Three facts confirming the existence of UFO. The most interesting facts related to UFO

Documents by ex-CIA officer Edward Snowden prove that the US is ruled by aliens, according to the Iranian state news agency Fars.

The spyware that ex-CIA and NSA officer Edward Snowden exposes may not have been created by the US government at all.

According to Iranian news agency Fars, behind the total espionage of the United States are actually aliens who captured the White House back in 1945, writes Inopressa, citing an article on the Foreign Policy blog by journalist Caitlin Fossett.

The corresponding message appeared on the agency's website on Sunday. Moreover, Fars used material from, an ultra-marginal online publication of conspiracy theorists. The authors of the article refer to materials allegedly provided to the Russian intelligence services by ex-CIA officer Edward Snowden.

According to this information, the alien government is based in Nevada. As stated in the article, the scandalous programs of the NSA are actually a tool of aliens who, with their help, are trying to hide their presence on Earth and establish world domination. “All this is stated as an indisputable fact without any reservations,” notes The Washington Post, which drew attention to the note.

The final report of the FSB, which is quoted in the material, allegedly states that in 1954 the "Tall White" aliens entered into an agreement with US President Dwight Eisenhower to create a secret regime to control America and the whole world. At the same time, earlier representatives of the same alien race were behind the rise of Nazi Germany in the 30s of the last century, supplying Adolf Hitler with secret technical developments. In particular, the article states that The Tall Whites helped increase the number of German U-boats in the 1930s from 57 to 1,163.

In 1954, the "Tall White" aliens entered into an agreement with US President Dwight Eisenhower to create a secret regime to control America and the whole world.

As The Washington Post journalists note, this, however, does not explain why aliens who know how to travel interstellar needed submarines, moreover, as imperfect as those of Nazi Germany. Not to mention how the all-powerful aliens even allowed defeat by allies who were mere "cavemen" compared to them.

According to Snowden, quoted in the note, now "there are two governments in the USA: an elected one and a secret one, which is ruled from darkness."

The current U.S. President, Barack Obama, the report alleges, is an alien puppet, but there is an anti-alien secret regime faction in the U.S. government.” The Russian authorities’ greatest fear is that the opponents of the Tall Whites’ “secret regime” are themselves affiliated with another alien force. ”, is the following quote from the “document”.

The cited “FSB report” also expresses concern that the aliens are currently creating a global electronic surveillance system in order to completely hide information about their presence on Earth. The "Snowden documents" note that this is happening on the eve of the Last Phase, which will complete their plan for total assimilation and world domination.

As additional evidence, excerpts from an interview given by former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer to the Russian TV channel Russia Today are cited. According to the former head of the Canadian Ministry of Defense, who led the country's armed forces during the Cold War, aliens have visited Earth for thousands of years and are also among us today.

“I know they are. In fact, they have been visiting our planet for thousands of years. During the Cold War, in 1961, about 50 UFOs flew from the USSR to southern Europe, and the Supreme Allied Command was about to raise the alarm when they turned around and disappeared near the North Pole. We conducted an investigation and after three years found out that the planet was visited by at least four types of aliens,” the ex-minister is convinced.

“According to the latest reports that I receive from various sources, there are more than 80 types of aliens. Some of them are so similar to us that they can walk the streets and you won't recognize them even if you pass by,” Hellyer told SophieCo, which aired in late December 2013.

“Those who we call Nordic Blondes or Tall Whites, they work with the US Air Force in Nevada. If you see one of them, you will think that he or she is from Denmark or somewhere else. A couple of their women, dressed as nuns, somehow went shopping in Las Vegas, and no one noticed them, ”the former Canadian defense minister shared.

According to him, also now on Earth there are so-called. Short Grays are well-known short aliens in modern pop culture with gray skin, thin arms and legs, a large head and huge brown eyes.

It is assumed that Hellier made his statements by gaining access to documents that are also in Snowden's possession.

Recall that in early June, former CIA officer Edward Snowden told the media that the largest American Internet companies provided the CIA and the NSA with access to their servers, which allowed intelligence agencies to obtain any information about users around the world.

Snowden himself, who is still in Russia, was recently invited to the board of directors of the NGO Freedom of the Press Foundation, according to the foundation's website.

The Freedom of the Press Foundation was founded in December 2012 to support and protect journalists seeking to be open about information they consider to be of public interest. The board of directors of the fund included, among others, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Daniel Ellsberg, who organized the leak of Pentagon documents on the Vietnam War in the 1960s, as well as American film actor John Cusack and British Guardian columnist Glenn Greenwald, who became famous for publishing Snowden's revelations. During its existence, the organization managed to raise more than $500,000 to support the activities of the scandalous WikiLeaks exposé site and similar resources, RIA Novosti reports.

Foundation co-founder Daniel Ellsberg said: “It is with pride and honor that I welcome Edward Snowden to the Board of Directors of the Freedom of the Press Foundation. He is the quintessential American whistleblower and my personal hero."

Snowden himself, in turn, expressed his readiness to cooperate with "such outstanding Americans as Daniel Ellsberg," the foundation's website reports.

  1. Alexander writes:

Standing apart are the US-Zeta joint use bases built under the 1954 Greada Treaty. Although some researchers have already counted more than two dozen such bases, only two are known to date: the base in Dulce (Dulce Base) and Area 51 (Area51,Dreamland,Groom Lake,S-4,Watertown Streep,Paradise Ranch,The Box ). Built for the purpose of transferring technology from the Zetas to the US Government, each of the bases, however, has its own area of ​​specialization. The Dulce base specializes in Genetic Experiments and Mind Control experiments. Area 51's main focus is the Reverse Engineering program of the Zeta Flying Saucers.

The Dulce base was located under Mount Archuleta Mesa, about two and a half miles northwest of the small town of Dulce, New Mexico, USA. For the first time, the exact location of the base was established by the American electronics scientist Paul Bennewitz in 1979. Thanks to his radio interception and decoding of Zeta communications between the base and ships in the atmosphere and in Earth orbit, Bennewitz established direct electronic contact with the Zetas and received from them a lot of interesting information, which was subsequently made public. Gradually, dozens of other information sources independent of Bennewitz (including Cooper) confirmed his data. In 1999, Branton compiled all available information about the Dulce base into The Dulce Book, which can be read in its original form here: 2003 Dr. Michael Salla made a meticulous scientific analysis of all available information regarding the Dulce base and published The DulceReport

  1. Alexander writes:

In the Dulce Papers and other personal evidence, Castello claims the existence of a seven-level underground base jointly owned by humans and various extraterrestrial races in Dulce, New Mexico. Castello claims that the people who work at the base are scientists, security personnel and employees of various corporations that service military contracts. Castello claims that four extraterrestrial races also operate at the base:

1) standard small Grays from the star system Zeta Reticuli (approximately 120 (cm) tall)

2) tall Grays from Rigel, Orion (Rigel, Orion) (about 2 (m) tall)

3) and Reptilian beings, both from the Earth and from the star system of the Dragon in the constellation Orion (Draco star system in Orion) (180-230 (cm) tall). mind the star Thuban (alpha Draco) - author)

WARNING: a lot of bukaf, but they are worth it:

“.. Apparently, there is no way to trace in detail exactly how Karel Weissman came to his “philosophy of history” is not. This was the result of a lifetime of tireless work. But I can at least outline the generalizations he makes in his Meditations on History.

Humanity's most wonderful gift, says Weissman, is its power of self-renewal as well as creation. The simplest example is the self-renewal that a person undergoes during sleep. A tired person is a person who is already in the arms of madness and death. What is most remarkable in Weissmann is the way he associates madness with sleep. A man who has reason is a man who is fully awake. As he gets tired, his mind loses the ability to keep afloat above dreams and hallucinations, and life for him becomes more and more chaotic.

Thus, Weissman disputes the widely held opinion that the spirit of creation and self-renewal so dominates the peoples of Europe from the Renaissance to the eighteenth century. The history of mankind during this period is full of nightmare and cruelty, but a person finds the strength to get rid of them with the same ease as a young child who has run over during the day restores energy during sleep. The era of the reign of Queen Elizabeth is presented as the century of the triumph of all the bright principles in man, but meanwhile, those who studied his history intently will be horrified by the heartlessness and cruelty that reigned in him. People are tortured and burned alive, Jews have their ears cut off, children are tortured to death or condemned to death in fantastically filthy slums. Nevertheless, the power of optimism and self-renewal in a person is so great that the chaos of life only drives him to new daring. Great eras follow one after another: the era of Leonardo, the era of Rabelais, the era of Chaucer, the era of Newton, the era of Johnson, the era of Mozart ...

There is no clearer confirmation that man is a god, before whom any obstacle is powerless.

And suddenly, in a strange way, humanity seems to be replaced. This takes place towards the end of the eighteenth century. As if in opposition to the bright, life-affirming genius of Mozart, the nightmarish cruelty of de Sade suddenly arises. We suddenly seem to slip into an age of darkness; an era where geniuses no longer create like gods. Instead, they fight hopelessly as in the arms of an invisible octopus. It's time for suicide. In fact, modern history begins, an era of adversity and disturbing upheavals.

But why did it happen so suddenly? Was it the Industrial Revolution? But it did not happen in one day and did not cover all of Europe at once. Europe, as it was, remained the land of forests and peasant farmsteads. How, Weissman asks, can we interpret the incomparable difference between the geniuses of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, if not by the assumption that somewhere in the year 1800 some invisible and at the same time catastrophic change happened to the earth's civilization? How can the industrial revolution motivate the complete dissimilarity between Mozart and Beethoven, when the latter was only fourteen years behind his predecessor in age! How is it that we suddenly find ourselves in a century where half of the geniuses commit suicide or die of consumption? According to Spengler, civilizations wither like aged plants. But we are witnessing a sudden leap from youth to old age! The oppression of the deepest pessimism begins to put pressure on our civilization, finding its reflection both in literature, and in painting, and in art in general. But not only does a person suddenly add in age. He, which seems to be much more important, suddenly begins to lose the power of self-renewal. Is it conceivable that any of the great men of the eighteenth century committed suicide? But they lived no easier than their descendants in the nineteenth century. The man of the new era has lost faith in life, lost faith in knowledge. He thinks in tune with Faust: “Knowledge cannot give this…”; everything that can be discovered and done is already discovered and done..”

Although the novel is positioned as “fantastic”, it contains so many hints that “fantasy” fades into the background.

I am more than sure that the scientific and technical revolution (scientific and technological revolution) was thrown to us (people) from the outside - it (by historical standards) happened too quickly (by historical standards), all kinds of “inventions”, “discoveries” and etc. On the other hand, Mankind was simply blown away by its own significance and greatness, starting with individuals and ending with the peoples as a whole: the First World War, the Comintern, the Second World War, the Third World War (cold), and now the Fourth is on the threshold. And this is for some 100-150 years! And the term "World Wide Web" - and at all openly indicates to us that we - people, are under the vigilant Eye (like under a microscope) of Certain Forces that, with the help of the Internet and computer games, study our thoughts, reactions, habits, desires in a word - our behavioral factor ..

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I published this text on my first blog - more than 4 years ago. Due to its delusional nature, I did not transfer it here when this resource was created. But now I decided to do it, since this theory began to be exaggerated again in the press.

Found this thread on the net. I don't even know where to put it. Either cryptohistory, or close-range fiction, or God knows what. In fact, all this is written in full seriousness.

Photo taken in 1942. The photo is real. From the photograph, you can tune in to those who are depicted there. When you feel this humanoid, then make sure that the photo is real.

They are irreconcilable enemies of mankind. Each of these beings is called El. From this word came the words elf, eloh (Allah), elohim (Jehovah / Yahweh), elite, etc. They are of blue blood and skin color. When I asked one of them where they came from, he answered me that they were from the abyss. Apparently in Hinduism they correspond to the demon-snakes of Naga, the inhabitants of the great abyss of Mahatala. They are the head of the behind-the-scenes world government and the authors of the fascist ideology. They consider themselves higher beings, and people are two-legged cattle that can be deceived and exploited. Freemasons, the Committee of 300 are the servants of aliens who help the ales to destroy humanity (leave part of it in slavery). Until recently, Masons themselves did not know this. But now it has become known to the Council of Nine, who were the intermediaries between the aliens and the Committee of 300. The members of the Council of 9 met with the ales in a dark room with the lights out, or talked on the phone. So they had no idea that they were communicating with aliens. Now these lizards are hiding from them somewhere in the forests on their flying triangle. Ales have cat-like eyes and allow them to see in the dark. So while humans couldn't see the faces of these aliens, the aliens could see people's faces in infrared light (red-orange tint). The color visual perception of these lizards is the same as that of humans, only more sensitive to light, brighter / lighter. Their intelligence is not significantly different from the human. They appeared on Earth about 6000 years ago (which is why it is believed that the Old Testament "God" created the world 6000 years ago); by the way, now, if I’m not mistaken, the year is 5769 according to the Jewish calendar), they fought with people (tales about dragons, the Gorynych snake, or Finist the Bright Falcon, against whom Kartous the red mustache was - not such fairy tales) and now there are only three of them left . The so-called three kings, the divine trinity. The photo shows the oldest of them, he is now pregnant, and they are waiting for the fourth. They are hermaphrodites. They probably can't reproduce when there are only three of them, they can only reproduce in such numbers for many generations. The fact that they don't suffer from inbreeding is one of the reasons they consider their DNA to be superior to that of humans. To each other they are siblings, fathers, and children. Therefore, in the sects that were created by them, everyone calls each other “brother” / “sister”. People who were close servants of these humanoids adopted the idea of ​​closely related ties from them, considering their DNA to be better than that of other people, and then they produced oligophrenics.
They lived on an island not far from Florida.

And now they are hiding somewhere in the forests on a flying triangle. This triangle was built for them by the US military, hoping that they would learn how to build aircraft using new technology. In gravity engines, they use diamonds. Gravity engines are driven and controlled by bio-energy (psychic energy) of aliens, i.e. aliens were part of the engine system. Also, their flying machine is equipped with jet engines and steering tails so that it can fly like a normal plane.

Ales have three hemispheres of the brain, like dolphins. Like dolphins, they can not sleep for several days: their hemispheres sleep in turns and at least one works.

It must be remembered that they believe that they are in a state of war with humanity for thousands of years, so they will always only pretend to be friends of people, and then, under any pretext, they will find ways to kill people at the first opportunity. When El lies, in the third, back hemisphere of the brain, he stores information about his true interests (probably this is where the expression “back thought” came from). They lie that they are working on evolution, the development of mankind. In fact, this means that they strive to make people like themselves (after all, they consider themselves higher beings, and in order to make people “better”, they strive to make them look like themselves). To do this, they, for example, spread homosexuality, sex change and other things harmful to people in order to make them look like hermaphrodites. They also want to mix all races among themselves (maybe because there was no racial differentiation among the ales on their home planet). But this does not bring people anything but illness and suffering (what is good for ale is death to a person), which is what these lizards really want (they are well aware that such manipulations with people will contribute to the reduction of humanity). When they see on TV how people hit each other or shoot from cannons at the ale, the soul rejoices (becomes delighted), because this is what they most want.

The people with whom they work closely, the lizards instill their ideology, their way of thinking, to make them their like-minded people in the fight against humanity (but still they never tell them the whole truth, there is always falsehood and only the interests of aliens). Ex-President Bush's grandfather helped Hitler rise to power. And Bush himself quoted Hitler and made a gesture with his hand. The Jews are a people chosen by aliens, who for aliens are the same meat as everyone else. But they deceived the Jews against the rest of humanity and taught them the methods that they themselves use (separate and play against each other, deceive and pretend to be a friend while they are useful to you, etc.). It is not for nothing that Mount Sinai is translated as Mount of Hatred. In order not to do anything ourselves, you just need to say to some people: “Behold, the Lord your God is giving you this land, go, take it into your possession, as the Lord, the God of your fathers, told you, do not be afraid and do not be horrified.” Skull and Bones is the name of an organization that George W. Bush joined when he was a student at Yale University. But the skull and bones are also symbols of human death, in fact the true purpose of this organization is to kill people. Freemasons ritually lie in coffins to understand that they are provided with spiritual life (or, to put it more clearly, that they are guaranteed a lethal outcome). The theory that the Earth can feed only 1-2 billion is a falsification and a deliberate deception. It was only an excuse to force the Masons to destroy people. By 2050, it was planned to reduce the population of the planet to at least 2 billion. And then the aliens plan to reduce it to 500 million.

The Elis wanted to enslave humanity with the help of a world government. By 2010-2012, they planned to break up the USA, Russia and other countries into several small states, making them zones of instability and military conflicts. And then by 2020, offer them all to unite under a single world government in order to allegedly stop the wars, which they themselves will organize through puppet presidents. Thus, they wanted to make it seem to everyone that people themselves wanted one world government.

But now that the Council of 9 has learned that they served the aliens, perhaps they will stop this process. Either they want to get rid of the aliens and conquer the world themselves.

Eli has always struggled with the scientific and technological progress of mankind. Previously, there was religious censorship for this (through those religions, in the creation of which aliens interfered). Now, to slow down the scientific development of mankind, copywriting (protection of copyrights, rights to the fruits of intellectual labor) and patenting are used. Cars running on gasoline were specially promoted by aliens, as exhaust gases spoil people's health and increase mortality from diseases of the respiratory system. The transition to environmentally friendly energy carriers is deliberately hampered so that people are poisoned by exhaust gas.

Religions were created by aliens on the basis of more ancient scriptures. They took ancient books, copied something from there, altered something and wrote a little differently, added something of their own. In general, this happened in much the same way as with the creation of the “Ynglistic Church of Old Believers-Ynglings”, which made a sensation on the Internet, or the creation of the Aton cult by Pharaoh Akhenaten. Therefore, although it is impossible to completely deny everything that is written, for example, in the Bible, we must remember that this is a fake for more ancient writings, and not to assume that everything happened exactly as it is written there.

They used religious zealots to incite warfare by exploiting differences in religion.

Many people ask: “If the God of the Old Testament is aliens, then there is no God in your opinion?” That someone will impersonate God is written in the New Testament. He is called the Antichrist. These aliens are quite suitable for his role. So if someone pretends to be God (in Freemasonry they are called God - Gad), then this does not mean that there is no real God.

Nuclear, genetic, chemical weapons were also promoted by aliens to destroy people. Therefore, the sign of radiation and biological hazard has three elements that symbolize the destructive power of three aliens.

Lucifer (Lightbearer) - Venus - Morning Star - Son of the Dawn

Eli use telepathy and magic (the power of mental energy). Therefore, in Masonic symbolism, they use images of their achievements and discoveries in magic. Handshake, 33 steps, venus, rising sun - all these symbols are associated with the use of magic. The upper part of the pyramid with the all-seeing eye (which shines with the light of Lucifer) is therefore separated from the lower because the upper triangle symbolizes the power of three aliens who will never be together and at the same time with people. The upper triangle will never serve the interests of the people. Venus and the rising sun facilitate the use of telepathy, so they are also used in the symbolism of Freemasonry, which denote the invisible presence of alien power.

Eli came to earth - from the underworld, from another solar system

energy horns from the brain appear from telepathic contact with lizards

The aliens themselves also have energy horns from the brain.

From telepathic contact with aliens, the vital energy in the human body begins to circulate differently and two energy horns appear from the two hemispheres of the brain, which can be seen with the help of clairvoyance. This is where the idea of ​​traits comes from. In this mode, the hemispheres of the brain do not work together and the brain works differently and thinking proceeds differently: what is usually considered wrong and unacceptable in horned ones is perceived as acceptable and necessary (deceit, theft, exploitation). Aliens came to earth from another solar system, they are children of another star, so the life energy in their body circulates differently. Aliens also have energy horns from the brain. Therefore, the hand sign “I serve the horned god” actually means serving aliens.

The galaxy is this giant flat EH antenna, which, like an antenna, is connected to other galaxies through an axial vortex connection. Through this connection, the galaxies exchange energies. That part of the galaxy, where it is clearly seen how the energy from it flows into another galaxy, is called the great abyss, which is located in the lower world. In the upper world, on the contrary, an influx of energy into the galaxy is noticeable.

For the inhabitants of the upper part of the galaxy and the lower part of the galaxy, the ethereal whirlwinds of the chakras spin in different directions (just as water funnels spin in different directions when draining water in different hemispheres of the Earth). Ale has a nasty and creepy energy (as it is perceived by a person), especially when he is lying or thinking about something bad. But when a person stops believing in them and perceives them as irreconcilable enemies, their energy begins to be perceived as reptilian, like that of lizards. If people compare ales to lizards, then ales compare people to pigs.

Probably the pictogram with a pig says that they call us pigs. There are also three poops depicted there, which symbolize three humanoids.

Ales also don't like the energy of normal people, because our chakras spin in the opposite direction than theirs. In order to force the vital energy in the body to circulate in people in the other direction, they are circumcised in infancy or persuaded to male homosexuality (probably called gays in honor of blue ales). After that, the human energy becomes more compatible with these lizards, and it is no longer so disgusting for them to communicate / contact with such people. That is why homosexuality is so widespread in Freemasonry. They call it ritual/sacrifice. For the fact that they served their Gad well, their Gad Lucifer (Venus) rewards them with syphilis, AIDS and other venereal diseases.

The LEXX series also talks about these aliens in an allegorical way. Especially season 1, episodes 1 and 4. There, these aliens correspond to His Divine Shadow and Prince (Season 3-4).

The Force of Order destroyed your planet

The Force of Order will destroy you

Your ancestors' victory was not final.

Did you survive the war against the insect civilization?

Yes, the last of Brunen-G. I transferred part of my essence to people, sincerely believing that in the destruction of mankind I will achieve more using the people themselves.

Your tribe has become a race of slaves, working tirelessly for my revival.

Blue ales are small, three-fingered, and not suited to heavy physical labor. Therefore, they cannot completely get rid of people, since it will be very difficult for them to get their own food. But since they despise and hate people, they are looking for ways to get rid of people, for example, replacing them with robots (that's their blue dream), at least where possible. Therefore, the task of automation is called very promising. The world government is very interested in the development of the computer industry, robotics, and the creation of artificial intelligence. For example, there is a project to make by 2050 a team of robots that will be able to play football better than humans. It is clear that if they can be taught to play football, then they can also be taught to hoe gardens or be servants in the house, and so on. Computers can also be used to control a person. Under the pretext of controlled evolution and expansion of human capabilities (in fact, this means depriving a person of the opportunity to use all his natural potential and instead of using his own legs, learn to walk on crutches, artificially become more dependent and controlled), they plan to conduct research on the integration of computers and a person. Now computers are used to track people. If aliens did not need automation with computers, then now programmers would earn as much as teachers and educators, since the kings of the economy, who are members of the executive branch of the world government, with the help of their connections, can set any prices for any goods and services.

These aliens once lived in the state of Elam, which existed earlier on the territory of Iran. You can read about it in the encyclopedia.

Egyptian symbolism is used by aliens due to the fact that Egypt was the first country they conquered through Freemasonry. Therefore, the Egyptian pyramid is a symbol of the triumph of the Masonic system of hierarchical power. In ancient Egypt, they were known as the god Set and as Aton. Since the aliens pit people against each other, they then set the people chosen by the aliens on Egypt, telling them that they were in slavery there. Then they set the Muslims against the Jews. In fact, the Jews are not the main cause of the problems of mankind, if there are no Jews, then the problem will not be solved, since the aliens will find themselves another chosen people. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the aliens, from those who are in charge of all this. The leadership of Germany set the Germans on the whole world, although the peoples with whom the Nazis fought were exactly the same Aryans as the Germans themselves. Now, for example, we are quite normal about the Germans. Because the problem was not in the Germans, but in their leadership, which set Germany against other countries.

I do not incite ethnic or religious hatred. On the contrary, I hope that when people find out and understand who and why all these strife and fascist ideologies were created, all people will stop fighting among themselves and unite to fight against the common enemy of all mankind in order to catch these lizards and eliminate them.

The lizards have come up with a strategy of negative selection, where the most vicious people are given the most power. This is done on purpose, as vicious people will help reduce the population.

Venus is Lucifer (look up the definition of the word Lucifer in the dictionary: Lucifer is the morning star, the morning star (Venus), the son of the dawn). The Venus Project is the Lucifer Project. Zeitgeist - Zeitgeist was made by the same people behind 9/11 and the Iraq War. These aliens were personally involved in writing the script. The fact that the light covers the Earth at the end of the film Zeitgeist.Addendum - symbolizes the power of aliens over all of humanity. This light is the light of Lucifer (which translates as Lightbearer). Lucifer is the image behind which aliens stand. The light of Lucifer is the image behind which are people who are subordinate to the Extraterrestrials.

There are other aliens that draw crop circles. They do this with the help of collective meditation. They are good, they are our friends.

Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES.

Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE.

There is GOOD out there. We oppose DESEPTION.

As soon as difficult times come, people tend to immediately seek help from the Gods, in whom they believe, so that they help in solving complex issues and suggest the right solution. It has always been so. Since ancient times, people have believed in powerful forces that possess knowledge incomprehensible to a simple person, can become a reliable support and help overcome the black stripes of life ...

But who are these unknown higher forces, whose existence is still a big question, really? Could these deities be stars, distant galaxies, planets or other systems... or are they completely different extraterrestrial forces from which life began and by whose will it can end?

In our time, in addition to the biblical version of the creation and development of the world, there are many other fantastic hypotheses based on the research of historical figures, ufologists and other interested persons. In addition, there are also a lot of unconfirmed legends. For example, as one of the Sumerian stories tells, Gods descended from heaven to people on strange luminous iron chariots. These chariots abounded in luxury, and humanoid creatures with strange elongated heads descended along the golden steps to the Sumerians.

Who exactly were these creatures?

Maybe it was those alien Gods that our ancestors believed in? Maybe it was those alien Gods who gave our ancestors invaluable knowledge? Unfortunately, the questions remain open, since today no one is able to answer them and provide the necessary evidence that this is exactly what happened.

Honorary member of the commission for the study of anomalous phenomena, Valentin Litvinov, makes assumptions that the Greek Olympic Gods are the most aliens. In ancient stories and stories, in the Koran, in the Bible and even in the esoteric sciences - in any of the above places you can find specific descriptions of these alien Gods. For example, even the Chinese deity Huang Di, according to the descriptions, is the spitting image of an alien who arrived on Earth from the constellation Ursa Major. It was also the case with the Sumerians, whose gods flew in from distant worlds and founded their underwater civilizations on our planet, where, judging by the numerous videos of UFOs under water, they still fly.

Ufologists suggest that in ancient times the Alien Gods lived in the seas and oceans, from where they sometimes went out to ancient people and helped them master science, construction, cattle breeding and agriculture, and various priests and demigods who appeared later are descendants of these aliens.

According to the researcher of anomalous phenomena Valery Litvinov, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the aliens showed great interest in our civilization, because it was they who created us, later became our mentors, and when it became clear that humanity was gaining momentum, they simply began to observe behind us, occasionally correcting something. Actually, this is exactly how they behave now, saving us from impending threats in the form of huge asteroids.

For example, the Egyptian civilization was created by aliens from the constellation Canis Major from Sirius, which is noticeable even to a person far from science: ancient cave paintings made it possible to compare the first Egyptian people and representatives of Sirius, and it becomes clear that they have a very similar structure of an elongated skull. It is not for nothing that the Egyptians have a God with an elongated dog's head.

But according to ufologists, the European nation was created by completely different aliens, namely aliens with the highest form of intelligence from the constellations Cygnus and Taurus, who looked the same as people living in Europe now exist.

Alien God Conflicts that humans have been drawn into

Not done on Earth in ancient times without "star wars", when the gods-aliens sorted out the relationship between themselves. For example, as scientists have revealed, in India in ancient times there was a city called Mahenjo-Daro, which later went into oblivion due to a powerful nuclear explosion. However, similar explosions have occurred in other places as well. For example, several cities of ancient Babylon were wiped off the face of the Earth in this way.

The cause of most alien conflicts on our planet was the hostile representatives of the Orion civilization - aliens similar to reptilians. Even in some ancient chronicles, it is mentioned that people and aliens united their efforts against the threat of the destruction of human civilization by the Oreons.

Did aliens help Alexander the Great?

In 329 BC, Alexander the Great invaded Central Asia with the intention of conquering it. It was then that the first witnesses appeared who saw Unidentified Flying Objects. According to the soldiers of the Macedonian army, two objects of a round shape, similar to silver shields, flew over their camp at stunning speed, which subsequently disappeared into the clouds.

In almost every campaign of the great Alexander the Great, strange disc-shaped objects were seen, various records testify to this. But the most compelling evidence in his works was given by Giovanni Droysen, who is a historian who created a work called The History of Alexander the Great. This work mentions the year 332 BC. In that year, the Macedonian army went to war against the Phoenician city of Tyre, located on an island in the Mediterranean Sea.

23-year-old Alexander knew well that the conquest of Tire would open up new trade routes for him, but he also understood that the fortress of this city was quite powerful and many soldiers would fall in battle. Macedonian was never able to break into the desired city, however, he had a problem with the safety of the entire army and the further campaign towards Syria and Egypt, where he really wanted to get after the defeat of the Persian king Darius III. The fleet remained practically the most vulnerable place of Alexander, so Tire, which refused to let the troops in voluntarily, was subjected to actions unprecedented at that time by the Macedonian.

The builders who always accompanied the army of the great conqueror began to build a large dam, stretching for a kilometer in length, right up to the island on which Tyre was. The builders were building a dam, and the warriors of Tyr were destroying it all the time. This kind of conflict between Alexander and Tyre lasted long enough.

Once, five strange flying objects were seen above the Macedonian army, which the soldiers dubbed "silver shields". They flew across the sky in formation, and in front was an apparatus several times larger than the others. An army of many thousands watched how these "shields" circled over Tire, and how lightning flew out of them, destroying the city. Subsequently, holes formed in the fortress walls of the city. The deed was done and the "silver shields" disappeared into the clouds. After that, Tyre, with only minor losses, was taken by Alexander the Great. According to historical records, the siege of the city lasted seven months. After that, the Macedonian troops strengthened their positions in the Mediterranean, the path to Syria and Egypt was completely open.

But there is other interesting evidence that indicates that Macedonsky was in cooperation with aliens. Chronicles have been found that mention a mist that appeared out of nowhere on the day of the death of Alexander the Great. Also on that day, a previously unseen star was seen in the sky, which shone during the day and moved to the sea during the day, and after that it began to fly towards the tent where Alexander lay. After the object hung in the sky above the tent, Alexander died.

Intervention of aliens in the life of our ancestors - was!

Leading ufologists and many researchers of the paranormal, comprehending the secrets of history, often come across evidence that all the brilliant personalities of human civilization, whether brilliant scientists or great commanders, were helped by some unknown forces. So, all these people were in contact with more developed beings from other planets? Although, perhaps, these were not quite ordinary people, but representatives of other civilizations!

Be that as it may, looking at the entire history of mankind, it becomes clear that sometimes humanity is driven by some kind of invisible hand that intervenes at the moment when people reach a dead end. But who could it be?

A variety of extraterrestrial objects that archaeologists find around the globe are not only proof of the existence of aliens, but also prove that they helped people reach all the heights. Evidence of massive destruction and ancient wars shows that our ancestors fought tactical wars with such skill that modern military with their weapons can only envy. In addition, no one knows what kind of weapons our ancestors owned, and, probably, some of its types were borrowed from the aliens.

But why did the aliens share their weapons? Perhaps, since ancient times, alien races taught humanity to competently conduct war and hostilities, as well as to construction and other sciences. From all this it turns out that we were raised for some special purposes of aliens. But for what? For wars? Or to be their colony?

To begin with, the news itself about the transfer of documents by Snowden:
And if you didn’t immediately close the article as another paranoid nonsense, you can find more extensive material on the topic below.

A healthy dose of skepticism prevents me from taking this seriously, but it's interesting!

Abridged summary of Milton Cooper's "Secret Government" report, 1989.
Who rules the world?

The most destructive and costly war in the history of mankind has just ended. The United States created and used (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) the atomic bomb, was the only country that has weapons capable of destroying not only the enemy, but in fact the entire globe. The US economy flourished, the country has the highest standard of living in the world. One can only imagine the confusion and concern of the most informed members of Harry Truman's government when they learned that an alien spaceship had crashed in the desert of New Mexico...

From January 1947 to December 1952, at least 16 alien ships crashed or were forced to land. Result: 65 corpses and one living alien fell into the hands of the Americans. Another ship exploded in the air.

On February 13, 1948, an alien ship was discovered on a small high plateau near Aztec, New Mexico. The other one was on March 25 of the same year in Nart Canyon (in the same state). From the two ships, 17 alien corpses were recovered. Large numbers of human body parts were found in both ships. It was amazing. The devil seemed to raise his vile head, and horror seized everyone who happened to be "in the know."

All documents about the incident were classified as "top secret". The security cover was tighter than over the Manhattan Project (the creation of the atomic bomb). In subsequent years, such events have become the most classified in the world.

Back in December 1947, a group of leading American scientists was created, which received the name "Project Sign". A year later, she merged with Project Grudge. A special compilation of disinformation was compiled by Grudge and released under the title Blue Book. In total, 16 volumes of "Graj" were published, including the very dubious and controversial "Graj 13", which the author of the report M. Cooper and a certain Bill Ingish saw, read and presented to the public. "Blue Teams" were organized to collect crashed disks, alien corpses, as well as surviving living representatives. The Blue Teams later merged with the Alpha Team as part of the Pounce Project.

US Secretary of Defense James Forrestal began to object to secrecy. He was a great idealist, a very religious person and believed that the people needed to be informed. When he began talking about these topics with opposition party and congressional leaders, Truman suggested that he resign. Persons who did not know the facts interpreted his condition as paranoia. Later, this state of his was characterized as a breakdown of nervous activity. The minister was placed in a naval hospital. In fact, they feared that he would start talking again ... And so, as M. Cooper claims, in the early morning of May 22, 1949, CIA agents tied a piece of a sheet around his neck, secured the other end to a piece of reinforcement in his room and threw him out of window. The sheet could not stand it, the prisoner flew down and crashed to death. Forrestal was one of the first victims of the covert conspiracy.

The living alien that survived the fall in Roswell has been named VBS. The name was suggested by Dr. Vanniver Bush, and it stands for Extraterrestrial Biological Being. VBS spent most of his time lying down and answered only those questions when his answers suited those who asked them. If the question entailed an undesirable answer, the VBS did not answer it. Somewhere in the middle of his second year in captivity, the VBS began to open up, and the information received from him was, to put it mildly, amazing. These revelations of his formed the basis of what later became known as the Yellow Book. The VBS was photographed many times - the author of the report saw these pictures in Graj 13.

At the end of 1951, the VBS fell ill. The medical staff was powerless to make a diagnosis. The EBS organism was based on chlorophyll, it turned the food consumed into energy like plants. Botanist Dr. Guillermo Mendoza tried to help the victim recover. He worked with the VBS until mid-1952, when he died. Dr. Mendoza became a specialist in alien biology.

On November 4, 1952, President Truman created the top-secret National Security Administration (NSA) by secret order. His main task was to decipher the communications of aliens and try to establish a dialogue with them. This urgent task was a continuation of earlier attempts and was codenamed "Sigma". The second task of the UNB was to conduct radio interception of all communications around the world, both between people and between aliens, and at the same time keep the latter's stay on Earth a secret.

President Truman briefed the Allies, including the USSR, on the evolution of the alien problem since their ship's entry into the atmosphere and landing at Roswell. This was done in order to prevent a possible threat from aliens to the existence of mankind. Plans were made to defend the Earth in the event of an invasion. It was also decided that an independent group should be set up to coordinate and direct the international effort in order to keep the press secret from the governments. As a result, a secret society called Bilderbergs was organized with headquarters in Geneva (Switzerland). This society has developed and turned, the author writes, into a secret world government, which now leads and controls everything.

A new president moved into the White House in 1953. He was a man who was accustomed to a strict military-style personnel organization, which provided for the strict execution of commands. His method was to delegate power. He himself made decisions only in those cases when his advisers could not reach a consensus. He usually read or listened to several alternatives and then approved one of them.

In Dwight Eisenhower's first year in office alone (1953), at least 10 more disks crashed, 26 dead and 4 living aliens were found in them. Of these ten discs, 4 were found in Arizona, 2 in Texas, 1 in New Mexico, 1 in Louisiana, 1 in Montana, and 1 in South Africa.

Eisenhower understood that he had to solve the problem of aliens. He also knew that he could not do it by revealing the secret to Congress. In early 1953, the president turned to his friend and colleague on the Council on Foreign Relations, Nelson Rockefeller, for help. Together they began to plan the creation of a secret structure for monitoring aliens. This is how the idea of ​​organizing the Majority-12 (B-12) was born. Turning to Rockefeller, Eisenhower made the greatest mistake that affected the future of the United States and, quite possibly, of all mankind.

In 1953, astronomers discovered large space objects moving towards the Earth. At first they were mistaken for asteroids. Subsequent observations and analysis showed that they were spaceships. Project Sigma intercepted alien radio communications. Several vehicles flew up to the Earth and went into a very high orbit around the equator. Their intentions were not revealed.

And in 1954, a group of long-haired aliens landed at Holloman Air Force Base. A basic agreement was quickly reached. They claimed to have come from a planet orbiting a red star in the constellation of Orion, which we call Betelgeuse. The aliens said: their planet is dying and in the indefinite future will become uninhabitable. The result of these negotiations was a second landing - this time at Edwards Air Force Base. This historic event was planned in advance. Eisenhower was in Palm Springs on vacation. On the appointed day, the president was taken to the base, and the press reported that he allegedly visited a dentist.

The president met with the aliens and a formal treaty between the alien state and the US was signed. The first ambassador from the Cosmos has arrived to us - His Almighty Majesty KRLLL (pronounced Krill). With traditional American disrespect for royal titles, he was secretly called the "Original Hostage Krill". It should be reported that the alien flag is known as the "Trilateral Insignia". He is depicted on their ships, the same insignia they wear on their uniforms. Both of these trips and the second meeting were filmed. The film exists to this day.

The treaty says: aliens will not interfere in our affairs, and the United States will not interfere in their affairs. the stay of the aliens must be kept secret. They will inform the Americans of the subtleties of their advanced technology and help in its development on Earth. Aliens will not enter into agreements with other states on our planet. They can temporarily "abduct" a limited number of people (for the purpose of their medical examination and monitoring their development), provided that these people do not suffer in any way, are returned to the place from which they were abducted, forget what happened to them. They also agreed that the state of aliens and the United States will exchange 16 persons each in order to study each other.

Another solution is to build underground bases for aliens and two more for shared use by aliens and the US government. Shared bases should be used for technology exchange. ET facilities will be built under Indian reservations at four locations in Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and one in Nevada, in an area known as C-4, located approximately seven miles south of the western boundary of Area 51, known called Dreamland. All alien habitats are under the full control and supervision of the Department of the Navy and the payment of working personnel is made from the funds of the Navy. The construction of the bases began immediately, but progressed slowly until a large allocation was made in 1957. Work on the "Yellow Book" also continued.

The Redlight project was developed and, in accordance with it, serious experimental flights on alien ships began. A secret facility was built in Groom Lake (Nevada) in the center of the weapons test site. He received, as already mentioned, the code name Dreamland. Only the Department of the Navy can issue access rights to a facility, subject to the President's approval of that right. Ironically, the president himself had no access rights.

The military was tasked with creating a top-secret service to ensure the security of all alien objects. This is how the National Intelligence Organization based in Fort Carson, Colorado, was born. Special teams trained in securing facilities were named Delta.

A second secret project, codenamed Snowbird, is formed to provide false explanations for Project Redlight flights. In particular, interpret them as Air Force experiments. Ships were made using conventional technology, their flights were demonstrated to the press.

Huge funds from a special fund were spent on the construction of 75 deep underground shelters. Presidents who showed interest in this construction were explained that shelters were being built for the president in case of war. In fact, only a few shelters have been built for this purpose. The rest are secret bases for aliens, as well as GPVB - deep underground US military bases. In fact, these are holes in the ground, deep enough to withstand a nuclear explosion, equipped with first-class communications. In addition to these facilities, the Atomic Energy Commission built an additional 22 underground sites.

The location of underground sites and all other information about them are considered highly secret. The money was and is under the control of the military leadership of the White House. They pass through a circular network, and the most knowledgeable spy or accountant is not able to follow this process. Only a few people at the beginning and end of this network know what the money is for.

B-12, organized in 1954, continues to exist today.

By 1955, it became apparent that the aliens had tricked Eisenhower and terminated the treaty. Mutilated and mutilated people and animals have been found throughout the United States. It was suspected that the alien-human contact lists had not been submitted to B-12, and that not all of the abductees had been returned. It turned out that the aliens manipulated and continue to manipulate the masses of people, using secret societies, witchcraft, magic, occultism and religion for this. After several Air Force air battles with alien ships, it became quite clear that our weapons were no match for their weapons.

Another important discovery soon became that aliens use humans and animals as a source of glandular and hormonal secretions, enzymes, and conduct genetic experiments on them. The aliens explained that these actions of theirs are necessary to maintain their existence: they say that their genetic structure is rapidly deteriorating and they have already lost the ability to reproduce. If things continue like this, their race will soon cease to exist. We, says M. Cooper's report, treated their explanations with extreme suspicion. But since our weapons were completely useless against aliens, the B-12 decided to continue friendly diplomatic relations with them until the time when they could create the technology so that a possible military conflict could be won. We also decided to turn to the Soviet Union and a number of other countries in order to combine the efforts necessary to save humanity.

As a result of the research, the Joshua and Excalibur projects were developed. Joshua was based on a weapon captured from the Germans that is capable of penetrating 4 inches (an inch - 2.5 centimeters) of armor plate at a distance of two miles using low frequency sound waves. It was believed that this tool would be effective against alien ships and their beam weapons. Excalibur is a weapon that is delivered to the place of use by a rocket. It is equipped with an onboard laser to destroy ground targets. Deviation from the target is not more than 50 meters. Capable of penetrating compacted tufa, which is found in New Mexico, to a depth of 1000 meters. Equipped with a nuclear warhead with a capacity of 1 megaton and designed to defeat aliens in their underground bases. Weapons under the Joshua project have already been developed. Unprecedented efforts are underway to develop and manufacture weapons under the Excalibur project.

The events in Fatima that took place at the beginning of our century were carefully analyzed. Maybe this is the manipulation of the same aliens? The United States turned to the Vatican for help and soon received their research from there, which also contained a prophecy. The prophecy stated that if a person does not move away from evil and does not fall at the feet of Christ, then the planet will face self-destruction, and the events that are described in the Revelation of John the Theologian (Apocalypse) will indeed certainly happen. It is predicted that a child will be born who will unite people and establish peace on Earth, and that a false religion will appear in 1992. By 1995, people will understand that this child is the embodiment of evil, the antichrist. In the same year 95, the third world war will break out in the Middle East; a united Arab nation will invade Israel. First, conventional weapons will be used, and in 1999 there will be a general death of people in the fire of a thermonuclear war.

Between 1999 and 2003, most of life on Earth will cease, die out. The second coming of Christ will take place in 2011.

When the aliens got acquainted with this information, they confirmed their authenticity. They explained that they created people by hybridization. They themselves are able to travel in time and therefore know that all the predicted events will actually happen. The continued use of alien technology by the United States and the Soviet Union, including time travel, also, according to Cooper, confirmed the correctness of the prophecy. Aliens showed a hologram - the crucifixion of Christ. The US government filmed it. Believe them or not? Did they use genuine Earth religions, or were they really the creators of our religions, through which they manipulated us all the time?

Nobody knows the answers to these questions. At least when a symposium was held in 1957, which included the best minds of the time, they concluded that by the year 2000 or soon after, the planet would self-destruct due to population growth and human exploitation of the environment - without any help from side of God or aliens.

At the first stage of space exploration by the Americans, every launch and landing on the moon was accompanied by alien aircraft. A lot was seen and filmed by the participants of the flight under the Apollo program. Domes and vaults, gabled roofs, tall round structures that look like the letter "T", mining machines that leave stitch-like marks on the surface of the moon, huge or very small alien spacecraft - all this is clearly visible in the pictures. Cooper claims it's a joint American, Russian, and alien base. The US space program is a farce and involves an unheard of waste of huge amounts of money. Most of the participants in the Apollo program were deeply shocked by this discovery. The life and subsequent statements of the astronauts show the full depth of their revelation and the effect on them of the order to be silent. They were ordered not to open their mouths, allegedly for reasons of "expediency".

As soon as relations with aliens began, the United States became the owners of a technology that had never been dreamed of before. There is an Aurora spacecraft in area 51. He makes regular flights into space. This is a single-stage ship, called ZAK (exoatmospheric spacecraft). It takes off from the ground after a 7 mile run, climbs high into orbit and lands on the same runway. Pilots have already flown to the Moon, Mars and other planets aboard these ships.

In 1969, a confrontation arose between scientists and aliens in Dulce's underground laboratory. Delta Squads were called in, but their weapons proved useless against those of the aliens. 66 people died during this operation. As a result, the US was removed from all joint projects for at least two years. But gradually came reconciliation. Today, the cooperation continues.

When the Watergate scandal broke, President Nixon set out to weather the storm, confident that he would not face impeachment. However, the Majority-12 was of a different opinion. The intelligence community quite rightly concluded that the impeachment trial would open the folders and reveal terrible secrets to the public eye. Nixon was ordered to resign. He refused, and the first military coup in history was brewing in the United States. The Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Armed Forces have sent a top secret message to commanders and commanders of the US Army around the world. It read: "Upon receipt of this message, you must not follow any orders from the White House. Acknowledge receipt." This message was sent 5 days before Nixon relented and publicly announced that he was resigning. The author of the report claims: I myself saw this message. I asked my boss what he would do - after all, the message was clearly contrary to the Constitution. He replied: "I would wait and see if there were any orders from the White House at all, and then I would decide what to do."

B-12 devised a contingent plan to throw off the trail anyone who came close to the truth. This plan is known as the Majestic Twelve.

Another conditional plan is now in effect, we all live according to it today. The purpose of this plan is to prepare the people for a possible confrontation with aliens. Humans are literally bombarded with movies, commercials and TV shows depicting almost every aspect of the true nature of the ET presence. This has both its good and bad sides. Look around and strain your attention. The aliens are planning to advertise their presence, and the government is preparing us so that there is no panic.

According to Cooper, for many years, aliens have been importing and selling drugs to people, mostly the poor and ethnic minorities. Under the influence of the aliens, social welfare programs had to be put aside in order to create a dependent idle element in our society. Otherwise - to develop a large criminal class, which did not exist in the fifties and sixties. They encouraged the production and import of small arms for use by the criminal element. This was done in order to develop a sense of insecurity in Americans and force them to voluntarily disarm and pass laws against firearms. To speed up this process, incidents were provoked. Using drugs and hypnosis in a process called Orion, the CIA instilled in mentally ill people the need to open fire on schoolyards and thus ignite the anti-gun lobby. This plan is well implemented.

As a wave of crime has swept the country, the aliens will indirectly try to convince the American people that the major cities are in a state of anarchy. When public opinion is won, that is, when this idea is instilled in it, they intend to announce that a group of terrorists with nuclear weapons has entered the country with the aim of blowing it up under one of the cities. Then the government will suspend the Constitution and introduce martial law in the country. The secret army of aliens, consisting mainly of people who are indoctrinated with relevant ideas, will be imprisoned in concentration camps that now exist throughout the country. By the way, a similar operation, codenamed REX-84, was already rehearsed in 1984 by the government and the military, and it went off without a hitch.

Cooper continues: Phil Klass is a CIA agent, which was confirmed by his documents, which I saw between 1970 and 1973. One of his jobs as an aviation specialist was to debunk all the information that is related to UFOs. All military commanders were instructed to call him for information on how to discredit reports of UFO contacts.

Stanton Friedman said that a few years ago he "participated in the development of a nuclear reactor for aircraft. The reactor was the size of a basketball, emitted hydrogen and worked like in a fairy tale" ... The only fuel that such an engine can run and release hydrogen as a by-product is water. The only place where you could get such technology at that time was from aliens. By the way, Friedman was a member of the research team, which included Moore and Shander, and it was they who developed and brought to life the conditional plan "Majestic Twelve".

Today B-12 exists and operates as always. The Council on Foreign Relations and its offshoot Trilateral Commission not only govern but own our entire country. Like their foreign counterparts, they report to Bilderbergs. Even the most superficial examination shows that the members of the Council and Commission exercise control over the most important foundations, as well as over the most influential media and publishing organizations, the largest banks, all the leading corporations, the highest echelons of government and many other most important and influential institutions and organizations.

The Bilderbergs, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are both the secret government that governs the country through the B-12, as well as the research group known as the "Jason Society" or the "Jason Scholars". Eisenhower was the last president who knew and understood the alien problem very well. All successive presidents have used only the information that the B-12 and the intelligence community willingly supplied to them.

What is the conclusion? The Milton Cooper report states:

1. The "brain" of the secret structure believes that due to our ignorance and by the will of God, self-destruction awaits our Earth in the near future. These people believe that they are doing the right thing in trying to save humanity, for which they have taken alien people as allies, although they themselves are fighting a desperate struggle for survival. Such actions are, of course, a mistake that must be corrected. Our great Nation owes its very existence to the principles of Freedom and Democracy. Therefore, the United States of America will not succeed in any of its enterprises if these great principles are ignored. The people must receive full information, and we must begin to save humanity all together.

2. We are manipulated by an independent power structure of people and aliens, the result of which will be the partial enslavement of humanity. We must use every means available to us to prevent this from happening.

3. Something else is happening that is still beyond our understanding. We must fully disclose all the facts, get to the truth and act only on this truth. Then whatever happens, we have no one to blame. The situation we find ourselves in is due to our actions or inaction over the past 44 years. This is our own fault, and only we ourselves can correct the situation. Because of our ignorance or false trust, we, that is, the people, have renounced the role of "watchdog" of the government. As a result, a handful of people decide our fate for us. Have we really become a nation of sheep? But the sheep will be led to the slaughter in due time anyway! We must stand up like our forefathers and walk like people.

I delivered, writes Cooper, the truth as I know it. I don't care what people think of me. I have fulfilled my duty, and whatever fate awaits me ahead, I meet the Creator with a clear conscience.

Abridged summary of Milton Cooper's "Secret Government" report, 1989. (with)

People who talk seriously about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations are usually considered either dreamers, or writers, or lunatics. But as people explore the universe more and more, some official institutions, such as the United Nations, feel it is wise to set official rules in case aliens are actually found. Here are ten rules of conduct that you need to know about in case they decide to make contact with the Earth or astronauts stumble upon an alien civilization. Otherwise, you can end up in jail.

Astronauts must be quarantined upon return from space

The US Congress passed the Extraterrestrial Impact Act in 1969. This law mandates that all astronauts returning from trips to space must be quarantined for a specified period of time. This is to ensure that they do not unknowingly (or consciously) bring any life forms to Earth. This was done shortly before the Apollo 11 mission. NASA has never been as concerned about little green men as it is about microbes that could cause an outbreak or epidemic on Earth.

Ironically, this law has been misinterpreted by some who believe that it prohibits Americans from making contact with aliens. The law was repealed in 1977 after several successful NASA missions showed that astronauts did not bring pollutants from space. Despite this, people are still posting angry rants online, complaining that someone has forbidden them to communicate with aliens.

Alien life must be reported to the UN immediately

In 1967, the United Nations created the Treaty on Principles for the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. It is often referred to as the "Outer Space Treaty" because no one remembers the full title of the treaty. It was originally signed by Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States, but is now signed by more than 125 countries.

Article V of the Outer Space Treaty states: “States Parties to the Treaty shall promptly inform other States Parties to the Treaty or the Secretary-General of the United Nations of any phenomena they detect in outer space […] that may endanger the life or health of astronauts.” . Naturally, this includes the discovery of aliens.

In 2011, the director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, Mazalan Othman, gave a speech in which she stated that before the Earth makes contact with aliens, it must have systems in place to ensure this interaction. This has led to widespread reports that Othman is an "alien ambassador" to the UN. Othman denied this.

In any case, the UN will be one of the first to be aware if astronauts encounter something extraterrestrial.

Rules of conduct upon first contact with aliens

After observing liquid water on the surface of Mars, the likelihood of the presence of life there has increased significantly. The Outer Space Treaty prohibits the possible contamination of alien life by human forces and human technology. Wherever there is liquid water, a "special region" is formed, to which special rules apply. Other "special regions" include places with caves or volcanic activity.

That's why NASA rovers didn't go to photograph liquid water on Mars, despite all the excitement caused by its discovery. The rovers do not meet sterilization standards that are considered safe for finding life in areas where it is likely to exist.

Humans are also not allowed to enter these areas until sterile robots begin to conduct research. But as several companies, including NASA, SpaceX and Mars One, advance their plans to send humans to Mars, the question arises: will humans obey the rules and stay away from the place where the biggest discovery of our time could be born?

Which brings us to our next law...

Maritime law for space colonizers

According to the UN Outer Space Treaty, no individual or nation can own any part or all of the planet, as they belong to "all mankind". And as different countries work on issues of long-term exploration and possible colonization of Mars, the question arises, what laws will apply on Mars to expats (who will then become aliens to us)?

The UN has a declaration for this. In 1962, the UN adopted the Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, which states that whoever sends a rocket into space will retain its jurisdiction over it and the people in it. Just like the crew of a ship in international waters, the crew of a ship on Mars will have to follow the rules of the country that launched the ship. For example, NASA astronauts still have to follow US laws.

Aliens are people too

In 1953, American lawyer and former vice-president of the International Astronautical Federation, Andrew Haley, published an article in which he discussed the idea of ​​treating aliens in the way that any person would like to have, even though they may be completely from other lands. The idea to expand the golden rule to include aliens became known as "meta-law".

Then the metalaw was formulated by the Austrian lawyer Ernst Fazan. It included three key principles:

  1. Humans shouldn't harm aliens
  2. Aliens and humans are equal
  3. People need to understand the desire of aliens to live and have a safe space for this.

In other words, don't punch aliens in the face like Will Smith did in Independence Day.

Astronauts are messengers on behalf of the human race

The UN, with all its rules on space exploration, does not forget the old adage: "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." Therefore, the Declaration of Legal Principles governing the activities of states in the exploration and use of outer space includes a section that refers to astronauts as "envoys from mankind in outer space."

This makes one wonder if astronaut training includes any etiquette course on how to make first contact and not harm humanity. According to retired American astronaut Clayton Anderson, NASA astronaut training programs do not currently include instructions for dealing with aliens.

Aliens will have to pay taxes

Alien, fined by the tax - that would be an interesting first impression.

Under US law, anything sold by the US in outer space is considered to be sold in the US. Hence, it is subject to US tax law. The law says nothing about the exemption from sales of non-terrestrial life forms.

US tax rules also apply to goods that are traded on barter basis. This is a kind of ban on the separation of interplanetary technologies. However, NASA is tax-exempt, so it can carry out any deal it wants. Unfortunately for the aliens, if they have not previously registered in the US as a non-profit organization, they will receive an unpleasant first lesson about what life is like for an ordinary American who has to pay taxes.

It is possible that in other situations the picture will be similar.

Aliens can be abducted

The first person to be widely publicized for reporting an alien abduction was the Brazilian Antonio Vilas Boas. In 1957, 23-year-old Boas claimed to have been abducted by aliens.

Seven years earlier, the US military had devised a first contact plan called "Seven Steps to Contact," in which one of the steps actually involved abducting several aliens (if they were technologically weaker than us) for study. Yes, yes, we could be creepy aliens, stealing creatures from their own planet and bringing them back later to retell creepy stories to their incredulous peers.

The mouthpiece of the world

The IAA SETI Standing Committee, or the International Academy of Astronautics for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence for short, is an international organization dedicated to exactly what its name suggests: hunting for aliens. They monitor different types of waves (radio waves, microwaves) in search of possible broadcasts from aliens.

Although the people who run SETI experiments have not always been held in high esteem, some big names and agencies have shown support for SETI and its methods. In 1896, Nikola Tesla proposed using radio waves to send messages to aliens. Since 1960, NASA has funded SETI programs with its own funds.

The IAA SETI Standing Committee has written a Declaration of Principles concerning activities following the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence. It lays out the ground rules of conduct if anyone performing SETI experiments actually detects alien signals.

If such a signal is detected and acknowledged, no response can be made until the information has been disseminated around the world and a generally accepted response has been formed. It turns out that a lot of time will pass between the detection of a signal and the response to it. One can only hope that the aliens will be more patient than the earthlings.

Alas, space belongs to the Earth

As we have already mentioned, the United Nations Outer Space Treaty calls space and the planets “the property of all mankind”. The UN also holds countries liable to the Earth for any damage they may bring to the planets. Difficulties may arise when another Columbus is born on Earth and proclaims someone else's home as his newly acquired property.

This will be especially true if the law proposed by Rand Simberg on premiums for space settlements is passed. Simberg proposes that a sort of planetary takeover will lead to faster colonization and a stronger Earth economy. Ownership of part or all of the planet is against the Outer Space Treaty, but this applies only to those countries that have signed it. And what does it cost a nation to declare that it is withdrawing from the treaty and go to plant a banner on another planet?