How many countries are there in south america. largest volcanic islands

South America is the fourth largest continent belonging to the group of southern continents: the map shows that most of it is located in the Southern Hemisphere, and only a small region of it is in the Northern Hemisphere. On a total area of ​​17,800 sq. km there are 12 countries of South America, as well as 3 independent territories, and each of the countries has its own state language, flag, currency, culture and customs. Let us consider in more detail which states are part of South America.

general characteristics

South America is characterized by an amazing diversity and indescribable flavor of absolutely all countries located on the continent.

Before the conquest of the mainland in the 16th century by the Spanish conquerors, Indians lived here. After a while, the Portuguese and Spaniards brought Africans to the continent as a labor force. Subsequently, many regions of South America were settled by immigrants from Western and Eastern Europe. Despite the great differences in culture, religion and the general way of life, different peoples live surprisingly calmly on a common territory, without serious conflicts.

Rice. 1. The population of South America

On a racial basis, the entire population of the mainland can be divided into three main types:

  • Indians;
  • Europeans;
  • black people.

In Colombia, Venezuela, Paraguay and Ecuador, the local population is mostly represented by mestizos - descendants of Indians and Europeans. In Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia, there are quite a lot of representatives of the Negroid race, and in Chile, Uruguay and Argentina - the advantage is for the Europeans. And only in Peru and Bolivia do indigenous peoples of South America form the majority.

The most widely spoken languages ​​are Spanish and Portuguese. However, the population of South America is so diverse and many-sided that one can hear English, French, German, Italian speech here - these foreign languages ​​are the most popular and they are taught at school. Russian is spoken only by tourists and immigrants from the countries of the former Soviet Union. Often on the streets you can hear the colorful speech of the native Indians: Aymara, Quechua, Guara, Araucan.

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Rice. 2. South America on the map

Table “List of South American countries and their capitals”

The name of the country Capital Language Currency Areas of South American countries, sq. km
Argentina Buenos Aires Spanish Argentine peso 2 766 890
Bolivia La Paz, Sucre Spanish, Quechua, Aymara, Guarani and 33 other languages Boliviano 1 098 581
Brazil Brasilia Portuguese Brazilian Real 8 514 877
Venezuela Caracas Spanish Venezuelan bolivar 916 445
Guyana Georgetown English Guyanese dollar 214 970
Colombia Santa Fe de Bogotá Spanish Colombian peso 1 138 910
Paraguay Asuncion Spanish, Guarani Paraguayan Guarani 406 752
Peru Lima Spanish, Quechua New salt 1 285 220
Suriname Paramaribo Dutch Suriname dollar 163 270
Uruguay Montevideo Spanish Uruguayan peso 176 220
Chile Santiago Spanish Chilean peso 756 950
Ecuador Quito Spanish U.S. dollar 283 560
french guiana cayenne French Euro 86 504
Falkland Islands Stanley English Falkland Islands pound 12,173
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Grytviken English GBP 3 093

Brief overview of the countries of South America

Each country of the continent has its own characteristics.

  • Brazil It is the largest country in terms of area and population. Known throughout the world for its first-class beaches and carnivals in Rio de Janeiro.

Rice. 3. Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

  • Argentina - notable for its capital Buenos Aires, which annually hosts the famous carnival procession.
  • Bolivia - Sucre is officially considered the capital of the country, but the local government prefers the largest and most beautiful city in Bolivia - La Paz.
  • Venezuela - a country in which the north comes into its possession. On the outskirts of Caracas, there is a National Park with untouched tropical nature.
  • Guyana - This is a country of constantly wet jungle. Up to 90% of the territory of Guyana is occupied by dense forests.
  • Guiana - despite the fact that this is the territory of South America, however, it is impossible to get into this French region without a visa.
  • Colombia - is distinguished by a large number of museums, which contain the richest cultural and historical heritage. This country is a symbiosis of two cultures - Indian and European.
  • Paraguay - a country that does not have its own access to the sea. In the capital - Asuncion - there are many original architectural monuments.
  • Peru - a mountainous country located in the Andes of the west coast. It is full of mysteries and amazing stories, because it was here that the Inca civilization once developed.
  • Suriname - the smallest state in South America, which has preserved a unique colonial style.
  • Uruguay - the country is famous, first of all, thanks to its traditional carnival, which in its significance and scope is in no way inferior to the Argentinean.
  • Chile - the country is located in a very picturesque place, along the Pacific coast, partly in the highlands of the Andes.
  • Ecuador - an equatorial country in which monuments of ancient culture and museums have been preserved.

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One of the continents of the Earth is South America. The location corresponds to the name - most of it is located mainly in the Southern Hemisphere, and a very small piece - in the Northern. It is washed by the waters of two world oceans - the Pacific and the Atlantic.

The area of ​​the continent is approximately equal to 17.8 million square kilometers. km, and the population is 386 million people.

The continent itself is very interesting for its unusual, vibrant and unexplored nature. First of all, you should pay attention to the interesting landscape. The mountain range immediately comes to mind - the Andes, which is a world landmark as the longest (the length is approximately 9 thousand km). Surprisingly, at present, the mountains continue to grow and amaze the inhabitants with their activity. Volcanic eruptions and fairly strong earthquakes regularly occur here.

Near the highlands stretches the abundant and wide Amazon River, famous for its swampy jungle. In the neighborhood of such a beautiful oasis, the most arid places on the planet are located - deserts, steppes of Argentina and Uruguay, where heat, drought and dust reign. Not far from such lifeless places are deep lakes with the highest waterfalls in the world that beat against the rocks. The North is washed by the hot waters of the Caribbean Sea, and the South attracts with Tierra del Fuego and the frosty fresh Atlantic, which is adjacent to the beautiful glaciers of Antarctica, its icebergs and penguins frolicking on them. Any person, regardless of their preferences and interests, will find a corner to their liking on this continent.

How many countries are in South America?

The continent consists of 12 independent countries:

And also there are 3 territories that have not acquired sovereignty and depend on large European countries:

  • French Guiana (belongs to the possessions of France)
  • Falkland (or Malvinas) Islands
  • South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (both islands belong to the UK).

All states of South America are unique in their own way.

Argentina and Brazil

The largest countries, called Latin (because of the language), which literally catch the eye because of their size. Argentina covers an area of ​​more than 2500 sq. km. State capital - Buenos Aires. Many tourists consider it the most beautiful in the world. Here, on January 16, a famous carnival is held, which attracts guests from all over the world.

Brazil is probably the most famous of all South American countries and the most attractive for tourists. The owner of the largest territory, population and unusual nature. The most popular center for tourists is a vibrant southern city Rio de Janeiro, which has an abundance of beaches and many carnivals are held annually.

A small state with no access to the ocean. The most famous and largest city - Santa Cruz, however, the capital is Sucre, whose population is 370 thousand people. The government of the country, surprisingly, is located in a completely different city - La Paz, also known for its species.


A place with a pleasant, warm climate, which can be found on the map in the northern part of the continent. In the capital of the country - the city Caracas- guests relax on the shores of the Caribbean Sea, and then embark on excursions to the tropics untouched by people.

Guyana, Paraguay and Suriname

Small countries, interesting only for their nature. They are hard to find on the map due to their small size. There are no skyscrapers or other modern monuments here. In architecture, primitiveness is preserved as much as possible, most of the jungle has remained virgin, untouched. The climate is humid, but the vegetation is very diverse.

Colombia and Ecuador

The state named after the discoverer of America. Tourist wealth consists of a huge number of museums, where the entire cultural heritage is revealed - from the native Indian atmosphere to the European one acquired in the course of history. The capital of the country is little known - the city of Bogota, where the population is just over 7 million people. Such sights of Colombia as the river have gained worldwide popularity. Canyo Cristales where the water is so clear that you can see the bottom with all the colorful algae and mosses.

Compared to Colombia, it is less popular, and the territory is several times smaller, but there are also a large number of cultural monuments and museums, which is of great interest to guests.


The territory of ancient civilizations, rich in unsolved mysteries. State capital - city Lima located on the ocean. Natural conditions are so unusual and diverse that they have become home to the most amazing animals and birds on the planet. For example, a condor whose wingspan is 3 meters. When visiting a country, tourists first go to the city Machu Picchu famous for the sacred valley of the Inca civilization.

Uruguay and Chile

It is quite easy to find them on the map: small countries on the coasts of the southern part of Latin America. Chile, according to one poet, is the most beautiful country in the world, where the Andes stretch on one side, and the Pacific coast on the other. The capital - Santiago - is constantly filled with tourists who love an unusual vacation.

Uruguay boasts of its hospitality. Although it is small, it is full of all kinds of recreational entertainment - from architectural monuments to active sports (surfing).

The rest of the territories, which are rather colonies of other European large states, are interesting as a beach holiday, however, here you can find historical and cultural monuments of bygone times. South America is an amazing place with unique nature, where everyone will find something to do and relax to their liking.

brief information

When the ships of Christopher Columbus reached Cuba and Haiti in 1492, the Portuguese were sure they had landed in the West Indies. However, in fact, they opened to the world previously unknown lands, which later became known as South America and North America.

South America was once also called "Spanish America", but the times when the Spaniards and the Portuguese ruled on this continent are long gone. Now in South America there are 12 completely independent states, each of which is of great interest to inquisitive travelers.

Geography of South America

Most of the continent of South America is located in the southern hemisphere of the Earth. In the west, South America is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and in the east of the continent by the Atlantic Ocean. To the north, the Isthmus of Panama and the Caribbean Sea separate South America from North America.

There are many islands in South America - Tierra del Fuego, Falkland Islands, Chiloe, Galapagos Islands, Wellington, etc. The total area of ​​South America is exactly 17.757 million square meters. km. This is approximately 12% of the Earth's land mass.

The climate, in most of the South American continent, is equatorial, subequatorial and tropical. In the south, the climate is subtropical and temperate. Ocean currents and mountain systems have a huge influence on the climate of South America.

The longest river in South America is the Amazon (6,280 km), which flows through Peru and Brazil. The largest South American rivers also include: Parana, Sao Francisco, Tocantins, Orinoco and Uruguay.

There are several very beautiful lakes in South America - Maracaibo (Venezuela), Titicaca (Peru and Bolivia), and Poopo (Bolivia).

On the territory of the equatorial belt of South America there are dense moist equatorial forests - selva, and in the depths of the continent there are tropical and subtropical steppes - campos.

The Andes (Southern Cordillera) mountain range runs through almost the entire territory of South America, the length of which is about 9 thousand kilometers.

The highest mountain of this continent is Aconcagua (6959 meters).

Population of South America

At the moment, the population of South America reaches 390 million people. This is the fifth place among all continents in terms of population (Asia is in first place, then Africa, Europe and North America).

Representatives of all three major races live on the territory of the South American continent - Caucasians, Mongoloids and Negroids. Since the mixing of races in South America went without any problems, now there are many representatives of mixed racial groups (mestizos, mulattoes, sambos) on this continent. South American natives (Indians) belong to the Mongoloid race. The largest Indian peoples are the Quechua, Araucans, Aymara and Chibcha.

In the countries of South America, the population speaks mainly Spanish and Portuguese. Indian peoples speak their own local languages ​​(for example, Araucan).


At the moment, there are 12 fully independent states in South America (Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, Paraguay, Guyana, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Chile, Suriname and Uruguay), as well as 3 dependent so-called. "territories" - French Guiana, the Falkland Islands and the Galapagos Islands.

The largest South African country is Brazil with an area of ​​8,511,970 square kilometers, and the smallest is Suriname (163,270 square kilometers).


South America is usually divided into 3 main regions:

  1. Caribbean South America (Guyana, Colombia, Suriname, Venezuela, French Guiana).
  2. Andean states (Chile, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Bolivia).
  3. Southern Cone (Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Paraguay).

However, sometimes South America is divided into other regions:

  1. Andean countries (Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile, Peru and Bolivia);
  2. Laplat countries (Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay);
  3. Brazil.

Cities in South America began to appear during the empires of South American Indians - the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas. Perhaps the most ancient South American city is the city of Caral in Peru, founded by the Indians, as archaeologists believe, about 5 thousand years ago.

Now the most populous South American city is Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, which is home to almost 13 million people. Other major cities in South America are Bogota, Sao Paulo, Lima, and Rio de Janeiro.

Uruguay. The area of ​​Brazil is 8512 thousand km2, according to this indicator, the country ranks 5th in the world after Russia, and. The population is 159.7 million people, according to the form of government it is a republic, the capital is (1.5 million inhabitants).

The basis of the relief of Brazil is the Amazonian lowland - a huge swampy plain covered with dense jungle and indented by rivers.

In the north and south, respectively, are the Guiana and Brazilian plateaus - plains with a pronounced dry period, located high above sea level. Most of the country's territory is located between the equator and the southern tropic, equatorial and subequatorial are noted here, only on the southeast coast is tropical. The temperature here is constantly high, rarely drops below +20 °C. In the western part of Brazil, up to 2500 mm of precipitation falls throughout the year, in the rest of the territory the main precipitation falls in the summer.

The country's population is quite diverse in its ethnic and racial composition. Until the middle of the 19th century, Brazil was, therefore, the descendants of the Portuguese colonists make up a large part of the population. Together with other immigrants from them, they make up the majority of the population - 55%. Representatives of the Negroid and mulattos also live in Brazil. In the depths of the jungle, tribes that are at a fairly low level of development have survived. The level of urbanization in the country is very high -78%, the largest cities are Sao Paulo (16.5 million inhabitants), (10.2 million), Belo Horizonte (3.8 million).

Most of the country is covered with forests, which makes logging one of the specialization industries for the country. There are huge reserves of valuable timber in the jungle, but unregulated logging destroys unique forests. The country's government is forced to take measures to preserve the selva. Brazil is also rich in: manganese, nickel, there are deposits of bauxite, gold.

Brazil is the most significant of the countries in South America, its economic development is proceeding rapidly. Agriculture is at a high level, corn, rice, sugar cane, citrus fruits, coffee, cocoa beans are grown. In addition, the industry is also developing: mining,.


Venezuela is a country in the northern part of South America. It has access to the Caribbean Sea (Atlantic Ocean), borders on Guyana in the east, in the south and Colombia in the west. The area is 912 thousand km2, the population is 21.6 million people. According to the form of government, it is a republic, the capital is (3 million inhabitants).

Most of the country is located on, in the east is the Guiana Plateau, in the west - the Andes ranges. The climate is mostly subequatorial, in the north of the country - tropical. Throughout the year it is warm here, precipitation falls from 4000 mm in the foothills of the Andes to 700 mm on the plateau. From south to north, the country is crossed by the Orinoco River, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean. On its tributary - the Churun ​​River, which originates in the Guiana Plateau, is the highest in the world.

Until 1630, Venezuela was a colony, so most of the country is of Spanish origin. The basis of the population are mestizos and mulattos, the share of the indigenous population is insignificant. A very high level of urbanization -93%, but Venezuela, like many other Latin American cities, is characterized by a "false" . The largest cities are Caracas, Maracaibo (1.6 million people), Valencia (1.4 million people).

The most important element of the Venezuelan economy is the extraction and refining of oil, Venezuela is one of the member countries of OPEC. In general, it is a developing country with an average level of economic development. Other important industries besides oil are metallurgical, textile, and food industries. Cattle are bred, rice, corn, coffee, citrus fruits are grown, and fishing is developed.


Argentina is the second largest country in the world, located in the southern part of the mainland. It borders Chile in the west, Bolivia and Paraguay in the north, and Uruguay in the northeast, and has access to the Atlantic Ocean. The area is 2763 thousand km2, the population is 34.6 million people. According to the form of government, it is a republic, the capital is Buenos Aires (11.8 million inhabitants).