A story about school life. "School" fairy tale

Our fairy tale about the school is of an educational plan. Magic is a miracle, and we love miracles. Worldly magics are performed with the help of a magic wand, and scientific ones - with the help of a completely different device ...

Fairy tale "School and magic"

There was a school. And what was not in it! Desks and boards, globes and textbooks, computers and pointers. The school had children as students and adults as teachers.

And there was magic in the school. No one saw him in the eyes, but the facts said that it was. What was this magic?

And next. For example, Anya Formochkina is standing at the blackboard and cannot solve the example. And suddenly - as if a miracle is happening - she picks up the chalk and begins to quickly write the solution. As if someone had told her.

Or, for example, Misha Pesochkin cannot remember a proverb. Another moment - and like lightning flashed - Misha grabs a pen and writes the right proverb.

All the students thought that magic would not bypass them, and save them in a hopeless situation.

The children in this unusual school were interested in learning. They knew that they were not alone at school, that magic lived somewhere.

And only one student, an excellent student Vitya Sovochkin, did not believe in the existence of magic.

“It’s all grandmother’s tales,” he said. - There is no magic.

But once there was a test in Vitya's class. Victor could not solve the problem in any way. After all, sometimes excellent students also experience difficulties. And suddenly, as if someone whispered something in his ear, Vitino's face lit up:

"Eureka," he rejoiced.

The solution has been found. Vitya quickly wrote it down in a notebook for tests, and then thought:

“Looks like the guys are right. There is some kind of magic. We need to figure it all out, ”he decided, and the first thing he decided to consult with his parents.

Vitin's dad said that there really is magic, and it lies in the features of our brain. In moments of difficulty, the hidden reserves of the brain come to the rescue, insight arises. And the solution comes!

Vitya was delighted. He sorted everything out. It became clear to him. But he didn't tell the kids anything. Let them believe that magic lives in the school, lurks somewhere behind a closet, or hides at the end of the school corridor. It's so great to believe in magic!

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

What was the magic at school?

What events happened to Anya Formochkina and Misha Pesochkin?

What marks did Vitya Sovochkin study for?

What, according to Vitya's dad, was the magic?

Why didn't Vitya tell his classmates about the secrets of magic?

Is there magic in your school? Where do you think it's hiding?

What proverbs fit the story?

Anyone who does not believe in magic will never know it.
Your mind is the king in your head.
Every business has its place.

The main meaning of the fairy tale is that when necessary, magic can help. This magic is our brain, which includes its hidden reserves in difficult periods. Illumination is a priceless gift. It plays an important role in any business. Illumination is magic, and magic is happiness!

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a magic school. But why was it? She is ... She is only 15 years old, she is very young.

It's like a school is a school. And children seem to be children. But this is at first glance. The children who study there are quite unusual. Small and older. Various. All red girls and good fellows. Kind and wise fairies and wizards teach them all sorts of wisdom. And the director is the most important professor of magic. There are also sisters of mercy in the school who treat children with all sorts of magical mixtures, if suddenly one of the children gets sick, just a little. In the dining room, children are fed fabulously delicious breakfasts, lunches and afternoon snacks. And self-assembled tablecloths help cooks in this. The school is always clean. For this, thanks to the Cinderellas with magic wands-mops. Every morning, children are brought to school by a school magic bus, which is also driven, of course, by a real magician. And thanks to the efforts of all these wizards, wonderful children are obtained. All school employees are proud of their graduates, because they continue to perform miracles in life.

This is such a school! I was there, I saw everything myself and did not embellish anything. This is my school! Nizhnevartovsk special (correctional) general education school 1, 2 types! This year she has a magical anniversary - 15 years! I wish the school to flourish for many, many years, to live together, in love and harmony! Here is the end of my fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!

This year, sixth graders made up fairy tales themselves, and this is what came of it

Chernykh Kristina, 6th grade student

Barin and servant

Once upon a time there was a master, and he had a servant. And the master loved to listen to fairy tales so much that he forced his servant to tell them. And the servant did not know any fairy tales. Here the servant came to tell the tale to the master, sat down and said:

Here we go, go, go, go...

The gentleman is tired of this word "walk", and he asks:

Where did we come from?

And the servant does not seem to hear, all his own:

Walk, walk, walk, walk...

The master got angry and drove the servant away.

On the second day, the master asks the servant to continue the tale. The servant came and said:

Here, sir, we walked and walked and came to a high mountain. And let's climb this mountain. We climb, we climb, we climb, we climb ...

And so the whole day he kept talking, as they climbed the mountain. Barin could not bear it:

Will we get there soon?

And the servant is all his own:

We climb, we climb, we climb ...

The master was tired of this, and he drove the servant away.

The servant comes on the third day. The master asks him again:

So we climbed the mountain, and then we went again. They went, they went, they went, they came. There are two barrels: one barrel with manure, and the other with honey. I, like a servant, was put in dung, and you, like a gentleman, in honey.

But this is correct! But this is good!

And so we sat, sat, sat...

The master listened to all this, listened, could not stand it and said:

Will they take us out soon?

And the servant is all his own:

Sitting, sitting, sitting...

The master got angry again and drove him away.

On the fourth morning, the master's servant again called:

How long have we been sitting there?

Here, sir, they pulled us out, and two bosses came. And they made me lick you, and you lick me.

Kononov Stas, 6th grade student

How the master barked in the church

Once upon a time there lived a man-hunter and a gentleman. The master always called all the peasants fools. The hunter did not say anything to the master.

Once the master went to church and a hunter caught his eye. The gentleman drove up to him, and they began to talk. Here the hunter says:

My sir, my dog ​​has littered, everyone around me is asking for puppies.

Leave me the best, - said the master.

I have those that bark loudly and those that bark softly. What are you?

who bark loudly.

… In the meantime, they had already entered the church.

But like this! Woof! Woof! Woof! barked the barin.

The priest heard this and became angry:

Get out, sir, from the church! he shouted.

The men took the master out.

Well, are men stupid? - asked the hunter.

Not! Not! I am a fool, they are not fools!

Razhev Ivan, 6th grade student

Who is the best?

Once mushrooms gathered for the holiday of "summer rain". They rocked in dances, played their favorite game - hide and seek. And suddenly, in the midst of this fun, the Amanita mushroom began to assert that it was the best of the mushrooms. He began to speak:

I'm so handsome, I have a red hat with white polka dots! Therefore, I am the best mushroom!

No, - said Chanterelle, - I'm the best, because I have a notch in my hat and I'm in a red dress!

Here another mushroom entered into an argument, which began to show its white shirt and lace skirt.

Old grandfather Borovik came out here, tapped with his staff, and immediately everyone quieted down and began to listen attentively. He began to speak:

But tell us, handsome fly agaric, or you, Pale grebe, is it you that people have been so stubbornly looking for all summer? Is it because of you that they bow to every bush, look under every tree? Not! After all, the best mushroom is not the one that is the most beautiful, but the one that benefits others. If suddenly one of the people eats a fly agaric, and even worse, a pale grebe, then such a person will need to be urgently saved! But if a porcini mushroom gets into the mushroom picker's basket, then he will delight the whole family with delicious mushroom soup, mushroom sauce, and many more dishes. He will feed, give strength, add health! So who is the best?!

Ragina Sofia, 6th grade student

Grade 6

In a certain region, in a certain city, in a certain school there was a 6th grade. And he was so uncontrollable, just horror. Every day something happened: either a fight, or they break glass, or they tear up books ... The teachers broke their heads, they don’t know what to do.

At this school there lived a watchman, so, an inconspicuous old man. He looked at all this, how children, like imps, harass teachers, and decided to help the school. He began to think how to teach them a lesson and teach them to reason. When the children went to physical education, they left their things in the wardrobe, which was looked after by the old man. And the old man began to spoil things, write all sorts of filth in his diaries. The children all quarreled, accused each other, not even suspecting who could do it. After all, no one could think of an old man.

The guys stopped being friends, being naughty, and there was such silence at school - both at breaks and in the classroom. The children followed each other and chatted. Teachers could not even imagine that such a time would come. Scolded children and at home. Sixth-graders would give everything for being friends and playing together, as before. They realized that it was not without reason that all this happened to them, they sorted everything out. But the old man was so carried away that he did not want to return everything to its place.

Here is the conclusion: do not do bad things to another without understanding what will happen to you.

Timin Daniel, 6th grade student

"Brave" jackal

In a distant forest lived a Jackal. Since childhood, he offended all animals and mocked them. He called the bear lazy, he considered the giraffe a weakling and despised him for not eating meat. He called the wolf a cowardly dog, because he, with his tail between his legs, ran from the hunters. Lisu considered stupid and unable to arrange his personal life. He considered himself the most cunning and lucky. He was always full and satisfied with life.

The forest inhabitants could not answer him, because he was protected and fed with the remnants of his food by a strong Lion - the owner of the forest. Once upon a time, the little Jackal was orphaned, and the kind Leo took pity on the baby, did not use him as food, but began to take care of him. The kid ate and slept in his lair, played with the fluffy tassel of his unfailing uncle Leo's tail. And in the end, as is often the case, he grew up selfish and vicious. He did not love anyone, he teased everyone and was not afraid of anything, because his uncle was always nearby ... It seemed that such a carefree life would always continue.

But one day the native forest was filled with strange unfamiliar sounds. Some people on huge iron horses disturbed the usual peace of the forest inhabitants, began to catch them, put them in cages and take them away. The fearless Jackal was not ready for such a turn of events. He did not know how to protect himself from people that even his uncle Leo was afraid of. Once in a strong network of hunters, he could only whine plaintively.

Now the Jackal lives in a zoo in a big city. From his cage next door, he sees the long neck of the Giraffe, at night he hears the lonely howl of the Wolf, he knows that the old Bear walks from corner to corner behind the wall. But for some reason, none of the animals during the general walk remembers the Jackal's evil jokes, everyone greets him warmly when they meet, trying to cheer up their comrade in captivity. Only now the little Jackal is afraid to meet their eyes and prefers not to talk to anyone. Did he finally feel ashamed?

A short play about school and for schoolchildren. Allows everyone to take on the stage, you can enter additional roles and crowd scenes. A simple plot will interest both younger students and older children.

- Tsar Diary;
- Minister of education;
- guard;
- reader;
- 1st Col;
- 2nd Col;
- Deuce;
- 1st Troyak;
- 2nd Troyak;
- Four;
- 1st Five;
- 2nd Five.

In the center of the scene is a throne for the king, near which stands a guard; There is a map hanging on the wall.

In some school state
The king's diary sat on the kingdom.
And early one morning
Visit other countries
The king thought. And decree
He scribbled the same hour.
(Unrolls the scroll, reads the decree.)
"To complete the visit
I need a suit like this
To the far side
I wouldn't be embarrassed.
To have visitors
Not fools, not buzzers,
Not lazy, not flatterers,
And as it should - well done!
I order everyone to come to me,
So that everyone can stand out
Show your mind and stuff.
Everyone to appear before the royal eyes!

The dude leaves. The king enters and sits on the throne. He is followed by the Minister of Education.

Minister (to the king).
I am the Minister of Education
I announce with glee:
At your apartment
The first two contenders
The first two? Well, great!
I will talk to them personally.
Come in, gentlemen!

Two Colas enter.

1st Col.
We came here
To bow at your feet
And ask the embassy.

They bow to the king.

How to call you, eagles?
2nd Col.
We are according to Father Kola.
We are Cola Colova.
1st Col.
We are both healthy
Both are not hunchbacks
Famous and rich.
2nd Col.
And we want, so to speak,
Our kingdom to represent
Together with the father-king
Behind an unknown hillock.
Well, are you friendly with diploma?
1st Col.
We don't need science.
Out of status Kolam
Bend the spine in half
Learn counting, primer.
2nd Col.
Why do we need this, king?
What?! Yes, shame on you
To the uncouth Kolam,
Come to me in the light
And ask to go abroad?
Wow let's go! What a disgrace!
Guard, lead Kolov into the yard,
Give me a kick without delay
To give them acceleration!

The guard takes the Koles by the collar and leads them out.

King, some girl
It also asks for the light,
For you to appreciate
And he invited me to the embassy.
Let's see what the girl is.
Maybe it will fit in a retinue.
I will pass the exam -
If I don't find flaws,
It will go abroad.
Invite the girl here.

The Minister leaves and returns with Deuce.

I bow low to the king
And at the same time I say
What is ready, so to speak,
Our kingdom to represent
Overseas -
This mission is for me.
Well, what's your name?
Everyone calls the deuce, loving.
As I walk down the street
Everyone loves me.
All handkerchiefs get
And sheds tears of happiness.
Is it friendly with grammar,
Reading, math?
Why is a beautiful girl
Mathematics to study?
After all, servants are next to me -
Count if needed.
I don't even know the letters.
I am a pillar noblewoman,
And not letters of a slave!
It's just a shame!
You, dove, are a know-it-all
And a lazy bum.
Not being able to read is a shame!
All! End of conversation!
You're not good for anything.
You don't need a suit either!
I tell you girl
Get out of the quarters.
oskakkah.ru - site

The king turns away. The duo shrugged and walked away.

King, to your apartments
Two applicants are torn.
It seems to be not loafers,
Lasy is sharpened in Spanish:
"Oh, boyfriend, monsieur, bonjour,
Guten morgen, lampshade!”
Invite them to a party
Let's see what's what here.

The minister goes out and comes back with two Trojaks.

1st Troyak.
Guten morgen, hande hoh!
Every friend of us is good!

2nd Troyak.
We want nah cordon,
Nah Paris and nah London.
Well, what is your name, friends, what?
1st Troyak.
I am Troyak and he is Troyak!
We are in terms of languages ​​-
Guten morgen, be healthy!
2nd Troyak.
In general, a complete fantasy!

The king rises from his throne, approaches the map.

Where is London and Paris?

The Trojans randomly poke their fingers at the map.

1st Troyak.
London is here, Paris is over there.
2nd Troyak.
Close to Panama City.
In geography - we are gut!
Yes, you are not gut, but kaput!
I'll ask them both out!
Goodbye, sorry!
(To the guard)
Take them to the gate
Show me where the turn is.
(to the Minister)
You are the minister of education!
What kind of gift is this?!
Some kind of oak
Uneducated, rude!
Answer me, eshkin cat,
Where are our literate people?
Is it in the great kingdom
Our school state
Is there anyone smarter?
King, let me answer.
There are smart girls
Three good sisters
I sent messengers to them.
Where are they, after all?

Enter three girls with briefcases, bow to the king.

Hello, our wise king,
Our learned sovereign!
Come on, come on, what kind of birds
What smart girls?
How beautiful and neat
The eyes of the king are pleasing!
I could take everyone to the embassy.
What's your name beauties?
1st Five.
I am Five.
2nd Five.
I am Five.
And I'm the youngest Four.
Are you friendly with the sciences?
1st Five.
All things are important to us!
2nd Five.
There are no secondary sciences!
It is essential to know them.
What about subject notebooks?
I hope they are all right?

The girls take notebooks out of their briefcases and give them to the king.

See for yourself, my lord.
And take mine, king.

The king looks at the notebooks with a satisfied air.

No mistakes, no flaw
I take you all in retinue!
Tomorrow to distant shores
The brig will rush us over the waves.
The first one is Germany.
(Into the hall) Thank you for your attention!

General bow, curtain.

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For every person, school is the most unforgettable life stage, in which, after many years, you want to plunge headlong again in order to feel the taste of childhood again, experience the period of growing up and becoming a person, see your favorite teachers, remember funny stories about school that happened to classmates and you.

Here are a few cases from school life that will help you plunge into such a familiar and close atmosphere for everyone.

The Tale of the Three Little Pigs

A funny story from school life begins with the fact that at a reading lesson a teacher read a fairy tale about three little pigs to first-graders. Finally, she came to a passage about looking for materials to build houses, namely, when one pig saw a peasant riding a cart of hay and asked: “Excuse me, sir! Could you lend me some hay to build my house?” After a pause, the teacher asked the children a question: “What do you think the peasant answered the pig?”

One of the boys said without hesitation: “The peasant replied that you can just be stunned: a talking pig!” After these words, the teacher could not continue the lesson ...

Where is my bomb?

And this funny story from school life was told by one teacher, whose school was once visited by the FSB officer in order to find out if the educational institution was ready to repel a possible terrorist attack. The visit, of course, was unplanned. In the hands of the guest there was a yellow opaque package with a dummy bomb, with which he walked around the floors, then returned to the guard and asked him to look after the package. Himself, having made sure that there was no smell of vigilance in this school, he went to the director to arrange a dressing.

When he returned, he discovered that the package with the “bomb” had been stolen, apparently for more necessary purposes. Therefore, the "lecturer" instead of reading notations to the director was forced to reorient himself into a school detective.

A funny story from school life about Leshenka

Once, a boy Leshenka was brought to one of the many schools of child prodigies, to whom an aunt-psychologist asked the question at an introductory interview: "What is the difference between a bus and a trolleybus?" The boy, without thinking twice, said that the trolleybus runs on an electric motor (power, while the bus runs on an internal combustion engine.

The answer was wrong. In fact, everything is much simpler: a trolleybus with horns, and a bus without. Therefore, there is no need to fool the smart aunt's head.

According to the magazine

Also a pretty funny story from school life. A new teacher came to the 9th grade. The guys decided to play a joke on her, check her reaction and nerves at the same time and put a condom on the table. The teacher was not at a loss, picked up this item and, showing it to the class, asked what it was and where it was used. In response - friendly laughter. Then the teacher says: “Well, let one of the boys, the most courageous, come to the blackboard, and I will show where and how to put it on, and at the same time I will tell you what it is for. If there is no volunteer, then you will have to call on the magazine ". There was a suspicious silence in the classroom.

Funny story from school life about a pancake

The habit of using the word "pancake" is in both adults and children. And they insert it at every opportunity. A teacher at one school, in order to eradicate this habit, suggested that the children replace the word "pancake" with "bun with raisins."

There are students in every class who can't sit through a boring lesson and take the initiative to finish it as soon as possible. Here in one such class there was a student whom everyone loved, and he never felt fear of anyone. At the lessons, everyone was just waiting for what kind of joke he would give out. If the lesson dragged on, the student, under some pretext, left the class and gave a call for a break (of course, ahead of time). I could write a note “a sock is hanging on the ceiling” and let it go around the class. Everyone read and naively looked at the ceiling, although it is clear that there was no sock there.


When you try to remember funny stories about school, such an incident pops up in your memory. At one of the lessons, a certain child could not stand the toilet and peed himself. The teacher found the most predictable way out of the situation: she called her mother, who brought the pants. The child was changed into dry clothes. After that, the teacher began to respond more attentively to the requests of the children. And somehow she stands with a colleague on one of the floors near the toilet, and she asks her to stand so that the children do not run in. The teacher is standing in the corridor, guarding the door and sees a girl running out of the classroom and shouting: “Bye-ah-ah-ah!”

The poor teacher recalls a previous incident; the toilet is unfortunately busy. But then this girl runs up to another girl of her age, pats her on the shoulder and says: “Bye, Katya! I won’t wait for you, my lessons are over.”

Mrrr meow

And here is another funny story from school life that happened at a physical education lesson. In the tenth grade, it was required to pass the standards for running. Since no one really wanted to jump, the guys decided to buy valerian and arrange a real paradise for local cats on the sand area intended for such an interesting action. No sooner said than done! On the day of the expected delivery of standards, the purchased valerian is successfully poured onto the site. the teacher, who saw several dozen inappropriately behaved cats around the perimeter of the site, defied description.

Attempts to free the yard from meowing living creatures were unsuccessful. But the goal for which everything was done turned out to be achieved, and the physical education lesson turned out to be very fun.

Hooray! Quarantine!

Quarantine, like holidays, is a happy period for any normal student. This is a holiday! At least a week. So. In the winter, as it should be, the influenza epidemic began, and schools, in which more than 10 people were sick, were closed one after another. However, no one was sick in one class, so the guys decided to arrange an artificial quarantine: they brought a fragrant one from home, they decided to sniff, and as soon as everyone starts sneezing, the teachers will think that the quarantine has reached here, and will let everyone go home. Unfortunately, this ingenious experiment failed. The teachers, having smelled the smell of pepper, were asked to voluntarily hand over the “chemical weapon”. Passed 4 boys (hooligans-losers) and one girl (an excellent student and a favorite of teachers). It flew into everyone, both from parents and from teachers, I can’t do it at all.

In the same class, the battle with books was not uncommon. Once a flying book hit the head of a teacher who came to teach a lesson. After such a presentation, she said that this class should be entered in a bulletproof vest and a helmet. It happened not like that. Before the control, they locked themselves in the classroom, and the teacher could not get there until the middle of the lesson.

At least take a peek...

Funny stories from the life of schoolchildren are diverse and sometimes even repeated. Remembering these beautiful bright moments, you feel a keen desire to return to childhood even for a minute. After all, adult life is often monotonous, it does not have that school recklessness and mischief. Beloved teachers are already teaching other generations, who intrigue them in the same way, smear the board with paraffin and put buttons on the chair. Therefore, funny stories from school should be remembered as often as possible, because at such moments mischievous sparks light up in the eyes, and a kind and mischievous smile appears on the face.