teacher universities. Scenario of the solemn line dedicated to the liberation of Alushta from the Nazi invaders

On the stage is a class of cadets of the Krylov school:

I asked, playing with a shoulder strap.-
How did you ride a horse in Berlin
With a dashing Cossack squadron.

2nd: Taking out an embroidered pouch from his pocket,
Rolling a cigarette very soon
Father gave me a detailed answer,
How he fought with the fascist pack,
How the Fritz killed a dashing horse,
As he walked through military thunderstorms ...

1st: And for a long time stood in my eyes
Paternal tears.

3rd: "Father, tell me about the last war, -
My son asked me once.-
You were taken from Afghanistan on armor,
You have been presented to the order twice.

4th: Taking out fragments of grenades from a handkerchief,
Where do I keep them all the time?
I told my son that there is a city of Herat -
Pearl of Afghanistan.
And there, protecting the Afghan people,
We fought to the death with the "spirits" ...

3rd: My father and I commemorated the dead platoon
And they hugged each other tightly.

5th: "Father, tell me about the last war, -

6th: My grandson addresses his son.-

5th: After all, you fought in this very Chechnya,
The bandit shot you in the back.

6th: And my son told his son,
How fell, covering a soldier,
How death cheat helped him
Field medical battalion doctors.
How the battalion commander took him out of the battlefield.
And the forces saved the young ...

5th: Three women, listening, sit silently,
All three are gray for some reason ...

The song "Soldiers of Russia" is performed by the cadets.

Everything is remembered, nothing is forgotten,
Everything is remembered, no one is forgotten.
And day and night in a thicket of granite
The holy flame burns tremulously.
The inextinguishable memory of a generation
And the memory of those whom we so sacredly honor,
Let's people stand up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

The metronome sounds. Summary of the heroes of the country.

1. Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky (June 16 (29), 1906 - February 18, 1945) - an outstanding Soviet military leader, army general, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
. The youngest army general and the youngest front commander in the history of the Soviet Armed Forces.
. “In the face of comrade. Chernyakhovsky,” the message of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR and the People’s Commissariat of Defense said, “the state has lost one of the most talented young commanders who advanced during the Patriotic War”

2. Nikitich Yuri Ivanovich,
January 8, 1995, during a breakthrough to the presidential palace in Grozny, Nikitich's unit stumbled upon camouflaged firing points. A fight ensued. Captain Nikitich covered the barrel of the enemy's recoilless rifle with his body. He died instantly, but an armored car with 11 militants also exploded.
Posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation.

3. Stepan Savelyevich Guryev (1902-1945) - Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Guards Major General.
The commander of the 16th Guards Rifle Corps of the Guards, Major General Guryev, skillfully organized the combat operations of the corps units in the East Prussian operation.
After fierce battles, on April 6, 1945, the corps troops broke through the inner defense line of the city of Königsberg (now Kaliningrad) and, having captured the southern part of the city, reached the Pregel River.
After the defeat of the Nazis in Königsberg, Guryev's corps was tasked with destroying the remnants of the Nazi troops in the area of ​​the Pilau naval base (now Baltiysk). April 22, 1945, three days after the Decree on conferring the title of Hero, in a battle on the Zemland Peninsula, Major General Guryev died.
He was buried in Kaliningrad at the memorial to 1200 guardsmen.
4. Kadyrbulatov Rafik Valitovich (June 13, 1976 - April 18, 1995) - shooter of the Rosich special forces detachment, private, Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).
On April 18, 1995, a group of fighters from the Rosich detachment was surrounded on Bald Mountain near Bamut. Private Kadyrbulatov, covering the right flank of the defense, held back the onslaught of superior enemy forces. Destroyed 12 militants in battle. Having received a serious wound, he continued to fight. When trying to capture, he blew himself up and three militants with a grenade.
5. Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov (1906-1944) - Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the Great Patriotic War, guard colonel.
The deputy commander of the 2nd Guards Red Banner Tatsinsky Tank Corps (3rd Belorussian Front), Guard Colonel Stepan Nesterov, in October 1944, led the crossing of the Pissa River by formations and units in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Kassuben, located 14 kilometers south of the city of Shtallupönen, now the city of Nesterov, and ensured their further successful actions.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 19, 1945, for the courage and heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders, Guards Colonel Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Guard Colonel Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov was buried with military honors in the park of the city of Kaunas (Lithuania).

6. Afghanistan
Igor Vladimirovich Chmurov (b. April 25, 1966, Yartsevo) - Hero of the Soviet Union, paratrooper, sergeant.
... It was a very difficult fight. Dushmans broke through to the exit from the gorge. fragments of shells and rocks whistled overhead. The cartridges in the machine gun were running out when I noticed: dushmans went to our platoon in the rear. A sharp pain shot through his thigh. And then the machine gun fell silent, the ammunition ran out. Silence. The last thing I remember was the face of a dushman peeking out from behind a rock a few steps away from me. I still had a grenade left... The enemy attack bogged down....

7. Ladushkin Ivan Martynovich - 1922-1945
The commander of the tank company of the guard, Lieutenant Ladushkin, received an order to support the attacking infantry and seize the stronghold.
A heavy battle ensued near the settlement of Deutsch Tirau (now the village of Ivantsevo, Bagrationovsky district).
Without preliminary preparation, the tankers boldly burst into the outskirts of the village with a jerk.
From a direct hit by a shell, Ladushkin's car caught fire. The cabin filled with smoke, but the crew continued to fight steadfastly, accurately hitting the emerging targets. Wounded, burned, in smoking overalls, the lieutenant of the guard jumped out of the car, moved to another one on the move, and his voice sounded again in the headsets. The fight didn't stop all night. The stronghold was taken.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 29, 1945, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the struggle against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown by the guards, Lieutenant Ladushkin Ivan Martynovich was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The Hero was buried in the city of Ludwigsort, which since 1946 bears his name - the city of Ladushkin.

8. Aldar Batorovich Tsydenzhapov (August 4, 1991, Aginsky, Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug, USSR - September 28, 2010) - a sailor of the Russian Pacific Fleet, who died while serving on the destroyer "Fast". Having prevented at the cost of his life a major accident on a warship, he saved the ship itself and the crew of about 300 people from possible death. Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously.

9. Gusev Sergey Ivanovich - 1918-1945
On January 1, 1945, Soviet artillery brought down thousands of tons of metal and fire on the heads of the enemy, tanks and infantry moved forward - the Gumbinnen breakthrough began. The 130th Rifle Division was aimed at Gumbinnen.
“During the battle on the outskirts of Gumbinnen on January 18, 1945, Sergei Ivanovich Gusev took command of one of the companies.
He replaced the commander, who died in battle, and led the fighters into the attack. He died when the fight with the Nazis turned into hand-to-hand combat. In memory of the political officer Gusev, the city of Gumbinnen was named after him on September 7, 1946.
By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 19, 1945, for the courage and heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders, Captain Sergey Ivanovich Gusev was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

10. Raushan Mukhamedovich Abdullin (1988, Narimanovo, Tyumen region - August 8, 2008, Tskhinval, South Ossetia) - reconnaissance engineer of the special forces detachment of the 10th separate special forces brigade of the North Caucasus Military District, private.
On August 8, 2008, as part of the special forces detachment of the 10th separate special forces brigade of the North Caucasus Military District, Private R. M. Abdullin was part of the battalion of peacekeeping forces, which received the first blows of the Georgian troops. A shell fragment broke his legs. Having received a shrapnel wound, Private R. M. Abdullin, at the cost of his life, destroyed an enemy tank, which was shelling the positions of the battalion servicemen and civilians. The soldier died from blood loss on the battlefield.
Decree September 9, 2009 awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously.

11. Heroes of the Soviet Union
During the existence of the USSR, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to 12 thousand 775 people (3266 of them posthumously)

12. Heroes of the Russian Federation
The total number of recipients is 982, of which 445 were awarded posthumously.

A significant part of the Heroes of Russia are participants in the Great Patriotic War, for one reason or another, who did not receive their awards in a timely manner.

Almost half of those awarded are participants in the Chechen wars.

The dead live among the living, the departed have gone to return.
In all hearts, in all human homes, their inaudible steps are heard.
To forget them is to betray them!
Being indifferent is worse than being a murderer.
And not cast iron, not bronze, not granite, which have been false more than once,
And the memory of their generations keeps them, that's why they are alive posthumously!
We are learning today to build tomorrow,
So that the sky is forever blue.
No, we will never forget the heroes,
That for the sake of life they went into an immortal battle.

The song "Russia, take care of your boys" is performed

Letters from the front - how different you are.
With tears and laughter at times.
Letters from the front are so welcome -
You didn't all make it home...

The song "Lizaveta" is performed -

Children take the stage and read letters from the fronts
1. What did the soldier see in that war?
2. What did he write to the family about?
3. How did you live? What were you thinking about? Missing family, kids...
4. Fought ... Rejoiced and lived as long as he could ...
Vedas: And more. I felt that I would not return home ...
The soldier had one joy - letters from home. And home
the soldier also wrote, but he wrote in such a way that they would not worry.
1942, the battle near Moscow is in full swing, the soldiers are in the trenches, and he does not say a word about the war ...
5. Stamped 1942 Moscow
Voronezh region. Novozhiznensky Pos. "Red Ray", Praskovya Stepanovna Tormyshova
3rd battalion, 7th company.
Hello, Dad, Mom, Marusya, Pasha, grandmother, Valya and Stanislav.
Greetings to you from Moscow from Fedi. I live at the moment nothing.
I received your letters. 2 letters from Marusina and Pasha that you wrote 12
March, for which many thanks.
And I was so glad of your letters, and how you write to mine
letter. You had to cry a little.
Yes, and your letter also brought tears from my eyes from lack of restraint.
I missed the children of Valya and Stanislav, the whole house, and as for my life, then, in my opinion, you know in what conditions the fighters live. That is, the example is the same that fighters lived in our forest
in the summer in dugouts, and we are in winter apartments, and that the rest of the conditions are the same.
6. Nina, I now see you on the path, lost in high, agitated rye (and maybe grass - I didn’t understand from your letter). You follow it to the school. How I would like to meet you there.
Let's talk about the state of the country. You know yourself, cruel bloody battles began for the south, for the fat, eared stubble of the central expanses of our Russian land, now the question is “we or them?” There is a fight for life. Obviously, the outcome of those that have begun will decide the fate of the war. Either the Germans will be defeated and roll to the west, or else ... there can be no second. They will choke in their own blood in their last offensive. Yes, I believe in it because I want to. Damn it, because it is near Voronezh, near the walls, as well as in the region of Rostov, Novocherkassk. How close! Next, you shouldn't miss it. He must not be allowed access to all the wealth necessary for the defense of the country. No. Goodbye.
7. You know, Anyuta, I now look at life somehow a little differently. I find something interesting in it. I didn't pay attention to it before. Now the same thing is portrayed in a different light.
Often, when you rest and have free time, you mentally switch to civilian life. So, they say, the war is over, they were released from the army. Where would you start your life? What would you take on first? "What would you do?" - I ask a friend. So-and-so. "And you?" - you ask another. “And I, he says, would again continue to graze the cattle, go home to dine. And every housewife will cook the best, ”and begins to tell what he ate, how he came home on holidays, grabbing a glass in one house, then in another.
“After the war, I will live, I will live like this again,” he finishes.

I am sending an unfinished letter.
I don't know how to end.
Regards Boris.

8. I was killed near Rzhev in a nameless swamp,
In the fifth company on the left, with a hard raid.
I did not hear the gap, I did not see that flash, -
Just into the abyss from the cliff - and neither the bottom, nor the tire.

9. I know that you have anxiety in your heart - it is not easy to be the mother of a soldier!
I know that you are all looking at the road that I once left.
I know, wrinkles have become deeper, and shoulders are slightly hunched ...
Today, we fought to the death, mother, for the Victory, and for our meeting.

The song "And she answered - Victory!" -

Many songs about the war sounded,
Only there is nothing more precious for us than that
Songs that walked in an overcoat
Long road front.
We were born in a peaceful spring,
But the accordion sounds in the evenings -
And songs come like letters
From the front addressed to us.


A military medley is being performed.

Thank you, veterans - soldiers of the past war
For your heavy wounds, for your disturbing dreams.
For the fact that you saved your homeland, you are faithful to your filial duty,
Thank you, relatives, thank you, from those who do not know war!

The song "You survived the soldier" is performed

I did not crawl towards him under fire, I did not lie at his face.
I did not break into these forts on a sunny April day.
And in the smoke of the last attacks, straining the rest of my strength,
I didn't see the red flag flying over the burning city.

It was not my mother who escorted me with the first echelon here
To raise it from the ruins in those unkind years.
But I grew to him with my heart, and called him mine forever.
It has become dear to me now to the tears of these streets every quarter.

For me, even though I lived here a little, every meter of this land is holy,
After all, in any of the mass graves, our Russian people sleep.
The wind from the sea is harsh and fresh, driving clouds to the west ...
Here is my frontier for Russia - it means that the city will live for centuries!

Vedas: This year is significant for our region, 65 years since the founding of the Kaliningrad region. Old-timers remember well what this land was like after the war. Scorched cities and towns, destroyed factories and plants. Around the funnel from bombs and shells.
Settler trains came to us from Bryansk and Tambov.
And there were the first ships, and there were the first catches.
There was the first old tram,
There was the first plow that raised the arable land,
Thus began a new land,
And so ended the end of yesterday.

The song "In the glorious 45th" is performed

Rain conversation.
Not a day without rain, the sky is full of tears,
And I want the sun, but I want the stars ...
But the rain keeps coming, sometimes straight, sometimes oblique,
Either with hail in an embrace, or with a thunderstorm.

I'm sick of you, I tell him
And he told me: - I don’t understand you,
You scold me, you curse the city,
Why did you choose Kaliningrad?

I'll open my umbrella, I'll tell the rain
Why do I walk on this wet land,
Why, wandering around other cities,
Warm up, dry out - and again here.

In the city where I'm in forty-five, in the spring
In a soldier's overcoat said goodbye to the war,
Where after the bombings, fires, battles
My heart is written.

The rain stopped, fell silent. I dropped my umbrella
The horizon smiled slightly in the distance.
The last drops managed to say:
- All right, let it shine. Let's go to rest.

And I repeat - let it shine. And if it rains
My city is good in any weather.
My city is a worker, my city is a soldier.
Green-haired Kaliningrad.

Waltz performed by the cadets.

1**Great Russia, our dear mother!
What lofty word should I call your feat?
Tell me, what glory will crown your deeds?
What is the measure of the path that you have traveled?

2** No one has ever stood up in such grandeur.
You are above all glory, worthy of all praise!
And all the nations of the world. What went with us in the fight,
A grateful bow will bow to you!

3** Bow with all their hearts for all your deeds, ...
For your immortal feat, for everything that you have demolished;
For the fact that life and truth managed to defend,
Great Russia, our dear mother!

The song "About Russia" is performed

All participants of the concert come on stage

1. May there never be wars,
2. Let the sun shine brightly.
3. Let the tears dry to the bottom.
ALL: And let the children laugh.

The song "Don't Take the Sun from the Children" is performed

1. The solemn line dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the liberation of Alushta from the Nazi invaders is considered open! Installation of the HYMN. Song Why are you crying soldier The years have flown by, the battles have died down. Your wounds have healed, your wounds have healed, But, keeping loyalty to distant courage, You stand and are silent at the holy fire.

They say that a soldier does not cry: he is a soldier, And that old wounds hurt badly. But yesterday there was sun! And the sun in the morning ... Why are you crying, soldier, at the holy fire?
You survived, soldier! Though he died a hundred times, Though he buried his friends and even stood to death. Why did you freeze - a palm on your heart, And fire reflected in your eyes, like in streams?
Look, soldier, this is your youth: Sons are standing at a soldier's grave! So what are you thinking about, old soldier? Or is your heart burning? Or do the wounds hurt?
You survived, soldier! Though he died a hundred times, Though he buried his friends and even stood to death. Why did you freeze - a palm on your heart, And fire reflected in your eyes, like in streams? And in the eyes, as in streams, fire was reflected? 2. For the seventy-third time on April 15, the people of big Alushta celebrate as a great holiday - the day of triumph and memory, pride and sorrow - the holiday of the liberation of Alushta from the Nazi invaders. To these days, our people went through bloody battles, through years of severe suffering and trials. 3. Today, on our lineup there are invisibly participants of the Great Patriotic War, and with them those who guarded the peaceful labor of those who remained in the rear, those who strengthened the defense capability of our Motherland with heroic labor. 4. For more than 73 years there has been a peaceful sky over our glorious Alushta. It would not exist if our valiant warriors had not broken the back of the fascist beast. 5. Year 1941 and the years of nationwide struggle Even the dust of time cannot close this wound The country rose and went to the front honorably Received orders in battle. 6. The great feat of the soldiers-liberators, war and labor veterans who gave everything so that Crimea would not bow its head to the invaders will never fade in the memory of the people. 7. Alushta also did not submit. The partisans and underground fighters left behind enemy lines fought against the invaders. Their motto was "Wherever the enemy appears, he must find his own grave." 8. A fighter battalion under the command of S.E. Ivanov, an underground group under the leadership of Irina Vyalova operated in the Alushta region. 9. During the occupation behind enemy lines, the partisans carried out 8 military operations on enemy communications, 5 sabotage on the Simferopol-Alushta highway, blew up 48 vehicles, destroyed 296 enemy soldiers and 28 officers, and collected a lot of valuable intelligence. 10. Today, at a distance of many years, sometimes the right and necessary words are sometimes lacking to pay tribute to the feat of our fellow villagers, to express gratitude to the soldiers who went to the front and to the home front people who worked in factories, factories and fields in the name of the defense capability of the Motherland. 11. Aluston was still smoking black. A demon of evil rushed over him. April. The fifteenth. Morning comes, But the bloody night has not yet passed. 12 And the black demon feels death. He backs away before the power of the saint. A bright angel enters Alushta In a simple cap with a red star. 13. Partisan paths, partisan paths. Combat campaigns, fires of daring explosions... Dugouts and trenches are overgrown with grass, Only the memory is unable to forget these days. 14. How bridges and trains flew into the air, How a blizzard hid traces on the paths, How tired a detachment returned from battle, How the brave ranks thinned. 15. The obelisks stand where the battles were, Without bowing your head, you cannot pass by them. Forever the memory is kept in the southern Crimean villages About those who died on a difficult military path. 16. Do not be shy, people, cry At the grave of the saint. For your sake they threw themselves into a fight And lie in the damp ground... 17. They went with the last cry, But with the desire to win. Forever, giving the opportunity to See loved ones and love. 18. Do not be shy, everyone has been touched by this terrible misfortune. Do not hesitate to never see this Horror - 19. Faces of widows and mothers, blackened with grief, Who gave everything free of charge for the sake of their Motherland ... 20. On the pass on the high And near Alushta, and in Tver They sleep, sons of the peoples, Heroes of the Motherland ... 21 They went with the last cry, But with the desire to win. Do not be shy, people, to cry, After all, they could live ... 22. We, who did not know the war, bow low to veterans for their unfading feat, for self-sacrifice, for steadfastness, courage, endurance, faith, inflexibility and modesty! Their youth was scorched by the fierce fire of battles. We will remember this. 23. Veterans! Wear medals. They are for your Victory, For your honest wounds. Wear medals! They have warm dawns, What you defended in the trenches of that war. 25. The soldiers covered themselves with immortal glory. The names of the soldiers-liberators who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War are forever listed in the Book of Memory. 26. Glory to you, brave ones, glory to the immortals Eternal glory is sung to you by the people. Those who lived valiantly, crushed death, The memory of you will never die! 27. How many of you? Try to enumerate, Do not count, but anyway you are with us today, in our thoughts In every song, in the light noise of the leaves Quietly knocking on the window. 28. In the name of the dead and the living, So that the sun shines and children laugh, So that the bitter word “killed” is forgotten, People! Keep peace on the planet! 29. During the Great Patriotic War, hundreds and thousands of our countrymen fought on the fronts. The names of the soldiers who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War are forever listed in the "Book of Memory". Eternal glory to the fallen heroes-soldiers, sergeants and officers! 30. Let's bow to those great years, 31. To those glorious commanders and fighters 32. And to the country's marshals and privates, 33. Let's bow to both the dead and the living 34. To all those who must not be forgotten 35. Let's bow, bow, friends! 36. Let's honor the memory of the fallen with a moment of silence! A MINUTE OF SILENCE. Song “Cranes” It sometimes seems to me that the soldiers, Who did not come from the bloody fields, Did not die in this land once, But turned into white cranes. To this day, from the time of those distant ones, they fly and give us voices. Isn't that why we so often and sadly fall silent, looking at the heavens? Today, in the evening sometimes, I see how in the fog the cranes Fly in their definite formation, How they wandered through the fields as people. They fly, make their long way And call out someone's name. Isn't that why Avar speech has been similar to the cry of a crane From time immemorial? A tired wedge flies, flies across the sky - It flies in the fog at the end of the day, And in that formation there is a small gap - Perhaps this is the place for me! The day will come, and with a flock of cranes I will swim in the same gray haze, From under the sky, like a bird, calling out to all of you whom I left on earth

Attached files

Lyudmila Stepikina
The script dedicated to the Great Patriotic War "You survived, soldier"


dedicated to the Great Patriotic War

"But you survived, soldier»

Target: to instill in students a love for the Motherland, to attach them to social values ​​​​- patriotism, citizenship, historical memory, duty; form the foundations of national identity.


Studying the history of your region;

Raising a sense of love, pride in their homeland, readiness to defend it;

Developing in teenagers respect, mercy and empathy for veterans war and labor, families of fallen defenders Fatherland, elderly people;

Creation of the necessary conditions for the education of patriotism, as a spiritual component of the personality of a citizen.

Soundtrack of military songs.

Leading: Remember, through the centuries, through the years

Remember those who will never come again!

We are glad to welcome you, dear veterans and guests. Years go by, but even though we're further from that day, greatness it cannot be reduced. Great Our people have won Patriotic war(1941-1945) . Our country resembled a seriously wounded, tormented person. The Nazis destroyed and burned hundreds of cities, tens of thousands of settlements, killed many millions of people.

It is difficult to find a family in our country that did not suffer from that terrible wars. The victory was very expensive for us, so the smallest citizens of our country should know about it.

May 9, 1945 is the second birthday of each of us. We bow low to the victorious warriors.

Music number.

Leading: Let's bow those great years,

To all our commanders and fighters.

To all marshals of the country and privates.

Let's worship both the dead and the living.

To all those whom we must not forget.

Let's bow, bow friends!

War- these are not only heavy, bloody battles, decisive battles, such as the victory near Moscow in December 1941, the Battle of Stalingrad in July 1942, the tank battle on the Kursk Bulge. Yes, these are the main events. wars. But above all war is hard, exhausting, incessant work of people in the rear. They lived from hand to mouth, did not eat up, did not rest, forgot about themselves.

"Everything for the front, everything for victory"- the main slogan of those days.

Victory! Glorious Victory!

What happiness she had.

May our skies be clear

And the grass will be greener!

The floor is given to WWII veteran Kamenets Mikhail Evgenievich

(Musical number)

Leading: Many of our fellow countrymen fought against the Nazis, one of them is E. S. Smyk, who, unfortunately, is no longer with us, but his memory will remain forever.

From Kuban to Berlin passed the way soldier Yevgeny Stepanovich. He is a participant in many battles, left fame for himself - in prose and in verse.

From the photograph look at me

My fighting brothers.

Let them go, native land

For my living name days.

We will have a hot meeting

Let the glasses sparkle with champagne

And a candle burns in the window ...

She was found near Volgograd

In the steppe uncut grass,

On through a pierced shell

In a bloody rusty skin.

The war has scattered the pieces

In impotent rage across the fields.

And it seems to me that it is made of metal

The land of bread gives birth to us,

What from the holes of the Russian helmet.

Flashes of fire shot up -

Firebird from a children's fairy tale.

Tulips are burning for me

I love this steppe painfully,

I can't say goodbye to her.

For you, descendants, lips whisper -

"I'll save this helmet".

These are the poems left to us by our fellow countryman, a participant in the Second World War, E. S. Smyk.

Leading: An honorary citizen in our city was the writer K. Simonov, who freed from the Nazis, then the village of Gulkevichi. Simonov lodged in the house of Maria Ivanovna Novikova, who lived on Shkolnaya Street - this woman soldier K. Simonov dedicated his poem.

She was related in spirit soldiers' souls

Not the one from fairy tales, not the one

What was passed on the textbooks,

And the one that sobbed, I remember the Motherland.

She dreamed of me after the Victory

And a proud statue, crowned with glory,

And the eyes of the one who wept, who saw the troubles,

All endured by a Russian woman,

I remember you, my Marya Ivanovna,

Soldier's mother from the village of Gulkevichi.

And today this street bears the name the great writer. Simonova

People! As long as hearts are beating

What is the price for happiness?

Please remember!

Send your song in flight

About those who will never sing

Let's honor the heroes who died in that war, a moment of silence.

Leading: There are fewer and fewer who defended our Motherland, unfortunately, time is ruthless. Our guests today are veterans who will tell you guys about their awards.

The story of a veteran - Gorshenyov Vladimir Ivanovich

(Musical number)

Leading: Many years ago

Was great Victory Day.

Grandparents remember Victory Day

Knows each of the grandchildren

Honors great Victory Day

The whole mighty country.

2nd reader: On Victory Day, our grandfathers

They put on orders.

We are talking about the first Victory Day

We love listening to their story

How our grandfathers fought

For the whole world and for all of us

The story of a veteran - Radionova Larisa Grigoryevna.

Leading: And now, I want to present you, dear guests, souvenirs made by the hands of our guys.

1. Bow to you soldiers,

For blooming May

For the dawn over the hut,

For native land.

2. I bow soldiers

You for silence

For winged expanse -

Free country.

Leading A: Think about the world, fight for peace, we must daily, hourly. May our children grow and mature, keeping in their hearts the memory of the heroes who gave us a happy peaceful life.

(Musical number)

Leading: Thank you for the world, for the clear sky above your head. Low bow, dear veterans!

The song sounds "Victory Day".






Scenario of the theatrical performance dedicated to the celebration of the Victory Day holiday

Musical director of the CRI "Dream"


year 2012

The holiday is held in the CERTIFIC HALL of the CRI "DREAM"

AUDIENCE: pupils of CRI "DREAM" and invited guests.

PURPOSE OF THE HOLIDAY: to tell the audience about the exploits of the Russian people, about the heroism and courage of soldiers and children, peers of pupils. To evoke empathy with the heroes of songs and poems. Remind me of the great VICTORY.

A SCREEN is attached to the back wall of the hall, on which slides will be projected during the presentation. On both sides of the screen, drawings of pupils, St. George ribbons, flowers, and a camouflage net are attached.

Two GIRLS enter the playground. Slides "PEACEFUL LIFE" are projected onto a screen fixed along the wall. They perform verses by R. Rozhdestvensky

GIRL Fighting in the yard again?

GIRL Yeah! Mom, I didn't cry!

When I grow up, I will become a sailor, I already swam in the bath!

GIRL ("mother") God, not a girl, but trouble, my strength is gone!

GIRL ("daughter") Mom, when will I grow up?

GIRL ("mother") You will grow up, eat a cutlet.

GIRL ("daughter") Mom, can we buy a live horse?

GIRL ("mother") Horse?! Yes, what is it doing?

GIRL ("daughter") Mom, will they accept me as a pilot?

GIRL ("mother") They will accept, where will they go!

You, my daughter, will be able to shake the soul out of everyone.

GIRL ("daughter") Mom, is it true that there will be a war and I won't have time to grow up?

GIRLS leave. "COTTAGE RESIDENTS" come out to the site. Slides "COTTAGE, FOREST, FLOWERS" are projected on the screen

COTTAGE WOMAN So, come visit us tomorrow at the dacha!

We collect cornflowers at least in an armful

It's been a wonderful rain today

Silver stud with a diamond cap.

The train goes to Pushkino at nine

Look, you can't refuse

The cuckoo laid an egg in our grove

To congratulate you on your upcoming happiness.

You will be on the stage of the forest theater

Our whole program is shown at once

Have a great day tomorrow

And the thunder is provided and the rain is ordered!

On the last stanza, the phonogram “NOISE OF RAIN, THUNDER” is displayed, gradually displayed in “ART SHELL”. The summer residents leave the site.

PHONEGRAM "ARTILISION, RAIL, EXPLOSIONS". Boys in military uniform exit. To the song of B. Okudzhava "Goodbye, boys!" pass and at a certain moment wave their hands in farewell and turn their backs to the audience. SLIDES 15-20

Oh, war, what have you done, vile:

Our yards have become quiet,

Our boys raised their heads

They have matured so far

On the threshold barely loomed

And the soldiers went after the soldier...

Goodbye boys! Boys

No, don't hide, be tall

Spare neither bullets nor grenades

And you do not spare yourself ... And yet

Try to go back.

Oh, war, what have you done, vile one:

Instead of weddings - separation and smoke!

Our girls dresses are white

They gave away to their sisters.

Boots ... Well, where can you get away from them?

Yes, green wings of shoulder straps ...

You spit on the gossips, girls!

We'll settle accounts with them later.

Let them talk that you have nothing to believe in,

What are you going to war at random ...

Goodbye girls! Girls,

Try to get back!

Five YOUTH remain on the court, two turn to the audience.

YOUTH In the hour of trials, bow to the Fatherland

In Russian, at her feet and tell her:

Mother! You are my life, you are dearer to me than life

YOUTH To live with you!

to die with you!

YOUTH Love her, swear like our grandfathers

Mountain to stand for her life and honor

To say in the desired hour of victory:

And there is a drop of my honey here!

ISSUE "FOUR DAYS BEFORE THE WAR" The props "ORDENSKIY PLANKS" are used Slides 21-23 (everyone left the site)

Song "RUSSIAN FIELD" SLIDES 24-30. EXIT GIRLS in headscarves and YOUTH in folk costume.

YOUTH Not a cloud - the weather in the morning

And it means anxiety again

October forty-one

Slowly sailing along the Volga

Radio, black saucer

Sadly growls misfortune

Cities surrender again

Parts retreat again.

Do not be a country under enemies

And to be kind and free

As long as the wheat is with you

As long as there is enough bread!

NUMBER "TANKS" LYUBE - "And the battlefield rests on tanks."

And the battlefield rests on tanks,

Motors roar and armor flashes.

Through the mud, through the ravines of the stations,

Break through any line of fire.And the enemy will tremble from a tank attack,

R the impenetrable refuge will be ours.

A hundred grams from a dusty flask,

The crew will lift the native for the tank.And beyond the Urals, the gray-haired creator of victory,

Tankers will not forget to remember.

Let the infirmaries miss us without us,

Order received tomorrow again on the road.

The tanks are leaving in slender columns,

the tanks leave in dry feather grasses.

And over the earth from the hot battle,

Zarnitsy loudly see them off.And he is not a tank for the stars on his uniform,

Near Prokhorovka he was wounded in battle.

Thank you T-34,for my fighting youth.The order was received with a song under the talyanka,

Oh, tankers, sunset or dawn.

And there is no other way, no.

After all, the battlefield rests on tanks,

And there is no other way, no.

Young men come out in front of the girls and hold black beams in their hands (like rifles). SLIDES 31-36. BOYS at the end of the act assemble (from beams) anti-tank "hedgehogs", put them on the stage. The girls are gone.

YOUTH My comrades were burned in tanks (SLIDE 37)

To ashes, to ashes to ashes.

Grass that covers half the world

Of them, of course, sprouted.

My comrades on the mines

Blown up, soared up,

And many stars - distant, peaceful

Of them, my friends, lit up!


YOUTH Who said you have to quit

Songs at war?

After the fight, the heart asks

Double music!

GIRL With a bayonet and a bullet together

The song stings, the song beats

Sing along to our song

Machine gun and plane!

The YOUTH and the GIRL leave. The PARTISANS with an accordion and a guitar come out onto the platform. One with a bandaged head, the other with a "wounded" hand in a sling. They perform the song "In the Zemlyanka" music by K. Listov, lyrics by A. Surkov. At the moment of performance, slides 41-44 are projected (or potpourri

The fire is beating in the cramped stove,
Resin on the logs, like a tear.
And the accordion sings to me in the dugout
About your smile and eyes.

The bushes whispered to me about you
In snow-white fields near Moscow.
I want you to hear
How longing is my living voice.

You are now far, far away
Between us snow and snow ...
It's hard for me to get to you
And there are four steps to death.

Sing, harmonica, blizzard out of spite,
Call the entangled happiness.
I'm warm in a cold dugout
From my undying love.

I'm warm in a cold dugout
From my undying love.

The arrival of a military postman brings letters (triangular). SOLDIERS receive letters, unfold, “read”. SLIDES 45-48 are being projected)

NUMBER "CALL ME QUIETLY BY NAME" (music by I. Matvienko, lyrics by A. Shaganov)

Call me softly by my name
Give me spring water to drink
Will the boundless heart respond
Unsaid, stupid, tender
Again twilight enters sleepless
Window panes will be blocked for me again
Lilacs and currants nod there
Call me, quiet motherland
Call me at sunset
Call me at sunset
Call me, my sadness, my sadness, call me
I know our date will come true
Parting with you dragged on
The blue moon is hiding behind the city
Do not yearn for me and do not cry
Bells or distant echo
Only we passed by with you
Sprayed around, hoofed
Didn't even see the road
Call me at sunset
Call me, my sadness, my sadness, call me
Call me at sunset
Call me, my sadness, my sadness, call me
Call me softly by my name
Give me spring water to drink
I know our date will come true
I'll be back, I'll keep my promise...

The POSTMAN reads poetry. SLIDES 49-54

POSTMAN In blockade days

We never found out:

Between youth and childhood

Where is the line?

We were given medals in forty-three

And only in the forty-fifth passport!

I only saw melee once

Once upon a time. And hundreds of times - in a dream ....

Who says that war is not scary,

He knows nothing about the war.

Phonogram of the FANFARA "VICTORY DAY". SLIDES 56-59


YOUTH War, damned war!

Who needs it, tell me?

After all, life is given to us for joy ...

Keep her from wars, from troubles ...

YOUTH Born in the nineties

We did not know the war, but still

To some extent, we all

returned from that war.

YOUTH We do not know cannons of cannonade

We do not know the horrors of the blockade

One thing we know: we don't!

War is not necessary!

ALL No! No need!

SONG "You survived, soldier!" (PHONOGRAM)

The years have flown by
The battles have died down
Got sick, tired
your wounds,
But with great courage
keeping fidelity,
You stand and are silent
By the holy fire.

You survived, soldier
Though he died a hundred times
Though friends buried
And at least he stood to death.
Why are you frozen
Hand on heart?
And in the eyes, as in streams,
Reflected fire.

They say they don't cry
A soldier is a soldier
And that old wounds
They hurt badly.
But yesterday was the sun
And the sun in the morning...
Why are you crying, soldier
By the holy fire?

You survived, soldier
Though he died a hundred times
Though friends buried
And at least he stood to death.
Why are you frozen
Hand on heart?
And in the eyes, as in streams,
Reflected fire.

Look, soldier
This is your youth
At the soldier's grave
The sons are standing.
So what do you think
Old soldier?
Or the heart hurts
Or the wounds burn...

You survived, soldier
Though he died a hundred times
Though friends buried
And at least he stood to death.
Why are you frozen
Hand on heart?
And in the eyes, as in streams,
Reflected fire.

You survived, soldier
Though he died a hundred times
Though friends buried
And at least he stood to death.
Why are you frozen
Hand on heart?
And in the eyes, as in streams,
Reflected fire.

After the song, all participants sing the song "MY RUSSIA" Music by G. Struve, words by N. Solovieva. Everyone is waving St. George ribbons, branches of lilacs (flowers), flags of Russia. SLIDE 61

My Russia has long pigtails
My Russia has bright eyelashes,
My Russia has blue eyes
On me, Russia, you are very similar.

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing
Downpours pour over Russia
Colored rainbow in the sky
There is no more beautiful land.

For me, Russia is white birches,
For me, Russia is morning dew.
For me, Russia, you are the most precious thing,
How much you look like my mother.

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing
Downpours pour over Russia
Colored rainbow in the sky
There is no more beautiful land.

You, my Russia, will warm everyone with warmth,
You, my Russia, know how to sing songs.
You, my Russia, are inseparable from us,
After all, our Russia is me and my friends.

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing
Downpours pour over Russia
Colored rainbow in the sky
There is no more beautiful land

Who's coming out



noise, background light




Slides 1 to 5

Ivantsova O.D.

Popova E.I. and ALBINA

6-14 last lilac

Sounds of the rain


Popova E.I.







Slides 15-20 last Wagon with SOLDIERS



Ivantsova O.D.








Four days before the war

Ivantsova O.D.








Russian field












37 slide









In Dugout










Call me softly by my name

Letter triangular






Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 49

Mines of the Rostov region

The script for the line dedicated to the holiday of May 9th.

Prepared by Tarasenko Tatyana Nikolaevna

Primary school teacher MBOU secondary school No. 49

Mines of the Rostov region


Ruler for grades 1-4, dedicated to Victory Day

(The song "Unbidden War" sounds)

That bitter date is close to any family. . .

22nd, 41st, summer. . .

71 years have already passed, but do not forget about that time.

Everyone remembers that war: adults and children.

Leading: All under your feet

globe of the earth.

I live. I breathe. I sing.

But always in my memory

Killed in battle.

Let me not name all the names

There is no blood relatives.

Isn't that why I live

What did they die?

(Song "I flew like an angel")


Those who went into battle for their homeland, survived and won ....

To those who were burned in the Buchenwald ovens,

To those who, at river crossings, went like a stone to the bottom.

For those who forever, nameless, sunk into fascist captivity,

Those who, for the sake of a just cause, were ready to give their hearts,

To those who lay down under cars instead of pontoon bridges,

Dedicated to all those who went into immortality and won...


It was a summer Sunday, June 22, 1941. The sun shone gently, warming the earth with its rays. The reeds whispered to each other. The birds were singing with all their voices. People woke up, made plans for the day off. Nothing is foreshadowinghello misfortune.

And the sea overflowed during the white night,

And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,

Not knowing, not knowing grief.

Walking from school evenings

That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,

It will end only in the 45th in May!

3. It seemed that the flowers were cold,

And from the dew they faded a little,

The dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes,

They searched with German binoculars.

4. The flower is all in dewdrops, stuck to the flower,

And the border guard held out his hands to them.

And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment

They climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches.

5. Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed

Who knew that between peace and war

There are only five minutes left.

Leading: 71 years have already passed since that victorious spring, but each of us will shudder, hearing again for the first time terrible phrases that beat right into the heart.

(g/z Levitan "Declaration of the beginning of the war")

(Song “Get up, the country is huge ...”)


From the boundless Siberian plain

To woodland forests and swamps

The heroic people rose,

Our great Soviet people.

He came out: free and right,

Answering war with war

Stand up for your native state

For our mighty country.

    The war is 1725 destroyed and burned cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and villages in our country. War is 32 thousand blown up plants and factories.

    War is 900 days and nights of besieged Leningrad. This is 125 grams of bread per day. These are tons of bombs and shells falling on civilians.

    War is 20 hours at the machine a day. This is a crop that has grown on the ground salted with sweat. These are bloody calluses on the palms of girls and boys like you.

    War is the death of people who did not spare their lives, went to their death in order to drive the fascists from our land.

    War is yellowed triangles - front-line letters to the closest and dearest.

- Forty-first! June.
Year and month of nationwide struggle.
Even the dust of time
This date cannot be delayed.
The country rose
And went to the front porto
red stars,
Carrying away banners on the canvases.

(Song "Ballad of a Soldier")

Forty second! To Leningrad
Covered on three sides
Hitler was marching with 40 divisions.
Bombed. He brought the artillery closer,
But did not shake a single micron
Didn't stop for a moment
He is the heartbeat of Leningrad.
And seeing this, the enraged enemy,
Assuming the city to take from the raid,
It would seem that experienced strategists,
He called for help: Frost and Gloom.
And they came ready to win
And the third, Hunger, followed them.

Forty third!
In the damp steppe under the dig,
Where we broke the lines
Where were the long trenches.
Ditches, barriers, dugouts.
There, at the deserted crossroads,
So that the country remembers them
On the stars, on plywood boards
We wrote names.

Leading : In moments of respite between battles, the front-line harmonica often sounded, and the soldiers remembered their loved ones, relatives, and loved ones.

(Song "In the dugout")

Another war, but we stubbornly believe
What will be the day, we will drink the pain to the bottom.
The wide world will open the doors for us again,
Silence will rise with the new dawn.

There was still darkness,
The grass wept in the mist.
The ninth day of big May,
Already came into his own.
All over the country from end to end
There is no such city, no village,
Wherever Victory comes in May
Great ninth.
Someone sang and someone cried
And someone slept in the damp earth ...

(Song "You survived, soldier...")

(G/z Levitan about the end of the war)


She made such a mark

And laid so many on the ground,

That 40 years and 50

The living can't believe they're alive.

On the ninth day of jubilant May,

When silence fell on the ground.

The news rushed from end to end:

The world has won! The war is over!

Even then we were not in the world,

When fireworks rumbled from end to end.

Soldiers, you gave the planet

Great May, victorious May!

Leading: Today we say words of gratitude to those who are not with us. Those who did not live, did not hammer, did not finish their songs.

Inextinguishable memory of generations

And the memory of those whom we sacredly honor,

Let's people stand up for a moment

And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Leading: A moment of silence is announced.


In the name of the Motherland -
For the sake of the living
In the name of the future

Victory! Glorious victory!
What happiness she had!
May the sky be forever clear
And the grass will be greener!

Let the days of war drag on for a very long time,

Let the years of peace pass quickly.

Victories near Moscow, near Kursk and on the Volga

History will remember forever.

Salute and glory to the anniversary

Forever memorable day.

Salute to the Victory in Berlin

Fire trampled down the power of fire.

Salute her big and small

Creators who walked the path alone.

Her fighters and generals,

Heroes fallen and alive!

(Song “Victory spring of the 45th ...”)

We need peace on the blue planet!
Both adults and children want it.
They want to wake up at dawn
Do not remember, do not think about the war.

We need peace to build cities
Plant trees and work in the field.
All people of good will want him -
We need peace forever! Forever and ever!

(Song "Solar Circle")

Through the centuries, through the years -
About those who won't come
Never -

As long as hearts are beating

At what cost
Happiness has been won

(Song "Victory Day")


I flew like an angel

I flew as an angel
And saw the smoke of battles
It's nobody's fault
that everyone wanted to live

My grandfather died there
From many wounds
Covered him with a wing
Did not let the enemies finish

I flew as an angel
Dragged him into the trench
Called my sister for blood

I deflected bullets
They flew to the target
But I couldn't save everyone.
Where everyone wanted to live

I flew as an angel
So that the father can be born
I dragged my grandfather
From the last strength

brought the doctor
Made me pray
For God to help
And I flew after him

I flew as an angel
And saw the smoke of battles
And an angel would remain to be

I flew as an angel
And saw the smoke of battles
And an angel would remain to be
But grandfather survived from many wounds
And punished to live my earthly life
And punished to live my earthly life

In the dugout

And the accordion sings to me in the dugout
About your smile and eyes.
The bushes whispered to me about you
In snow-white fields near Moscow,
I want you to hear
How longing is my living voice.
I want you to hear
How longing is my living voice.

You are now far, far away
Between us snow and snow.
It's hard for me to get to you
And there are four steps to death.
Sing, harmonica, blizzard out of spite,
Call the entangled happiness.
I'm warm in a cold dugout
From your unquenchable love.
I'm warm in a cold dugout
From your unquenchable love.

Victory Spring

1. We will walk along the main street with the orchestra today,

Fellow soldiers, glorious heroes, we will find today.

Combat, fire orders are burning in the sun,

Victory salute for you, my beloved country!


Victorious spring of the forty-fifth

She waltzed along with the soldiers.

And the marshals of happy tears did not hide,

In the victorious spring of the forty-fifth! (2 times)

We sing a song about a dugout and about a blue scarf,

We will sing a song about a dark-skinned woman and a Danube wreath.

About how three tankers boldly won in battle,

And of course I will sing a song about Katyusha!

Apple and pear trees blossomed

Mists floated over the river.

Katyusha went ashore,

To the high bank, to the steep one! (2 times)

Today we will walk along the main street with the orchestra,

Spring and joy will knock on each of our homes today.

Let my beloved country live under a peaceful sky,

Let every spring bloom and sing!


World! Spring! Victory!

Ballad of a Soldier

Field, along the steep coast,
Past the huts
In the gray overcoat of an ordinary
There was a soldier.
There was a soldier, not knowing barriers
There was a soldier, losing friends,
Often, it happened
Went without a halt
The soldier walked forward.

He walked through stormy nights
In rain and hail
Song with friends frontline
The soldier sang.
The soldier sang, swallowing tears,
I sang about Russian birches,
About brown eyes
About your father's house,
Soldiers sang along the way