Russian language a1. Russian language proficiency levels

General conversational course of Russian as a foreign language A1 designed for listeners of various categories of Russian language proficiency: from complete ignorance of the language to knowledge of the basics and the ability to explain themselves. The course will be useful for both. Students will get an idea of ​​the coherent system of rules of the Russian language, learn to read and write in Russian, and get the necessary practice for conversational communication.

After listening to the A1 conversational Russian language course, a foreign citizen who did not even know a single word of Russian will be able to communicate with a passer-by on the street, with an employer, with a social worker, with a landlord and a seller. In our courses you will learn to understand Russian speech and express your thoughts and desires in Russian. You will be able to read the announcement, signboard, advertisement, street name. You will be able to pass an exam for foreign citizens for a patent and receive a Certificate for a patent for work in the Russian Federation directly in our Center.

General conversational course of Russian as a foreign language A1 are taught by experienced teachers who specialize in teaching foreign citizens. Our Center "Perspektiva" uses modern methods, spacious and comfortable classrooms, various technical teaching aids. All students are given the necessary educational literature.

The tasks of the conversational course of Russian as a foreign language A1 include:

  • teaching students the logic of the Russian language, getting acquainted with the rules of the Russian language, teaching the correct construction of sentences;
  • systematization of knowledge that the listener already has (if any);
  • development of communicative abilities (practical exercises on mastering colloquial speech);
  • mastering the basics of written speech;
  • obtaining new knowledge.

The general conversational course of Russian as a foreign language A1 is being built on role-playing and educational games that allow using examples and practical exercises to work out various situations of everyday communication.

Much attention is paid to practical exercises and practical communication of students.

In order to make it easier for students to master the rules of the Russian language, written speech is mainly studied during various games.

The purpose of the course is to give the students sufficient knowledge for everyday communication in Russian.

The general conversational course of Russian as a foreign language A1 is designed for 120 academic hours (45 minutes each).

Class schedule - 2 times a week for three academic hours.

Classes can be held individually or in groups of 4-10 people. The groups are selected students with approximately the same level of knowledge of the language.

Textbook: Chernyshev S.I. Go! Russian language for adults. Initial course. - 6th ed. - St. Petersburg: Zlatoust, 2008, - 280 p.

The Unified Testing Center for Migrants (examination for foreign citizens) offers its services.

If you already have basic knowledge of the Russian language, then in our Perspektiva Center you can sign up for the General conversational course of Russian as a foreign language A2.

The Perspektiva Center offers various Russian language courses for foreigners. Here you can prepare and pass a test for migrants in the Russian language for a patent, pass a comprehensive exam for foreign citizens. You can get a patent certificate for work and the patent itself. There is a Translation Bureau where you can order a translation from Russian into Chinese with pronunciation.

If you are going to take an exam for foreigners for a patent, call: +7 925 622 50 34

If you are learning Russian and want to:

  • test your own knowledge and motivate yourself for further study of the Russian language;
  • develop self-control and self-esteem skills;
  • get a job where you need knowledge of the Russian language,
then you can pass our exam and get perpetual certificate of the State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin.

We have been taking certification exams in Russian as a foreign language for everyday communication since 1995. For 17 years, about 20,000 people from more than 45 countries of the world have passed exams in the Russian language of everyday communication (all levels).

The RFL proficiency system was developed under the auspices of the Council of Europe and in accordance with the recommendations of “Modern Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. A Common European Framework of reference. Council for Cultural co-operation, Educational committee, Strasbourg, 1996”, as well as taking into account the recommendations of ALTE.

Examinations in content comparable to the levels of knowledge of foreign languages ​​adopted in the Council of Europe, and in form (test) correspond to similar exams in foreign languages ​​in the European educational area.

Exams are conducted by the Institute's specialists, which guarantees you the most objective and impartial assessment of your level of Russian language proficiency.

System of certification levels
Russian language proficiency

Levels of foreign language proficiency on a scale Council of Europe Certification levels in the Russian language of everyday communication State. IRA them. A.S. Pushkin
C2- mastery Native speaker level
C1- Effective operational proficiency Proficiency level
IN 2- Vantage Post-threshold level
IN 1- Threshold threshold level
A2- waystage Prethreshold (basic) level
A1- Breakthrough elementary level

A1 Elementary Communication Level (Breakthrough Level)

Candidate can establish and maintain social contacts in standard situations of daily life; owns a minimum of language resources. To pass the exam of this level, you need to study Russian for 60-80 hours.

A2 Prethreshold (baseline) Level (Waystage Level)

The candidate can solve practical problems in standard situations of everyday life, establish and maintain interpersonal contacts; owns typical language means. To pass the exam at this level, you need to study Russian for 160-200 hours.

B1 Threshold Level

The candidate can solve practical problems in typical situations of everyday life (including professional and educational areas), maintain social and business interaction. The candidate knows the basics of the Russian language system. To pass the exam at this level, you need to study Russian for 400-480 hours.

B2 Post-threshold Level (Vantage Level)

The candidate can solve the problems of social, business and interpersonal interaction, freely understand information from the media; use different styles of language. To pass the exam at this level, you need to study Russian for 560-680 hours.

С1 Level of Competent Possession (Effective operational proficiency Level)

The candidate can freely solve problems in typical situations in the social, social, cultural and professional spheres of communication, using the means of the Russian language of different styles of speech and recognizing the hidden components of meanings. The candidate can speak without preparation at a fast pace, without difficulty in choosing words and expressions, and actively participate in polemical communication. Flexibly and effectively use the language in studies and professional activities.

C2 Native Speaker Level (Mastery Level)

The candidate can easily understand everything heard and read, speak spontaneously on complex topics at a high pace and with a high degree of accuracy, emphasizing shades of meaning, and write coherent texts based on several oral and written sources, including justifications and explanations for the topic in his presentation. . Can conduct teaching and research activities in the field of the Russian language.

The exam for each level consists of five parts(Test 1. Reading. Test 2. Writing. Test 3. Vocabulary. Grammar. Test 4. Listening. Test 5. Speaking)

The duration of the exam depends on the level (from 3 to 6 hours). Examinations at all levels are held in one day.

Passing score - 65 and more for each part of the test. If you have not scored the required number of points, then you will receive a certificate of participation in the test, indicating the score for each part of the test. If you do not achieve the required scores in only one part, you are given the opportunity to retest only in this part of the certification exam during the year (but not earlier than one month after the first attempt). For other parts of the exam, the scores obtained during the first test are counted.

The format of the exam in the Russian language of everyday communication


Test Target Job type
Test 1. Reading
35 min. Full understanding of the content (biographical text, historical background, dialogue, note) - choice of correspondence of the proposed answer options to 2 texts (5 phrases for each);
- multiple choice of one of three options;
- choice of one of three options for reacting to 10 dialogue lines
Test 2. Letter
20 minutes. - Write a fax
- Fill out a form or greeting card
- Fax reply
- Filling out a form or greeting card
Test 3. Vocabulary. Grammar
20 minutes. - Gender, number (name, verb) - Phrase
- Case forms (I.p., R.p., V.p., D.p., P.p.)
choice of one correct answer out of three (30 tasks)
Test 4. Listening
20 minutes. Full understanding - choice of correspondence of the proposed answer options to 4 dialogues on everyday topics (5 phrases for each);
Test 5. Oral exam
10 minutes. - Response
- Initiation
- Reply to a partner in a given situation;
- Start a dialogue according to the given situation


Test Target Job type
Test 1. Reading
35 min. - Full understanding (dialogue, advertisement, announcements, announcement, help, weather forecast, note)
- Understanding the main content (problematic text from a newspaper)
- choice of one of the three answer options (5 texts, 19-20 tasks)
Test 2. Letter
30 min. - Write a letter - Reply to received email
Test 3. Vocabulary. Grammar
30 min. - Prepositional case forms
- Sentence structure (subjective-predicative)
- Modality
choice of one option out of three (30 tasks) (20 tasks)
(10 tasks)
Test 4. Listening
20 minutes. - Full understanding
- Understanding basic information (movie announcements, cultural news, sports)
- choice of one option out of three (6 texts, 18 tasks)
Test 5. Oral exam
10 minutes. - Problem solving in standard situations - 3 situations


Test Target Job type
Test 1. Reading
45 min. - understanding of the main content (handbooks, guides, course brochures, service announcements, informational articles)
- understanding of selective information (advertising, announcements, announcement, help, weather forecast)
choice of one option out of four (6 texts, 20 tasks)
Test 2. Letter
45 min. - fill in the form
- write a letter
- filling out the form
- freely configurable response according to a given program and situation
Test 3. Vocabulary. Grammar
60 min. - verbal statement
- written text (vocabulary)
- written text (grammatical forms and means of communication)
choice of one option out of four (85 tasks) (55 tasks)
(30 tasks)
Test 4. Listening
45 min. - understanding of selective information (announcements of radio and television programs, telephone information, advertising, weather forecast)
- understanding of the main content (announcements, political and other news on radio and television)
- full understanding (instructions, traffic police information and other state services)
- choice of one correct option out of four (5-6 situations, 19 tasks);
* sound rate 120/130 words per minute; one-time sound radio news double sound
Test 5. Oral exam
15 minutes. - problem solving - thematic conversation Candidates talk to each other on given situations and the program, taking turns acting as the initiator. If the number of candidates is odd, one of the candidates talks to the examiner


Test Target Job type
Test 1. Reading
60 min.
  • understanding of selective information of advertising and informational texts (announcement, poster, abstract, etc.)
  • understanding the main content of texts such as instruction, informational article, reportage, plot story - a complete understanding of texts such as an analytical article, review, interview, story-reflection, etc.
  • 5 tasks to establish asymmetric correspondence based on 8 texts;
  • choice of one option out of four based on 1 text; (10 tasks)
  • alternative choice based on 1 text (5 tasks)
Test 2. Letter
60 min.
  • Private business letter in cliched form (invitation, corporate announcements, statements, signatures on books, albums, etc.)
  • private household letter
  • Feedback on any work of art (film, book, exhibition, museums, paintings, websites on the Internet)
  • freely constructable response
    • according to the situation and the given program
    • response to the letter
Test 3. Vocabulary. Grammar
60 min.
  • Sentence structure
  • Prepositional case forms in the text
  • Aspective-temporal forms of the verb in the text
  • Text Communication Tools
  • Attributive forms of the verb in the text
  • 70 (60) tasks to choose from one option out of four
  • 10 tasks to choose from one option out of four
  • 10 alternative choices
  • 10 Asymmetrical Matching Tasks (12 to 10)
  • 10 tasks to choose from one option out of three
Test 4. Listening
40 min.
  • Understanding selective information (dialogue on everyday topics)
  • Understanding the main content (radio news)
  • Complete understanding of texts such as radio talks, radio interviews, etc.
  • 5 alternative choices
  • 10 tasks to choose from 1 option out of 4 to 10 messages
  • 5 tasks to establish asymmetric correspondence (8 to 5) with 2 listening times
Test 5. Oral exam
20 minutes.
  • Discussion of the problem (2 situations)
  • Reaching an informal agreement (2 situations)
  • Pair conversation on the situation and the program using visual-verbal supports
  • Business interaction (dialogue) on the situation and the proposed program


Test Target Job type
Test 1. Reading
90 min. 1.1. Full understanding of literary texts;
1.2. Understanding the main content of texts such as a problematic article;
1.3. Understanding the selective information of polemical texts.
1.1. Fiction text (tasks 1 - 10 for multiple choice): it is necessary to understand the character, feelings and relationships of the characters in the story;
1.2. Problem article (tasks 11 - 14 to choose from 1 option out of 4 based on 1 text);
1.3. 6 assignments to find a match.
Test 2. Letter
90 min. 2.1. Cliche form instruction;
2.2. Private everyday writing with elements of reasoning;
2.3. Abstracts for a speech on a topical issue.
2.1. Freely constructed response according to the situation, given words. Compliance with the genre of instructions and the ability to arrange information logically are required;
2.2. Freely configurable according to the situation and the fragment of the letter. Ability to use elements of reasoning is required;
2.3. Freely configurable response to the situation, key issues. The ability to briefly and logically state the main content of the current problem is required.
Test 3. Vocabulary. Grammar
90 min. 3.1. Knowledge of vocabulary (the use of single-root words of different word-formation models, homophones, words that are close in meaning, etc.);
3.2. The use of verb types in the imperative, control of verbs, noun forms, pronouns, adjectives, numerals;
3.3. verbs with prefixes, aspectual-temporal forms of the verb in the text;
3.4. structure of a complex sentence, means of text communication.
part I (tasks 1 - 2):
  • 20 points to choose one option out of four;
  • 15 points for an alternative choice;
part II (tasks 3 - 4):
  • 5 points for an alternative choice;
  • 10 points for composing phrases with given verbs and words;
part III (tasks 5 - 6):
  • 25 points for an alternative choice of the desired verb from a given list of root verbs with different prefixes and entering it into the text in the desired grammatical form;
part IV (tasks 7 - 9):
  • 5 points for multiple choice of the desired means of communication from those offered;
  • 10 points for an alternative choice of the desired means of communication in the text;
  • 10 points for a freely-constructible response for a given sentence start, communication device, and given verb.
Test 4. Listening
50 min. 4.1. Understanding selective information (television interview);
4.2. Understanding the main content of cultural and scientific news (2 authentic teletexts);
4.3. Full understanding of sounding literary texts (films, performances, etc.)
4.1. Write the missing part of the phrase so that its meaning corresponds to the text you have listened to. (the beginning of 8 phrases with visual support);
4.2. 8 tasks for multiple choice from 4 answer options after listening to two texts;
4.3. 9 tasks for multiple choice of 1 option out of 4; the tasks check the understanding of the relationship of the characters to each other, their opinions, emotions, assessments.
Test 5. Oral exam
30 min. 10 minutes for preparation for tasks 1 and 2, and 10 minutes for task 3. 5.1. Interaction and / or impact on the interlocutor when communicating on everyday topics;
5.2. Mediation; achieving an accurate understanding in the process of clarification;
5.3. Participation in the discussion.
5.1. Dialogue on the situation with another candidate. (2 situations);
5.2. Explanation of the meaning of phrases or phraseological units in an excerpt from the text of a newspaper article of a journalistic nature or a literary text according to the situation and the words highlighted in the text (2 situations);
5.3. A polemical discussion involving another candidate and an examiner according to the situation (the topic / problem is indicated, the speaker's position is described, which the candidate chooses himself) according to the program using verbal supports in the form of theses.


Test Target Job type
Test 1. Reading
120 min. 1.1.-1.2. Understand and restore the text in context and / or on the proposed supports.
1.3. Full understanding of the problematic article and generalization and highlighting of key ideas based on textual material in writing;
1.4. Understanding the main content of the problematic article and compiling supporting theses based on the proposed text material
1.1.-1.2. Write the words that are missing in meaning in the required grammatical form (11 points), and also enter the missing word in the required grammatical form, forming it from the proposed single-root word (10 points);
1.3. The time for presentation of the text material is 30 minutes. Writing summary(summary) - 20 minutes;
1.4. The time for presentation of the text material is 20 minutes. Abstract writing – 20 minutes
Test 2. Letter
120 min. 2.1. Review article;
2.2. Entry in the online diary;
2.3. Response to the letter.
2.1. Based on watching a video clip (2 times) and reading two texts (presentation time - 20 minutes), a review article of 350-400 words is created;
2.2. Based on the text (presentation time - 10 minutes). Volume - 250-300 words;
2.3. Based on a letter read on the Internet. Volume - 250-300 words.
Test 5. Oral exam
50 minutes
To prepare for task 1. - 15 minutes, for task 2 - 10 minutes, task 3 is performed without preparation
3.1. Full understanding of the video clip, mediation, achieving an accurate understanding in the process of clarification;
3.2. Full understanding and analysis of textual material;
3.3. Participation in a conversation.
3.1. a) determination of the main theme of the fragment, the point of view of the speaker, his argumentation;
b) retelling in your own words the content of the fragment;

The workbook on the Russian language of the series "USE 2013. Russian Language" is focused on preparing high school students for the successful passing of the unified state exam in the Russian language in 2013. The manual includes training tasks corresponding to positions A1-A6 (orthoepic, lexical, morphological, syntactic norms).
The authors of the book are the developers of control measuring materials on the Russian language for basic and secondary schools.
The manual is addressed to students of the eleventh grade, school teachers and tutors.

In which example, instead of the word MARSH, is it necessary to use the word MARSHING?
1) Before going to the training ground, we were given military boots and a SWAMP-colored uniform.
2) In these wet, swampy places, you can easily cut your legs with a sharp sedge.
3) Gradually, the mountains were replaced by bogs, on which only crooked and stunted SWAMP birch trees grew.
4) There was a bitter swamp smell in the barn.

Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.
1) a platoon of soldiers
2) the most simple
3) the lamp will light up
4) less than six hundred rubles

Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
Based in the UK,
1) Mr. Crown was shocked by the news of a long drought and crop failure in his native Oklahoma.
2) I was instructed to write a short essay on the history of London.
3) Marx wrote his major economic works, including Capital.
4) Be sure to visit Arundel Castle.

Task A1
Orthoepic norms
Task A2
Lexical norms
Task A3
Morphological norms
Task A4
Syntactic norms (building a sentence with a gerund)
Task A5
Syntactic norms (in a phrase, in simple and complex sentences) Task A6
Syntactic norms (replacement of a subordinate clause by participle turnover)
Answers to tasks.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book USE 2013, Russian language, A1-A6, Language norms, Workbook, Kuznetsov A.Yu., Rubinskaya G.P., Kuznetsova L.I. -, fast and free download.

  • USE 2013, Russian language, A20-A27, Punctuation, Text, Workbook, Kuznetsov A.Yu., Rubinskaya G.P., Kuznetsova L.I.
  • USE 2013, Russian language, Workbook, A20-A27, Kuznetsov A.Yu., Rubinskaya G.P., Kuznetsova L.I.
  • USE 2013, Russian language, Workbook, A13-A19, Kuznetsov A.Yu., Rubinskaya G.P., Kuznetsova L.I.
  • USE 2013, Russian language, Workbook, A1-A6, Kuznetsov A.Yu., Rubinskaya G.P., Kuznetsova L.I.

The following tutorials and books.

About testing in Russian as a foreign language
(TORFL, levels A1-C2)

The Russian state system of certification levels of general knowledge of Russian as a foreign language (TORFL) includes the following system of tests:

  • TEU - Test in Russian as a foreign language. Elementary level (A1);
  • TBU - Test in Russian as a foreign language. Basic level (A2);
  • TORFL-1 - Test in Russian as a foreign language. First certification level (B1);
  • TORFL-2 - Test in Russian as a foreign language. Second certification level (B2);
  • TORFL-3 - Test in Russian as a foreign language. Third certification level (C1);
  • TORFL-4 - Test in Russian as a foreign language. Fourth certification level (C2).

The Russian state system of certification levels of general knowledge of Russian as a foreign language correlates with testing systems adopted in other countries.

Russia elementary level A basic level of I level
II level
III level
IV level
A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
Europe Level 1
Breakthrough Level
Level 2
Waystage Level
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Effective Operational Proficiency
Level 6
good user
USA Novice intermediate Intermediate High Advanced Advanced Plus Superior Native

Since 1997, the Russian State Testing System (TORFL) has been an official member of the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE).

Test procedure

TORFL— international exam to determine the level of Russian language proficiency. General knowledge of Russian as a foreign language includes six levels:

  • Elementary,
  • Base,
  • I certification,
  • II certification,
  • III certification,
  • IV certification.

Test for each level is from five components(subtests):

  • Vocabulary. Grammar,
  • Reading,
  • listening,
  • Letter,
  • speaking.

To successfully pass the exam, you must score at least 66% in each subtest. If in one of them the tested person received less than 66%, he has the right to re-test for the failed subtest again for an additional fee (50% of the cost of the exam). In this case, a certificate of passing the test is issued, which indicates all the results obtained. The certificate is valid for 2 years, it can be presented for retake to any educational institution that is part of the Russian State Testing System.

The results of successfully passed subtests are taken into account when retaking the exam.

Exam duration

Component (subtest) elementary level A basic level of I certification level
Vocabulary. Grammar 50 min. 50 min. 60 min.
Reading 50 min. 50 min. 50 min.
listening 30 min. 35 min. 35 min.
Letter 50 min. 50 min. 60 min.
speaking 30 min. 25 min. 25 min.
Total duration: 3 hours 30 minutes 3 hours 30 minutes 3 hours 50 minutes
Written part of the exam: 180 min. 185 min. 205 min.
Component (subtest) II certification level III certification level IV certification level
Vocabulary. Grammar 90 min. 90 min. 60 min.
Reading 60 min. 75 min. 80 min.
listening 35 min. 35 min. 40 min.
Letter 60 min. 60 min. 60 min.
speaking 35 min. 40 min. 50 min.
Total duration: 4 hours 40 minutes 5 o'clock 00 min. 4 hours 50 minutes
Written part of the exam: 280 min. 260 min. 290 min.

Russian language as a means of business communication

Typical tests by levels

  • 6 300 rub. 3 150 rub. Third Certification (TORFL-III/C1)
    High level of communicative competence. 6 500 rub. 3 250 rub. Fourth certification (TORFL-IV/C2)
    Fluency in Russian, close to the level of a native speaker. 6 500 rub. 3 250 rub.

    I have been working as an English tutor for many years and prepare my students for both entrance and final exams. I can say that any exam is a serious test for an applicant, and the USE in English is one of the most difficult exams in a secondary school. After all, this is not only a graduation, but also an entrance exam to the institute! Therefore, preparation should be approached with all responsibility.
    In order to pass the exam in English with a high score (84-100), you must have a level of knowledge not lower than upper-intermediate. It is at this level that you need to focus if your goal is to enter the leading universities in Moscow.

    A lot of literature has been published to prepare for the unified state exam. Basically, these are manuals with a set of exemplary variants of the exam in English. Such aids are very useful at the last stage of learning, when the child has already formed a certain grammatical, lexical and conversational level, many topics of the program have been studied, and the teacher's goal now remains to orient the student to a new form of testing. An experienced teacher is well aware that without the formation of a solid theoretical foundation based on the knowledge of various competencies, no coaching will help in choosing the right answer. For this purpose, there are different textbooks, both domestic and foreign authors. Both of them have their pros and cons. Therefore, in choosing textbooks, I always try to use those tasks that are most useful in teaching a particular child and can give the best result. Do not forget that any experienced tutor will also refer to his teaching aids, developments and ideas.

    Listening is a type of speech activity that causes the greatest number of difficulties not only for those who begin to learn a language or prepare for various types of exams, but also for those who find themselves in a foreign language environment and are forced to make independent decisions. To get started, you need to answer the following questions:
    1) What is listening and how is it different from listening?
    2) Why does this type of speech activity cause the most difficulties?
    3) How is listening training related to the formation of related language and speech skills?
    First, Listening Comprehension is the process of listening to and understanding speech. Teaching students to understand speech by ear is one of the most important goals of teaching English. In situations of real communication, we are faced with listening as a completely independent type of speech activity. Often, in addition to listening to speech, we perform other actions: we observe, speak, write. Any audio recording provides information for discussion, which, in turn, involves the further development of speaking skills. Therefore, listening is a learning tool. It is simply impossible to draw a clear line between listening and speaking in this case. Even the term speaking initially suggests listening skills.
    Secondly, the difficulties of listening include:
    A) difficulties caused by listening conditions (external noise, recording quality, poor acoustics)
    B) difficulties due to the individual characteristics of the source of speech (lack of practice of listening to the speech of people of the opposite sex, different ages, features of diction, tempo, pauses)
    Thirdly, psychologists note that when listening, there is an internal pronunciation of speech. The clearer the pronunciation, the higher the level of listening. Those who have the habit of internally pronouncing, fixing information will better understand and remember it. The exam, which tests the perception of English speech by ear, is perhaps one of the main problems. The reason is not only that audio cassettes are not listened to throughout the entire school course (which is 11 years old), but also that students do not know how to correlate key words in questions and audio recordings and choose answer options only because the same words are heard in the texts, and they forget that the correct answer, as a rule, is expressed synonymously. Plus, in any exam, a limited time is allocated for completing the task. Add to this the excitement that is natural at the exam, and the exam is worse than it could be.
    Reading, from my point of view, is the section that causes the greatest difficulties for applicants. Even if the student knows the format of the tasks, one should not forget that the texts for testing are authentic, and those who do not have a good enough lexical and grammatical base will not be able to show linguistic intuition, since the tasks are formulated in such a way that the use of a synonymous series can confuse the child with sense. A limited amount of time is allocated for the English exam, and the children simply do not have time, they are in a hurry, plus excitement - and again unwanted mistakes. Therefore, in my lessons, I pay special attention to the study of authentic texts of various subjects and complexity, which certainly leads to improvement in listening, speaking, and writing skills. Fiction, classical, English literature, offered for listening and subsequent discussion, encourages children to independently study the work.

    Grammar and vocabulary are not the problem of one or two students, but the problem of 90% of all who decide to take the exam in English. In lexical tasks, synonymous rows are able to confuse even strong students. Therefore, special attention is paid to the knowledge of spelling rules and the skills of their application on the basis of the studied lexical and grammatical material, to the idea of ​​synonymy, antonymy, lexical compatibility, polysemy, further expansion of the range of meanings of grammatical means studied earlier, and acquaintance with new grammatical phenomena, to the observance the norms of lexical compatibility existing in the English language; I teach to find and form related words using the main methods of word formation, to recognize the belonging of words to parts of speech according to certain signs (articles, affixes, etc.);
    Written assignments. This includes writing a personal letter of 140 words, and writing an essay on a given topic expressing your point of view (200-250 words). In this type of assignment, it is important to follow a strict structure, using arguments to prove your point. Arguments are not easy to come up with and it often takes a lot of time to analyze a topic, an essay has to be rewritten, and everyone understands that the more topics a student understands, the more chances he has to get the highest score.
    Speaking is inextricably linked with cultural competence, the meaning of which lies in the creative assimilation and understanding of everything valuable both in the culture of one's own people and in other cultures. Only a small part of students has a high level of cultural competence. Others are characterized by a low and medium level of this competence. Therefore, it is necessary to organize special work on the formation of cultural education in the learning process, namely, in the process of learning a foreign language. To form this competence, it is necessary to organize special activities that would allow focusing on the relationship of culture, education and communication. The oral exam in English (as well as the written one) has its own structure. Therefore, in order to successfully pass this type of testing (20 out of 20), you should follow it. Of course, for those who have a free speaking skill, it is much easier to cope with this task.
    It should be noted that the most important task of the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard) is the formation of universal (meta-subject) educational activities that provide students learning a foreign language with the ability to learn, the ability to work independently on the language, and, consequently, the ability to self-development and self-improvement. Therefore, the most important task of any teacher should be to develop the student's motivation and self-confidence.
    Today, the concepts of "meta-subject", "meta-subject learning" are gaining special popularity. This is quite understandable, because the meta-subject approach is the basis of the new standards.

    Kuznetsova Tatyana Vladimirovna, English tutor

    Fight the fears within you: 5 ways to stop pre-exam fear from ruining your life

    Turn your fears into your wisdom
    We all have both positive and negative experiences. This is natural, but often we fail to deal with negative experiences—the mistakes that hurt us—and they haunt us and keep us from being happy. We are afraid to make mistakes again, and this does not give us the opportunity to enjoy life and therefore we are in constant tension. To achieve happiness, reduce stress, and move forward towards your dreams, you need to fight these fears. One of the worst fears we have to fight is the constant expectation of failure. When we cannot free ourselves from the negativity that the future may bring us, we allow it into today's life. By clinging to our fear, we limit our potential and our future. The correct perception and ability to realize what haunts us, including in relationships with people, allows us to learn valuable lessons that help us avoid serious mistakes in the future. If we are able to overcome the mistakes of the past and forget about them, then we become more resilient to stress and adversity and realize that we can cope with them. But sometimes we are not fully aware of what is troubling us. Surprisingly, fears can also have a beneficial effect on us, forcing us to change, to look at life in a new and more constructive way. The ability to conquer fears makes us stronger and more resilient to ups and downs. Successful struggle with fears in ourselves determines our ability to be happy, improve ourselves and enjoy everything that life gives us. And here's how you can do it.
    1. Be able to pinpoint the cause of your fear.
    Before you can fight your inner fears, you need to see them. It is not necessary to say endlessly that you cannot cope with the problem, play games with your subconscious, become discouraged and make others nervous. Find time for yourself, stay alone with yourself and find the objective reason for your fear.
    2. Be objective.
    Having named the reason for your fear, move to a more objective plane, try to think more rationally. Ask yourself what exactly caused this experience.
    3. Look ahead.
    Remind yourself that failure, pain, disappointment, and other negative feelings are part and parcel of life. But you are strong enough not to let your anxiety make you a hostage to the situation. Think about the future development of your problems. What will happen if you win? Or what happens if you lose?
    4. Start developing your little business plan.
    Often it is difficult for us to do this, because we do not have such experience. But think about it, what do we have to lose? A little of your time and a couple of pieces of paper? Take a notebook. Write what your problem is, use an arrow to the left to indicate the reason, and use an arrow or several to the right to indicate ideas for overcoming the obstacle we call fear. If you are out of ideas, you can ask your parents or teachers for advice. Of course, you have friends who also experience the same problems. Working together is always easier.
    5. We begin to act.
    When we constantly “cling” to anxiety, we limit our own possibilities, as we avoid risks and new beginnings because of fears. We think in terms of "I can't", "I shouldn't", "I can't do it". And it should be the other way around. You have a clear understanding of your problem and you know how to overcome it. Go ahead and do not forget: you have your own business plan and its implementation depends only on you.