Passes VVK in military schools. How to enter a military university

Regulatory documents:

1. Order of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated July 21, 2014 No. 515 “On Approval of the Procedure for Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities in Federal State General Educational Organizations with Special Names “Presidential Cadet School”, “Suvorov Military School”, “Nakhimov Naval School”, "cadet (marine cadet) military corps" and in professional educational organizations with the special name "military music school";

2. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 10, 2017 No. 514n “On the procedure for conducting preventive medical examinations of minors”;

As part of the admission committee of the school, a subcommittee is created to check personal files, in which the head of the medical center (pediatrician), a pediatrician takes part, who check the medical records of candidates.

Candidates entering the school undergo a preliminary medical examination at a medical organization at the place of residence

Data on the passage of a preliminary examination indicating the group of the state of health of the minor, with the issuance of a medical report on the minor's belonging to the medical group for physical education, is entered into the medical documentation of the minor with registration in the Medical Card of the child for educational institutions of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary ( full) general education, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, orphanages and boarding schools - form 026 / y-2000 (taken at school). Each doctor, after recording the diagnosis, puts his signature and personal seal. Records of medical examination by specialists are duplicated in the candidate's outpatient card. The medical examination must be completed no earlier than January of the year of admission to the school.

List of doctors required for medical examination.

List of mandatory diagnostic studies:


Entries by doctors are made in the outpatient card and in the form N026 / y-2000, certified by the personal seal of each doctor

After passing the medical commission, the pediatrician exposes a health group and a physical education group.

Pediatric surgeon*

Children's dentist




Psychiatrist for children

Pediatric urologist-andrologist*




General blood analysis

Originals of outpatient studies

General urine analysis

Blood test for HIV, RW, hepatitis

Blood glucose test

Analysis of feces for eggs of worms

Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, heart, kidneys, thyroid gland and reproductive organs

Original ultrasound protocols

Electrocardiography at rest and after exercise

Conclusion and Tape

* When making the final diagnosis, narrow specialists ALWAYS determine the ADMISSION TO COMPETITIONS AND PASSING SPORT STANDARDS in the candidate's outpatient card.

Doctor's record: admitted to competitions and passing sports standards.

Additionally, according to indications:

fibrogastroduodenoscopy - FGDS

when indicating chronic gastritis, duodenitis

X-ray of the spine (conclusion)

when referring to scoliosis

x-ray of the sinuses (conclusion)

when indicating a deviated nasal septum

plantography or radiography of the feet (conclusion)

when pointing to flat feet

electroencephalography (conclusion)

when indicating syncope, etc.

List of medical documents in the personal file of the candidate

The following medical documents certified by the seal of the medical organization are enclosed in the personal files of candidates:

  1. Copy of medical insurance policy;
  2. A copy of the medical record (from the school) f. No. 026 / y-2000 with the results of a preliminary medical examination, each doctor, after recording the diagnosis, puts his signature, date and personal seal. Records of medical examination by specialists are duplicated in the candidate's outpatient card. After passing the medical commission, the pediatrician exposes the health group and the physical education group.), all sections of the card must be filled in (a photocopy of the card is made, without tests and consents to vaccination; sheets must be stitched and numbered, a photocopy of the card is signed by the school principal and certified with a seal of the established form );
  3. A copy of the outpatient card (history of the development of the child) f. No. 112 / y (a photocopy of the card is made from the date of birth to the last record of the medical examination for admission, without tests; the sheets must be stitched and numbered, the photocopy of the card is signed by the head of the medical institution and certified by the seal of the established sample);
  4. An extract from an outpatient card from a pediatrician about the child's health (height, body weight, sexual formula, heart rate for 1 minute, blood pressure (three times). Indicating whether the child is on dispensary observation for diseases, indicating the diagnosis and dates of registration (observation) and information about the absence (presence) of allergic conditions, including those preventing preventive vaccinations and antibiotic treatment, in the presence of food allergies, indicating the products, certified by the seal of the established sample of the medical organization);
  5. Statement of health of the child from the psycho-neurological dispensary (at the dispensary at the place of residence, signed by the doctor and certified by the seal of the medical institution);
  6. Certificate of health of the child from the narcological dispensary (at the dispensary at the place of residence, signed by the doctor and certified by the seal of the medical institution);
  7. A copy of the certificate of preventive vaccinations (form No. 156 / y-93). At the time of admission, children must be vaccinated by age.
  8. Help from a phthisiatrician, conclusion with the data of Mantoux test, Diaskin test for all years. (In the dispensary at the place of residence, signed by the doctor and certified by the seal of the medical institution);
  9. Medical report on belonging to a medical group for physical education ((Appendix No. 4 to the Procedure) is signed by a doctor and certified by the seal of a medical institution);

10. Originals of outpatient examinations, originals of ultrasound protocols, ECG.


A copy of outpatient card No. 112 \ y is removed only after the candidates have passed a preliminary medical examination.

The list of medical contraindications for health reasons for admission to the school is determined in accordance with column I of the Schedule of Diseases and columns 32, 33 of table "d" of the additional requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2003 No. 123 "On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination » without taking into account growth requirements. In addition, the candidate is not recommended for health reasons to enter the school if, in a comprehensive assessment of the state of health, he is assigned to the III-V health group in accordance with a special scheme approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 30, 2003 No. 621.

Candidates who are unfit for health reasons, or whose personal file does not contain medical documents according to the specified list, are not allowed to competitive entrance examinations (clause 12 of the Procedure).

Citizens enrolled in the school by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, upon arrival at the school, submit a certificate of contact with infectious patients, a certificate of preventive vaccinations (at the time of admission they must be vaccinated according to age), the original medical card f. No. 112 / y, the original medical insurance policy.

The procedure for entering a military school is very complicated. Before you go to the place of study, you need to look at the military registration and enlistment office together with your parents. Why with your parents, if deep down you already feel like an adult seasoned military man? The fact is that in the history of the educational institution there could be periods when almost completely kids were accepted there - this has been the case since then. And the leadership does not consider it necessary to abandon the idea of ​​coordinating with your parents not only the issue of your admission to a military school, but also the issue of your further compulsory education at a military university! And all this is not just in a conversation, but in a special report that parents must write. The position "now you will go to Suvorov, and then we'll see" is unacceptable.

At least in the year preceding admission, and better - even earlier, try to study well and not spoil relations with either the class teacher or the school principal, because you will be asked for a report card with grades for the last year of schooling and a testimonial from the school with signatures and official stamp . In this case, you need to indicate what language you studied at school, but do you know why? French, which is quite common in Russian schools, can become an obstacle to admission! For example, only those who studied English are taken to secondary educational institutions of the naval profile, and those who studied English or German at school are taken to the military music school.

When deciding to enter a military school, the most fundamental issue is health. You need to go through a detailed medical examination. Examinations may require the most unusual - from radiography of the paranasal sinuses with a description and pictures to one hundred percent sanitation of the oral cavity, followed by the issuance of a certificate of this. For a complete list of required documents, look at two sites - the military educational institution you want to enroll in, and the military educational institution closest to you (it is possible that the military command will reconsider your choice, guided by the geographical principle). It happens that everything is mixed up in this list - medical certificates, anthropometric data of the candidate (from height to shoe size and headgear), photographs with a place for a seal in the lower right corner, a certificate from the parents' place of residence indicating family composition and living conditions, documents on possible benefits and much more. In general, there are enough benefits here - and at the same time, even more documents are required from orphans (they are taken without exams) - almost a court decision on the establishment of guardianship. Mothers of the children of fallen soldiers (such children have the priority right to enroll) should also devote a lot of time to preparing the necessary papers.

Based on the mass of submitted documents, the selection committee will decide whether to allow you to enter the entrance examinations. And if the negative decision in this case is still subject to appeal, then the results of the tests themselves are no longer there.

Competition in a secondary military educational institution can be 4 people per place.

Admission campaign deadlines

Until June 20, personal lists of candidates admitted to the entrance examinations are submitted by the admission committee of the school to the central selection committee.

Until July 1, the central selection committee generates personal lists taking into account your place of residence (but regardless of which school you have chosen yourself) and sends them to the selection committees of schools on time for competitive entrance examinations (including using field committees) .

Until August 5, competitive lists of candidates are sent to the central selection committee, which compiles a single set of lists, which is approved by the Minister of Defense. Lists of enrolled candidates are posted on the Internet on the website of the Ministry of Defense. However, with the withdrawal of military schools from under the wing of the Ministry of Defense and their reassignment to the respective branches of the military, such a decision is likely to be made by the respective commanders.

The procedure for medical examination of candidates entering the school is determined “Methodological recommendations for organizing the work of the subcommittee to determine the suitability for health reasons of candidates for admission to federal state educational organizations with special names “presidential cadet school”, “Suvorov military school”, “Nakhimov naval school”, “cadet (sea cadet) military corps" and in professional educational organizations with the special name "military music school", which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the requirements of the order of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated July 21, 2014 No. 515 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in federal state educational organizations with special names “presidential cadet school”, “Suvorov military school”, “Nakhimov naval school ”, “cadet (naval cadet) military corps” and in professional educational organizations with the special name “military music school” under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and admission to these educational organizations " annually from April 15 to June 1 personal files of candidates are sent to the schools, incl. a copy of the medical record of the candidate for admission to the school, certified by the seal of the medical institution. A genuine medical book is presented by the candidate upon arrival directly to the selection committee.

As part of the Admissions Committee of the school, a subcommittee is created to check personal files, in which the head of the medical center (pediatrician) takes part, who checks the medical records of candidates.

The procedure for passing a medical examination by candidates, a list of mandatory diagnostic tests and contraindications for health reasons for admission to the school:

Candidates entering the school undergo a preliminary medical examination at a medical organization at the place of residence in accordance with the procedure approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 10, 2017 N 514n "On the Procedure for Conducting Preventive Medical Examinations of Minors" (as amended and supplemented). Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 18, 2017 N 47855. The document begins to be valid on January 1, 2018:

List of doctors needed

for a medical examination:

List of mandatory

diagnostic studies:

pediatric cardiologist
pediatric endocrinologist
d Children's phthisiatrician (conclusion with Mantoux data for all years)
ECG at rest and after exercise
Thyroid ultrasound
Ultrasound of the abdominal organs + kidneys
general blood analysis
general urine analysis
blood sugar test
examination of feces for helminth eggs
blood test for HIV, RW, hepatitis HCV and HB s

The list of instrumental examinations - height, body weight, sexual formula, heart rate for 1 minute, blood pressure (three times). According to the indication, additional studies are carried out: echocardiography (indicating a heart murmur), ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys (indicating biliary dysfunction (JVP), anomalies in the development of the kidneys and urinary system), fibrogastroduodenoscopy - FGDS (indicating chronic gastritis, duodenitis), radiography of the spine (indicating scoliosis), plantography or radiography of the feet (indicating flat feet), electroencephalography (indicating syncope), etc.

A comprehensive assessment of the health status of candidates is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions for a comprehensive assessment of the health status of children, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2003. No. 621.

Data on the passage of a preliminary examination indicating the health status of the minor, the medical group for physical education with the issuance of a medical report on the minor's belonging to the medical group for physical education is entered into the medical documentation of the minor with the issuance of the Medical card of the child for educational institutions of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, orphanages and boarding schools - form 026 / y-2000 (hereinafter - Medical card f.026 / y). The medical examination must be completed no earlier than January of the year of admission to the school.

List of medical documents in the personal file of the candidate

The following medical documents certified by the seal of the medical organization are enclosed in the personal files of candidates:

1. Copy of medical insurance policy;

2. A copy of the Medical Card f.026 / y, a Form for passing a medical commission with the results of a preliminary medical examination (examinations by specialist doctors, laboratory, instrumental and other studies, data from additional consultations, studies scheduled in case of suspected presence of a disease in a minor ( condition), the diagnosis of which was not established during examinations by specialist doctors and basic studies indicating the health group of the minor and the medical group for physical education;

3. Medical report on belonging to a medical group for physical education (Appendix No. 4 to the Order);

4. A copy of the history of the development of the child (form No. 112 / y) and the original extract from it, indicating whether the child is under dispensary observation for diseases, indicating the diagnosis and date of registration (observation) and information about the absence (presence ) allergic conditions, including those that prevent preventive vaccinations and antibiotic treatment, in the presence of food allergies, indicating the products;

5. Information from the psycho-neurological and narcological dispensaries about the minor being registered (observed) for mental disorders, drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse, abuse of narcotic drugs and other toxic substances;

6. A copy of the certificate of preventive vaccinations (form No. 156 / y-93). At the time of admission, children must be vaccinated by age.

The originals of the Medical Card f.026 / y and the results of the recommended laboratory and instrumental studies (blood test, urine test, electrocardiogram - conclusion and tape) are presented by the candidate upon arrival for entrance examinations directly to the selection committee. All sections of the Medical Record f.026 / y must be completed. In case of loss of the history of the development of the child (f. 112 / y), the candidate submits the State of Health Study Report in the prescribed form, certified by the seal of the medical institution.

Candidates who are unfit for health reasons (having chronic diseases or obvious physical disabilities that are contraindications for admission to the school), or in whose personal file medical documents are not provided according to the specified list, are not allowed to competitive entrance examinations.

Citizens enrolled in the school by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for the enrollment of candidates submit, upon arrival at the school, a certificate of contacts with infectious patients, a certificate of registration from a tuberculosis dispensary, a certificate of preventive vaccinations (at the time of admission they must be vaccinated by age).

The list of medical contraindications for health reasons for admission to the school is determined in accordance with column I of the Schedule of Diseases and columns 32, 33 of table "g" of the additional requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2003 No. 123 "On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination" regardless of growth requirements. In addition, the candidate is not recommended for health reasons to enter the school if, in a comprehensive assessment of the state of health, he is assigned to the III-V health group in accordance with a special scheme approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 30, 2003 No. 621.

Candidates who are unfit for health reasons, or whose personal file does not contain medical documents according to the specified list, are not allowed to competitive entrance examinations (clause 12 of the Procedure).

Examination of citizens

when entering schools, military educational institutions

100. Citizens who do not undergo military service and enter schools, military educational institutions undergo a preliminary and final examination. The examination is carried out in the direction of the military commissar.

The military commissariat requests for each citizen:

A) from medical organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms - information about being registered (observed) for mental disorders, drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse, abuse of narcotic drugs and other toxic substances, infection with the human immunodeficiency virus, on dispensary observation for other diseases indicating the diagnosis and date of registration (observation); medical record of an outpatient and, if necessary, other medical documents (medical records of inpatients, radiographs, protocols of special research methods, etc.) characterizing the state of his health;

B) from institutions of the state service of medical and social expertise - information on the presence (absence) of disability;

C) from the internal affairs bodies - information about being registered for offenses, vagrancy, alcohol abuse, use (distribution) of drugs, psychotropic and toxic substances, medicines for non-medical purposes.

101. For a citizen entering a school, military educational institution, in the military commissariat, before examination, a medical examination card of a citizen entering a school, military educational institution (Appendix N 6 to this Instruction) is issued, and the following are carried out:

Fluorographic (X-ray) examination of the chest in two projections (if it was not carried out or there is no information about this study in the medical documents during the last 6 months);

X-ray of the paranasal sinuses;

ECG study at rest and after exercise;

General blood analysis;

Tests for the presence of HIV infection, for narcotic substances and serological reactions for syphilis;

General urine analysis.

In addition, additionally held for citizens entering:

In schools - a study of feces for helminth eggs and a dysentery group, sowing from the throat and nose for diphtheria;

In military educational institutions that train flight personnel - a study of feces for helminth eggs and Giardia cysts.

For citizens entering schools, fluorographic (X-ray) examinations of the chest and paranasal sinuses are carried out when they reach the age of 15, and those who have not reached it, only according to clinical indications.

102. Citizens who are not doing military service are sent for examination with the results of the studies specified in paragraph 101 of these Instructions, the medical record of an outpatient, information about their state of health provided from institutions of the state or municipal healthcare system, and a medical examination card of a citizen entering the school, military educational institution (Appendix N 6 to this Instruction).

103. Citizens entering schools are not sent for examination if, according to state and municipal health care institutions, they have chronic diseases or obvious physical disabilities that are contraindications for admission to schools in accordance with the annex to the Regulations on VVE.

104. Citizens with normal color perception, visual acuity of at least 1.0 in each eye without correction, blood pressure not higher than 130/80 and not lower 105/60 mm Hg, body mass index not less than 19, body weight not more than 90 kg, height not less than 160 cm and not more than 186 cm, leg length not less than 80 cm, arm length not less than 76 cm, height in sitting position not less than 80 cm and not more than 97 cm.

105. In the process of examination of a citizen entering a school, military educational institution, if necessary, laboratory, X-ray and other studies may be repeated.

A citizen entering a school, military educational institution, according to the conclusion of the VVK, in order to clarify the diagnosis of the disease, can be sent for examination to an institution of the state or municipal health care system, to a military medical institution.

If a disease is detected that prevents admission to the school, further examination of the citizen is terminated, the specialist doctor draws up a medical examination sheet (Appendix N 4 to this Instruction), which is inserted into the medical examination card of a citizen entering the school, military educational institution (Appendix N 6 to this Instruction), and on the basis of the conclusion of a specialist doctor, the VVK issues a conclusion on the unsuitability of a citizen for admission to a school.

106. Citizens studying in schools, in order to resolve the issue of suitability for training at a school, are sent for examination by the heads of schools, and those who are being treated in military medical institutions, in addition, by the heads of these institutions.

107. A serviceman entering a military educational institution for full-time training, before the start of the examination in the military unit, is issued a medical examination card of a citizen entering the school, military educational institution (Appendix N 6 to this Instruction), and the studies indicated in paragraph 101 of this Instruction.

108. Military personnel are sent for examination with a medical book, which should reflect the results of annual in-depth and control medical examinations (for officers - for at least the last 3 years), requests for medical help, a medical examination card of a citizen entering a military school - educational institution (Appendix No. 6 to this Instruction), and the results of the studies specified in paragraph 101 of this Instruction.

In the absence in the medical book of an officer entering a military educational institution, the results of annual in-depth and control medical examinations for the last 3 years preceding admission to a military educational institution, a conclusion is made on sending him to a stationary examination with subsequent examination of the hospital VVK.

If a serviceman entering a military educational institution does not have a medical book, an examination is not carried out.

109. In the process of examination, a serviceman entering a military educational institution may, if necessary, undergo repeated laboratory, X-ray and other examinations.

According to the conclusion of the VVK, in order to clarify the diagnosis of the disease, a serviceman may be sent for examination to a military medical institution.

110. Examination of officers undergoing military service under a contract and entering military educational institutions at the faculties of distance learning is carried out by the garrison or hospital VVK at the place of their military service, while the conclusion of the VVK is drawn up with a certificate (Appendix N 2 to this Instruction). Examination of their VVK of a military educational institution is not carried out.

111. Servicemen in the presence of a disease, according to which the schedule of illnesses (annex to the Regulations on VVE) provides for an individual assessment of the category of fitness for military service or temporary unfitness for military service, are recognized as unfit for admission to a military educational institution.

112. Based on the results of an examination of a citizen entering a school, a specialist doctor issues an opinion only on the suitability or unfitness of a citizen for admission to a school, and in relation to a citizen entering a military educational institution, a conclusion on the category of fitness for military service and suitability or unfitness for admission to a specific military educational institution (to a faculty, department). If a disease is detected in which the schedule of diseases (annex to the Regulation on VVE) provides for limited fitness for military service or unfitness for military service, a conclusion is made on unfitness for admission to a military educational institution and the need for examination and examination at the place of military service ( place of military registration) to determine the category of fitness for military service.

113. The results of the examination and the conclusion of the VVK are recorded in the book of minutes of meetings of the military medical commission (Appendix N 1 (Appendix N 6 to this Instruction), and to the soldier, in addition, in his medical book. For persons recognized as unfit for admission to military educational institution, a specialist doctor draws up a medical examination sheet (Appendix No. 4 to this Instruction).

114. Medical examination cards of a citizen entering a school, military educational institution (Appendix N 6 to this Instruction) and medical examination sheets (Appendix N 4 to this Instruction) of citizens recognized as unfit for admission to a school, military educational institution, The VVK of the school, military educational institution, no later than 5 days after the end of the examination, are sent to the VVK of the military district in which the examination was carried out.

The VVK of the military district takes into account the received maps, analyzes the results of the examination and, no later than September 1 of the current year, sends them to the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, garrison and hospital VVK, in which the examination was carried out.

VVK of the military commissariat of the subject of the Russian Federation, garrison and hospital VVK, VVK of the military commissariat take into account and analyze the mistakes made during the examination and examination of citizens entering schools, military educational institutions, and take measures to eliminate them.

115. The procedure, form and terms for submitting information on the results of the examination of citizens entering schools, military educational institutions are established by the Central Exhibition Commission.

116. When a citizen appeals to a higher VVK (VLK) issued in relation to his conclusion, the higher VVK (VLK) requests from the VVK (VLK), which issued the conclusion, an extract from the book of minutes of meetings of the military medical commission (Appendix No. 1 to this Instruction), a medical examination card of a citizen entering a school, military educational institution (Appendix N 6 to this Instruction), a medical examination sheet (Appendix N 4 to this Instruction) and other medical documents confirming the established diagnosis and the conclusion.

The higher VVK (VLK) informs the applicant and the VVK (VLK) about the results of the study of the submitted documents and the decision taken, the conclusion of which was appealed.

Service in the ranks of the Russian army for the vast majority of the male population is mandatory and is provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation - as the fulfillment of an honorable duty to ensure the defense capability of the state. It imposes certain requirements not only on the moral and ethical qualities of military personnel, but also rather stringent requirements for the state of health. Increased physical activity, stressful situations, participation in military exercises or hostilities, assignment to serve in regions with special climatic conditions - may be unbearable for some military personnel. Therefore, the state, first of all, cares not only about the number of those called up for service, but also about their health.
For these purposes, all those who are subject to conscription into the ranks of the Russian Army, before putting on uniforms and taking the oath, are carefully selected for health reasons. For this, draft medical commissions work at military commissariats, through which all conscripts, candidates for admission to military universities and persons who decide to conclude a contract for service in the RA pass at least 2 times.

The procedure for passing the military medical commission
For the first time, the medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration (residence) is passed by conscripts who received a registration certificate at the age of 17 years. To do this, they are sent a summons with an invitation to appear for a medical examination at a set time.
Civilian specialists recruited from medical institutions for the period of conscription into the army work in the medical commissions at military registration and enlistment offices. Their composition is unchanged and includes:
- Dentist






Usually conscription en masse produced spring and autumn. The rest of the time, military medical boards examine applicants for military universities and persons concluding a contract for military service. The involvement of civilian specialists allows maintaining impartiality and objectivity in assessing the health of candidates for military service, since doctors are not interested in giving a biased assessment of the candidate's health.
The term for passing a military medical examination is 1 day and consists in an examination and instrumental examination by a number of specialist doctors, each of whom personally examines and examines the candidate and issues a separate conclusion on the state of health with a determination of the degree of suitability for service. After passing through all the specialists of the draft commission, the chairman makes an opinion on the degree of suitability of each candidate individually.
It should be remembered that the conclusion of even one of the specialist doctors about the unsuitability of a candidate for military service makes it impossible for him to serve as a whole. And the degree of suitability according to the results of the examination by all specialists is determined by the lowest suitability indicators determined by at least one doctor. In case of doubt or insufficiency of objective data on the candidate's state of health, he is sent for additional examinations to a medical institution at the place of residence (registration).

Eligibility for Service Candidates

There are 5 eligibility categories:
- A - suitable without restrictions;

B - good with certain restrictions

B - limited fit;

G - temporarily unfit;

D - completely unfit

The fitness category is not a sentence, and upon re-passing the military medical examination, the category may be changed depending on the improvement or deterioration in the candidate's health.
Unconditional conscription for fixed-term military service is subject to conscripts who are defined categories "A" or "B", the remaining categories imply either a delay of six months or a year from conscription so that the conscript can undergo the necessary treatment and restore health, or complete exemption from service with the issuance of a military ID (category "D").
For candidates for contract service, the degree of suitability is more critical than for conscripts, since it depends on it whether a contract soldier will be able to serve in the troops that he has chosen as his occupation for the next 5 years.
Equally important is the category of suitability for applicants of military universities. Future officers are subject to increased requirements for health reasons, and for some military specialties associated with increased physical exertion, an absolute state of health is necessary.

Repeated and regular military medical examinations

Conscripts for urgent military service undergo a second medical examination in the same composition of medical specialists immediately before being drafted into the army. During the repeated medical examination (draft), either the degree of fitness previously determined is confirmed, or it is changed to another. In accordance with this, the recruits are distributed among the teams and sent to the troops.
For conscripts who were assigned categories "C" or "G" at the primary medical commission, a second medical examination is assigned after 6 or 12 months. In the event of an improvement in the state of health, the fitness category changes to "A" or "B" and they are subject to conscription into the army. If the category has not changed, a deferment from the call is again granted. Thus, for 10 years from the age of 17 to 27, some citizens liable for military service are not called up for military service due to the inconsistency of the fitness category with the health requirements for a military man. Sometimes the re-passing of the medical commission at the end of the deferral period is referred to as "control".
Regular military medical commissions are held only contract servicemen, military university entrants and officers (ensigns, midshipmen).
The composition of doctors remains the same, only they are examined not by civilians, but by military doctors from garrison hospitals as part of the annualmedical examinations.
For some military personnel (military pilots, drivers of military equipment, submariners, employees of the special forces) - passing a medical examination is mandatory before completing each combat mission or after it is completed.

Military medical commission for women

Women are not subject to conscription for urgent military service in Russia. However, about 300,000 military personnel in a wide variety of military branches are women. They occupy officer, staff, technical positions. Some even serve in special forces.
In general, the medical commission in terms of the composition of medical specialists and the procedure for passing it for women does not differ significantly from that for men.
Taking into account the physiology of the female body, gynecologists are included in the military medical board.
Of course, the requirements for resistance to physical activity for women are significantly reduced. The determination of the degree of suitability may depend on the state of pregnancy or the recovery period after the birth of a child. However, neither one nor the other prevents the passage of a military medical examination, the determination of the category of fitness and the enrollment of women in military universities or recruitment in a specialty.

Appealing the results of the military medical board

Depending on the goals of passing the medical examination - conscription for military service or vice versa - the decision to link their lives with military service, candidates may have completely different motives for disagreeing with the conclusions of the military medical examination.
For those who do not want to serve, the main task is to achieve the category "B" or "D" and, thanks to this, evade the service.
For a candidate who dreams of becoming an officer or a military specialist, on the contrary, it is to achieve the definition of a higher category in order to devote himself to serving in the chosen troops.
If a candidate for service does not agree with the conclusions of the military commission, he has the right to write a report addressed to the chairman of the commission and in the direction, or independently undergo an independent medical examination in a civilian (sometimes specialized) medical institution.
However, such a conclusion, although it is taken into account when determining the degree of fitness for military service, is not mandatory for doctors of the military commission if objective data on the state of health at the time of the examination indicate the full health of the recruit or, on the contrary, his critical condition.
There is also a judicial procedure for appealing the conclusions of the military medical board. This is often used by unscrupulous conscripts who want to receive a deferment from service or completely evade conscription.
The burden of proving the degree of fitness for military service falls entirely on the conscript who appeals the conclusions of the military medical commission in court. He bears all the costs of an independent medical examination, fees for lawyers. The Ministry of Defense does not make any compensation payments for incorrect determination of the fitness category.