Barbara Pease

According to the authors of this book, the feelings and thoughts of a person are easy to guess by his posture, facial expressions and gestures. Understanding non-verbal language greatly facilitates the task of choosing the right line of conduct in friendly and business communication and making important decisions. This book by Allan and Barbara Pease has been a worldwide bestseller for over two decades. Its total circulation has already amounted to about a hundred million copies, and it has been translated into 36 languages.
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Efficiency and self-motivation

The books and tutorials below will be useful to those who are interested in the principles and increasing their own productivity. In these books, famous successful people share the secrets of their high performance and efficiency. It is worth noting that the books themselves are a motivating factor, after which you will want to immediately get down to business.

To hell with all of it! Take it and do it! Richard Branson

The author of this book, Sir Richard Branson, is more than just a talented entrepreneur who built the unique Virgin brand. He is also a bright, non-standard personality. Branson's book is a manifesto of life, action, risk. The credo of its author is to take everything from life. It means not being afraid to do what you want. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether you have enough experience, skills, knowledge and education. Life is too short to waste it on things that don't bring you pleasure. If you have a head on your shoulders and enough enthusiasm in your heart, any goal will be possible. If you like something, do it. If you don't like it, don't hesitate.

How to get things in order. The art of stress-free productivity. David Allen

From this book by David Allen, you will learn how to separate the important from the minor, set goals and prioritize correctly, increase personal organization, plan and save time. Organization is not an innate ability, but a skill that can be learned. The book talks about simple techniques focused on increasing productivity. The author claims that the main thing is the ability to relax, our efficiency depends on it. Consciousness must be clear and organized.
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Geniuses and outsiders. Gladwell Malcolm

Malcolm Gladwell reveals the hidden laws of leadership and success in his book. These laws explain why great hockey players are usually born in January and almost never in October; why Asian students find mathematics easier than others; why you have to be Jewish to be a prestigious New York lawyer. The book shows what Bill Gates, the Beatles and Mozart have in common and why they managed to outdo their peers and competitors.
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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Powerful tools. Stephen R. Covey

This is one of the best-selling business books of all time, but it's not just for business, it's for any business. The book presents readers with a holistic technology for resolving problems that arise in everyday life, in personal life or in the course of performing official duties in the workplace. Having studied the principles underlying the proposed approach, and having trained to apply them in practice, any reasonable person will be able to learn how to correctly and safely respond to changing circumstances, master the wisdom and strength of a successful person.
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Effective time management. Brian Tracy

The book of the outstanding American specialist in topical issues of social psychology, Brian Tracy, includes the main theoretical provisions and methodology of modern time management. Brian Tracy himself speaks to audiences in 90 countries on six continents and speaks four languages. He has a remarkable ability to grab and hold an audience's attention, using a combination of stories, examples, humor, practical ideas to get results quickly. In general, this person has a lot to learn.
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