Practice as a subject of scientific research. Practice and project work

Research practice is carried out in the form of a real research project carried out by a undergraduate student within the approved topic of scientific research in the direction of study and the topic of the master's thesis, taking into account the interests and capabilities of the departments in which it is carried out.

The topic of the research project can be defined as an independent part of the research work carried out within the framework of the scientific direction of the graduating Department of Expertise and Property Management.

The work of undergraduates during the period of practice is organized in accordance with the logic of work on a master's thesis: the choice of a topic, the definition of a problem, an object and a subject of research; formulation of the purpose and objectives of the study; theoretical analysis of literature and research on the problem, selection of necessary sources on the topic (legal acts, factual documentation, etc.); compiling a bibliography; formulation of a working hypothesis; definition of a complex of research methods; analysis of practical data; presentation of research results. Undergraduates work with primary sources, monographs, abstracts and dissertations, consult with a supervisor and teachers.

During the practice, the student must finalize the detailed plan of the master's thesis on the profile of his field of study, and coordinate it with the head of the master's program.

An important component of the content of research practice is the collection and processing of factual material, statistical data, analysis of the characteristics of the organization relevant to the topic, where the master's student is doing practice and is going to implement or test the results obtained in the master's thesis.

The activity of a master's student on the basis of practice involves several stages:

Stage 1 - Research of theoretical problems within the framework of the master's program:

Justification of the directions (detailed plan) of the study;

Drawing up a work plan and schedule for the study;

Conducting research (setting goals and specific tasks, formulating a working hypothesis, generalization and critical analysis of the works of domestic and foreign experts on the research topic);

Compilation of a bibliography on the topic of research work.

The work plan is a scheme of the research being undertaken, it has the following form (Appendix 2) and consists of a list of internal logic-related areas of work within the framework of the planned research. The work plan is drawn up by the undergraduate under the guidance of the supervisor of the master's thesis after choosing the topic of the final qualifying work.

Stage 2 - Study of the practice of enterprises and organizations in accordance with the topic of the master's thesis:

Description of the object and subject of research;

Collection and analysis of information about the subject of research;

The study of certain aspects of the problem under consideration;

Analysis of the efficiency of the property management process;

Statistical, mathematical, expert information processing;

Information support for real estate management based on a critical assessment of the current practice of organizing construction, evaluating a business, property complex, inspecting an investment project, etc.;

Analysis of scientific literature using various methods of access to information: visiting libraries, working on the Internet.

Registration of the results of the study and their coordination with the supervisor of the master's thesis.

The undergraduate participates in the real process of real estate management at the object of study, carries out activities within the framework of the management activities of the lower and middle levels of real estate management, using knowledge of real estate appraisal; on examination and evaluation of the effectiveness of investment projects; on financial, managerial and tax accounting, on the study of management systems; on strategic and innovative management; on organizational behavior and other areas of knowledge.

Stage - 3 The final stage.

This stage is the last stage of practice, at which the undergraduate summarizes the collected material in accordance with the program of practice; determines its sufficiency and reliability. The expected results from the research practice are as follows:

Knowledge of the main provisions of the methodology of scientific research and the ability to apply them when working on the chosen topic of the master's thesis;

Ability to use modern methods of collecting, analyzing and processing scientific information;

The ability to present scientific knowledge on the research problem in the form of reports, publications of reports.

A master student must evaluate the fulfillment of the requirements of regulatory legal acts regulating the process of construction, operation, sale, ownership of real estate, analyze the possibilities and conditions for applying international experience in real estate management, assess the level of automation of management technologies, give a general description of software products, etc.

In the course of practice, sources of information are determined (primary documents, accounting registers, internal reporting, budget, technical documentation, etc.), methods of processing and summarizing data (tables, graphs, diagrams, calculation formulas, algorithms, etc.) and the procedure for the formation of data in the master's thesis as applications.

Proposals and recommendations developed by the undergraduate in the course of practice can be of a theoretical, methodological or practical nature, relate to all issues of the topic of the dissertation research, they must be correctly formulated and in writing.

The objects of improving property management can be:

Organization of the process of construction, operation and sale of real estate:

Algorithms of organizational and managerial procedures of the main business processes;

Improving the quality of information generated in the real estate management system, alternative approaches to the formation and presentation of information, reducing the cost of its formation;

Development of own methods of real estate management;

Development of a project for the development of commercial and residential real estate;

The developed methodology should be tested by the undergraduate student in the organization (enterprise) under study. In the case of the implementation of individual recommendations developed by the undergraduate to improve the process of real estate management in the practical activities of the organization (enterprise), a certificate of implementation should be submitted to the SAC.

Based on the results of the practice, the student provides the department with:

List of bibliography on the topic of master's thesis;

Written report in the form of the first chapter of the master's thesis (or abstract on the theoretical part);

The text of the prepared article (report) on the topic of the dissertation.

The practice report, endorsed by the supervisor, is submitted to the head of the master's program (Appendix 3). The report must be accompanied by a review of the head of practice with an assessment of the work of the trainee (Appendix 4).

The practice report is the main document characterizing the student's work during the practice. The volume of the report is from 20 to 30 pages (excluding the list of references and appendices). The text of the report must be literate, stylistically verified and edited. Design requirements - font 14; interval 1.5; subject to other rules of scientific work provided by GOST.

The text of the report should include the following main structural elements:

1. Title page.

2. Individual plan of research practice.

3. An introduction stating:

Purpose, objectives, start and end dates of the practice;

The list of the main works and tasks performed during the practice.

4. The main part, including:

Theoretical provisions on the research topic: an analytical review of the literature on the topic and research methodology;

Processing of the received results;

Analysis of the obtained results;

Analysis of scientific novelty and practical significance of the results;

Rationale for the need for additional research.

5. Conclusion, including:

Description of the skills and abilities acquired during the practice;

Analysis of the possibility of implementing the results of the study, their implementation in business practice;

Information about the possibility of patenting and participation in scientific competitions, innovative projects, grants; approbation of research results at conferences, seminars, etc.;

Individual conclusions about the practical significance of the conducted research for writing a master's final qualifying work.

6. List of used sources.

7. Applications, which may include:

Illustrations in the form of photographs, graphs, drawings, diagrams, tables;

Listings of developed and used programs;

Interim calculations;

Test diaries;

Application for a patent;

Application for participation in a grant, scientific competition, innovative project.

Chapter 1. The main part of the practice program
1.1 Research methodology
1.2 Characteristics of the construction industry of the Republic of Belarus
1.3 Analysis of legal acts regulating the activities of the construction industry of the Republic of Belarus
1.4 Analysis of statistical data and analytical materials reflecting the development of the construction industry of the Republic of Belarus
Chapter 2. Individual task
2.1. Proposals for improving the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of the construction industry
List of sources used


The purpose of the research practice is to consolidate and deepen the theoretical preparation of a master student and to study modern approaches to the methodology of economic research, including the structure and procedure for completing a qualifying dissertation.

Practice objectives:

  1. Consolidation of knowledge, skills acquired by undergraduates in the process of studying disciplines, mastering educational (including innovative) technologies;
  2. Expansion and deepening of knowledge and skills based on independent study of scientific, scientific and methodological literature, information and analytical materials, statistical and regulatory sources, as well as the results of their own research;
  3. Development of personal qualities of undergraduates, determined by the general goals of the educational program of the magistracy, including communication and responsibility, allowing to solve social, professional, organizational, managerial and educational tasks; acquisition of professional competence and application of modern methods and approaches to independent economic research and forecasting.

The construction industry of the Republic of Belarus occupies one of the leading places in the country's economy. This is a multi-profile and multi-functional structure. The industry development strategy is determined by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus.

The main efforts of industry scientists are aimed at solving the most important problems of the construction industry - reducing the cost, material and energy consumption of construction and improving its quality. In the process of construction, the material basis for the functioning of all other sectors of the economy is formed - industrial buildings and structures, roads, public buildings. However, the dynamics of other sectors of the economy also affects the volume of construction.

The main strategic objective of the construction industry is the export of goods and services.

Chapter 1. The main part of the practice program

1.1 Research methodology

Methodology is a system of principles and methods for organizing and constructing theoretical and practical activities, as well as the doctrine of this system.

The object of methodology is the process of scientific research in its entirety.

Science is a sphere of human activity aimed at the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality.

A methodological approach is a methodological direction, a methodological position, a point of view from which the object of study is considered.

Methodological approaches:

The religious approach considers the movement of a person towards God, the salvation of the Soul, as the highest value;

The world recognizes the highest value of obtaining material wealth;

Local - the highest value is human longevity;

A systematic approach is an approach in which any object is considered as a set of interrelated elements (components) that has an output (goal), input (resources), connection with the external environment, feedback;

Humanistic approach - an optimistic view of human nature;

The culturological approach consists in recognizing the priority of culture in education, upbringing and social development;

Scientist approach is the general name of the ideological position that represents scientific knowledge as the highest cultural value and a fundamental factor in human interaction with the world;

The holistic approach is based on a direct holistic relationship between the material and the spiritual. The concept of the integrity of everything that exists is the key concept of holism;

Synergetic approach - a set of principles, the basis of which is the consideration of objects as self-organizing systems;

The hermeneutical approach is a theory of understanding, comprehension of meaning;

The anthropological approach is an approach in which a person is considered as a carrier of universal human properties, as a generic concept denoting a representative of the human race;

The phenomenological approach is the view that social behavior is guided by a person's subjective interpretation of environmental events;

The esoteric approach is a complex of sciences and teachings that study the hidden side of human existence and the world around him;

The method of scientific research is a system of principles, rules, techniques and requirements that should be followed in the research process.

Practical methods of scientific knowledge: observation, measurement and experiment.

Logical methods: proof, refutation, confirmation, objection, interpretation, explanation, justification.

Heuristic methods: brainstorming method, collective search for original ideas, heuristic questions method, free association method, inversion method, empathy method.

Economics is the science of choosing the most efficient ways to meet the unlimited needs of people through the rational use of limited resources.

Scientific methods of economic research:

The scientific method of economic research is a way of mastering reality, based on a rational, evidence-based, systematic study of an object.

Scientific logical methods of economic research are divided into quantitative and qualitative.

The quantitative method is based on the use of measured quantities, usually expressed as numbers;

The qualitative method of economic analysis is based on the verbal description, interpretation, interpretation and explanation of the properties of the object under study.

Empirical methods of economic research: economic observation and economic experiment.

Theoretical methods:

Economic analysis is the separation in economic knowledge of the fragments of a whole into its component parts;

Economic synthesis is the unification into something of a single whole of parts, properties, elements identified through economic analysis;

Economic analogy;

Economic modeling is the development of models that reflect various aspects of economic activity, i.e. creation of analogues that reproduce certain aspects of human economic activity;

Economic induction is based on the transition from particular economic facts to general conclusions and propositions;

Economic deduction is based on the transition from general, already proven statements about economic theories or facts to more specific conclusions and provisions;

Economic interpretation;

Formalization of economic knowledge;

The historical method in economic research is based on the study of economic processes or objects in chronologically sequential phases of their existence;

evolutionary method;

The statistical method is the most important method of economic science, widely used in various studies of economic processes;

Economic statistics is a section of statistics that provides the state and civil society with information about the digital parameters of the development of the economy and related social processes.

Modeling method;

The mathematical method is the most important method of economic science, which has received its fundamental development since the middle of the 19th century.

The method of economic and mathematical modeling allows in a formalized form to determine the causes of changes in economic phenomena, their patterns, the consequences of the possibility and costs of influencing the course of changes, and also makes it possible to predict economic processes. With this method, economic models are created.

In the process of using economic-mathematical methods in economic analysis, the construction and study of economic-mathematical models that describe the influence of individual factors on the generalized economic performance of organizations is carried out.

Formalization is an epistemological method based on identifying and fixing the formal structure of the process or phenomenon under study, as well as attributing some abstract symbols and meanings to the content elements of the process (or phenomenon); the result of the formalization process is the creation of a formalized model of a process or phenomenon, which makes it possible to obtain new knowledge and information about this process or phenomenon.

An important advantage of the formalization process is the possibility of carrying out within its framework the study of any object in a purely formal way (through operating with signs, formulas) without directly referring to this object. Here relations of signs replace statements about the properties and relations of objects.

The most important component of formalization is its symbolization, which can be defined as the development of a system of certain symbols as part of the creation of an artificial language of science. Symbolization traditionally begins with the use of special scientific terms, which are gradually replaced by certain symbols, and the symbols, grouped and combined with each other, turn into an artificial, special language of science, understandable only to a given group of researchers.

Mathematization is a specific method of formalizing scientific and any other knowledge based on the use of measurement, comparison and counting procedures.

The logical and epistemological meaning of mathematization is to single out the formal structure of an object and operate with it. In the case of mathematization, such formal operation is reduced to quantitative, numerical procedures: measurement, comparison, and counting.

Econometrics is an independent scientific discipline that combines a set of theoretical results, methods and models designed to, on the basis of: economic theory, mathematical statistics and economic measurements, mathematical and statistical tools, give a specific quantitative expression to general (qualitative) patterns due to economic theory .

The main method of econometric research is econometric modeling. The latter is a kind of mathematical and statistical modeling.

An economic model is a formalized description of an economic process or phenomenon, the structure of which is determined both by its objective properties and by the subjective target nature of the study.

1.2 Characteristics of the construction industry of the Republic of Belarus

The construction industry includes construction as a type of activity and a set of organizations focused on management, research, development, training, providing the industry with material and technical resources.

A construction enterprise is an enterprise that operates in the field of construction and carries out scientific, experimental, survey and design work, the extraction of raw materials and their processing, the manufacture of materials, products and structures, the construction of all types of buildings and structures, transport services.

Construction activities (construction) - activities for the construction, reconstruction, repair, restoration, improvement of the facility, including the implementation of organizational and technical measures, including the provision of engineering services in construction, the preparation of permits and design documentation, the performance of construction and installation, commissioning;

The object of construction is a building, structure or engineering system, for the construction (expansion, reconstruction, restoration, improvement or repair) of which project documentation is being developed.

Types of construction:

– Industrial (plants, factories);

– Transport (roads, bridges, tunnels);

– Civil (residential buildings, public buildings);

– Social (arenas, gyms, shopping and entertainment centers);

– Military (military facilities);

– Hydrotechnical (dams, dams, canals, reservoirs).

State regulation in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities is carried out by the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, local Councils of Deputies, local executive and administrative bodies and other state bodies.

Legislative-normative and scientific-technical policy in the industry is carried out by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction.

The Ministry of Architecture and Construction deals with investment activities in construction, technical regulation, standardization, licensing, legal regulation, state construction supervision, regulates urban planning issues, and creates regulatory frameworks in the field of architectural and construction work. The Ministry of Architecture and Construction is subordinate to the Council of Ministers and is a specially authorized state governing body in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Since the formation of this public administration body, work has been carried out to develop and implement state policy in the field of construction, architecture, and urban planning.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On architectural, urban planning and construction activities in the Republic of Belarus" dated July 5, 2004 No. 300-Z, control and supervision in the field of construction activities is entrusted to state construction supervision bodies.

State construction supervision is an integral part of the system of state regulation of construction activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and is carried out in order to ensure the operational reliability and safety of construction projects, compliance with the established procedure for the construction of facilities, state protection of the interests of consumers of construction products and society.

The main task of the state construction supervision bodies is to supervise the compliance by the participants in investment activities engaged in construction with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, regulatory and technical and approved design and estimate documentation.

The unified system of state construction supervision bodies consists of: the Department for Control and Supervision of Construction of the State Committee for Standardization, subordinate to the Council of Ministers; Inspections of the Department by regions and the city of Minsk, a specialized inspection of the Department. The bodies of state construction supervision issue, within their competence, conclusions on the readiness of construction objects for acceptance into operation.

Acceptance control is carried out by the acceptance committee upon completion of all construction and installation works. After it, she decides on the readiness of the facility for commissioning.

The composition of the acceptance commissions when accepting objects for operation includes representatives of the developer (customer and contractor - in the case of a construction contract), the developer of project documentation, the operating organization, if any, the local executive and administrative body.

A working group on problematic issues of the construction industry operates in the industry. The working group included representatives of the Presidential Administration, state control and state security committees, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, the State Property Committee, construction and design organizations.

The working group on problematic issues in the construction industry holds field meetings in the regions of Belarus. One of the main tasks solved by the working group on problematic issues of the construction industry is the issue of construction in progress. The functions of control and monitoring of objects of excess construction in progress are assigned to the city and district executive committees. Responsibility for the proper implementation of control measures rests with the chairmen of the executive committees. The normative period of operation (service) of the construction object is indicated in the project documentation.

Holding - an association of legal entities (participants of the holding), in which one of the legal entities (commercial organization) is the managing company of the holding due to the ability to influence decisions made by other legal entities - participants of the holding (subsidiaries of the holding), on the basis of ownership 25 % or more of ordinary (ordinary) shares (stakes in authorized funds) of the holding's subsidiaries.

One of the main trends in the global construction market is the consolidation of enterprises through the creation of large holdings providing a wide range of construction services. In the world market, in terms of types of construction services, the largest share falls on the construction of engineering and transport infrastructure facilities and the construction of fuel complex facilities.

The international construction services market is dominated by a few large contractors and their construction services exports are associated with large scale projects.

Recently, powerful construction holdings have been formed in China, backed by both state-owned banks and private capital. Turnover of one of the largest Chinese construction corporations China State Construction Engineering Corp. is 66 billion dollars a year.

The largest international engineering and construction holdings are spread all over the world: Hochtief AG (Germany), Skanska AB (Sweden) and Lend Lease Group (Australia).

An example of a Chinese financial and construction holding company is CITIC (China International Trust and Investment Corporation). This company is known in Belarus in connection with the implementation of investment projects for the modernization of Belarusian cement plants. CITIC Construction Co., Ltd. is part of the largest Chinese state-owned corporation CITIC Group.

Being subordinate to the State Council of the People's Republic of China, the corporation successfully operates in the financial, investment, trade, commercial and manufacturing sectors both in China and in many other countries. It consists of two commercial banks, over fifty subsidiaries and branches in China and eleven companies and representative offices abroad, as well as seven listed companies on the New York, Hong Kong and Australian stock exchanges. The total number of employees of the corporation around the world is more than 70 thousand people.

The corporation includes 44 subsidiaries and banks registered and operating both in China and abroad (in the USA, Canada, Australia, etc.). CITIC is a service holding, an association of construction companies owned by large financial groups and designed to serve the interests of the parent (management) group in terms of providing construction and installation services and services for managing the implementation of investment and construction projects.

Strengthening the positions of domestic construction and industrial organizations in the foreign construction market can only be facilitated by their consolidation (creation of integrated companies), which can promote complex construction services and construction products for export. The processes of globalization of the economy contribute to the fact that international trade in construction services and building materials leads to the consolidation of construction service providers, the formation of strategic alliances and other forms of cooperation that allow both expanding the geographical coverage of world markets and increasing the complexity of meeting customer needs.

In foreign countries, the most common forms of a construction holding are: financial and construction and industrial and construction holdings. The advantages of corporate integrated structures in the construction industry can only be realized when these structures are united by the main goal based on the observance of the common interests of their participants.

Setl Group is one of the largest financial and industrial associations in the Northwestern region of Russia. Today Setl Group is a diversified investment and industrial group that develops its activities both in Russia and abroad. The holding consolidates a number of companies specializing in development, general contracting services, sales of building materials, brokerage operations in the real estate market, consulting and information technology.

The holding unites such well-known brands as Petersburg Real Estate, Setl City, Setl Estate, Setl North Europe and others.

Setl City specializes in the construction of residential, office, hotel, retail buildings and the creation of infrastructure around them.

The Setl City company, which is part of the holding, builds commercial and social facilities in St. Petersburg, the Leningrad Region, and Kaliningrad.

Setl Stroy is a dynamically developing professional general contracting organization with its own production base. The scope of the company's activities is the performance of the functions of a general contractor and contractor at various facilities, the performance of major repairs, as well as the reconstruction and restoration of significant cultural sites.

Petersburg Real Estate Completion Construction LLC is a representative of the Setl Group building materials supply unit. The company CS "Petersburg Real Estate" is the largest participant in the building materials market, acting as the official dealer of many manufacturing plants in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

Among the partners of the organization are such companies as LSR Group, METINVEST holding, H+N Group of Companies and others.

The availability of stable access to building materials at low prices makes it possible to achieve a reduction in the cost of construction of Setl Group holding facilities.

In the Republic of Belarus, the construction holding Belstroycenter-holding is registered, consisting of 20 enterprises with a total number of employees of about 36 thousand people.

The structure unites assembly, construction and specialized organizations of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture. The holding was created to develop the export of construction services. Enterprises conduct their economic activities and operate independently within the country. Part of the profits of the companies allocated for dividends is sent to the general fund and accumulated in accounts to provide economic guarantees with the participation of Belarusian construction organizations in competitive bidding abroad, opening access to large export projects. When participating in tenders, enterprises must provide bank guarantees or deposits (from 5 to 10% of the value of the object).

The creation of holdings will ensure the development of mechanisms for economic self-regulation of organizations, the expansion of their export potential, will allow organizations to implement large projects in the construction industry, including abroad.

Holdings must be formed from among large contractors, design organizations, as well as integrated structures consolidating the interests of enterprises in the building materials and structures industry.

Success in foreign markets opens up new prospects for development for construction industry enterprises, strengthens the economy and the national currency, and ensures a return on investment.

Architectural project - design documentation for the construction, reconstruction, restoration, overhaul, improvement of the construction site, including the decision on the location, physical parameters, artistic and aesthetic qualities of the construction site, as well as the possible negative consequences of its impact on the environment and determining the technical and economic indicators of the construction object.

Carrying out of the state examination of architectural, construction projects, the stages of construction allocated in them, start-up complexes and estimates (budget documentation) is provided by the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus.

In order to reduce the risks of exceeding budgets and deadlines, industry enterprises created a small subdivision within themselves, which, based on the incoming 2D documentation, developed information models of construction objects. As a result, a huge number of errors and inconsistencies of the initial data included in the project with the real conditions of the area were found. Information modeling tools were used in this case, but the process itself was disrupted. It would be much more efficient at the design stage to develop a project in the form of an information model and receive working documentation from it. This would speed up the process of its creation and improve the quality, and the construction company would not have to do the work for the designers and correct errors after the working documentation arrived at the construction site.

Many designers did not create a complete 3D model filled with comprehensive information. In order not to model the entire object, some of the models were made in 2D, that is, in a plane. Only the most complex systems and sections (engineering communications and facade connecting nodes) were modeled in 3D. Design work was carried out in AutoCAD (and other CAD programs).

In recent years, solutions have appeared on the market that can transform all investment and construction activities - these are widely used in the world (USA, Japan, Great Britain, China) information technologies: BIM (Building Information Modeling).

BIM technology is a 3D model, which, in addition to the ability to detail building elements, contains a huge amount of data that is displayed in different ways (plans, sections, specifications in the form of tables) and is used not only in design, but also in construction, operation throughout the entire life cycle object. After creating a model of an object, it is possible to find out its almost exact cost. This is the only technology that guarantees quality at all stages (pre-investment stage, design, construction, operation), providing comprehensive control in an automated mode. Based on the information model, it is possible to organize the integrated work of all participants (project structure), build a live (changing during implementation), accurate logistical, administrative, legal and financial model of any project. The model can be made a repository of all project information, all transactions, all contracts, regulations, SNiPs, GOSTs, etc. This is the most powerful management tool.

Today, about 10 countries of the world provide state support for BIM technologies, the Republic of Belarus is one of them. In the UK, from 2016, all publicly funded capital construction will be carried out only with the use of information modeling technologies. In the UK, a development concept has been developed until 2025, where the main tasks are formulated: to halve construction time, reduce costs for the entire investment cycle by 30%, increase exports and minimize environmental impact. It is impossible to achieve the set goals without the use of BIM technologies.

The main priorities of informatization of the construction industry for 2016-2020 are information modeling, cloud computing technologies, integration of information resources, information security.

The Republic of Belarus is actively working on the introduction of integrated automated design systems and information technologies for managing the life cycle of a construction object.

The process of implementing BIM in the Republic of Belarus started with design production. UE "Belpromproekt", RUE "Institute Belgosproekt", JSC "Institute "Minskgrazhdanproekt", UE "Minskproekt", JSC "Institute "Gomelproekt", UE "Minskinzhproekt" and a number of other organizations are already designing construction objects using information modeling technology. The Belarusian National Technical University provides training for the implementation of building information modeling technology. The university has joined the Autodesk educational program, having received free of charge all the necessary products for the training, retraining and advanced training of specialists. There is an "Innovation Center for the Development and Application of BIM Technology" at the Belarusian State University.

Autodesk IT company is a supplier of Revit Architecture, Revit Structure software for the construction industry.

1.3 Analysis of legal acts regulating the activities of the construction industry of the Republic of Belarus

The Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Architectural, Urban Planning and Construction Activities in the Republic of Belarus” dated July 5, 2004 No. 300-З establishes a list of state bodies that regulate architectural, urban planning and construction activities.

The law contains the main terms and their definitions related to architectural, urban planning and construction activities in the Republic of Belarus.

Law No. 300-З defines the rights and obligations of state bodies, organizations, individuals engaged in architectural, urban planning and construction activities.

Chapter 2 defines the competence of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities. The Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, which is a specially authorized state body in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities, within its competence:

Develops and implements the main directions of the state urban planning policy, state policy in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities, the building materials industry, ensures the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of investment;

Establishes the procedure for the creation and maintenance of the republican fund of project documentation and the republican data bank of analogous objects for the construction of facilities, the provision for use and use of materials and data from the specified fund and data bank;

Organizes the creation and maintenance of the urban cadastre;

Organizes the development of programs in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities, as well as the implementation of research work in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities;

Develops and adopts normative legal acts in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities;

Participates in the development and implementation of state forecasts and programs for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus, as well as investment projects in accordance with investment agreements concluded with the Republic of Belarus, interstate targeted and state scientific and technical programs in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities, taking into account the development of territories and settlements;

Organizes scientific, methodological and informational and analytical support for architectural, urban planning and construction activities on the territory of all administrative-territorial and territorial units;

Carries out regulation and coordination of the activities of subordinates, methodological guidance of other structural divisions of local executive and administrative bodies exercising state authority in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities on the territory of an administrative-territorial unit (territorial divisions of architecture and urban planning);

Determines the types of work and services related to construction activities;

Determines the procedure for the implementation of technical supervision and architectural supervision of construction;

Coordinates the work of subordinate state research, design, survey and other organizations;

Establishes the procedure for organizing and conducting monitoring of objects of architectural, urban planning and construction activities.

Chapter 3 of the law covers the issues of permits, as well as permits for construction and installation works.

A permit for the performance of construction and installation works is issued free of charge to the customer, the developer by the state construction supervision bodies, certain legislative acts, in the presence of documents, the list of which is established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

Chapter 4 of the law determines the procedure for creating and maintaining the republican fund of project documentation and the republican data bank of analogous objects for the construction of objects.

The creation and maintenance of the republican fund of project documentation and the republican data bank of analogous objects for the construction of objects, the provision for use and use of materials and data of the indicated fund and data bank are carried out by an organization authorized by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus. The law determines the procedure for financing architectural, urban planning and construction activities. Financing of construction activities is carried out at the expense of the republican and local budgets, funds of developers, as well as other sources.

The procedure for the implementation of the state examination of architectural, construction projects, the stages of construction identified in them, start-up complexes and estimates (estimate documentation) is determined.

Architectural and construction projects, the stages of construction identified in them, start-up complexes and estimates (estimate documentation) are subject to state examination, carried out on a paid basis in cases and in the manner established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

Chapter 6 is devoted to the functions of control and supervision in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities.

Supervision in the field of construction activities is carried out in order to ensure that the participants in construction activities comply with the legislation, including those mandatory for compliance with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts, in preparation for construction, development of project documentation, construction and installation, commissioning, commissioning, and also during its operation during the warranty period.

The law establishes a list of functions performed by state construction supervision bodies. Law No. 300-Z establishes the rights of state construction supervision bodies, establishes cases in which state construction supervision authorities suspend or prohibit work at construction sites.

Chapter 9 of Law No. 300-Z is devoted to the procedure for developing pre-project (pre-investment) and project documentation.

The Law of the Republic of Belarus dated July 5, 2004 “On Architectural, Urban Planning and Construction Activities in the Republic of Belarus” determines the procedure for accepting into operation completed construction, reconstruction of construction projects, including construction phases, launch complexes.

The Law establishes the normative terms of operation (service) of the construction object (indicated in the project documentation).

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 6, 2011 No. No. 716 contains provisions on the procedure for commissioning construction projects. Objects, regardless of funding sources, are subject to acceptance into operation by acceptance commissions.

The resolution defines the quality criteria, according to which, upon acceptance into operation, the object is evaluated by the acceptance committee (222). If necessary, the acceptance committees carry out control measurements, appoint control tests, tests and inspections of objects.

Acceptance for operation of objects is formalized by an act of acceptance of the object into operation in accordance with the forms approved by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction. The act of acceptance of the facility into operation is signed by all members of the acceptance committee. At the end of the work of the acceptance committee, its chairman submits the act of acceptance of the facility into operation to the person (body) that appointed the acceptance committee. The act of acceptance of the object into operation is approved by the decision (order, resolution, order) of the person (body) that appointed the acceptance committee.

Chapter 2 defines the procedure for the work of acceptance committees. Acceptance commissions are appointed by the customer, the developer or an organization authorized by them by making an appropriate decision (order, resolution, order), which indicates the composition of the acceptance commission, its chairman, appointed from among its members, sets the start and end dates for the work of the commission.

The developer (customer and contractor - in case of concluding a construction contract) submits to the acceptance commission the documents necessary for the work of the commission according to the list determined by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction. Compliance of the objects of design documentation accepted for operation with the requirements of safety and operational reliability must be confirmed by the conclusions of state bodies (their structural divisions).

Chapter 5 defines the features of acceptance into operation of industrial infrastructure facilities. Production infrastructure facilities are allowed for acceptance into operation only after confirmation by the working commission for equipment acceptance (working commission) of the readiness of the installed equipment for operation, output of products (performance of work, provision of services) in accordance with the project documentation.

The working commission is appointed by the developer, the customer or an organization authorized by them. The working commission includes representatives of the developer (customer and contractors, including those who carried out installation and commissioning works, in the case of concluding construction contracts), the developer of project documentation, the operating organization, if any, and, if necessary, representatives of the supplier (manufacturer) equipment.

The Decree contains a list of state bodies (their structural subdivisions), other state organizations that issue conclusions upon acceptance of facilities for operation.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 28, 2009 No. 660 “On Certain Issues of Establishing and Operating Holdings in the Republic of Belarus” determines the legal status of the holding, the procedure for its creation and the conditions for its operation.

A holding is an association of legal entities (participants of the holding), in which one of the legal entities - a commercial organization - is the managing company of the holding due to the ability to influence decisions made by other legal entities - participants of the holding (subsidiaries of the holding), on the basis of:

Ownership of 25 percent or more ordinary (ordinary) shares (stakes in authorized funds) of the holding's subsidiaries;

Managing the activities of the holding's subsidiaries - unitary enterprises established by the holding's management company;

Trust management agreements for 25 percent or more common shares (stakes in authorized funds) of the holding's subsidiaries.

The holding is not a legal entity. The holding is created by the decision of the holding's management company or owner, and the holding, the managing company of which is a state unitary enterprise, - by the decision of the republican government body, other state organization subordinate to the President of the Republic of Belarus or the Government of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative body.

The decree defines the cases in which the creation and operation of holdings is prohibited. It is prohibited to create and operate on the territory of the Republic of Belarus holding companies with the aim or result of monopolizing the production and (or) sale of goods (works, services), preventing, restricting or eliminating competition.

Prior to submitting documents for registering a holding, the holding's management company (the owner or a person authorized by him) must obtain the consent of the antimonopoly authority for its creation in cases provided for by the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated December 12, 2013 "On combating monopolistic activity and developing competition".

State bodies, managing companies of holdings with the participation of the state provide the development of an organizational and economic justification for the creation of a holding.

The decree contains a list of documents required for registering a holding, which the holding's management company (the owner or a person authorized by him) submits to the Ministry of Economy.

The holding is registered by the Ministry of Economy. After registration, information about the holding is entered into the State Register of Holdings. The Ministry of Economy issues a certificate of registration of the holding with a list of the holding's participants.

The inclusion of a legal entity in the composition of the holding's participants as its subsidiary (the exclusion of a subsidiary of the holding from its participants) is carried out on the basis of a decision of the holding's management company, adopted in the manner determined by its charter (constituent agreement), or the owner. In order to include a legal entity in the list of holding participants, the consent of the antimonopoly body must be obtained. If a decision is made to include a legal entity in the holding as its subsidiary and obtain the consent of the antimonopoly authority (a decision is made to exclude the holding's subsidiary from its participants), the holding's management company (the owner or a person authorized by him) must apply to the Ministry of Economy with a statement on amendments to the list of holding participants. The Ministry of Economy amends the list of holding participants by drawing up a new list and issues this list to the holding's management company.

The decree determines the procedure for ensuring the confidentiality of information received by the holding from subsidiaries. The holding management company is obliged to ensure the confidentiality of information received from the holding's subsidiaries. It also regulates the creation of holdings with the participation of banks and non-bank financial institutions, insurance organizations, which is carried out taking into account the specifics determined by legislative acts.

The plan of measures for the implementation of the Informatization Development Strategy of the Republic of Belarus provides for the development of a state program for the development of the digital economy of the information society for 2016-2020. In the development of this activity, the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus is developing a sectoral program for informatization of the construction industry "Digital Construction for 2016-2020".

The main sections of the activities of the sectoral program of informatization of the construction industry "Digital Construction for 2016-2020" include the following areas:

Development of an industry-specific automated system, which provides for the automation of the processes of formation of information support for the preparation of management decisions at the level of the entire industry, using modern technologies for analytical processing and data mining;

Creation of integrated information systems for resource management of a particular enterprise (creation of standard innovative services);

The creation of information systems and technologies that support the life cycle of buildings and structures is a key section that involves the development and adaptation of typical cloud services for building a management system for investment and construction activities using information modeling of a building (structure) and the implementation of integrated project management systems based on them in contractor organizations;

Creation of industry information resources in order to form a unified information environment in the construction industry. This concerns the improvement of the republican data bank of estimated standards, the creation of an industry-specific design data management system based on a corporate repository of electronic design estimates and information models, an electronic catalog of products and materials for construction with the inclusion of digital models and product series in it in order to import this information into design solutions and ensure the rapid implementation of products manufactured by enterprises in the construction industry;

Education of students, advanced training of managers, specialists in the field of informatization, including the creation of new training centers, seminars, round tables.

1.4 Analysis of statistical data and analytical materials reflecting the development of the construction industry of the Republic of Belarus

The main indicators characterizing the construction industry of the Republic of Belarus are presented in Table 1 - Key indicators characterizing the construction industry of the Republic of Belarus for 2012-2016.

Table 1 - Key indicators characterizing the construction industry of the Republic of Belarus for 2012 - 2016

In the structure of gross domestic product, the share of construction in 2016 amounted to 6.3%. The construction industry employs 308 thousand people.

The proportion of people employed in construction of the total employed population is 7%. The nominal accrued average monthly salary is 736.2 rubles. The industry unites 9515 business entities of various forms of ownership.

The main factor determining the trends in the development of the construction industry is the general economic situation in the country. The construction industry is characterized by inertia, which is expressed in the fact that the main sectors of the economy create demand for the products of the construction industry.

The change in construction volumes was influenced by the economic crisis of 2008-2009, as well as the economic recession in 2012 and 2014, which resulted in the weakening of the Belarusian ruble. The waves of crises caused a decrease in the performance of the industries of the Republic of Belarus, as a result, the investment opportunities of business entities operating on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the state decreased. There was a decrease in investment in fixed capital, which caused a drop in demand for construction and installation work.

The economic crisis is global in nature: it has affected the economies of the countries, the main trade and economic partners, the Republic of Belarus. The situation in the foreign exchange market of the Russian Federation (devaluation of the Russian ruble), the fall in investment activity seriously affected the export volumes of enterprises in the Republic of Belarus. Belarusian developers have become less competitive compared to other companies. At the same time, the marginality of the Russian market decreased. If in 2014 the Russian Federation was the main consumer of construction and installation works of enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, then by 2016 it took second place, losing its positions to Venezuela. China occupies the third position in terms of consumption of construction industry products.

Demand in foreign markets for products of the construction industry has become less stable, competition has grown sharply, there have been changes in the structure of exports of construction and installation works, and enterprises' incomes have decreased. Foreign exchange earnings from the export of construction services, which are a source of development for both construction industry enterprises and the entire economy of the Republic of Belarus, show slow growth.

Export allows to increase the capacity utilization of the enterprises of the construction industry of the Republic of Belarus.

In 2016, 80.6% of the volume of contract work is performed by non-state enterprises. Figure 3 shows the volume of contract work by type of ownership (as a percentage of the total).

The share of contract work performed by private organizations for the period from 2010 to 2016 significantly exceeds the share of contract work performed by state organizations.

State organizations engaged in the construction of facilities face high competition from private organizations, as well as the risks of implementing projects related to the search for funding. The predominance of private enterprises performing construction and installation work indicates high competition in the construction industry, which results in an increase in the quality of construction and installation work, as well as the establishment of a market price for products and services. The growth in the number of foreign organizations is evidence of an increase in business activity in the industry, the effectiveness of investing in the construction of facilities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

During the period under review, there was a constant increase in the share of private and foreign firms against the backdrop of a reduction in the share of the public sector.

The largest number of contract works is carried out in Minsk, Minsk, Gomel, Brest and Grodno regions.

The volume of commissioning of buildings is presented in Table 2 - The volume of commissioning of buildings for 2012 - 2016.

Table 2 - The volume of commissioning of buildings for 2012 - 2016

In 2016, the commissioning of non-residential buildings accounted for 7% of the total number of buildings. In real terms, the volume of construction of buildings decreased slightly.

In 2016, the largest share in the structure of commissioned non-residential buildings is occupied by agricultural, industrial and commercial buildings. The above types of non-residential buildings are the fixed assets of enterprises in various industries of the Republic of Belarus. Due to the decrease in the volume of investments in fixed capital, the commissioning of fixed assets decreased, respectively, the volume of commissioning of non-residential buildings in 2016 decreased. Increasing the investment activity of economic entities of the Republic of Belarus will increase the volume of construction of non-residential buildings.

The largest share in the structure of costs for the production of products (works, services) of organizations in the construction industry of the Republic of Belarus in 2016 is occupied by material costs - 53.8%, as well as labor costs - 26.0%.

The material basis of construction is the industry of building materials and structures. Reducing the cost by optimizing the costs of production of building materials and structures will reduce the cost of products (works, services), thereby increasing their competitiveness, both in the domestic market and in foreign countries. Reducing the cost of construction will increase the export of products, construction and installation works.

Increasing labor productivity will reduce the cost of production (works, services) of construction organizations.

The volume of exports of construction services of enterprises in the construction industry is presented in Table 3 - The volume of exports of construction services of enterprises in the construction industry for 2012 - 2016.

Table 3 - The volume of exports of construction services of enterprises in the construction industry

for 2012 - 2016 (Thousand US dollars).

In 2016, the largest number of construction works and services are exported to Venezuela, the Russian Federation, China and Turkmenistan.

The volume of exports of construction and installation works and services increased over the period under review. The increase in export volumes is the main way to ensure the development of the industry, save jobs and wages, which is achieved through the active modernization of the construction industry. In physical terms, the export of works and services of enterprises increased.

The growth of export volumes is facilitated by:

Reducing the cost of building facilities by reducing costs at all stages of the investment and construction cycle (pre-project stage, engineering surveys, design, construction and installation works) and reducing resource consumption through the introduction of information modeling technologies;

Activation of the participation of enterprises, as well as holdings in contract bidding for the construction of large-scale facilities outside the country;

Expansion of export deliveries to partner countries, search for new markets, active promotion of products, works and services of Belarusian enterprises, as well as increasing the efficiency of foreign economic relations in the field of construction.

The development strategy for the construction industry is determined by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus.

The structure of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus includes:

The Minister of Architecture and Construction is subordinate to: the department of personnel policy, the department of regulatory legal support of the construction industry, the department of finance, credit and regulation of accounting and reporting in the construction industry, the sector of regime-secret activities and mobilization training, the press secretary.

Subordinate to the First Deputy Minister are: the housing policy department, the information and control department.

The following are subordinate to the Deputy Ministers: the main department of construction, the main department of urban planning, design, scientific, technical and innovation policy, the main department of the industry of building materials and structures, the state property department, the main department of economics and foreign economic activity.

The structure of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus is presented in Appendix A.

In 2016, the largest number of objects under construction in progress is located on the territory of Minsk, Vitebsk and Gomel regions.

In the number of objects of construction in progress are accepted objects on which all the necessary work has not been completed within the period established by the project documentation, which is why they are not ready for normal operation. These objects belong to the category of objects of above-standard construction. Construction in progress also includes construction projects whose construction has been suspended or mothballed.

There is a positive trend: the number of construction projects exceeding the norms of construction duration has decreased.

However, the number of objects of above-standard construction in progress remains significant (over 4 thousand objects), which indicates the need to take additional measures to strengthen control in this area. It is necessary to find out the reasons for non-compliance with the normative terms of construction.

The number of construction sites in construction in progress is presented in Table 4 - The number of construction sites in construction in progress for 2011-2016.

Table 4 - The number of construction sites in construction in progress for 2011 - 2016 (units, at the end of the year).

The following construction holdings operate in the Republic of Belarus: Mogilevvodstroy, Zabudova, SmartTek, Energostroyinvest, ZKS, Belavtodor, Blagomir Group of Companies, Parus, Stroytrest-Holding, Architect ”, “Belarusian Cement Company”, “Upper City - 1”, “Belstroycenter - Holding”. Most of them are horizontally integrated holdings, consisting of enterprises performing construction and installation work in certain areas. Construction holdings include 105 enterprises.

The largest holdings are Belavtodor and Belstroycenter. There are no vertically integrated holdings in the Republic of Belarus that carry out a complete technological chain from the production of building materials, design and ending with the construction of an object, the creation of infrastructure, including banking, insurance, design, research organizations. The Republic of Belarus has the potential and the necessary resources to create vertically integrated holdings.

Construction holdings operating on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the number of their participants are presented in Table 5 - Construction holdings operating on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Table 5 - Construction holdings operating on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

In the Republic of Belarus, the most significant BIM facility will be the multifunctional complex "Gazprom Center" for OAO "Gazprom transgaz Belarus", designed by the St. Petersburg Design Bureau "ViPS". The use of information modeling technology resulted in savings of $1.5 million. The projected complex is located in close proximity to the National Library and consists of several buildings that will house administrative offices, a hotel with a congress center, medical and sports centers.

The UK government, when launching a project to use BIM in all public facilities, set the goal of achieving a 20% reduction in construction costs. Already the first pilot projects have made it possible to exceed this indicator.

In the UK today, 5 schools are being built at the cost of 4, which is £2 billion in monetary terms.

In Russia, a calculation was made of the savings that can be achieved on construction projects in Moscow. The state program "Housing" was taken as an example. Every year, within its framework, investments are made in housing construction in the amount of about 300 billion rubles. Successful implementation of information modeling technology will make it possible to save up to a third of the budget per year, or approximately 100 billion rubles. With an approximate cost of a secondary school for 1,000 places at 1 billion rubles, the funds saved through the use of BIM can be directed to the construction of 100 new schools.

Research company McGraw Hill Construction, which studies the global construction market, came to the conclusion that the more projects a company completes on the basis of BIM technology, the greater the return on investment. The return on BIM implementation, according to statistics, is 5 to 1. The payback of the technology is achieved both in the form of a direct return of money for construction companies and construction customers, and in the form of won tenders for design organizations.

An architect (designer) cannot be held responsible for the final result of construction if he has no influence on the implementation of the project. The cost of a designer's mistake is exceptionally high and multiplies many times on the scale of the entire life cycle.

Through an end-to-end information system based on the information model of the object, the interaction of participants and construction logistics throughout the entire life cycle is organized - from the architect, material manufacturers, designers and technical support, through accounting programs and a warehouse to the construction site and commissioning of the finished object. In some areas, the efficiency of work has increased by 2 times. Thanks to forward planning, it has also become possible to see in advance the need for resources and labor for each day.

Along with information modeling technologies or as their logical continuation, there is a comprehensive solution for automating construction organizations based on SAP AG solutions.

Chapter 2. Individual task

2.1. Proposals for improving the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of the construction industry

The management structure of the construction industry needs to be improved. The managerial (organizational) mechanism should meet the requirements of the time as much as possible. Particular attention should be paid to the issues of above-standard construction, cost optimization at all stages of the investment and construction cycle, improving the quality and competitiveness of domestic enterprises in the construction industry. The industry needs to maintain its production potential, maintain the dynamics of construction volumes and increase export volumes. With the exit from the global crisis, the construction industry will require personnel and capacities of the building materials industry, which must be preserved.

1) According to the National Classifier of the Republic of Belarus "Types of economic activity" OKRB 005-2011, construction includes:

  1. Construction of buildings: implementation of projects related to the construction of buildings and general construction of buildings;
  2. Civil engineering: construction of roads and railways, construction of distribution engineering structures,
  3. construction of other engineering structures;
  4. Special construction works: demolition of buildings and structures, preparation of a construction site, installation and installation of engineering equipment of buildings and structures, finishing works, other special construction works.

The structure of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus is given in Appendix A. A comparative analysis of the structure of the construction industry by type of economic activity (by objects of management) and the structure of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction revealed their discrepancy. In order to improve the efficiency of management of the construction industry, it is proposed to change the structure of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus by supplementing the existing structure with the following units:

– Department of building construction;

– Department of Civil Engineering;

– Management of special construction works (Appendix B).

The above departments are proposed to be subordinated to the main construction department. As a result, a new management structure will be created, corresponding to the structure of the construction industry by type of economic activity.

2) Detailing the control function in construction includes:

Creation of a system of independent bodies to control construction projects with overtime construction. It is proposed to subordinate them to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

The composition of the main department and departments in the regions and the city of Minsk for above-standard construction will include specialists in the field of construction: design engineers, designers, civil engineers, estimators.

The tasks of the bodies are:

  1. Collection of information about objects of construction in progress, the regulatory deadlines for which have been exceeded;
  2. Drawing up, changing and updating the list of objects of construction in progress located in the regions and the city of Minsk.
  3. Finding out the reasons for non-compliance with the normative terms of construction;
  4. Work with appeals of citizens and legal entities (organizations) on issues of untimely commissioning of construction projects;
  5. Transfer of information for verification to the Department of Control and Supervision of Construction or its inspection in case of detection of violations of the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts, design documentation in the course of construction and installation works;
  6. Transfer of information to the State Control Committee in case of detection of offenses;
  7. Transfer of the construction object to the ownership of another construction organization (alienation) by holding an auction or on a gratuitous basis to a state organization, in case of detection of offenses, if the organization that exceeded the deadlines for the construction of the object is not able to complete the construction on its own. The transfer of the construction object is carried out after the state examination of the object in order to comply with the specified quality.

3) Formation of vertically integrated holdings, creation on their basis of clusters consisting of organizations complementing each other and including: design, construction organizations, organizations that produce construction products, research institutes, insurance, investment companies. The cluster is distinguished from the holding by its innovative orientation, as well as the possibility of obtaining excess profits through the introduction of innovations in the production process, the creation of new unique products.

In a vertically integrated holding, companies are each other's internal suppliers and, at transfer prices, transfer to each other through the chain an intermediate by-product necessary for the production of final products. Due to this approach, companies reduce costs, unify the rules of work and, within their holding, produce more competitive products than other enterprises in the same market segment.

Creation of vertically integrated production structures. Such companies operate on the principle of large corporations, combining in their structure several subsidiaries that provide a closed production cycle (vertically integrated structures in construction include: architectural and design organizations, enterprises for the production of building materials and structures, construction organizations, specialized installation enterprises).

Holdings are created in order to grow and scale, so it is preferable to combine mainly strong assets. Holdings should include enterprises with a certain (similar) level of economic development.

Holdings are formed with a specific purpose - to conquer new market sectors and reduce costs. These factors increase the value of the company, its capitalization.

Integration companies have the following advantages over separate commercial organizations:

  1. Implementation of the economies of scale of the resources used (human, material, financial, informational);
  2. Optimization of the conditions and cost of supplies to enterprises of domestic and imported material and raw materials;
  3. Possibility of production diversification (release of new products with high added value);
  4. The ability to implement a coordinated financial, investment, credit policy;
  5. Obtaining the image of a large and influential integration structure in the foreign market; increase in export earnings due to the development of new markets;
  6. Optimization of marketing policy and sales;
  7. Optimization of innovation policy, the possibility of major scientific developments; an increase in the chances of attracting large extra-budgetary sources of financing, an increase in the capitalization of enterprises, and an increase in investment attractiveness.

As a result, the effectiveness of production and economic activities increases.

When forecasting the production and economic activities of the consolidating structure, it is expected to get the effect of: optimization of management structures, optimization of logistics, increase in export earnings.

The effect of optimizing management structures is defined as a reduction in labor costs by 0.3 - 1.3% (depending on the enterprise) due to the optimization of the number of financial and economic services (sales departments, foreign economic activity, finance, logistics, service marketing) as a result of the consolidation of sales and financial functions in the management company.

The effect of optimization of material and technical supply was calculated as a 5% reduction in the cost of raw materials and materials as part of the total cost of production and sales of products by optimizing the conditions and cost of delivery of imported and domestic raw materials by creating a centralized supply system. It saves money by lowering prices due to the increase in the volume of purchases by one buyer, which is the management company. As a result, suppliers are placed in a highly competitive environment and are forced to offer better prices and delivery terms.

The effect of an increase in export earnings was defined as a 5% increase due to the development of new markets (CIS countries, the Middle East, the European Union), optimization of sales policy and sales marketing, consolidation of the commodity distribution network through the spread of stable market positions of stronger participants in the consolidating structure to other enterprises, included in the structure of an integrated company. Forecast calculations showed that due to the full use of the potential of the functioning of integrated structures and the construction of a high-quality risk management system in the medium term, it is possible to achieve an annual 10% increase in net profit with an increase in sales volumes by an average of 3.2% and a reduction in costs by 0.6% .

The most important task of the holding is to ensure centralized financing and management, striving for a balance between manageability and independence of organizations.

4) The application of information modeling technology includes:

Purchase and use by design organizations, large enterprises and holdings in their activities of software that allows you to create a 3D model of a construction object containing all the necessary information for planning and implementing the entire range of design, construction, logistics, operation throughout the entire life cycle of the object.

The created digital 3D model will allow you to determine the exact cost of the project. The technology allows you to accurately determine the need for materials, draw up a calendar schedule for the execution of work, determine the costs of performing work at all stages of the creation and operation of a construction object. The technology allows you to set all the necessary requirements for the quality of the object at the design stage and significantly simplify the quality control procedure for all operations during the implementation of the project.

Information modeling is the latest approach to the design, construction and management of the technical resources of a building object during its full life cycle.

BIM is a digital description of the geometry of a building object and its elements, as well as the physical, technical, economic parameters and processes associated with them.

– Development of multivariant design solutions;

– Optimization of energy consumption, environmental impacts and determination of the performance of the facility;

– Creation of high-quality project documentation and visual representations;

- Preparation of estimates and construction plans;

– Order and manufacture of materials and equipment;

– Building construction management;

– Management of the operation of the building and means of technical equipment;

– Design and management of the reconstruction or repair of the building;

– Demolition and disposal of the building.

The creation and use of BIM occurs continuously throughout the life cycle of a building.

Creating a model from information-rich graphic elements and interaction of all participants through a special server can reduce the complexity of design by up to 70% and attribute the main costs of modeling to the cost of delivery and construction and installation works. According to foreign experience in using BIM (given high productivity in developed countries), costs are reduced:

– 30% at the design stage;

– 40% – at the construction stage;

- By 5% - at the operational stage.

The main design goal is fast and high-quality construction.

The leading suppliers of software platforms that implement BIM technologies are Dassault Systemes (USA), Bentley Systems (USA), Autodesk (USA), Nemetschek (Germany).

The cost of the Autodesk Revit software product for one workplace is 2000 US dollars or 3890 rubles.

The competencies of design engineers should increasingly shift towards knowledge of the construction production process and planning tools, as well as the competencies of engineers in the production and technical departments of contractors should be enriched with knowledge of the main design programs and the specifics of the work of designers. For the successful implementation of a project using information modeling technology, highly qualified universal specialists of the professions of architect and engineer are needed in one person, when the author of the project has all the necessary skills and powers for its implementation.

Based on information modeling (BIM), it became possible to use new organizational and management tools - the model is a source of reliable and verified data available for analysis and effective decision-making on the interaction of all participants in the process in accordance with the task and area of ​​responsibility of each project participant. The design organization must be ready for economic design with reference to planned tasks and financial indicators, be able to create a project on the basis of which the customer's service for managing the construction of an object can function.

It is necessary to teach modeling to designers who create digital elements and receive an information model of an object, there is a need to train specialists from the production and technical department and foremen, because now a PTO representative is constantly at the construction site and is responsible for making design decisions in close cooperation with foremen and designers.

Active development of information modeling technologies in the construction industry will allow you to quickly select design options for facilities and have advantages in foreign markets.

The introduction of advanced management systems in construction organizations for the integrated optimization of production and management processes in the design, construction and installation works will increase labor productivity, reduce costs and increase the efficiency of production management.


The main problems of the industry are: improving the efficiency of state management of the industry, monitoring objects of excess construction in progress, reducing the number of long-term construction, increasing the capacity utilization of construction organizations, their participation in large foreign projects, reducing costs, reducing the number of errors, reducing time spent as in the design of facilities, as well as during the construction phase.

Proposals to improve the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of the construction industry include:

1) Changing the structure of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus by supplementing the existing structure with the following units: building construction department; civil engineering department; management of special construction works. As a result, a new management structure will be created, corresponding to the structure of the construction industry by type of economic activity;

2) Creation of a system of independent bodies to control construction projects with overtime construction. The structure of the main department and departments for the regions and the city of Minsk for above-standard construction will include specialists in the field of construction: design engineers, designers, civil engineers, estimators;

3) Formation of vertically integrated holdings, creation on their basis of clusters consisting of organizations complementing each other and including: design, construction organizations, organizations that produce construction products, research institutes, insurance, investment companies;

4) Purchase and use by design organizations, large enterprises and holdings in their activities of software that allows you to create a 3D model of a construction site containing all the necessary information for planning and implementing the entire range of design, construction, logistics, operation throughout the entire life cycle object.

List of sources used

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2. National classifier of the Republic of Belarus OKRB 005-2011 "Types of economic activity" [Electronic resource] / National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. - Minsk, 2017. - Access mode: – Access date: 02/24/2017.
3. Investment Code of the Republic of Belarus / Adopted by the House of Representatives on May 30, 2001; approval Council of the Republic on June 8, 2001; entered into force on October 9. 2001 - Minsk: IPA "Register", 2001. - 56 p.
4. Buzyrev, V.V. Management in construction: a textbook for universities / V.V. Buzyrev, I.V. Fedoseev. – M.: KNORUS, 2016. – 320 p.
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6. Golubova O.S. Economics of construction: textbook / O.S. Golubova, L.K. Korban., S.V. Walitsky. - Minsk: TetraSystems, 2010. - 320s.
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10. Diekman, L.G. Organization of construction production: a textbook for universities. - M .: Publishing house of the association of construction universities, 2006. - 608 p.
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21. Stepanov, I.S. Economics of construction: textbook / I.S. Stepanov [i dr.]; under the general editorship. I.S. Stepanova. - 3rd ed. – M.: Yurayt, 2007. – 620 p.
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Report on research practice on the topic “Economics and management of the national economy” updated: November 14, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Non-state educational institution of higher professional education

"Eastern Economic and Legal Humanitarian Academy"



Completed: Lopatinsky D.V.

Ufa 2015



INTERNSHIP DIARY………………………………………4

RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH...……………….…..…………………….....5




The purpose of the research and qualifying practice: the formation of professional competence in the field of psychology, conducting research for the VRC.

During the practice, the following tasks were set:

    Selection of diagnostic methods of research and the method of mathematical statistics;

    Conducting a diagnostic study;

    Processing the results of a diagnostic study and a qualitative analysis of the results of the study.

    Statistical confirmation of the proposed hypothesis by the method of mathematical statistics.

    Formulating research findings and making recommendations.

    Registration of the final qualifying work in accordance with the methodological requirements.

The study did not have a definite basis. The respondents were people working in various institutions - 96 people (40 men and 56 women) aged 24 to 45 years. The average age of the subjects was 36.5 years.


The content of the work


Preparation for the study: drawing up a study plan, selection of psychodiagnostic tools


Studying the level of envy of respondents


Studying the level of personal characteristics of respondents


Studying the level of self-attitude of respondents


Study of LSS, locus of control of respondents


Conducting a survey of respondents


The study of value orientations of factors


Processing of research results.


Statistical processing of research results


Development of a psycho-correction program


Summing up the practice.

Reporting preparation.


The object of the research is envy as a psychological phenomenon.

Subject of study: socio-psychological determinants of envy as a characteristic of interpersonal relationships.

The hypothesis of this study was the statement that envy, considered as a characteristic of interpersonal relations, is determined by the individual psychological properties of the individual, as well as by a number of socio-psychological factors.

The purpose of the study: to study the socio-psychological determinants of envy in the plane of interpersonal relationships.

Research objectives:

1. Conduct a theoretical analysis of the problem under study based on the available scientific psychological and pedagogical literature.

2. Conduct an empirical study of the socio-psychological determinants of envy as a characteristic of interpersonal relationships.

3. Give a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of your own research.

4. Based on the data obtained, develop practical recommendations for the psychological correction of feelings of envy.

The results of the study of subject areas of envy

First of all, with the help of the methodology “Manifestations of envy and its self-esteem” T.V. Beskova (an integrative indicator of propensity to envy), respondents with a higher level of envy were identified.

The first group included respondents with indicators of 7-10 points - 28 people (13 men and 15 women).

The second group included respondents with indicators of 1-4 points - 32 people. According to the interpretation of the methodology of T.V. Beskova, these indicators indicate both the disinclination of the individual to envy, and the unformedness of envy as a personal property.

By ranking the average scores of the objects of envy, it was possible to identify the most significant of them (see Table 1 and Fig. 1).

Table 1. Significance of areas that are objects of envy in groups of men and women

For men, as their importance decreases, they are career growth, material wealth, social status, leisure, and professional (educational) success.

For women, according to the results of the study, the main objects of envy are external attractiveness, youth, material wealth, leisure, success with the opposite sex, and career growth.

Figure 1. Significance of areas that are objects of envy in groups of men and women

Based on the study, we can talk about both invariant and variant objects of envy determined by gender.

The former include material wealth, career growth and leisure; and the second for men - social status and professional (educational) success, and for women - external attractiveness and intelligence, i.e. we can talk about the different structure of objects of envy in men and women.

Thus, the study showed that for both men and women the most desirable objects of envy are those areas in which both men and women, according to social expectations, should take place. These expectations, in turn, are determined by gender roles.

In this regard, we can recall the statement of D. Bass that "... men react to the appearance of a woman, and women react to the economic and career achievements of men, since these variables represent the sources necessary for themselves and their offspring." Both external attractiveness and expensive (fashionable) things form the external image of a woman, allowing her to feel at her best.

Statistically significant differences in the intensity of envy in the selected seventeen subject areas were identified only in five subject areas: praise of a significant person, popularity, material wealth, youth, family well-being, success with the opposite sex (see Fig. 2).

Table 2 - Results of a comparative analysis of the significance of spheres as objects of envy in groups of men and women


Average rank

empirical U Mann-Whitney

confidence level





Praise of a significant person, popularity





Material wealth










family well-being









The results of the study of individual psychological characteristics, self-attitude, locus of control, characteristics of the respondents' life orientations, social factors as a derminant of envy

The second step of the empirical study was to identify, with the help of a comparative analysis, the characteristics of personality traits, meaningful life orientations, self-relationship, locus of control, life satisfaction in respondents with higher and lower levels of envy.

First of all, with the help of the ITO questionnaire, the individual-personal characteristics of men were studied. The results are presented in table 3 and graphically displayed in fig. 2.

Table 3 - Results of a comparative analysis of the individual psychological characteristics of respondents G1 and G2


Average rank

empirical U Mann-Whitney

confidence level

1 group

2 group






1 3 ,15
















































1 2,48








The personality profile of respondents in both groups is reliable (indicators of lies and aggravation are within the normative values). Comparative analysis revealed that respondents with a high level of envy are more aggressive (p ≤0.01), rigidity (p ≤0.01), sensitivity (p ≤0.01), anxiety (p ≤0.01), lability ( p ≤0.01), conflict (p ≤0.01), conformity (p ≤0.01), dependence (p ≤0.01), as well as less introversion (p ≤0.01).

Notes : 1 - aggression, 2 - rigidity, 3 - introversion, 4 - sensitivity, 5 - anxiety, 6 - lability, 7 - conflict, 8 - dependence, 9 - conformity

Figure 2. Individual characteristics of the respondents

Thus, the characterological typology of respondents who are characterized by envy is represented by a hyposthenic type of response that combines sensitive and anxious features. The prevailing socio-psychological characteristics determine such qualities as a tendency to escape into the world of illusions, the desire to limit the circle of direct contacts and avoid confrontation with the environment, selectivity in communication while striving to maintain a few contacts. Impressibility, pessimism in assessing prospects, in case of failures, a feeling of guilt easily arises, the need for warm relations and understanding, caution in making decisions, increased concern about problems and one's own failures - this is what characterizes a person prone to envy.

Table 4 - Results of a comparative analysis of the characteristics of self-attitude of respondents


Average rank

empirical U Mann-Whitney

confidence level

1 group

2 group




















internal conflict














intrinsic value










Notes : 1 - closeness, 2 - self-acceptance, 3 - self-attachment, 4 - internal conflict, 5 - self-guidance, 6 - self-worth, 7 - self-accusation.

Rice. 3. - Features of respondents' self-attitude

Comparative analysis showed that the respondents of group 1 statistically significantly differ in greatercloseness (p≤0,05), self-attachment (p≤0,05), internal conflict (p≤0.01), tendency toself-blame (p≤0.01), smallerself-guided (p≤0.05), less feelingself-values ​​(p≤0.05). It should also be noted lower scores on the scales of "selfacceptance” and “reflected self-attitude” among the respondents of this group.

Thus, the study revealed that people with a high level of envy experience more negative feelings towards themselves, are characterized by internal conflict and regard the attitude of others towards themselves as negative.

It is known that the attitude of a person towards himself is to a certain extent determined by the quality of the attitude of significant people towards him. On the other hand, a person is inclined to project his own attitude towards himself onto others, to perceive his tendency to self-condemnation as a censure from the outside. In our opinion, both of these phenomena take place here.

Interestingly, individuals with a high level of envy have a more negative attitude towards themselves and the perceived negative attitude of others, combined with weak reflection. During the conversation, it was revealed that the reason for the negative attitude from the people around the respondents of this group is considered not so much their life as such (their failures, blunders, etc.), but rather the public opinion regarding what should be "accomplished" Human. At the same time, high scores on the “self-attachment” and “rigidity” (ITO) scales indicate unwillingness or unwillingness to change one's life. Thus, the study showed that envious respondents less than non-envious ones solve one of the main life tasks - awareness of the concept of life and "I" - the concept. It is important to note that the respondents from group 1 assess their professional activity as meaningful and useful to a much lesser extent. It is known that the development of the human psyche occurs only in the process of activity, as well as playing a social role.

We are no longer talking about the fact that a person has needs, say, the need for self-actualization, the need to maintain their self-esteem, etc., it is about the fact that these needs themselves can be formed only in the process of carrying out activities (most often, professional), as well as in the process of playing some kind of social role.

The main mechanism and structure of the personality is its role essence, when an individual forms his behavior plans in accordance with the roles he plays and the statuses he holds in the groups with which he identifies himself, i.e. in his reference groups. In accordance with the accepted social roles (and with their priority), there are guidelines by which a person evaluates himself.

It is significant that in conversations with “envious” respondents, the suggestion to tell about oneself (that is, the question “Who am I?” Perceived by the respondents) was often replaced by the questions “What do I like?” and “What am I?”, i.e. there was an active self-identification or identification by personal characteristics.

Respondents with a high level of envy spoke about themselves from a position from family and professional roles, after which only a few of them mentioned their personal characteristics and favorite activities. This indicates the narrowing and impoverishment of the sphere of self-attitude of the respondents of this group.

Self-attitude is a complex polymodal psychological phenomenon determined by emotional attitude to the perceived components of the self-concept, ideas about the value and meaningfulness of one's existence. The influence of these components on the quality of self-relationship was supposed to be clarified in the future with the help of correlation analysis, the next step in the study was the study of the respondents' life-meaning orientations.

The meaningfulness of a person's life is not an internally homogeneous structure. In the field of meaningful life orientations, the average values ​​for the factors that determine the meaningfulness of life, according to the results of the study, of the control group exceed the average values ​​of the factors of the experimental group (see Table 5 and Fig. 4).

Table 5 - Results of a comparative analysis of the respondents' life orientations


Average rank

empirical U Mann-Whitney

confidence level

Group 1

Group 2

meaning of life





goals in life





life process





life effectiveness





locus of control - I





locus of control - life





The study showed that respondents with a high level of envy assess their lives as less meaningful. A lower indicator of the “life process” indicates dissatisfaction with one’s life in the present, a lack of feeling that life is an interesting, emotionally rich and meaningful process, as well as a lack of satisfaction from activities (not necessarily professional), from the process of applying and improving one’s skill.

Notes : 1 - meaning of life, 2 - goals in life, 3 - process of life, 4 - effectiveness of life, 5 - locus of control - I, 6 - locus of control - life.

Figure 4. Meaningful orientations of the respondents

The indicator of the sub-sphere "life effectiveness or satisfaction with self-realization" is also relatively lower in the group with a high level of envy than in the group with a low level of envy. . The scores on this scale reflect the assessment of the passed segment of life, the feeling of how productive and meaningful the lived part of it was. Low scores of the subsphere characterize dissatisfaction with the lived part of life.

For respondents with a low level of envy, high indicators of these sub-spheres mean that the process of life is perceived by them as interesting, emotionally rich, and the lived part of life is assessed as productive and meaningful.

Table 6 - Results of comparative analysis of respondents' locus of control


Average rank

empirical U Mann-Whitney

confidence level

Group 1

Group 2

Internality is general

1 2,53

2 9,55



Internality of achievements

1 9 ,15

2 8 ,76


Internality of failures





Internality of family relations

1 5,93

2 6,31



Internality of industrial relations





The internality of health

1 9 ,50

20 ,24

65 ,000

Internality of the disease




Analyzing the results of this test, as well as the indicators of the scales "Locus of control - I" and "Locus of control - life", reflecting, respectively, the idea and their ability to control themselves and their own lives, one can notice that envious individuals are more inclined to attribute the causes of what is happening to external factors (other people, environment, fate, chance, luck), rather than their efforts, their own positive and negative qualities, the presence or absence of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

Figure 5 - Results of a comparative analysis of the respondents' locus of control

However, this pattern does not appear in all areas, but in the field of failures, industrial and family relations.

Discussing the results obtained, we note that the subject's internality is always interpreted as the expectation of the effectiveness of one's own actions. In other words, different events of the internals are due to their own active actions. Unlike internality, the externality of the subject is not so unambiguous.

So, J. Rotter highlights

a) protective-external behavior (at a low level of interpersonal trust), characterized by distrust, ambition, aggression;

b) passive-external (with a high level of interpersonal trust), the main thing in which is trust in people and an appeal to chance. H. Levenson distinguishes between externality associated with a sense of helplessness and dependence on others, and externality associated with a sense of unstructured surrounding world and fatalism.

To interpret the results obtained, we used the types of externality identified by I. M. Kondakov and M. N. Nilopets. The authors highlight:

a) externality, due to the case, in which unpredictability and the inability to manipulate events come to the fore;

b) externality, conditioned by others, but in which there is no question of the impotence of the individual.

In our opinion, the envy of the subject can be determined both by externality, due to chance, manifested in the envious person's tendency to exaggerate the role of circumstances or fate, and by externality, due to the help and assistance of others.

Analyzing the differences in the general tendency to envy in relation to different areas of external attribution, we can say that the subject of envy tends to believe that both emotionally positive and emotionally negative events and situations that happened to him (mainly in the production sphere) , are certainly determined by a happy / unfortunate set of circumstances or by the assistance / non-cooperation of significant people, and not by their own efforts or blunders.

Thus, the following conclusions can be formulated: subjects with external subjective control are more envious than internals. Statistically significant differences are manifested both in the general level of subjective control, in the field of failures, as well as in the field of production and family relations.

A person's assessment of the effectiveness of life, its fullness is associated with the realization of the degree of realization and significance on a universal scale of priority values ​​for the individual. Therefore, the next stage of the study was the study of the value orientations of respondents from groups with high and low levels of envy (see Table 7 and Fig. 6).

Table 7 - Results of a comparative analysis of the value orientations of the respondents


Average rank


Manna Whitney

confidence level

Group 1

Group 1

own prestige




mother is high










social contacts





self development










spiritual satisfaction





save your own individual





sf professional life




sf trained and images





sf family life



15 4 ,000


sf of life societies





sf hobbies





Notes : 1 - high financial position, 2 - creativity, 3 - social contacts, 4 - self-development, 5 - achievements, 6 - spiritual satisfaction, 7 - preservation of one's own individuality, 8 - training and education sphere, 9 - family life sphere, 10 - SF of social life, 11 - SF of hobbies

Figure 6. - Value orientations of the respondents

A comparative analysis of the value respondents of groups 1 and 2 revealed the following:

    the priority value for respondents from group 1 is a high financial position - the indicators on this scale in this group of subjects are significantly higher (p≤0.01);

    for respondents with a high level of envy, such values ​​as creativity, social contacts, self-development, spiritual satisfaction and the preservation of one's own individuality are insignificant, as evidenced by low scores on the corresponding scales;

    for respondents from this group, creativity, social contacts, self-development, achievements, spiritual satisfaction and preservation of one's own individuality are statistically significantly less significant than for respondents of the 2nd group (p≤0.01);

    for respondents with a high level of envy, the values ​​that are relevant in the present are more significant, as opposed to the values ​​that are aimed at, should be implemented or will be more relevant in the future.

    indicators of the significance of all spheres of life among respondents with a high level of envy are statistically significantly lower than among respondents with a low level of envy (p≤0.01), which can be explained by the vagueness and lack of expression of value priorities in this group.

Respondents with a low level of envy tend to realize themselves in all spheres of life (p≤0.01).

Thus, a comparative analysis revealed a depletion of the value sphere in men from the experimental group.

The structure of values ​​of respondents with a high level of envy, the system of their relationships and relations in the social environment have a certain specificity, which manifests itself in the focus on achieving not so much socially significant as narrowly personal goals and values, which allows us to conclude that this group is more utilitarian, as well as about her some social immaturity.

When comparing the results of this technique with the results obtained by the method of self-assessment of envy, it can be found that envy arises when values ​​disagree, when needs are frustrated in certain areas (“I want, but I don’t have”).

Next, the level of subjective well-being of the respondents was revealed.

Table 8 -


Average rank



Manna Whitney

confidence level

Group 1

Group 2

subjective well-being

1 6 ,76

2 5 ,50







psychoemotional symptoms





self-reported health

1 8 ,30

2 4 ,38



job satisfaction





Respondents in the group with a higher level of envy are more pronounced psychosomatic disorders, tension (p>0.05), assess their health status lower (p>0.01) and assess their well-being much lower (p>0.01).

This group is characterized by less neuropsychic stability (p>0.05) and is more susceptible to the influence of psychotraumatic circumstances (p>0.01).

Figure 7 -Features of subjective well-being of respondents

Thus, based on the study, we can conclude that people with a high level of envy are more autistic, more superficial and unstable, more pronounced suspicion, aggressiveness and a certain degree of social maladjustment, dissatisfaction with life, frustration of significant needs and value, blurring of value orientations.

Such people are characterized by anxiety, doubts, obsessive thoughts. The severity of asthenoneurotic manifestations, indicating a feeling of hopelessness, hopelessness and fatigue, indicates the tendency of persons prone to envy, when faced with problems and stressful situations, to avoid attempts to directly resolve them using psychological defense mechanisms (for example, denial, the severity of which is indicated by high scores on the scale of "closeness" of the questionnaire "MIS").

The next stage of the study was to study the features of the emotional attitude to the success of another person (the results of a comparative analysis are presented in Table 9 and graphically displayed in Fig. 8).

Table 9 - Features of the emotional attitude to the success of another


Average rank

empirical U Mann-Whitney

Confidence level

Group 1

Group 2














































Figure 8 - Features of the emotional attitude to the success of another

Comparative analysis showed that respondents prone to envy when they hear about the success of another person have the level of such emotions as grief (p ≤0.01), anger (p ≤0.05), fear (p ≤0.05), shame (p ≤0.05) is statistically significantly higher, and the emotions “joy” (p ≤0.05) are lower. This indicates that the success of others for the respondents from group 1 is the reason for the feeling of their own inferiority.

Further, to identify the level and characteristics of the object of envy, due to age, the selected age groups were studied. The first group consisted of respondents aged 24 to 30 years, the second - respondents aged 38 to 45 years.

Presumably, the differences in the level and subject areas of envy can be due to the peculiarities of the socio-psychological situation, the life tasks of the selected age groups and, accordingly, to the assessment of one's own achievements at a significant stage of the life cycle.

Comparative analysis did not give statistically significant results, although there are some fluctuations in envy in different age intervals.

Table 10. - The level of envy, the significance of areas that are objects of envy in groups distinguished by age


24-30 years old

38-45 years old



External attractiveness












social status



Praise of a significant person,




Material wealth



Expensive or fashionable things





Intelligence, ability



Personal qualities



Ability to communicate



Success with the opposite sex



Having loyal friends



family well-being








Figure 9. - The level of envy, the significance of areas that are objects of envy in groups identified based on age

Next, the level of envy, the significance of areas that are objects of envy in groups identified on the basis of professional status, as well as income level, were studied. Initially, it was assumed that the division of the subjects according to the specified criteria would be carried out separately, however, the analysis of the initial data showed that the division of respondents into groups according to the specified criteria has the same grouping result, so it was possible to combine both criteria.

Group 1 included respondents with an income level of up to 25,000 rubles, occupying subordinate positions (19 people). Group 2 included respondents with an income level of 45,000 rubles or more, occupying various leadership positions, military personnel, people who have their own or partner business (15 people).

Based on the study, we can talk about different levels of envy, as well as variable objects of envy determined by professional status and income level, i.e. we can talk about the different structure of objects of envy.

According to our results, respondents with lower professional status and income levels have higher scores on the following parameters:

envy index (p≤0,01)

Career (p≤0,01)

social status (p≤0,05)

Material wealth (p≤0,05)

Expensive or fashionable things (p≤0,01)

Success with the opposite sexp≤0,05)

These results may indicate frustration in the relevant subject areas.

Respondents with a higher professional status and income level have higher indicators for the following parameters:

Intelligence, abilityp≤0,01)

Personal qualities (p≤0,01)

It can be assumed that in this group of respondents, it is these areas that are significant for achieving professional success.

Table 11 - The level of envy, the significance of areas that are objects of envy in groups identified on the basis of professional status and income level


Group 1

Group 2



External attractiveness












social status



Praise of a significant person,




Material wealth



Expensive or fashionable things



Professional (educational) success



Intelligence, ability



Personal qualities



Ability to communicate



Success with the opposite sex



Having loyal friends



family well-being



Children (their presence or their success)






Figure 10 - The results of a comparative analysis of the level of envy, the significance of areas that are objects of envy in groups identified by professional status and income level

Table 12 - Results of a comparative analysis of the level of envy, the significance of areas that are objects of envy in groups identified by professional status and income level


Average rank

empirical U Mann-Whitney

confidence level









1 3 ,15



social status

2 0,63




Material wealth





Expensive or fashionable things





Intelligence, ability


2 3 ,98



Personal qualities





Success with the opposite sex

2 0 ,08




Correlation analysis results

To identify the relationships in group 1 between the characteristics studied in the study, a correlation analysis was applied (see Fig. 11).

Figure 11. - Correlations of envy

Note: the straight line indicates positive correlations, the dotted line indicates negative ones. (*Correlations are significant at the 0.05 level **Correlations are significant at the 0.01 level).

Thus, it can be summarized that envy has a negative correlation with the meaningfulness of life, highlighting the disbelief of the person himself in the ability to control his life, as well as with self-acceptance and self-respect, that is, factors that reflect self-attitude.


1. Based on the study, we can talk about both invariant and variant objects of envy determined by gender. The former include material wealth, career growth and leisure; and the second for men - social status and professional (educational) success, and for women - external attractiveness and intelligence, i.e. we can talk about the different structure of objects of envy in men and women. Thus, the study showed that for both men and women the most desirable objects of envy are those areas in which both men and women, according to social expectations, should take place. These expectations, in turn, are determined by gender roles.

2. Respondents with a high level of envy are more aggressive (p≤0.01), rigidity (p≤0.01), sensitivity (p≤0.01), anxiety (p≤0.01), lability (p≤0 .01), conflict (p≤0.01), conformity (p≤0.01), dependence (p≤0.01), as well as less introversion (p≤0.01). The characterological typology of respondents who are characterized by envy is represented by a hyposthenic type of response that combines sensitive and anxious features. The prevailing socio-psychological characteristics determine such qualities as a tendency to escape into the world of illusions, the desire to limit the circle of direct contacts and avoid confrontation with the environment, selectivity in communication while striving to maintain a few contacts. Impressibility, pessimism in assessing prospects, in case of failures, a feeling of guilt easily arises, the need for warm relations and understanding, caution in making decisions, increased concern about problems and one's own failures - this is what characterizes a person prone to envy.

3. Respondents in group 1 are statistically significantly more closed (p≤0.05), self-attached (p≤0.05), internal conflict (p≤0.01), prone to self-accusation (p≤0.01), less self-leadership (p≤0.05), less sense of self-worth (p≤0.05). It should also be noted the lower scores on the scales of "self-acceptance" and "reflected self-attitude" among the respondents of this group. That is, people with a high level of envy experience more negative feelings towards themselves, are characterized by internal conflict and regard the attitude of others towards themselves as negative.

4. Respondents with a high level of envy assess their lives as less meaningful. A lower indicator of the “life process” indicates dissatisfaction with one’s life in the present, a lack of feeling that life is an interesting, emotionally rich and meaningful process, as well as a lack of satisfaction from activities (not necessarily professional), from the process of applying and improving one’s skill.

5. Envious individuals are more likely to attribute the causes of what is happening to external factors (other people, the environment, fate, chance, luck), rather than their own efforts, their own positive and negative qualities, the presence or absence of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. However, this pattern does not appear in all areas, but in the field of failures, industrial and family relations.

6. Respondents with a low level of envy tend to realize themselves to a greater extent in all spheres of life (p≤0.01). Thus, a comparative analysis revealed a depletion of the value sphere in men from the experimental group. The structure of values ​​of respondents with a high level of envy, the system of their relationships and relations in the social environment have a certain specificity, which manifests itself in the focus on achieving not so much socially significant as narrowly personal goals and values, which allows us to conclude that this group is more utilitarian, as well as about her some social immaturity. When comparing the results of this technique with the results obtained by the method of self-assessment of envy, it can be found that envy arises when values ​​disagree, when needs are frustrated in certain areas (“I want, but I don’t have”).

7. Respondents in the group with a higher level of envy are more pronounced psychosomatic disorders, tension (p>0.05), assess their health status lower (p>0.01) and assess their well-being much lower (p>0.01 ).

8. Respondents who are prone to envy when they hear about the success of another person have the level of such emotions as grief (p≤0.01), anger (p≤0.05), fear (p≤0.05), shame (p≤ 0.05) is statistically significantly higher, and the emotions “joy” (p≤0.05) are lower. This indicates that the success of others for the respondents from group 1 is the reason for the feeling of their own inferiority.

9. Comparative analysis of the respondents of the groups identified by age did not give statistically significant results, although there are some fluctuations in envy in different age intervals.

Respondents with a lower professional status and income level showed higher indicators for the following parameters: envy index (p≤0.01), career growth (p≤0.01), social status (p≤0.05), material wealth (p≤0.05), expensive or fashionable things (p≤0.01), success with the opposite sex (p≤0.05). These results may indicate frustration in the relevant subject areas. Respondents with a higher professional status and income have higher indicators in the following parameters: intelligence, abilities (p≤0.01), personal qualities (p≤0.01). It can be assumed that in this group of respondents, it is these areas that are significant for achieving professional success.

10. Thus, it can be summarized that envy has a negative correlation with the meaningfulness of life, highlighting the disbelief of the person himself in the ability to control his life, as well as with self-acceptance and self-respect, that is, factors that reflect self-attitude.

Envy is highly negatively correlated with internality, which also characterizes the passivity of the individual.

Internal conflict, rigidity, internal conflict, aggressiveness, anxiety, and conformity positively correlate with envy.


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The practice of students at the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" is an integral part of the main educational program of higher professional education and is carried out in accordance with the approved working curricula and the schedule of the educational process in order to acquire the skills of professional work, deepen and consolidate the knowledge and competencies acquired in the process of theoretical education.

Research practice(hereinafter referred to as the Practice) of masters is carried out with the aim of collecting, analyzing and summarizing scientific material, developing original scientific proposals and scientific ideas for the preparation of a master's thesis, obtaining skills for independent research work, and practical participation in the research work of research teams.

Places of internship

The practice is carried out in state, municipal, public, commercial and non-profit enterprises, institutions and organizations, structural divisions of the University according to the profile of student training.

Internship period

According to the Working Curriculum, 2nd year students undergo research practice from January 9 to March 8, 2020.

Practice registration process

Approve the practice until December 20, 2019 inclusive:

  • Preliminarily coordinate the place of practice with the supervisor of the WRC. The individual supervision of the research practice of the undergraduate is carried out by his supervisor.
  • Coordinate the individual task (content and planned results of the practice) with the supervisor of the master's thesis and the supervisor from the place of practice.

    Submit an application through the LMS in the "Applications for Internship" module:

    In case of non-approval of the application through the LMS within the prescribed period, the student has an academic debt.

Provide documents to the study office, room. 3416, until December 27, 2019 inclusive:


It is obligatory to draw up a bilateral agreement between the Higher School of Economics and the Organization in which the student intends to do an internship. The Work schedule (plan) of the practice must be drawn up as an Annex to the Agreement.

The Agreement and the Application are drawn up in two copies.

Signing order: Organization → HSE. The transfer of documents is carried out by the student.

Only the fields highlighted in yellow are to be completed.

Additional practice places

Contracts with companies: Otkritie Bank, Changelenge have already been concluded and there is no need to draw them up additionally. It will be enough to get a certificate of internship with the seal of the organization. The contract with BioFoodLife is in the process of registration, no effort is required on your part. For all vacancies, you will need to send your resume.


Instead of the Agreement, it is acceptable to issue a letter of offer from the HSE to the Organization with a request to accept a student for an internship and a letter of acceptance confirming the Organization's consent to accept a student for an internship (except when the internship is conducted in the structural divisions of the University).

Before the start of the internship, the student is obliged to submit to the study office a letter of acceptance of the Organization confirming the provision of a place for the student to do the internship.

Practice reporting

Throughout the entire period of practice, the student must, in accordance with an individual task, collect and process the necessary primary research material, and then provide it in the form of a completed final report on the internship and an internship diary.
At the end of the practice, the student is provided with a review of the practice leader from the Organization (with the signature of the practice leader and the seal of the Organization), containing a description of the work done by the student and an assessment of its quality. If a student has an internship at the Higher School of Economics, a review is not required.

A review and a report on the practice are drawn up in accordance with the approved Practice Program:

NIP SRB 2020 (DOCX, 94 Kb)

  1. According to the NIP program, it is necessary to study the online course “Writing in English at University” (formerly called "Academic Writing") on the Coursera platform. The result of passing the online discipline is the completion of the task - writing a Graduate project proposal. In this case, it is not the fact of passing the course that is important, but the result - the prepared text of the Project Proposal. The score will be placed not for the credits and credits received, but for the text. A reference to the on-line Academic Writing course means that there are no classes at the HSE. You are encouraged to complete this course on your own. Pay attention to the requirement for the design of links contained in the practice program (file attached). If you have any substantive questions about taking the online course, you can contact Nikolai Borisovich Filinov. Verification and evaluation of the completed task is carried out by the head of the WRC.
  2. Until March 13, 2020 inclusive it is necessary to provide the following documents (to the head of the WRC - in electronic form, to the study office k.3416 - in paper form):
  • practice report,
  • Project Proposal,
  • individual assignment,
  • feedback of the head from the place of practice.
  1. Until March 24, 2020 WRC leaders evaluate the documents from paragraph 2., send the recommended assessment for practice and the assessment for the project proposal to the commission for the protection of practice.
  2. The final form of control for practice is an exam during the session of the 3rd module (from March 25 to March 31). The defense of the practice is held in front of the commission on the set date, taking into account the assessments of the head of the WRC.

The dates of the exams and the composition of commissions for the defense of practice will be formed in early March.

Grading system

The defense of the NIP reports is carried out by the commission within the time limits set by the dean's office of the Faculty of Business and Management, and the day of the defense is appointed by the head of the department. Based on the results of defending the NIP report, the undergraduate receives a credit with a score on a ten-point scale. The results of the defense of the NIP report are put down in the examination sheet.

The defense of research practice is carried out publicly in the presence of a commission from among the faculty of the department and supervisors of master's theses.

The defense of the report on research practice provides for a short report of the undergraduate and answers to questions from the commission on the content of the report.

Students who have not completed the practice program for a good reason are sent to practice a second time, in their free time from study.

Students who do not complete an internship program without a valid reason or receive a negative grade are considered to have academic debt.(DOCX, 26 Kb)

For the implementation of the project, an assessment is made in the session week of the 2nd module.

Failure to complete the project is considered academic debt.

State budget educational institution

higher professional education

"North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute"

Faculty of Psychology and Education

Department of Pedagogy


about the passage of research practice

Master of _________ course in the direction44.04.01 Pedagogical education, profile Management of educational systems

Full name of the undergraduate ____________________________________






Main part……………………………………………….…….……….………4

Section 1. Terms and place of internship………………….……...………4

Section 2. Content of practice……………………………………………………….4

2.1.Individual task for practice…………………………………4

2.2. Analysis of students' activities in accordance with the work plan and the content of the practice……………………………………………………………….5

2.3. Reflection of own achievements………………………………….6


List of used sources………………………………………………..8



main goal research practice of undergraduates is the development of the ability to independently perform research work related to solving professional problems necessary for current or future professional activities, as wellgaining experience in managerial, organizational and educational work in a team.Research practice is dispersed and is carried out by a master student with a supervisor. The direction of research practice is determined in accordance with the master's program and the topic of the master's thesis.

Main tasks research practice are: the development of professional research thinking of undergraduates, the formation of a clear idea of ​​​​the main professional tasks and ways to solve them,to form the personality of a future researcher specializing in the field of educationmoreover, the formation of the ability to independently set professional tasks, plan research work and carry out practical research in solving professional problems using modern research methods, as well as the formation of the ability to competently use modern technologies to collect information, process and interpret the experimental data obtained, maintain a bibliographic work on the topic of the final qualifying work with the involvement of modern information technologies.


Dates and place of internship

In the period from 11/28/2016 to 12/24/2016 in secondary school No. 25 "Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 25" I underwent scientific and pedagogical practice.

Activity analysis

The topic of scientific research practice was the title of the master's thesis "Quality management of the pedagogical process in a general educational organization". As part of the practice, a number of key areas of writing the work were considered, an introduction and the first chapter were compiled.

The main issue of the work was the study of the features of managing the main areas of activity that ensure the quality of the results of the educational process at school. In its constant increase in accordance with the needs of the individual, society, state and the real possibilities of the traditional education system.

Together with the leader, the most effective hypothesis was identified, which states that: quality management of the results of the educational process at school will be most effective if:

Expand the concepts of "quality of education", "management of the quality of education".

The main directions in ensuring the quality of the results of the educational process will be:

Working with students;

Self-awareness of the individual;

Working with the teaching staff;

Work to unite the team of students.

The criteria for the quality of the results of the educational process will be:

- pedagogical communication;

Cohesion of the whole school team;

- personal results.

Effective indicators, the above criteria will be suitable such as:quality of communication, interaction, level of sociability, student satisfaction with school life, self-determination, self-esteem.

In the 21st century, understanding the quality of education is not only the compliance of students' knowledge with state standards, but also the successful functioning of the educational institution itself, as well as the activities of each administrator and teacher in the direction of ensuring the quality of educational services at school.

To these criteria and indicators, we have selected methods for diagnosing.

1. The method reveals the level of the teacher's competence from the point of view of the student, determines the degree of sympathy of the student for the teacher, shows the real interaction between the teacher and the student (developed by E. I Rogov)

2. A.A. Andreeva "Study of satisfaction with school life".

3. Methodology for studying self-esteem "What am I" (developedbased on the new Federal State Educational Standards (FSES)).

We can see the results of the diagnostic cut at the ascertaining stage in the tables "No. 1,2,3

Table number 1. The development of pedagogical communication, the "teacher-student" methodology.

Table No. 2 The level of satisfaction of students with school life

Question #


total amount




Table No. 3 Methodology for studying self-esteem "what am I"

To the question: think about how you perceive yourself and evaluate yourself on ten different positive personality traits, the answer was received.

Assessed personality traits




Don't know




























skillful (capable)













From the above drawings of the methods carried out, we see that the level of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and the student is high, but there are also students whose level does not even reach the average.

1. The psychologist, together with the class teacher, develop a topic for the classroom.

2. Regularly hold parent meetings, as well as work with certain parents.

3. Conduct trainings every quarter, etc.

Thus, in the course of practice, generalization and systematization of the results of experimental research was carried out, and an educational program was developed.Diagnostics was carried outthe effectiveness of the quality of the educational process at school No. 25. Analytical work has been drawn up to notify the assessment of the quality management system of the educational process, recommendations have been developed for improving management activities.


As a result of scientific research practice, a study was conducted as part of writing a master's thesis, namely, the issue of studyingmanagement features of the main activities that ensure the quality of the results of the educational process at school.

We received results that allowed us to conclude that the low results of our students in conducting methods (questionnaires) at the ascertaining stage and the positive dynamics of results at the experimental stage are not accidental and confirm the need for constant ones;


The psychologist, together with the class teacher, develop topics for the classroom;

Organize work with parents (parents' committee) to effectively manage the quality of education in an educational institution.

Diagnostics and analysis of the quality of the educational process of schoolchildren can be considered as the main direction and method of work, allowing purposeful management of the quality of the educational process at school. This involves solving the following tasks:

Planning the educational process on the basis of diagnosing the level of education and upbringing of students.

Constant monitoring of the dynamics of the level of quality of education of students and the development of practical recommendations for improving it.

Diagnostics of value orientations and the level of practical readiness of the teaching staff, especially class teachers to interact with students in extracurricular activities in order to track the dynamics of the quality of the educational process.

Diagnostics of the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents in order to clarify the parental position.

List of sources used

1.Babansky Yu.K. Pedagogy M.2003.-S.366.

2. Bolotov V. A. Evaluation of the quality of education. Retrospectives and prospects // School management - 2012 - No. 5 - p. 9 - 11.

3. Bordovsky G.A. Educational process quality management: Monograph. / G.A. Bordovsky, A.A. Nesterov, S.Yu. Trapitsyn. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A.I. Herzen, 2001. - C 37

4. Korotkov E.M. Education quality management.- St. Petersburg: Academic Project, 2010.- С 320

5. Maksimova V.N. Diagnostics of learning // Peddiagnostics. - 2004. - No. 2. - S. 56

6. Shipareva G.A. Quality monitoring as an element of the educational process management system. Thesis. M: 2013-s.4.34