Tandem is a mutually beneficial union. Exclusive!! Creative tandem Tandem of a poet and a composer

It's good when you work for yourself - and it is not necessary to be the mistress of factories, newspapers, steamships, own oil rigs or bake apple pies for sale. In your workplace, you work solely for your own career, salary and for your own pleasure. But then one day the higher authorities decide that you should work in pairs on some project - and you don’t know how or don’t want to do it. A creative tandem is a good and productive business, the main thing is to properly organize the common process for two.

No one doubts: one head is good, but two is better. Any problems are solved twice as fast, more fun, and the number of creative ideas automatically doubles. However, if earlier you yourself organized the work at your own discretion, now you will have to reconsider the approach to business as a whole. Because now you have to divide by two and possible failures, and successes, and a well-deserved monetary reward. And if from the outside it may seem that everything is as simple as shelling pears, do not rush to draw conclusions. Working in pairs can be built according to several schemes.


An option ideal for natural born leaders who can captivate others with their ideas, brightly outline perspectives and clearly set goals. You will command the parade, and, accordingly, set your own rules. You are a think tank and a generator of ideas in one bottle. Feel free to organize the workflow and the deadlines for the completion of work at your discretion. Just remember that the responsibility to the higher authorities lies solely with you - and if an unlucky partner accidentally deletes a folder with all the necessary documents from the computer, you will get cuffs and slaps from the higher authorities. Full and double.

To begin with, it is worth discussing a common project together. In a conversation, it will be easier for you to determine the degree of qualification of your future assistant, and competently organize the process. Be calm and reasonable, do not put your hands on your hips, take on an air of authority and speak in an instructive tone. The easier you are in the process of communication, the easier you will win the respect of a new colleague.

DO NOT to shift all the work to his assistant or assistant as a leading person, and, giving out periodically valuable instructions, drink coffee and throw darts at office darts all day long. Or, even worse, hanging over a subordinate with a formidable shadow, controlling the process every second. Regardless of which one of you is in charge, the work will go faster if everyone does their own thing. It won't diminish your leadership role in the slightest. After all, after the main part of the work has already been done, it is you who will once again check, edit, blow off the dust and bring it to perfection.

STUDY Be clear about what you want from your partner. Praise for obvious successes, but point out mistakes specifically and to the point. Expressions like “Well, what kind of muddler are you!”, “What kind of filkin’s letter is this?” and “Where did this torment come from on my head?” forget once and for all.

CONFLICTS may arise due to your excessive demands. Of course, you are the boss, but if your assistant's work style is radically different from yours, this does not mean that you should immediately start criticizing and retraining the assistant. Otherwise, instead of a responsible employee, you will get a nervous creature, frightened shuddering at the sound of your voice. It is better to carefully observe the techniques of your subordinate - and use them for the common good. The merit of a good leader is not to make everyone march in step, but to competently direct the general movement at the right pace in the right direction. Voluntarily and with a song, of course.


The option is ideal if you and your colleague know how to work in a team. If not, one of the two of you will always pull ahead - we are all ourselves with a mustache and we know perfectly well what and how to do. Now we have to forget about healthy individualism and decide on a routine basis whose thoughts are more valuable and whose techniques are more professional. To begin with, carefully plan who is responsible for what, and agree on a work schedule. If, for any reason, your colleague tries to push most of the work onto you, obviously delaying the deadlines for its completion, politely make it clear that you do not intend to be a nanny and mind your own business. It is worth helping if a colleague cannot cope with the work for a good reason - an illness or a clear lack of experience.

If your character is too soft, your more active colleague will take on the role of unspoken leader. In order not to be in the background, stick to a pre-agreed scheme of work and perform only the volume for which you are responsible. If you are under excessive pressure - do not hesitate to consult with the management. Feel free to defend your point of view, do not be afraid to argue - as you know, this is how truth and respect from colleagues are born.

DO NOT to think that now you will have more free time that you can productively spend on manicures and entertaining conversations with a friend on the phone. Your direct competitor is working side by side with you. After the project is completed, the degree of your return to work will be carefully evaluated by your superiors - the comparison may not be in your favor. Prove that you are a worthy partner and a talented employee. Keep your ears up and take the initiative more often.

STUDY think in terms of “we” and not “I”, although this is more familiar. Half of the success of a common cause will depend on what kind of emotional atmosphere will develop between you. Remarks like “And where did they teach you this?”, “Where do your hands grow from?” and "All our problems are because of you!" better to keep it to yourself.

CONFLICTS may come from small things. Everything - in which folder on the computer information will be saved, time and style of communication with the client - if you work in an agency, the color of the threads on the wrong seams - if you are creating a new collection of clothes as a couple, and even a methodological approach when writing curricula for second-year students - now we have to discuss. No decision should be taken "by default" - and here you have to be objective, not stick only to your point of view, because it is yours.


The option suits you if you do not feel exceptional leadership qualities in yourself. Being led is easy and convenient - decisions are made for you, and you, without breaking your head over trifles, follow clearly defined instructions and practically do not bear responsibility for anything. On the other hand, you need to think carefully about why your superiors assigned you a supporting role - perhaps management is not confident in your strengths, creative productivity or ability to carry out complex projects alone.

Be prepared for the fact that all the most difficult and unpleasant work, which takes a huge amount of time and effort, will fall on your fragile shoulders. The most important thing here is to clearly define what the project manager requires of you. If she or she herself has a vague idea of ​​how and what to do, or, even worse, understands this work no better than in Chinese painting during the Sam Peng Dynasty, new conflicting instructions may await you every day. Ask in advance to draw up an action plan for you, preferably with a signature - if you get nitpicking, feel free to present the previously approved work plan.

DO NOT worry ahead of time. No one is going to fire you under a plausible pretext - perhaps at this stage of work you will best cope with the task of a competent assistant, and the higher authorities understand this. Imagine that you have a free internship. Try not only to fulfill everything you need “perfectly well”, but also to overfulfill the task - this will not only raise your self-esteem, but also add weight to you in the eyes of higher authorities. Who knows, maybe next time you will be in charge of the next project.

STUDY take constructive criticism well. And not very constructive either. Even a very poor leader has a lot to learn. Phrases like “Yes, I myself know everything very well!”, “So they worked in the last century” or “And put your comments, Tamara Vasilyevna, into yourselves ...” should be said aloud only late at night in your own bathroom, closing the door on the latch.

CONFLICTS are possible if you are absolutely not used to working under someone else's direction. In this case, even a fair remark will be perceived by you with hostility, and an innocent remark about the style of your new suit will become another unpleasant valuable indication. Look at the situation differently - in our time, when everyone is striving to break into leadership positions, there is a shortage of qualified performers, without whom any project will inevitably fail. Being the right hand of the boss is not so bad.


No one doubts that working on one project is best paired with a good friend or girlfriend, and not with an unknown girl from a neighboring department, whose probation period just ended yesterday. However, success awaits you only if you are equally responsible about the matter. If the two of you work like indefatigable bees, the work will move forward at a fantastic pace. But if your partner asks you - out of friendship, of course - to do something for him, then something else, you will not have time to blink an eye, as a dearly beloved friend or girlfriend will comfortably settle down on your neck. And they will only periodically take a sympathetic interest in how things are progressing there. And you can’t refuse - it’s indecent to refuse friends, isn’t it? - and in order not to offend a loved one, you will take on double work.

DO NOT, regardless of who is in charge in your couple, to do the entire amount of work for a frivolous girlfriend, who, by the way, while you are puffing over important papers, arranges shopping trips for herself or flirts in a cafe with pleasant strangers. Of course, you are a responsible girl, and for you to write five to ten extra pages in the report is a couple of trifles, but you will have to get rid of the bad habit of closing any gaping gap with your own body. Otherwise, you run the risk of serving all your life as a kind of screen to cover up the frank idleness of your close people working with you.

STUDY separate the private from the public. And even if once you and a friend mastered the same sandbox together, and your mothers visit each other for tea on weekends, everything related to joint work must be resolved within the framework of ordinary labor discipline. Everyone is responsible for their own scope of work. The remarks “I understand everything”, “Of course, I will do everything, it’s not difficult for me” and “Go with the guys to the club, and I’ll take something home to finish” should be irrevocably forgotten.

CONFLICTS you will inevitably lie in wait, regardless of who does what and how. Because in any dispute on the merits of the project, you will inevitably get personal - and this will leave an imprint on your even the most cloudless and strong relationship. If you value friendship with your colleague, agree with her in advance that all disputes and disagreements in the office should not affect your friendly relations. And then, even having launched, out of anger, heavy office folders at each other during the day, in the evening you will go to a disco together as if nothing had happened.


Psychological moments of your communication. You can absolutely not fit each other in terms of psychotypes, one can be an extrovert, the other an introvert. Someone is used to working in the first half of the day, so that by six o'clock in the evening they can already go home, while the other prefers to drink coffee until twelve, and enter the working rhythm only in the evening, lingering in the office well after midnight. Or, in general, play solitaire during working hours, and do everything you need to do on weekends at an accelerated pace. In this case, you need to clearly discuss the work schedule, as well as take a closer look at each other's work style. Tact and politeness are your trump cards.

Your qualifications for this job. It no longer matters who is in charge in your tandem. If your partner is a beginner, or, having a specialized education, has absolutely no work experience, you will also have to become a mentor. It's up to you to decide whether to fully reveal the secrets of your skill, or keep your personal techniques and best practices. If a colleague working with you in a pair has eaten more than one dog in his craft, you just have to carefully observe him and learn. Sometimes working in tandem with a more experienced specialist costs much more than many seminars and advanced training courses.

motives. Each person in his work is guided only by motives known to him, works for his own perspectives. It is good if your joint efforts are aimed at the best and fastest implementation of the project. However, your colleague may have completely different goals in front of him - to prove to the management his own exclusivity (in comparison with you, of course), to move up the career ladder, relying on your shoulders. If you feel that you are being frankly stalked, ask for a replacement partner, or to do all the work yourself - if you feel strong in yourself, of course.

What remains outside of working hours. The wall of misunderstanding and even hostility can be destroyed by your conversation on abstract topics, the exchange of books or movies, going to a cozy cafe at lunchtime, or even spending a weekend together. Going out somewhere at the end of the work week together and having a couple of cocktails, you can get to know each other better and find common ground of interests that are not related to work. And if you make friends, doing work together will be just a pleasure.

Even if you are an exceptional loner in your work, you should not dramatize the fact that you now have an assistant.

In the end, we all know periods of creative stagnation - and when you are working on a project together, any, even the most crazy thought expressed by a colleague, can push you to an unconventional solution to a problem, help you decide on a non-standard move, or simply get rid of an eclipse in a tired head. Together it is easier to come up with something fresh and original. In the end, we all know many examples when fame and well-deserved recognition of contemporaries and descendants came to people who worked in pairs. The brothers Romulus and Remus, according to legend, founded Ancient Rome, Arkady and Boris Strugatsky became the most popular science fiction writers, Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko founded the Moscow Art Theater, Maria Mironova and Alexander Menaker were stars of the Soviet stage for many years, and if Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm did not once publish a book of children's and family fairy tales, in childhood you would never have learned the story of

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⇒ "It's terrible, I hope no one was hurt. But judging by the construction debris around the school, there is a repair going on, or this very roof is being blocked. It's only strange that the children are in the building, at least the ones who filmed everything, but perhaps the wing from which the roof flew off is closed to the public. But, unfortunately, we have already forgotten how to be surprised. Now there is such an attitude towards construction that one wonders how we are still walking around alive. It seems that there were no sensible fasteners at all, since it was not even blown away by a strong wind. I hope the contractor gets punished."
Added - 05/28/2019
⇒ "A curious find, but I doubt very much that for so many years something could have been preserved there. Even if these paintings are dug out of the sea mud and raised, they will not be easy to restore. Probably more accurate to re-create, unless of course there are Aivazovsky's originals. It would also be nice to raise the whole ship, it will be an excellent exhibit for the museum. Perhaps there is something else of value in it - money, gold or documents of that time. Outwardly, the ship itself was really well preserved, but how the sea water affected the colors of the paintings."
Added - 05/28/2019
⇒ "I really like such funny monologues and scenes! The video cheers up and sets you up for positive, you can laugh, and sometimes this is so lacking in our lives! I am sure that absolutely all parents have to check the diary of their child - it's funny when you "discover" for yourself the news that the country has long since switched to the twelve-point system! It seems that this dad is behind the times, it would not hurt him to learn a little himself. Laughter, and more! Thank you for the opportunity to see all the most interesting."
Added - 05/28/2019
⇒ "I watched this match and understood that Juventus was completely weakened. Moise Kean and Bernadeschi play poorly and should not be allowed into the main squad. Cristiano did a good job, but the team's game should not be based on only one player, all the players should be involved. Juve played at home and showed almost nothing, it's sad. In the end, it was a pity for Torino, the team deserved to win this match, especially since they had excellent chances to finish fourth, which would provide them with the Champions League."
Added - 05/28/2019
⇒ "Fix price now and in truth is gaining more and more popularity, every time we come to this wonderful store, there are always a lot of people there! Every two or three days we go and each time we get something new, there are always a lot of toys for children, ranging from walkers and various baby dolls with clothes to all sorts of small stickers and coloring books! We also often buy art supplies there, such as felt-tip pens, plasticine, pencils, and so on. A lot of sweets, household items. In general, the whole family gets high from this store and hope that it will not close like many others!"
Added - 05/28/2019

Today we have an equally interesting word in line - tandem. What is this, does it only apply to bicycles or does the term have a wide application? Read about all this in this article. I hope it will be interesting.

Definition and examples of usage in spoken language

Tandem is an ambiguous term. In a broad sense, it means an alliance, a commonwealth necessary to achieve common goals at minimal cost.

In technical terminology, it refers to the location of units, parts of a single mechanism on one axis or two wheeler, designed for shared riding, where each person has a separate saddle and pedals.

The word "tandem" comes from the English "tandem", meaning in literal translation "goose", " in sequence". The term originally originated in the Latin dictionary, where it meant "in the end."

In modern Russian, the term has many meanings. It has the following associations:

The use of the word will be appropriate in the following sentences:

If this word is used in the sense of a union, group, like-minded people, it can be used in conjunction with the adjectives "ruling", "creative", "family", "working", etc.

What is a tandem bike

In everyday life, this word is most often understood as a bicycle, invented by M. Pedersen in 1898. This is a two wheeled vehicle. for two or more people. Each of them has its own saddle, pedals and handlebars.

The transport is controlled by the one who sits first, but in some models it is possible to switch the steering function to the rear rider.

Some of the benefits of cycling for two include:

  1. the ability to travel long distances and at the same time save energy;
  2. high speed (up to 35 km/h);
  3. a variety of ways to ride (two participants, if desired, change places, the one who sits in the back can ride with his eyes closed and get the most out of the walk);
  4. reliability and structural strength (its wheels are designed for maximum loads).

Among the disadvantages of a two-seat bike is the difficulty of steering around corners. In order to “fit in” correctly, practical experience is important. The second disadvantage of the design is a longer braking distance than a conventional single-seat vehicle.

Other tandem devices

The word "tandem" comes from the English. “alternately”, therefore its definition in the field of science and technology says that the elements of the same design are called so, located next to each other.

The term is used in relation to the following situations:

The concept of tandem is familiar fishing enthusiasts. It means that 2-3 nozzles used for bait are placed one after the other. As a rule, one "devil" turns out to be heavier, the second - lighter, the recommended distance between them is 15-20 cm.

Tandem fishing technique is applicable for different seasons. In the spring and summer, when the fish is active, it is used in a more aggressive way, in winter the maximum patience and skill is required from the fisherman. He slowly raises the bait at a speed of 3-5 mm per second, so as not to frighten the prey.

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