Graduation speech by a graduate. Parting speech of the class teacher at the last call

This is the second parent graduation speech I wrote and posted here on my website.

Written for a specific dad of a school graduate. That is, everything is grown-up - the father speaks)))

He liked it - I managed to guess the thoughts and clothe them in the right words.

Whether the graduates liked it - I don’t know, I didn’t tell, I lost contact. But I myself like it, because these are my thoughts too. Did you like it - tell us about it, please, in the comments.

If you don’t find a dad to speak with, you can easily convert the text to your mom.

Now directly

Parent speech at graduation.

I was told that mothers almost always give parting words at graduation. If so, then today is an exception - an exclusive especially for you, dad speaks.

Therefore, I will speak like a man - directly, honestly, openly.

Remember how you were 2 years ago? Class A and class B - and between them is either a competition, or a battle, or enmity.

Look at yourself today - you are active, athletic, and most importantly - friendly. And that's why it's great! You have learned to be a team, you have learned to support each other, respect, trust and understand. Remember this, because there will be no such team in your life. Others will, but this one won't.

All parents at all times want their children to live better than their parents. To be more successful, successful and happier. And it always seems to us that we know how it will be better for you - where to study, whom to work with, whom to love. Sometimes it is - we know, and we are right - for the simple reason that life has forced us to become wiser.

But now I will say a seditious thing, for which many of the parents will want to shower me with slippers. Fortunately, they don't wear slippers to prom, so I'll say - DO NOT listen to us, do it your way. More precisely, not like that - listen, but do as your soul and heart tell you. Well, if your decision coincides with our advice. But if not, mothers will cry and agree, because we understand that this is your life, and you have the right to your decisions and your mistakes.

Be sure to learn a lesson from mistakes only - otherwise you will step on the same rake again, and this is already stupid. And you will fill a bump in the same place, and you will lose self-respect.

For young people, the expression “you need to try everything in life” sometimes pops up to the top of fashion. So, my dear, try it! Try to be the best at what you do, try to set ambitious goals and achieve them, try to improve the world and yourself. Or at least just try not to eat at night)) But it’s better not to try, but act right away!

And if you have already read something similar somewhere on VKontakte, then I’ll tell you this - your parents also sometimes read something there))) But this doesn’t make a smart idea dumber, so re-read, write down, memorize ... and implement in life.

And if you want to criticize someone, always start with yourself. And firmly decide for yourself once and for all that you personally are responsible for your life - only you and no one else. No parents, no teachers, no circumstances - just you. When we take responsibility for ourselves, we become a person. As soon as we start blaming someone else for our failures, we become squishy.

You are individuals, always remember this. You passed the 11-year-long exam with dignity, and today we can say - you are all great! True, both parents and teachers passed this lengthy exam together with you. Now we can already reveal this open secret to you - parents were also sometimes afraid to go to school. Who knows what they will say about you at the parent meeting, will you have to blush or be proud? Or donate money for repairs?

Of course, these are all jokes close to the truth. It's just that we're trying to make jokes to hold back the tears, otherwise everyone will start crying, and we'll make another flood here.

But without any jokes, in all seriousness, we say thank you to your class teacher and all the teachers who managed to withstand both you and us - and it is not known yet with whom it was more difficult.

You are so smart, independent, active.

As parents, we were different.

And a deep bow to the teachers for having taught you, and they endured us. And even if they pretend that they are finally happy to take a break from all of us, then in a week they will be bored and sad. So, guys, do not forget the school and your teachers - no matter how many students they have, your attention will never be superfluous. Because attention, like love, does not happen much. Try it and see for yourself.

School is over, now you will scatter in all directions. But wherever you go to study or work, in fact, this is not the main thing in life. Important, but not the most important. And the main thing is that you find yourself, do what you like in life - and it doesn’t matter what others think about it.

Communicate with interesting people, travel - at least within the region, broaden your horizons, read smart books, learn new things, develop yourself, do something good every day.

Only in this way can you be happy and make someone else happy. And oh, how many!

Be free people, just do not confuse freedom with anarchy, and decent behavior with pride. Do not be ashamed to approach classmates and teachers and ask for forgiveness - today is the best chance to make peace and forgive each other everything.

Leave beautifully, leaving only a good memory of yourself. Because it is not bad that is remembered, the last is remembered. Therefore, let your last day at school be bright, sincere, both cheerful and sad at the same time. Tears are not scary, spiritual callousness is much worse. Be afraid of this and don't let it happen.

Treasure your reputation and be grateful to everyone who has helped you in life.

In a word - remain reliable friends and decent people.

And we will quietly be proud of you!

Your parents.


Here is my parent's graduation speech. The main values ​​in the life of a normal person always remain unchanged, only priorities change slightly from time to time.

With the wish that all our speeches

children were heard, and not just listened to,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Dear Parents!

In the comments, dad asked to include in the speech of the parent the fact that he also graduated from this school at one time. I am fulfilling the request, because I know similar situations with the continuity of generations in one school. Write in the comments if it was useful to someone else. And in any case - write, it's important to me, and it's useful for my site. So,

Supplement to the speech of the parent at graduation.

After the words about the low bow to the teachers for having endured us (parents), say something like the following:

“And not only these 11 years. For example, I myself graduated from this school 26 years ago. And I remember many teachers. I hope they remember me too... Although it would be better if they forgot about some of my school “achievements”.

Judging by the fact that my daughter, when she came home from school, didn’t say anything terrible about me, and didn’t even slyly squint in my direction, I think that it’s true - they forgot. Or they delicately pretended not to remember, and for this special thanks to the teachers - from me and from all the other parents who also studied at this school.

But today, fortunately, it's still not about us, but about you, our naughty and beloved children. Therefore, know that if the teachers pretend that they are finally happy to take a break from all of us ... "

Our life consists of stages. One stage ends, another begins, we move to a new stage. Today is the brightest and most joyful event in the life of our children, graduates! We have been waiting for this moment for a long time, but it came somehow very quickly ...

Today you are a graduate!
Beautiful moment of youth
The soul is sublime-air
And you believe in tomorrow innocently.
Now your choice is free
And all desires are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!
The hour has come to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year will pass, and many years,
Fate will put everyone in their place.
Some will probably glorify
Others, he will set up barriers!
And it's very hard to give advice
And sometimes you won't find the answer.
But you, playing with your fate,
Sometimes stuffing cones,
Don't rush to retreat
Only the strong can win!
May your life be full
Surrounded by the warmth of friends
And warmed by personal happiness,
And unusual as a comet!

Most importantly, stay healthy
Not necessarily new Russians.
Strong, smart, businesslike,
With big plans and dreams.

We wish everyone to receive diplomas,
We are always waiting for you, we invite you.
We wish you all to work honestly,
Find love, get married, get married.

Be tolerant of other people
Be proud of your state.
I would like to believe that it was not in vain that you were raised:
You have planted good roots in the ground.

Remember, there is no better and more beautiful in the world
Why at home, PECHOR of our relatives.

Our dear children!
You are already adults, and you don’t want to listen to edification, but there is such a wonderful thing as the subconscious mind, which at the right moment gives out useful information. But for this you must first put it there.
Today we are setting you up for success.
The familiar, slightly worn-out word Success has recently acquired more and more meaning and concrete content.
A successful person now is a healthy person, because he will not waste time and money on illness and treatment, but will engage in prevention and a healthy lifestyle.
A successful person is a persistent person who knows what he wants and always achieves it, but never on the principle of "at any cost". This is not our principle.
A successful person is a person who is able to help himself, his family and, of course, someone else who needs this help.
A successful person, most importantly, does what he can and what he loves, and this brings him pleasure and, oddly enough, money)))
This is a happy person who charges others with happiness, who does what he does with talent - whether he bakes buns, plays KVN or leads the country.
Be successful people, create your personal success story!
Finally, a phrase that has already become almost legendary:
"Everything will be fine for each of us"
"Okean Elzy" and your parents

Dear children!
I will now say a seditious thing, for which many of the parents will want to throw slippers at me.
Fortunately, they don’t go to prom in slippers, so I’ll say, don’t listen to us, do it your way. More precisely, don’t listen like that, but do as your soul and heart tell you. It’s good if your decision coincides with our advice .But if not, mothers will cry and agree, because we understand that this is your life, and you have the right to your decisions and your mistakes.
Just be sure to learn a lesson from mistakes, otherwise you will step on the same rake again, and this is already stupid. And you will fill a bump and lose self-respect.
Communicate with interesting people, travel - at least within the region, broaden your horizons, read smart books, learn new things, develop yourself, do something good every day.
Only in this way can you be happy and make someone else happy. And this is oh, how much!
Treasure your reputation and be grateful to everyone who helped you in life. In a word, remain reliable friends and decent people.
And we will quietly be proud of you.
Your parents.

Dear children and teachers,

With a wonderful holiday, kind!


May the Earth shine with joy for you.

All worries will go away, they will fly away like smoke.
Let there be only happiness, fabulous success,

Our children will do a lot.

Life, as in the best plans, will develop for everyone.

Let everything succeed at the mark of "five"!

Our guys who have matured, leaving the school class, we want you to find your only right path and not turn off it under any circumstances. Let your ambitions be high, but fate will favorably allow all dreams to come true.

Our dear children, congratulations on your graduation.We wish that the first step into adulthood be successful and successful.Let everything be difficult for you.Be healthy, children, happy and loved.We wish you purposefulness and well-being. And we will always help you in the implementation of your desires and goals.

Dear our graduates, children! Every parent, starting from the moment the child goes to school for the first time, periodically visits the thought: “When will school finally end?”. And now we have adults, graduates, standing in front of us. A difficult choice lies ahead: who to become in this life? Let fate prompt the right decision, and we, the parents, will help you with this.

We will never forget how small you were. It seems that just recently we were collecting you in the first class, and today we were already collecting you in the last one. I remember your first meeting with the school: everyone was fussing, afraid, worried, and we confidently led you to the first grade, promising that everything would be fine. And now, after so many years, nothing will change - we will always be with you, we will be your support, support, your faith. After all, you are our children, our world, our happiness. Today, not only you have matured, but we have grown up along with you. Our dear ones, we wish you that this last call will be the beginning of a new life for you, in which you will definitely succeed and make all your dreams come true!

Today, with tears in our eyes, we are seeing our children off into adulthood and I would like to say special thanks to all the teachers who have invested their love, knowledge in our children for many years and helped them make choices. I would like to wish our wonderful children to preserve their childish spontaneity, boldly enter the future and its hardships and be immensely happy!

Saying goodbye to a school or college may seem so cherished, but in fact it causes a storm of touching and sweet emotions. After all, now graduates become full-fledged adults and must continue to choose their own path. And it was the class teacher who helped guide the students in grades 9 or 11, show them possible options for further development and learning. Therefore, both parents and adolescents must prepare a touching speech for the last call. It should include words of gratitude and respect. But the director and administration of the educational institution can make a short official speech. In the above ideas for writing text, video examples, you can get useful information for creating original texts.

Beautiful speech from parents on the last call for grade 11 - ideas and text examples

To express respect and thank teachers for raising, teaching and helping children will help the parent's speech at the last call. It is better to entrust such a task to representatives of the parent committee.

Ideas for writing a beautiful speech for the last call from parents

In the speech being compiled, parents should express gratitude for caring for their children, thank teachers for their hard work. Separately, you can include gratitude for the best teachers, director and administration.

I want to say a word from my parents

About our kind and dear teachers.

Thank you very much,

We have tears in our eyes!

May you work long and calmly,

Let the students love you very much,

And they pay you, as you deserve it,

After all, for children you are like lighthouses!

We wish you good luck and patience.

We love you and thank you all

And we consider you the best of the best,

At least we part with you for good!

Thanks to all the teachers who put in so much effort to ensure that our children finish school with such great results! Only we parents can understand how hard it was for you with our children. God bless you and thanks again!

More recently with tears of happiness

You, little ones, we led to the first class.

Now proudly stand before us -

Not children already, but graduates.

And we wish you an easier way

Find yourself and always be yourself

Go forward in life without being shy

And with a proudly raised head to the sky.

Examples of texts of speech for the last call from the parents of students in grade 11

In the proposed examples, you can get acquainted with the features of composing a speech, possible transitions from general to individual thanks. If desired, part of the texts can be used to compose your own text.

The last bell has rung for you

And there is no more need to learn lessons -

The thorny wreath can now be removed,

For knowledge, for broad horizons

Thank all teachers

Beloved school, which has become a second home,

But they came a little higher than the gnomes!

You have invested both time and effort,

And nerves, and finances, oh, a lot!

But we just want to ask:

Please us in life with the highest score

In study, hobbies, in work,

Make friends, relax and fall in love,

Youth is in demand everywhere

Be brave and don't doubt yourself!

Today the last bell rang for our children. On behalf of all parents, I would like to thank the school administration and teachers for your diligence and participation in the upbringing of our children, the acquired knowledge and support. May your strength not run out, may your health be strong, and your mood be bright and festive. And for children, we want to wish you a successful journey through adulthood, happiness and purposefulness.

The last bell is ringing! On this festive joyful day, on behalf of the parents, we want to thank all the teachers and the administration. Year after year, our children are in your caring hands. Thank you for the given baggage of knowledge, for resourcefulness, attentiveness and kindness. We wish you creative success, development, stress resistance, energy and kindness.

What speech to make on the last call to parents - for the 9th grade of a school, college

Graduates of grade 9 have a much harder time than graduates of grade 11. After all, they leave school earlier, they have to make new friends earlier, get acquainted with teachers. Therefore, the speech at the last call after grade 9 on behalf of their parents should be both beautiful and touching.

Examples of a short speech for the last bell at school and college from parents of students in grade 9

The drafting of the text is best done collectively: with several parents of graduates at once. This will help create a beautiful text of thanks and congratulations. You can take as a basis the speech of the parents on the last call from the following examples:

So the exciting and touching moment of farewell to the school has come, the last bell is ringing! Before my eyes, first grade, flowers, ruler, holiday, lessons, breaks, grades, holidays, friends, graduation, awe, sadness. Now the inevitability has repeated itself in the children. Our relatives: graduates, teachers, director, all those who for many years diligently walked side by side together, making discoveries, learning, rejoicing. Happy holiday! May the world be friendly, all roads open, and the future exceed expectations. Be happy and remember the bright time of your school years.

Today the last bell rings for our children, today hot summer days open their doors to adventures. On behalf of all parents, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the teachers and school administration, because these people have done a lot for our children, have contributed to their upbringing and education. May the summer holidays fill us all with new strength and certainly leave only happy and joyful memories in our hearts.

Native school, dear teachers, beloved children, the time has come when you rise one more step higher. We wish your life path to be happy, full, successful and interesting. Let your feet not stumble into blood on the stones that fate will throw at you.

Touching speech from graduates for the last call - ideas for writing, examples of text

Graduates have a pretty hard time after graduation from high school and college. They have a special attachment to classmates, teachers, and friends from school. Therefore, a touching speech is perfect for them, in which they can beautifully express all their emotions.

Ideas for writing a touching speech for the last call from graduates

In the text of the speech for the last call, it is necessary to include words of gratitude for teachers. They also need to be congratulated on a well-deserved rest after the school year. It is recommended to include funny stories from the life of students at school.

Dear teachers and dear friends - classmates. Today, we, graduates, have to take one of the most important steps in our lives, leaving school. Behind the best years - carefree childhood, youth, and ahead of further study, work. I think that the best gratitude for teachers on our part will be the fruits of knowledge and life wisdom that we have grown from the seeds that they have sown in our hearts. One Latin proverb says that we learn not for school, but for life. These words are deeply imprinted in our memory. And today we are parting with the building to which we owe so much, with teachers who, with the same selflessness, devoted all their energies to our education and upbringing. Therefore, on behalf of all today's graduates, I say: thank you, school, thank you, dear teachers.

Today we are graduates, no longer children, but not adults either. Tomorrow we will take a step into independent life. There will be both sorrows and joys. Sometimes we will meet good and sympathetic people, and sometimes quarrelsome and evil. But we must remember that parents and teachers raised us to be kind, decent and cultured guys and girls. I would like to thank all the relatives and, of course, those who taught us throughout all these years. Thank you, teachers, for your help in difficult times, for the good advice and knowledge that you shared with us.

Dear friends! Today we say goodbye to our native school! The day is exciting, joyful and sad at the same time. You have already taken the first step towards future achievements and success - and now you are on the verge of serious responsible decisions about choosing your future professional and life path. Great prospects are open before you. School years gave you a lot of new and interesting things - joy, comprehension of various sciences, fidelity of friends, first love and first disappointments. But along with you, teachers also studied, your parents gained experience and wisdom. And let only the brightest and warmest memories of school remain in your memory, and let today be the start to a new adult and interesting, eventful life.

An example of a touching speech for the last call from graduates

The considered texts are optimally suited for selecting the most beautiful and touching phrases, studying the rules for composing a speech. Also, they should pay attention to the features and structure of the text.

Today is your first graduation party, there will be others ahead, but this one is the most important and expensive. Remember it. We want to wish you that your further studies become an interesting voyage along the river of knowledge for you, so that you get only good grades, so that new subjects will carry you into the world of knowledge! Crossing this threshold, believe that the most interesting is ahead of you! Good luck to you!

Dear teachers! You are strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive, led our graduates through the years of childhood and adolescence, invested in each of them knowledge, a particle of your heart, gave them your human warmth, your love. That is why they are all so kind, sympathetic and open. Thank you so much for our guys. And low bow to you.

I want to turn to you, dear teachers.

A low bow to you for your patience, for your skills, for loving our children and being their wise mentors. We wish you to release more than one generation of the same wonderful guys as you did ours. And let our children have an easy way of life. And may warm memories of these wonderful school years always live in the hearts of our children. Today you let us out into a greater life. Our schooling is over, but there will be many more different lessons in life.

Original speech from the class teacher at the school at the last bell - sample text

Necessarily beautiful and touching speech of the class teacher at the last call should be heard for all graduates. It will help them set themselves up to reach new heights.

Examples of texts of the original speech from the class teacher for the last call

In the proposed examples of texts, you can get ideas for writing a text for graduates. They will be very pleased to hear kind words from their class teacher.

I won't say it's your day. I will not repeat that you need to enter universities - this is already a decided fact for me, I am one hundred percent sure of you.

Student life is a time of new relationships, new acquaintances, new love - a time when everything can be tried, updated, experimented.

Adults often tell you: “Now in our time ... We went to potatoes in our student years, worked on a collective farm - and so on! What will you be proud of?"

Believe me, there is something! Answer proudly that you lived in the era of the exaltation of the Steve Jobs company, that you know what news Vkontakte is discussing, how to play Sims-2, and that Guf is actually alive! Many adults are now probably thinking, who is Guf?

Believe me, it is as impossible for some of the older generation to master at least some second iPad as it is for you to understand what the beauty of a trip to potatoes is!

Be proud of this and remember that any adult sitting in this hall would like to be in your place now and find yourself again in this fabulous time - youth.

Dear children! Let me, perhaps for the last time, call you that - children ...

I have already released several generations of students, they were all different. I remember everyone, of course. But some I remember with particular pride.

I wish you to live such an adult life that every teacher present in this hall now (regardless of the grades and attitudes) proudly said: “I remember this man, he was my student!”

Separately, I want to address you, wonderful students. You are all smart and beautiful today, I look at you and regret that it is impossible to start life anew ...

And the last. I want your motto in life to be a simple phrase, the meaning of which everyone will understand in their own way: “Follow the dawn!”

Dear graduates! I want to wish you great pure love, the creation of a strong family, because this, I am sure, is the main support and support for every person! Of course, I wish you and your family good health!

Always remember that you are unique, talented, funny, kind, open, worthy people! Be confident! Achieve the goals you set for yourself in the future! And then you will be truly happy!

Well, I am now insanely happy, because I also achieved my goal - I am releasing such wonderful guys! Thank you for all these years! I love you very much!

Short speech from the school principal at the last call - ideas and video sample text

On the line dedicated to the last call, the director of the educational institution must make a congratulatory speech. He should wish success to the graduates, thank the teachers for their excellent work. The video example below will help you compose an official speech for the director at the last call.

Video example of a short speech by the director at the last call at school

In this example, you can see a short speech that is suitable for the last call. The director himself can include personal wishes, congratulatory words.

Official speech from the administration at the last call - examples and text ideas

Other representatives of the administration can also congratulate graduates and other students on the completion of the academic year: head teachers, a psychologist or a sociologist. You can compose an official speech for the last call for grade 11 or grade 9 using the following examples.

Ideas and examples of official speech at the last call from the administration

Among the texts reviewed, you can easily pick up good speech options for the last call. They can be used as a basis by all employees of the school administration.

So the school years are over

Dear graduates! On this day, you leave the walls of the school to enter another world, into adulthood, where you will have to show more responsibility and courage. We are glad that we could invest in you all our love and knowledge that we ourselves have. All this time you justified our hopes, now it's time for you to decide what you want to do and receive from this life. We believe in your endurance, strength and aspirations. Thank you for these difficult, but interesting and fruitful years.

Congratulations on your last call. I wish you to free your head from all the lessons and homework, tune in to a new way of having fun and exciting summer adventures. Let the wind of luck drive you to your dreams, let only a good mood and a bright feeling of happiness triumph.

It will not be difficult to compose a beautiful and touching speech for the last call, having familiarized yourself with the proposed examples. Tips include ideas for writing formal speeches for school or college administrators, parents, and 9th or 11th graders. Short texts can be used as a basis when compiling a congratulatory text from the class teacher. A video example of a director's speech is suitable for all heads of educational institutions.

Director's speech at the graduation party of 9th grade students in 2016

Dear our most wonderful graduates!

How many beautiful words there are in our great and mighty Russian language to express the feelings that we experience on this festive and exciting day. Of course, I am happy for each of you, I am glad that you adequately passed the state final certification, and today I want to name the best answers of our graduates, which are included in the GIA protocol:

You are graduating from school in a year filled with fateful events for our country, when Russia in various fields of activity declared itself to be the winner in the world.

So your destiny is to be the best. I am convinced that your talented generation will change this world, make it kinder, the palette of colors and colors will be brighter. We believe in you, we want to be proud of you, you are our hope, our future! Let maturity of thinking, broad outlook, respect for people, humanity and justice become your calling card in life.

Take care of the warmth of your father's house and remember: there are houses in the world where people come without an invitation in moments of joy and sadness. The doors of our Bolshevyazemskaya gymnasium are always open for you.

Allow me, as a parting word, to give you 8 short rules of life that will undoubtedly help you become successful in your profession and just in life.

Have a good journey, happiness, fulfillment of your dreams!

Our gymnasium is strong in traditions, many of which were born thanks to the ideas of our graduates.But among them, I would like to single out another tradition that was born quite recently - this is holding the Assembly and conferring the title "Pride of the Gymnasium" to those students who brought the most awards to the general treasury of the achievements of the gymnasium.

Let me name the most purposeful, hardworking and erudite graduates of the basic school: This academic year, the title of "Pride of the Gymnasium-2016" is awarded to students:

    Kononko Elizabeth, 9 b

    Kravets Anna, 9th century

Kononenko Elizaveta graduates from the basic school with a certificate of a special type, and in the certificate of Anna Kravets there are only five.

Today we are also announcing the names of the most athletic, brave, courageous and hardy students of the gymnasium, who brought many certificates, diplomas and cups to the general treasury of sports awards of the gymnasium.

Nomination "The most athletic student of the year 2016"

Winners of the school competition "The most athletic class of the year" and

awarding medals of the gymnasium in the nomination "The most athletic student of 2010" are invited to:

    Antonov Vladimir, 9a

    Koshelev Dmitry, 9 b

Dear children, I congratulate all the awardees and thank you for your readiness to support the prestige of the gymnasium, I wish you new creative and sporting victories and achievements.

To all of you, dear children, I wish you to bear the title of a graduate of the Bolshoi Vyazemskaya Gymnasium with honor, I sincerely hope that each of you will become a good person, about whom people will speak only kind and grateful words, a worthy citizen of your country of Russia, I believe that you will keep warm memories of our gymnasium and cherish the warmth of the parental hearth.

Close your eyes, imagine comfort

Imagine a place where they will always understand

Where there is no evil and no sorrow,

Where you are always missed

You say there is no such place

No, there is a parental heart!

Take care of your parents, guys, appreciate the family and parental care and boundless love for you, because no matter what peaks you reach, how old you are, for your parents you will always remain children!

Presentation of certificates to class teachers

Dear colleagues!

Nanuli Alexandrovna, Irina Yurievna, Nadezhda Vasilievna!

All these years you have been close to your students, sharing the joy of victories and the bitterness of sorrows. Your activity can be compared with the experienced work of breeders. How many wonderful qualities you instilled in your pupils, how painstakingly you guarded the sprouts of talent and abilities of each of them.

Thank you for everything:

For experience, soul, inspiration!

For thoughts of high triumph

For their earthly incarnation!


My words of gratitude to the parents, for whom you guys have always been and remain the smartest, most talented, most beautiful and most beloved! They, like true amateur flower growers, raised you all these years and today presented the fruits of their labor. We teachers thank you for charming girls and noble boys. We expressed our gratitude in letters of thanks.

But there are special families in the hall today, with whom we have traveled this path from the very beginning to the prom. From grade 1, the teaching staff acquired like-minded people in their person, ready to support any of our undertakings and proposals, always come to the rescue, be there in difficult times, were activists of the parent committee of the class and the school:

Congratulations to all parents, I wish your families well-being and happiness. Let our children receive a decent education, a favorite profession, be in demand in society and be appreciated according to their merits. Let your son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter become a man with a capital letter!


I sincerely congratulate the entire team on this significant event. From graduation to graduation, you donate not only your experience, knowledge, but also human wisdom. Special words of gratitude to my deputies: selfless workers who are always ready to defend the interests of children. Teachers are people with a special light of the soul, the joy of inspiration, creative searches, filled with love for the world, for children! They can safely be called professionals.

I wish all colleagues health and creative longevity! May your personal and professional happiness be complete! Let others appreciate you for the burden of responsibility that you carry on your fragile shoulders.

Soundtrack of music from the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring".

On the stage, a chain of a group of guys. To meet them - sentinel (break of music).

Patrol. Stop! Who goes?

boys. Their...

Patrol. All your houses! Password!

Boys. Study is sacred, don't touch it!

Stop mise-en-scene.

Patrol. Eustace - Alex. Graduates of 200_. Boys. Special signs: active, athletic, moderately aggressive. In the classroom, they go into a long hibernation. Eye color is cheeky. Expiration date - not established. Shake well before use!

Their! Come on!

Phonogram "Charleston". The way out is the dance of the girls.

Patrol. Stop! Who goes?

Girls. We!

Patrol. Password?

Girls. If you know that you can’t, but really want to, then ...

All. Can!

Stop mise-en-scene.

Patrol. Eustace - Alex. Graduates of 201_. Mysterious, beautiful. Moderately serious and bitchy. Favorite subject is a mirror. Favorite exercise - eye shooting. They are fluent in cold weapons: sharp tongues and heels!

Girls. Y-ya!

Patrol. Their! Come on!

Bell trill.

Director. Attention, colleagues! The first and last emergency children's council is declared open! I invited you to tell the good news: the next academic year is over, graduation is coming!

1st presenter. What graduation?

2nd host. How is graduation?

3rd leader. Dear, really, graduation, are you kidding? Oh my god, what a joy!

Head teacher. We waited!

All. Hooray!

Director. Peace, only peace! We must not forget that this joy is not only for us, but also for our teachers. So to speak, a holiday! And so there is only one question: how will we celebrate?

All. With a song!

Head teacher. Be more serious, dear graduates, more collected! What will be the proposals?

1st leader. No objections!

2nd leader. There is a fresh idea here. We build everyone in even rows, and from the left foot, with a slogan: at-two, at-two ...

Director. No no and one more time no! What is required of us today is an extraordinary, creative approach. What, for example, are our teachers interested in?

Head teacher I don't know, I think their last hobby is gambling. In history, geography - in cards, in algebra - in a point ... Not a lesson - but a solid casino!

3rd host. But this is an idea! Let's arrange a school casino for our dear educators! All in tuxedos, evening dresses, cocktails...

1st presenter. Non-alcoholic!

2nd host. And no makeup!

3rd leader. And this is the second shoe!

Director. No, we don’t pull at the casino, we haven’t matured yet. We would like something simpler, without unnecessary frills ...

Head teacher. And in general, I would like to take a closer look at the curriculum. They will appreciate it!

1st presenter. Oh, and on holidays it is customary to give gifts. For the long memory!

Director. So where?

All. Here!

A huge crib-wallpaper is presented to the attention of those present.

Director. What is it?

1st student. The latest achievement of an inquisitive lyceum thought is a universal cheat sheet!

Director. Very interesting! So to say, a gift for a long memory! What is its versatility?

2nd student. Here is collected the most valuable information of ten school years. Here is the schedule of calls and lessons. In the far left corner, a little higher - the address of the lyceum and the map of routes to it.

3rd student. And here, pay attention, a map of the nearest food outlets. Here are the addresses of training turnouts, that is, offices, passwords, ciphers.

4th student. Here we have placed a dictionary of common expressions of lyceum students so that our teachers better understand their pupils...

Head teacher Yes, dear present! And not sorry?

5th student. It's a pity! So what to do? They need it now!

Director. But I can't see anything!

2nd leader. And that's the point! The cheat sheet is made with a special composition - sympathetic ink, which appears only when heated above 100 degrees.

Director. Yeah, that is, in a critical situation. Perfectly! The only thing missing is the artistic and aesthetic framing...

3rd host. And remember, some classic wrote: “There are miracles, there the goblin roams ...”

1st leader. Golden chain... Will go left or right...

2nd leader. A mermaid is sitting on the branches... Yes...

3rd host. I want a miracle! Magical, fabulous!

Director. How are we with miracles?

1st presenter. As much goodness as you want! Here!

Director. What is it?

1st presenter. Miracle strap.

Director. And how does it work?

1st leader. Reliably. One wave - you will find understanding, two wave - you will gain zeal, three wave - you will find a medalist!

Head teacher. And what's that gurgling around here? (Reads.) "Living and dead water." Oh, to wash your hands...

2nd leader. No, brainwash negligent lyceum students. These tanks contain the sweat, blood and tears shed by our dear teachers while they were hammering knowledge into us.

Director. Dear graduates, do not be distracted. They expect a holiday from us, but somehow it doesn’t go well with it. Something is missing.

All. What?

Head teacher. Got it, got it! solemnity! To be a memory for ages! So that they wanted to, but they could not forget!

1st student. To be proud, they set an example for future lyceum students.

2nd student. So that they would only say: “Here, I remember, in 201_ there was a release - a legend, heroes, a song!”

Director. Fine! To take out the commemorative banner of the 201_ graduation - at attention! Bring in the banner!

Music. Bring in the banner. Drum roll sounds.

3rd student. May the memory of 11 years of lyceum life never fade in our hearts!

Final song (to the music "My Guardian Angel" by I. Krutoy).

I. My first class, my first friend,

All this was remembered, and it suddenly became brighter.

Thank you with all my heart

Everyone who walked with me

This path is big.


In the midsummer night sky

A swarm of bright pearls.

Do not forget us, beloved lyceum,

My guardian angel! (2 times)

II. After parting - the joy of meeting,

We will try to keep them forever.

And we can't betray each other

After all, our youth looks into our eyes!