Fairy tale psychotherapy. fairy tale therapy

It turns out that with the help of a fairy tale, you can heal people. This is how fairy tale therapy arose, which is suitable for both children and adults.

Do you love fairy tales as much as I do?

I am convinced that any fairy tale cannot be considered as a fictional story for unintelligent children.

In any even the shortest text, a code is encrypted that helps to fight fears, find your dream, learn how to prevent difficult life circumstances, find answers to questions of interest.

Psychologists have long understood that people can be treated with the help of a fairy tale, and this is how the method arose. fairy tale therapy, which is suitable for both small patients and those who have matured a long time ago.

What is fairy tale therapy?

If I were asked which of the most ancient, most harmless and most pleasant methods of psychotherapy, I would answer without hesitation: “Fairy tale therapy, that is, behavior correction or full-fledged treatment with the help of a fairy tale.”

Indeed, many, many centuries ago, our ancestors told their children stories that shaped their worldview, helped them get rid of phobias, understand what is good and what is bad.

I am sure that among my readers there are those who have experienced the full effectiveness of fairy tale therapy.

My mother, for example, used this method with might and main.

When I was little, I did a bad deed, I was not punished by traditional methods (shouts, a belt, a corner), I was told a fairy tale.

Mom took an existing fairy tale or adapted a ready-made story to suit my situation, or even invented her own fairy tale and told it to me, explaining, for the sake of completeness, why the main character acted badly.

Such methods worked much better than swearing or physical punishment.

Unfortunately, modern parents rarely use .

And in vain!

After all, children, choosing their favorite fairy tale, which they constantly ask you to read, hint at their problems or dreams, help you better understand them.

If the favorite fairy tale has changed, then the child himself has changed, he has grown up.

You need to pay attention to this in order to properly educate your baby.

4 ways to use fairy tale therapy

Fairy tale therapy was once studied by world-famous scientists such as E. Fromm, E. Gardner, T. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, I. Vachkov and others.

They identified 4 ways to use fairy tale therapy, insisting that they should be distinguished from each other.

So, a fairy tale can be used as:

    A tool for raising a child.

    Telling fairy tales, you teach the kid to live in society, introduce him to the rules and norms of behavior that are accepted in modern society, instill in him moral imperatives.

    A developmental tool that is applicable to both children and adults.

    With the help of a fairy tale, you can teach to take responsibility for your actions, make important life decisions, learn to resist circumstances.

    Remember for yourself: in fairy tales, good always defeated evil, but the heroes had to work hard and overcome many obstacles in order to triumph.

    The fact that evil heroes have always been defeated and deservedly punished teaches children (and adults too) to choose the right side.

    Narrative ("narrative").

    A child or an adult does not just listen to a story about someone else's life, with its help he forms his own model of behavior and the scenario of his life.


    This method is used by specialists (psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers, coaches).

    Group or individual fairy tale therapy helps the client solve life problems, get rid of phobias, make the right decision, etc.

Functions performed by fairy tale therapy

Fairy tale therapy is a universal method, because it can perform many functions at the same time, or it can be aimed at solving a specific problem.

So, a fairy tale can help:

  • the listener/reader.
  • Get rid of an obsessive phobia: fear of the dark, heights and others.
  • Understand life values.
  • Make a difficult but correct decision.
  • Build character.
  • Settle in this society.
  • Learn to appreciate love, friendship, loved ones.
  • Understand how this world works and according to what laws it functions.
  • Get rid of shortcomings (aggressiveness, greed, craving for lies, etc.).
  • Form positive character traits (justice, compassion, responsibility, etc.).
  • Build relationships with the opposite sex, friends, parents.
  • Forgive those who did wrong to you and move on with your life, etc.

How to apply fairy tale therapy?

Fairy tale therapy is used in different ways, depending on who the work is being done with (with a child or an adult).

For example, a fairy tale for a child should be easy to understand and not too long, while for adult psychotherapy, stories with a deeper meaning, containing complex symbols and metaphors, can be used.

The most common ways to use fairy tale therapy are:

    Working with already prepared history.

    The tale is read and then analyzed: why the characters acted this way and not otherwise, what are the consequences of their actions, etc.

  1. Writing by a specialist of the author's narrative for an adult or a child, adapted to a specific problem of a person.
  2. Creation by the client of his own fairy tale, in which he could describe his problem and find ways to solve it.

    This method is used in psychotherapy for older children or adults.

  3. Staging a story (ancient or author's), for example, with the help of a puppet theater.


    The client must recognize their problems, rethink them and calm down before starting to write a fairy tale.

  1. Writing a story (if a person is having difficulty, then a specialist should help him).
  2. Reading and analysis.

On the features of the use of fairy tale therapy for a child

see in the video:

An example of the use of fairy tale therapy

I will not delve into fairy tale therapy as a method of psychiatry, this is too complicated and long topic, let's leave it for specialists to study.

I'd rather tell you how you can educate children with the help of a fairy tale.

Let's say your child is lying all the time.

Explanations as to why it is bad to do so do not work on him.

Try to fix the problem by writing an author's story.

The algorithm of your actions:

  1. Come up with a character (or use your child's favorite character), introduce the baby to him.
  2. Create a conflict situation: the hero constantly lied to everyone, and this led to a number of problems in his life.
  3. Emphasize that the hero realized that he himself created problems for himself due to the fact that he constantly lied.
  4. Bring the hero to the climax: he copes with all the difficulties due to the fact that he rethought his behavior.
  5. Think of a happy ending.
  6. Discuss the story with your child.

    The kid must understand that the difficult situation that the main character got into arose only because of his tendency to lie, and if he had not changed, then there would have been no happy ending.

fairy tale therapy- an effective method of psychotherapy, which is used by psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers, educators in kindergartens to solve their professional problems.

Parents should also become more familiar with this method in order to apply it to the education of their children.

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A few years ago, the most ancient method of practical psychology in human history and one of the youngest methods in modern scientific practice was revived. - fairy tale therapy. This work considers the concept of fairy tale therapy, explains what is the subject of fairy tale therapy, defines its tasks, talks about the directions of fairy tale therapy, forms of working with fairy tales, gives practical recommendations for use.



Have you noticed how attentively a child listens to fairy tales? And why? Because the fairy tale, without teaching and without demanding anything, conducts a mysterious conversation with the child, through which it conveys models of behavior in different situations, models of choice, makes it possible to experience fear, and gives hope that good will definitely win. It helps the child to look at the world through someone else's eyes - through the eyes of a hero, teaching empathy, sympathy.

Meanwhile, having been born in ancient times, earlier than many other genres of oral and written literature, having absorbed all the wisdom of the people and the dream of a harmonious, creative life, the fairy tale gives the child more valuable experience than ordinary conversation or admonition of an adult. Thanks to her, the child learns that life is like a journey full of unexpected discoveries and adventures; that at any moment the world can speak, because it is alive, and therefore it is important to treat everything around with care and sensitivity. Thanks to the fairy tale, the child understands that the path of life is difficult, that it is not simple and smooth; that each trial helps to become stronger; that the most valuable is earned by labor, and that which is easily and gratuitously acquired can disappear just as quickly. The tale hints that a loving heart, and not a prudent mind, helps to make the right choice. And he suggests that good always wins, and justice is more effective than brute force. A fairy tale teaches a child to learn, to know himself and the world around him. Meeting with a fairy tale for children is the greatest necessity and source of joy. It is no coincidence, probably, that the most ancient method of practical psychology in human history and one of the youngest methods in modern scientific practice was revived a few years ago.- fairy tale therapy . This word causes a smile in some, surprise in others. Some consider it an auxiliary tool in the work of psychologists, others perceive it as a naive system and only, but, having learned closer, they discover for themselves the endless possibilities of fairy tale therapy, treating the soul with fairy tales. The fact is that vivid images of fairy tales fill the unconscious of a person, becoming a kind of repository of all kinds of life situations, ways of communicating with other people, solving life problems and implementing plans. But the child will not be able to use these treasures if no one discussed fairy tales with him, but only read or told. In order for the knowledge about the world that a fairy tale gives to come to life, an adult must find an opportunity to discuss what he has read with the child, compare fairy tales with life stories. Until the 17th-18th centuries, fairy tales and stories were told not only to children, but also to adults - in winter it was almost the main entertainment for villagers. Then fairy tales were taken seriously and reverently. Listening to fairy tales was a spiritual need.

Zinkevich Tatiana- Doctor of Psychology, Director of the St. Petersburg Institute of Fairy Tale Therapy. Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of the Leningrad State University. Author of the method of Complex Fairytale Therapy. Author of a number of monographs on fairy tale therapy. (The book on fairy tale therapy was written in 1998. He considers fairy tale therapy to be an effective form of work).

fairy tale therapy - an educational system consistent with the spiritual nature of man. This is a method that uses a fairy-tale form, a halo of magic to integrate the personality, develop creative abilities, develop adaptive skills, improve ways of interacting with the outside world, as well as learning, diagnosing and correcting.

The age range covered by fairy tale therapy has no limits, although many consider it an exclusively childish method. Fairy tale therapy can be called a children's method only because it is addressed to the pure and receptive childish beginning of each person.

The subject of fairy tale therapyis the process of education, development of the soul, raising the level of awareness of events, acquiring knowledge about the laws of life and ways of social manifestation of creative creative power.

Tasks of fairy tale therapy:

1. To form in a person the ability for learning, self-development, to awaken his dormant creative power and direct it to the knowledge of the inner and surrounding world.

2. Develop the ability to see the other side of the problem.

3. Awakening Faith in one's own strength. It is important not to confuse faith with hope. Oddly enough, but it is hope that often turns out to be an obstacle to personal development. While a person hopes that everything will work out, he does not do what he could do.

Story therapy includes:

writing fairy tales

o interpretation (interpretation, explanation, clarification),

o rewriting fairy tales,

o appending,

o writing new fairy tales and stories.

Staging fairy tales

o fairy tales in the sand,

o theatrical games,

o puppet shows.

Telling a tale

o group: inventing in a circle,

o telling a well-known fairy tale in a circle;

o individual: from the 1st person, from the 3rd person.

puppet therapy

o finger,

o shadow puppets,

o puppets.

fairy tale drawing

o psychodiagnostic drawing, (requires special knowledge and training)

o Spontaneous magical drawing.

Analysis of fairy tales

o solving open fairy-tale problems,

o study of images.

Fairy-tale image therapy.

What material can be used? Fairy-tale forms are very diverse.

Variety of fabulous forms. Types of fairy tales

Metaphors - a word or expression used in a figurative sense, an indirect message in the form of a story or a figurative expression using a comparison. People use metaphors in speech all the time without even noticing. Any metaphor in speech will have an impact on how you yourself or your interlocutor perceives the conversation or situation.

Types of metaphors.

Proverbs and sayings

Stories - a bright, lively image of some really happened events in order to comprehend their meaning.

Stories can be told in the first person, telling about the events of the narrator's personal life, or in the third (reception of "quotes"),

For example. “Once, I don’t know why I remembered this story, I was in a certain city and was just as worried as you are probably worried now. I had a meeting with a person unknown to me. and the outcome of our meeting could affect my whole future life ... "Or:" One of my acquaintances once turned out to be ... "

Parables. Relatively brief, aphoristic stories of the didactic-allegorical genre, characterized by their inclination to the deep wisdom of a religious or moralistic order. The specificity of the poetics of parables is the lack of descriptiveness. The main characters, locked into the framework of certain combinations of spiritual traits, appear not as objects of artistic observation, but as subjects of ethical choice. Parables are a universal phenomenon of world folklore and literary creativity (Old Testament, Syrian Teachings of Ahiqar).

legends - oral stories, which are based on a miracle, a fantastic image or representation, presented as reliable. Unlike legends, legends are always fantastic in content; they are distinguished from parables by an abundance of details. In modern everyday meanings, legends are often called, regardless of genre, works that are distinguished by poetry and “supernatural” fiction and at the same time claim to be authentic in the past.

Poetry - poetic works, unlike prose, specially organized with the help of rhyme and rhythm. They represent the quintessence of a certain facet of life experience in a metaphorical embodiment, thanks to which they can overcome both cultural-historical and temporal restrictions. Almost perfectly fit into any picture of the world.

Fairy tales They differ from other types of artistic epic in that they are initially perceived as fiction, a play of fantasy. However, under these colorful clothes there is always a certain truth hidden, in bringing it to the minds of those who listen is the purpose of the fairy tale.

types of fairy tales.

Artistic tales- these include fairy tales created by the centuries-old wisdom of the people, and author's stories. In artistic fairy tales, there is both didactic, and psycho-correctional, and psychotherapeutic.

Folk tales . The most ancient folk tales in literature are called myths. The oldest basis of myths and fairy tales is the unity of man and nature. This contains extremelyimportant ideas for psychological and pedagogical practice:

1. The world around us is alive. This idea is important for the formation of a careful and meaningful attitude to what surrounds us.

2. Animated objects of the surrounding world are able to act independently and have the right to their own life. This idea is important for the formation of readiness to accept the other.

3. Separation of good and evil, victory of good. This idea is important for the formation of optimism, the development of striving for the best.

4. The most valuable thing comes through trials, and what is given for nothing can easily go away. This idea is important for the formation of the mechanism of goal-setting and patience.

5. There are many helpers around us, but they only come to the rescue if we cannot cope with the situation on our own. This idea is important for the formation of a sense of independence, as well as trust in the world around.

Animal Talesabout the relationship between humans and animals. The most accessible for understanding by young children, best of all convey life experience, since children under the age of five identify themselves with animals.

Household fairy tales they talk about the vicissitudes of family life, show ways to resolve conflict situations, form a position of common sense and a healthy sense of humor in relation to adversity, talk about little family tricks. Household fairy tales are appropriate when working with teenagers, aimed at forming the image of family relationships.

Scary tales about evil spirits - witches, ghoulsetc. In today's children's subculture, there are fairy tales-horror stories, with the help of which children gain the experience of self-therapy: by repeatedly modeling and living an alarming situation in a fairy tale, children are freed from tension and acquire new ways of responding.

Fairy talesmost exciting for children 6-7 years old. Thanks to fairy tales, the "quintessence" (the most important) of life wisdom and information about the spiritual development of a person enters the unconscious of a person.

Author's artistic talesmore reverent, figurative than folk. They contain knowledge about the uniqueness of the view of the world of an individual, talk about the private aspects of life, which is important for understanding the world.

Didactic tales- The content of their plot is educational in nature.

Psychocorrective fairy talesdesigned to gently influence the behavior of the child. Correction here means replacing an ineffective style of behavior with a more productive one, as well as explaining to the child the meaning of what is happening.

Psychotherapy talesreveal the deeper meaning of the events.

Meditative talesdesigned to accumulate positive figurative experience, relieve psycho-emotional stress, create the best models of relationships, develop a personal resource.

Directions of fairy tale therapy, forms of work with fairy tales.

Analysis of fairy tales . If a fairy tale is not analyzed, many of its meanings and lessons remain unconscious. The analysis of the fairy tale will help to realize and bring the most important information into life practice, to build a harmonious system of values.

The meaning of the analysis of a fairy tale in fairy tale therapy is to understand and interpret the essence of fairy tale situations, images, plot constructions. This line of work with fairy tales is based on the idea that each fairy tale situation carries a huge hidden meaning, the experience of solving complex life problems by our ancestors, information about this is encrypted in fairy tale images.

Analysis of fairy tales with children. The choice of a fairy tale for analysis with children can be carried out for a number of reasons:

The presence of a certain problem, then fairy tales are selected that correspond to the problem (create a data bank);

The child's interest in a particular fairy tale;

Spontaneous choice.

Solving fabulous problems

The fairy-tale task offered to the child must meet the following requirements:

1. The task is set by a fairy-tale creature (host or puppet).

2. Fairy-tale tasks serve as tests (the situation of choosing a road, etc.)

3. The situation should not have the correct answer, which is known only to the facilitator.

4. Images, heroes and events should intrigue the child, be close to him.

5. The situation may contain an actual problem for the child: overcoming obstacles (especially if the child has a problem of indecision, fear of expressing himself); mutual assistance and interaction (if the child is characterized by undeveloped egocentrism); self-organization and prediction of their actions (if the child is not attentive and organized enough), etc.

6. It is better to build and formulate the situation and the question in such a way as to encourage the child to independently propose and trace cause-and-effect relationships.

The process of group decision and discussion significantly enriches the child's life experience.: the more options he has for responding and behaving in a given situation, the more he will be adapted to life. In this way,Working with children within the framework of the analytical direction of fairy tale therapy contributes to:

1. Development of the child's creative thinking.

2. Improvement of verbal language (the child learns to intelligibly and correctly formulate his thoughts).

3. Development of fantasy and imagination.

4. Development of the ability for deep imaginative thinking, establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

5. The development of empathy (understanding the emotional state of another person through empathy) and the ability to listen.

Telling fairy tales allows you to solve psychodiagnostic and psychocorrective tasks:

1. Identification of the actual problems of the child by analyzing the emotional state when telling, reservations, intonational accents and the meaning of the presentation.

2. Development of fantasy and imagination.

3. Development of the ability to express one's thoughts.

4. Development of the ability to listen to another.

5. Development of the ability to take the place of another.

Writing fairy tales. When writing fairy tales, you need to pay attention to the following points:

1. Main theme.

What is this tale about. Moreover, our answer may differ from the opinion of the author. Answering this question, we come to what a person is concerned about at this stage of development, what topic is relevant for him, what he thinks about, what he is looking for.

What does a fairy tale teach? Answers to this question concretize the main theme, point to the ways of development of the author of the fairy tale, tell about his value orientations, about his views on the world.

2. The line of the main character.

We highlight a number of points:

The attitude of the protagonist to himself;

The motives of the hero's actions;

Ways to overcome difficulties by the hero;

Perception of the surrounding world and attitude towards it;

Ways to achieve the goal as an individual path to success.

It is important to establish with which person the author identifies himself. The interests, desires, potentials, and abilities that the hero possesses may reflect those qualities that the author himself possesses. An important point in the analysis of the main character's line is the adequacy of his behavior to what is happening: events, other characters. In this case, we can talk about the adequacy of the behavior of the author himself and the strength of his I. Epithets, adjectives, metaphors describe the emotional attitude of the author to himself. The motives of the hero's actions can reflect the author's own motivation, both real and potential or hidden. The hero's ways of overcoming difficulties reflect the author's behavior style in difficult situations.

fairy puppet therapy. Thanks to puppet therapy, a special environment is created that stimulates the development of the child's personality, which allows you to achieve the following results: speech development; development of emotional and motor adequacy; development of communication skills.

Image therapy allows a person to really change, to try himself in unexpected roles, to reveal his potentials.

Fairytale drawing is divided into two groups of methods.:

1. Projective diagnostic drawing;

2. Spontaneous drawing.

Projective diagnostic drawingwith the help of thematic drawings, they explore the inner world of a person, the system of his relations to himself and others, his individuality.

Spontaneous drawinginvolves the manufacture of special "volumetric" paints and drawing them. In the process of systematic use of the technique of spontaneous drawing, the child has the opportunity to realize the hidden creative power and find ways to apply it in life practice; or discover destructive tendencies and think about how best to use their potentials.

The structure of the correctional and developmental fairy tale therapy lesson



1. The ritual of "entrance"

Create a spirit of collaboration

collective exercise.

2. Repetition

Remember what you did last time, what conclusions you made, what experience you gained, what you learned.

Leading questions; what happened in the last lesson, did they use the new experience, how did what they learned in the previous lessons help in life situations.

3. Expansion

Expand your child's understanding of something

The host tells a new story.

4. Fixing

Gain new experience, consolidate new qualities of the child's personality

Games that allow you to gain new experiences, symbolic journeys and performances.

5. Integration

Link new experiences to real life

Discussion and analysis of life situations in which you can use the experience gained in the lesson

6. Summary

Summarize the experience gained, connect it with the existing one

The facilitator sums up the lesson. He clearly pronounces the sequence of what happened in the lesson, emphasizes the importance of the experience gained, marks the children for their merits, etc.

7. The ritual of "exit" from the fairy tale

Consolidate new experience, prepare the child for interaction in the familiar social environment

Repetition of the ritual of "entry" into the lesson with additions. Leading: "We take with us everything important that was with us today, everything that we have learned."

Fairy tale therapy can be used in full by educators in extracurricular activities, class teachers in class hours, but this does not mean that elements of fairy tale therapy cannot be used in the classroom. Reading textbooks contain a variety of fairy tales. Working with them involves various activities. Including analysis, reading by roles, different types of retelling, etc.

In writing lessons, I use grammatical fairy tales, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the material being studied, to make it accessible, understandable, to evoke certain emotions, because. psychologists have proven that knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one's own positive attitude, emotions, does not become useful - this is a dead weight.

Grade 5 Topic: “Hard and soft consonants. The designation of the softness of consonants with vowels and, e, e, u, i.

The well-known magician Soft Sign lives in the country of Grammar. As soon as he approaches a word, it becomes completely unrecognizable. The verb ate turned into the noun spruce, and the tin can became a warm bath. The Soft Sign boasted: I, they say, the most magical. But some residents of the Grammar country began to laugh: "We can show tricks even without you." Look: there was a bow - the hatch became, it was small - it became crumpled. Who put the braggart in its place? Why did the consonants become soft even without it?

7th grade. Subject: Appeal.

Learn a fairy tale

In a fairy tale the sky is blue, in a fairy tale the birds are scary.

Rechenka, cover me!

Cookie save me!

The task is given to name a fairy tale, what it teaches, educational material is monitored.

Elements of image therapy. Wizards. I invite the children to imagine that they are wizards, the student working at the blackboard is the main wizard. Let's change the words. N .: nouns must be turned into adjectives (winter - winter, etc.)

Fairy tale therapy is the process of searching for meaning, deciphering knowledge about the world and the system of relationships in it, transferring fairy tale meanings to reality; the process of objectifying problem situations, activating the potential of the individual, comprehensive education and upbringing;

therapy with an environment, a special fabulous setting in which potential parts of the personality can appear, something unrealized, a dream can materialize, and most importantly, a sense of security and the aroma of mystery appear in it.

People have always been engaged in fairy tale therapy. True, they called it differently. There are 4 stages in the development of fairy tale therapy. It is noteworthy that none of the identified stages ends, giving way to a new one. Therefore, each stage marked the beginning of a certain process.

The first stage of fairy tale therapy is oral folk art. Its beginning is lost in the mists of time, but the process of oral (and later written) creativity continues to this day. It is difficult to imagine the date of creation of the first fairy tale. Of course, oral folk art, as the first stage of fairy tale therapy, has no time limits. It is created from the Stone Age to the present day.

The second stage is the collection and study of myths and fairy tales. The study of myths and fairy tales in a psychological, deep aspect is associated with the names of K. Yu. Jung, B. Bettelheim, V. Propp and others.

The third stage is psychotechnical. Probably, there is not a single pedagogical, psychological and psychotherapeutic technology in which the “compose a fairy tale” technique is not used. Modern practical approaches apply the fairy tale as a technique. As an occasion for psychodiagnostics, correction and personality development.

The fourth stage is integrative. This stage is associated with the understanding of fairy tale therapy as an educational system that is natural, organic to human perception, tested by many generations of our ancestors.

Grandmothers told fairy tales to the peasant children who were quiet on the river, the girls shared their stories with their friends at needlework, they were collected by storytellers and passed from mouth to mouth. In fairy tales, worldly experience and a margin of safety were passed on from generation to generation. And today, telling children fairy tales, we repeat this historical process. And we are also mistaken if we think that the study of fairy tales is the lot of the smallest. Wisdom comes from people of all ages.

The essence of fairy tale therapy as a method in psychology

The term "fairy tale therapy" itself appeared relatively recently. The founder of the method of complex fairy tale therapy - T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva. She defines fairy tale therapy as a set of ways to transfer knowledge about the spiritual path of the soul and the social realization of a person, as an educational system consistent with the spiritual nature of a person.

In the framework of fairy tale therapy, the following classification is mainly used.

1. Artistic fairy tales include those created by the centuries-old wisdom of the people, and author's stories. Their fairy tales have both didactic, and psycho-corrective, and psychotherapeutic, and even meditative aspects.

* folk tales. The most ancient in literary criticism are called myths. It is this principle that is used today in the creation of new fairy tales;

2. Didactic fairy tales are created by teachers to present educational material. Didactic tales can reveal the meaning and importance of certain knowledge.

3. Psycho-corrective fairy tales are created to gently influence the child's behavior. Correction here is understood as the replacement of an ineffective style of behavior with a more productive one, as well as an explanation to the child of the meaning of what is happening.

4. Psychotherapeutic fairy tales - fairy tales aimed at “providing psychological support and getting rid of suffering and negative experiences.

5. Meditative fairy tales are created mainly to relieve psycho-emotional stress, create positive models of relationships, and develop a personal resource.

Folk, fairy tales are the basis of the method of fairy tale therapy. They play experiences and conflicts between characters. The whole plot of the tale is built on this.

A child and an adult must, according to the methodology, compose a fairy tale on a given topic separately. The adult must take the lead. He leads the plot of a fairy tale, sets the intonation. Moreover, here the adult also acts as a listener to the story composed by the child. The child-narrator must pick up the intonation of the narrator.

Thus, he joins the national culture. By composing a fairy tale, a parent develops his artistic communication skills, introducing him to traditions with the help of intonation.

In dialogue, an adult and a child should be equal. It is necessary that the baby learn the dialectic of the relationship between the author and the addressee. At the initiative of the parent, he will visit all possible communicative positions that carry a pedagogical and therapeutic load. These are the psychological preconditions for fairy tale therapy.

With the help of fairy tale therapy, the needs for violation of prohibitions and rules are realized. The fairy tale becomes an intermediary between the inner and outer worlds of the child. It is a powerful tool for the development of the inner world of man. Hence the heightened interest of psychologists in fairy tales. But only in the coming years, fairy tale therapy is called independently.

Only fairy-tale language opens the world of human relations in understanding the mental characteristics of preschoolers. Fairy tales develop children's imagination. It teaches them to see not only positive, but also negative character traits of people.

Man is the subject of self-development. Gradually, he raises the level of development of self-consciousness, learns to control his Self.

The child realizes that it is necessary to overcome his spontaneous activity to develop creatively as a person. And here the fairy tale becomes a developing and psychotherapeutic tool due to metaphor. Through the plot of the fairy tale, the kid lives through his own mental processes and delves into their meaning.

Through fairy tales, people draw everyday experience. We read from Pushkin: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, A lesson for good fellows."

But not every story is instructive. Therapeutic value is a story that allows you to ask a question that leads to reflection on the meaning of life, on the conclusion made. This is fairy tale therapy.

The language of a fairy tale brings adults and children closer together. The fairy tale awakens creativity in the therapist, who develops intuition, archetypes based on first impressions. It brings freedom in which transformation takes place. It is here that a small and weak child turns into a self-sufficient strong man.

Now the term "Fairytale Therapy" often roams in special editions. What does psychology interpret under the definition of "Fairytale Therapy"? Well, first of all, not only direct treatment with fairy tales.

Fairy tale therapy is a combination of the following processes:

Search for meaning, deciphering knowledge about the world and the system of relationships in it;

Formation of a connection between the plot and reality and the transfer of the conclusions of a fairy tale to the outside world;

Objective problem;

Activation of personal potential;

Education of high intelligence.

A fairy tale is magic and transformation. Hence, fairy tale therapy improves the inner world and nature. She treats with a special fabulous environment that awakens the potential of the individual. With its help, a dream can materialize, a feeling of security and mystery will appear ...

Metaphors in fairy tales are studied by psychology, philosophy, and pedagogy. The first fables were written by Aesop; I. A. Krylov and La Fontaine were his successors.

Thanks to the use of metaphors, the text of a fairy tale is not unambiguous and limited to a certain set of meanings for the child. On the contrary, any meaning of any fairy-tale content is immediately comprehended by the child, enriched with personal meanings, interiorized.

For example, magical abilities are presented in the form of objects or creatures (a goldfish, a self-made tablecloth), conflicts and disputes are resolved in specific actions, most often competitive (who can handle the Serpent, who will shoot the arrow further).

Thus, the bodily and concrete language of fairy tales opens the way for children to visually-figurative and visually-effective comprehension of the world.

On the one hand, metaphorical images make the narrative more vivid, help the child better imagine what is happening. On the other hand, a metaphor has such a property as universality. The presence of “standard” speech turns (“Once upon a time”, “In a certain kingdom”) allows the child to “think out” the content of the story, to fill the images with new content.

The variable nature of the tale encourages the personality of the listener to his own, individual interpretations of the plot, images, characteristics of the characters, their assessments, i.e. turns the listener of their object of influence and the subject of interaction into a co-author of a fairy tale. This is expressed in the individual visualization of the text, the emotional experience of the plot. fairy tale therapy psychological impact child

Listening to a fairy tale, the child imagines fairy-tale characters - how they look, what they do, how they interact with each other; imagines different fairy-tale countries, princes and princesses, dragons and knights who defeat them. A fairy tale can simply charm a child, inspire him to create his own magical stories.

An anecdote is also a parable or a fable, only in a short form, built on absurdity.

Making jokes is also a creative way of thinking. The heroic content tells about real historical events in legends, epics, sagas, epics. These genres bring up patriotism.

In the process of using fairy tale therapy in the work of a psychologist, the following psychological mechanisms of the influence of fairy tales should be taken into account.

Firstly, fairy tales are a symbolic reflection of ancient rituals, the most important of which for fairy tales was initiation. Overcoming various difficulties, the hero gets the opportunity to change - to move to a different qualitative level.

Secondly, fairy tales describe the deep experience of living through emotional crises that are characteristic of a developing person. This may be a direct bodily experience associated with the passage of psychophysiological crises. Influencing at the unconscious level, fairy tales include adequate mechanisms for protecting the Self, in particular, adaptive mechanisms that help to overcome the crisis.

Thirdly, by reproducing critical life situations, a fairy tale teaches a child to productively experience fear and deal with fear, directing it, projecting it into specific fairy-tale images.

Fourthly, the images of the fairy tale are not only projected onto the real life situation of the listener and reproduce in a metaphorical form the moral norms and principles of relationships between people, but also include the deep mechanisms of the unconscious due to archetypal elements unusual for the mind.

Fifth, a fairy tale affects a person only when there is a similarity between the semantic space of his soul and the semantic space of a fairy tale.

And, finally, sixth, when assessing the impact of a fairy tale on the listener, one should not forget about its aesthetic, artistic side. This is especially true of author's fairy tales (folk tales, despite the apparent scarcity of the aesthetic means used, are amazingly polished by centuries of use).

It remains unclear: how, in what way, in the process of working with a fairy tale, is the process of building boundaries between the worlds - internal and external, real and fictional? After all, it is unlikely that the process of identifying oneself with the main character acts as the only psychological mechanism for changes in relations with oneself and one's life situation.

To resolve this issue, it turned out to be productive to use the concept of semantic space, which is understood as a system of functionally justified connections between semantic elements (meanings and meanings) that are significant for a certain circle of people. The semantic space of the human spiritual world contains many subspaces - those fragments of the inner world that correspond to certain fragments of the external world and the life experience of human interaction with them.

Everyday life of a person, according to E.L. Dotsenko, can be considered as a continuous journey (transitions) from one semantic space to another - as a person relates (identifies) himself to a particular community of people with similar semantic characteristics: needs, interests, knowledge, habits, attitudes and etc.

In fact, when a fairy tale is created, the content of which corresponds to the characteristics of a person's life situation at a given particular moment, two semantic spaces - the psychologist-storyteller and the client - should be mutually displayed. That is, a certain content of one of these two semantic spaces is associated with some content of the other, so that the language of each of them can be used allegorically (metaphorically) to describe the content of the other. As a rule, an unambiguous isomorphic mapping does not occur in most cases, because a psychologist offering a fairy tale cannot know absolutely everything about a person.

One should pay attention to a very important point pointed out by E. L. Dotsenko: the task is not to learn something about the facts of a person’s life, but to understand what this life is like in his ideas. The created fairy tale allows (even with a lack of information) to outline the general outline of the problem, to cover the key circle of really working metaphors, to indicate the possible balance of the client's resources, to reveal meaningful and dynamic moments, typical difficulties and habitual interaction strategies, ways to solve emerging problems.

With regard to psychological fairy tales, we note that their impact on the self-consciousness of the child is carried out, apparently, in accordance with the psychological mechanism indicated above.

In psychological fairy tales, of course, there is no direct analogy between the life of a child and a fairy-tale hero due to the greater generalization of the plot - after all, psychological fairy tales are usually aimed not at one specific child, but at a wide group of children of the same age with similar psychological characteristics.

At the same time, the beauty of fairy tales lies in the fact that in the same fairy tale space different people find meanings and meanings that are close and understandable to them. This happens not only due to the filling of fairy tales with archetypal images, but also because the typical turns of speech of fairy tales set conditional situations in a special space of a fairy tale, in which events take place that are available in one form or another in the experience of almost any person. The fact that a child interacts with a fairy tale immediately and inevitably sets for him a semantic space saturated with metaphors. The text of a fairy tale, therefore, is not unambiguous and limited to a certain set of meanings for him.

On the contrary, any meaning of any fairy-tale content is immediately comprehended by the child, enriched with personal meanings, interiorized. The response in the soul of the listener occurs when the fairy tale is constructed in such a way that, being a concrete, interesting, fascinating, vivid work of art, it remains an “open possibility” for various interpretations and that a mutual reflection arises between its semantic space and the semantic space of the child’s soul.

And how is the similarity between the semantic spaces of the tale and the listener established? The result of the discovery of this similarity by E.L. Dotsenko suggests calling it semantic resonance. The moment of its occurrence is experienced by a person as recognition, intelligibility, similarity. In fact, we are talking about the completion of the search for a correspondence between the current situation and fragments of life experience, and the mechanism of this search is semantic resonance. If it happened, the listener is captured by special experiences, there are feelings of the significance of the material of the fairy tale. As a result, it becomes possible to change the way of seeing the world and oneself in this world and the relationship to oneself and to the world.

The following important features of the use of fairy tale therapy can be identified.

Firstly, a fairy tale has always, in all generations, served as a means of meeting its listener or reader (usually a child) with himself, because the metaphor underlying the fairy tale acted not only as a “magic mirror” of the real world, but - first of all - his own, hidden, not yet realized inner world. K.G. wrote a lot about this. Jung and his followers.

Secondly, all individual functions of fairy tale therapy (and not only fairy tale therapy, by the way, but also other psychological methods) are ultimately aimed at one goal - to help a person develop in the most optimal and natural way for him, realizing his abilities. And the basic condition for such development is an increase in the level of self-awareness - one must have an idea of ​​what and how to develop in oneself.

Thirdly, the focus of fairy tale therapy on the development of human self-awareness, determined by the essence of fairy tales, provides both contact with oneself and contact with others. The social nature of man is the system of his interactions with people. A fairy tale metaphor, due to its inherent special properties, turns out to be a way of building mutual understanding between people.

Fourth, since one of the most important tasks of the practical psychology of education is currently considered to be the creation of optimal conditions for the natural mental development of children, one should remember the importance of the child's social interactions. This means that in building effective interaction between the subjects of the educational environment - something that a child psychologist has to work on - fairy tale therapy can provide invaluable assistance.

Psychological background of fairy tale therapy

The method of fairy tale therapy as a joint literary work is based on the folk fairy tale genre. The psychotherapeutic effect is achieved by playing (playing out) experiences and conflicts with the help of substitutes - characters and through plot construction.

The most important place in the organization of the jointly divided activity of a child and an adult in composing a fairy tale should be given to the actual communicative, dialogic component (questions of an adult listener).

An adult leads a fairy tale, sets the tone (acting at the same time as a benevolent, wise carrier of standards, an interested listener of history, but at the same time, outwardly, sometimes a tricky or rustic character). The child-narrator picks up, reproduces the intonation of the narrator.

Thus, the fairy tale provides an opportunity to introduce the child into the world of centuries-old national culture. An adult introduces the child into the stream of artistic and communicative activity, introducing him to the canons not only through the structure of the artistic text, but also with the help of a special intonation.

In a dialogue with an adult, the child should feel that he is in an equal partnership position - not declared, but psychologically real. The child learns the dialectic of the relationship between the Author and the Addressee, having been in all possible communicative positions (besides carrying a pedagogical and therapeutic load) on the initiative of an adult. These are the psychological prerequisites for fairy tale therapy.

The psychological mechanisms of influence of fairy tales lie in the fact that, perceiving and assimilating a fairy tale, our needs are satisfied to a certain extent.

After analyzing the content of fairy tales, P.I. Yanichev identified a triad of trends or needs:

1 - the need for autonomy (independence);

2 - the need for competence (strength, omnipotence);

3 - the need for activity;

And also the needs for violation of prohibitions and rules, the need for absurdity are realized, thanks to which the fairy tale becomes an intermediary between the inner world of the child and the external, objective world.


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the concept of "fairy tale" in psychology

Chapter 2. Fairy tale therapy as a method in psychology




The relevance of the work. Over the past twenty years, the priorities of life values ​​have changed significantly in our country. Hence, a separate young parental generation strives to develop "fighting" qualities of character in their kids, "forgetting" to instill kindness, mutual assistance, and care.

Now many preschoolers can turn on the TV and play "shooters" on the computer. Uncontrolled passion for "strange" games brings up aggression, permissiveness, selfishness in children's fragile souls. By the age of 5-6, parents notice their problems in upbringing and begin to run around psychologists with their children. Fortunately, now in psychology many methods of treating the psyche of children have been developed.

One of the modern methods of "Fairytale Therapy". A significant contribution to its development was made by domestic psychologists and teachers: M.V. Osorina, E.N. Lisina, E.A. Petrova, A.N. Azovtsev, I.V. Vachkov, T.D. Zinkevich-Evstegneeva, A.I. Konstantinova, T.M. Grabenko, D.V. Sokolov, A.V. Gnezdilov, as well as foreign psychotherapists: E. Fromm, E. Bern, B. Bettelheim, R. Gardner, A. Menechetti. Their "developments" are offered various options for the fairy tale therapy process of working with children.

Today, the word "fairy tale therapy" no longer causes puzzled looks and clarifying questions from practical psychologists. The word is familiar, often used in everyday life. Fairy tale therapists can be found in educational institutions and psychological centers, hospices and hospitals.

However, until now this enchanting word “fairy tale therapy” is understood by psychologists in very different ways, and the meanings that are invested in it sometimes differ no less than, say, everyday fairy tales and fairy tales.

One of the reasons for this is, apparently, the literal interpretation of the word "fairy tale therapy" - "treatment with fairy tales." In general, concepts that have the word “therapy” in their composition (Gestalt therapy, body therapy, and the like) have not received full legitimacy in the education system (including preschool). After all, psychotherapeutic procedures are not provided for in the functional duties of a child psychologist. Moreover, doctors periodically remind psychologists of the ban on "infiltrating foreign territory." Psychotherapy, in their opinion, is a purely medical field. True, they are unaware that psychologists do not pretend to treat anyone. And psychotherapeutic methods (slyly calling them psychocorrectional) are used not to work with psychopathologies, but - most often - for developmental purposes. That is why, in order to somehow justify and explain the use of psychotherapeutic methods by psychologists, in recent years there has been more and more talk about the psychological model of psychotherapy. However, in preschool education, the use of even such a model has not yet been recognized.

Psychology in our country is turning from an "overseas curiosity" into a necessary science and everyday service. Especially psychological assistance is directed to children in kindergartens and schools, competent specialists work individually with the children. Therefore, my topic is relevant as a future psychologist. Then I will try to put all the methods into practice, read fairy tales to children, thereby educating "good and eternal."

The main means of psychological influence in fairy tale therapy is metaphor as the core of any fairy tale. It is the depth and accuracy of the metaphor that determine the effectiveness of fairy tale therapy techniques in working with children and adults.

Thus, we can give the following definition: fairy tale therapy is a direction of practical psychology that, using the metaphorical resources of a fairy tale, allows people to develop self-awareness and build special levels of interaction with each other, which creates conditions for the formation of their subjectivity.

The purpose of the course work: to define fairy tale therapy as a method of psychological impact on the upbringing of a child.

The object of study is experimental developments with children of senior preschool age using the method of using fairy tale therapy.

The subject of the work is the study of fairy tale therapy as a method in psychology.

Work tasks:

To study the theoretical aspects of the concept of "fairy tale" in psychology.

Consider the historical aspect of the development of fairy tale therapy.

To reveal the essence of fairy tale therapy as a method in psychology.

Analyze the psychological prerequisites for fairy tale therapy.

Research methods: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, synthesis, generalization, abstraction.

The theoretical basis of the study was the work of such researchers as M.V. Osorina, E.N. Lisina, E.A. Petrova, A.N. Azovtsev, I.V. Vachkov, T.D. Zinkevich-Evstegneeva, A.I. Konstantinova, T.M. Grabenko, D.V. Sokolov, A.V. Gnezdilov, as well as foreign psychotherapists: E. Fromm, E. Bern, B. Bettelheim, R. Gardner, A. Menechetti and others.

Work structure. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, including paragraphs, conclusions and a list of references.


The unique monuments of folk pedagogy are fairy tales, which capture the national culture and wisdom of previous generations.

The great Russian teacher K. D. Ushinsky said that "the first educator is the people, and fairy tales are the first and brilliant attempts to create folk pedagogy."

Folk pedagogy is our origins, it is the desire to use life with its working days, holidays, nature, the living world, songs, fairy tales, epics, legends.

Traditions, legends, passed down from generation to generation, highlight the history of the people, their way of life, moral customs, and the nature of figurative thinking. It is folklore that is the main means for educating the younger generation in the spirit of the best folk traditions. One cannot but agree with the words of A. I. Shorov, who believes that “tales, tales, sayings, proverbs, legends and songs are outstanding monuments of folk culture.”

The child receives life experience on the example of fairy-tale characters. Fairy tales are an important educational tool developed over the centuries by proven people. According to G. N. Volkov, "children and a fairy tale are inseparable, they are created for each other, and therefore acquaintance with the fairy tales of one's people must necessarily be included in the course of education and upbringing of each people."

The creators and keepers of fairy tales and other genres of oral folk art are the people. The main material for folk tales was the life of the people. They reflect the best features of the people - diligence, devotion to the Motherland, courage, kindness. That is why G. N. Volkov believes that "tales reflect the life of the people, their best features, cultivate these features in the younger generation, nationality turns out to be one of the most important characteristics of fairy tales."

The older generation has always sought to pass on its life experience to children, to educate them in the spirit of folk ideals and concepts of good and evil, to instill in them moral qualities that make up a code of norms and rules of conduct. In the vast majority of fairy tales, the moral features inherent in the people are embodied: love for the Motherland and its defense, boundless courage in the fight against evil, diligence and skill, justice, loyalty in friendship.

Today, we are increasingly turning to the experience of our ancestors, in particular, their ideas and concepts of moral and immoral, to the norms of morality recognized in the civilized world today. Relevant is the education of the younger generation in the spirit of humane relations between people. Moral norms and the experience of moral education of children formed the basis of numerous folk tales. These tales contain a peculiar program of moral education. In a form accessible to children's understanding, they tell about heroism and courage, truthfulness, honesty, affirm the ideas of the victory of good over evil. Exceptional is the power of peacemaking, the goodness of fairy tales.

Great teacher-humanist of the XX century. V. A. Sukhomlinsky in his book “I give my heart to children” wrote: “A fairy tale for young children is not just a story about fantastic events. This is a whole world in which a child lives, fights, opposes evil with his good will. Children find deep satisfaction in the fact that their thought lives in the world of fabulous images. Five, ten times a child can retell the same fairy tale, and each time he discovers something new in it. The child knows perfectly well that in the world there is neither Baba Yaga, nor the Frog Princess, nor Kashchei the Immortal, but he embodies good and evil in these images and each time, telling the same tale, expresses his personal attitude to good and bad ".

A fairy tale is inseparable from beauty; it contributes to the development of aesthetic feelings, without which the nobility of the soul, heartfelt sensitivity to human misfortune, grief, compassion is unthinkable; that thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart; and that he not only cognizes, but responds to the events and phenomena of the surrounding world, expresses his attitude towards good and evil.

A fairy tale is a story containing events and phenomena that are impossible and improbable from the point of view of the reader. A fairy tale cannot be explained with the help of scientific and technological progress, and often even worldly common sense. The authors of fairy tales often designate the plot at the end of the story as a hero's dream. From time immemorial, myths have come down to us, one of the varieties of fairy tales, where it is difficult to distinguish fiction and reality.

Realistic history can sometimes seem like a fairy tale to people with different cultural perceptions. For certain readers, fairy tales are real events.

The fairy tale has ancient roots in human history and culture. In her plots, all the wisdom and experience of a particular people usually gathered; in myths or parables one can see not only the fixation of a problem, but also its solution. The very word "fairy tale", "miracle", "magic" have a special meaning for people and push the boundaries of reality. The fairy tale, as a reflection of the deep psyche of a person, was studied by such psychologists as Fromm, Bern, Bettelhein, Jung, etc. This direction was developed by domestic teachers and child psychologists Vygotsky L.S., Elkonin D.B., Osorina M.V., Propp V.Ya., Gnezdilov A.V. and others. Recently, fairy tale therapy programs have appeared that are successfully used in preschool educational institutions, schools, rehabilitation centers, in work with problem children, difficult adolescents, and cancer patients.

The relevance of the use and novelty of complex fairy tale therapy lies in combining many methodological, pedagogical, linguistic, psychotherapeutic techniques into a single fairy tale context and adapting them to the psyche of children in order to form a self-sufficient personality, that is, a personality that is self-confident, relies on its own strength and is not dependent on others in their judgments and decision making.

In the ethnographic essay “The Person”, the founder of Ossetian literature, K. Khetagurov, wrote: “Fairy tales are the property of both sexes and all ages, they are numerous, diverse and artistic: they have always served as one of the most pleasant pastimes.”

Why does a fairy tale have such a powerful psychotherapeutic effect? In a fairy tale plot, most of the main problems and life situations that every person experiences are encrypted. A person often closes on some problem of his own and is not able to go beyond its limits, to comprehend the situation from a different, more general angle.

A fairy tale, by virtue of its centuries-old wisdom, penetrates deeply into the unconscious of a person and activates the potential parts of our personality, which help to find our own way out of a problematic state; the fairy tale allows not directive, but gently, to approach the assessment of the situation, providing an educational and therapeutic effect, both at the behavioral and at the deep moral and value level.

Within the framework of the common values ​​inherent in the culture where a person lives, only he himself makes the choice of one or another value. He constantly makes and remakes himself, that is, he determines his actions, changing or concretizing his system of value orientations. A person is free in relation to the world, the choice of values.

Fairy tale environment (uncertainty of the place of action, names of characters, collection of images), on the one hand, leads away from a specific, dead-end problem at this stage, expressed by physical and psychological dependence and self-doubt. Lack of self-confidence leads to a feeling of underestimation and is accompanied by a state of emptiness and loneliness. Self-confidence is a necessary component of a self-sufficient personality, and it is the fairy-tale environment that enhances a person’s potential in overcoming what at this stage hinders his development, for example, fear, defenselessness, weakness and predisposition to illness.

Man is not born independent, autonomous or responsible, just as he is not born as a person. He becomes a personality in the process of growth and development in society, or, as psychologists say, "psychological birth in the full sense occurs much later than biological birth."

Growth and development is a natural movement from dependence to independence, independence, responsibility, and this movement consists of several stages. The use of a fairy tale by an educator, teacher and psychologist at a certain stage should be built in such a way that the child can avoid a stressful situation, disappointment.

For a child, a fairy tale is a guide to "adult" life with its sometimes harsh moral laws; fairy-tale events become the first "school of life", and the actions of the heroes - a measure of good and evil and a guiding thread leading to independent decision-making. In these complex processes of personality formation, the form of metaphor in which fairy tales are created is the most accessible to the perception of the child.

A fairy tale teaches a child not only to understand the situation, but also to act in a certain way, thanks to the solution of fairy-tale situations, the child receives intuitive selection criteria and freedom of action. Sooner or later, children still face various kinds of problems, and the sooner they learn about difficulties, learn to resist, fight them and find a way out, the easier and more productive they will be to solve social and personal problems in adulthood.

The symbolic language of fairy tales is constantly studied by psychoanalysts. Fairy tales are closely connected with shamanic and witchcraft medicine. The psychoanalyst K. Levi-Strauss closely connected psychoanalysis with the tales of the Indian sorcerer, who, with his stories, helped the patients recover, the perception of a tale can initiate the appearance of memories, becomes psychoanalysis.

The personal problems of the child influence the preference for fairy tales. The Italian communist storyteller Gianni Rodari in his book "Grammar of Fantasy" told how fairy tales should be used in theoretical and practical psychology.

Composing new or reconstructing old fairy tales helps to develop the child's inner world. Fairy tales develop in the character the ability to resist confrontation, reconciliation. In working with fairy tales, psychologists have identified several psychotherapeutic areas: behavioral psychotherapy, existential humanistic psychology, psychodynamic psychology.

Currently, there are several classifications of fairy tales.

In accordance with the classification of T.D. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva's fairy tales are divided into artistic, didactic, meditative, psychotherapeutic, psycho-corrective.

I.V. Vachkov classifies fairy tales depending on the purpose of the influence of the fairy tale and singles out folklore and author's fairy tales, while in both types of fairy tales one can distinguish artistic, didactic, psycho-corrective, psychotherapeutic, psychological (psycho-tale, for example, fairy tales by D.Yu. Sokolov, A.V. Gnezdilov ). It is the considered new type of fairy tale (psycho-tale), according to I.V. Vachkova, is designed to reveal to the child the depths of his own inner world, to develop his self-awareness, to help him on the path of becoming his personality.

Also, fairy tales are divided into the following types:

Living world: animals, plants, birds, things that are spoken in fairy tales. Such fairy tales form the careful care of the surrounding world.

What is good and evil. In fairy tales, good triumphs over evil; such fairy tales bring up optimism.

All values ​​must be acquired through labor and trials. Success can only be achieved through effort and patience, as the folk tale teaches.

Belief in magic enhances the development of security and independence.

There are also didactic fairy tales for teaching a child. After all, many of us in childhood learned to read on cubes, which depict fairy-tale characters.

Psychologists use therapeutic and psycho-corrective fairy tales.

Types of age-related tales are distinguished. Children under the age of five love fairy tales about the relationship between people and animals. These are, for example, such fairy tales as "The Fox and the Crane", "Teremok", "Goat-Dereza".

For young children, the fairy tale should be short, with repetitions (“rolling, rolling bun, “pulling - pulling - they cannot pull it out”).

For teenagers, everyday fairy tales are useful. They talk about peaceful coexistence in the family. These are, for example, such fairy tales as ("Goldfish", "Pockmarked Hen", "Crooked Duck").

First graders often borrow fairy tales from the library (“Sleeping Beauty”, “Cinderella”, “Puss in Boots”). In the middle classes, the guys are fond of fairy tales-horror stories ("Blue beard", "Viy"). But they are also useful, helping to overcome real fears.

The fairy tale teaches children how to behave in extreme conditions. On the example of the fairy tale "A boy with a finger", the hero saves the brothers with the help of cunning. Russian heroes are constantly fighting the serpent Gorynych and winning, having strength and courage.

Fairy tales help restore mental strength, relive emotions. It is necessary to read fairy tales to the child before going to bed, so he is relaxed and suggestible, but they must be positive.

On a fabulous example, the simpleton Emelya becomes handsome, and Thumbelina turns from a toy Barbie into an adult girl.

You need to discuss the read fairy tale with the child. Here is a sample list of questions to use when discussing fairy tales with children: What is the fairy tale about? Who are the main characters in the story? What actions are they doing? What do they bring to people? What is the moral of the tale? etc.

A fairy tale is the language of childhood, as well as the surest and shortest way to a child's mind and heart. As the famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky: "The spiritual life of a child is full only when he lives in the world of fairy tales, music, fantasy, creativity."

The story develops the child's imagination. Unlike realistic stories, it is full of more colorful, fantastic images. In fairy tales, children find characters they want to be like. The fairy tale gives a clearly expressed idea of ​​good and evil, accessible to children's perception. She teaches courage, ingenuity, kindness and love.

The strength of a fairy tale is that it is the quintessence of worldly wisdom, folk experience. The short story shows many ways to deal with difficult situations.

Children are very fond of being told something interesting, exciting, where there are all kinds of miracles. And what could be more exciting than a fairy tale, especially before bed. After all, a bedtime story is an evening ritual of bedtime, the moment of the greatest trust and closeness of the child and his parents. In addition, children really like it when their parents themselves come up with fairy tales for them.

A fairy tale is a journey to the border of this and another world - magical, in which goodness and clear thoughts always win. The fairy tale inspires hope and faith in the good, kind, bright, it makes you fantasize and dream. Childhood without a fairy tale is impossible.


1 The historical aspect of the development of fairy tale therapy

Fairy tale therapy is the process of searching for meaning, deciphering knowledge about the world and the system of relationships in it, transferring fairy tale meanings to reality; the process of objectifying problem situations, activating the potential of the individual, comprehensive education and upbringing;

therapy with an environment, a special fabulous setting in which potential parts of the personality can appear, something unrealized, a dream can materialize, and most importantly, a sense of security and the aroma of mystery appear in it.

People have always been engaged in fairy tale therapy. True, they called it differently. There are 4 stages in the development of fairy tale therapy. It is noteworthy that none of the identified stages ends, giving way to a new one. Therefore, each stage marked the beginning of a certain process.

The first stage of fairy tale therapy is oral folk art. Its beginning is lost in the mists of time, but the process of oral (and later written) creativity continues to this day. It is difficult to imagine the date of creation of the first fairy tale. Of course, oral folk art, as the first stage of fairy tale therapy, has no time limits. It is created from the Stone Age to the present day.

The second stage is the collection and study of myths and fairy tales. The study of myths and fairy tales in a psychological, deep aspect is associated with the names of K. Yu. Jung, B. Bettelheim, V. Propp and others.

The third stage is psychotechnical. Probably, there is not a single pedagogical, psychological and psychotherapeutic technology in which the “compose a fairy tale” technique is not used. Modern practical approaches apply the fairy tale as a technique. As an occasion for psychodiagnostics, correction and personality development.

The fourth stage is integrative. This stage is associated with the understanding of fairy tale therapy as an educational system that is natural, organic to human perception, tested by many generations of our ancestors.

Grandmothers told fairy tales to the peasant children who were quiet on the river, the girls shared their stories with their friends at needlework, they were collected by storytellers and passed from mouth to mouth. In fairy tales, worldly experience and a margin of safety were passed on from generation to generation. And today, telling children fairy tales, we repeat this historical process. And we are also mistaken if we think that the study of fairy tales is the lot of the smallest. Wisdom comes from people of all ages.

2 The essence of fairy tale therapy as a method in psychology

The term "fairy tale therapy" itself appeared relatively recently. The founder of the method of complex fairy tale therapy - T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva. She defines fairy tale therapy as a set of ways to transfer knowledge about the spiritual path of the soul and the social realization of a person, as an educational system consistent with the spiritual nature of a person.

In the framework of fairy tale therapy, the following classification is mainly used.

Artistic fairy tales include those created by the centuries-old wisdom of the people, and author's stories. Their fairy tales have both didactic, and psycho-corrective, and psychotherapeutic, and even meditative aspects.

folk tales. The most ancient in literary criticism are called myths. It is this principle that is used today in the creation of new fairy tales;

Didactic fairy tales are created by teachers to present educational material. Didactic tales can reveal the meaning and importance of certain knowledge.

Psychocorrectional fairy tales are created to gently influence the child's behavior. Correction here is understood as the replacement of an ineffective style of behavior with a more productive one, as well as an explanation to the child of the meaning of what is happening.

Psychotherapeutic fairy tales are fairy tales aimed at “providing psychological support and getting rid of suffering and negative experiences.

Meditative fairy tales are created mainly to relieve psycho-emotional stress, create positive models of relationships, and develop a personal resource.

Folk, fairy tales are the basis of the method of fairy tale therapy. They play experiences and conflicts between characters. The whole plot of the tale is built on this.

A child and an adult must, according to the methodology, compose a fairy tale on a given topic separately. The adult must take the lead. He leads the plot of a fairy tale, sets the intonation. Moreover, here the adult also acts as a listener to the story composed by the child. The child-narrator must pick up the intonation of the narrator.

Thus, he joins the national culture. By composing a fairy tale, a parent develops his artistic communication skills, introducing him to traditions with the help of intonation.

In dialogue, an adult and a child should be equal. It is necessary that the baby learn the dialectic of the relationship between the author and the addressee. At the initiative of the parent, he will visit all possible communicative positions that carry a pedagogical and therapeutic load. These are the psychological preconditions for fairy tale therapy.

With the help of fairy tale therapy, the needs for violation of prohibitions and rules are realized. The fairy tale becomes an intermediary between the inner and outer worlds of the child. It is a powerful tool for the development of the inner world of man. Hence the heightened interest of psychologists in fairy tales. But only in the coming years, fairy tale therapy is called independently.

Only fairy-tale language opens the world of human relations in understanding the mental characteristics of preschoolers. Fairy tales develop children's imagination. It teaches them to see not only positive, but also negative character traits of people.

Man is the subject of self-development. Gradually, he raises the level of development of self-consciousness, learns to control his Self.

The child realizes that it is necessary to overcome his spontaneous activity to develop creatively as a person. And here the fairy tale becomes a developing and psychotherapeutic tool due to metaphor. Through the plot of the fairy tale, the kid lives through his own mental processes and delves into their meaning.

Through fairy tales, people draw everyday experience. We read from Pushkin: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, A lesson for good fellows."

But not every story is instructive. Therapeutic value is a story that allows you to ask a question that leads to reflection on the meaning of life, on the conclusion made. This is fairy tale therapy.

The language of a fairy tale brings adults and children closer together. The fairy tale awakens creativity in the therapist, who develops intuition, archetypes based on first impressions. It brings freedom in which transformation takes place. It is here that a small and weak child turns into a self-sufficient strong man.

Now the term "Fairytale Therapy" often roams in special editions. What does psychology interpret under the definition of "Fairytale Therapy"? Well, first of all, not only direct treatment with fairy tales.

Fairy tale therapy is a combination of the following processes:

search for meaning, deciphering knowledge about the world and the system of relationships in it;

the formation of a connection between the plot and reality and the transfer of the conclusions of the fairy tale to the outside world;

objective problem;

activation of personal potential;

education of high intelligence.

A fairy tale is magic and transformation. Hence, fairy tale therapy improves the inner world and nature. She treats with a special fabulous environment that awakens the potential of the individual. With its help, a dream can materialize, a feeling of security and mystery will appear ...

Metaphors in fairy tales are studied by psychology, philosophy, and pedagogy. The first fables were written by Aesop; I. A. Krylov and La Fontaine were his successors.

Thanks to the use of metaphors, the text of a fairy tale is not unambiguous and limited to a certain set of meanings for the child. On the contrary, any meaning of any fairy-tale content is immediately comprehended by the child, enriched with personal meanings, interiorized.

For example, magical abilities are presented in the form of objects or creatures (a goldfish, a self-made tablecloth), conflicts and disputes are resolved in specific actions, most often competitive (who can handle the Serpent, who will shoot the arrow further).

Thus, the bodily and concrete language of fairy tales opens the way for children to visually-figurative and visually-effective comprehension of the world.

On the one hand, metaphorical images make the narrative more vivid, help the child better imagine what is happening. On the other hand, a metaphor has such a property as universality. The presence of “standard” speech turns (“Once upon a time”, “In a certain kingdom”) allows the child to “think out” the content of the story, to fill the images with new content.

The variable nature of the tale encourages the personality of the listener to his own, individual interpretations of the plot, images, characteristics of the characters, their assessments, i.e. turns the listener of their object of influence and the subject of interaction into a co-author of a fairy tale. This is expressed in the individual visualization of the text, the emotional experience of the plot. fairy tale therapy psychological impact child

Listening to a fairy tale, the child imagines fairy-tale characters - how they look, what they do, how they interact with each other; imagines different fairy-tale countries, princes and princesses, dragons and knights who defeat them. A fairy tale can simply charm a child, inspire him to create his own magical stories.

An anecdote is also a parable or a fable, only in a short form, built on absurdity.

Making jokes is also a creative way of thinking. The heroic content tells about real historical events in legends, epics, sagas, epics. These genres bring up patriotism.

In the process of using fairy tale therapy in the work of a psychologist, the following psychological mechanisms of the influence of fairy tales should be taken into account.

Firstly, fairy tales are a symbolic reflection of ancient rituals, the most important of which for fairy tales was initiation. Overcoming various difficulties, the hero gets the opportunity to change - to move to a different qualitative level.

Secondly, fairy tales describe the deep experience of living through emotional crises that are characteristic of a developing person. This may be a direct bodily experience associated with the passage of psychophysiological crises. Influencing at the unconscious level, fairy tales include adequate mechanisms for protecting the Self, in particular, adaptive mechanisms that help to overcome the crisis.

Thirdly, by reproducing critical life situations, a fairy tale teaches a child to productively experience fear and deal with fear, directing it, projecting it into specific fairy-tale images.

Fourthly, the images of the fairy tale are not only projected onto the real life situation of the listener and reproduce in a metaphorical form the moral norms and principles of relationships between people, but also include the deep mechanisms of the unconscious due to archetypal elements unusual for the mind.

Fifth, a fairy tale affects a person only when there is a similarity between the semantic space of his soul and the semantic space of a fairy tale.

And, finally, sixth, when assessing the impact of a fairy tale on the listener, one should not forget about its aesthetic, artistic side. This is especially true of author's fairy tales (folk tales, despite the apparent scarcity of the aesthetic means used, are amazingly polished by centuries of use).

It remains unclear: how, in what way, in the process of working with a fairy tale, is the process of building boundaries between the worlds - internal and external, real and fictional? After all, it is unlikely that the process of identifying oneself with the main character acts as the only psychological mechanism for changes in relations with oneself and one's life situation.

To resolve this issue, it turned out to be productive to use the concept of semantic space, which is understood as a system of functionally justified connections between semantic elements (meanings and meanings) that are significant for a certain circle of people. The semantic space of the human spiritual world contains many subspaces - those fragments of the inner world that correspond to certain fragments of the external world and the life experience of human interaction with them.

Everyday life of a person, according to E.L. Dotsenko, can be considered as a continuous journey (transitions) from one semantic space to another - as a person relates (identifies) himself to a particular community of people with similar semantic characteristics: needs, interests, knowledge, habits, attitudes and etc.

In fact, when a fairy tale is created, the content of which corresponds to the characteristics of a person's life situation at a given particular moment, two semantic spaces - the psychologist-storyteller and the client - should be mutually displayed. That is, a certain content of one of these two semantic spaces is associated with some content of the other, so that the language of each of them can be used allegorically (metaphorically) to describe the content of the other. As a rule, an unambiguous isomorphic mapping does not occur in most cases, because a psychologist offering a fairy tale cannot know absolutely everything about a person.

One should pay attention to a very important point pointed out by E. L. Dotsenko: the task is not to learn something about the facts of a person’s life, but to understand what this life is like in his ideas. The created fairy tale allows (even with a lack of information) to outline the general outline of the problem, to cover the key circle of really working metaphors, to indicate the possible balance of the client's resources, to reveal meaningful and dynamic moments, typical difficulties and habitual interaction strategies, ways to solve emerging problems.

With regard to psychological fairy tales, we note that their impact on the self-consciousness of the child is carried out, apparently, in accordance with the psychological mechanism indicated above.

In psychological fairy tales, of course, there is no direct analogy between the life of a child and a fairy-tale hero due to the greater generalization of the plot - after all, psychological fairy tales are usually aimed not at one specific child, but at a wide group of children of the same age with similar psychological characteristics.

At the same time, the beauty of fairy tales lies in the fact that in the same fairy tale space different people find meanings and meanings that are close and understandable to them. This happens not only due to the filling of fairy tales with archetypal images, but also because the typical turns of speech of fairy tales set conditional situations in a special space of a fairy tale, in which events take place that are available in one form or another in the experience of almost any person. The fact that a child interacts with a fairy tale immediately and inevitably sets for him a semantic space saturated with metaphors. The text of a fairy tale, therefore, is not unambiguous and limited to a certain set of meanings for him.

On the contrary, any meaning of any fairy-tale content is immediately comprehended by the child, enriched with personal meanings, interiorized. The response in the soul of the listener occurs when the fairy tale is constructed in such a way that, being a concrete, interesting, fascinating, vivid work of art, it remains an “open possibility” for various interpretations and that a mutual reflection arises between its semantic space and the semantic space of the child’s soul.

And how is the similarity between the semantic spaces of the tale and the listener established? The result of the discovery of this similarity by E.L. Dotsenko suggests calling it semantic resonance. The moment of its occurrence is experienced by a person as recognition, intelligibility, similarity. In fact, we are talking about the completion of the search for a correspondence between the current situation and fragments of life experience, and the mechanism of this search is semantic resonance. If it happened, the listener is captured by special experiences, there are feelings of the significance of the material of the fairy tale. As a result, it becomes possible to change the way of seeing the world and oneself in this world and the relationship to oneself and to the world.

The following important features of the use of fairy tale therapy can be identified.

Firstly, a fairy tale has always, in all generations, served as a means of meeting its listener or reader (usually a child) with himself, because the metaphor underlying the fairy tale acted not only as a “magic mirror” of the real world, but - first of all - his own, hidden, not yet realized inner world. K.G. wrote a lot about this. Jung and his followers.

Secondly, all individual functions of fairy tale therapy (and not only fairy tale therapy, by the way, but also other psychological methods) are ultimately aimed at one goal - to help a person develop in the most optimal and natural way for him, realizing his abilities. And the basic condition for such development is an increase in the level of self-awareness - one must have an idea of ​​what and how to develop in oneself.

Thirdly, the focus of fairy tale therapy on the development of human self-awareness, determined by the essence of fairy tales, provides both contact with oneself and contact with others. The social nature of man is the system of his interactions with people. A fairy tale metaphor, due to its inherent special properties, turns out to be a way of building mutual understanding between people.

Fourth, since one of the most important tasks of the practical psychology of education is currently considered to be the creation of optimal conditions for the natural mental development of children, one should remember the importance of the child's social interactions. This means that in building effective interaction between the subjects of the educational environment - something that a child psychologist has to work on - fairy tale therapy can provide invaluable assistance.

3 Psychological prerequisites for fairy tale therapy

The method of fairy tale therapy as a joint literary work is based on the folk fairy tale genre. The psychotherapeutic effect is achieved by playing (playing out) experiences and conflicts with the help of substitutes - characters and through plot construction.

The most important place in the organization of the jointly divided activity of a child and an adult in composing a fairy tale should be given to the actual communicative, dialogic component (questions of an adult listener).

An adult leads a fairy tale, sets the tone (acting at the same time as a benevolent, wise carrier of standards, an interested listener of history, but at the same time, outwardly, sometimes a tricky or rustic character). The child-narrator picks up, reproduces the intonation of the narrator.

Thus, the fairy tale provides an opportunity to introduce the child into the world of centuries-old national culture. An adult introduces the child into the stream of artistic and communicative activity, introducing him to the canons not only through the structure of the artistic text, but also with the help of a special intonation.

In a dialogue with an adult, the child should feel that he is in an equal partnership position - not declared, but psychologically real. The child learns the dialectic of the relationship between the Author and the Addressee, having been in all possible communicative positions (besides carrying a pedagogical and therapeutic load) on the initiative of an adult. These are the psychological prerequisites for fairy tale therapy.

The psychological mechanisms of influence of fairy tales lie in the fact that, perceiving and assimilating a fairy tale, our needs are satisfied to a certain extent.

After analyzing the content of fairy tales, P.I. Yanichev identified a triad of trends or needs:

1 - the need for autonomy (independence);

2 - the need for competence (strength, omnipotence);

3 - the need for activity;

And also the needs for violation of prohibitions and rules, the need for absurdity are realized, thanks to which the fairy tale becomes an intermediary between the inner world of the child and the external, objective world.


So, listening to a fairy tale, the child receives information - “dry”, not concretized, the images of heroes and fairy-tale events are clearly “not drawn”. The fairy tale resembles a children's coloring book, containing only the contours of the image, where each element can be painted in any color - it all depends on the imagination. There is only one drawing, but the options are endless. For example, if a group of children is asked to draw some kind of fairy-tale character, then all the drawings as a result will turn out to be different, not similar to one another. This suggests that everyone focuses on their details, endows the hero in his imagination with different features.

Consequently, imagination is the function that is actively "involved" in the process of fairy tale therapy, it is this function that is the main one during classes.

The use of metaphors is possible due to the function of the imagination, otherwise the child would not be able to understand the meaning of the metaphors contained in the narrative.

As the main psychological mechanism that ensures the establishment and maintenance of contact between the inner world of the child and the fairy tale world, most authors name the process of identifying the child with the main character of the fairy tale, which is facilitated by a number of specific features inherent in the fairy tale plot, the characteristics of the characters, and the arrangement of the fairy tale world in in general.

Through the mechanism of identification, the child learns the meaning of the fairy tale and the main lessons contained in it. A positive hero is most often active, despite all the difficulties and obstacles encountered on his way, remains true to himself, acts in accordance with his life values. Shows endurance and ingenuity, does not get lost in situations of danger, finds non-standard ways to solve all problems.

Fairy tales often emphasize the difference between the actions of the main character and the actions of other characters, who use simple, stereotypical actions to achieve the goal, while the main character, performing unexpected actions that initially seem strange and even funny to others, ends up being the winner. Thus, identification with the main character can contribute to the fact that those qualities (the ability to think creatively, find non-standard ways to solve difficult situations, resourcefulness, purposefulness) that characterize the personality of the main character, as a result, become the personal qualities of a child who strives to be similar in everything. to your favorite fairy tale character.

Fairy tale therapy introduces the child to the world of those heroes that he meets in fairy tales. Children worry about the characters, enter into their role, get used to the images of the characters.

In the act of experience, the child becomes a co-author of a fairy tale story, actively participating in the process of co-creation, creating in his imagination a special “magical” reality in which the laws of natural and social reality do not operate, destroying the prevailing stereotypes of meanings and norms. A fairy tale includes a child in the process of meaning creation, while remaining open to an infinite number of interpretations. A fairy tale plot unfolds as an activity that requires personal efforts and decisions from the reader. The fairy tale takes the child beyond the framework of everyday life and helps to overcome the distance between worldly and life's meanings. This internal transition is possible only when the content of the tale has passed through empathy with another person. In the process of this experience, a mechanism of emotional anticipation is formed, which helps not only to imagine, but also to experience the long-term consequences of human actions.

Creativity partly depends on innate qualities, however, the development of creative thinking in a person is mainly determined by the environment in which a person developed, how much this environment stimulated creativity, supported and developed a person’s individuality. Creativity can be developed.

Particularly effective are special classes with young children who have not yet developed the habit of stereotyped decisions and the search for the correct answer approved by adults. One of the ways to develop creativity is fairy tale therapy. Any fairy tale is focused on the socio-pedagogical effect, it teaches, warns, educates, encourages activity. The potential of a fairy tale is much richer than its artistic and figurative significance. A fairy tale is one of the most important socio-pedagogical means of personality formation. The use of fairy tales in psychotherapy is associated with the use of the creative abilities of the individual, the process of fairy tale therapy itself is based on writing fairy tales, inventing new characters, storylines.

Creating fairy tales, the psychologist has a certain impact. Due to the fact that it is dressed in "fabulous clothes", children do not have a feeling of pressure. Children just listen, compose, tell fairy tales.

Fairy tales are wonderfully memorable and have a strong positive impact. At preschool age, creativity can be fixed in the personality structure as a stable characteristic, consciously realized in the process of creativity.

Therefore, the purposeful development of creativity through various methods of training and education, including fairy tale therapy, is a necessary condition for the development of a healthy, self-actualizing personality.


Asmolov A.G. Psychology of Personality. - M.: Meaning, 2007. - 528 p.

Belinskaya E.V. Fairy-tale trainings for preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2006. - 123 p.

Belyaeva EV Psychological and pedagogical influences of fairy tales on the formation of ethnic identity of younger schoolchildren. - M.: AST, 2005. - 104 p.

Vachkov IV The development of self-consciousness through a psychological fairy tale. M.: Academy, 2007. - 143 p.

Vygotsky L.S. Psychology of human development. M.: Academy, 2004. - 456 p.

Dobrovich A.B. Educator about psychology and mental hygiene. - M.: Enlightenment, 1987. - 205 p.

Dotsenko E. L. The semantic space of a psychotechnical fairy tale // Journal of a Practical Psychologist. - 1999. - No. 10-11. - S. 72-87.

Zashchirinskaya O. V. A fairy tale visiting psychology. Psychological techniques: Fairy tale therapy. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2001. - 234 p.

Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Fundamentals of fairy tale therapy. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2006. - 345 p.

Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Workshop on fairy tale therapy. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2000. - 310 p.

Krysko V.G. Psychology and pedagogy. Questions and answers. Structural schemes. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2004.- 367 p.

Lebedeva L. D. Theoretical foundations of art therapy // School psychologist. - No. 3 - 2006. - C. 9-11.

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Obukhov V. Ya. What are scary tales for? School of Health. -1997. - No. 3. - S. 115-117.

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Petrova E.Yu. The problem of using plots of a folk fairy tale in psycho-correctional and pedagogical work // Journal of Practical Psychology. - 1999. - No. 10-11. - S. 207-225.

Propp V.Ya. Morphology of the "fairy tale". The historical roots of fairy tales. - M.: Enlightenment, 1998. - 512 p.

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Slastenin V.A., Kashirin V.P. Psychology and pedagogy. - M.: Academy, 2001. - 480 p.

Stolyarenko L.D., Samygin S.I. Psychology and pedagogy in questions and answers. - Rostov-on-Don, 2002. - 576 p.

Ulybina E.V. Psychology of everyday consciousness / E.V. Ulybin. - M.: Meaning, 2001.-263 p.

Franz M. Psychology of a fairy tale. Interpretation of fairy tales. The psychological meaning of the motive of redemption in a fairy tale. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 1998.- 360 p.

Shapovalenko I.V. Age-related psychology. M.: Academy, 2007. -298 p.

Yanichev P.I. Psychological functions of a fairy tale / P.I. Yanichev // Journal of Practical Psychology. - 1999. - No. 10-11. - S. 27-37.


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Fairy tales are not only a great way to prepare your child for bed after a long day. These fictional incredible stories allow two very different worlds - adults and children - to communicate in one language that everyone understands. Fairy tale therapy is an excellent way to develop the creative abilities of a child, which will expand the consciousness and optimize the interaction of children with the outside world.

Specialists who use this method of treatment can save a child from many fears, tics, manifestations of aggression, enuresis and many other ailments by working not with symptoms, but with the reasons why the child has certain problems.

Fairy tale therapy technique: the function of fairy tales

Each parent can use the method of fairy tale therapy in raising their own child. There are wonderful fairy tales created by the authors specifically for the purpose of soft impact. They are not very instructive, but instructive due to their personalization. The project, for example, gives adults the opportunity to create their own personalized fairy tale with the help of a team of professionals, where the main roles will be played by the child himself, his relatives and even, if desired, pets. Read more.

Fairy tales have several functional features:

1. The text of fairy tales is able to evoke an emotional resonance in both children and adults. Fairy-tale images immediately affect 2 levels of the psyche - conscious and subconscious.

2. As in history, a well-chosen metaphor is considered the main and most valuable in a fairy tale. Her idea may include a description of vital phenomena, setting goals, vital values, or describing the inner world of the author, if the author's fairy tale is being told.

3. The tale carries symbolic information about how to learn to forgive and how to properly build relationships with others, how to acquire friendship and love and appreciate them, what stages girls and boys, women and men will have to overcome for self-realization, what difficulties can be encountered in life and how to learn to overcome them, who created our world and how this world works, what values ​​should be guided in life, and what changes happen to people in different periods of life.

Fairy tale types

It is customary to allocate 6 main types of fairy tales, each of which has its own purpose and special therapeutic effect:

1. Artistic fairy tale. These tales contain centuries of wisdom that the people put into them through their own bitter experience. This also includes author's stories, which are essentially the same fairy tales, parables, myths. An artistic fairy tale has a didactic, psychotherapeutic and psycho-corrective effect. Initially, it was not created for treatment at all, but today this type of story is successfully used by a huge number of psychotherapists.

2. Folk tale. The oldest folk tales are called myths. The oldest basis of fairy tales and myths is the unity of nature and man. In the ancient consciousness, it was customary to revive human relationships and feelings (grief, love, suffering, etc.), to personalize them. The same approach is used today in the method of fairy tale therapy.


Among the huge variety of fairy tales, the following can be distinguished plots:

  • Tales about animals and relationships with them. An interesting fact is that children under 5 years of age identify themselves with animals and try to resemble them in many ways, therefore, in this period of life, it is the tales about animals, the life experience contained in stories about animals, that will be more understandable and close to them.

  • household tales. They often talk about the difficulties in family life, and also offer solutions to conflicts. In this type of fairy tale, the main emphasis is on a healthy sense of humor and on the leadership of common sense regarding troubles and hardships. They introduce us to little family tricks to make life better. Such fairy tales are optimal when working with teenagers.
  • Tales of transformations, transformations. We all know the sad story of the Ugly Duckling, who eventually won his place in life and the team. These stories are great for working with those with low self-esteem or for working with adopted children.

  • Scary tales. In these tales there are various evil spirits - ghouls, witches, ghouls and others. For all peoples in the children's subculture, a special place is given to horror stories that allow children to heal themselves. This method of self-therapy invites the child to reproduce and experience a terrible situation in a fairy tale many times, thanks to which children get rid of accumulated tension and master new ways of responding to a problem. To increase the child's resistance to stress and relieve him of tension, it is recommended to tell horror stories to a group of children and adolescents (not younger than 7 years old). However, when conducting such a lesson, it is necessary to observe 2 important rules: the story must be produced in a “terrible” voice, and the end of the story must be very unexpected and very funny.

  • Magic tales. These stories are perfect for 6-7 year olds. It is a fairy tale that helps to create a “concentrate” of wisdom in the subconscious and to assimilate information about the spiritual development of a person.

Work with folk tales should end with careful analysis and discussion. As soon as the hidden meanings and morals are worked out and tied to real life situations, you can start using additional ways to work with a fairy tale: dramatization, making fairy dolls, sand therapy, drawing.

3. Author's artistic fairy tale. For a successful struggle with inner feelings, it is best to choose author's fairy tales. Despite the fact that they contain too many of the author's own projections and experiences, this allows the child to get deeper into the problem and find a way to solve it. For example, the fairy tale "Two Frogs" by L. Panteleev helps adults and children who have lost interest in life, whose strength is running out, who are losing hope. This fairy tale teaches us to fight for our health and life, to fight for goals to the last, because each of us has at least one chance and the necessary inner strength to help cope with any difficulties that come our way.

4. Didactic fairy tale. Often, in the form of these fairy tales, various educational tasks are framed. For example, there are mathematical tasks written in the form of a didactic fairy tale. To solve an example in such a task means to pass the test, to cope with difficulties. If a number of examples are solved, this can lead the hero to success and finally cope with the problem.

5. Psycho-corrective fairy tale. Actually, this is a fairy tale that helps to correct certain patterns of children's behavior. But in order for it to lead to the expected result, it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles when creating it:

  • It should be based on the same problem as that of the child, but veiled, without a direct resemblance to it.
  • In a fairy tale, it is necessary to offer the child a substitute experience, with the help of which the child can choose one or another course of action in order to solve his problem.

The tale must be presented in a strict sequence:

  • Once upon a time, there were- symbolizes the beginning of a fairy tale, introduces the acting heroes. For a child of 3-4 years old, it is recommended to tell fairy tales about toys, little men or animals. From the age of 5, you can tell a fairy tale about princes and princesses, wizards and fairies, soldiers, etc. From the age of 5-6, children prefer fairy tales. For teenagers, everyday fairy tales and parables are suitable.
  • And suddenly... But then one day...- there is a collision of the hero with a problem that resembles the problem of a child.
  • Because of this… - hints at what achievement is not happening, what the child could achieve without this problem.
  • The culmination is, in fact, the direct struggle of the heroes with difficulties.
  • The denouement is necessarily positive.
  • The moral of the tale is that the hero learns an instructive lesson from his experience, his life changes dramatically.

Psycho-corrective fairy tales are intended for a soft, unobtrusive, non-aggressive impact on children. Correction here plays the role of replacing an unproductive way of behavior with a productive one. Thanks to them, adults can explain to the child what is happening in general in his life, the meaning of events.

To create a psycho-correctional fairy tale on your own, you must act according to the following algorithm:

a) Choose a hero. Which will be close to the personality of the child, but at the same time differ significantly. The hero must have similar character traits, age, gender.

b) Describe life fairy-tale hero in such a way that the child can catch similarities with his own life.

c) Create a problem situation, which the fairy-tale hero got into, while it must necessarily be similar to the problem of the child, describe the feelings and experiences that the child himself experiences.

d) Describe the process by which the character finds a way to solve a problem. Here it is necessary to aggravate the situation, bring the search to a logical conclusion, which will help push the hero to find the right solution and change. A fairy-tale hero may come across minor heroes and creatures who find themselves in the same situation. At the same time, the hero from the side can watch how creatures find a way out of problems. A “wise mentor” may appear here, who will explain to the hero the meaning of the events taking place. Your task is to show the child the situation and its solution from several angles, to provide the child with an alternative, different models of behavior, to help him find the positive aspects in what is happening.

e) The hero of the fairy tale realizes mistakes in his behavior and becomes on the right path.

It is not necessary to discuss a psycho-correctional fairy tale with the child, you can simply read it, giving the child the opportunity to independently reflect on its meaning. Thus, the child is alone with his own thoughts. If he has questions or a desire to discuss the story, you should always be ready to answer him, and if necessary, play the story with the help of drawings, puppets, figurines or a sandbox.

6. Psychotherapeutic fairy tale. This type of fairy tale reveals to the child the hidden meaning of the events taking place. Such stories help the child to see what is happening from a different angle. They can't always be interpreted unambiguously and they don't always have to have a happy ending, but they have amazing depth and insight. This is a kind of rhetorical question, the reflection of which will stimulate the child's personal growth. Many fairy tales of this type cover the problems of life and death, the way and love, the attitude to the acquired and the lost.

A psychotherapeutic fairy tale sometimes helps where other psychotherapy techniques will be completely powerless. They are used if the problem affects the philosophy of relationships and events.

The main methods of fairy tale therapy

1. Telling and writing a fairy tale

Any fairy tale story already has therapeutic properties in itself. And it is recommended to tell a fairy tale, and not to read it. Since it is during the story that the adult has a unique opportunity to observe the experiences of the child in the process of studying with him.

A fairy tale can be told not only to an adult - he can involve the child himself in this process or even invite him to tell a fairy tale on his own. This will help the adult learn about all the spontaneous emotional manifestations that rage inside the child and at the same time may not be manifested in his behavior at all.

Some psychologists say that if a child suddenly interrupts the story and offers a completely unusual ending, while his answers are hasty, his voice is lowered, signs of excitement appear on his face (pallor or a rush of blood, twitching), he refuses to answer questions, he wants to start a fairy tale from the very beginning or trying to get ahead of events - all this can be attributed to a pathological reaction and can be a clear sign of a child's neurotic state.

2. Drawing a fairy tale

After reading, it is recommended to draw a fairy tale, mold it with plasticine or clay, and present it in the form of an application. While working with colored plasticine, cardboard, paper, the child will be able to express all his emotions, worries, thoughts and feelings. So he can get rid of worries and anxieties.

There is absolutely no need to pay attention to image quality. Often, if very strong feelings overwhelm children, various monsters appear in their drawings, he draws with dark colors, draws fire. After a second reading of the fairy tale and an offer to draw again on this topic, you can see that the child will draw more calmly, lighter colors will be used.

3. Making dolls

This method of fairy tale therapy requires special attention. At the same time, incredible the process of making dolls plays an important role.

Many experts agree that any, even the most banal making a doll is equivalent to the process of meditation, because in the process of production (sewing) of the product, a change in personality occurs. In addition, during the process, children significantly increase their ability to concentrate, develop imagination and fine motor skills of their hands.

During the making of the doll, the child turns on the mechanism of projection, substitution or identification, which means that only the process itself helps the child achieve incredible results.

From the point of view of psychoanalysis, the doll plays the role of an object on which all instinctive energy spills out. Even Freud said that human behavior to reduce unconscious tension. Admirers of Jung associate the making of a doll with the possibility of realizing such a possibility of the psyche as self-healing.

Not only the process of making a doll, but also the process of controlling and manipulating it allows you to realize the problem, think deeply about it, and also find the best solution. Making a doll helps relieve nervous strain.

When recreating the situation with the help of puppets, it is necessary to observe a number of conditions:

  • Sounds and speech should be directed only to the child.
  • The voice should be strong enough, diction - clear.
  • Voice and speech must be adapted to the inner characteristics of the hero.
  • The movements of an adult must correspond to the meaning of the phrases and intonation spoken by the doll.

With the help of puppets, you can solve a whole list of problems, especially when working with experienced professionals:

  • conduct psychodiagnostics,
  • achieve self-regulation and emotional stability,
  • acquire the necessary social skills, master the experience of social interaction,
  • develop self-awareness
  • develop communication skills, speech,
  • develop fine and gross motor skills,
  • resolve internal conflict
  • to prevent or correct fears,
  • find the internal mechanisms of disease resistance,
  • improve family relationships
  • contribute to the formation of the psychosocial identity of girls and boys.

4. Master of fairy tales

Here the work is done using archetypal maps, which are based on the Universal Archetypes. The author of this technique is a psychologist T. D. Zenkevich-Evstigneeva.

According to this method, there is 10 main archetypes, on the basis of which it is possible to use 50 stories of fairy tales. These archetypes are presented in the following form:

  • State,
  • Road,
  • Creator,
  • Assistant,
  • Good heart cold heart
  • seasonality,
  • Pain body
  • Crossroads,
  • Augean stables,
  • Divine udder.

Actually, the archetypes are depicted as a deck of 50 cards. Each card has its own unique meaning. An instruction is attached to the deck, which helps to interpret the general meaning of the chosen card, offers questions for reflection, and gives tasks for children and adults.

Fairy tale therapy diagnostics

Psychodiagnostics of the child's condition can be carried out, for example, by using certain dolls and fairy tales, which make it possible to identify certain problems.

To diagnose family relationships, psychologists recommend using flexible rubber dolls, because a static doll can frustrate a baby (disappoint him).

Making dolls directly will help to identify deep problems in adolescents and older children. To do this, you can use ordinary foil.

After getting to know the doll or making it, you need to conduct a diagnostic conversation. It can represent the same storytelling by a child, placing a doll in a situation.

While telling a story or a fairy tale, the child unconsciously combines his thoughts with the thoughts of the doll, puts his experiences into it and thereby tells adults. The fact is that in most cases children do not identify themselves with people - they are prone to identification with a fairy-tale character or animal, because the figurative world is more developed in them.

During the story of the child, an adult can ask questions of interest, the answers to which will help adults understand what the emotional state of the child is, his fantasies about the further development of events.

sand therapy

Fairy tale therapy is a huge freedom for creativity. It can use techniques from many areas of psychology: art therapy, gestalt therapy, psychodrama.

Sand therapy helps to effectively influence the psychological development of the child, as well as correct some of his behavioral reactions. This method of fairy tale therapy is suitable for working with children of any age.

The child is invited to work with a tray of dry or wet sand, where he can place small objects or create pictures as he pleases. With the help of contact with sand, the child embodies his deepest feelings and thoughts into a physical form.

The child's main tool in this method is creative symbolic play and active imagination. This way of studying helps the child independently build a connection between the unconscious and the conscious, between emotions and the mind, between physical and spiritual phenomena, between non-verbal and verbal.

Sand therapy helps not only to diagnose problems, but also to correct them, promote development and conduct therapy. With its help, the child learns self-knowledge, self-expression, self-actualization, learns to relieve stress.

A trip to a fairy tale

The developer of this method of fairy tale therapy is considered Ya. Obukhov, which combined elements of fairy tale therapy with symbol drama. There are 4 phases of which the lesson consists:

  • Preliminary conversation. Lasts 15 to 20 minutes. Here the child is invited to tell about his favorite fairy tale. An adult asks questions about when the child first got acquainted with this fairy tale, from whom he heard about it, under what circumstances it happened, what moments cause the greatest excitement, how the child relates to each character in the fairy tale.
  • Relaxation. Lasts from 1 to 5 minutes. An adult invites the child to close his eyes and relax - this is the main goal of this stage of the lesson.
  • Image representation. Lasts about 20 minutes. An adult invites the child to see himself in his favorite fairy tale and tell about what he saw.
  • Discussion. Lasts 5 to 10 minutes. Here there is a discussion of the tale itself, an adult invites the child to draw the presented image. The drawing itself can be discussed in the next lesson.

Unlike previous methods, this approach has certain contraindications. It cannot be used with children with acute or chronic psychosis or a state close to psychosis, with severe cerebro-organic syndromes, with insufficient intellectual development of children (with an IQ below 85 points), with insufficiently motivated children.

Remember that different fairy tales are suitable for solving different problems. And if you decide to independently engage in this method of diagnosing, correcting and eliminating problems in a child, then remember the most important principle: one story, one problem. It is not necessary to lay in one story all the fears and problems that the child has, otherwise the fairy tale will not have any effect. The child must focus on one situation, independently find a way out of it.

If you have the opportunity, practice before starting fairy tale therapy with your child. Plan your story well in advance. If possible, record the finished fairy tale on audio and listen to it - this will help you understand where there are weak points in your fairy tale that may not escape the attention of smart children.

Remember also that your fairy tale is a kind of support for a child in a difficult situation. In this way, you let him know that you perfectly understand his experiences and feelings at the moment, that you are always ready to help him cope with them, but at the same time it is extremely important to learn how to solve the problem on your own. But for this it is enough just to direct the thought of the child in the right direction!

In order to start using fairy tale therapy, you need to carefully prepare - you can’t just take it and make up a story on the go, otherwise, at best, it may simply not have an impact on the child, at worst, aggravate the problem, force the child to withdraw into himself. It is also necessary to carefully prepare in order to be able to interpret the results correctly.