South American ancient platform. South American platform

The main tectonic element of North America is the North Amer and Kan platform with the Canadian crystal shield within the platform, a number of large tectonic elements are distinguished that control the location of oil and gas provinces and regions (Fig. 54)

In the inner part of the platform, Paleozoic oil and gas bearing provinces are distinguished, within which oil and gas bearing areas associated with tectonic elements are isolated: with the arched uplifts of Cincinnati, Central Kansas, etc.; with intraplatform depressions Illinois, Michigan, Permian basin. In the junction zones of the platform with folded belts, the Paleozoic Appalachian in the east and the Paleozoic-Mesozoic of the Rocky Mountains in the west stand out. In the southwest of the continent, the Gulf Coast (Gulf of Mexico) province is distinguished, which is a passive continental margin of the North American continent that has been developing since the Lower Mesozoic. On the Pacific coast

arctic ocean

Rice. 54. Scheme of tectonic and petrogeological zoning of North America (according to Yu.N. Uspenskaya).

1 - outcrops of the Precambrian crystalline basement, 2 - area of ​​development of the Caledonian folding, 3 - area of ​​development of the Hercynian folding, 4 - areas of development of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic folding of the Cordillera, 5 - oil and gas areas of the North American platform, 6 - intermountain depressions of the Cordillera folded belt.

Oil and gas bearing provinces and regions: 1 - Colville trough; 2 - Beaufort-Mackenzie basin; 3 - Albert depression; 4 - syneclise Williston; 5 - intermontane depressions of the Rocky Mountains; 6 - Inner Western Province; 7 - Perm depression; 8 - bend arch; 9 - ledge Azark; 10 - Illinois depression; 11 - Michigan depression; 12 - the arch of Cincinnati; 13 - Pre-Appalachian trough; 14 - the province of the Gulf of Mexico; 15 - Atlantic province; 16 - California; 17 - Cook's Bay.

the California province of Alpine age stands out. On the Alaska Peninsula, two provinces are distinguished - the Paleozoic-Mesozoic of the Arctic slope (Colville Basin) and the Cenozoic of Cook Inlet on the Pacific coast of the peninsula.

The North American continent is distinguished by the highest degree of exploration.

Deposits are known here in deposits from the Cambrian to the Pliocene, confined to a wide variety of traps within large intra-platform depressions and uplifts, in zones of articulation of the platform with folded areas, various intermountain depressions and modern passive and active continental margins. As an example of a large vault, we can cite the Tsincinnati vault, which is 1000 km long and up to 400 km wide. The deposits are confined to local brachianticlines and zones of wedging out of sandstones. The main productive horizons are concentrated in the Ordovician and Silurian parts of the section. One of the richest intraplatform structures is the Permian depression. Its area is 365 thousand km 2. The deposits are confined to local structures and traps of stratigraphic and lithological types. The main productive horizons are concentrated in the Permian and Carboniferous parts of the section. In total, more than 5.5 thousand deposits have been discovered here. The Western Canadian oil and gas province is a typical example of the structure of the junction zone of an ancient platform with a folded area. Here, the deposits are confined to local structures, pinchout zones, and reef structures; in the junction zone of the trough with the folded zone, deposits associated with thrust dislocations are widely developed; on the eastern side of the trough, the world's largest deposits of heavy oils and malts are known (fields Athabasca, Vabasca, etc.), with reserves of 120 billion tons. The oil and gas province of the Gulf of Mexico is an example of the oil and gas potential of a passive continental margin that continues its development. Its evolution begins from the Permo-Triassic period. The stratigraphic range of oil and gas potential is from Upper Jurassic to Quaternary deposits. The number of productive horizons exceeds 100. The deposits are associated with local structures, diapiric domes, stratigraphic and lithological types of traps. A large number of deposits have been discovered in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico (about 500). Among the largest fields in this province is the East Texas oil field, the second largest in the United States (initial recoverable reserves of about 800 million tons). It is assumed that this field will be developed for almost 100 years; by the beginning of the 1990s, more than 600 million tons were produced at the field. oil (beginning of production in 1933).

Numerous Cenozoic intermountain depressions are located on the western coast of the continent, the productive horizons in which are confined to Miocene and Pliocene sediments. In the south of the Alaska Peninsula, there is the oil and gas region of Cook Inlet, which is genetically related to the active continental margin that continues to develop. Oil and gas fields are discovered here both on the mainland and in the waters of the bay.

In the United States, the largest oil field in the northern hemisphere, Prudhoe Bay (province of the Arctic slope of Alaska), was discovered. The deposit is confined to an anticline cut by an unconformity (Fig. SS). Three deposits were found at the field in the depth interval of 2050-3200 m in the Permian-Carboniferous, Triassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits. The recoverable oil reserves at the field are estimated at 1.3 billion m 3 .

Rme. 55 Schematic section of the Prue do Bay field (Gabrieliants, 1984). 1 - oil; 2 - gas; 3 - water; 4 - surface of stratigraphic unconformity.

This platform experienced a short-term uplift at the beginning of the Silurian as a result of the manifestation of the Taconian phase of folding in the Appalachian geosyncline. Regression has been replaced by transgression with wide distribution of carbonate deposits and reef formations.

Silurian deposits are represented by limestones and dolomites. There are many reef structures in the Lower Silurian sections, and halogen rocks appear in the Upper Silurian, especially in the east of the platform - anhydrites, gypsum and rock salt.

At the very end of the Silurian, huge salt pools arose in North America. The thickness of the Silurian is measured in several hundred meters. In depressions, it increases, for example, in the Michigan depression - up to 1.5 km.


The southern continents in the Silurian still stand above sea level, and the Silurian precipitation is insignificant, but where they are present (along the periphery of Gondwana), they are represented by terrigenous formations.

In the South American part of Gondwana, a restructuring took place at the end of the Ordovician - the beginning of the Silurian, probably caused by the influence of the Caledonian folding. In the Silurian, the area of ​​the sea increased. Depressions of the meridional direction appeared. They accumulated significant thickness (up to 800-1200 m) clastic sediments with subordinate carbonate layers. In the Amazon Basin (latitudinal direction), marine sandy-argillaceous sediments 100 m thick are observed. In the Late Silurian and at the very beginning of the Devonian, uplifts again occurred as a result of Late Caledonian movements.

In the African part of Gondwana, sandy strata at the end of the Ordovician and in the Silurian were replaced by dark clays with graptolites. Carbonate muds appeared in the northern part of the basin. Along the margins of the area of ​​marine accumulation, coastal sands were deposited. The thickness of the Silurian rocks is usually small. On the Arabian Peninsula, the Silurian is represented by a continuous section of sandy-argillaceous formations of considerable thickness. At the end of the Silurian, a regression began everywhere in Africa, which was especially clearly manifested in Arabia.

The Australian part of Gondwana in the Silurian was mostly land.

History of development of geosynclinal belts North Atlantic geosynclinal belt

Grampian geosynclinal region. Grampian geosyncline. A section of the Silurian of Wales, the stratotype locality where the Silurian system was identified, can be seen in Scheme III, col. incl.

The Silurian rests on the Ordovician with a structural unconformity caused by the Taconian orogeny. At the base of the Llandovery lie conglomerates and sandstones, above which are replaced by a sandy-clayey stratum with shell rocks; Pentamerides are numerous (the thickness of Llandovery reaches 1.5 km). Wenlock is lithologically diverse: in some areas of calcareous-argillaceous rocks and

limestones with remains of brachiopods and corals (300-400 m), in others - a thick layer of sandstones and siltstones (thickness -1.2 km). The Ludlov deposits are predominantly carbonate: limestone, calcareous shales, calcareous siltstones. There are numerous stromatoporates, corals, brachiopods (thickness - 0.5 km). There are fossil banks with conchidium knighti. In the upper part of the stage, there is a layer of the so-called bone-bearing breccia, which consists of parts and fragments of the bone cover of armored fish.

The described section of three tiers refers to "shell" formations - shallow-water deposits of considerable thickness containing the indicated fauna.

Another type of section of the same stages is also known - in the form of a thin stratum of graptolitic shales. Clay material in this case was deposited in the deep sea areas. The third type of incision is mixed. It contains rocks of the first and second types.

The uppermost part of the Silurian section in England is distinguished as the Downton Stage (thickness -0.6-0.9 km). These are red and variegated sandy-argillaceous rocks with interlayers of red marls. They contain shells of ostracods and ichthyofauna. Downton is gradually replaced by the lower red-colored Devonian. All this is overlapped with structural unconformity by Middle Devonian conglomerates.

In Wales, the total thickness of the Silurian is 3 km. The deposits are folded and metamorphosed. Caledonian folding manifested itself repeatedly and was accompanied by magmatism.

In the Scandinavian part of the Grampian geosyncline, thick clastic strata accumulated, at first typically marine, and towards the end of the Silurian - continental.

Ural-Mongolian geosynclinal belt

Ural-Tien Shan geosynclinal region stretches from Novaya Zemlya to the southern Tien Shan.

Ural geosyncline. Silurian deposits are widely developed in the Urals. On the western slope of the Urals, carbonate and terrigenous sediments (up to 2 km) accumulated quietly under miogeosynclinal conditions. On the eastern slope, in the eugeosyncline, lavas and tuffs, siliceous shales and limestones accumulate (thickness - 5 km). In the Silurian in the Urals, the main geotectonic structures were laid, which later turned into the existing anticlinoria and synclinoria. The Silurian of the Urals of the western and eastern slopes contains the same fauna, which indicates a single geosynclinal Ural basin in the Silurian. ,; On the territory of the western slope of the Urals and on Novaya Zemlya, miogeosynclinal conditions dominated, so carbonate and carbonate-argillaceous deposits (500-1500 m) with a diverse complex of organic remains accumulated here. Shallow coastal sand and pebble rocks are known on the western outskirts of the Northern Urals (Polyudov Ridge). In the west of the central part of the Urals, on Pai-Khoi and in places on Novaya Zemlya, black clayey graptolite shales are exposed.

Caledonian folding, in contrast to other geosynclines of the Ural-Mongolian belt, is not typical for the Urals; it did not cause structural unconformities, but the ultrabasic and basic intrusions of the central zone are considered Caledonian.

Silurian deposits are widespread in Kazakhstani part of the Ural-Mongolian belt. They are represented by typical geosynclinal formations of considerable thickness with the remains of a rich fauna. Horizons of brachiopod and coral limestones are characteristic.

In the context of Mt. Chingiztau Silurian is represented only by the lower section (see Scheme III, color inc). Silurian deposits (up to 2.5 km) accumulated in eugeosynclinal marine conditions with strong volcanism. Actively manifested Caledonian folding. The most pronounced is the last - Late Caledonian - phase of folding, which led to the retreat of the sea from the territory of the Chingiztau Ridge, to the completion of the first, actually geosynclinal, stage of its development.

tiya. The gently dipping Lower and Middle Devonian effusive rocks and felsic tuffs crowning the section accumulated already in terrestrial conditions. They are usually identified as volcanogenic molasses of the orogenic stage of development. The repeated intrusion of large granitoid intrusions is associated with folding.

Altai-Sayan folded region. Silurian deposits are known in the same place as the Ordovician, but in the west limestones and terrigenous rocks with rich fauna predominate, in the east (Western Sayan, Tuva) the role of coarse clastic rocks with depleted fauna increases. The thickness of the Silurian deposits in the west is 4.5 km, in the east - up to 7.5 km.

In the Silurian section of Western Tuva (see Scheme III, color incl.), the Silurian deposits (Chergak Group) overlie the Ordovician. They have a large thickness (2.5-3 km), consist of sandy-argillaceous rocks with interlayers, packs and lenses of limestones. The highest carbonate content is confined to the middle part of the section. The fauna is rich and varied. These are stromatoporates, tabulates, heliolithids, rugoses, crinoids, bryozoans, brachiopods, trilobites. Many local (endemic) forms. Evidently, in the Silurian there existed a shallow marine basin with small reefs, coral and crinoid thickets, and banks of brachiopods. The endemism of the fauna speaks of the difficult communication with other seas. By the end of the Silurian, the basin gradually shrank, became shallow, its salinity changed, and only euryhaline organisms survived in it.

In the Ordovician, Silurian and early Devonian in Western Tuva, a single huge (10 km) transgressive-regressive Tuva complex was formed with marine deposits in the middle part and red-colored continental rocks in the sole and roof. The deposits of the Tuvan complex are folded and intruded by small basic and felsic intrusions. The upper part of the section under consideration is composed of thick Lower Devonian terrestrial effusive rocks and red clastic rocks of the Middle Devonian. These are continental deposits of intermountain depressions formed during the regression caused by the Caledonian orogeny. - "In the section of Western Tuva, three structural floors are clearly distinguished from each other: the first is the Lower Cambrian; the second is the Ordovician, Silurian, lower Devonian; the third is the upper part of the Lower Devonian and the Middle Devonian. The floors record different stages of geological development: the first - eugeosynclinal, the third - orogenic, and the second - intermediate (transitional).At the second stage, the subsidence developed on an already consolidated basement, the regime resembled miogeosynclinal.Ore deposits of iron and copper are associated with acidic intrusions.

Thus, the Caledonian epoch of tectogenesis covered the regions of northwestern Kazakhstan, partly the Altai Mountains, the northern Tien Shan and the eastern part of the Altai-Sayan folded region - the Western Sayan and Tuva, where the Caledonides arose.

Mediterranean geosynclinal belt

In the European part of this belt, conditions are preserved that are close to those previously described in the Ordovician. This is still the insular land of the Franco-Czech massif (Moldanub block) and marine conditions to the north and south of it (Prague synclinorium, see scheme III, color incl.). In northern Europe, sandstones, black shales, bituminous limestones (0.5 km thick) accumulate, siliceous shales appear, due to manifestations of underwater volcanic activity. In southern Europe, between the Franco-Bohemian Massif and the Atlas Mountains in Africa, the Silurian is represented by monotonous facies: black shales with graptolites, which are replaced by limestones at the top of the section.

AT Asian geosynclinal region the Silurian is known in Turkey, the Caucasus, in the mountainous structures of Iran, Afghanistan, and the Pamirs.

Here, under eugeosynclinal conditions, thick strata of terrigenous rocks and volcanics of basic and felsic composition, or small terrigenous-carbonate facies in miogeosynclinal zones (Zagros Himalayas, etc.) accumulated.

The relief of South America is varied. According to the nature of the geological structure and features of the modern relief, South America is divided into two heterogeneous parts. The eastern part of the mainland is the ancient South American platform; western - actively developing folded belt of the Andes. The elevated sections of the platform - shields - correspond in relief to the Brazilian and Guiana plateaus. The troughs of the South American platform correspond to the giant lowland plains - the Amazonian, Orinoc, the system of internal plains (the Gran Chaco plain, the Laplata lowland), and the young Patagonian platform to the plains of Patagonia.

The Amazonian lowland is filled with marine and continental sediments. It was formed as a result of the activity of the Amazon River, as a result of the accumulation of sediments brought by the course. In the west, the lowland is very flat, the river valleys are slightly incised, the heights barely reach 150 m. Its northern and southern margins, underlain by crystalline rocks of the shields, are elevated and gradually turn into plateaus.

The Brazilian Plateau is located in the east of the mainland. It is a ledge of the crystalline basement of the platform, between which there are troughs filled with sedimentary rocks and volcanic lavas. This is the largest rise within the platform. The Brazilian plateau has heights from 250-300 m in the north to 800-900 m in the southeast. The relief of the plateau is a relatively leveled surface, above which blocky massifs and plateaus rise.

In the north of the mainland, the Guiana Plateau (300-400 m) is confined to the vast ledge of the folded base of the platform. Its relief is dominated by stepped plateaus.

The vast plains and large sections of the plateaus of South America are convenient for the life and economic activity of the population. (Show on the map the largest lowlands and plateaus and determine their maximum heights.)

The Andes is the longest mountain range on land with a length of 9000 km. The Andes are one of the highest mountain ranges in the world. In height, it is second only to the Tibetan-Himalayan mountainous country. Twenty peaks of the Andes rise to a height of more than 6 thousand meters. The highest of them is the city of Aconcagua (6960 m).

The formation of the Andes is the result of the interaction of two lithospheric plates, when the oceanic Nazca plate “dived” under the continental South American one. At the same time, the edge of the continental plate was crumpled into folds, forming mountains. Currently, mountain building continues. This is evidenced by the eruptions of numerous volcanoes and the strongest catastrophic earthquakes. Among the large volcanoes, one can note such as Chimborazo (6267 m), Cotopaxi (5897 m). The west coast, occupied by the Andes, belongs to the Pacific "Ring of Fire".

The strongest in the world recorded in 11-12 points occurred in 1960 in Chile. In 2010, an earthquake in Chile claimed several hundred lives. Serious disasters occur in the Andes every 10-15 years.

The Andes mountain system consists of several meridianally elongated mountain ranges. Between the ridges lie internal plateaus and plateaus, with a height of 3500 to 4500 m.

Minerals of South America

The mainland is rich in minerals. The richest deposits of iron and manganese ores are confined to the ancient shields of the South American Platform: the center and outskirts of the Brazilian Plateau, as well as the north of the Guiana Plateau. The largest iron ore mining area is Carajas. In the northern part, on the outskirts of both plateaus, there are very large deposits of bauxite, a raw material for the aluminum industry. Bauxites occur at shallow depths and are mined by open pit mining.

Ores of copper (Peru, Chile), tin (Bolivia), lead and zinc (Peru) have been explored in the Andes. The foothills of the Andes, especially Venezuela and Colombia, are rich in oil and natural gas. Coal deposits are less significant (Ecuador, Argentina). Many Andean countries are famous for their mining of precious stones. First of all, this applies to the extraction of emeralds in Colombia. Of the precious metals in South America, the largest reserves of silver are in Peru. The Andes belt is also famous for some non-metallic minerals. Saltpeter occupies the first place among them. The famous Chilean saltpeter and iodine are mined in the dried-up reservoirs of the Atacama.

The relief of South America is more diverse in comparison with Africa and Australia. The high Andes in the west separate the main flat part of the mainland from the Pacific Ocean. South America is characterized by active seismicity. South America is called the "pantry of the world." The mainland is rich in natural resources necessary for the development of many sectors of the economy.

The advantage of trading systems from the USA

The American Forex platform has the highest ratings for a reason in the open spaces of the network among beginners and professional dealers. Such popularity is due not only to high-quality advertising companies, but also to deep knowledge and understanding of the market by American developers. It was here that once began to actively develop financial activities based on the exchange. At first it was gold and other precious metals, then banknotes and securities. By the way, the vast majority of the population of North America is interested in buying and selling the latter today.

It is on this aspect that the active process of creating platforms is built, which are distinguished by ease of access, a wide range of services, high-quality information support, as well as work with secure software. The issue of security in this case is worked out especially carefully, which makes American platforms preferable to others, the creation of which does not fully consider the prevention of financial fraud, insider attacks, including penetration into the system by hackers. This provides tight control over all foreign exchange transactions.

The reliability of the developed systems is ensured by organizations specially created for this: NFA - National Futures Organization, CFTC - Commodity Futures Trading Commission and FORTRESS - a system for detecting fraudulent actions, both third-party and by the users themselves, as well as finding and eliminating deviations in work terminals from the established norms of market conditions.

Introduction to Developer Platforms

In Russia, on Forex, the American platform is far from uncommon. To verify this, you should pay attention to the terminal, which is recognized by most of the participants as one of the best. This is MetaTrader 4 and 5 from MetaQuotes developer. Its effectiveness has been tested by a huge number of dealers for several decades. Largely due to this, the company continues its development and is working on the release of improved versions of MT on PC and mobile devices, regardless of the operating system used.

Trader Workstation also works with access to the international market. All transactions take place on the main US stock exchanges NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX. This is one of the most popular systems in the US.

More famous in the Russian market is the American terminal NinjaTrader. It includes the ability to trade currencies on Forex, and also allows you to enter into futures contracts, forwards, options and other transactions. In addition, the platform has extensive analytical functions. The user can use its free version, in which automatic trading is disabled, or register an account for a fee using the NT Pro version.

NinjaTrader(NT) is an American Forex platform recognized as a benchmark in the foreign exchange trading market. This is a product of an American developer. Ninja Trader allows you to trade Forex, as well as trade with stocks, forwards, options and futures. The trading terminal (platform) is a tool of a large number of brokerage companies around the world and offers a system that includes market analytics with its wide range of tools, trading modeling and other Forex trading tools, as well as tools for organizing trading strategies. Multiple approaches to analysis, serious efficiency and reliability, ease of use are the main advantages of the standard Internet trading platform. Ninja Trader comes in two builds: NTLite (Lite) and NTPro (Pro). NTLite does not allow full-fledged automated trading, however, this software environment is free. Working with NTPro will cost approximately $50 per month of use, but even here a number of brokerage companies allow you to use it without payment.

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Page 1

The North American Platform is surrounded by folded or folded-block systems of various ages. The longest and most extensive of them is the Cordillera folded-block system, framing the platform in the west. In the cross section of the Cordillera from east to west (in Alaska from north to south), the following tectonic zones are distinguished.

The North American platform stretches from north to south for 4000 km, and in the latitudinal direction for 2500 km. In the eastern and northern parts of the platform, there is a predominant accumulation of Paleozoic, and in the southwestern and southern parts of the platform, Meso-Cenozoic deposits.

On the North American platform, mainly Paleozoic deposits are oil and gas bearing, while predominantly gas-bearing areas are located in the western part of the platform in the zone of its junction with the folded structures of the Rocky Mountains and in the deep intra-platform depression of Anadarko. Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks are oil and gas bearing on the epi-Hercynian platform (Gulf Coet Province), as well as in the intermountain basins of California.

The northern frame of the N American Platform is the Caledonian-Early Hercynian Innuit fold system, largely overlain by the Sverdrup syneclise. The latter is composed of thick sedimentary sequences of the Carboniferous, Permian, Mesozoic and Cenozoic.

Most of the N American Platform south of the Canadian Crystal Shield is located in the United States.

Within the North American platform, a number of large tectonic elements are distinguished (Fig. 240): ledges of the basement of the plate and the sedimentary complex - the Ozarks, Adirondacks, etc.; domed uplifts - Cincinnati, Bend, etc.; intraplatform depressions - Michigan, Illinois, Perm, etc.; Mexican marginal depression.

The southern and southwestern parts of the N American Platform form its plate. Part of the platform, located south of the Canadian-Greenland shield, stands out under the name of the Midcontinent or Midland plate. Almost over its entire area, the sedimentary cover is composed of Paleozoic rocks. The western margin of the N American Platform represents the Great Plains Plate.

The core of the North American continent is the Precambrian North American Platform, in the northeast of which the Canadian Shield stands out.

The Cincinnati dome is the largest geostructural element of the North American Platform, its length is 1000 km and its width is 400 km. It is located within the states of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Sediments from the Cambrian to the Carboniferous take part in the structure of the sedimentary cover. Oil deposits are associated with gently sloping structures or with zones of wedging out of sandstones on the slopes of the arch. The main accumulations of oil are known in the Lyme-Indiana region.

The Permian Basin is located on the southwestern margin of the N American Platform. Its structural frame in the west is the marginal western elements of the platform, involved in the uplift of the epiplatform orogen of the Rocky Mountains, in the northeast - the Wichita-Amarillo system and the Munster swell. In the east and south, the basin is bordered by the Hercynian Washita-Marathon fold belt. This boundary is buried under a cover of gently dipping Mesozoic sediments. The metamorphic rocks of the frontal part of the Washita Belt are exposed here by erosion on the Marathon Rise.

The Cincinnati dome is the largest geostructural element of the North American Platform, its length is 1000 km and its width is 400 km. It is located within the states of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. Sediments from the Cambrian to the Carboniferous take part in the structure of the sedimentary cover. Oil deposits are associated with gently sloping structures or with zones of wedging out of sandstones on the slopes of the arch. The main accumulations of oil are known in the Lyme-Indiana region.

The United States is located in various geotectonic conditions, on the North American platform, in the Mexican depression, intermountain and foothill depressions and troughs of the Cordilleras and Appalachians, on the shelf.

According to N. Yu. Uspenskaya (1952), there is not a single large oil and gas bearing horizon in limestones on the North American platform that would not be associated with the erosion surface. About 95% of all production from carbonate reservoirs in the United States comes from horizons that lie below unconformity surfaces. An example of a direct relationship between the productivity of carbonate reservoirs and unconformities are oil and gas deposits in the limestone-dolomite strata of the Ordovician of the Lima Indiana region, the Devonian limestones of the Michigan and Eastern Inner Basins, in the Devonian, Mississippian and Ordovician limestones of the Western Inner Basin, as well as in the Permian limestones and dolomites of the Permian basin.