Teremok in English for children script. Children's fairy tale in English Teremok The wooden house (Teremok)

For younger students

Genre: extracurricular activity.

Academic subject: English language


Class: 3 "B"

Members: Alina Antonova (mouse), Arina Trusova (frog), Madina Gubaidullina (bunny), Liliya Bakushina (chanterelle), Dmitry Klyuev (wolf), Igor Eliseev (bear).

Expected results.

Students will be able to:


To consolidate thematic vocabulary, an active stock of cliché phrases;

To consolidate the grammatical rules and features of intonation of the main types of sentences;

Skills and abilities:

Participate in elementary etiquette dialogue;

Interrogate the interlocutor by asking simple questions and answering the interlocutor's questions;

speak in public;

Use the acquired knowledge and communication skills in practical activities and everyday life.


Fairy tale script

Presentation for the fairy tale "Teremok"

Costumes for artists.

Musical selection (Internet resources).


There stood a small wooden house in the opened field. And a mouse running near these house. Saw a small wooden house and asked:

There was a teremok in a field. A mouse ran past. I saw the tower, stopped and asked:

mouse/ Amouse:

Nobody answered. The mouse went into the house and began living there.

Someone who lives in a teremochka, someone who lives in a low house?

Nobody answered. The mouse went into the house and began living there. Nobody responds. The mouse entered the tower and began to live in it.

A frog has jumped here and asked:

A frog jumped up to the tower and asked:

Frog/ A frog:

Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

Someone who lives in a teremochka, someone who lives in a low one?

mouse/ Amouse:

I'm a mouse. And who are you?

I am a mouse-norushka, and who are you?

Frog/ A frog:

And I'm a frog.

Let's live together

So a mouse and a frog began living together.

They began to live together.

A rabbit running these house and say:

A runaway bunny ran past. Stop and ask:

Bunny- runaway/ A rabbit:

mouse/ Amouse:

I am a mouse.

Frog/ A frog:

I'm a frog. And who are you?

I am a frog, and who are you?

Bunny- runaway/ A rabbit:

And I'm a rabbit

A rabbit jumped into the house and they began living together.

Hare jump into the tower. They began to live together.

There is came a fox. She knocked on the window and asked:

The little fox is coming. She knocked on the window and asked:

fox-sister/ fox:

Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

Someone who lives in a teremochka, someone who lives in a low one?

mouse/ Amouse:

I am a mouse.

Frog/ A frog:

I am a frog

Bunny- runaway/ A rabbit:

And I'm a rabbit. And who are you?

And I'm a runaway bunny, and who are you?

Chanterelle/ fox:

And I'm a fox.

A fox climbed into the house too.

And the fox climbed into the tower.

A wolf has gone here and asked:

A top-gray barrel came running and asked:

Top-gray barrel / A wolf:

Little house, little house. Who lives in the little house?

Someone who lives in a teremochka, someone who lives in a low one?

mouse/ Amouse:

I am a mouse.

Frog/ A frog:

I am a frog

Runaway Bunny/ A rabbit:

And I'm a rabbit.

I'm a runaway bunny

Chanterelle/ fox:

And I'm a fox. And who are you?

And I'm a fox-sister, and who are you?

Top-gray barrel / A wolf:

A wolf climbed into the house too and they began living together

The wolf got into the tower. The five of them began to live.

A bear walked near the house. He saw a house and roared:

A bear is walking by. I saw the tower and roared at the top of my lungs:

Bear-toed/ A bear:

–Little house, little house. Who lives in the little house?

Someone who lives in a teremochka, someone who lives in a low one?

mouse/ Amouse:

I am a mouse.

Frog/ A frog:

I am a frog

Runaway Bunny/ A rabbit:

And I'm a rabbit.

I'm a runaway bunny

Chanterelle/ fox:

And I'm a fox.

And I'm a fox-sister

Top-gray barrel / A wolf:

I'm a wolf. And who are you?

And I'm a top-gray barrel, and who are you?

Bear-toed/ A bear:

A bear started to climb into the roof and crushed the whole house!

The bear climbed onto the roof and just sat down, when the tower crackled, fell on its side and fell apart.

All animals had run away in different directions

The animals ran away.


Characters :

A mouse is running through the wood

A mouse: What a nice house! Who lives in the house? Nobody lives in the house. Now it's my house!

(The mouse entered the tower and sings a song):

I am a mouse

I live in the house

I am a mouse

I have a nice house!

A frog is running through the wood

She stops at the door, she knocks at the door

A frog: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

A mouse: I am a mouse, I live in the house. I can run and sing. And who are you?

A frog: I am a frog. I am green. I can jump and skip. May I live in your house?

A mouse: You are very nice. Come in. Let's live together.

(The frog entered the tower and they began to sing together):

One and two

I and you

One and two

Who are you?

A cat is running through the wood

She stops at the door, she knocks at the door

A cat: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

A mouse: I am a mouse

A frog: I am a frog

All: And who are you?

A cat: I am a cat. I have no flat. I went to town to buy a hat. I can climb and sing. May I live with you?

(The cat entered the tower and they began to sing together):

Clap, clap, clap your hands

Clap your hands together

Smile, smile at your friends

Let us smile together!

A dog is running through the wood

A dog: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

A mouse: I am a mouse

A frog: I am a frog

A cat: I am a cat.

All: And who are you?

A dog:

I am a dog

My name is Jack

My coat is white

My nose is black.

A cat: Can you read? (shows word cards)

A dog: Yes, I can. (reads loudly)

All: You are very nice. Come in. Let's live together.

A cock is running through the wood

A cock: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

A mouse: I am a mouse

A frog: I am a frog

A cat: I am a cat.

A dog: I am a dog

All: And who are you?

A cock: I am a cock, I have a clock. I can fly and sing. May I live with you?

A dog: Can you count?

A cock: Yes, I can. (Counts to 10, shows the audience cards with numbers - they call them)

All: You are very nice. Come in. Let's live together.

A hen is running through the wood

She stops at the door, she knocks at the door

A hen: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

A mouse: I am a mouse

A frog: I am a frog

A cat: I am a cat.

A dog: I am a dog

A cock: I am a cock. And who are you?

A hen: I am a hen. My name is Pam. I can write, I have a pen.(Shows everyone his pen.) May I live with you?

All: You are very nice. Come in. Let's live together.

A pig is running through the wood

She stops at the door, she knocks at the door

A pig: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

A mouse: I am a mouse

A frog: I am a frog

A cat: I am a cat.

A dog: I am a dog

A cock: I am a cock.

A hen: I am a hen. And who are you?

A pig: I am a pig. My name is Naff-Naff. I'm pink. I have two brothers Nuff-Nuff and Niff-Niff. I can swim and ride a bicycle. May I live with you?

All: You are very nice. Come in. Let's live together.

A hare is running through the wood

He stops at the door, he knocks at the door

Hare: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

A mouse: I am a mouse

A frog: I am a frog

A cat: I am a cat.

A dog: I am a dog

A cock: I am a cock.

A hen: I am a hen.

A pig: I am a pig. And who are you?

A hare: I am a hare. I like sport. I can play football, tennis and chess. Let's do some exercises! ( Everyone is exercising

Hands up, hands down

Hands on hips, sit down.

stand up. Hands to the sides:

Bend left, bend right.

Hands on hips

One, two, three - hop!

One, two, three - stop!

Stand still!

All: You are very nice. Come in. Let's live together.

A fox is running through the wood

She stops at the door, she knocks at the door

A fox: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

A mouse: I am a mouse

A frog: I am a frog

A cat: I am a cat.

A dog: I am a dog

A cock: I am a cock.

A hen: I am a hen.

A pig: I am a pig.

A hare: I am a hare. And who are you?

A fox: I am a fox, I have a box. I am very kind. I am not cunning. I don't eat hens, cocks and pigs. I like fruit. May I live with you?

A dog: Can you dance?

A fox: Yes, I can. Let's dance together! ( Everyone is dancing )

All: You are very nice. Come in. Let's live together.

A wolf is running through the wood

He stops at the door, he knocks at the door

A wolf: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

A mouse: I am a mouse

A frog: I am a frog

A cat: I am a cat.

A dog: I am a dog

A cock: I am a cock.

A hen: I am a hen.

A pig: I am a pig.

A hare: I am a hare.

A fox: I am a fox. And who are you?

A wolf: I am a wolf. I'm grey. I am not ugly and cruel. I am brave and strong. I can recite poems:

I like to jump

I like to run

I like to play

It's fun!

All: You are very nice. Come in. Let's live together.

A bear is running through the wood

He stops at the door, he knocks at the door

A bear: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

A mouse: I am a mouse

A frog: I am a frog

A cat: I am a cat.

A dog: I am a dog

A cock: I am a cock.

A hen: I am a hen.

A pig: I am a pig.

A hare: I am a hare.

A fox: I am a fox.

A wolf: I am a wolf. And who are you?

A bear: I am a bear; I am big and very strong. I like honey. I like music. May I live with you?

All: You are too big and the house is too small. But you are nice. Let's build a new beautiful house and live together!

Bear: Thank you! I can sing and dance too. Let's sing the song “The more we are together”!

(everyone sings a song, holding hands)

The more we are together

Together, together

The more we are together

The happy we are.

For my friend is your friend

And your friend is my friend

The more we are together

The happy we are!

M. V. Bulganina, MBOU "OOSH", p. Znamenka Starooskolsky district, Belgorod region

Fairy tale script
in English
Pigs in Business
(“No problem!”)
in English
Pigs in Business
(“No problem!”)
Scene 1
Story teller: Once upon a time there lived three pigs, three good friends. Their
names were: Nif-Nif, Noof-Noof, Nuf-Nuf. Their life was rather careless
but one day they decided to become businessmen.
(Piglets are walking.)
Nif-Nif: I want to be a businessman.
Noof-Noof: Me too.
Nuf-Nuf: Yes, a very good idea. But do you have money?
Nif-Nif: What money?
Nuf-Nuf: Big money. For business.
Nif-Nif, Noof-Noof: No, we have no money.
Nuf-Nuf: No problem. We can take money in the bank.
(They approach the "Bank" sign.)
Nif-Nif: Where is the money for businessmen?
(They go to the bank, they go out with wads of money.)
Noof-Noof: So much money!
Nif-Nif: What shall we do with the money?
Noof-Noof: We shall go to the restaurant!
Nif-Nif: No, to the casino!
Nuf-Nuf: Not me. You know: "Money makes money".
Scene 2
Story teller: A year passed. A good year for Nif-Nif and Noof-Noof, a hard year
for Nuf-Nuf.
("Casino". Two pigs play, go out, walk, see the firm of Naf-Naf: "Nuf-Nuf & Co.")
Noof-Noof: Look! It's Nuf-Nuf!
Nif-Nif: What a business!
Noof-Noof: What money!
Nif-Nif, Noof-Noof: (Thoughtfully) Money?!
Nif-Nif: I also want big money.
Noof-Noof: Me too.
Story teller: And the piglets went to make business.
(Piglets disperse, “build up”: newsstand, food tent.)
(Built, looked, appreciated.)
Nif-Nif: No problem! It's easy.
Noof-Noof: Good business! We must celebrate it!
Nif-Nif: A very good idea!
(They go to a restaurant.)
Scene 3
Story teller: Time passed. problem came.
(Piglets in a restaurant, a wolf enters.)
Wolf: Hey, it's time to pay!
Noof-Noof: But we have no more money.
Nif-Nif: May be… later…
Wolf: No, I'll go with you. I think we shall find something.
(Piglets run away.)
Wolf: Nobody can escape from me.
(Chases the pigs.)
Story teller: At first Mr. Wolf came to Nif-Nif.
(The wolf knocks.)
Nif-Nif: Who is there?
Wolf: A friend. You owe me something.
Nif-Nif: No. nothing. I haven't got anything.
Wolf: OK. No money, no life!
(The wolf destroys the house. Nif-Nif runs away to Nuf-Nuf.)
Nif-Nif: Noof-Noof, help me!
Noof-Noof: What happened?
Nif-Nif: A Wolf, a big Wolf, a hungry, angry Wolf! He will kill us!
(A wolf approaches.)
Wolf: OK. More pigs, more tinned pork!
Nif-Nif, Noof-Noof: Oh, Lord, help us!
(They throw Snickers at the wolf.)
Wolf: But it's not enough!
(Destroys the house.)
(Piglets run to Naf-Naf.)
Nif-Nif, Noof-Noof: Nuf-Nuf, help us!
Nuf-Nuf: Any problem?
Nif-Nif, Noof-Noof: Yes, a big broblem! A Wolf, a big Wolf, a hungry, angry
wolf! He will kill us!
Nuf-Nuf: Come in!
(Wolf approaches)
Wolf: Nif-Nif, Noof-Noof and Nuf-Nuf. Too many pigs in this city, too many.
Nuf-Nuf: Any problem?
Wolf: I'm so sorry, sir, but your friends… They are such pigs. They have
businesses but they don't pay. And I want to get my money. All my money.
Nuf-Nuf: Is that all?
Wolf: Yes!
Nuf-Nuf: I'm sorry.
(Naf-Naf closes the door, the wolf knocks again. Naf-Naf comes out.)
Nuf-Nuf: Any problem?
Wolf: This town is too small for two of us.
(Sound effects. Silent scene: Naf-Naf disarms the wolf, the wolf surrenders.)
Scene 4
Story teller: A year passed. A good year for piglets, a bad year for Wolf.
(Piglets are having lunch in a restaurant. A wolf waiter enters.)
Nuf-Nuf: Any problem?
Wolf: Oh, no. no problem.
Nuf-Nuf: Good. “All is well that ends well.”
The end.

Tale Teremok in English is a great find for people learning English. In it you can learn the names of different animals and replenish your vocabulary.

The wooden house

There is stood a small wooden house (teremok) in the open field.

A mouse ran by: - ​​Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

no one answered. The mouse went into the house and began to live there.

A frog hopped by: - ​​Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

I am a mouse. And who are you?

I am a frog. Let's live together.

So the mouse and the frog began living together.

He saw the house and asked: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

I am a frog. And who are you?

And I am hare.

The hare jumped into the house and all of them began living together.

Then there came a fox. She knocked on the window: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

And I am hare. And who are you?

And I am a fox. The fox climbed into the house too.

A wolf ran by: - ​​Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

And I am hare.

And I am a fox. And who are you?

The wolf climbed into the house too, and they all started living together.

A bear walked by.

He saw the house and roared: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

And I am hare.

And I am a fox.

And I am a wolf. Who are you?

And I am a bear!!!

The bear started climbing onto the roof and - crushed the whole house!

All of the scared animals ran away in different directions!

Translation of the fairy tale "Teremok"


There is a small tower in an open field.

A mouse runs past: - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?

Nobody responds. The mouse entered the tower and began to live in it.

A frog jumped up: - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?

I am a mouse. And who are you?

And I'm a frog. Let's live together!

The mouse and the frog began to live together.

Bunny runs past.

He saw the tower and asked: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?

I am a frog. And who are you?

And I'm a bunny.

The bunny jumped into the house and they all began to live together.

The fox is coming. She knocked on the window: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?

I am a mouse.

I am a frog.

And I'm a bunny. And who are you?

And I'm a fox.

The fox also climbed into the tower.

A spinning top came running: - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?

I am a mouse.

I am a frog.

And I'm a bunny.

And I'm a fox.

And who are you? - I'm a wolf.

The wolf climbed into the tower, the five of them began to live.

A bear is walking by.

I saw the teremok and how it roared: - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?

I am a mouse.

I am a frog.

And I'm a bunny.

I am a fox.

And I'm a wolf. And who are you?

And I'm a bear!

The bear climbed onto the roof and Bach crushed the tower.

All the frightened animals fled in different directions!

Children's fairy tale in English Teremok in English

The wooden house (Teremok)

Academic subject: English language.

Class: 2.

Subject: repetition of the studied material: pronouns, adjectives, verbs.

Target : consolidation of grammatical material, increase interest in learning English, the name of animals.


1. Work out the initial skills of dialogic speech;

2. Continue to form the skills of a monologue;

3. To form the skills of phonetic speech and the correct construction of an English sentence;

4. Repeat grammar material and apply it in new situations.


1. Maintain interest in foreign language and speech activities;

2. To form the skills of self-control and control of the speech of other children;


1. Develop voluntary attention, auditory memory, imagination, independence

and student initiative

3. Develop phonemic hearing and language guess.

Lesson equipment: Board, cards, costumes.

Characters: Mouse (a mouse), Frog (a frog), Fox (a fox), Bunny (), wolf () Bear a bear, Author (narrator).

I org. Moment

Good morning children!Kindmorning, children!

Get ready for the lesson! Who is missing?Get ready for the lesson. Who is absent?

What was your home task? Let`s check it.What was the homework? Let'slet's check.

II Today we will have a very interesting lesson.Today we have a very interesting lesson.

Do you know fairy tales?Youyou knowfairy tales?

What fairy tales do you know?What fairy tales do you know?

Look at the blackboard. Look at the new words:lookon theboard. Look for new words.

(frog-frog, who lives in the house?-whoinhouselives? I live in the houseIinhouselive

III Let's read the fairy-tale " Teremok ». Stage of preparation. (Children sort out the fairy tale by roles)

Author: There stood a small wooden house (teremok) in the open field. Amouseranby: It stands in the field of the teremok. The mouse runs past

mouse: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house? . -Terem- teremok! Who lives in the terem?

Author: Nobody answered.Nonenotwithdraws. The mouse went into the house and began to live there.The mouse entered the tower and began to live in it.

FrogTerem- teremok! Who lives in the terem?

mouse: -I am a mouse. And who are you? -Imouse. And who are you?

Frog:- I am a frog. Let's live together.BUTIfrog. Let's live together!

Author: So the mouse and the frog began living together - -Becomemousewithfrogtogetherlive.

A hare ran by. He saw the house and asked:Runspastbunny. I saw the teremok and asked:

Hare:- Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?Terem- teremok! Who lives in the terem?

mouse:-I am a mouse.I am a mouse.

Frog:- I am a frog. And who are you?I am a frog. And who are you?

Hare:-And I am a hare.And I'm a hare.

Author: The hare jumped into the house and all of them began living together.Harejumpedinteremokandbecometheylivetogether.

Then there came a fox.Thencamefox. She knocked on the window.

She knocked on the window:

Chanterelle: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

mouse: -I am a mouse.Imouse.

Frog:- I am a frog.I am a frog

Hare:-And I am a hare. And who are you?I am a bunny. And who are you?

Chanterelle: -And I am a fox.BUTIfox.

Author: The fox climbed into the house too.climbedfoxinteremok. Author: A wolf ran by:came runningspinning top:

Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?Terem- teremok! Who lives in the terem

mouse: -I am a mouse.Imouse

Frog: -I am a frog.Ifrog

Bunny:-And I am a hare.BUTIbunny

Chanterelle: -And I am a fox. And who are you?And I'm a fox. And who are you?

spinning top:- I am a wolf.BUTIspinning top.

Author: The wolf climbed into the house too, and they all started living together. -?The wolf climbed into the tower, the five of them began to live.

Author: A bear walked by. He saw the house and roared:Goespastbear. I saw the tower and how it roared:

Bear: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem

mouse: -I am a mouse. -Imouse

Frog: -I am a frog.I am a frog

Bunny:-And I am a hare.And I'm a bunny.

Chanterelle: -And I am a fox. -Ifox

spinning top: - And I am a wolf. Who are you?BUTIspinning top. And who are you?

Bear: -And I am a bear!!!And I'm a bear!

Author: The bear started climbing onto the roof and crushed the whole house! All of the scared animals ran away in different directions!The bear climbed onto the roof and bang! - crushed the teremok. The animals have fled!

v. Reflection

Guys, what did we repeat today? (pronouns, animals, adjectives). Guys, did you like the story? Would you like to see and listen to other fairy tales?