The greatest achievements of Russia. Russian achievements in various fields

When we say the Russian world, we mean Russian civilization with its achievements, ups and downs of its statehood, its constant transformation and plasticity of a living organism in the growth and dynamics of development. During the years of Soviet power, the Russian world has undergone hitherto unprecedented changes, which, logically and on a scale, should have overthrown and destroyed Russian civilization a priori, but this did not happen, but it radically changed the entire vector of development, despite the fact that it was not able to eradicate the very foundation − mentality of the Russian people.

At the beginning of the last century, the Russian nation was rapidly developing, both in the scientific and technical aspect, and in the spiritual and in the field of art. There was an incredible population explosion in the central provinces of Russia - Great Russia, where the average number of children in families was 6 - 8 in the upper classes and the Cossacks, and from 8 children in peasant families. What in the future would ensure the ethnic prosperity of the Russian nation for centuries - blue-eyed Russia.

The greatness, prosperity and power of Russia was still predicted by the great Mikhail Lomonosov, who said that “the greatness and wealth of Russia will grow with Siberia”, as they say: I saw it in the root, not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. In the middle of the 20th century, our unforgettable Dmitri Mendeleev calculated that the Slavic population of the Russian Empire would be about 500 thousand people, despite the fact that the population of Central Asia and the Caucasus will be about 250 thousand. But this is on condition that Russia will be given the opportunity to develop peacefully, without wars and revolutions. Feel the breath of this power. But alas, it did not come true, just as the dream of the great statesman of Russia Pyotr Stolypin did not come true:

You need Great upheavals, but we need Great Russia! Give Russia 20 years of inner and outer peace and Russia... (I don’t want to write further than this, because it becomes bitter. It’s bitter and hurtful and painful in Russian.)

We all know that Russia received neither calmness, nor peace, nor respite in the 20th century in order to become an unbending giant of the world. But even with all the incredible intricacies of our history, she managed to make it the achievements of her best sons and daughters. And those great achievements of the Russian nation in various fields, omitting the military (This is a special pride of Russia.), I present in this study.

Achievements of Russians in various fields
From this incomplete list of Russian victories and contribution to world culture and history, one can already imagine and feel the breath of greatness. This list was prepared by Yuri Maksimov. And so we absorb the creative greatness of the nation.

1. P.N. Yablochkov and A.N. Lodygin - the world's first electric light bulb
2. A.S. Popov - radio
3. V.K. Zworykin - the world's first electron microscope, television and television broadcasting
4. A.F. Mozhaisky - the inventor of the world's first aircraft
5. I.I. Sikorsky - a great aircraft designer, created the world's first helicopter, the world's first bomber
6. A.M. Ponyatov - the world's first video recorder
7. S.P. Korolev - the world's first ballistic missile, spacecraft, the first satellite of the Earth
8. A.M. Prokhorov and N.G. Basov - the world's first quantum generator - maser
9. S.V. Kovalevskaya (the world's first female professor)
10. S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky - the world's first color photograph
11. A.A. Alekseev - the creator of the needle screen
12. F.A. Pirotsky - the world's first electric tram
13. F.A. Blinov - the world's first caterpillar tractor
14. V.A. Starevich - volume-animated film
15. E.M. Artamonov - invented the world's first bicycle with pedals, a steering wheel, a turning wheel
16. O.V. Losev - the world's first amplifying and generating semiconductor device
17. V.P. Mutilin - the world's first mounted construction harvester
18. A.R. Vlasenko - the world's first grain harvester
19. V.P. Demikhov - the first in the world to perform a lung transplant and the first to create a model of an artificial heart
20. A.P. Vinogradov - created a new direction in science - isotope geochemistry
21. I.I. Polzunov - the world's first heat engine
22. G.E. Kotelnikov - the first backpack rescue parachute
23. I.V. Kurchatov is the world's first nuclear power plant (Obninsk), also under his leadership, the world's first hydrogen bomb with a capacity of 400 kt was developed, detonated on August 12, 1953. It was the Kurchatov team that developed the RDS-202 thermonuclear bomb (Tsar bomb) with a record power of 52,000 kt.
24. M.O. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky - invented a three-phase current system, built a three-phase transformer, which put an end to the dispute between supporters of direct (Edison) and alternating current
25. V.P. Vologdin, the world's first high-voltage liquid cathode mercury rectifier, developed induction furnaces for the use of high-frequency currents in industry
26. S.O. Kostovich - created the world's first gasoline engine in 1879
27. V.P. Glushko - the world's first electric / thermal rocket engine
28. V.V. Petrov - discovered the phenomenon of arc discharge
29. N.G. Slavyanov - electric arc welding
30. I.F. Alexandrovsky - invented a stereo camera
31. D.P. Grigorovich - creator of the seaplane
32. V.G. Fedorov - the world's first machine gun
33. A.K. Nartov - built the world's first lathe with a movable caliper
34. M.V. Lomonosov - for the first time in science formulated the principle of conservation of matter and motion, for the first time in the world he began to teach a course in physical chemistry, for the first time he discovered the existence of an atmosphere on Venus
35. I.P. Kulibin - mechanic, developed the project of the world's first wooden arched single-span bridge, inventor of the searchlight
36. V.V. Petrov - physicist, developed the world's largest galvanic battery; opened an electric arc
37. P.I. Prokopovich - for the first time in the world invented a frame hive, in which he used a store with frames
38. N.I. Lobachevsky - Mathematician, creator of "non-Euclidean geometry"
39. D.A. Zagryazhsky - invented the caterpillar
40. B.O. Jacobi - invented electroforming and the world's first electric motor with direct rotation of the working shaft
41. P.P. Anosov - metallurgist, revealed the secret of making ancient damask steel
42. D.I. Zhuravsky - for the first time developed the theory of calculations of bridge trusses, which is currently used all over the world
43. N.I. Pirogov - for the first time in the world compiled an atlas "Topographic Anatomy", which has no analogues, invented anesthesia, gypsum and much more
44. I.R. Hermann - for the first time in the world compiled a summary of uranium minerals
45. A.M. Butlerov - for the first time formulated the main provisions of the theory of the structure of organic compounds
46. ​​I.M. Sechenov - the creator of evolutionary and other schools of physiology, published his main work "Reflexes of the brain"
47. D.I. Mendeleev - discovered the periodic law of chemical elements, the creator of the table of the same name
48. M.A. Novinsky - veterinarian, laid the foundations of experimental oncology
49. G.G. Ignatiev - for the first time in the world developed a system of simultaneous telephony and telegraphy over one cable
50. K.S. Drzewiecki - built the world's first electric powered submarine
51. N.I. Kibalchich - for the first time in the world developed a scheme of a rocket aircraft
52. N.N. Benardos - invented electric welding
53. V.V. Dokuchaev - laid the foundations of genetic soil science
54. V.I. Sreznevsky - Engineer, invented the world's first aerial camera
55. A.G. Stoletov - physicist, for the first time in the world created a photocell based on the external photoelectric effect
56. P.D. Kuzminsky - built the world's first radial gas turbine
57. I.V. Boldyrev - the first flexible light-sensitive non-combustible film, formed the basis for the creation of cinema
58. I.A. Timchenko - developed the world's first movie camera
59. S.M. Apostolov-Berdichevsky and M.F. Freidenberg - created the world's first automatic telephone exchange
60. N.D. Pilchikov, a physicist, created and successfully demonstrated a wireless control system for the first time in the world
61. V.A. Gassiev - engineer, built the world's first phototypesetting machine
62. K.E. Tsiolkovsky - the founder of cosmonautics
63. P.N. Lebedev - physicist, for the first time in science experimentally proved the existence of light pressure on solids
64. I.P. Pavlov - the creator of the science of higher nervous activity
65. V.I. Vernadsky - naturalist, founder of many scientific schools
66. A.N. Scriabin - composer, for the first time in the world used lighting effects in the symphonic poem "Prometheus"
67. N.E. Zhukovsky - creator of aerodynamics
68. S.V. Lebedev - first received artificial rubber
69. G.A. Tikhov, an astronomer, was the first in the world to establish that the Earth, when observed from space, should have a blue color. Later, as you know, this was confirmed when shooting our planet from space.
70. N.D. Zelinsky - developed the world's first carbon highly effective gas mask
71. N.P. Dubinin - geneticist, discovered gene divisibility
72. M.A. Kapelyushnikov - invented the turbodrill in 1922
73. E.K. Zavoisky - discovered electric paramagnetic resonance
74. N.I. Lunin - proved that there are vitamins in the body of living beings
75. N.P. Wagner - discovered insect pedogenesis
76. Svyatoslav Fedorov - the first in the world to perform an operation to treat glaucoma
77. S.S. Yudin - for the first time used in the clinic the blood transfusion of suddenly dead people
78. A.V. Shubnikov - predicted existence and created piezoelectric textures for the first time
79. L.V. Shubnikov - Shubnikov-de Haas effect (magnetic properties of superconductors)
80. N.A. Izgaryshev - discovered the phenomenon of passivity of metals in non-aqueous electrolytes
81. P.P. Lazarev - creator of the ion theory of excitation
82. P.A. Molchanov - meteorologist, created the world's first radiosonde
83. N.A. Umov - a physicist, the equation of energy movement, the concept of energy flow; by the way, he was the first to explain practically and without ether the fallacies of the theory of relativity
84. E.S. Fedorov - the founder of crystallography
85. G.S. Petrov - chemist, the world's first synthetic detergent
86. V.F. Petrushevsky - scientist and general, invented a range finder for gunners
87. I.I. Orlov - invented a method for making woven banknotes and a method for single-pass multiple printing (Orlov printing)
88. Mikhail Ostrogradsky - mathematician, O. formula (multiple integral)
89. P.L. Chebyshev - mathematician, Ch. polynomials (orthogonal system of functions), parallelogram
90. P.A. Cherenkov - physicist, Ch. radiation (new optical effect), Ch. counter (detector of nuclear radiation in nuclear physics)
91. D.K. Chernov - points Ch. (critical points of phase transformations of steel)
92. V.I. Kalashnikov is not the same Kalashnikov, but another, who was the first in the world to equip river ships with a steam engine with multiple steam expansion
93. A.V. Kirsanov - organic chemist, reaction K. (phosphozoreaction)
94. A.M. Lyapunov - mathematician, created the theory of stability, equilibrium and motion of mechanical systems with a finite number of parameters, as well as L.'s theorem (one of the limit theorems of probability theory)
95. Dmitry Konovalov - chemist, Konovalov's laws (elasticity of parasolutions)
96. S.N. Reformatsky - organic chemist, Reformatsky reaction
97. V.A. Semennikov, a metallurgist, was the first in the world to carry out the semeration of copper matte and obtain blister copper
98. I.R. Prigogine - physicist, P.'s theorem (thermodynamics of non-equilibrium processes)
99. M.M. Protodyakonov - a scientist, developed a scale of rock strength generally accepted in the world
100. M.F. Shostakovsky - organic chemist, balm Sh. (vinylin)
101. M.S. Color - Color method (chromatography of plant pigments)
102. A.N. Tupolev - designed the world's first jet passenger aircraft and the first supersonic passenger aircraft
103. A.S. Famintsyn - a plant physiologist, was the first to develop a method for implementing photosynthetic processes under artificial lighting
104. B.S. Stechkin - created two great theories - the thermal calculation of aircraft engines and jet engines
105. A.I. Leipunsky - physicist, discovered the phenomenon of energy transfer by excited atoms and molecules to free electrons during collisions
106. D.D. Maksutov - optician, telescope M. (meniscus system of optical instruments)
107. N.A. Menshutkin - chemist, discovered the effect of a solvent on the rate of a chemical reaction
108. I.I. Mechnikov - the founders of evolutionary embryology
109. S.N. Winogradsky - discovered chemosynthesis
110. V.S. Pyatov - metallurgist, invented a method for the production of armor plates by rolling
111. A.I. Bakhmutsky - invented the world's first coal combine (for coal mining)
112. A.N. Belozersky - discovered DNA in higher plants
113. S.S. Bryukhonenko - physiologist, created the first heart-lung machine in the world (autojector)
114. G.P. Georgiev - biochemist, discovered RNA in the nuclei of animal cells
115. E.A. Murzin - invented the world's first optical-electronic synthesizer "ANS"
116. P.M. Golubitsky - Russian inventor in the field of telephony
117. V.F. Mitkevich - for the first time in the world proposed the use of a three-phase arc for welding metals
118. L.N. Gobyato - colonel, the world's first mortar was invented in Russia in 1904
119. V.G. Shukhov, an inventor, was the first in the world to use steel mesh shells for the construction of buildings and towers
120. I.F. Kruzenshtern and Yu.F. Lisyansky - made the first Russian round-the-world trip, studied the islands of the Pacific Ocean, described the life of Kamchatka and Fr. Sakhalin
121. F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev - discovered Antarctica
122. The world's first icebreaker of the modern type - the steamship of the Russian fleet "Pilot" (1864), the first Arctic icebreaker - "Ermak", built in 1899 under the leadership of S.O. Makarov.
123. V.N. Shchelkachev - the founder of biogeocenology, one of the founders of the doctrine of phytocenosis, its structure, classification, dynamics, relationships with the environment and its animal population
124. Alexander Nesmeyanov, Alexander Arbuzov, Grigory Razuvaev - creation of chemistry of organoelement compounds.
125. V.I. Levkov - under his leadership, for the first time in the world, air-cushion vehicles were created
126. G.N. Babakin - Russian designer, creator of Soviet moon rovers
127. P.N. Nesterov - the first in the world to perform a closed curve in a vertical plane on an airplane, a “dead loop”, later called the “Nesterov loop”
128. B.B. Golitsyn - became the founder of the new science of seismology

And this is just a small and insignificant part of the huge contribution of Russians to the treasury of world science and culture. What does it have to do with the compiler of the list did not touch on the contribution of Russians to art. And what a huge contribution this is to literature, painting and much more - it is difficult to overestimate here. In many ways, the compiler did not touch on a large part of the social sciences, and this contribution is also far from meager. And besides all other achievements, there is an outstanding contribution in the form of objects and phenomena - these are such as the "First Cosmonaut", "Kalashnikov Assault Rifle", "First Ekranoplan" and many, many others.

And it is almost impossible to list everything, the creative thought of the Russian people is so huge and comprehensive. But even such a cursory glance at the achievements of the Russians of the last century and a half allows us to draw the necessary conclusions ... what is the Russian world and Russian civilization.

And we must remember this, teach and educate our children and future generations. We have much to be proud of. This is our pride and heritage of the Russian world and world heritage.

Today we live in a world where there is practically everything that a person could wish for. But it was not always so. Mankind has long and painstakingly created such conditions. It is difficult to imagine that people used to do without the modern benefits of civilization. Russia, of course, is the locomotive of progress. Every person in our great country should know about its achievements and be proud of them. This is our dignity, heritage and history.

Light bulb and radio

The scientific achievements of Russia are valued all over the world, as they have made a huge contribution to the development of the civilization of all modern mankind. Among them there are those that we know about from school, but there are those that are known mainly in narrow circles (their value is no less).

Today, there is an electric light bulb in every home, but the first light bulbs were lit thanks to Russian engineers P. N. Yablochkov and A. N. Lodygin (1874). Initially, their invention was not recognized in their homeland, and they were forced to develop their ideas in a foreign land. Of course, it took scientists a lot of time and effort to create a small lighting device. A significant contribution to the improvement of the lamp was made by the American Thomas Edison, but Russian scientists were the first to create it!

Radio is an achievement of Russia, thanks to the brilliant physicist and electrical engineer Popov A.S. (1895). It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of radio in the history of mankind. Abroad, the championship of Alexander Stepanovich is often disputed, but there are facts confirming this. By the way, the invention and contribution of the professor were immediately recognized in Russia, for which he was awarded.

Airplane and helicopter

The achievement of Russia and the contribution of her husbands to the development of modern aviation are of a breakthrough nature. Russian military leader and inventor Mozhaisky A.F. For decades, he was ahead of his Western associates in the creation and successful use of an aeronautical vessel. In 1876, he was the first in the world to fly comfortably on a kite he created, a little later he introduced the world's first steam-powered aircraft (1882).

The greatest aircraft designer with his inventions adds to the list of "Great Achievements of Russia". His fate was such that he was forced to immigrate to the United States, so the Americans are also proud of the results of the work of this brilliant designer. Igor Ivanovich was the first in the world to create a four-engine aircraft (1913), a heavy four-engine bomber and a passenger aircraft (1914), a transatlantic seaplane and a single-rotor helicopter (1942). It is worth noting that he embodied his last ideas in the USA, although the inventor had a very difficult time there.

Russian scientists are the engines of progress

The technical achievements of Russia are inextricably linked with such inventors as Polzunov I.I. and Kostovich O.S.

I.I. Polzunov glorified himself and his fatherland by creating a steam engine and the world's first two-cylinder steam engine (1763). There was practically no limit to the variety of applications of the steam engine; these inventions shook the world.

It is believed that the first internal combustion engine belongs to G. Daimler and W. Maybach. But this is not entirely true, a little earlier (in 1879) O.S. began to develop a gasoline engine. Kostovich. The engine was part of his inventions: an airship, a submarine, etc. He was the first to design a model of a multi-cylinder engine, a sample of which was also taken as the basis of modern devices. By the way, the birthplace of Ogneslav Stepanovich is Astro-Hungary, but he is considered to be Russian inventors, since he lived and worked here.

Inventions of scientists go beyond the planet

Brilliant people devote their lives to science and inventions, so great achievements appear. Russia, of course, should be more careful about people whose innovative ideas, work and faith in success drive the world's technological progress. So, S.P. Korolev, one of the best scientists in the field of space rocket and shipbuilding, was arrested and tortured.

Under the leadership of Sergei Pavlovich, Russia was the first in the history of mankind to launch an artificial earth satellite (1957). A little later, the Luna-2 station for the first time in world history took off from the Earth and stopped at another space object, marking its flight with the pennant of the Soviet Union on the Moon (1959). This space breakthrough raised the prestige of the USSR throughout the world.

Scientific achievements of Russian scientists

There have always been people in Russia whose works and conclusions forced science to develop rapidly. The scientific achievements of Russia, without which the world cannot do, appeared thanks to the following scientists:

    M. V. Lomonosov (1711-1740) was the first to formulate the principle of conservation of matter and motion, discovered the atmosphere on Venus and made a huge contribution to glass production. The versatility of Mikhail Vasilyevich is amazing, his discoveries still have a response in scientific circles.

    Brilliant mathematician, "father" of non-Euclidean geometry.

    D. I. Mendeleev. Many people associate Russian science with the creator of the periodic system of chemical elements (1869).

Russia is rich in scientists who have made a huge contribution to the development of science and various areas of human life.

Course - saving human lives

Not only the achievement of Russia, but also the colossal success of scientists around the world have allowed medical communities to take a big step in providing medical care.

The Russian experimental scientist was the first in the world to perform an operation on the liver and heart (1951). Demikhov Vladimir Petrovich created the world's first model of an artificial heart. His experiments (two-headed dogs in 1956) still do not fit into the heads far from science, but the benefits of his work go through the years.

M.A. Novinsky is known to the medical community as the founder of experimental oncology. A veterinarian vaccinated animals against malignant tumors (1876-1877). Russian geneticist N.P. Dubinin proved the fragmentation of the gene (1930).

Russian culture

Not only is our fatherland famous for its discoveries in medicine, science and technology, the cultural achievements of Russia are also known to the whole world.

The most famous figures in different areas of culture and their achievements:

Listing the achievements in the culture of Russia, one should not forget about such areas as theater, cinema, architecture and sculpture. A huge number of magnificent and priceless works were presented by Russian masters to their people and the whole world.

Modern achievements

Russia has always been a world power. Our great country has long held, retains or returns leadership in many areas. How many breakthroughs have been made in science, technology and culture throughout the history of the country! But even today Mother Russia has not become poor in talents. The inquisitive mind, imagination, craving for beauty and purposefulness of our compatriots glorify the country with amazing and useful discoveries.

Modern achievements of Russia bring not only recognition to figures and the country, but also significant financial incentives.

List of the most significant achievements of Russia in 2014:

1. Winter Olympic Games in Sochi (holding).

2. Scientists from St. Petersburg have developed a unique projectile-plasma generator, which made a splash in the oil business around the world.

3. The new diesel fuel, which was developed by Russian scientists for the military, is frost-resistant (there are no analogues with such indicators in the world yet).

4. Scientists from St. Petersburg have developed a portable device to restore blood circulation in the body. The principle of operation is similar to that of an artificial heart. This unique device will be installed in ambulances and save millions of lives.

This is just a short list of cases that Russia is rightfully proud of. This list does not include achievements in such areas as sports, politics, education, the military, and much more. Many great people are not forgotten: Gagarin Yu.A., Kalashnikov M.T., Nesterov P.N., Kruzenshtern I.F. other. It's nice to live in a country where all the great achievements and talented people are difficult to collect in a small list.

The most important achievement of Russia

Here is presented only a small part of the successes in the scientific and cultural fields of the country, significant events that make the world respect Russia.

But what is the most important achievement of Russia? Throughout history, there have been so many great discoveries that have driven the development of all mankind, but what can be considered a priority?! The answer is obvious.

The most important achievement of Russia, its pride and strength are talented people who love their country. The fate of many geniuses is very difficult, even tragic, but they continued to create, invent and achieve the most daring goals, because they could not do otherwise. Mankind, using the ideas and results of the work of our compatriots, should say “thank you” to them. Russia has something to be proud of, every self-respecting citizen should know this.

Areas of human activity in which Russia is in the top five:

1. Agriculture. In the 2010s Russia has regained the position of the largest agricultural exporter in the world, which it held at the beginning of the 20th century. At the same time, Russia occupies only the fourth place in the world in terms of the area of ​​cultivated agricultural land.

2. Restoration of bioresources. In 2014, WWF experts stated that Russia is the only large country in the world whose bioresources are growing (we are talking about forest reserves, fish and other renewable natural resources).

3. General production of energy and electricity. Russia ranks third in the world in terms of total energy production (after China and the USA, 2010).

4. Petrochemical industry. Russia ranks third in the world in the production of petroleum products (after the US and China, 2015).

5. Construction of a nuclear power plant. Russia ranks first in the world in terms of the number of simultaneously constructed nuclear power plants abroad. Significant construction projects are also underway inside Russia, including the construction of advanced fast neutron reactors and the development of a closed fuel cycle, which dramatically increases the resource base of nuclear energy.

6. Metallurgy. Russia ranks fifth in the world in iron ore mining and steel production (2015) and is a leader in a number of non-ferrous metallurgy areas.

7. Defense industry, aircraft industry and shipbuilding. Russia has the world's second largest (after the United States) military-industrial complex, and in many areas of production and technology it ranks first. Russia ranks second in the world in arms exports.

8. Military and special aircraft industry. In 2014, Russia came out on top in the world in the production of military aircraft, overtaking the United States in the production of combat aircraft.

9. Manufacture and export of air defense systems. Russia ranks first in the world in terms of export deliveries of medium and short-range air defense systems. The Russian S-300 and S-400 air defense systems are considered the best in the world.

10. Metro transport. Russia ranks fifth in the world in terms of the total length of metro lines (after China, the USA, South Korea and Japan).

11. Trolleybus transport. Russia ranks first in the world in terms of the number of cities equipped with trolleybuses.

12. Helicopter transport. Russia has the world's second largest fleet of helicopters, both civilian and military (after the US, 2016).

13. Space. Russia has been the leader in the number of space launches for many years and since 2011 has been the only country to carry out regular manned flights.

14. Television and radio. Russian television and radio are among the most developed and technologically advanced in the world. Russia ranks first or one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of television stations/channels, of which there are at least 3,300; Russia also occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of radio stations, of which there are about 2400 (2016).

15. Foreign broadcasting. The Russian channel RT broadcasts in English, Spanish and Arabic, it is available to more than 700 million viewers worldwide and is the most viewed news channel on YouTube (more than 3 billion views).

16. Mobile communication. Russia is in fifth place in the world in terms of the number of mobile phones used (their number is one and a half times the size of the population). Mobile communication in Russia is one of the highest quality and cheapest in the world. Russia is one of the leaders in the implementation of fifth-generation 5G mobile communication networks: the first tests of 5G technology were carried out in Russia in June 2016 by MegaFon together with the Chinese company Huawei. On September 22, 2016, Megafon launched the world's fastest mobile 5G Internet in demo mode. According to plans, it should be fully operational in 2018, two years before the expected introduction of 5G as an international standard.

17. Satellite navigation. Russia operates the GLONASS system, one of two fully deployed global navigation satellite systems in the world, along with the American GPS.

18. Internet. Russia has the cheapest wired Internet among the 50 largest countries in terms of GDP. Russia ranks sixth in the world in terms of the number of Internet users (2015) and seventh in terms of the number of broadband Internet users (2014). Russia is the third country in the world in terms of Internet traffic (2015), and Russian is the second most popular language on the Internet, after English (2013).

19. Cyber ​​security. Kaspersky Anti-Virus and other Kaspersky Lab products have more than 400 million users worldwide and are number one in the cybersecurity software market in Europe.

20. Mathematics. Since 1991, six Russians or immigrants from Russia have received the Fields Medal, the most prestigious award in the world of mathematics. According to this indicator for this period, Russia shares the first place with the United States and France.

21. Synthesis of new chemical elements. All new chemical elements recognized by science, since 1999, were synthesized in Russia at JINR (Dubna), and two of these six elements were named after Russian scientists (flerovium - in honor of Georgy Flerov, oganesson - in honor of Yuri Oganesyan), and another element, moscovium, is named after the Moscow region

22. Theoretical and experimental physics. Russia continues to be one of the leaders in physical science. Since 1991, five Russian scientists or immigrants from Russia have received Nobel Prizes in physics (which is less than that of the United States, Japan and Great Britain, and equal to that of France and Germany over the same period).

23. Physics of elementary particles. Russian scientists and equipment suppliers played a prominent role in the construction of the Large Hadron Collider. The project involved approximately 700 specialists from Russia who participated in the development of the LHC detectors. In 1997, Russian scientists D. Dyakonov, M. Polyakov and V. Petrov predicted the pentaquark particle, which was discovered during an experiment at the Large Hadron Collider in July 2015.

24. Thermonuclear energy. Russia plays a key role in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project, financing 1/11 of its cost and supplying a significant part of the equipment. The project is led by Russian scientist Evgeny Velikhov.

25. Plasma Physics. In 2016, Russian physicists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP) named after. G. I. Budker of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the first time in Russia achieved stable heating of the plasma up to 10 million degrees. Russia has the greatest experience in the development and operation of tokamaks - devices for producing high-temperature plasma in a magnetic field.

26. Gravitational astronomy. In 2015–2016 with the key participation of Russian physicists within the framework of the international project LIGO, for the first time in history, gravitational waves of space-time were discovered and registered. The idea of ​​using a Michelson interferometer to create a gravitational wave detector was first proposed by Russian scientists Mikhail Gertsenstein and Vladislav Pustovoit back in 1962.

27. Radio astronomy. In 2011, Russia launched into orbit the world's largest space telescope, the Radioastron radio telescope, which makes it possible to obtain the highest angular resolution in the history of astronomy.

28. Geography. Russia is one of the few countries successfully conducting classical geographical research. In 1996, Russian polar explorers finally discovered Lake Vostok, the largest subglacial lake in Antarctica. During the expedition Arktika-2007, for the first time in history, people reached the bottom at the point of the North Pole. In 2013, a new island was discovered in the Arctic - the westernmost of the New Siberian Islands, called Yaya Island.

29. Paleontology of the Quaternary period. Russia is one of the leaders in the study of paleontology of the Quaternary period (anthropogen, from 2.5 million years ago to our time). In 1993, the remains of the world's last population of mammoths were discovered, who lived on Wrangel Island from 7 to 3.5 thousand years ago, during the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. In 2012, Russian scientists managed to germinate 25,000-40,000-year-old seeds found in the Kolyma permafrost, which immediately increased the record age of germinated ancient seeds by an order of magnitude. In 2014, Russian scientists "revived" the largest 30,000-year-old giant virus known to science - the virus was able to infect its amoeba hosts. A unique Pleistocene Park operates in Russia, in which an experiment is being conducted to recreate the ecosystem of the “mammoth tundra steppes” of the Pleistocene era.

30. Archeology. Modern Russian archeology is one of the most successful in the world, and Russian archaeologists are constantly making discoveries of world significance. In 1993, a 25,000-year-old mummy was discovered in Altai - the famous "Princess of Ukok". During the excavations of the Novosvobodnenskaya culture in Adygea under the leadership of Alexei Rezepkin, the world's oldest sword (proto-sword), the oldest architectural column, and the oldest wooden stringed instrument were found. In 2000, the oldest book of Russia was discovered - the Novgorod Codex (about 1000). Also, in recent decades, many new birch bark letters have been found (not only in Novgorod, but also in Moscow, Vologda and other cities). In 2008, the remains of an extinct Denisovan man were found in the Denisova Cave in Altai, which turned out to be the closest relative of Neanderthals and modern people, and the ancestor of the current Melanesians. In 2015, Russian archaeologists managed to discover the remains of the first capital of Egypt - the legendary white walls of Memphis. In 2016, the oldest 50,000-year-old needle in the world was discovered in the Denisova Cave in Altai.

31. Restoration and reconstruction of cultural monuments. In the second half of the 20th century, one of the most powerful restoration schools in the world developed in Russia - in many respects this happened by force, due to the huge losses of cultural heritage as a result of wars and revolutions in the first half of the century. Since then, thousands of destroyed churches, hundreds of noble estates, dozens of royal residences and many other architectural monuments have been restored in Russia. Much has been recreated from scratch - for example, the famous Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, the Amber Room in St. Petersburg, Big Chrysostom in Yekaterinburg.

32. Animation. Modern Russian cartoons are among the highest quality and most popular in the world. Thus, the Russian cartoon "Masha and the Bear" was broadcast on channels in almost 60 countries and is the most viewed cartoon on YouTube: in December 2016, the series called "Masha plus porridge" scored 1.9 billion views and took sixth place in the ranking of the most viewed videos of the portal throughout its history (this is the most popular non-music video on YouTube). Russian animated series popular all over the world include Smeshariki (broadcast in more than 60 countries), as well as Luntik and Fixies. Animated films by the Melnitsa studio (Three Bogatyrs, Ivan Tsarevich and others) are also very successful, many of which have won many prizes at international festivals.

33. Sports in general. Russia is one of the greatest sports powers of our time. In terms of the total number of medals won at the Olympic Games since 1952, when the country began to regularly take part in them, Russia / USSR ranks second in the world (first in awards at the Winter Olympics). Looking at recent Olympic results, Russia came in fourth at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London and 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, while at the home Olympics in Sochi 2014, Russia took first place. Russia also leads in many individual sports and in the relevant international championships.

34. Paralympic sport. Russia is one of the leaders in the world Paralympic sport. The Russian team took first place at the 2014 Winter Paralympics, second place at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Paralympics and second place at the Beijing 2012 Summer Paralympics.

35. Holding international tournaments. Russia ranks first in the world in terms of the number of high-profile sports competitions that have been or will be held between 2009 and 2022 (first place in the ranking of the leading sports powers in the Global Sports Nations Index, compiled by the marketing agency Sportcal in November 2015) In 2014 Russia hosted the Winter Olympics in Sochi, in 2018 Russia will host the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

36. World politics. Russia is one of the main world powers of our time, playing a leading role in world politics in almost all macro-regions of the world: in Eurasia, Europe, the Arctic, Antarctica, the Middle East and even in the USA (according to the Americans, Russia influenced the result of the US presidential election in 2016 of the year). Russia is one of the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council and plays a key role in resolving the military conflict in Syria (the largest on the planet today). For four years in a row (2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016), the American magazine Forbes named Russian President Vladimir Putin the most powerful person in the world.

37. Armed forces. The Russian Armed Forces are the second most powerful in the world after the United States, despite the fact that, according to Western estimates, in terms of the largest military budget, Russia is only in fourth place in the world. Russia ranks fifth in the world in terms of the total number of personnel of the armed forces.

38. Navy. The Russian Navy is the second largest in the world, ranking first in the world in the number of corvettes, second in the world in the number of cruisers and nuclear submarines, fourth in the world in the number of destroyers and non-nuclear submarines (2015).

39. Typography. Russia ranks fourth in the world in terms of the number of book titles published per year (120,512 titles, 2013).

40. National language. As a result of a comprehensive assessment, the Russian language is ranked fourth in the world in terms of the degree of influence. Russian is the second most popular language on the Internet, after English (2013). The Russian language is the fourth in terms of the number of translations from it.

"Secrets of Russia"

Our country is the creator and custodian of a rich historical and cultural heritage of world significance. Russia has historically united in its composition many peoples that differ in language, culture, religion, but are closely connected by a common historical destinies.

Cultural achievements of the peoples of our country

If you start listing everything that relates to the cultural achievements of the peoples of modern Russia, then it will take more than one page of the textbook.

Therefore, we confine ourselves to a brief acquaintance: monuments of ancient Russian architecture, book art, icon painting, painting, musical art, sculpture, folk art crafts (Khokhloma and Gorodets wood painting, Gzhel ceramics, products of Zlatoust and Tula gunsmiths, Kholmogory bone carving, etc.) , Tuvan throat singing, the heroic folk epic "Olonkho" (Yakutia), which received the status of a masterpiece of the intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO, etc.

    Summing up
    Tula is one of the ancient cities where the roots of folk culture are located. For many years, the Tula region has been known in our country and abroad for its samovars, gingerbread, weapons, Filimonov toys and Belyov lace.
    Tula is the founder of such a unique craft as the production of accordions and button accordions, at the origins of which was a native of the Tula region and the creator of the chromatic accordion Nikolai Beloborodov.
    Dagestan is one of the republics that are part of Russia, where people of various nationalities live. Republican newspapers are published in 14 languages, which have been given the status of state ones, radio and television are broadcast in the same number of languages.
    Small villages, centers of artistic crafts, such as Kubachi, Untsukul, Gatsad, Balkhar, Khiv, gained world fame. Works of Dagestan arts and crafts are stored not only in the State Historical Museum, the Hermitage, and other most famous museums in the country, but also in the Louvre in Paris, museums in New York and London.

What arts and crafts are there in your area? Prepare (optionally) a report about one of the art crafts of the Tula region, the Republic of Dagestan or your region.

As you already know, on the territory of different regions of Russia there are 24 natural and cultural sites that are on the UNESCO World Heritage List (remember which ones). They have a special cultural and historical significance.

How to preserve cultural achievements?

At all times, the problem of preserving and transferring spiritual values ​​and cultural achievements to the younger generation has been topical. What needs to be done to preserve ancient architecture, folklore (songs, dances, proverbs, fairy tales, etc.), masterpieces of painting, theatrical, ballet, and musical art for future generations?

If this concerns monuments of material culture, for example, a historical building or an ancient manuscript, then they must be conserved, i.e. protect against destruction with the help of special solutions and paints. Then the monument must be restored - carefully restore the destroyed parts, trying not to disturb its ancient appearance.

    We advise you to remember!
    Restoration (from the Latin word restauratio - restoration) is the process of restoration, returning the original appearance to antiquities, works of fine, decorative art and architecture.

In addition, a cultural monument must be carefully studied and described, photographed, drawn in all the details, included in existing catalogs. After the completion of the restoration work, the monument is brought into a condition suitable for excursion visits (shows).

An important role in the formation of the cultural potential of Russia is played by cultural values ​​stored in the funds of museums. At present, there are dozens of museum-reserves, estate museums, and memorial museums in Russia. They are organized on the basis of places of interest associated with historical settlements, historical events, and the lives of prominent personalities. For example, the State Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve of A.P. Chekhov "Melikhovo" (Moscow region), State Museum-Reserve M.Yu. Lermontov "Tarkhany" (Penza region), State Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-Reserve A.S. Griboedov "Khmelita" (Smolensk region) museum-estate of I.E. Repin "Penates" (St. Petersburg), the memorial complex of V.P. Astafiev in the village of Ovsyanka (Krasnoyarsk Territory), etc.

    Interesting Facts
    International Day of Monuments and Sites is held every year on April 18th. It was established in 1983 by the Assembly of the International Council for the Protection of Monuments and Sites, established under UNESCO. Many museums on this day (as well as on International Museum Day on May 18) can be visited for free.

The protection of cultural heritage is the responsibility of the citizens of our country, the Constitution of Russia states: "Everyone is obliged to take care of the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, to protect historical and cultural monuments." In Russia, the Federal Law “On the Protection and Use of Monuments of History and Culture” is in force.

In our country, not only historical and cultural monuments have been put under state protection, but especially valuable territories where the entire cultural, historical and natural heritage complex, unique cultural and natural landscapes are preserved.

They are called national parks. First of all, these are such national parks as Kenozersky (Arkhangelsk region), Russian North (Vologda region), Lake Pleshcheyevo (Yaroslavl region), Valdaisky (Novgorod region), Meshchersky (Ryazan region), "Ugra" (Kaluga Region), "Sochi" (Krasnodar Territory), "Samarskaya Luka" (Samarskaya Region), "Pribaikalsky" (Irkutsk Region), which have recently been visited by almost a million people annually.

    Additional reading
    The list of archaeological sites of the Valdai National Park includes more than 80 objects - ancient sites (VII-VI centuries BC), settlements, settlements, hills, mounds. There are monuments of landscape gardening art here - ancient estates with parks, the most valuable monuments of architecture and wooden architecture of the 17th-19th centuries.
    Among them are the Iversky Bogoroditsky Svyatoozersky Monastery, founded in 1653 on Selvitsky Island by Patriarch Nikon of Moscow and All Russia; Church of St. Catherine in the city of Valdai - a great creation of the architect N.A. Lvov (XVIII century), where the Museum of Bells is now located.

Using the additional text and photographs, write an oral story about the Valdai National Park.

State support for the cultural achievements of Russia

State support is aimed at preserving and developing the cultural heritage of our country, at instilling in society a sense of patriotism, pride in their people, respect for the history of the Motherland and its best traditions.

With the help of national projects, talented cultural figures and creative teams are supported. Each region of the country has its own programs to support folk artists, custodians and promoters of folk epics, storytellers.

Although the state is making considerable efforts to preserve the national culture, there are still many unresolved problems. Unfortunately, to date, many monuments of national history and culture have been destroyed, are under the threat of destruction, have suffered from the economic activities of people, the destructive effects of nature. Patrons (philanthropists) and ordinary people who take part in saving cultural monuments come to the rescue: they transfer money, help restorers with their personal work.

The future of our cultural heritage largely depends on how young people participate in its protection. What can they do to help adults? Tourists leave a lot of garbage on the banks of rivers and lakes, next to architectural monuments. It needs to be cleaned constantly. School environmental groups are successfully operating in many regions of Russia. You too can become a member!

In many cities, for example, in St. Petersburg, there are restoration lyceums. The learning process is led by experienced craftsmen and artists who have inherited the traditions of many generations of the St. Petersburg school of restoration. Students have the opportunity to learn from their experience during practical classes in the workshops of the lyceum, reinforcing their professional developments with theoretical lessons.

The study of the history of the native land and the protection of cultural monuments are carried out by school local historians, who exist in many cities and regions of our country.

The movement of young local historians is aimed at expanding the cognitive activity of children, educating morality, citizenship, love for the Motherland, respect for historical heritage.

    Summing up
    The cultural achievements of the peoples of Russia are very great and varied. These include monuments of architecture, book art, painting, musical art, folk art crafts, national parks, etc. The state is working to protect and restore cultural monuments.

    Basic terms
    Restoration, local history.

Test your knowledge

  1. Name some of the cultural achievements of the peoples of Russia. Tell us more about one of them.
  2. What are the ways to preserve the cultural monuments of Russia?
  3. When is International Day for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites celebrated? How is this day celebrated in your region?
  4. What can you do specifically to preserve the natural and cultural monuments of your region?


Geographic achievements

Russia is the largest state in the world in terms of territory, occupying about 1/8 of the entire earth's land (17,125,187 km²), and for almost its entire history, Russia has been one of the largest states in the world. Now the Russian Federation occupies 40% of Europe and the entire north of Asia (Siberia), in other words, the entire northeast and almost the entire north of Eurasia. The historical predecessors of modern Russia - the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire - were also the largest states in the world for most of their history: only briefly, at the end of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, they were surpassed by the British Empire. Other historical states - Kievan Rus, the Novgorod Republic, the Golden Horde, the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Moscow Kingdom - were the largest states in Europe. The Muscovite kingdom in the 17th century shared the first or second place in terms of area in the world with the Spanish Empire.

Russia, taken as a whole, can rightfully be called the northernmost, winteriest and coldest country in the world, Russia is the real North, including in comparison with Canada or Norway, the majority of whose population lives in much milder climatic conditions. Russia has the world's northernmost location (mainland), the coldest average temperature of any independent country, and the largest population living in harsh climates of long, cold winters.

Russia has the largest reserves of natural resources in the world, including large reserves of hydrocarbons (1st in the world in gas, 2nd in coal, 8th in oil), ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and also the largest in the world. forests, chernozems and drinking water.

Russians first discovered or scientifically explored for the first time more than 1/6 of the earth's land and significant maritime spaces - Eastern Europe, Siberia, the Arctic, Central and Central Asia, North-West America, Antarctica, in addition, Russian researchers contributed to geographical discoveries in general in all parts of the world, including tropical continents. Only a few peoples can compete with the Russians in terms of the scale of geographical discoveries and research (the British and Spaniards, to a lesser extent - the Portuguese, Dutch, French). In addition, the Russians were the first to go into space.

The Russians (including all the peoples of Russia) discovered, explored and settled most of the most severe, cold and hard-to-reach territories on Earth - the Russians mastered half of the entire Arctic and the north pole of cold in Yakutia, the Russians discovered Antarctica and reached the south pole of cold (Vostok station) and south pole of inaccessibility. The Russian icebreaker "Arktika" for the first time reached the North Pole in surface navigation, the Russians first descended to the bottom of the deepest Lake Baikal and to the bottom at the North Pole, the Russians drilled the deepest well in the world (Kola Superdeep).

Russia conducted the largest geographical expedition in terms of scale and results in world history - the Great Northern Expedition. Expedition 1733-1743 mapped almost the entire Arctic and Far Eastern coast of Russia, discovered the Aleutian Islands and Northwest America, laid the foundation for the academic scientific study of Siberia, Kamchatka, and Alaska.

Military achievements

Russia has survived many military invasions, but no one has ever been able to completely conquer and subdue the Russians for more than 1,150 years. Even the devastating Mongol invasion of the 13th century led to only partial dependence on the Golden Horde, because internal control was still carried out by Russian princes (only the Grand Duke was appointed under the label of the Horde Khan - but, again, from rival Russian princes). The Tatar-Mongol yoke itself, which consisted mainly in the payment of tribute, was eventually thrown off, Russia regained full sovereignty, and the territory of most of the Mongol Empire subsequently became part of Russia.

Russia, as a great land power, built a record number of fortified lines and a huge number of fortresses, including such prominent ones as the Moscow Kremlin (the largest medieval fortress), the Bolshaya Zasechnaya line (the largest fortification of this type, comparable only to sections of the ancient Roman Limes) or the Tsaritsynskaya line - the largest system of fortifications in Europe of the XVIII century. In terms of the scale of fortification activity, only the Chinese with their Great Wall of China can be compared with the Russians - however, if the Chinese built one great system of fortifications to isolate themselves from the outside world, then the Russians built more and more new systems, annexing more and more territories thanks to new lines .

Russia defeated (destroying or radically weakening) many great empires and powers - the Khazar Khaganate, the Golden Horde and the post-Horde khanates, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Commonwealth, the Swedish Empire, the Ottoman Empire, Napoleonic France, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Nazi Germany. In many ways, Russia (the Soviet Union) also made a decisive contribution to the victory over Japan in World War II, defeating the Japanese army on the continent in a matter of weeks during the Manchurian operation.

Russia (the Soviet Union) won, making a decisive contribution, in the largest, bloodiest and fiercest war in history - in World War II (the Great Patriotic War), stopping during the war the largest military invasion in history (Hitler's plan Barbarossa), holding the largest in history of defensive operations (the defense of Moscow and Stalingrad), having withstood the heaviest blockade in terms of the number of victims (the blockade of Leningrad), having carried out the largest tank battles in history (as part of the Battle of Kursk) and the largest offensive operations (Belarusian operation).

In the middle of the 20th century, Russia (the Soviet Union) managed to create its own nuclear weapons and a powerful nuclear arsenal in the shortest possible time, while refraining from using them, thereby establishing military parity with the United States and saving the world from the threat of a new hot world war.

The Russian army for many hundreds of years has been one of the strongest in the world as a whole, and the strongest in many separate areas. Nowadays, Russia is the undisputed leader in such areas as ground forces, rocket and space forces, tank forces, etc., and the Russian navy and Russian military aviation are considered the second most powerful in the world. Historically, since the 15th century, Russian artillery has almost always been one of the most advanced and powerful in the world.

Civilization-State Achievements

Statehood of Russia for more than 1150 years - and for most of its history, Russia (Principality of Novgorod, Grand Principality of Kiev, Grand Duchy of Vladimir, Grand Principality of Moscow, Moscow Kingdom, Russian Empire, Soviet Union, Russian Federation) was among the great powers of its time. Residents of few countries can be proud of such a long, continuous and independent statehood, and statehood has played one of the leading roles in international relations almost throughout its history.

More than 1,150 years ago, the Russians managed to build a developed civilization in the zone of a cold northern climate and long winters, in the depths of the continent and on the shores of freezing seas, in conditions of frequent droughts and risky farming. Suffice it to recall ancient Novgorod with its wooden pavements and water pipes, with many stone temples and birch bark letters, indicating a high level of education among the population for those times. At the same time, the archetypal northerners-Scandinavians - Norwegians, Danes, Swedes - lived in a milder maritime climate (thanks to the Gulf Stream), but they called Russia "a country of cities." Since ancient times, Russia has been and is now the northern frontier of world civilization, which reached outer space in the 20th century.

Russia is the core country (Heartland, or the Core Land in Mackinder's concept) of the Eurasian civilization, a continental power (but with a strong fleet), the heir of Byzantium (through Orthodoxy and the idea of ​​the Third Rome) and, at the same time, the heir to the nomadic empires of central Eurasia. The unique historical heritage allows Russia to say that it does not fully belong to either the West or the East, that “it is not Russia that is between East and West, it is East and West that are to the left and right of Russia.”

The Russian (Russian) people is a unique example of a family of more than 100 indigenous peoples of Russia - one of the most successful examples of a multi-ethnic (multinational) state in history. Already ancient Russia was a very diverse country in its ethnic composition, the population of which consisted of various Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes, Varangians, Jews, Pechenegs and Polovtsians. Later, during the time of the Moscow Principality and the Russian Empire, the number of peoples of Russia grew to a hundred, while, unlike the Western colonial empires, any people included in our Empire received equal rights and opportunities with other peoples, and representatives of each people had a chance to enter the elite states - for example, a third of the Russian nobility were clans of Tatar origin (Kutuzovs, Suvorovs, Yusupovs ...), there were many Germans and descendants of immigrants from Western Europe and Scandinavia, Poland and Lithuania. There were, of course, all sorts of difficulties in interethnic relations in the history of the country, but still, by now, most of the indigenous peoples of Russia have survived, have developed languages ​​​​and culture (often their own religious traditions), have not been subjected to genocide and were not considered barbarians, savages or subhumans as it was common in the West. In modern Russia, the minister of defense is a Tuvinian, the head of the Central Bank is a Tatar, the Patriarch is of Mordvinian origin, the mayor of the capital has roots from small Siberian peoples, the minister of foreign affairs has Armenian roots, etc.

Technical, scientific, economic achievements

Russia has made many important scientific discoveries and technical inventions. In particular, such Russian scientific achievements as graph theory, mathematical notation and many other achievements of Leonard Euler, Lobachevsky's non-Euclidean geometry, Mendeleev's periodic table, achievements of the Russian school of organic chemistry, many discoveries of chemical elements in Russia (ruthenium and synthesized elements), theoretical cosmonautics of Tsiolkovsky, superfluidity discovered by Peter Kapitsa, the theory of lasers by Basov and Prokhorov, Pavlov's experiments in physiology, Lomonosov's discovery of the law of conservation of mass in chemical reactions, and much more. Russian scientists have made a significant contribution to almost all areas of science. In the same way, in all areas of technology, Russian inventors were noted, who made an important and often decisive contribution to the development of technologies for practical electrical engineering, electric welding and electric lighting, radio and television, central heating, military equipment, nuclear energy, aircraft and helicopter construction, space technology and many more.

Russian weapons are the best in the world in many categories and in many respects (in terms of price / quality ratio, in terms of reliability, unpretentiousness, power, etc.). The Russian defense industry has been the world's second largest arms exporter for decades. The whole world knows Russian tanks and combat aircraft, multiple launch rocket systems and air defense systems, submarines and warships, the Kalashnikov assault rifle and other Russian infantry weapons. Many inventions in the field of weapons have historically been made by Russian engineers. In Russia, the most powerful weapon in the world, the Tsar Bomba, was created and tested.

Russia (Soviet Union) opened the space era of humanity: the first space rocket, the first satellite, the first cosmodrome, the first cosmonaut, the first man in open space, the first robotic planetary rover, the first space station, the launch of the first module of the International Space Station - all these are the achievements of the USSR and Russia.

Russia is a pioneer and leader in nuclear energy. The world's first nuclear power plant (Obninsk) was built in the Soviet Union, Soviet and Russian nuclear fuel enrichment technologies are the best in the world, now Russia is building a significant number of nuclear power units both on its territory and abroad, and is also developing a number of promising nuclear technologies - fast neutron reactors, closed fuel cycle, floating nuclear power plants, space nuclear propulsion system, etc.

Russia is an energy superpower, both thanks to its huge reserves of hydrocarbons, and thanks to its developed hydropower and the world's leading nuclear energy. Russia is the world's largest gas producer and exporter, as well as the world's largest oil producer, the main builder of nuclear power plants abroad, and the main provider of nuclear fuel enrichment services. Moreover, historically, Russia was also an important exporter of energy and materials for power engineering at previous levels of technology development: Ancient Russia exported wax (for candle lighting), the Moscow kingdom was the main European exporter of timber, hemp and resin (for using wind energy in shipbuilding), The Russian Empire exported grain (the main source of energy in the era of horse-drawn transport and muscle strength).

Russia has many of the largest transportation and communications systems on the planet, including the world's longest railway (Transsib), its own global navigation satellite system (GLONASS), the world's second longest railway network, and a network of waterways (navigable rivers connected by canals). ).

Cultural and sporting achievements

Russian culture is one of the most recognizable, recognized and respected national cultures in the world. In particular, this applies to classical Russian culture of the 19th-20th centuries: Russian classical literature (Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov), Russian theater and the Stanislavsky system, Russian classical music (Tchaikovsky, The Mighty Handful, Rachmaninov, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Sviridov), Russian opera and ballet, Russian visual arts of the late 19th and early 20th centuries… Russians achieved the highest peaks in classical art in an era when the world had already begun to turn towards avant-garde art, but in contemporary art Russians have become pioneers and innovators in many areas (abstract painting, the art of film editing, etc.).

Russian architecture is one of the most diverse and vibrant in the world. Suffice it to list the architectural styles that have developed in Russia - Old Russian architecture (including white stone and wooden architecture), tent architecture, Russian Baroque, Russian classicism, neo-Russian and neo-Byzantine styles, Russian eclecticism and modernism, Russian Islamic and Buddhist architecture, constructivism and Stalinist architecture, Soviet functionalism and modern international architecture. In fact, all local and Byzantine architectural traditions were preserved and developed in Russia, all European architectural styles and some oriental styles and techniques were borrowed. Russian architects and engineers (Melnikov, Shukhov) had a huge impact on the development of modern architecture.

The Russian language is one of the most influential and widespread in the world. 162 million people in the world consider Russian as their native language (8th place in the world), for another 110 million people Russian is the second language of communication. Russian is the second most popular language on the Internet, after English. Russian is the fourth in terms of the number of translations from it. Until recently, during the Soviet era, about a quarter of all world scientific literature was written and printed in Russian. As a result of a comprehensive assessment, the Russian language is in 4th place in the world in terms of the degree of influence.

Russia is one of the two great sporting powers of the last half century, and the greatest sporting power in winter sports. From 1956 to 1994, the teams of the USSR, the CIS and Russia almost constantly took first place in the medal count of the Olympic Games (both winter and summer), and after a break, in 2014, Russia triumphantly won the Sochi Olympics again. The Russian/USSR team is the leader in the total number of victories at the world hockey championships (the most popular winter game sport). In addition, Russia has been a long-term leader in many other individual sports - in figure skating, synchronized swimming, etc.