Time exists or not. Science Beware: Does Time Really Exist? Carlos Castaneda - Does time exist?

Answer from Melusine,Lady of the Lake[guru]
“Past, present and future are one and the same. In this sense, time is like a road: it does not disappear after we have passed along it and does not appear this very second, opening up around the corner.
(Roberto Bartini)
Time and space make up an inseparable multidimensional continuum, what the ancients denoted by the symbol of Ouroboros - a snake or dragon biting its own tail, as an infinity of worlds and being, and we also exist simultaneously in all space-time segments.
Roberto Bartini studied cosmogony and philosophy. He created a unique theory of the six-dimensional world, where time, like space, has three dimensions. This theory was called "Bartini's world". In the literature on aerodynamics, the term "Bartini effect" occurs. As I wrote earlier, Bartini submitted a report to the Academy of Sciences, in which he substantiated the six-dimensionality of our space. According to Bartini, time has 3 dimensions. If you read P. D. Uspensky, a thinker of the beginning of the last century, a student of Gurdjieff, then it is quite easy to visualize 3 time dimensions.
Arrow of time:
Using a spatial analogy (which by itself proves nothing), then the arrow of time is a person walking in a straight line in the dark with a flashlight in his hands. The space that lies before him is the future. It is not visible to him until the light of a flashlight falls on him. The space that lies behind is the past. The space under the light of a flashlight is real. In total, for this person there is no future (he has not yet reached it), there is no past (it is in his memory), there is only a continuously changing present - space under the light of a flashlight. But, at the same time, both the future and the past (space) exist, simply due to the properties of their perception (the light of a flashlight), a person does not see it.
The first time dimension, the arrow of time, is a straight line.
We walk along it from the past to the future, illuminating with our consciousness only the current moment of time - the present. This does not mean that there is no future at every moment of time and there is no past at every moment of time. They are. Simply because of our perception, we do not see them (hear, feel). The second time dimension is the time plane. By analogy with the spatial one, it consists of an infinite number of parallel lines - the arrows of time. Visually, this can be described as follows. At any given time, we have the opportunity to make an infinite number of choices. For example, if I am sitting at a table, I can pick up a pen, I can use a pencil, I can use an eraser, I can scratch my ear, I can pick my nose. Etc. Each possibility of choice creates a parallel arrow of time. In our view - a parallel life with a certain choice. Thus, the plane is an infinite number of parallel arrows of time (lives), with an infinite number of choices at any given moment. In fact, we change our destiny not only when we make "fateful" decisions from our point of view. We change it every minute, every second. From this follows awareness, which is so necessary for moving along whatever path of self-development. A person must every second give an account of his actions, understanding what consequences they may entail. There is nothing accidental or "by the way" in the world.
It's no coincidence.
The third time dimension is the amount of time.
This is an infinite number of parallel time planes. But if in one plane there is an infinite number of choices that a person can make at any given moment of time, then in the other planes there are choices that a person cannot make at this particular moment in time. For example, I can take a pen from the table, but I cannot take a basketball if it is not on the table.
Thus, a person travels through the temporary three-dimensional space, moving in all three axes of time.
In the comments I will give two images where Worlds of different dimensions are compared.

Answer from Alexander[guru]
In the trinity of matter-information-measure, objective “space” and “time”, as properties of an objective “empty receptacle” of the material Universe, do not exist.

Answer from Mike Lambert[guru]
Before finding out whether time really exists, you need to find out what "really" is ;))

Answer from Yoolnyshko[guru]
time dominates only in the three-dimensional material world where we now exist... but in the multidimensional world there is no time - people live forever

Answer from *J*[guru]
yes illusory.
no way to explain, because nonsense

Answer from Valery Zubarev[guru]
Dear friend!!! Although time is an illusory concept, it actually exists ... but how you ask .... we all exist in a parallel stream of time, which means that we simultaneously exist in the present past and future .... everything flows in parallel ... outside of this There is no time flow.... that is, at the moment there is time, but outside it there is no time at all.... therefore, developed essences can move in these time flows.... it is clear... that this is given to very few... but to lose the precious time of being.... just a big sin.... and who thinks that time flows from the past to the present and the future=error.... good luck to everyone!!!

Answer from Anna Vasilevskaya[guru]
I don't think so....

Answer from KSYUNYA*[active]
interesting question, got me thinking.

Answer from Shaltaj-boltaj ljuis kerrol[guru]
spoon does not exist

Answer from Ђkelletni Yynnevtssuksi[guru]
Time coexists with those beings who tend to order phenomena and objects in time.

Answer from Azamat Galiullin[newbie]
Time does not exist! It is created by our brain, i.e. its illusion. Thus, the two hemispheres of the brain always carry contradictory thoughts to each other: the left - logic, the right - imagination. That is, they argue with each other, and the brain gives out a single thought, time is this thought, because of thoughts we exist, we think, etc. In fact, there is no time. That is, we are a random event in infinite space and infinite time, i.e., relative to what does not exist and is it. Something like this)

Physicists have made a shocking discovery - in nature, time does not exist and never existed! In nature, only processes take place, they can be periodic or non-periodic. The concept of "time" was invented by people for their own convenience. Time is a measure of the distance between two events.

Who invented the first watch?

Man has invented many ways to measure time. First, time was measured in sunrises and sunsets. An increase or decrease in the shadow falling from various objects - stones, trees, helped a person at least somehow navigate in time. The time was also determined by the stars (different stars are visible at different times at night).

The ancient Egyptians divided the night into twelve periods. Each gap began with the rising of one of twelve specific stars. The Egyptians divided the day into the same number of intervals. This is the basis of our division of the day into 24 hours.

Later, the Egyptians created shadow clocks (we call them sun clocks). They are a simple wooden stick with marks. The shadow clock became the first human invention designed to measure time. Of course, a sundial could not tell the time on a cloudy day and at night. One of the oldest written documents dating back to 732 BC. about the sundial is the Bible (twentieth chapter of the Book of Kings). It mentions the obelisk clock of King Ahaz. A sundial of the 13th and 15th centuries discovered during excavations. BC. testify that in reality the sundial appeared much earlier than the writings say.

The ancient Egyptians also created a water clock. They measured the length of time during which the liquid flows from one vessel to another.

The hourglass appeared in the 8th century. They are two soldered flasks. Sand poured into one of the flasks is poured through the narrow neck of the other flask in a certain period of time, for example, in an hour. After that, the clock is turned over. Hourglasses are cheap, reliable, so they still have not disappeared from.

Mechanical watches appeared in Europe in the 1300s, they worked with the help of springs. They had no hands, and a bell signaled the passage of the hour.

Modern electronic and quartz watches use vibrations of quartz crystals.

The standard is atomic scales. They measure the transition time of an atom from a negative to a positive energy state and vice versa.

There are many approaches to understanding the phenomenon of time. Over the solution of this phenomenon, people have been struggling for many centuries.

In this article, we will try to figure out whether time exists, and what this definition includes.

Time measurement

How can you measure something that doesn't exist? Time is a highly subjective matter. We are accustomed to measuring time based on the speed of movement of heavenly bodies across the sky. The simplest and one of the earliest devices for measuring time was and remains a sundial. With their help, people from ancient times learned to determine time, based on the angle at which the shadow from the sun falls and at what speed it moves across the sky. Over time, more accurate mechanical and digital watches appeared, with which you can accurately measure the timing of any processes.

When we measure the speed of a car, we are simply comparing the movement of the car with the movement of our planet around the sun. It seems to us that we are comparing the speed of a car with some abstract quantity called time. In fact, we simply compare the unknown speed of our car with the known speed of the Sun across the sky. Time is a way to compare or describe different types of motion, such as the speed of light, the heart rate, the speed of the earth's rotation on its axis. Time is not an independent quantity. It only serves to simplify and streamline the description of the processes that occur daily around us.

Imagine two objects, one of which revolves around the other in space. Now imagine that we are observing this rotation from a great distance. A rotating object, according to our observations, passes one circle of rotation in a certain time. It is not difficult to assume that if we were directly on this object, one circle of rotation in our perception would take much more time, and it would drag on for us much more slowly. This once again confirms that the perception of time is subjective.

How can you track the passage of time?

The movement of time becomes apparent when we observe sunrises and sunsets, the change of day and night, the seasons, and the movement of celestial bodies such as the Sun and Moon. The aging process also serves as a visible reminder that molecules in nature are in constant motion, and the more time passes, the more pronounced the effect of molecules on each other becomes.

Past, present and future

We are accustomed to perceive time in terms of past, present and future. The most real perception of time, what is happening right now around us, we call the present. However, almost everything that we perceive as the present is already in the past. When our brain begins to analyze an event, it has usually already happened, and we are already dealing with its consequences. The present is just a fleeting moment. It is an infinitesimal point on the timeline that separates what has already happened from what is to happen in the future. The present resembles the point of a recording needle or a laser. It can be described as a mental awareness of the moment of recording an event in our memory, something that our brain is facing at a given second. As long as we are not aware of ourselves in any place or in any particular situation, this event will not become part of the past for us.

Unlike present time, past and future times are measurable. Past historical events, meetings, and celebrations can be measured in time, both in terms of their total duration, and in terms of how long ago they occurred in relation to the present moment.

The past is just a memory of some events in your head.

The future is a projection of our previous experience, stored in memory, onto current events and an attempt to predict how events will develop in the future.

The fact that the present, which gives the most real and, as it seems to us, objective perception of reality, cannot be caught in time, while the duration of events can be measured only in the past and future time, which we cannot influence in any way, suggests that our perception of time is basically an illusion.

Religious point of view

In most world religions, the concept of time, as such, does not exist. In religions that recognize the existence of a single God, it is customary to say that God exists outside of time. That it has always existed and will always exist. In polytheistic religions, time is often controlled by one or more divine beings.

The concept of time in religion is closely connected with the concept of eschatology - a system of religious beliefs at the moment when the usual existing way of life in the Universe will change radically. Within the framework of eschatology, it is customary to talk about such issues as the cyclical nature of the historical development of mankind and the end of the world.

These ideas are most clearly reflected in the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), which are based to some extent on the doctrines of the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament. Since the events of the last days and the Last Judgment are often mentioned in the Old Testament, disputes about when these events will finally come have not subsided for many centuries.

Be that as it may, neither science, nor religion or philosophy has yet been able to derive a single, universally accepted definition of what time is and how it should be measured. However, developments in this area are still ongoing. Nobody denies the existence of time. It remains only to find out what this concept implies.

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Probably, many have noticed that in recent years something wrong has been going on with the passage of time. Days and months are flying fast, overtaking our capabilities, and we have less and less time to do. It would seem that the day has just begun, and lo and behold, it is already ending!

Before we had time to "drive" into the third millennium, twelve years had already passed, but we did not notice. The former explanation of this phenomenon, that, they say, the older a person becomes, the faster his life flies, is no longer relevant. Nowadays, the rapid passage of time is noticed not only by aged people, but even by teenagers and young men! So what does happen over time?

The days got shorter

In a private conversation, one priest, known for his special gift to see the invisible, told impressive information; time is running out! Compared to what it was a hundred or more years ago, the current day has become shorter. According to the real, and not the calendar duration, if we take the old time that has not changed over the centuries as a standard, the modern day lasts only 18 hours against the previous 24.

It turns out that every day we lose about 6 hours, and that is why we always do not have enough time, the days fly by in an accelerated mode. The shortening of the day was especially noticeable at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.

One can doubt the foresight of the priest and the objectivity of his conclusions. But it turns out that there are other facts that point to a reduction in time.

On sacred Athos, the monks even spend their nights in prayer. Moreover, the Athonite elders have long developed a special prayer rule: in a certain period of time they must read so many prayers, and so every day, strictly by the hour. Previously, the monks managed to complete this “program” overnight, and before the early morning service they even had a little time to rest. And now, with the same number of prayers, the elders no longer have enough night to finish them!

No less amazing discovery was made by Jerusalem monks serving in the Holy Land. It turns out that for several years the lamps at the Holy Sepulcher have been burning longer than before. Previously, oil was added to large lamps at the same time, on the eve of Easter. It burned out completely within a year. But now, for the umpteenth time, before the main Christian holiday, there is still a lot of oil left. It turns out that time is ahead of even the physical laws of combustion!

The reduction of the day also affected labor productivity. In the old days, using the simplest tools, people managed to do much more than we can now. Archpriest Valentin Biryukov recalls that in the 1930s, his father, returning from exile to his family, with a minimum of helpers, managed to build a new good hut in just a week. And in the memoirs of Boris Shiryaev about the Solovetsky camp there is an episode of how 50 prisoners, of which almost half were "goal", built and put into operation a hefty bathhouse in just 22 hours! The builders were armed only with hand saws and axes. Now, even with modern electric tools, we will not be able to keep up with the hard workers of the past! And not only because they have become lazier and weaker, but also because there is not enough time.

end times

The last times and the end of the world are only a few years or decades away. No one can speak about this with certainty, but there is a hint in the Gospel: “... For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be famines, plagues and earthquakes in places ... then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and will not be. And if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:7-22).
Some holy fathers speak about the shortening of the day before the end of the world, for example, Saint Nil the Myrrh-streaming: “The day will rotate like an hour, a week, like a day, a month, like a week and a year, like a month…”

The problem of the inconsistency of time was comprehended at the intersection of philosophy and theology by the great Russian thinker Alexei Fedorovich Losev. “Considering time in its essence, as it is given to us in living experience, we state a certain fundamental instability characteristic of the essence of time. It is ... heterogeneous, compressible, expandable, completely relative and conditional ... Since 1914, time somehow condensed and began to flow faster. Apocalyptic expectations are explained precisely by the condensation of time ... "

Slow down life

Comprehending the problem of time reduction, one involuntarily turns to the science fiction of Herbert Wells. To one degree or another, many of his predictions came true - for example, about the artificial production of diamonds and the creation of bathyscaphes for exploring the ocean depths. Recall Wells' story "The Newest Accelerator".

Professor Gibbern invented a miraculous elixir with which you can change the time for a particular person. In a drunken drug, all processes in the body are accelerated hundreds of times, and he manages to do as much in a second as he would not have done in ordinary life in a few minutes. At the same time, the world around seems frozen, and even bees move at a snail's pace.

It is clear that this is a fairy tale, but a fairy tale is a lie, but in it ...
In the case of our real time, we have in some way the opposite effect. For some mysterious reason, life processes in the world could slow down. We breathe more slowly, the heart beats less frequently, cells regenerate longer.

Thanks to the slow work of the body, for every minute of time we manage to do about 25 percent less than the representatives of previous generations managed to do. Accordingly, the worldview has changed, and time in our perception has accelerated its run and flies a quarter faster.

But this is just a version, which, by the way, does not explain the example of the lamps at the tomb of the Lord. It is more likely that time itself, despite its apparent constancy, can "shrink". What do scientists think about this?

The earth has grown old

Interesting explanations of the variability of time were given by the famous physicist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, now deceased Viktor Iozefovich Veinik.

Academician Veinik put forward a scientific hypothesis that time, as a physical phenomenon, has a material carrier - a kind of time substance, which he called the "chronal field". In the course of the scientist's experiments, an electronic wrist watch placed in the experimental setup he created could slow down or speed up. Based on his experiments with the substance of time, Veinik concluded that there is a time field of the planet - the "chronosphere", which controls the transition of the past into the future.

The scientist considered the speed of some processes (he called it the term "chronal") and came to the conclusion that in the world the intensity of these processes is decreasing - for example, the intensity of radioactive decay of atoms, nuclear and chemical reactions.

Of all living beings, the highest speed of the body is observed in newborns. All processes are fast for them - babies grow quickly, gain weight quickly, quickly learn to understand the world ... And the life around them, accordingly, seems very slow to them. If a child is only two days old, then for him one day is half his life! And with age, the speed decreases many times. This also affects our perception of time - the lower the intensity of the processes, the faster time flies.

For an elderly person, the weeks begin to flicker as quickly as the days in his youth.
But that is not all. It turns out that not only specific people are aging. Gradually, the whole society and civilization as a whole “decays”! On our planet, the speed of life processes is steadily decreasing, which is why the running of time is accelerating for everything that exists on Earth.

In ancient times, at a high speed of processes, life on the planet literally boiled - dinosaurs were from a three-story house, grass - like today's trees, and the process of radioactive decay of an atom was incredibly intense. The first people were also distinguished by gigantism, confirmation of this can be found in the Bible: “At that time there were giants on the earth ... these are strong, glorious people of old” (Genesis 6:4).

Over time, the “violence” of life weakened more and more, representatives of the plant and animal world decreased in size, the world began to age. Now the intensity of all processes has decreased a thousand times, and today we can even feel the slowdown of time, which is happening literally before our eyes.

By the way, even now on Earth there are still places with a slightly increased chronal, for example, Sakhalin Island. The burdocks there are like hefty umbrellas, and the grass is the size of a bush. French scientists tried to plant these giants on their own land, but failed. A year later, the transplanted giants became ordinary, low and unremarkable plants. And one inquisitive scientist traveled from Moscow to Vladivostok with a radioactive clock and found that the rate of decay of atoms, which is reflected in the course of the clock, is not the same in different places.

Time Compression

Representatives of the occult trend in alternative science - eniology, which studies the laws of energy-informational interaction in nature, society and the Universe, are also showing keen interest in the problem of time compression. Curiously, in this area their conclusions echo the End Times prophecies mentioned above.
According to Doctor of Medicine Yuri Lir, real time in the Universe has noticeably accelerated (and we, accordingly, do not keep up with it). This process began back in the middle of the 20th century, when the solar system entered an incredibly powerful stream coming from the center of our galaxy and carrying a huge amount of energy and information in a variety of variations. This affected the psyche of each person and people's perception of the world around them.

There are many theories about the change in the course of time, says Lear. - I consider the most convincing opinion of the Soviet scientist, Professor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev, who proved by experience that time is the energy in which the Universe resides. And this energy can change the flow density. According to Kozyrev's theory, if the rotation speed of the solar system changes, time automatically changes.

Where there is more energy, time "reduces", compresses.
- Alas, we do not feel like the inhabitants of the planet and treat our common home Earth worse than ever! Lear continues. - The consciousness of a modern person is artificially narrowed and tied to a specific point of residence. He does not feel what is happening to the planet. Hence the lack of responsibility for everything that he does at a particular time. It is sad to admit, but catastrophic phenomena like tsunamis and typhoons are a consequence of people's attitude towards each other, a terrible price to pay for the unreasonableness of human behavior.

Why did the terrible tsunami hit Indonesia and Thailand specifically? I believe that the main cesspool of humanity is located there today. Everything that rich perverts can afford - everything is there. On a gigantic scale and cheaply. That is, it is modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Hence the result. And now it's the turn of the United States to pay for the decline in spirituality, pride, arrogance and the desire to rule the world ...

But despite water disasters, the main danger for today's humanity lies not in water, but in fire.
- There is an increasing amount of energy coming to the Earth, - Yuri Lir is sure. - Nowadays, the Sun has increased all types of radiation so much that many of them have ceased to succumb to the usual instrumental study! The spectrum of solar radiation confidently moves from yellow to white, that is, the luminary is heating up. This is the same fire that the Savior and the apostles speak of in the New Testament. If we combine this with the prophecies in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, with the calendar of the ancient Egyptians and the secret, sacred calendar for the Mayakiche Indian book "Popol Vuh" (this is the Mayan Bible), it will become clear: very soon we will have a transition to a new state, at a different time. .

For us today, this means one thing: following the calls of the ancient prophets, you need to behave like a human, not like a beast. Those who do not fit into the system of moral values ​​have no place in the future! Humanity that does not want to comply with the laws of the One Whose product it is is doomed ...
And yet, in no case should you fall into despair and give up, foreseeing the near end of the world! Firstly, the end of everything that exists on Earth is in the hands of God, and “about that day and hour” no one knows except the Creator Himself. And secondly, there is no need to think about the fate of the entire planet - let's think better about ourselves, about our life and our destiny on Earth. After all, only you and no one else will have to be responsible for how you lived your life, long or short.

Does time really exist? In the distant, distant times, when people did not fill their heads with stupid questions, everything was clear to everyone. Here, for example, is the past - there are ancestors, the accumulated experience of battles and crafts, here is the present, when you need to somehow survive, and here is the eternally foggy future. Times are very different now. Of course, science has made tremendous progress in the study of time since then, but to this day, scientists cannot say with certainty whether the past, present and future really exist. The first scientist who decided to seriously tackle this problem was Isaac Newton.

Isaac Newton At the end of the 17th century, he decided that it was time to decide what time is. In his famous work The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, he described it as an absolute phenomenon that exists independently of everything around. For Newton, time was linear and orderly, and we sail through it like a ship on the sea, leaving behind the past and striving for the future. And everything was simple and clear until Albert Einstein appeared on the horizon.

Albert Einstein He presented his theory of relativity, which dispelled the myth of time as a universal concept. He stated that there is no way to define events as occurring simultaneously and, not only the perception of time, but it itself is different for each of us. For example, for people moving at different speeds, the present also flows differently. Each of us perceives the concept of "now" based only on our own feelings. But even if the concept of "now" is subjective, how to define what is "yesterday". Since then, there has been confusion over time. The situation worsened even more when Einstein's general theory of relativity, which describes the laws of physics on a global scale, collided with quantum physics, which studies the smallest particles. Logically, everything in the universe should be interconnected and work according to general laws, no matter what it is: a microscopic particle or a huge galaxy. But it was not there. Scientists have already gone off their feet in search of a way to solve this problem. Until it occurred to them that they needed to derive the so-called grand unifying equation. Two physicists, John Wheeler and Bryce-de Witt, managed to solve this problem, but the resulting equation baffled the entire scientific world.

The Wheeler-DeWitt equation The fact is that if the equation is correct, then at the fundamental level of matter, time, in principle, does not exist, which means that there is no past, present, or future. But Wheeler and Bryce did not see any problem in this: the past and future are only our interpretation of reality and the changes taking place in it, and at the level of photons and protons, time is generally irrelevant. British scientist Julian Barbour also believes that time is nothing more than our own illusion.

Julian Barbour In his book The End of Time, he writes that the universe is a collection of solid, complete, statistical moments. He calls out "now". Imagine a stack of photographs, each picture is the "now" of the whole universe, a unique set of everything that is in it, from the smallest particles to galaxies, somewhere there we flicker with our memories, plans and hopes. In this world, the past, present and future exist at the same time, and if you put all these pictures into an album, you get a story. Many modern physicists adhere to a similar theory, the so-called block universe. It is actively promoted to the masses by the professor of philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Bradford Skou. He is sure that our past, present and future coexist side by side, like many points of one four-dimensional space. Then why do we perceive time as irreversible and moving forward? The fact is that the brain needs to divide life into some time intervals so that we live easier and more understandably, but in nature everything is possible in a completely different way. After all, we can't know for sure what's really going on. We only have what our brain produces as a result of information processing. Perhaps there is nothing at all: neither time nor matter, but only our thoughts. But what about our memories of the past, we remember it! The fact is that memories are just our thoughts about what happened. Thought itself exists now, not in the past. So is it worth it to believe the memories in this case, and can they be replaced?