What do you know about Alpha Centauri? Will the Hawking and Milner space probes reach the Alpha Centauri system?

A few years ago, astronomers announced that they had discovered a planet inside the Alpha Centauri star system. This system is the closest solar system to our planetary system. Alpha Centauri is only 4.6 St. years, which is extremely small by space standards. It takes about 60 years and a speed of 1/10 of the speed of light to reach it. Thus, it should be noted that it is not difficult for us to get to Alpha Centauri, and for this it is unnecessary to invent a new ultra-high-speed engine.

Despite the announcement of the presence of a planet in Alpha Centauri, some astronomers are sure that no planets can exist there. But there is evidence that is difficult to dispute. The star "B" in the above star system "blinks", which indicates the presence of a dimly luminous object near it, which may well be a planet. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find traces of this unknown cosmic body, but astronomers and planetologists from all over the world continue to believe in its existence.

Most likely, there is a small planet near the star Alpha Centauri B, comparable in size to ours. It is difficult to notice her because she is too close to her luminary. Sooner or later, astronomers will want to study this mythical yet cosmic body in more detail. Perhaps in the future, a spacecraft will be sent to Alpha Centauri, but the question remains: is it advisable?

Space travel to the Alpha Centauri star system

Astronomy has evolved incredibly over the past 10 years. Scientists almost daily find new space objects, the existence of which they could not even guess before. This once again proves that it is not worth arguing that there cannot be planets in the Alpha Centauri system. It is better to think about where exactly this planet should be looked for, what it will be, how close it is to its star, and can it be the carrier of some extraterrestrial life?

Thanks to the world famous Kepler spacecraft, we now know that there is a planet near almost every star in our Milky Way galaxy, and sometimes more than one. You can say more, in space, small planets are more common, comparable in size to ours. If we ever manage to prove that there is at least one planet in Alpha Centauri, then this will be the discovery of the century, as it will bring us closer to unraveling the mystery of the existence of extraterrestrial life. According to scientists, a planet that can exist in such a star system may well be habitable. In many legends of various peoples of the world, it is described that the "Gods" descended to Earth precisely from this star system. As you know, two of the stars of Alpha Centauri are sun-like, and the third is a “red dwarf”.

Could there be life in the Alpha Centauri system?

The system itself is quite old, so the planet, which is hypothetically located there, would have had enough time for the evolution of the same Darwin, for example. It would seem that if Alpha Centauri is located so close to us, then why not send radio telescopes to it, such as the super-powerful Arecibo, which is located on the territory of Puerto Rico? Unfortunately, this is impossible, since the star system is located in a not very convenient place - too south of that part of outer space that Arecibo can cover. The only option that will allow us to thoroughly study Alpha Centauri is the design and implementation of a new mission: a flight to Alpha Centauri and the colonization of the star system. Most likely, humanity will not be able to decide on such a responsible and courageous act for several more decades. The project itself will be incredibly expensive - its cost will be trillions of dollars. It should be noted that in addition to difficulties, it has prospects. By implementing it, we can become the first "immortal civilization" to overcome interstellar space. Why immortal? Because by settling in the near space, in any case, we will be able to save representatives of our species. There is even a proverb: "You don't need to keep all your eggs in one basket."

Numerous difficulties await the colonists of Alpha Centauri: a new climate, environment, microflora, possible living creatures unknown to science, and much more. In order not to rebuild oneself to new conditions, it is possible to create genetically modified people who will be adapted to them even before birth. The uninhabited planets of Alpha Centauri can be terraformed. If there is an asteroid belt in a given star system, then this is generally wonderful - you can create your own individual world there, and then we will not have to quarrel with possible representatives of alien life that can live on the planets of Alpha Centauri. In fact, astropaleontologists and planetary scientists are very sensitive about flying to potentially inhabited planets, since any interference with intelligent alien life can distort their cultural evolution.

Is Alpha Centauri Really Living a Intelligent Civilization?

If this is so, then, most likely, she does not even know about our existence, and if she does, she does not want to establish contact with us, believing that we are not yet very technologically advanced. Perhaps this alien race has already taken possession of our asteroid belt and periodically visits our planet to study earthlings and the Earth itself. In this case, it becomes clear why we see UFOs periodically. We can only hope that those who exist in space besides us do not wish us harm.

Not so long ago, Milner and Hawking made a splash with the announcement of their Breakthrough Starshot project. The project costs $100 million, which will be spent to study the technical feasibility of a flight to Alpha Centauri. The engineering and research phase will last for a number of years, after which the development of the flight mission to Alpha Centauri itself will require the budget of the largest scientific experiment to date.

So, what is known at the moment from the developers of the project?

System concept including laser emitter and light sail

The Breakthrough Starshot project, according to the authors, is an attempt to approach space travel from the side of Silicon Valley.

It involves the construction of an array of lasers in the highlands of the Earth, and the creation of special nanocrafts - an array of space femtosatellites that are accelerated by the radiation of these lasers.

System Components

Nanocrafts are robotic spaceships with a mass of the order of grams, consisting of two parts:

1) StarChip Electronic Module: Moore's Law has made it possible to significantly reduce the size of electronic components. This makes it possible to create gram devices that carry cameras, photon thrusters, power, navigation and communication equipment, which are a fully functional space probe. At the same time, the cost of these probes in mass production will be equal to the cost of a smartphone.

4 cameras
Cameras of 2 megapixels, weighing less than a gram, are available at a low price. Their development also obeys Moore's law, allowing the number of pixels for the same sensor mass to double every two years.

Also of interest are the potential capabilities of cameras operating on the Fourier Capture Flat Array (PFCA) principle. They do not require mirrors, lenses or other moving parts. They consist of an array of semiconductor elements that react to light depending on its angle of incidence.

In terms of volume, PFCAs can be 100,000 times smaller than the smallest focus camera. However, while this technology is at the start of its journey.

Mona Lisa taken with a PFCA camera.

Protective covering
A special coating is needed to protect the design of nanocrafts from collisions with particles in interstellar space. One such material is a beryllium-copper alloy.
The battery design represents one of the most difficult technical challenges of the project.

Currently, plutonium-238 or americium-241 is considered as the main source of energy on board. 150 grams are allotted to power the system. This includes the mass of the radioisotope and the supercapacitor that will be charged from nuclear decay.

There are also ideas to take advantage of the heating of the frontal surface of nanocrafts (due to interaction with interstellar dust). The thermal source can supply 6mW per square centimeter of its area during the cruise phase of a mission in interstellar space.

The light sail itself could possibly be coated with a thin film of photovoltaic material, as was done on Japan's IKAROS solar sail mission. This can be very useful when approaching another star within 2 astronomical units. At a distance of 1 astronomical unit, such a material, even with an efficiency of only 10%, will be able to provide 2 kW of power. This is more than 100,000 times the power of a radioactive energy source, and is likely to achieve significantly higher data rates for laser communications.


Orientation of the transmitter to the ground
Finding Earth is an easy enough task given its proximity to the Sun, a very bright star when viewed from Alpha Centauri.

Due to the diffraction limit, the angular diameter of a 1 micron beam on a meter class antenna would be about 0.1 arc second. An orientation of this accuracy can be achieved using photonic thrusters.

Sending images with a laser using a sail as an antenna
Images of target planets can be transmitted by a single-watt laser on board, in a pulsed mode. When approaching the target, the sail will be used to focus the laser signal.

For example, for a 4m sail, the diffraction limit for spot size on Earth would be in the order of 1000m. Approximately the same scale is planned to make a receiving array of antennas. The use of a sail as an optical system may require different forms of sail at the start of the mission (during acceleration) and during the communication phase. For more efficient transmission of information, when approaching the target, the sail can be shaped like a Fresnel lens. Due to the Doppler effect when nanocrafts are shifted relative to the Earth, it is necessary to use a laser wave shorter than that of the launch system - this will allow maintaining a high transmission speed through the atmosphere of our planet.

Image Acquisition with an Array of Laser Emitters
Recent advances by the MIL Lincoln Labs group and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory have shown the ability to detect single photons emitted by a laser from very large distances. Currently, the record holder is the LADEE system, which is capable of operating at lunar distances. It uses the technique of cryogenically cooled nanotubes. This allows 2 bits to be transmitted per photon. The system uses 10cm optics on the spacecraft and a 1m telescope on the ground.

The array of laser emitters involved in the acceleration of nanocrafts will be used in inverse mode as an array of receiving antennas.

solar sail

Sail integrity under power
At the research stage, it is planned to use a 100 gigawatt laser in the mission. How would such radiation affect the solar sail?

The most perfect reflective material today is a dielectric mirror - a composite material with a layer thickness matched to the wavelength.

A dielectric mirror can reduce the amount of absorbed heat by 5 orders of magnitude, reflecting 99.999% of the radiation.
For a 100 GW laser and a 4x4m sail, this means that each square meter of the sail will be heated by 60 kW of energy. This is a lot - about 50 electric kettles at full capacity. It is difficult to dissipate such power by radiation. But, according to the developers, this will heat the sail, but will not melt it. It is expected that by using a fully dielectric sail with optimized materials it will be possible to reduce absorption below 9 orders of magnitude from incoming radiation.

Options for using new materials like graphene are being considered.

It is also possible to use materials with low absorption, even without high reflectivity (eg glass). Similar materials are used in fiber optics at high loads.

In addition to protection from the sail side, the electronics of the StarChip module must be protected from the oncoming flow. This can be achieved by a combination of geometry (orienting the electronics "in profile", with a low cross-section) and coating the most important components with special protection. Such coatings can be the mentioned multilayer dielectric solutions already demonstrated in laboratories. The weakly absorbent material of the sail, together with the limited use of highly reflective material to protect the electronics, will protect the StarChip without exceeding the gram scale of the module's mass. For further production, a design of silicon microcubes on a silicon dioxide substrate is being studied.

It is necessary to develop a sail skeleton that will hold the load when the device accelerates, be resistant to interaction with the interstellar medium, and be able to change the shape of the sail. At the moment, a number of graphene-based composite materials are being considered, which are capable of changing their length depending on the electrical voltage applied to them. It has previously been shown that the centrifugal acceleration of tiny masses at the edges can pull a sail.
Hold on beam
The beam shape and light sail arrangements must be optimized for stability during the launch phase. During this period of about 10 minutes, the sail receives 1 terajoule of light energy. For this reason, even small differences in sail properties or beam irregularities will move the center of pressure away from the center of mass of the sail, and shift its thrust vector.

The modern industry of optical coatings in the mass production of smartphones and telescope optics is already at a quality level acceptable for the mission. But the final sail material does not yet exist and must be developed.

laser emitter

Estimated estimated cost of a laser array on Earth is based on extrapolation from the last two decades, as well as the prospect of cheaper mass production.

The cost of laser amplifiers has been declining exponentially from 1990 to 2015, halving every year and a half. If the trend continues, the construction of a large emitter in the coming decades will cost several orders of magnitude cheaper.

So far, developers are comparing the cost with the largest scientific project in the world. This could be, for example, the ISS (worth $157 billion) or the ITER experimental fusion reactor ($15 billion).

To test the capabilities of the system, the case with a meter-scale sail was studied. For example, to focus a beam of light on a 4x4m sail at a distance of 200 thousand kilometers, a focusing angle of 2 nanoradians (0.4 arc milliseconds) is required. This is the diffraction limit for a kilometer laser emitter operating at a wavelength of 1 micron.

Interferometry for the Event Horizon Telescope has demonstrated the ability to achieve sub-nanoradian accuracy at a wavelength of 1mm.

Atmosphere introduces two effects:

Absorption (transmission integrity violation)
- decrease in beam quality (beam blurring)

The transmission capacity of the atmosphere at a wavelength of 1 micron is very good - more than 90% for objects located high in the mountains. With this arrangement of the installation, this will reduce the blurring of the beam in the atmosphere, which will allow adaptive optics to approach the diffraction limit as close as possible. Atmospheric turbulence, which blurs the beam, is about 4 times lower at 5 km than at sea level. The effect of the atmosphere can be evened out even more by correcting the mode of operation of laser emitters using a beacon in space.

The Breakthrough Starshot project wants to achieve a diffraction limit for optical laser systems of 0.2-1 km. This is 1-2 orders of magnitude better than existing solutions, but there are no fundamental limitations in achieving this goal.


Pointing accuracy on a meter sail
The laser emitter must focus on a spot on the sail smaller than the size of the sail itself in an orbit of 60,000 km above the earth.
Laser pointing must be coordinated with the position of the Alpha Centauri star system so that the system passes within two astronomical units. The use of photonic thrusters will make it possible to correct the course by 1-2 astronomical units.

In the beam positioning problem, the main problem is keeping the sail on the beam. It depends on the size of the sail and the distance to it. For a meter-long sail, the operating distance for launching can reach several million kilometers. The aiming accuracy required at such a distance is a few milliseconds of arc. There are several ways to solve this problem.
The atmospheric model is calibrated using radar, laser beam and real time optical measurements. This will achieve the required positioning accuracy.

Most terrestrial telescopes (for example, the Keck telescope) have an accuracy of the order of a few arcseconds and are limited in their ability to track objects in the 100 milliarcsecond mode. For mission purposes, a significant improvement in accuracy is needed.
However, the generation of a laser beam by a phased array system with a beacon tracking system (to correct for the influence of the atmosphere) of the spacecraft can achieve the required accuracy.

Hold on sail on a beam
There are a number of effects that make this task difficult. These are beam instability, laser operating modes, forces acting on the sail, heating of the sail, atmospheric inhomogeneities caused by the energy of the emitters.

The above problems can be solved by rotating the sail and regulating the shape of both the sail and the beam of rays coming to it. Feedback will help the operation of laser emitters, but a short flight time requires self-stabilization of the system.

One promising approach is to give the sail a special shape that stabilizes its position on the beam. That is, during rotation, the sail will be affected by such torques and forces that will tend to restore its orientation. High frequency tremor will reduce the overall amount of power transmitted to the sail, but good sail dynamics can reduce the sail's susceptibility to interference above a certain frequency.

Since a phased array array will be used for beamforming, the beam profile can be shaped to maximize the sail's ability to maintain its own position on the beam, even without a feedback mechanism.

Energy production and storage
The production and storage of energy is a technological challenge.
Generation of 100 GW of power and its delivery within a few minutes is quite achievable at the current level of technology. Natural gas power plants can generate energy at a cost of $0.1 per kilowatt hour.
Batteries and supercapacitors are also now available that can provide the required storage capacity at a reasonable price.
Accurate Determining the Orbital Position of an Exoplanet
In order to deliver a nanocraft to an exoplanet with an accuracy of 1 astronomical unit, it may be necessary to accurately account for all massive bodies near the flight path.
Part of the information can be collected by the first missions of the project and taken into account in subsequent launches. Efforts are also being made to better understand the ephemeris - the orbital positions of large objects at specific times that can affect the trajectory of movement. This includes collaborations with the largest telescopes in the southern hemisphere, including Very Large Telescopes and Gemini.

Cruise stage:

interstellar dust
Based on estimates of dust density in the interstellar medium closest to us, during the journey to Alpha Centauri, each square centimeter of the frontal cross-sectional area of ​​the StarChip electronic module and light sail will collide with approximately 1000 dust particles ranging in size from 100 nanometers and larger. However, the probability of a collision with a particle of 1 micrometer over the entire flight time is about 10%. And the probability of encountering larger particles is negligible.

A dust particle of 100 nanometers in size, moving at a speed of 20% of the speed of light, will penetrate into the electronic module to a depth of about 0.4mm. To evaluate the effect, calculations are given for a module with dimensions of 10cm x 0.1mm. The cross-sectional area of ​​such a module is 0.1 cm2. A beryllium bronze protective coating applied to the front of such a module can provide protection from dust and erosion. If necessary, the geometry of the StarChip can be modified (for example, in the form of a "needle") to further reduce the cross-sectional area.

The sail itself, to minimize damage, can be folded into a more streamlined configuration during the cruising phase of flight.

The impact momentum of a 100 nm particle is relatively small, and can be compensated by photon thrusters.

The influence of interplanetary dust within the solar system is negligible compared to interstellar dust. Little is known about the presence of dust in the Alpha Centauri system.

Interstellar medium and cosmic rays
The mean free path and the Larmor radius of interstellar plasma particles are much larger than the nanocraft size. This means that such particles will affect the walls independently of each other without forming an impact shock.

Protons from the interstellar plasma at a speed of 20% of the speed of light will affect the nanocraft with kinetic energies of 18 MeV, and electrons will have an energy of 10.2 keV. In this case, it does not matter whether the proton and electron are combined into a hydrogen atom, or arrive separately. Erosion of the nanocraft surface will occur due to sputtering. The number of atoms thus sputtered will be on the order of 1000 per cm 2 . The total mass loss of the front surface of the device will be only a few layers.

Protons with an energy of 18 MeV will penetrate to a depth of the order of several millimeters. Therefore, a protective layer capable of stopping such particles will be needed to avoid damage to the electronics.

Cosmic rays are much less rare than interstellar protons and therefore can be ignored. Collisions with heavier elements must be softened by a protective coating: helium nuclei have energies of the order of 72 MeV and their number is about 10% of the number of free protons. The nuclei of the elements carbon, nitrogen and oxygen carry energies of 200-300 MeV and are present in an amount of 0.01% of the total.
To develop protection technologies, it is necessary to conduct laboratory experiments for ions moving at a speed of 20% of the speed of light and colliding with a solid body.

Collisions with interstellar ions and electrons could theoretically have their own advantages: they could give nanocraft a potential of up to 10 kV (kinetic energy per electron). The frontal surface of the nanocrafts will heat up at a rate of 6 mW/cm2, which will provide a small thermoelectric power source when traveling through the interstellar medium.

Flight to Alpha Centauri as imagined by an artist

An ambitious project by scientists to search for extraterrestrial civilizations may lead to a star older than our Sun by 1.5 billion years.

Renowned British scientist Stephen Hawking, famous for his research in astrophysics and the theory of black holes, has announced his intention to launch a commercial research and engineering project "Breakthrough Starshot". The Russian billionaire Yuri Milner supports him in this matter.

The initiative of Milner and Hawking is estimated at about 100 million US dollars (for comparison, the mission of the Mars Science Laboratory cost 2.5 billion dollars, and the launch of the apparatus and the Philae probe to the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet cost approximately 1.4 billion euros), and The first spacecraft is planned to be launched in 20 years.

What are they planning

This, according to the developers, will be the first mission to another star system. The nanosatellite, using the energy of laser sails, will fly at a speed of 60,000 km / s to a star 4.37 light years distant from Earth. The flight will last from 20 to 30 years, and for another 4 years the Earth will wait for a message of happy arrival.

If a few years ago flying to another star at such a speed seemed completely unrealistic, now a group of experts has developed a concept, the essence of which is to “reduce” the size of a spacecraft to approximately the size of a chip used in electronic devices. A mini-ship (or a squadron of such devices) will have its own sail. Only it will not be the wind that will push it, but the light!

Why Alpha Centauri

Why was the Alpha Centauri star system the object of such an unusual mission? What do scientists plan to find there?

The Alpha Centauri system has long been the object of targeted astronomical research. Such an addiction is due to the fact that this star system is 1.5 billion years older than ours. And accordingly, it has gone a long way of evolution.

Located in the constellation of Centaurus, consisting of three sun-like stars - Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B and the object itself, which attracted the attention of scientists - a red dwarf, is currently considered the star closest to the Sun. Even a distance of 4.4 light years does not prevent this system from being one of the brightest in the night sky.

According to the hypotheses of scientists, it is in this star system, as evidenced by observations, that there are exoplanets similar to the Earth. So, relatively recently, astronomers at the European Southern Observatory announced that an exoplanet near Alpha Centauri B, which was only discovered thanks to the radial velocity method using the HARPS spectrograph (this device has long been called the “planet hunter”) has a mass similar to the earth.

This does not mean that there can be life similar to Earth, since Alpha Centauri Bb is at a very close distance from its star, and the temperature on the surface is approximately 1200 degrees Celsius. But there are other less hot planets nearby where life is possible. An exoplanet near Proxima Centauri looks much more promising.

What is the specificity and novelty of a satellite on a laser sail?

The concept of "Breakthrough Starshot" involves the use of ground-based lasers that focus the light beam to accelerate the device. Next, "Breakthrough Starshot" will try to aim spaceships at an object - a planet like Earth. Having flown up, they will look for the optimal distance from which the cameras will be able to capture the relief of the planet and transmit a high-quality image. Data transmission to Earth will be carried out using a compact laser communication system on board the ship, and the sail will act as an antenna. This is a completely new approach to the study of other planets.

Project complexity

Of course, "Breakthrough Starshot" has a lot of technical problems. All components must be designed to withstand extreme accelerations, vacuum, cold, collisions with protons, space dust, and so on. Therefore, the apparatus, obviously, will not be one, but several.

There is even a scientific hypothesis that it is Alpha Centauri that is a possible refuge for future earthlings. After all, once the moment of extinction of our Sun will come. This is a normal stage in the evolution of all stars. And then it will turn into a red giant, from the deadly energy of which our planet will not be able to escape.

Let's hope that human civilization during this time will reach a high level of development and find a way to evacuate. And the final point of resettlement could be precisely the Alpha Centauri system.

If we ever know for sure that there are no planets in Alpha Centauri, it will be a real shock, worthy of the front pages of major publications.

Even if the planet Alpha Centauri B does not exist, it is safe to say that there are other planets in this star system. It's just a matter of time. Perhaps all three representatives of the triple system with two sun-like stars and a red dwarf have their own planets.

From this we can safely say that there are a number of planets in the Alpha Centauri system and at least one of them must be habitable. The details of this system will be as interesting and unusual to us as they were to European explorers of the New World a long time ago.

This system is so old that Darwinian evolution could well have come a long way from multicellular creatures to Jurassic Park.

Could there be intelligent life there? By an unfortunate coincidence, the star system is too far south to be contacted by the powerful Arecibo radio antenna in Puerto Rico or the new Allen Telescope Array in northern California. You know how scientists are with alien life?

In any case, it's time to think about a thousand-year project: visiting and colonizing a star system. It is difficult to imagine a bolder step for humanity. The project will cost untold trillions of dollars over dozens of generations. But then we will become an interstellar species - in fact, immortal. This is as significant an evolutionary step as the first foray of sea creatures onto land in the distant past.

As always, the devil is in the details. It would be unethical to take over a habitable planet, even if there is no intelligent life on it. The first colonists will have to deal with alien microflora and bizarre predatory creatures, if they, of course, will be.

But the uninhabited planets or moons of Alpha Centauri can be terraformed. Earth colonists not yet born can be genetically engineered to adapt to foreign environments with ease.

If we assume that there is an asteroid belt there, it becomes possible to build an artificial world. We could coexist within the system with its indigenous people. Astropaleontologists and astrobiologists are very sensitive about visiting habitable planets to study the development of life. As the first directive in Star Trek stated, we should avoid contact with intelligent life so as not to disrupt their cultural evolution.

Now imagine that a technological civilization lives on Alpha Centauri. Seeing no SETI signals from Earth, the Centauri believe we are a highly technologically immature race. They decide to colonize our asteroid belt. This scenario could explain many UFO sightings and even "close encounters" with aliens. In fact, we would have fixed indirect evidence of the presence of an alien colony in our solar system - by anomalous heat in the asteroid belt or unusual manifestations of the electromagnetic field.

Let's just hope that if the Centauri exist, they're not planning an invasion primarily out of fear that we'll conquer them one day. On the other hand, aliens could.

Telepathically, they transmit information about the cosmos, the laws of the universe, about what the Creator is. They themselves are his descendants, but their idea of ​​the "Creator" does not correspond to our concept of "God". For them, the Creator is an absolute, a comprehensive knowledge that exists simultaneously in time and space, in any universes. The Creator remains unchanged a priori so that people do not lose their orientation for self-improvement.

Contactees said that aliens telepathically visit the earth, helping scientists make discoveries that move the race forward. They are not aggressive, calm, friendly. It happens that they move earthlings to their planet to show how a highly spiritual society is built.

Their assistant in everyday life is an “ino computer”, which combines consciousness and technology, which is inaccessible to us and it is unlikely that we will be able to master this artificial intelligence in the coming centuries, because we still have no clear idea why the brain works this way and not otherwise. .

Hal Wilcox (USA, Los Angeles) in the 50-60s of the last century communicated more than once with a civilization from the planet Selo, he was restored to his spiritual memory, where the history of the ancients is stored.

According to him, Lemuria, Atlandida are real-life civilizations that were destroyed. The Creator (Absolute) decided to block people's access to the knowledge of the past in order to avoid negative repetitions in the development of mankind. He hoped that a person would learn to control his actions, which, unfortunately, has not happened so far.

Planet Metaria

Outwardly, it resembles the earth, there is water, land, plants, animals. The main inhabitants are the Santinians. They follow the development of the Earth, helped humanity enter the Age of Aquarius, but do not actively interfere.

Metaria is similar to the Earth, it has one large continent and many islands washed by the oceans. Life on the planet is not on the physical, but on the spiritual planes.

On Metaria, you can meet the spirits of nature, which maintain the ideal weather. The devas take care of food for living beings. Much different from the earth's flora and fauna. Animals are smart, do not need training, are not food. All Santinians are vegetarians.

There are no cities on Metaria in our understanding. Across the planet, dwellings are evenly built in harmony with nature, so as not to disturb the Spirits. There are uniform standards of life here, there is a family with no more than two children. Fertility is controlled by reasonable needs. Some of the inhabitants are engaged in space exploration, the permanent population reaches 3.5 billion and has remained unchanged for many years.

The main knowledge on Metaria is the dematerialization/materialization of objects. When disclosing the basic principle of movement in time and space, dematerialization is used, but, as they say, representatives of the race, this has never happened, because everyone accepts responsibility to society, absolute moral concepts are laid down at the genetic level. The Santinians are benevolent in helping the earthlings, but only when the time comes.

Alien races tend to be in a state of bliss, where each individual makes the perfect choice without any preparation (evolution). Thus, they do not face consequences such as mistakes, ignorance, or knowing the negative.

Contactees report that the race of aliens on Alpha Centauri is ahead of us in development, and the main difference is not in the level of technology, but in the principle of the organization of consciousness. However, the alien civilization is friendly, ready to share achievements with earthlings, if knowledge is not directed to destroy each other.

Planets from the constellation Centaurus in development by scientists (video)

We do not know when “the time will come,” so scientists around the world are relentlessly moving forward, creating and launching powerful telescopes into orbit to see what was impossible to guess. Astronomers suggest that there are likely to be habitable planets in the Alpha Centauri system, you just need to know where to look for them. In the coming decades, this mystery will be solved.

According to the mathematical calculations of astrophysicists, the planets that exist in such a star system as Alpha Centauri should be habitable. This is confirmed by numerous artifacts that tell about the Gods who descended to earth from a sun-like star system. In our galaxy, only the constellation Centaurus has a triple star.

In 2016, thanks to the Russian billionaire and Stephen Hogging, an ambitious project was launched to create fundamentally new satellites that develop high speeds on "solar sails". It is supposed to create a fleet of nanoships and send it to Alpha Centauri.

The satellites, the size of a postage stamp, will develop tremendous speed on "solar sails", allowing you to reach the star in 20 years. Nanosatellites will transmit photographs (although they will have to wait more than 4 years), evidence that will allow scientists to proceed to the next step - organizing a real expedition to the planet.