Ways to resolve social conflicts. social conflict

The conflict is an open clash of opposing positions, interests, views, opinions of the subjects of interaction.

The basis of conflict situations in a group between individuals is a clash between opposing interests, opinions, goals, different ideas about how to achieve them. At the verbal level, the conflict manifests itself most often in a dispute, where everyone seeks to defend his opinion and prove to the other that he is wrong.

Stages of the conflict:

  • 1) the potential formation of conflicting interests, values, norms;
  • 2) the transition of a potential conflict into a real one or the stage of awareness by the participants in the conflict of their correctly or falsely understood interests;
  • 3) conflict actions;
  • 4) removal or resolution of the conflict.

Each conflict has a more or less clearly defined structure.

In any conflict, there is an object of a conflict situation, associated either with technological and organizational difficulties, peculiarities of wages, or with the specifics of business and personal relations of the conflicting parties. The second element of the conflict is the goals, the subjective motives of its participants, due to their views and beliefs, worldview. The conflict presupposes the presence of opponents, specific persons who are its participants. In any conflict, it is important to distinguish the immediate cause of the collision from its true causes, often hidden by both conflicting parties. As long as all elements of the conflict structure exist, it cannot be eliminated. An attempt to end the conflict situation by forceful pressure or persuasion leads to its growth, expansion by attracting new individuals, groups or organizations. It is necessary to eliminate at least one of the existing elements of the conflict structure.

Despite the fact that most people regard conflict as something negative, it has constructive functions:

  • 1) the conflict acts as a source of development, improvement of the interaction process (developing function);
  • 2) detects the contradiction that has arisen (cognitive function);
  • 3) is called upon to resolve the contradiction (instrumental function);
  • 4) has objective consequences associated with a change in circumstances.

The same conflicts can be constructive in one respect and destructive in another.

The destructive functions of the conflict are obvious:

  • 1) in a conflict situation, almost all people experience psychological discomfort, depression, tension;
  • 2) the system of interconnections is broken;
  • 3) the effectiveness of joint activities decreases.

In this regard, almost all people have a negative attitude towards conflicts and seek to avoid them, although there are also conflict initiators.

There are several types of conflict situations. The criteria for typology of conflicts are functions, subjects of interaction, types behavior participants, etc. From the point of view of the subjects of interaction, there are interpersonal, intergroup and intrapersonal conflicts.

Interpersonal conflicts are collisions of interacting people whose goals are either mutually exclusive and incompatible in a given situation, or oppose or interfere with each other. Intergroup conflicts arise due to the confrontation of groups in a team or society. Intrapersonal conflicts are a clash of relatively equal in strength and significance, but oppositely directed motives, needs, interests, drives in one person.

Possible classifications of conflicts:

  • 1) horizontal (between ordinary employees);
  • 2) vertical(between people who are subordinate to each other);
  • 3) mixed (a combination of previous varieties).

By the nature of the reasons that caused the conflict, conflicts caused by the labor process, the psychological characteristics of human relationships, and the personal originality of the group members are distinguished.

By the significance of conflicts for the organization, as well as by the way they are resolved, constructive and destructive conflicts are distinguished.

Constructive conflicts are characterized by disagreements that affect fundamental issues and the resolution of which brings the organization to a higher and more effective level of development.

Destructive conflicts lead to negative phenomena, which, in turn, lead to a sharp decrease in the effectiveness of the group.

In a conflict situation, it is important how the subjects of interaction imagine it.

There may be conflicts that do not have a substantial basis, but the subjects themselves believe that they exist.

Such a conflict is regarded as false, in contrast to a genuine one, in which real contradictions exist and are recognized by both sides of the true contradiction. Among the various types of conflicts, the so-called latent, i.e. hidden conflict, can be considered the most difficult.

This conflict should have occurred, but does not occur, because for one reason or another it is either not recognized by the subjects of interaction, or is hidden by them behind socially acceptable forms of behavior.

Complex conflicts are personal and industrial. Family and work, personal life and professional activity are the main spheres of human life, which are associated with the self-affirmation of the individual and thus determine its particular vulnerability.

Production contradictions can be caused not only by the individual characteristics of the subjects of interaction, but also by the specifics of professional work.

The conflict can be displaced or double, when the existing significant contradictions between the subjects are hidden behind external, insignificant contradictions.

A displaced conflict is an explicit conflict, behind which one can find a hidden one that underlies the obvious one. This happens if, for some reason, individuals cannot even admit to themselves the causes and sources of the conflict.

The basis of the model of human behavior in a conflict situation from the point of view of its compliance with psychological standards is the ideas of E. Melibruda, V. Siegert and L. Lange.

Constructive conflict resolution depends on the following factors:

  • 1) the adequacy of the perception of the conflict;
  • 2) openness and effectiveness of communication, readiness for a comprehensive discussion of problems;
  • 3) creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation. K. W. Thomas and R. H. Kilmenn developed the most appropriate strategies of behavior in a conflict situation.

There are five styles of behavior in conflict: adaptation, compromise, cooperation, ignoring, rivalry (competition). The style of behavior in a particular conflict is determined by the extent to which you want to satisfy your own interests, while acting passively or actively, and the interests of the other side, acting jointly or individually. The style of rivalry, competition can be used by a person with a strong will, sufficient authority, power, not very interested in cooperation with the other side and striving first of all to satisfy his own interests.

The collaborative style can be used if, in defending your own interests, you are forced to take into account the needs and desires of the other party. The purpose of its application is to develop a long-term mutually beneficial solution. This style requires the ability to explain your desires, listen to each other, and restrain your emotions. The absence of one of these factors makes this style ineffective. Compromise style. Its essence lies in the fact that the parties seek to resolve differences with mutual concessions. This style is the most effective, both parties want the same thing, but they know that it is impossible to do it at the same time. The avoidance style is usually implemented when the problem at hand is not so important, the participant in the conflict does not defend his rights, does not cooperate with anyone to develop a solution, and does not want to spend time and effort on solving it. This style is recommended when one party has more power or feels they are in the wrong, or feels there is no good reason to continue contact. This style is not escapism or evasion of responsibility.

Withdrawal or delay may be an appropriate response to a conflict situation. Accommodative style means that the participant in the conflict acts together with the other party, but does not try to defend his own interests in order to smooth the atmosphere and restore a normal working atmosphere. None of the styles of conflict resolution can be singled out as the best. It is necessary to learn how to use each of them effectively and consciously make one or another choice, taking into account specific circumstances.

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Social conflict is a clash, the cause of which is the disagreement of social groups or individuals with a difference in opinions and views, the desire to take a leading position.
Contradictions can be

1. reconcilable

2. antagonistic (irreconcilable).

The belated resolution of the conflict contributes to its transition into chronic forms and development into an antagonistic one. Conversely, proper negotiation allows you to resolve the conflict.

Allocate social conflicts:

political (associated with the struggle for power),

Socio-economic - these are conflicts over the use of material resources, the level of wages, the level of prices for goods and services, etc.

· National-ethnic conflicts.

Conflicts can go through several stages:

1. a conflict situation, during which there is an awareness of the contradictions that have arisen;

2. growing conflict;

4. the outcome of the conflict.

Five strategies of behavior in a conflict situation have been identified:

Adaptation - one party agrees with the other in everything, but has its own opinion, which is afraid to express.

· Avoidance - avoiding a conflict situation.

· Compromise - a joint decision that satisfies both parties.

Rivalry - active opposition to the other side.

· Collaboration - an attempt to come to a joint decision.

A conflict arises when one side of the conflict seeks to realize its interests to the detriment of the other. While each side must understand the need to compromise in order to resolve the conflict, compromise is not the best solution.

This is well illustrated by the textbook example of two sisters who split an orange in half. After that, one of the peels made jam, and the pulp was thrown away. The second ate the pulp, throwing out the peel. If they had figured out each other's goals in time, each would have received twice as much.

Contemporary negotiation theory emphasizes the need to negotiate on a principled basis. This means refusing to bid and discussing the subject of the dispute on the merits, using arguments accepted by both parties.

So, you can demand from the driver for a long time to take you for 100 rubles, but if he says that gasoline will cost him 150 rubles, this should convince you.

To resolve the conflict, it is important to find out the essence of the interests of the parties. Often a conflict arises due to the fact that the parties (subjects of the conflict) misinterpret the claims of the other side.

Imagine the situation described in the movie A Beautiful Mind. Listeners in the audience demanded to open the window because it was stuffy. The lecturer objected because the noise of the construction on the street interfered with the classes. The situation was resolved by opening the window and asking the builders to take a short break.

Respect for opponents will contribute to a better understanding and help to prevent negative emotions.

Money is needed to satisfy human needs. Jack London once wrote: "More money - more life." Suggest what arguments and what counter-arguments the defenders and opponents of this point of view could put forward.

(Question worded incorrectly)

This phrase is cited in her memoirs by a friend of the writer, Anna Strunsky. Jack London admits that he does not like working for money, but money gives him the opportunity to live without worrying about expenses.

“I hate making money as a goal… So the habit of getting money will never be one of my shortcomings. But the habit of spending money, oh god! I will always be her victim."

1. In general, this point of view is shared by most people: money, wealth are not important in themselves, but as a means of satisfying the needs for food, housing, clothing, etc. To paraphrase the proverb, one could say: “We do not live for money, but we need money to live.”

The phrase “more than life” itself seems to echo the theory of contemporary writer Mikhail Weller that the need to experience strong sensations underlies the aspirations of living beings. Then money makes it possible to receive more of these sensations, i.e. give more life.

Other points of view:

2. Some people think that money gives power in itself. The hero of the drama by A.S. Pushkin "The Miserly Knight" was in need, getting pleasure not from use, but from the very the fact of ownership money:

"Happy day! can i today
In the sixth chest (in the chest is still incomplete)
Pour a handful of accumulated gold.

I every time I want a chest
open mine, I fall into a fever and awe.

(referring to money):

Sleep here with a sleep of strength and peace,
How the gods sleep in deep skies"

The miserly knight considers the possession of money as an opportunity to rule over the world:

“What is beyond my control? like some kind of demon
From now on I can rule the world;

The hero of Charles Dickens' novel Dombey and Son, a big businessman, also tried to instill in his son the idea of ​​the great opportunities that wealth possesses. But his son dies, the company goes bankrupt, and the father himself, although late, understands that happiness lies in love and the opportunity to be with his loved ones.

3. You can criticize the point of view of J. London from the other side. The fact is that Jack London was a wealthy man by the end of his life and spent a lot.

Leo Tolstoy, for example, explains that with the modern division of labor it is impossible to determine exactly who has brought how much benefit. Therefore, you should try to live modestly and give others more than you take.

This is also confirmed by Jesus in the New Testament: “Whoever wants to be greater among you, let him be your servant” (Gospel of Matthew, chapter 20,).

“... do not worry about what you eat and what to drink, nor for your body, what to wear” (ibid., ch. 6,).

That is, for people of such a worldview, there is no question of earning money for the sake of food and clothing. They are ready to help people, knowing that this is true happiness. True, you usually understand this when the most urgent needs for food and clothing are nevertheless satisfied.

An example of such selfless service can be young people - volunteers at the Olympic Games and other public events.

It should be borne in mind that this question of the ticket cites the phrase of J. London, taken out of context, and the examiner can interpret it at his discretion. It is advisable to discuss this issue and possible answers during the consultation.

You were walking down the street past a kiosk that burglars were illegally trying to break into. A passing police patrol detained you along with the robbers. What legal rights and obligations do you have in this situation? How should you behave in this case?

This situation is regulated by the norms enshrined in the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation (CPC RF).

The detention of a suspected body of inquiry has the right to apply for a period of up to 48 hours from the moment of the actual detention of a person on suspicion of committing a crime.

The suspect is not required to prove his innocence. The burden of proof for the prosecution lies with the prosecution (Part 2, Article 14 of the Code of Criminal Procedure).

After the suspect is brought to the body of inquiry or to the investigator, the suspect must be explained his rights, which is entered into the protocol of detention, which must be drawn up within a period of no more than three hours (Article 92 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation).

The detainee must be interrogated no later than 24 hours from the moment of his actual detention. Prior to interrogation, the suspect at his request a private and confidential meeting with the defense counsel is provided.

In criminal cases on crimes committed by minors, legal representatives - parents, adoptive parents, guardians or representatives of institutions, organizations in whose care the minor suspect is in charge - are involved in the mandatory participation in the criminal case.

The interrogated person has the right:

use documents and records.

receive a copy of the decision to initiate a criminal case against him, or a copy of the protocol of detention, or a copy of the decision to apply a preventive measure against him;

give explanations and testimonies about the suspicion against him or refuse to give explanations and testimonies (It is important to remember that the interrogated person, regardless of age, is not obliged to testify against himself, his spouse and other close relatives);

to give testimony and explanations in his native language or the language he speaks;

use the help of an interpreter for free;

get acquainted with the protocols of investigative actions carried out with his participation, and submit comments on them (Article 46).

To be continued…

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Social conflicts in modern society

Conflict resolution methods

Analysis of the conflict situation





Today, no one needs to prove that the problems associated with the study of conflicts have the right to exist. Not only professional psychologists and sociologists, but also politicians, leaders, teachers, social workers, in short, all those who in their practical activities are connected with the problems of human interaction, are of great interest to the problems of the emergence and effective resolution of conflicts, negotiations and the search for agreement.

Unfortunately, this ever-increasing interest is to a large extent connected with the growing tension in various spheres of social interaction, with the urgent need of various social structures and individuals for practical assistance in resolving conflicts.

Everyone knows what conflict is. And for most, this word causes unpleasant associations. People who start a conflict or, against their own will, get into it, usually strive to end it as soon as possible in the best way for themselves. Few people are interested in conflict per se. But how to bring the conflict to a happy end?

Everyone decides this issue based on their ideas about a specific conflict situation and its actors, about their own goals and the goals of their opponents, about what can and should be done, and what cannot be done, etc.

Social conflicts in modern society

The word conflict came to Russian and other languages ​​from Latin. This is one of those international words that delight translators - they do not need translation, because they are understandable in this way: both their sound and their meaning are approximately the same in all languages. In Russian, the word conflict has been used since the 19th century.

The word "conflict" comes from the Latin conflictus - clash and almost unchanged enters other languages ​​(conflict - English, konflikt - German, conflit - French). An analysis of the definitions of conflict adopted in various modern non-specialized encyclopedias reveals their similarity.

You can live without the word "conflict," but you can't live without conflict. If this word, borrowed from Latin, did not exist, then in any modern languages ​​there would still be such words as “collision”, “disagreement”, “dispute”, “fight”, “struggle”, etc.

Social conflict is usually understood as the type of confrontation in which the parties seek to seize territory or resources, threaten opposing individuals or groups, their property or culture in such a way that the struggle takes the form of an attack or defense.

The following types of conflicts are distinguished:



group (between informal small groups within the same community);

conflicts in organizations (where the conflicting parties are groups-collectives of organizational units):

intergroup conflicts between large social groups (social, political, intercultural, etc.).

Different types of conflicts are interconnected. In the course of development, conflicts of one type can turn into conflicts of another type (for example, intrapersonal - into interpersonal, interpersonal - into group).

In modern conditions, in essence, each sphere of public life gives rise to its own specific types of social conflicts. Therefore, we can talk about political, national-ethnic, economic, cultural and other types of conflicts.

Political conflict is a conflict over the distribution of power, dominance, influence, authority. This conflict can be covert or open. One of the brightest forms of its manifestation in modern Russia is the conflict between the executive and legislative authorities in the country that has continued throughout the entire time after the collapse of the USSR. The objective causes of the conflict have not been eliminated, and it has entered a new stage of its development. From now on, it is being implemented in new forms of confrontation between the President and the Federal Assembly, as well as the executive and legislative authorities in the regions.

A prominent place in modern life is occupied by national-ethnic conflicts - conflicts based on the struggle for the rights and interests of ethnic and national groups. Most often, these are conflicts related to status or territorial claims. The problem of cultural self-determination of certain national communities also plays a significant role.

Socio-economic conflicts play an important role in the modern life of Russia, that is, conflicts over the means of subsistence, wage levels, the use of professional and intellectual potential, the level of prices for various benefits, and real access to these benefits and other resources.

Social conflicts in various spheres of public life can take the form of intra-institutional and organizational norms and procedures: discussions, requests, adoption of declarations, laws, etc. The most striking form of expression of the conflict are various kinds of mass actions. These mass actions are realized in the form of presentation of demands to the authorities by dissatisfied social groups, in the mobilization of public opinion in support of their demands or alternative programs, in direct actions of social protest. Mass protest is an active form of conflict behavior. It can be expressed in various forms: organized and spontaneous, direct or indirect, taking on the character of violence or a system of non-violent actions. Mass protests are organized by political organizations and so-called “pressure groups” that unite people for economic purposes, professional, religious and cultural interests. Forms of expressing mass protests can be such as: rallies, demonstrations, picketing, civil disobedience campaigns, strikes. Each of these forms is used for specific purposes, is an effective means of solving very specific problems. Therefore, when choosing a form of social protest, its organizers must be clearly aware of what specific goals are set for this action and what is the public support for certain demands.

In a conflict situation, the actions of one side have a significant impact on the other side. This influence consists not only in the fact that the other side suffers some damage, but also in the fact that it, in turn, begins to plan and take response actions. The behavior of one conflictant causes corresponding changes in the behavior of another. Thus, the conflicting parties, one way or another, influence each other. “In conflict activities, the impacts from the enemy are experienced especially sharply, because they are aimed at destroying our plans and goals. The intensity of foreign influence increases with the aggravation of the conflict. In particularly intense situations, actions that normally do not attract attention are experienced much more strongly. The mutual influence of rivals can take various forms: infection, suggestion, persuasion, imitation, and others.

The process of conflict development:

pre-conflict situation.

This is the state of affairs on the eve of the conflict. Sometimes it can be completely successful, and the conflict then begins suddenly, under the influence of some external factor that accidentally invades this situation (for example, an outsider suddenly entered the room and made a scandal). But most often at this stage there are already some prerequisites for a conflict (even in the above example, this is, say, the very possibility of an outsider appearing in the room).


This is where the conflict really starts. The incident is the first skirmish between the conflicting parties. It acts as a starting point for conflict. If in the pre-conflict stage the conflict was in an embryonic, uterine state, now it is coming into being. It is not uncommon for an incident to arise as if for a random reason, but in fact such an occasion is the last straw that overflows the cup.


Scala is Latin for stairs. In the escalation phase, the conflict “steps up the steps”, being realized in a series of separate acts - actions and counteractions of the conflicting parties. In situation No. 1, it is easy to single out separate “steps” through which the conflict escalates.


This stage occurs when the escalation of the conflict leads one or both parties to act that seriously damages the cause that binds them, the organization in which they cooperate, the community in which they live, or, in an intrapersonal conflict, endangers the integrity personality.

The climax is the high point of the escalation. It is usually expressed in some kind of "explosive" episode (a separate conflict act) or several successive episodes of conflict struggle. At the climax, the conflict reaches such intensity that it becomes clear to both, or at least one of the parties, that it should no longer be continued. The culmination directly brings the parties to the realization of the need to interrupt both the further aggravation of relations and the intensification of hostile actions and look for a way out of the conflict along some other paths.

End of the conflict.

The end of the conflict is sometimes achieved simply because the conflicting parties get tired of fighting, get used to each other and adapt to coexistence. Having shown sufficient tolerance, if contacts between them are inevitable, they gradually learn not to pay special attention to the unpleasant behavior of the other side, not to step on her “sore spot”, at the same time finding ways to defend their main interests. Much here depends on the worldly wisdom of the conflicting parties, their ability to understand that it is possible to live in peace without demanding from each other the full agreement of views and habits.

post-conflict situation.

Conflict rarely goes completely unnoticed. He always leaves behind, first of all, some traces in the souls of the conflicting parties. Sometimes it is bitterness, disappointment, loss of faith in people and in oneself, sometimes - a sense of self-affirmation, pride in one's moral stamina and adherence to principles, a consciousness of the usefulness of the experience gained. But the conflict has not only such purely subjective consequences. When it ends, a post-conflict situation is created, which in most cases, in terms of its objective features, is more or less different from the one that existed before and during the conflict.

conflict escalation climax settlement

Conflict resolution methods

In itself, the conflict as a fact of differences in opinions, interests, aspirations of people can be neither good nor bad, and it should be considered, discarding ethical prejudices. Since conflict cannot be avoided, it must be used.

Ways or tactics of resolving conflicts are as diverse as the conflict situations themselves. Let's take a look at some of them.

There are three main ways to resolve conflict situations:

1) dominance, as the victory of one side over the other, but the advantages of the relative simplicity of this method are eliminated by its inefficiency from the point of view of the long term;

2) compromise, which means concessions on both sides and which is therefore undesirable for both of them;

3) integration, when a solution is found in which both desires are fulfilled and neither side sacrifices anything.

It is integration that opens up fundamentally new possibilities for conflict. Integration is based on the appropriate actions of the parties concerned: clear and open identification of all differences, identification of the most significant contradictions, understanding of the concepts used by both parties, etc. the need for an indispensable victory, the replacement of constructive proposals with fruitless discussion, and finally, simply the lack of such experience. Through integration, something new and valuable can be created. This affirms the understanding of conflicts as phenomena associated with the progressive development of the organization, and their content is considered as a possible criterion.

organization evaluations.

All the various causes of conflict can be represented as having two levels: (1) objective or social, and (2) subjective or psychological.

Objective, or social, causes are the economic, political and spiritual contradictions of social life. These are various distortions in the economy, sharp contrasts in the standard of living of social groups, inefficient management, spiritual intolerance, fanaticism, and so on. Methods for preventing the causes of conflicts at this level are well known and boil down to the following:

Pursuing an economic and cultural policy based on the principles of equality and social justice;

Strengthening the principles of law and order in all spheres of society;

Raising the cultural level of the population, an essential element of which is conflictological literacy.

The implementation of these social programs is the most reliable means of eliminating destructive conflicts from social life, as well as many other negative phenomena.

Of course, any socially conditioned conflict always has its own psychological component. After all, a developed psyche is an integral quality of a person, which, one way or another, manifests itself in all forms of its activity.

More conflict resolution options:

Tactics of withdrawal or avoidance of conflict.

It is a very popular way of behavior in a conflict situation; it is often resorted to both by the participants in the conflict and by those who, according to their official status, should act as an intermediary in its settlement. The essence of this tactic is to ignore the conflict situation.

Forceful suppression or method of violence.

In many respects, the method of forceful suppression is opposite to the considered method of leaving. Its use indicates a higher degree of readiness to resolve the conflict, at least on one of the parties. Its essence lies in the forced imposition of its decision on one of the parties.

The method of unilateral concessions or adaptations.

Win-lose tactics.

It is the “win-lose” tactics, as the simplest, that are the first of the methods of conflict resolution mastered by people. The use of these tactics acquired over time an almost automatic, reflexive character. Equally designed for gain, victory of one side and loss, defeat in the conflict of the other side.

Win-win tactics.

They are opposed to civilized, thoroughly rationalized methods based on the "win-win" principle, primarily the tactics of unilateral concessions and the tactics of compromises, mutually beneficial agreements or cooperation.

Tactics of compromise or cooperation.

The tactic of compromise and mutual concessions is recognized as a more reliable and effective method of conflict regulation. It is in the implementation of this method that such a universal mechanism for regulating conflict as negotiations plays an important role. The negotiation process, holding discussions to the greatest extent allow to identify points of contact between the interests of opponents, the so-called "zones of agreement". Of course, the tactics of compromise, the most important element of which are negotiations, is not a universal, fail-safe master key to all types of conflict situations.

Analysis of the conflict situation

Description of the situation

English lesson. The class is divided into groups. In one of the groups this year the teacher has changed. When checking homework, the new teacher, without acquainting students with their requirements, asked them to answer the topic by heart. Student Nastya told the teacher that earlier they were allowed to retell the text, conveying its main meaning; that she does not know this topic by heart, but wants to retell it using synonyms, semantic turns, etc. For the retelling, the teacher lowered the student's grade, put "satisfactory". The student rudely insisted that the free retelling of this text does not indicate ignorance of the topic, but, on the contrary, its understanding, as well as fluency in English. The teacher categorically refused to correct the assessment, explaining this by the student's non-compliance with the requirements. The eighth-grader came to the next lesson without completing her homework (although she was always a diligent student, she studied at "4" and "5"). The teacher began questioning the class with Nastya's student, and when she refused to answer, she put "2" straight into the journal. The girl tried to disrupt the next lesson by persuading the students of her group to skip the lesson. The teacher noticed the children running away and asked them all to return to the classroom. At this lesson, the student Nastya refused to fulfill the tasks of the teacher. After the lesson, she turned to the class teacher with a request to transfer her and her friend to another English group.

School conflict resolution algorithm

Stages of resolving the situation

Analysis of the conflict situation at this stage

What conflict happened at school?

Step 1. Its members. The behavior of the parties to the conflict

Participants: English teacher, student Nastya, classmates.

The behavior of the parties to the conflict:

the teacher presented new requirements to the student during the oral survey, without having acquainted the group with these requirements in advance, and lowered the mark for the answer;

the student at this lesson reacted rudely to the new requirements of the teacher, and later refused to do her homework and suggested that her classmates skip the English lesson

Step 2. Identifying the real problem: what is it? The trigger for conflict

Causes of the conflict: a clash of interests of the parties (the requirements of the teacher and the interests of students (a freer form of completing the task)) and errors in communication between the teacher and the student (categoricalness on the part of the teacher and the rudeness of the student).

The essence of this situation lies in the fact that the teacher did not promptly introduce the students of this group to her requirements, she approached the assessment of the student very categorically. The impetus for the emergence of the conflict was the grade "satisfactory", set by the teacher for the student's retelling of the topic in English

Step 3. Determination in a situation of the moment when it was possible to prevent the problem from developing into a conflict

A student reported that earlier retelling was required instead of memorization.

The teacher could:

Invite the student to answer in the next lesson, taking into account the new requirements.

Let her retell the topic in this lesson without lowering her marks for this, but in the future ask the girl to take into account the new requirements.

The student could:

Retell the topic and politely explain to the teacher the reason why she did not memorize the text.

Approach the teacher after class, politely explain her position, and ask the teacher to give her time to prepare for the new requirements.

Problem Alert:

The teacher had to acquaint the students with her requirements and, observing the principle of continuity, get acquainted with the approaches of the teacher who previously taught in this group

Step 4. Comprehensive analysis of the cause of the conflict

Conflict of interests and positions:

The position of the teacher: the belief that it is necessary to evaluate knowledge in accordance with existing criteria.

The position of the student: “I was always marked “5” for such an answer, and in this situation the teacher was unfair to me”

How was this conflict resolved?

Step 5. Finding options for resolving the conflict and choosing the most effective one

Guided by the principle of a multidisciplinary approach to the problem, colleagues from the psychological and pedagogical medical and social center were involved for a comprehensive analysis of the situation.

The class teacher and the psychologist talked to the student Nastya and her friend, found out their point of view on the current situation and suggested that the girls look for effective ways out of the conflict, predicting the possible consequences of each of them.

A conversation with an English teacher made it possible to determine what the teacher sees as the cause of the conflict and options for overcoming it. Together they analyzed the pros and cons of this or that strategy for getting out of the conflict.

Engagement of a third party. The class teacher and psychologist (at the request of the teacher and student) made a plan for attending lessons in order to obtain objective information.

They proposed to both sides at this stage of the development of the conflict situation a strategy of behavior "compromise" (taking into account the interests of both parties), planning in the future the transition to cooperation

Step 6. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the chosen conflict resolution strategy; further steps to prevent a similar scenario of the development of the situation

The choice of this conflict resolution strategy ("compromise") can be considered adequate, because as a result, positive changes in the learning situation followed:

In the next lesson, the teacher introduced the students to her requirements.

Taking into account the interests of the students was that the teacher used clarifying questions after their answers, if the students deviated from the literal presentation of the topic.

Student Nastya did not miss classes, she did her homework. The question of moving to another group was no longer discussed.

Steps to prevent a possible continuation of the conflict

Implementation of the "Learning to solve problems" program, in which the topics of "Conflict Resolution" and "Managing Emotions" are discussed with students (see below).

Specialists of the psychological and pedagogical medical and social center prepared and conducted a training seminar for teachers of the gymnasium on the topic "Conflicts".

Pupils and teachers were offered the following algorithm used at the initial stage of the development of a conflict situation:

stop, look, listen! It is necessary to comprehend what is happening before continuing the argument;

identify the real problem: what is its essence;

refuse the installation "Victory at any cost!";

consider several possible solutions;

evaluate the options and choose the best one, taking into account the possible consequences.

Type of conflict - interpersonal


Summing up the study of social conflicts, it can be argued that the existence of a society without conflicts is impossible. One cannot categorically call conflict a manifestation of the dysfunction of organizations, deviant behavior of individuals and groups, a phenomenon of social life; most likely, conflict is a necessary form of social interaction between people.

So, we can conclude that since conflicts are inevitable in our life, we need to learn how to manage them, based on the experience gained in a very rich and diverse literature on this issue, the assimilation of theoretical and practical knowledge obtained within the framework of this area of ​​sociological thought, strive to that they result in the least possible cost to society and the individuals involved.


1. Karmin A.S. Conflictology. St. Petersburg: Lan publishing house, 1999.

2. Grishina N.V. Psychology of conflict. 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008.

3. Ratnikov V.P. Conflictology. 2nd ed. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2007.

4. Jeanie G. Scott. Conflict resolution methods. St. Petersburg: VIS, 1994.


Integration - when a solution is found in which both desires are fulfilled and neither side sacrifices anything.

Conflict is a confrontation between the parties to interaction that have oppositely directed motives, goals and interests.

Conflictants are the parties involved in the conflict.

Compromise is a method of conflict resolution that means concessions from both sides.

The object of the conflict is a material, social, political or spiritual value, over which there is a confrontation between the parties seeking to possess or use it.

Negotiations are a way to resolve conflicts, the joint activity of the warring parties to find a mutually acceptable solution to the problem.

Escalation - an increase in the severity and scope of conflict actions, due to the aggravation of contradictions between opponents.

Ethnic conflict is a form of intergroup conflict when groups with conflicting interests are polarized along ethnic lines.

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by discipline: C sociology

Social conflicts and ways to eliminate them

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  • Introduction
  • 2. Classification of conflicts
  • 5. Ways to eliminate social conflicts
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Introduction

The possibility of conflict exists in all spheres of society. Conflicts are born on the basis of daily differences of opinion, disagreements and confrontation of different opinions, motives, desires, lifestyles, hopes, interests, personal characteristics. The famous philosopher and sociologist Max Weber was convinced that social conflict is omnipresent, and every society is riddled with discord and conflict at every point.

The problem of social conflicts became the subject of study for sociologists only in the 19th and 20th centuries. Initially, historians and philosophers were engaged in describing conflict situations, studying the causes and consequences of conflicts (in most cases, using the example of armed clashes).

Thus, the outstanding philosopher Thomas Hobbes believed that "the war of all against all" is the natural state of society.

Within the framework of sociology, a special scientific direction has developed, which is currently referred to as the “sociology of conflict”. The problems of social conflicts (in particular, for the theoretical explanation of sociocultural changes in modern society) were paid attention in their works by many classics of sociology: G. Spencer, M. Weber, K. Marx, E. Durheim.

At the same time, the study of conflicts is not only theoretical, but also purely applied. For example, when solving very specific situations in which there is a clash of interests of two or more parties. It is also interesting that initially the government and entrepreneurs considered sociology as an important tool for overcoming social conflicts and ensuring social stability, as a tool for social control and management that increases labor productivity and ensures the well-being of citizens.

1. The concept of social conflict

The concept of "conflict" is characterized by an exceptional breadth of content and is used in a variety of meanings. In the most general way, conflict is understood as an extreme case of exacerbation of contradictions. Social psychologists also emphasize that the intractable contradiction is associated with acute emotional experiences.

One of the first definitions of conflict was proposed by the prominent American researcher L. Cozer, who had a significant impact on the formation of an approach to understanding the nature of the conflict. According to L. Cozer, the conflict in the proper sense of the word is "a struggle that has arisen due to a lack of power, status or means necessary to satisfy values ​​and claims, and involves the neutralization, infringement or destruction of the goals of rivals."

Later, K. Fink gave a definition of the conflict, which reveals the closest dependence on the position of L. Cozer. "Social conflict - writes K. Fink - is any social situation or process in which two or more units are connected by at least one form of psychological or intractive antagonism." Psychological antagonism is emotional hostility and similar phenomena. Interactive antagonism is understood as an interaction based on the type of struggle or interference in the affairs of the opposing side.

The well-known Polish sociologist J. Shchepansky defines conflict as a clash caused by a contradiction in attitudes, goals and methods of action in relation to a specific object or situation.

Real conflict is a socio-psychological process. Social psychologists propose to define conflict as a collision that occurs in the field of communication, caused by conflicting goals, ways of behavior, attitudes of people, in the conditions of their desire to achieve any goals (Grishina N.V.). Or, similarly, a clash of personalities due to the incompatibility of needs, motives, goals, attitudes, views, behavior in the process and as a result of the communication of these personalities (Ershov A.A.). According to

K. Boulding, the conflict marks the awareness and maturation of contradictions and clashes of interests.

Conflicts should be distinguished from other forms of confrontation in society, which may result from:

1. lack of agreement between the participants in the discussion,

2. conflicts of interest,

3. collisions,

4. rivalry,

5. competition.

It is important to emphasize that a conflict is a clash of interests of various social actors that takes place in public. Often the conflict has a political dimension (since social conflict affects management systems) - social conflict is fraught with political conflict. The accumulation of conflicts in society is called a crisis. Political conflict is associated with the mutual deviation of responsibility and power.

Western sociologists and philosophers recognize conflicts as the most important factors in social development. The English philosopher and sociologist G. Spencer considered conflict "an inevitable phenomenon in the history of human society and a stimulus for social development."

The German philosopher and sociologist G. Simmel, calling the conflict a “dispute”, considered it a psychologically conditioned phenomenon and one of the forms of socialization.

The classic of sociology, R. Dahrendorf, pointed out in his writings the close connection between conflict and the concepts of crisis and contradictions. The crisis, according to R. Dahrendorf, is the result of pathological changes in the content and forms of life of the population, serious changes in the control mechanism in politics, economics and culture, an explosion of mass discontent among citizens, a radical break with traditional norms and values. According to R. Dahrendorf, conflict is the most important aspect of the interaction of people in society; it is a form of relationship between potential or actual subjects of social action, the motivation of which is due to opposing values ​​and norms, interests and needs. The essential side of social conflict is that these subjects act within the framework of some wider system of connections, which is modified (strengthened or destroyed) under the influence of the conflict.

Thus, under social conflict in modern sociology they understand any kind of struggle between individuals, the purpose of which is to achieve or maintain the means of production, economic position, power or other values ​​​​that enjoy social recognition, as well as the conquest, neutralization or elimination of a real or imaginary enemy.

2. Classification of conflicts

Different authors classify conflicts from different points of view, for example, from the standpoint of the causes of occurrence, the main forms of life (conflicts in the labor, religious, political, economic spheres of life), by groups of participants, by the degree of their involvement in the conflict, by duration, etc. d.

Let's look at some of the classifications.

For example, the classification of conflicts can be carried out according to two parameters: by the types of subjects (personal, group, organizational, the nation as a specific macrogroup, the state as a specific institution) and by the course of the conflict within the system or outside the system.


Inside the system

Out of the system














In relation to the subject, the following types of conflicts are distinguished:

one). Intrapersonal conflict, which is expressed by the struggle of contradictions within a person, accompanied by emotional tension. One of the most common forms is role conflict, when conflicting demands are made on one person about what the result of his work should be.

2). Interpersonal conflict. This type of conflict is the most common. The conflict between personalities arises where different schools, behaviors collide, they can also be fed by the desire to get something that is not supported by appropriate opportunities. Interpersonal conflict can also manifest itself as a clash of people with different character traits, attitudes and values.

3). A conflict between an individual and a group can arise if this individual takes a position that differs from that of the group. In the process of the functioning of the group, group norms are developed, standard rules of behavior that its members adhere to. Compliance with group norms ensures the acceptance or non-acceptance of the individual by the group.

4). Intergroup conflicts often arise due to the lack of clear coordination of functions and work schedules between groups. Intergroup conflicts often arise between informal groups.

Conflicts can be divided into:

Full-scale - an open social struggle in which the opposing sides, their interests, the object of the struggle, the strategy and tactics of behavior are clearly represented.

Incomplete conflict - involves a smaller number of participants, its interests and composition of parties are poorly structured, it is less legalized and does not differ in open behavior (for example, a hidden or sluggish conflict of interests between the enterprise administration and workers, which does not take the form of a mass strike).

Flow conflicts are divided into:

- short-term (the subject of the conflict is exhausted in the process of contact relationships);

long-term (protracted processes in relation to the expectations of the participants, often of a destructive nature).

By the nature of occurrence, conflicts are distinguished:

business - have a production basis and arise in connection with the search for ways to solve complex problems, with an attitude to existing shortcomings, the choice of a manager's style, etc. They are inevitable.

emotional - have a purely personal nature. The source of these conflicts lies either in the personal qualities of the opponents, or in their psychological incompatibility;

By the direction of interaction - vertical and horizontal, that is, between opponents of different ranks and the same rank.

The subject side of the conflict depends on interests, actual motivation. Thus, labor conflicts are associated with the satisfaction of the needs of specific goals in the process of labor activity, political - with power relations, environmental - are generated by global problems of the modern behavior of participants.

3. Structure and dynamics of the conflict

The conflict grows out of the conflict situation, which is the basis of the conflict. A conflict situation is a situation in which the incompatibility of the actions of one side with the norms and expectations of the other is manifested and realized by the parties.

The conflict situation includes, first of all, the object of the conflict. The object of the conflict is what caused the conflict between the opponents, which is claimed by each of its participants. The object of the conflict can be material (for example, some prestigious thing) or ideal (for example, rules of conduct, status in a team, etc.).

Participants in the conflict (opponents) also enter the conflict situation. The participants in the conflict have different “strength”, have different ranks depending on who they represent (for example, a person speaks only on his own behalf or expresses the opinion of the majority of people).

In the structure of the conflict, the internal and external positions of the participants are also distinguished.

Fig.1. The structure of the conflict situation.

In the internal position of the participants, one can single out the goals, interests and motives of the participants; it directly affects the course of the conflict situation, it is, as it were, behind the scenes and is often not spoken out in the course of conflict interaction. The external position is manifested in the speech behavior of the conflicting parties, it is reflected in their opinions, points of view, wishes.

It is necessary to distinguish between the internal and external positions of the people involved in the conflict in order to see behind the external and situational - the internal and essential.

Opponents and the object of the conflict, with all their relationships and characteristics, constitute a conflict situation, which always precedes the actual conflict and can exist long before its occurrence, without manifesting itself in any way.

In order for a conflict to grow out of a conflict situation, an incident must occur, that is, the actions of the participants in the conflict claiming the object. At the same time, people can start an incident when there is no real contradiction (the conflict is illusory). Or, on the contrary, a conflict situation may exist long before the onset of the incident (“smoldering” conflict).

The structure of the conflict can change as it develops: the object of the conflict can be (intentionally or spontaneously) replaced, the participants can also change (someone can orchestrate the conflict). The substitution of participants can be fictional (one represents the participants as he wants). All these real and imagined changes in the essence of the conflict must be taken into account.

The dynamics of the conflict consists of three main stages: pre-conflict (increase), conflict (implementation) and post-conflict (attenuation).

Fig.2. The dynamics of the conflict.

First stage- accumulation of aggravation of contradictions due to a sharp divergence of interests, values, attitudes; frustration, dissatisfaction, threats.

Second stage- sharp disagreements, destruction of the former structure, normal ties; an attack by one side of one's opponent through open confrontation.

Third stage- the tendency to normalize the conflict and eliminate it as such. However, the mood of the participants for some time is still fueled by memories of the troubles caused to each other. Hence the need for preventive measures to relieve stress.

In the first stage, tensions build between the two participants.

The conflict has flared up (stage 2): passions are raging, the participants are excited and in every possible way demonstrate "strength techniques".

The conflict situation has been realized, the conflict has exhausted its strength and energy, the stage of attenuation begins (stage 3).

The conflict is considered completed if its cause is eliminated - a conflict situation; the elimination of the incident does not mean the elimination of the conflict.

The conflict can end either subjectively (at the initiative of one of the opponents), or objectively (as a result of a change in the conflict situation).

4. Functions of social conflicts

Most people see conflict as an unpleasant thing, part of the curse of the human race. But you can treat conflicts differently - see them as potential progress. That is, conflicts as an integral part of social life can perform two functions: positive (constructive) and negative (destructive). Therefore, as many researchers believe, the task is not to eliminate or prevent conflict, but to find a way to make it productive.

In general terms, the possibility of conflict to play a constructive role is associated with the fact that conflict prevents the “stagnation” and “death” of individual or group life and stimulates their movement forward. In addition, since the basis for the emergence of any conflict is the denial of previous relations between the parties, contributing to the creation of new conditions, the conflict simultaneously performs an adaptive function. The positive consequences of the conflict for the individual may also consist in the fact that internal tension will be eliminated through it.

The positive function of conflicts is that they often serve to express dissatisfaction or protest, to inform the conflicting parties about their interests and needs.

In certain situations, when negative relationships between people are controlled, and at least one of the parties defends not only personal, but also organizational interests in general, conflicts help to unite others, mobilize the will, mind to solve fundamentally important issues, improve the psychological climate in a collective.

Moreover, there are situations when a clash between members of the team, an open and principled dispute is more desirable: it is better to warn, condemn and prevent the wrong behavior of a work colleague in time, than to condone him, not to react, fearing to spoil the relationship. As M. Weber put it, "conflict cleanses." Such a conflict has a positive effect on the structure, dynamics and effectiveness of socio-psychological processes that serve as a source of self-improvement and self-development of the individual.

However, conflict is most often associated with aggression, threats, arguments, and hostility. The negative functions of social conflicts include, first of all, the curtailment of interaction and communication between the conflicting parties, the increase in hostility between them as interaction and communication decrease. A frequent phenomenon is the idea of ​​the other side as an “enemy”, the idea of ​​one's goals as positive, and the goals of the other side as negative.

The conflict often changes priorities so much that it threatens the true interests of the parties, hinders the implementation of change and the introduction of the new. In addition, there is an increase in emotional and psychological tension in the team, dissatisfaction, a bad state of mind (for example, as a result, an increase in staff turnover and a decrease in labor productivity), a lower degree of cooperation in the future.

The conflict is destructive if the participants in the conflict are not happy with its outcome and feel that they have suffered something. If the participants are satisfied and get something as a result of the conflict, the conflict is considered productive. social conflict resolution

5. Ways to eliminate social conflicts

Conflicts are resolved in different ways:

There is an indifferent approach (indifference, indifference, indifference). In this case, the government, as a rule, ignores the presence of conflicts in society, does nothing to resolve them, the demands of the conflicting parties are forgotten and remain on paper. This approach is typical for totalitarian and authoritarian regimes.

A method of suppression or coercion of all or one of the conflicting parties using the armed forces, the police, through mass dismissals of participants in conflicts, illegal arrests, etc.

Command or administrative approach without serious expert analysis of the causes of conflicts. The authorities themselves are often carried away by voluntarism, selfishness, do not back up the decisions made with the necessary resources (financial, human, political, energy, etc.).

Democratic way of resolving conflicts through negotiations and reaching consensus. Consensus is always aimed at a positive result, it is the opposite of voting based on the principle of the majority, when tension remains during the voting, because the victory of the majority infringes on the interests of the minority and one subject. After the vote, the tension between the conflicting parties is not removed, it only takes on a different form of expression and over time can cause a new outbreak, conflict.

Consensus, on the other hand, creates confidence that the interests of all will be taken into account and justice will be shown in the implementation of the rights and freedoms of the conflicting parties. The main principle of consensus is the recognition of other people's interests as a guarantor for the implementation of their own interests.

There is an opinion that conflicts should be distinguished not according to the class approach, but from the point of view of protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual. Then conflicts can be classified as follows:

Conflicts of interest. They are most often manifested in those countries where there is a significant level of economic development and well-being of people. There are significant resources here for their distribution according to the interests of the conflicting parties. The resolution of a conflict of interest generates the consent of the parties and the achievement of a relative balance of various forces in society.

Conflicts over values: freedom, equality, justice, autonomy, social insurance, etc. Such conflicts most often occur in those countries where the basic rights of individual freedom and various subjects of the political system of society are not ensured. This is manifested both in the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, as well as in the former socialist countries.

Conflicts of identification of someone with a certain group, ethnic group, and not with society and the whole. Such conflicts are most often manifested in multinational countries.


Difficulties and conflicts inevitably arise in relations between people; they are a natural part of our life.

There is a widespread worldly opinion that conflicts are something unfavorable and dangerous, that they should be avoided at all costs, and that good relations between people are characterized by the complete absence of any conflicts. As a result of the great popularity of such views, people try to hide their conflicts from others and even from themselves. Thus, part of the conflicts exist in the inner, hidden plane.

Often, the condemnation of the very fact of the existence of conflicts and the naive belief that one can live life without ever having a conflict with anyone are associated with insufficient distinctions between the conflict itself and the way it is resolved. But there are effective ways to resolve conflicts caused by differences in views, attitudes, mismatches of goals and actions. They strengthen relationships and are therefore extremely valuable. Successful conflict resolution together can bring people closer together than many years spent in mutual exchange of pleasantries. However, along with this, there are also such ways of resolving conflicts that poison life and destroy even stable long-term ties.

Bibliographic list

Andreev V.I. Conflictology. M., 1995.

Grishina N.V. Psychology of conflict. SPb., 2000.

Zdravomyslov A.G. . Sociology of conflict. / Uch. allowance. M., 1995.

Zerkin D.P. Fundamentals of conflictology. Rostov-on-Don, 1998.

Frolov S.S. Sociology. M., 1996.

Fundamentals of sociology. Lecture course. Rep. ed. A.G. Efendiev. M., 1993

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Social conflict can end with three results (Fig. P.1): 1) elimination of the conflict; 2) conflict resolution; 3) resolution of social conflict. Thus, the completion and resolution of social conflicts are different, albeit interrelated, results and concepts that should be clearly distinguished. In this sense, the end of a conflict is any end of it.

Eliminate conflict
Conflict resolution has the following possible outcome:
1) the destruction of one of the opposing sides as a result of the victory of the other. For example, the victory of the proletariat over the nobility, bourgeoisie, intelligentsia and peasantry in Russia as a result of the October Revolution, the Civil War, collectivization;
2) the destruction of both opposing sides. The best example of this is the Pyrrhic victory, in which the ancient Greek king Pyrrhus lost his army. Napoleon was also afraid of this during the Battle of Borodino;
3) the escalation of one conflict into another - both between the same participants and in a different composition, when the warring parties unite against a third party.

Conflict resolution
The settlement of the conflict means its completion under the following conditions:
1) reconciliation of the opposing sides in a state of conflict impasse, when the price of victory is more expensive than the price of settlement. An example of such an end to a social conflict is the Khasavyurt agreements between Russia and Chechnya, signed by Lebed and Maskhadov. The settlement takes place on the basis of an agreement between the warring parties to make mutual concessions while maintaining opposing interests and a conflict situation;
2) reconciliation of the opposing sides on the basis of recognizing the victory of one of the parties and fixing this in the corresponding agreement. An example of such a completion is the victory of the USSR and its allies over Japan in World War II. But even in this case, the conflict situation persists and may manifest itself sooner or later.

Conflict Resolution
The resolution of social conflicts is expressed in the elimination of the causes that gave rise to it, i.e. in eliminating the opposition of interests of opposing subjects. For example, since 1918 the bourgeoisie and workers in Western Europe were able, on the one hand, to crush the proletarian revolutionaries who tried to repeat the Russian version in Western Europe, in particular in Germany and Hungary, and on the other hand, eliminated the opposition of their interests as a result of the introduction of an eight-hour working day, wage increases, the introduction of paid holidays, health insurance, the legalization of trade unions, the right to political activity, etc. As a result of these reforms, Western Europe and the United States made the transition from the capitalist formation to the bourgeois-socialist one and, ultimately, won the formational competition against the proletarian-socialist USSR.

Significant efforts have to be made to resolve (and settle) a social conflict, since self-resolution of the conflict is impossible. If the conflict is ignored, ignored, engaged in its ideological (verbal) resolution and practically nothing is done, it will unfold spontaneously, escalate, merge with other conflicts and, ultimately, end with the destruction of the social system (or subject) in which . This happened in the USSR with the proletarian-socialist formation, which collapsed as a result of the exacerbation of many social conflicts that arose in it, but were driven inside. This is a conflict between the CPSU and the intelligentsia, the Center (Moscow) and the union republics, communist ideology and reality, the increased needs and interests of people and the level, as well as the quality, their satisfaction, etc.