Thematic evenings in Russian. Scenario of the evening of the Russian language on the topic "if people are friends, languages ​​are friends"

Scenario of the evening on the theme "Idiom"

The kids are getting ready for the evening. A colorful announcement is posted at the school: “Get ready for Idiom Night! Memorize proverbs, sayings and winged expressions! During the week, each class prepares for the evening: publishes a newspaper about the Russian language, prepares a report on phraseological units and illustrates them.

The evening is in two parts. First, the teacher introduces the concept of "idiom" to those present, in the second part of the evening, two hosts dressed in buffoon costumes hold quizzes, attractions, and charades.

Teacher: Hello guys! I'm glad to see you at our party tonight. It seems to me that many of you want to find out as soon as possible what an idiom is, because you have not heard this word in Russian lessons.

You are all familiar with many expressions such as beat the buckets, work carelessly, run headlong, sit in a galosh, hold a stone in his bosom, and the like. These expressions are called idioms or phraseological units. An idiom is an indecomposable, stable combination of words that form a single whole, figurative and emotional. Idioms decorate speech, make it more expressive, flexible, beautiful, labeled. The presence of a large number of idioms in the language indicates its richness and development. Idioms, as a rule, are figurative in nature and are used in a figurative sense. Idioms include proverbs and sayings, for example: Live and learn; do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf; measure seven times, cut once, etc. This also includes popular expressions created by masters of the word - writers, for example: and Vaska listens and eats; evil tongues are worse than a gun, a man in a case, etc. Idioms contain folk wisdom, they decorate the language and testify to its wealth and strength.

Break. The music is playing and the kids can dance.

Second part of the evening.

First host: Each class receives the task: to determine the meaning of phraseological units. What word replaces the phraseological units of each group?

    Two pair of boots, smeared with the same world, made from the same dough, acorns from the same oak. The soul goes into the heels, the hamstrings are shaking, the hair stands on end, the blood runs cold.

    At the end of the world, in the middle of nowhere, God knows where, where the raven did not carry bones. The apple has nowhere to fall, nowhere to put the needle, nowhere to turn around, nowhere to stand up or sit down.

Second host: You prepared messages about the origin and meaning of the proposed phraseological units, to tell in your own words. (Go to the fire, run in; put a pig; tobacco business; Anika the Warrior and others). The guys are giving messages.

First presenter: What idioms do you know with the word UM? ( Take on the mind, out of your mind, survive out of the mind, in your mind, instruct the mind, it came to mind, spread the mind, go crazy, the mind goes beyond the mind; mind incomprehensible).

Who will be the last to name a phraseological unit with the word HEAD ( Hit in the head; take it to your head; get out of your head; lather your head; head is spinning; turn your head; like snow on the head; from a sick head to a healthy one; hang your head; to be puzzled; from head to toes; to lose one's head, to be a head above, to give one's head to be cut off).

Second host: Read the joke dialogue. What is its feature?

Head to toe

Once I was with him on a short leg. But one day (he got up on his left foot, or what?) He climbed up to me to fight. I'm all the way home. Barely took his legs. But now not a foot to him. He won't have my leg anymore!

Yes, he is behaving badly. We should take it in our hands. And give him a hand. To know: do not let your hands free! And then - I will give my hand to cut off - he will immediately stop dissolving his hands.

No doubt - hot head! But if we agreed with him, on our own head, now we are responsible for his behavior with our head. I don't know yet what we should do first (my head is spinning), but I think it's not worth hanging your head. I vouch with my head that together we will always be able to lather his head!

(There are 22 phraseological units in this text with the words foot, hand, head).

First presenter: Replace the highlighted words with idioms.

At our Ivan Vasilievich's lesson be careful! Yura is the main teacher's assistant. "World of Adventures" all the time with the guys; passes from one to another. Seeing his comrade, Petya ran headlong towards him.

Reference: Keep your ears open. Right hand. From hand to hand. I break my head.

Second presenter: Find for each phraseological unit in the left column the opposite in meaning in the right.

Wear on your hands

With an open mind

Live with your hump

Keep a stone in your bosom

To sit on someone else's neck

Keep tight-lipped

Lasy to sharpen

Get water in your mouth

Be careful

Hands down

Sit in one's hands

Take in hand

Get out of hand

Fifth to tenth

Shout all over Ivanovskaya

Keep your mouth shut

First presenter: Each class prepared small scenes depicting the content of an idiom that the audience would have to guess. Each idiom should be represented by three scenes: one shows its use, the other shows its figurative character, and the third shows its origin. ( Work carelessly, stun someone, it's in the bag, pull the rigmarole, shout at the whole Ivanovo, the thief and the hat is on fire, and others).

Second host: This hand-drawn letter was sent to their grandmother by a seven-year-old brother and sister. The letter has very strange drawings. What do you think?

Dear Granny! Come and help us, we don't know what to do. Yesterday the teacher told my mother that Goga and I had completely screwed up. I - tear off your head, and Goga is lame in mathematics. Olga Ivanovna also said that this is because the parents have let go of the reins, and we are undermining their authority. But the teacher opened her parents' eyes, and she told us to pull ourselves up and pull ourselves together. We decided to straighten both of us and uproot our shortcomings. Grandma, what will happen now? Come! Lelya and Goga.

First host: And so our evening came to an end. Count your tokens received in contests. Congratulations to the winners!

(The most active participants are awarded sweet prizes).

We hope that tonight at the evening you learned a lot about phraseological units, memorized them and enriched your speech. We look forward to seeing you all next evening. See you soon!

Parents are also present

Target: to intensify the interest of schoolchildren in the subject, broaden their horizons, cultivate respect for the native language, for its richness, improve the ability of students to speak to an audience, expressively recite poems.

Part 1 - literary and musical composition

“How beautiful and harmonious the Russian language is”

Student roles: leading; reader, speaker.

Introduction by the teacher. From early childhood to old age, the whole life of a person is inextricably linked with the language. The child has not yet learned how to speak properly, and his pure ear already catches the murmur of grandmother's fairy tales, mother's lullaby. But fairy tales and jokes are also a language.

A teenager goes to school, a young man goes to college or university. A whole sea of ​​words, a noisy ocean of speech, picks up a person. Through live conversations with teachers, through the pages of hundreds of books, for the first time he sees the vast Universe reflected in the word. Through the word, for the first time, a person recognizes something that has not yet been seen (and perhaps never will be seen!) His eyes ...

Joyful or bitter, angry or tender, a winged song flies over the expanses of the motherland. The song is the language. On the black board of the audience, a strict formula of mathematics sharply turns white. This formula is also a language!..

And you, and I, each of us - we all constantly think. Is it possible to think without words?

Everything that people do in the world is done with the help of language, because language is one of those social phenomena that operate throughout the existence of human society. The main purpose of language is to serve as a means of communication between people.

1 leader Great, mighty, truthful, free,

Folk life-giving force spring!

We dedicate this evening to you,

Our proud, our Russian, our native language!

1 dude. Poem by N. Banco "Mother tongue"

2 dude. Akin to the majestic ocean,

The whole embodiment of our forces,

He is the reflection of the life of the people

Reflected in its depths.

Native language in the waves of ether

Sounds like dispelling the darkness

No wonder more than half the world,

How the truth is drawn to him!

3 dude. You are the light and the sound

You are the flowering of the people,

You arose in the storms of bloody centuries.

In you - justice, protest and freedom,

O loud, mighty, great tongue!

2 leader. Great and mighty are the Russian people, a tireless worker and creator, a great philosopher and poet! He accomplished many immortal feats in the name of his homeland, built majestic Russian cities, created advanced art, science, technology, created fiction that knows no equal among the literatures of the world.

4 dude. Pushkin "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands..."

1 leader. But the most valuable treasure of all the treasures that the Russian people have created is their language. Russian language!. His riches are inexhaustible, incalculable. Here is what great people said about the Russian language in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.

5 dude. The master of many languages, the Russian language, not only by the vastness of the places where it dominates, but also by its own space and contentment is great before everyone in Europe. ()

6 reader As the material of literature, the Slavic-Russian language has an undeniable superiority over all European ones. ()

7 dude. Before you is a mass - the Russian language! A deep pleasure calls you, a pleasure to plunge into all its immensity and catch its wondrous laws. ()

5 dude. Russian language! For thousands of years the people have been creating this flexible, magnificent, inexhaustibly rich, intelligent, poetic and labor instrument of their social life, their thoughts, their feelings, their hopes, their anger, their great future. ()

6 dude. The Russian language is great not only for the exceptional richness of its verbal fund, the abundance of synonyms, but also, which is especially important for the writer, for its exceptional expressiveness. (Oyar Vatsietis, Latvia)

7 reader We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language. True love for one's country is unthinkable without love for one's language. We learn language and must learn it continuously until the last days of our lives. ()

Teacher's word. Listen to the poem in prose "Russian language" (student's speech or gram. recording).

2 leader. Accuracy and liveliness of expressions, colorful expressiveness are combined in the Russian language with extraordinary sonority and musicality. There are about eighty voiced sounds per hundred sounds - vowels and voiced consonants. These properties of the Russian language are reflected with amazing brightness in our songs, sometimes igniting cheerful ones, sometimes sad to the point of pain, sometimes free and immense, like Russia itself.

The Russian folk song sounds: "The Lark" (words, music by M. Glinka);

"Among the flat valleys..." performed by..._______________________

Oh, and the wooded man - a wall with a wall!

Pine giants on a clear day

Hats turned upside down.

And look freely into the blue,

And enter into song and rumor.

Cheerful snow behind the wall of gardens,

Behind the wall is the blue of lakes and rivers.

And any river, lake reach

In a nightingale whistle for a hundred miles.

A. Prokofiev

1 leader. Among more than two and a half thousand languages ​​known on the globe, Russian is one of the most widespread. In the modern world, it is of great international importance, therefore it is one of the world languages, it is one of the official languages ​​of the United Nations, and the most important international treaties and agreements are written in it.

9 reader "Learn the Russian language."

2nd part of the evening - KVN "So that no one, no one is left aside"

The first verse of the song by V. Shainsky, which opens the KVN television program, sounds:

We start KVN.

For what? For what?

To not be left behind

Nobody, nobody.

Let us not solve all our problems,

Not solve all problems

Let everyone be happier

Everyone will be more fun.

Teacher's word: Dear children, parents and guests! Next, we will go on a trip to the country "Frazeolandia". There are two teams in front of you - Rusaki and Gramotei.

Teams greet each other, name mottos and emblems.

Teacher. The door to our Club of cheerful and resourceful will open for you

1. Competition - warm-up "Do you know?" ( the teacher calls phraseological units, and team members answer what meaning phraseological units have

1 team

1) at hand

2) chickens don't peck

3) headlong

4) beat the buckets

5) lead by the nose

6) in full swing

7) put sticks in the wheels

8) play first violin

9) stand up with your left foot

10) seventh water on jelly

2 team

1) chase a quitter

2) nod off

3) in the middle of nowhere

4) from a sick head to a healthy one

5) bite your tongue

6) where the raven did not bring the bones

7) in a nutshell

8) the cat cried

9) rolling up sleeves

10) splurge

Now let's calculate how many we go on a trip.

The results of the first competition are summed up and announced.

Teacher. So on the road. Let's go to the country of phraseological units, where everyone expresses their thoughts briefly. Aptly. Juicy. Here we will need our knowledge and "cheerful cunning of the mind." As he sings in his sand...

A lot of beauty in a strange country:

You can get confused and lost

Even goosebumps run down the back,

Imagine what could happen.

There will be an abyss - and a jump is needed.

Do you get scared right away, do you jump boldly ...

Eee! Ah-ah-ah! So, my friend!

That's the whole point.

Before us is the first obstacle - the abyss, at the bottom of which water splashes. Teams must remember phraseological units with the word "water", and rivals must explain the meaning of phraseological units.

2.FO with the word "water"

1 team

1) as if lowered into the water (sad)

2) crush water in a mortar (useless work)

3) carry water with a sieve (meaningless work)

4) seventh water on jelly

5) do not spill water

6) will not muddy the water (quiet person)

7) take water in your mouth

8) went through fire and water (everyone experienced)

9) like two drops of water

10) how he looked into the water (guessed)

11) drown in a spoonful of water (cause over trifles)

12) ends in water

2 team

1) like a fish in water

2) a lot of water has flowed under the bridge

3) muddy the water

4) to fish in troubled waters (to take advantage of someone else's difficulties)

5) sit on bread and water

6) bring to clean water

7) get out of the water dry

8) it is written with a pitchfork on the water

9) douse with cold water (cool the dust)

10) how to sink into the water

11) like water off a duck's back

3. Teacher: Pay attention. Guys, that many of the word combinations you mentioned can be both stable and free. For example, if we say “A lot of water has flowed from a cracked jug”, then we take this sentence literally and regret that the water has flowed out and there is nothing to drink. But here's another sentence: "Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge." Here we are not talking about liquid, but about time. Now I will name combinations of words. One team will come up with sentences so that this combination is used in its direct meaning. The second - makes sentences with this phrase so that it acts as a phraseological unit. After five examples, the teams switch roles. Teams can turn to their parents for help, as many of them have just graduated from high school.

1) reel in fishing rods (hurriedly leave)

2) an hour later, a teaspoonful (very slowly)

3) chickens do not peck

4) bite your tongue

5) splurge

6) play with fire (carelessly, recklessly0

7) pat on the head (praise)

8) to fail (to lose working capacity)

9) get up on your left foot (be in a bad mood)

10) lather the neck (beat)

11) sit in a puddle (put yourself in an awkward position)

12) to walk on tiptoe (to curry favor with someone)

Summing up the results of the competition. Sounds "Song of the captains of KVN"

Teacher: the captains have a difficult task: drawing cards in turn, they must complete three tasks. Since this is not easy to do, the captain can ask his team for help. The last task will require from the captains not only knowledge of phraseology, but also quick wits, artistic abilities.

Tasks for the first captain:

1. Find FO in excerpts

Turned out to be well done

Smog will overpower the burden -

Didn't hit the face

And he did not sit in a galosh.

2. Proper names are written on the card, remember the FO with them, explain the meaning.

Makar, Sidor

3. Transfer the value of the FD with the help of objects, gestures, and the team must name it.

1) like the back of your hand

2) bite your tongue

3) it's in the bag

4) sit in a galosh

5) tie hands

6) nod off

Tasks for the second captain:

1. Barely behind the house

The grass turned yellow

Two brothers were chopping wood.

One did it carelessly

The other is rolling up his sleeves.

2. Foma, Malanya

3. 1) look through your fingers

2) sit back

3) lather your neck

4) lead by the nose

5) pours like a bucket

6) puzzle

5. Pick up synonyms - phraseological units for FD:

1 team

Chase the quitter

At hand

Neither hearing nor spirit

bite your tongue

2 team

In the middle of nowhere

In full spirit

dark darkness


1 team

Remember your name

Spill the beans

Looking at the night

two steps away

2 team

Though a dime a dozen

in the sweat of your face

Like a cat with a dog

sea ​​wolf

The jury members count the points and announce the winners. Awarded with orders "Connoisseurs of phraseological units"

Final word of the teacher: And I would like to end our evening with the words: "We have been given the possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language. True love for one's country is unthinkable without love for one's language. We learn the language and must learn continuously until the last days own life".

The beginning of the 1st piano concerto by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds

Teacher. Dear friends! Today we have gathered in this hall to talk about the Russian language, to celebrate its role in our lives and those who are fond of the Russian language and Russian literature. Today is the holiday of the Russian language! So let's get started!

1 leader: At that time, the Slavic peoples

They dwelt in cruel paganism. Teachings of truth, faith and freedom In the darkness of ignorance they did not know.

(Students playing the roles of the brothers Methodius and Cyril enter)

2 host: The holy brothers enlightened the Slavs.

Methodius and Cyril created letters, And they presented the alphabet to the peoples, And they illuminated the times with light.

(The anthem of the north brothers Cyril and Methodius sounds)

1 leading: Skillfully the ancestors of the book decorated

Stones, gilding and enamel. And like precious crowns. The old gospels shone. In the cloisters, the novices-scribes Diligently with a skillful hand Line after line were diligently.

2 host: What's in these books? secrets of the universe,

Methodius My brother Kirill

I remembered your prophetic dream.

A maiden has appeared to you

Wonderful beauty.

(Sofia appears)

Kirill: Among the many beauties at court

I chose her...

(Takes her by the hand)

Who are you? What name did God give you?

Sofia: Sophia - the Wisdom of God.

That's what they called me.

Will you serve me?

Kirill: I am always ready to serve wisdom. So be you queen over us.

(Seats Queen Sophia on the throne, the brothers bow and becomeon both sides of the throne. music sounds)

Sofia: Many years have passed.

How they gave the letter to the Slavs.

But have their hearts become wiser?

After all, the wisdom of the heart is valued before God

More expensive than knowledge of laws and a spider

Kirill: Queen Sophia! opened

You are the wisdom of God to us.

Shines with heavenly beauty

Your wondrous azure temple.

Centuries have already passed

Here are your subjects, .(points to the audiencein the room)

Sofia: (to the audience)

Now answer quickly.

What have you become?

Have your knowledge increased?

And the hearts became wise?

Do they have compassion?

Loyalty of love until the end?

Students read poems about the Russian language

Oral speech

The spoken language is fading away

spoken beauty,

Retreating into the unknown

Speeches of Russian miracles

Hundreds of words, native and well-aimed.

Locked up like caged birds

Dozing in thick dictionaries

You let them out.

Return to everyday life.

So that speech - a human miracle -

Not missing these days.


Scene about homophones "Awkward things". (Shown during the preparation of commands).

- Hello!

- Hi!

- What are you carrying?

- I carry different things.

- Absurd? Why are they awkward?

“You yourself are absurd, as far as I can see. I carry different things. Various. Understood? Here I bring chalk ...

- What did you fail to do?

- Stay away.

- Why, you yourself say: "I failed." What failed something?

- I'm bringing the chalk!!! Need to listen. I bring the chalk to Mishka. He will need to.

- Well, if his wife will get him, then why are you talking?

- What wife? Is this Mishka's wife?! And you are a joker. I said, "He'll have to." It means it will be needed.

- That's it…

- And I also have good news for Mishka: I found the brand that he has been looking for for a long time.

- Tamarka?

"Nothing, pretty?"

- Beautiful! Green like that.

- That is, as?

- Green colour.

“Wait, wait… What is it? Does she have green hair?”

Who has hair?

- Yes, Tamarka has something.

- Well, you yourself said: "Tamarka was found" ...

- Ta! Brand! Mark, do you understand? The one Mishka has been looking for for a long time. Understood? Green such ... There is an arch drawn.

- Yeah, Tamarka is still drawn, right? That's what I would say.

- Leave me alone with your Tamarka, stupid head! There is an arch! Arch! Can't you even understand it? Farewell, I have no time.

- Bye. Look, don't lose your awkward things.

- Well, you ...

- Yes! Stop, stop!

- What else?

- Say to him hello.

- It is known to whom: Tamarka, Mishka and Mishka's wife.


Every day I look in the dictionary more diligently.

Sparks of feeling flicker in its columns.

Art will descend more than once into the cellars of words.

Holding your secret lantern in your hand.

On all words of the event seal.

They were given for good reason to man.

I read; "Century. From the century to Forge

Live a century. God did not give his son a century

A century to seize, a claim to heal someone else's .. "

The words sound reproach, and anger, and conscience ....

No, not a dictionary lies before me.

And an ancient scattered story.

With YaMarshak


We know. what is now on the scales

And what is happening now.

The hour of courage has struck on our clocks.

And courage will not leave us.

It's not scary to lie dead under the bullets.

It is not bitter to be homeless, -

And we saved; you, Russian speech,

Great Russian word

We will carry you free and clean,

And we will give sounds, and we will save from captivity,

A. A. Akhmatova


(poem in prose)

In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections on the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

I.S. Turgenev

Could Turgenev have imagined that at the beginning of the 21st century our “great and mighty” language would be in such a catastrophic situation? And what would Pushkin say if he heard that “young, unfamiliar tribe” talking about his novel “Eugene Onegin”?

(A scene performed by a student and a student.)

- Dimka, well, did you read it?

- I read it.

- Cool or creepy?

- Cool. Listen. In short, one pontovy chela got life. Himself in order, green to the eyebrows. And he cares about everything.
Dropped into the village. He became like a collective farmer. I found myself a friend, Lensky. They sit in the evening, grinding for life. A village girl fell for the boy, nothing like that, cool. But Onegin
not in a rush. He culturally told her: “Learn, girl, to rule yourself, not everyone, like, will understand you, like me.”

- Here's the lol!

- And then, damn it, the holidays. Well, Onegin rolled up to his friend's girlfriend. The one for the trunk.

- It didn't work out well. Blood spilled. The kid is on the run... In short... In short, Lena, you know, I played the role of my contemporary. And I felt somehow unwell both from these manners and from the language.

- Dima, our style is really terrible. And here is the syllable of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Two hundred years ago, he wrote, addressing us, and how modern, simple and brilliant it sounds:

Whoever you are, my reader

Friend, foe, I want an oboe

To part now as a friend.

Sorry. Why would you follow me

Here I did not search in boundless stanzas.

Are rebellious memories

Rest from work.

Living pictures, or sharp words.

or grammatical errors,

God bless. so that in this book you

For fun, for dreams.

For the heart, for magazine hits

Although I could find a grain,

Let's part for this, I'm sorry!

1st presenter. We would like to say to us: “Forgive us, Alexander Sergeevich, for our attitude towards the language that you gave us and which is now surrounded by enemies>>. And as proof that not everything is lost, the poems of our students are heard, written in Russian (students read their poems)

Game with spectators

Pick up synonyms

To the phraseological units that the presenter reads, you need to pick up synonyms - phraseological turns. The cat cried - with a gulkin nose, with a little finger, dripping sparsely into the sea, nothing at all, count on the fingers, oncetwo and screwed

At full speed - that there is a spirit, with all legs, headlong, at full speed, in two counts in the blink of an eye. one or two and you're done, you won't have time to blink.

At the same moment - this minute, without hesitation, without delay, without wasting time, without leaving the cash register, in hot pursuit, as if by magic, at the moment of a magic wand, at a pike.")

Apparently - invisibly - darkness-darkness, with three boxes, nowhere to put it, even more than enough -:, a pond, a dime a dozen. like uncut dogs, there is no end to the edge.

Who quickly?

Name stable expressions in which words occur

Head- to fool one's head, to turn one's head, to lose one's head, not to take one's head off, from a sick head to a healthy one .. a person with a head

Legs- take your legs away, get up from your left foot, fall off your feet, tangle under your feet, one leg here, the other there, do not feel your legs under you.

Eyes- callous eyes, clap eyes, splurge, do not blink an eye, even gouge out an eye, look through other people's eyes, like a thorn in the eye ...

Nose- turn up the nose, hang the nose, lead by the nose, chop on the nose, nod, keep the nose in the wind.

presenter Ages have passed since long ago.

How the letter was given to the Slavs.

And, the requisitions of ignorance are a shame.

They are equal to all enlightened countries.

Who revealed the truth to people?

Saint Methodius and Saint Cyril!


The tombs, mummies and bones are silent, -

Only the word is given life:

From the ancient darkness, on the world churchyard,

Only letters are heard.

And we have no other property!

Know how to save

At least to the best of my ability, in the days of anger and suffering.

Our immortal gift is speech.


  • posters,
  • phonograms with Russian folk songs,
  • posters with quotes from prominent people about the Russian language.

“Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this is a treasure, this is the property left to us by our predecessors.”


“The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and roomy.”

(A. Kuprin)

1st host:(reads the statement of I.S. Turgenev about the Russian language).

“In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections on the fate of my homeland, you are my only support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people.”

2- leading:

Dear lovers of the Russian language!

Throughout the evening you will solve problems in the Russian language. They do not look like mathematical ones, but the solution is not easy to find. This is understandable: perfect knowledge of the native language is a difficult task.


1. Solve the charade.

Here is my condition
Replace E with E
Change the accent.
The dishes seem to sink into the water,
The weather will be clear.

(bucket - bucket).

2. In which three-letter word can four grammatical errors be made?

(Yeshe - ischo).

3. What is the eleven-letter word that all students and even teachers misspell?

(Not properly).

I am a small figurine
The dot below me is big.
If you ask what are you going to
You won't get along without me.

(Question mark).

5. Place the letters in the correct order.

Spring + rock = ... (Russian poet),

Face + pen = ... (bird),

Volume + cotton wool = ... (weapon),

Bar + juices = ... (fruit).

(Nekrasov, pelican, automatic, apricot).

6. In the grid, horizontally write six words containing “goal”.

(Head, dove, needle, corner, goldeneye, dandy).

7. Which word has forty vowels? (Forty A).

8. Solve the charade.

With m fur I devour,
I am painful
Since the actor needs me,
C is important for a cook.

(Moth, pain, role, salt).

9. How can you turn the word “chalk” into a small place, “corner” into fuel, “pole” into a number? (It is necessary to soften the final vowels. It will turn out: stranded, coal, six).

10. Solve the double charade.

Write the words that make it up first from left to right, and then vice versa. In both cases, you must form the same word.

1. 2.

From left to right:

1. Construction for the construction and repair of ships.

2. A geometric body that approximates the shape of a lifebuoy.

From right to left:

2. Part of the face.

1. System of symbols. (From left to right: 1. Doc. 2. Tor.

From right to left:

1. Code. - Doctor).

11. Which words have a hundred consonants?

(Table, stack, groan).

12. What spelling rule was discussed in the children's program “Baby Monitor”:

The chicken performed in the circus
He played the cymbals
Traveled on a motorcycle
And he knew a lot of numbers.
He pulled out of the cylinder
Carrots and cucumbers.
And only one did not know
Where and, and where are you.

(Here we are talking about the rule: “The letter and after c is written in the roots of words (exception: chicken, gypsy, tsyknut, on tiptoe) and in words on

Tsia. The letter s after c is written in endings and suffixes.

13. Which day of the week has a double consonant in its name?


14. What letter must be entered in the name of the boy so that it turns into the name of wooden sticks with pointed ends?

(Kolya - stakes).

15. In what female names is a dividing soft sign written?

(In such as Aksinya, Anisya, Natalya, Fedosya, Tatiana, Ulyana).

16. What stands in the middle of the earth?

(Letter M).

17. Name the words that begin with four consonants.

(Splash, look, meeting).

18. Guess the metagram:

With to in the fields you will find me,
You will sing romances with Mr.
Braid in pigtails.

19. What word belongs only to you, and is used more often by others than by you?

(Your name?).

20. Tricky joke questions:

How to turn a big house into a small one? (Add diminutive suffix –ik: house).

How to turn an ax into a handle? (Add tool suffix -search: ax handle).

21. In one of the poems, V. Mayakovsky addresses the sun:

Than so
to come in idle
to me
would you like tea?

How many verbs are in these lines?

22. Solve an anagram:

Lantern with reflector
To light the way
At night you
You can find.
But rearrange the letters -
At one moment
Find a musical

(Fara - harp).

23. Insert a word that would be the end of the first and the beginning of the second word.

1) ME (...) OLAD (shock)

2) PRIK (...) ya (lad)

3) DUCK (...) OROG (nose)

4) KAB (...) OSHKO (bow)

5) C (...) WINDOW (thol)

6) HA (…) ARON (poppy)

1st leader.

Dear experts of the Russian language!

The whole evening we were accompanied by folk music. For centuries, the Russian people have found in songs both their joy and their sorrow. The song helped him build, defend the country, raise children. Many songs are forgotten. But folk - never! I propose to sing a few Russian folk songs together.