Big metropolis where.

As trite as it sounds, Moscow is growing and developing... Its size and population are increasing, its achievements and problems are multiplying. Everything is as it should be in the life of a modern metropolis.

Let's take a look at the main numbers. During the period under review, the territory of Moscow increased by 2.5 times, primarily due to the huge Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts, based on the lands of the Moscow region. In 2001, the population of the capital exceeded the psychological threshold of 10 million, and in 2015, more than 15 million people lived in the city.

In 2010, an entire era ended when Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov was the mayor of Moscow for 18 years.

Yu.M. Luzhkov

According to the historical rating of the length of stay in a key Moscow position, he took fourth place. Yielding to only one first secretary of the city committee of the CPSU V.V. Grishin and two governor-generals D.V. Golitsyn and V.A. Dolgorukov. Few would argue with the fact that Moscow has changed under Luzhkov. Soviet Moscow has gone forever into the past, now it is a city that lives according to other principles, a different life. Luzhkov left the capital with its new symbols, suffice it to name only two - the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and Victory Park, the former mayor presented the city with two rings: he expanded the Moscow Ring Road and built the Third Transport Ring. During his reign, the capital experienced political and economic crises, celebrated a grand anniversary, it was shaken by a whole series of terrorist attacks...

New times demanded a new look at city management. Gradually, a number of problems arose in Moscow that did not receive their resolution. The change of power was supposed to bring something new into the life of the capital. In 2010, Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin became the mayor, and for more than five years he has been ruling Moscow.

S.S. Sobyanin

Without any doubt, we can say that the new mayor has a new style, new approaches. Sobyanin's Moscow is in many ways different from Luzhkov's Moscow. Muscovites have already appreciated the efforts of the new government. The city is getting closer to the needs of its inhabitants. But still it is too early to make a historical judgment. The way in which we will recognize Sobyanin's Moscow depends largely not only on him, but on all of us, on our labors and efforts.



Musical Theatre

Music life

The musical life of Muscovites in the 21st century is varied and rich.

The oldest musical theaters and halls continue to function, new concert venues and theater stages are opened. Among the most popular among Muscovites are the Bolshoi Theatre, the Musical Theatre. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, Moscow Operetta, Moscow State Academic Children's Musical Theater. N.I. Sats, Musical Theater Novaya Opera named after E. Kolobova, Chamber Musical Theatre. Boris Pokrovsky, Musical Theater of National Art V. Nazarov, Theater of Music and Drama under the direction of Stas Namin, Opera Singing Center of Galina Vishnevskaya, "Helikon-Opera", etc.

At the beginning of the 21st century, along with the oldest concert halls (the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory and the Concert Hall of the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic Society), a new modern performing arts center, the Moscow International House of Music (MMDM), opens in Moscow.

Moscow International House of Music

MMDM is a ten-storey building with a total area of ​​about 42 thousand m 2 . Its construction began in September 2000 at the initiative of the city mayor Yu.M. Luzhkov and the Moscow Government. The architects of the project were Y. Gnedovsky and V. Krasilnikov, the author of the MMDM emblem - a treble clef-weather vane 9.5 meters high, located on the central dome of the building, was the sculptor Z. Tsereteli. Just 18 months later - on December 26, 2002 - a solemn presentation of the House of Music took place, which was opened by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

The Moscow International House of Music is a complex that includes three concert halls (Svetlanovsky, Chamber, Theater), built according to an individual project, a summer Musical Terrace, a recording studio, an audio-video complex, etc.

Already the first concert season of the MMDM, opened in October 2003, showed the importance of this hall for the musical life of not only the capital, but the country as a whole. It was marked by the holding of the first international festival "Mozartiana", dedicated to the work of the Austrian composer V.A. Mozart.

The highlights of the second season were the mono-festival dedicated to the work of J. Brahms and the First Organ Music Festival.

The third season was enriched by the holding of the III Moscow Music Festival "Vladimir Spivakov invites ...", which made it possible to demonstrate the possibilities of the House of Music, expanding the genre framework of the symphony concert with the involvement of related arts: cinematography, opera, ballet, drama theater.

In the very first seasons, world music stars performed on the MIDM stage: Vladimir Spivakov, Denis Matsuev, Yuri Bashmet, Placido Domingo, Igor Butman, Jesse Norman, Kiri te Kanava, Valery Gergiev, Jose Carreras, Alexei Kozlov and many others.

Being the ideological inspirer of the construction project of the Moscow International House of Music, Vladimir Teodorovich Spivakov - violinist, conductor, People's Artist of the USSR, rightfully becomes the president of the Moscow International House of Music from the first days of its opening.

Currently, the Moscow House of Music is the residence of such ensembles as the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, the State Chamber Orchestra "Moscow Virtuosos", the Moscow Symphony Orchestra "Russian Philharmonic".

On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the MMDM, along the central staircase leading to the Svetlanov Hall, there is the “Star Staircase” - sculptural compositions in the form of open scores, on the pages of which are the names and autographs of great performers, actors who performed on the stages of the House of Music.

In terms of the scale, quality and intensity of creative activity, the Moscow International House of Music is currently the leader among concert halls in Moscow, accommodating all existing musical and stage genres.

Premiere of the Bolshoi Theater

On April 23, 2003, the premiere of a new production of the opera by M.I. Glinka Ruslan and Lyudmila. The uniqueness of this version of the performance lies in the fact that it is based on previously unknown scores by the composer.

These scores were discovered by the scientific consultant of the Bolshoi Theatre, Doctor of Arts Evgeny Levashov. Archival records of the scores were found by the researcher in various places: in one of the libraries of St. conservatory (abridged and full author's version of the score of the opera).

Summing up his search, Evgeny Levashov said that such a rich original musical material allowed the theater troupe to recreate the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila in an "academic" form.

It is noteworthy that in parallel with the author's autographs of "Ruslan and Lyudmila", other interesting musical copies of M.I. Glinka: the first author's version of the opera "A Life for the Tsar" in 1837, 10 symphonic works by the composer, two of which ("In memory of friendship" and a polonaise for the coronation of Emperor Alexander II) were not known to musicologists at all.

Concert Hall "Philharmonia-2"


The Concert Hall, located in Moscow at the address: Michurinsky Prospekt, 1, has been known to Muscovites since 1980. Then it was part of the general complex of the Concert Hall built for the 1980 Olympic Games. For 22 years after the Olympics, it was one of the largest and popular variety venues in the capital. The next 12 years of the life of this scene passed in the status of the State Musical Theater of National Art. The founder of the theater and its leader all these years was Vladimir Nazarov.

In the 2014-2015 season, after major reconstruction and re-equipment, the newest Philharmonia-2 concert hall, named after the outstanding Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninov, opened at the already named address.

The hall, equipped in accordance with the latest design and acoustic requirements, has become one of the most popular among performers of various musical genres and among the audience.

The very first "test" concerts that took place in this hall demonstrated the capabilities of the modular-transformable acoustic system installed on the stage, which provides excellent sound for both the symphony orchestra, and the chamber ensemble, and the choir, and the soloist. The transformable stage space makes it possible to use this stage for performances by choreographic groups, and full-fledged theatrical backstage allows for theatrical performances.

Symbolic was the opening of the Sergei Rachmaninov Concert Hall on the eve of the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. An interesting fact is that the Concert Hall named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, which became the main philharmonic venue in Moscow for many years.


Since the end of the 20th century, Moscow has been one of the largest centers of religious life in the country; representatives of all confessions of the Russian Federation live here. Since 1998, the office of the Interreligious Council of Russia has been located in Moscow, uniting representatives of Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism - the four largest confessions.

Orthodoxy is most widely represented in Russia in general and in Moscow in particular. Here is the residence of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The capital belongs to the Moscow city diocese, which is divided into vicariates (coinciding with the districts of Moscow) and deaneries. Such an administrative-church division arose in Moscow in 2011-2012. The deaneries are not equal in size, the number of churches and chapels belonging to them ranges from 15 to 50. In total, there are more than 800 churches and chapels in the capital, of which about 40% of the total number are active. The number of active Orthodox churches is constantly increasing. About two million Muslims live in the capital; there are seven large mosques here, including the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, opened on September 23, 2015 (one of the largest such structures in Russia and Europe). In 2001-2006, under the patronage of the capital's mayor, the reconstruction of the Moscow Choral Synagogue, an architectural monument of the late 19th century, began. In total, there are six large synagogues in Moscow. There are Buddhist temples in the capital on Ostozhenka and Serebryanichesky Lane. Each major denomination publishes at least one printed periodical in Moscow.

Education. Science and technology.

The science

Monument to M.V. Lomonosov in front of Moscow State University

Moscow is the largest scientific center in Russia. There is a huge number of various research institutes and design bureaus, in which scientific activity is in full swing. All of them, without exception, make a huge contribution to the development of domestic fundamental science. There are 110 institutes of the Academy of Sciences, 50 institutes and design bureaus of mechanical engineering, 474 research and production organizations, 155 medical research centers, 660 research centers, 165 scientific educational organizations in the city.

Moscow is a venue for various international and all-Russian scientific and practical conferences, symposiums, and seminars.

The document "On the Fundamentals of the Science and Technology Policy of the City of Moscow" dated October 24, 2001 outlined the principles of science and technology policy, namely, the innovative orientation of the city's science and technology policy, the priority of environmentally friendly science-intensive approaches to solving the problems of city development, the concentration of science and technology potential, stimulating the wide attraction of extra-budgetary investments in the scientific and technical support of the socio-economic development of the city.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the participation and role of universities in the city of Moscow and in solving the economic, social and cultural problems of the city, to preserve the scientific and pedagogical potential of state universities, to improve the quality of training of specialists with higher professional education, to provide social guarantees for scientific and pedagogical workers, to stimulate labor teaching staff The Government of Moscow approved the Decree of December 7, 2004 "On interaction with Moscow state universities of federal subordination in the 2004/2005 academic year."

Since 2010, the construction of the Skolkovo innovation center has begun. This scientific and technological complex will provide special economic conditions for companies operating in the priority sectors of the modernization of the Russian economy. These industries were space, biomedicine, information technology, telecommunications, nuclear technology. An important element of this project is international cooperation, in which such countries as Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, France, the Netherlands, Austria, India, Italy, and South Korea take part.

More than 200 organizations related to the innovative infrastructure of the city are located in Moscow, including: objects of specialized territories (technopolis and technology parks), special economic zones (Zelenograd), private and public business incubators, technology transfer centers, engineering centers, centers for the collective use of scientific and technological equipment, centers for youth innovative creativity.

Compared to other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow is the most integrated into the world scientific community: the share of publications in international journals made by Moscow scientists and researchers is about 45% of the total number of publications by Russian authors.


The main goal of the Moscow education system is to provide conditions for the social and educational development of every Muscovite. Today, the priorities of the Moscow government in the field of education are improving the quality and accessibility of education, strengthening the material and technical base of educational institutions, and improving the quality of education as a result of the introduction of innovative technologies.

Mosgorstat provides the following data on the number of educational institutions of various levels by years. Number of preschool educational institutions: 2000 - 2178, 2008 - 2233, 2010 - 2314, 2012 - 2204, 2013 - 1619, 2014 - 767.

The number of educational organizations in 2000-2001 in Moscow was 1600, in 2005-2006. – 1643, in 2011-2012 – 1569, in 2013-2014 – 1371, in 2014-2015 – 1012. Number of professional educational organizations in 2000‑2001 was 139, in 2008-2009. – 154, in 2012-2013 – 147, in 2014-2015 - 117.

The statistics of educational institutions of higher education were as follows: in 2000-2001. – 94, 2008-2009 – 110, in 2012-2013 – 101.

The Moscow Government has paid close attention to preschool education over the last five years. Kindergartens are being built both at the expense of budgetary funds and with the involvement of private capital. There is a process of returning kindergarten buildings that were previously used for other purposes.

III Moscow Congress of Teachers

As for secondary education, one of the main tasks here is to update the material and technical base in all schools without exception. For this purpose, major and current repairs of school buildings and stadiums were carried out, new computer and educational equipment was purchased. Parents actively use the system of electronic registration of children in the first grades, posted on the Portal of State and Municipal Services. In Moscow, the process of creating large schools-complexes is underway, the main task of which is the continuity of the educational process, which allows Moscow families to use the entire range of educational programs of one complex.

In all institutions of general education, Governing Councils have been formed and are successfully fulfilling their functions - collegiate bodies of school management that implement the principle of the state-public nature of education management.

Vocational education is in line with the development of business and production. Training is conducted in 122 professions of primary vocational education and 99 professions of secondary vocational education. The Moscow government is implementing a program that allows employers to compensate for the costs of training their employees.

The leading universities of the Russian Federation are located in Moscow (including more than a third of national research universities). About 1.3 million students study in 119 state educational institutions of higher education, including 10 universities established by the Government of Moscow and 179 private universities. More than 300 thousand people from other subjects of the Russian Federation study in the city of Moscow, including more than 40% of them from the Moscow region. At the same time, 48% of students of Moscow universities study full-time. Almost 75% of graduates of general education organizations in the city of Moscow enter state educational organizations of higher education (almost 90% of those who enter after mastering the educational program of secondary general education).


Moscow's industry is actively introducing the latest production technologies. In the field of multidimensional modeling and product shaping technologies, additive technologies are used, which involve the process of combining material to create an object from 3D model data, usually layer by layer. The hardware market is seeing an increase in sales of industrial 3D printers. There is an active introduction of "cloud technologies", which involve the provision of ubiquitous and convenient network access on demand to a common pool of configurable resources.

In production, industrial robots are increasingly being used, cost-effectively increasing productivity and quality of work.

The volume of use of composite materials in various industries is increasing, such as aircraft construction, automotive industry, nuclear industry, aerospace industry, wind energy, railway construction, seismic strengthening, construction, shipbuilding, and electric power industry.

Design organizations and companies in the city of Moscow, when designing and building objects such as roads, houses, underground parking, engineering networks, use BIM technologies (object information modeling). This technology allows you to accurately determine the cost of the future facility, plan it qualitatively, and reduce construction time.

In 2011, the program "Intelligent Transport System of Moscow" was launched. The system, using the global navigation satellite system (GLONASS), will monitor traffic flows, inform road users, manage parking spaces, record traffic violations, and control the uninterrupted movement of ground urban passenger transport. As a result of the work carried out, it is possible to obtain and analyze data on the parameters of traffic flows, 72 traffic light objects (crossroads) have been introduced into the adaptive control mode and there will be 85 by the end of the year, dispatch control and control of the movement of part of the rolling stock of SUE Mosgortrans is carried out.

Political life Management Economy


Moscow is one of the largest industrial centers of our state. Various industries are represented here, such as metalworking, mechanical engineering, automotive, machine tool building, instrument making, light industry, food flavoring, electrical engineering, metallurgical, oil refining and chemical industries.

State Space Research and Production Center named after M.V. Khrunichev

In the field of construction, Moscow has its own production base, which includes the Domodedovo Asphalt Concrete Plant, Asphalt Concrete Plant No. 4 "Kapotnya", Asphalt Concrete Plant "Evroasfalt", Trust "GlavZhBI", Moscow Plant of Reinforced Concrete Products and Pipes, Ochakovsky Concrete Concrete Plant, Moskovsky metal structures plant, Nagatinsky plant of building materials, Upper Volga brick plant, Gzhel brick plant, Losinoostrovsky brick plant, Moscow hardware plant (Proletarsky Trud).

Moscow machine and machine tool industry is represented by the following enterprises: Moscow Machine Building Plant, Tushinsky Machine Building Plant, Stroytekhnika Production Association, Moscow Machine Tool Plant named after. Ordzhonikidze, Moscow Machine Tool Plant. A. I. Efremova, Laser Center (LC), Moscow Attachment Equipment Plant.

Important sectors of the Moscow industry are instrument making and tool factories, represented by the Second Moscow Instrument-Making Plant, the Climatic Testing Equipment Plant, the Moscow Tool Plant (MIZ), and the Khrapunovsky Tool Plant (KHIZ).

The metallurgical plant MMZ "Sickle and Hammer" and the Foundry and Rolling Plant "Moskva", the Kolomna Heat Pipe Plant "Teplotruba", the Moscow Pipe Plant "Filit" are located in Moscow, which play an important role in the city's economy.

Checkpoint NPC gas turbine construction "Salyut"

Moscow, as a river port and an important transport artery, has a number of such enterprises as the Moscow Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant (MSSZ); Moscow Plant for the Modernization and Construction of Carriages. Voytovich (MVSZ), Sokolnichesky Car Repair and Construction Plant (SVARZ); Tram Repair Plant (TRZ), Experimental Plant No. 90, and Taganka Moscow Tire Plant (MShZ).

The oil refining industry is represented by the largest enterprise, the Moscow Oil Refinery.

Moscow's light industry includes the Mosmetrostroy Woodworking Plant (Mosmetrostroy), a large number of furniture factories, and a large number of fur, shoe, knitwear, and clothing enterprises. Moscow has always been famous for the products of watch factories - the Second Moscow Watch Factory "Slava", the First Moscow Watch Factory "Polyot", the Watch Factory "Maktime", the Watch Factory "Nika", the Watch Production Company "Record".

Especially popular among Muscovites are the products of Moscow jewelry factories - the Moscow Experimental Jewelry Factory (MEYUZ Yuvelirprom), the Tagansky Jewelry Factory (TYuZ), the Triumph Capital Jewelry Factory, the Ural Jewelry Factory (UYUZ), the Junaid Capital Jewelry Factory, the Moscow Jewelry Factory "Elite" (MuZ Elite), the Jewelry Factory "Estet" (Estet), the Moscow Jewelry Factory "Lukas-Zoloto".

In Moscow, there are also such industries as pulp and paper - PM Packaging LLC; electromechanical - Lianozovsky Electromechanical Plant (LEMZ), Moscow Electromechanical Plant. Vladimir Ilyich ("Electro" ZVI); mechanical - Vladyka Mechanical Plant (VMZ), Karacharovsky Mechanical Plant (KMZ), Lublin Casting and Mechanical Plant (LLMZ), Moscow Mechanical Plant No. 3 (MMZ 3); medical - Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory (MosPharma).

The food industry in Moscow is very diverse and multifaceted. These are confectionery factories - Babaevsky Confectionery Concern, Krasny Oktyabr Confectionery Factory, Udarnitsa Confectionery Factory. Canned products are produced at the Moscow Experimental Cannery (KONEKS), alcoholic beverages - at the Moscow plant "Kristall" and the Moscow plant of sparkling wines. Meat processing plants are represented by the CampoMos plant, the Kolomenskoye plant, the Mikoyanovsky meat processing plant, the Ostankino meat processing plant, the Tagansky, Tushinsky and Cherkizovsky meat processing plants. Preobrazhensky, Ochakovsky, Ostankinsky, Lianozovsky, Tsaritsynsky dairy plants are engaged in the production of dairy products.

The number of small and medium-sized businesses is steadily growing. In 2013, approximately 1.1 million commercial and non-profit organizations and 208.6 thousand individual entrepreneurs were registered.

Trade and services

The service sector of Moscow is one of the most dynamic branches of the city's economy, aimed at meeting the most diverse needs of people, both personal and business. In the structure of the economy of the city of Moscow, the service sector dominates. Wholesale and retail trade is developing at a good pace. Wholesale trade provides about 25% of the gross value added of the city of Moscow.

Weekend Fair

This area includes passenger transport, postal and telegraph and other types of communications. Retail trade, supply, sales, public catering, housing and consumer services for the population - repair, car service, housing maintenance, sewing and cleaning clothes, hairdressing salons are represented by a wide range. Fair trade occupies a special place in providing citizens with food. A striking example is the holding of "weekend fairs" and regional fairs.

Particular attention is paid to social services for the disabled population - pensioners, the disabled, the maintenance of boarding schools, kindergartens and homes.

Education, healthcare, culture, recreation, sports, banking and financial, legal, informational activities are also an integral part of the service sector of the city of Moscow.

Moscow is the largest logistics center of the Russian Federation, a link in trade between European and Asian countries.


Moscow, as the capital of the Russian Federation, is the financial center of the state. A huge number of various economic institutions are located here - banks, the number of which has already exceeded five hundred, pension funds, financial exchanges - the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange, the Moscow Stock Exchange, the Commodity Exchange.

Moscow Exchange

Moscow's economy is regulated by relevant legislation. The charter of the city of Moscow belongs to the priority documents of this kind. This document prescribes the structure of the budget system. The basis of the financial system of the city is its budget. The budget system of the capital consists of the budget of the city of Moscow, the budget of the territorial state off-budget fund of the city of Moscow, the budgets of municipalities.

The tax policy pursued by the Moscow Department of the Federal Tax Service is an integral part of the general economic policy of the city of Moscow, aimed at creating long-term jobs for residents of the city of Moscow, stimulating economic activity, and ensuring the development of the metropolis.

In the Appendix to the order of the Government of Moscow, concerning the main directions of the budget and tax policy, financial resources will be directed to the implementation of measures of state programs in 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017, which will ensure the priority development of human capital, the modernization of the socio-cultural sphere and housing public utilities, development of transport and engineering infrastructure of the city of Moscow.

A large-scale reconstruction, a change in image and a special atmosphere of Moscow, which is now visited by tourists from all over the world: this is told by the documentary film "Megapolis", where the main characters are road workers, landscapers and architects. This is a kind of declaration of love for Moscow and a chronicle of important events in the life of the city. The premiere took place on the eve of the channel "Russia 1".

The film "Megapolis" is the story of the transformation of the capital, the story of how the city, which is almost nine centuries old, enters a new era of its development.

The city is not just changing – it is becoming different, modern and comfortable. But many still remember the time when the now sparkling Luzhniki were one huge clothing market.

— I remember very well my rejection of Moscow in the 1990s. The city was completely alien to me, and this feeling of some kind of orphanhood in this city ...

We had to get rid of the legacy of the 90s with excavators. They demolished the disfiguring historical appearance of the squatter building. Hundreds of kilometers of wires were hidden under the ground, which covered the sky. A few years ago, Moscow was a huge traffic jam, where there was no place for pedestrians.

- I remember that Moscow, where it was difficult for two people on the sidewalk to disperse. Some of them had to go sideways. There were a lot of such streets - and add to this the times when cars partially parked on the sidewalk!

The former places are now unrecognizable.

- Patriarch's Ponds, where there were just such god-doms all the time. It was generally a quarter for the urban poor.

“Now the Patricks are such a small Nice. This is such a pretentious place, where now there are a lot of young people, hipsters and not only who come specially to sit there in restaurants and cafes.

The transport system of the capital is constantly being improved. Some megaprojects have already been completed, for example, the MCC. Others are still in the process of implementation - such as the North-West, North-East and South chords. The underground city of the Moscow metro has never grown with new stations so quickly.

The London Underground is such a sign of unreliability and unpredictability. In Moscow, you simply understand that you can calculate to the second how long your trip will take.

Modern Moscow is one of the fastest growing megacities in the world.

“The only thing that will support and push you forward, that encourages you, is your love for Muscovites and their response to your work,” Mayor Sergei Sobyanin says.

In place of long-term construction and abandoned territories, there are now spacious parks and squares. VDNKh and Gorky Park received a second youth after reconstruction, and a piece of nature in the heart of Moscow - Zaryadye - has already become one of the most popular places among citizens and tourists.

- Moscow is a city where you need to fall in love, where you want to fall in love. He himself becomes younger, he takes some steps towards young movements, young impulses.

Hundreds of dug up streets, thousands of tons of tiles, asphalt, paint - Moscow has experienced the largest reconstruction in recent history. The capital meets its 871st year rejuvenated and transformed.

Gifts are generated every 8 hours, in the amount of no more than 150 pieces (if there are more than 150 friends in the game). If there are less than 150 friends in the game, then the number of gifts will be equal to the number of friends in the game. If there are more gifts in the warehouse than the number of friends in the game, then gifts will not be generated.


You are given the opportunity to build a tax network in your city. It consists of the Unified Tax Center (UNC), where tax inspectors and tax inspection buildings are managed.

Once a day, you can start automatic tax collection for free, but the tax office will withhold a certain percentage of VAT.

Each building of the tax office has a zone, which is subject to its influence and the percentage of coins withheld, after collecting VAT.

Radius and percentage may change after inspection improvement. Acquisition of tax buildings is carried out through the UNC. For the purchase of each subsequent building, you must purchase a license.

Taxes are collected no more than once a day, and then only when you activate the collection yourself, through the UNC. The tax is collected only in the area covered by tax inspectorates.

Now, you can collect taxes in one click from all buildings within the inspection range at once.

A total of 10 tax offices can be built.

Tax coverage:

Level 1 - 4 cells from the building. VAT retention rate - 40%

Level 2 (after improvement) - 7 cells from the tax building. VAT withholding percentage - 25%


The number of letters you can receive is limited to 30.

When moving to a new level = 50XP,

Per expansion = 100XP

For multilevel achievements: 1-50XP, 2-100XP, 3-200XP, 4-500XP

For single-level achievements = 200XP


The in-game gift counter only correctly displays 512 gifts. We strongly recommend that both senders and recipients dispose of all existing gifts in order to be able to use new ones. At the same time, gifts already received, but still invisible, will appear as soon as they cross the border of 512 pieces.

Or you can use the built-in gift search function. Please note that search may not work in full screen mode!


In order for the stops to become active, you must:

1.Build a dispatching station.

2. Place at least two stops at one location.

3. Stops should be near the road and next to residential buildings. The more residential buildings located near stops, the faster the stops will fill up with people.

4. Roads, near which there are stops, should not break off and come to a standstill, they should be circular, without parking, and must have an inextricable road connection with the transport center. (Parking lots can only be placed along the road so as not to break them).

5. For the stops to be active at all four locations, you need to connect the locations with each other by continuous roads. To do this, you need to build a road junction in the second location, connecting it with the first, connect the second and third locations with bridges, build a tunnel between the first location and the island. The road to the tunnel must be paved.

How long will the work of mining equipment be overdue

As well as in all plants and factories of the Megapolis, after 1.5 contract times after manufacture.

I can’t finish building a mining facility, there are resources, why?

The construction of these facilities requires a large amount of resources (water-electricity), so it is advisable to initially build Geothermal and Solar stations. There will be no resource crisis.

I can’t ask to restore the operation of mining equipment, why?

There is no possibility of accelerating and restoring mining equipment and mining plants, only in the Research Institute of Geology is it possible to accelerate and restore, but with the initiative help of friends.

In the quest there is a task to sell resources from the warehouse, how to do it?

It is necessary to have mining facilities built, to collect resources, they automatically go to the warehouse. Then you need to select the number of resources that you are going to sell in the warehouse itself, there is a counter for this.

Why can't I accept ~fuel~ from the gift warehouse?

If your fuel limit is equal or too high, then it is not possible to accept until you use a certain amount. For example 72/70.

How can you ask friends for fuel?

When concluding a contract, you need fuel for equipment, if you do not have or do not have enough fuel, a window appears asking your friends, click ask, confirm. Your request goes to letters to friends, you get 1 friend for -2 units for the answer. fuel.

How to use equipment for resource extraction?

You must click on the button -Buy in the open window, then click on the plus sign in the window of the equipment you have chosen, thereby adding to the total number of equipment at the facility. When replacing, you can remove it by pressing -Minus. In order to start mining, it is necessary to start the equipment at the mining facility itself.


Increases the population. There is the possibility of using equipment: a vibrating mill and an impact crusher.

Mining and processing plant IN THE GAME "MEGAPOLIS"

Extraction of enriched ore.


Warehouses are used to store all intermediate resources mined and have a space limit.


Increases the population. There is the possibility of using equipment: a chain excavator and an all-wheel drive excavator.


Mining coke.

Metallurgical plant IN THE GAME "MEGAPOLIS"

Increases population. Steel production.


Increases population. Production of pipes, fittings and iron beams.

Railway loading station IN THE GAME "MEGAPOLIS"

Increases population. Shipment of finished pipes, fittings and iron beams.

Production in the mining complex IN THE GAME "MEGAPOLIS"

The main buildings of the mining complex are aimed at the production of standard materials: iron beams, fittings, pipes. But in order to get these materials, you need to fully develop and build the entire complex,

as well as to produce intermediate materials.

What is fuel and why is it needed?

Fuel is a new parameter, an analogue of energy, necessary for mining equipment. You collect fuel autonomously, you can also ask friends or buy it.

Why do I have no resources and population in the Mining area?

On a mountain location, some characteristics of the city are their own and are not related to the main city:

Individual characteristics:

Water consumption / water limit

Energy consumption / energy limit

Population / population limit

General characteristics:



Experience / level

The ability to have resources in sufficient quantity is helped by 2 Geothermal Stations and 2 Solar Stations.

Population needs to be developed to be able to build the entire Mining industry complex, 5.000 population, 10.000, 40.000, 170.000, 410.000 and 1.000.000 for the final railway loading station.

Where and how to find Mining?

Mining is a new location in the Megapolis. To get there, you need to go to the map of the area by clicking on the KOMPAS in the lower right corner of the game window, then move the cursor to the Highlands, in the same way we return to the main city.

How the Port warehouse works IN THE GAME "MEGAPOLIS"

In the port warehouse, 4 types of contracts can be concluded:

Export of urban goods, export of military provisions, humanitarian aid, support for military transport, supply of construction sites, dispatch of fuel and lubricants, supply of military units, conquest of Antarctica.

Each contract is concluded for a certain time and for the conclusion of each contract, the following amount of goods produced in the port warehouse is required:

export of urban goods - for 5 hours, 5 units of urban goods are needed;

export of military provisions - for 4 hours, 5 units of military provisions are needed;

humanitarian aid - for 3 hours, you need 6 units of military provisions, 5 units of urban goods;

support for military transport - for 4 hours, you need 8 units of military provisions, 4 barrels of oil;

supply of construction sites - for 5 hours, 5 units of timber, 9 units of timber are needed;

sending fuel and lubricants - for 8 hours, you need 10 units of timber, 5 barrels of oil;

supply of military units - for 2 hours, you need 10 units of military provisions, 5 units of urban goods, 6 barrels of oil;

Conquest of Antarctica - for 6 hours, you need 5 units of timber, 10 units of urban goods, 8 barrels of oil.

Goods are produced automatically. It takes a certain amount of time to produce each item in the warehouse:

urban goods - 2 hours,

timber - 4 hours,

military provisions - 3 hours,

barrels of oil - 8 hours.

You can see the progress of production by going to the "warehouse" tab of the port warehouse. Also in this tab, you can see that the warehouse can accommodate a certain amount of goods, as evidenced by the second digit in the "full" parameter. The first figure shows the total number of goods produced at the moment. The capacity of the warehouse can be increased with the "add 1 place for 1 megabucks" button.

Contracts concluded in the port warehouse may also expire after 1.5 hours from the contract. Let's say a port warehouse works on a contract for 5 hours. Once the contract is completed, the time to overdue will be 7.5 hours. 1/2 of the contract value is returned.

In order to get a building for the Promotion IN THE GAME "MEGAPOLIS"

1. Exit the game to your page.

3. Replenish, if necessary, according to your desire the number of votes (OK).

5. Enter the game.

6. Open the promotion window.

7. Select the building you want to receive.

9. Make sure that Megabaks are reflected on your account in the game.

10. Refresh the page with the game.

11. Enter the Vault (located in the menu above the gifts), put the received building on the territory, through the "Use" button.

How to find out your ID number IN THE GAME "MEGAPOLIS"

ID is an identifier, which you can define as follows:

1. Enter the game

2. At the top of the game window (not in full screen mode!) On the panel, click the button - [ Technical support ]

3. In a new open browser tab, your search bar will display your ID number.

Megapolis for iPhone and iPad IN THE GAME "MEGAPOLIS"

1. Download the Megapolis app from App Store: http://itunes. apple. com/ mu/ app/ id398969407

2. After installation, go to settings

3. Select "Change network"

4. Select "Odnoklassniki"

5. Enter login and password


1. Every friend can help you on N objects, depending on how many popularity points he has.

2. A friend can help only once at one facility.

3. The number of acceptances of help depends on the level of your popularity, the minimum number is 5

4. You will only see help from those friends whose popularity level is the highest, and friends are limited in the amount of help: the number of acceptances of help = 5 + popularity level / 2 (per entry into the game)

Example 1:

If your popularity level is 1, then you will only see help from 5 friends with the maximum popularity level.

Example 2:

If 8 friends helped you, and you can only accept help 5 times, then the number of available actions will not be 25, but 22.

After restoring the ancient Greek ruins, a bluish outline formed around him, what is it?

This is the designation of an area that can positively influence the growth of the population of residential buildings located in this halo. By installing residential buildings in this area, the population will be collected with bonus percentages. First you need to "run" the structure.


Every day, 1 time, the game independently takes part of the gifts from under the Christmas tree and exchanges them for other valuable gifts, for example: points for the payroll, building materials, bucks, coins. The received gifts can be found in the vault.


From now on, by making a request for gifts, you add a New Year's gift to the wishlist and send a message to your friends about your desire to have New Year's gifts. New Year's gifts can now be sent as normal, at the rate of 1 gift per 1 friend (like a sent tree or house).


You can increase the level of the Christmas tree by purchasing objects from the New Year's store, while the level of sweets will increase, and accordingly the level of the Christmas tree itself.


The Christmas shop button is located under the "Buildings" button.


In order to turn off the snow, click the "weather forecast" button in the lower left corner, and then drag the button to the "OFF" position with the mouse.


You can purchase and place a piece of ice on the field. After that, you should hire assistants to create one of the ice winter sculptures out of ice.


First, build the City Cellular Center (you can find it in the "Extra" section), after which the rest of the dependent buildings will be available for construction.


The presence of cell towers is necessary in order to open contracts in the federal center of cellular communications. Towers can be upgraded, which may be required to open contracts.

The more advanced the tower, the larger its coverage area.

The coverage zone increases the profit of the current contract in the federal communications center, provided that infrastructure objects fall into the zone.

The difference in coverage area is shown in the screenshots.


The erection of a building materials plant is not a guarantee of excavation. Build other objects, while it is desirable (but not necessary) that there is free space next to the object being built. If it is not there, the excavation can appear in any free place in any of the three locations.


The material cannot be expired, it can only be cleared due to the fact that you did not invite all the friends required to complete the contract.

In order to invite friends to help, after starting the contract, you must open it and click the "Ask for help" button, after which letters will be sent to your friends asking for help. In turn, friends must give their consent to this. Remember to make sure that enough people agree. (The contract will say that no more friends are required).


In order for the ordered product to appear in the warehouse (the order was considered completed), it is necessary to have ALL vacancies filled by invited friends BEFORE THE END OF THE PRODUCTION PROCESS.


Crafted materials are in storage.


1. The frame of the exchange can be purchased in the "Extra" section, after which you will be asked to complete it.

2. To start playing, click on the building of the stock exchange with the left mouse button, and then click "Free game" in the pop-up window.

3. You can play for free 1 time per day.

4. The construction of the Bank of America and the Federal Reserve will increase the number of free games by 2 more attempts.

5. Collect 100 points on the exchange and get 1000 (one thousand) megabucks as a gift!

6. On the exchange, you can also win other valuable prizes, which will later be automatically added to the vault.

7. You can enter the vault by clicking on the icon on the right sidebar, located under the icon with the gifts section.

Do not confuse the vault with the warehouse, as the vault is solely for storing gifts won on the stock exchange, as well as storing materials from the building materials factory.


To let the flash player remember the game settings:

1. login to the app

2. right-click on the metropolis field

3. select "Settings..."

4. Set the slider to 1 megabyte (or more, if this was not enough in your case). For example, in the screenshot it is 10.

5. click "Close"

6. save the progress of the game by clicking on the image of a floppy disk in the upper right corner of the playing field

7. restart the application


In the Wheel of Fortune, you can win Antonio Gaudí Architecture buildings and get the "Gaudi Heir" achievement.

In the "Extra" section, click the "Play" button, then go to the wheel of Fortune window, there we also see a list of buildings. Megabaks, in the amount of 3 pcs, will be withdrawn from the account only when you click on the "Play" button.

After receiving one building, click the "Continue" or "Build" button.

1. The "Build" button makes it possible to install a building immediately in your city.

2. The "Continue" button allows you to return to the original page of the Wheel of Fortune, after which the building you received will be included in the general list of winnings.

If you have repeating buildings, then you can present them to friends or exchange them in this topic: ~Megapolis ~ Exchange of Antoni Gaudi Architecture buildings~. Buildings received from a friend cannot be transferred. Also, from this collection it is impossible to donate objects already installed on the field.

After you collect 6 different buildings, you will receive the Sagrada Familia and the achievement "Heir of Gaudí" as a gift.


You and your friends can help each other in the construction of the railway, while the friend will be offered 1 random material. You can only take this help 3 times a day.


The quest and achievements are counted only if your friend clicked "Visit" or "Allow", after which a request should come to you in a pop-up window when entering the game, which should be accepted.


The player "Eduard" is your best neighbor, he is called to show you what the new game looks like and give an example of the potential development of the city.


Reputation is the number of special points that you can earn by helping friends in their cities: whether it's helping to build an object or restoring an overdue contract.

The more reputation points, the more actions you can take to help a friend. Every fifth level of reputation gives an increase of 1 action on the field of a friend.

From the total number of your assistants, 20 people sorted by reputation are selected.

From all of the above, we have:

1. Each last action on a friend's field brings an additional reputation point.

2. The number of actions on the field with a friend = 5 + level_reputation / 5.

3. Reward for action near a friend's field = 100 coins and 1 experience * (level_reputation / 5 + 1)

4. When you enter the game, you are provided with the help of 5 friends with the highest level of reputation.

How to use the warehouse?

1. On the right side of the menu bar, click the action menu (white arrow)

2.Select "storage" -click.

3. We aim at the building-structure that we want to remove to the warehouse - click on the building itself and it is already in your warehouse.

4. We take the building out of the warehouse - click on the building - go in - select the building - use it.

P.S. . We do not remove unfinished buildings to the warehouse, because after that, all existing materials are deleted. Also, do not remove RESOURCES, in order to avoid a resource crisis. All buildings removed to the warehouse are calculated as temporarily removed, so all privilege properties are removed.

All ways to clear the cache and cookies of different browsers.

1. go to the item "Tools";

2. select "Delete personal data...";

3. click on the inscription "Detailed settings",

4. in the additional area of ​​the "Delete personal data" window that opens, select the "Clear cache" option (you can deselect the remaining options)

5. click on the "Delete" button to confirm clearing the cache.

1. Exit the game. Close all other browser windows.

2. On the browser toolbar, open the menu

3. Select Clear Cache.

4. In the dialog box, click the Clear button.

Internet Explorer

1. Exit the game. Close all other browser windows.

2. Select the Tools menu at the top of the browser and select Browser Options.

3. Click the General tab at the top of the dialog box.

4. In the Temporary Internet Files section, click the Delete Files button.

5. Select Delete this content by checking the appropriate box.

6. Click OK.

Internet Explorer 7:

2. Select Tools > Browser Options.

3. Click the General tab.

4. Click the Delete button below your browsing history.

5. In the Temporary Internet Files section, click the Delete Files button.

6. Click the "Delete Files" button cookie".

7. Press the button OK.

1. Exit the game and close all open browser windows.

2. Open the Tools menu.

3. Select Clear browsing data

4. Check the boxes Clear cache and Delete files- cookie.

In Firefox for PC:

1. Exit the game and close all open browser windows.

2. Open the Tools menu (at the top of the browser) and select Clear Recent History....

3. Check the boxes Cookies and cache.

4. Click the Delete Now button.

Mozilla Firefox for Macintosh:

1. Exit the game and close all open browser windows.

2. Open the Firefox menu in the top bar of your browser and select Settings.

3. Click the Privacy tab.

4. Click Delete Now at the bottom of the dialog box.

5. Check the boxes Cache and Cookies in the dialog box.

6. Click the Remove Now button.

Universal way through CCleaner http:// www. piriform. com/ccleaner

CCleaner is a program designed (including) to clear the cache and cookies your browser. The whole operation takes a matter of seconds, and you do not need to delve into the browser settings.

After installation, open the program and go to the "Applications" tab. There we are looking for our browser and put a tick in front of the items "Internet cache" and "Files cookie ”, Press the “Clear” button and, upon completion of the process, enjoy the game!

Internet Explorer , then click on "Tools", then on "Internet Options", enter the "General" item, select "Delete Files" and click "OK".

Mozilla Firefox , then click on "Tools", select "Settings" there, go to the "Advanced" tab, click "Network" and in the "Cache" section click the "Clear now" button.

Opera , then go to the "Tools" item, click "Settings", select "Advanced", open the "History" item and click "Clear Now".

After these steps, refresh the page with the game.

4. Erase local data in flash player.

Right-click the application and select Options. Then, on the "Local storage" tab (icon with an open folder), move the slider to the leftmost position to the mark 0; click the close button and refresh the page. After cleaning, the slider must be returned to the extreme right position.

How can I buy Megabucks?

1. In the game window, at the top, there is a button "Add ..." game currency, it displays the current amount of game currency in the account.

2.After clicking on this button, a pop-up window "Add ..." of the game currency appears.

3.Select the amount of currency to purchase from the options provided.

4. After selecting the required amount, you will be taken to a window where all payment methods in your social network will be offered.

5. Refresh the page by clicking ctrl+F5.

Under what conditions will I receive a bonus for an invited friend?

Bonuses for invited friends are awarded if the friend you invited started the game by clicking the "Accept" button and waited for the game to fully load immediately after clicking this button. It is also possible that your friend has not been fully trained. The invitation will not be counted if the friend has previously launched the game and then deleted it. If the bonus for friends is not credited, it means that the conditions described above have not been fully met.


As your game level increases, you can purchase some expansions at lower levels for a higher price and vice versa. These extensions cost a little more and are offered at certain levels.


No, the game does not provide a reverse exchange.


Materials are needed for the construction of certain objects: beach, bridge, hotel, hydroelectric power station, etc., which increase the population limit, energy or water supply. You can purchase materials for megabucks, or you can receive them as free gifts from friends. After that, the material is installed on the object. When adding a certain number of them, the object will be built completely, or a new level of its construction will begin. To find out the cost of an object, left-click on its frame, where it will be indicated whether it is available to you now, or you will see the level when you can purchase the desired object and build it.


In order to develop, your city needs a population (the icon with little men on the houses). To ensure population growth, it is necessary to develop infrastructure and increase the total population. Each residential building provides a certain population growth for a certain time. When a residential building is ready to provide you with new residents, you can see the corresponding icon on the house. Click on the icon to add residents to the city.


City Hall is required to automatically collect VAT from your metropolis. You can hire a tax collector and a census agent. The tax collector removes VAT from all infrastructure buildings in your absence, if provided, the population census works the same way.

Initially, 50 units are given, which you can dispose of at your discretion. You can also dismiss friends from their positions, while neither they nor you will lose anything. To hire an internal worker, and not a friend, you will need to pay him 1 megabucks.

Note: The point is to save you the hassle of constantly clicking on each of the buildings to collect taxes and population. The process is transparent and takes place while the application is running, so You personally see the functioning of the method of what is happening before your eyes


The rules of the game are such that you can install extensions only in their logical order (successively one after the other, without jumping to larger ones). You will be able to use the donated extension when you install the previous one.


For the functioning of the metropolis and the construction of new buildings, resources are needed, such as water and electricity. If you see a message on the screen about their shortage and cannot continue construction, then simply build another windmill, power plant or water tower.


The number of levels in the game is not limited.


Tax makes it possible to regulate taxes by increasing them in%, but at the same time, the number of available maximum population limit proportionally decreases. Conversely, you can lower the tax rate and increase the maximum population.


Only the first 5 people can use all your letters of experience, after that the opportunity to accept your experience from the rest of the players is removed. This is the nature of the gameplay. This does not mean that something is being taken away from you, so we recommend visiting the game more often and monitoring its dynamics.

At first, this statement may seem too presumptuous and even offensive. Well, how is it, okay metropolis, but why just the only one? Of course, Eastern Europe is not East Asia for you, but is there really not a single city in the quite wide and densely populated expanses of post-socialist Europe from Tallinn to Tirana that would be drawn to a metropolis? Is it really only Moscow, lost in the far northeast corner behind forests and swamps, behind sanctions and dictatorships, that deserves the loud title of a metropolis, while everything else in Eastern Europe is just towns and regional centers?

It turns out that it is. And the point here is not even in quantitative indicators, although they are also in them. Of course, other cities in Eastern Europe find it difficult to compete with Moscow, which has more residents than Kyiv, Warsaw, Budapest and Prague combined. With Moscow, whose GDP is one and a half times greater than that of the whole Ukraine or the Czech Republic. With Moscow, where there are 20 times more dollar billionaires than in all of Poland - not to mention the fact that in most Eastern European countries, in principle, there is not a single dollar billionaire.

All this certainly provides Moscow with breadth and scope, unattainable for other cities in the region. But the quantity is still not the main thing here. Mountains of money and hordes of inhabitants alone are not enough. Much more important are the more subtle, qualitative criteria of a metropolis, which Moscow meets, while the rest of Eastern Europe does not.

What difference does it make how many million people live in Warsaw if the shopping centers there close at eight o'clock in the evening

Like, stop shopping, it's time to go home to the family, tomorrow it's early for work. Yes, half of the Poles can move to live in their capital, but Warsaw still will not become a metropolis because of this, because even many cafes manage not to work there on Catholic holidays. On All Saints' Day, it is supposed to visit the graves of ancestors - this also applies to waiters and cooks, so wait until tomorrow with your coffee, drink at the gas station, if you are completely unbearable.

Bratislava can be considered the city of an exemplary economic miracle, which over the past 15 years has managed to overtake many cities in Western Europe in terms of per capita GDP. But what kind of metropolis is this, if at nine o'clock in the evening you leave the theater in the very center of the city, you see completely empty streets, from which even the last prostitutes have already gone home.

And what's the use of the mind-blowing luxury of Riga's Art Nouveau, if the cafes located on these streets are filled only two weeks a year, and the rest of the time with their sad empty tables they inform rare passers-by that a real, eventful life is possible and exists somewhere on this planet, but certainly not here. Not to mention Kyiv, where, despite its three million inhabitants, the nearest IKEA is 700 kilometers away, all the way to Vilnius.

Although this is not the main thing. And the main thing is that a metropolis cannot be a boring mono-ethnic regional center.