Feeling of distance. Don't waste time making excuses

Sergey Vladimirovich 18/02/2016 at 19:05

We ask you to objectively understand and conduct an internal audit on this fact and bring these traffic police officers to justice under the law, and check how the head of the traffic police, Frolov A.E., actually conducts internal audits for similar and similar violations by traffic police officers in the city Pyatigorsk, and whether the above protocols are valid. We have made many appeals to different structures of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but there is no result, since the wife of the head of the traffic police, p / p-ka Frolov A.E., works as a federal judge for the city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory! If possible, bring this issue to the general council and television! We want the traffic police in the city of Pyatigorsk to work according to the law and without any "pull"! We hope for your support!!!

Sergey Vladimirovich 22/04/2016 at 18:24

We ask you to consider the actions of traffic police officers in the city of Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory. So, on April 26, 2015, at about 11:40 p.m. on Kirov Avenue opposite house number 67 in the city of Pyatigorsk, my friend and I observed such a moment as the traffic police patrol car "Hyundai Solaris, registration number U 40-03 26, stopped the car" Audi -A7, registration plate М002АЕ-26 in black color ", which was in a film coating in a circular pattern. With which an unfamiliar driver came out and got into their patrol car, after about 5-7 minutes he left the patrol car, got into his car and left at high speed. After that, about 5 minutes passed, and a traffic police officer with the rank of police major got out of the patrol car and went to the nearest wastebasket and threw crumpled papers there and then left the place. After his departure, we approached this wastebasket and saw two forms of protocols there;
1) Protocol on the prohibition of the operation of a land vehicle, number 26 ШШ 004565;
2) Protocol on the detention of a vehicle, number 26 PZ 004690; in which it is not clear that yes, and together with copies of the protocols, and as they say the traffic police officers, strict reporting forms, but according to the actions of this employee, I think that it is not and they see a violation of the law.
Similar cases have happened before, they burned copies of protocols, copies of decisions that drivers who violated traffic rules should have received, and where there are video recordings as evidence.
Also, in similar cases, we turned to the head of the traffic police, police lieutenant colonel for the city of Pyatigorsk Frolov Alexander Evgenievich, but to which he answered us “in words” that internal checks were being carried out and these employees would definitely be punished, but everything continues as it was before and always no no changes have occurred in the area of ​​work of the traffic police, and the head of the traffic police, Frolov A.E., is aware of all violations of the law committed by traffic police, but no measures are taken by them.
We also turned with the same question to the deputy head of the traffic police for the city of Pyatigorsk, police lieutenant colonel Khorogrov Vladimir Vladimirovich, but to which he answered us: deal with your problems yourself and escorted us out of the traffic police building in Pyatigorsk.
The above protocols were sent by us to the Prosecutor General's Office R.F. the city of Moscow to check and identify violations in the actions of a traffic police officer and whether the protocol data is authentic, which ended up in the wastebasket.
We believe that these are violations of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and the law on the police, and where there is a corruption component in the actions of these traffic police officers, as well as weak control over the work of the traffic police by the head of the traffic police Frolov A.E., and the deputy head of the traffic police Khorogrov V.V.
We ask you to objectively understand and conduct an internal audit on this fact and bring these traffic police officers to justice under the law, and check how the head of the traffic police, Frolov A.E., actually conducts internal audits for similar and similar violations by traffic police officers in the city Pyatigorsk, and whether the above protocols are valid. We have made many appeals to different structures of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but there is no result, since the wife of the head of the traffic police, p / p-ka Frolov A.E., works as a federal judge for the city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory! If possible, bring this issue to the general council and television! We want the traffic police in the city of Pyatigorsk to work according to the law and without any "pull"! We hope for your support!!!

What do you feel when you are going to report to your leader? Fear? Uncertainty in your abilities?

Communication with the leader is not taught in schools, but in this subject we all have to take an exam when we start our careers. And failing that exam could cost you your career.

Personally, my experience in how to report to my boss came later, when I myself became a leader and realized how clumsy reports are made by subordinates if no one taught them.

And if you are a leader yourself, then simply send your subordinates a link to this article. Even better - collect them, scroll through the slides that you see above, and go through the abstracts from the article. The result will be the establishment of a set of common rules between you, the observance of which will make your communication more effective to your mutual satisfaction.

Before talking to the manager

1. Report without reminders

“I can't be everyone's secretary and constantly remind them of deadlines. Sometimes it seems to me that people just ignore the tasks and deadlines that I set for them. ”

your boss thinks.

Don't turn your boss into a living alarm clock. Don't force your manager to go down to the level of micromanagement and remind you of due dates.

If the task is not ready, write to him about it yourself with a brief explanation of the reasons and a new deadline. It is better to show that you did not have time to complete the task than to give him a reason to think that you ignored the task altogether by the lack of a report.

If the task is ready and you have something to brag about, then ask for a meeting and show your results.

2. Don't keep your problems to yourself.

“If I was not informed about the problem in advance, then it does not exist and the task must be completed on time.”

your boss thinks.

When you keep the problem to yourself, you deprive your manager of the opportunity to intervene and help you in time. In addition, if you do not report the problem in a timely manner, then you do not need help and you can handle your task on your own.

When should you report a problem? When you realized that she would not let you complete the task on time or in accordance with the set standard. After that, you tried to solve it yourself and you did not succeed. Then, not earlier and not later, go to your boss and ask for help.

3. Don't come unprepared

“When a person cannot answer me a single counter question, doubts arise, but has he delved into the task properly or is he trying to dump me a semi-finished product?”

your boss thinks.

Work through in advance all the questions that you may be asked, all alternative solutions to the problem. Be prepared to explain how the numbers you bring are obtained and why they are correct.

Otherwise, you will irritate the boss and be sent for revision - you will lose your reputation and time.

4. Plan your conversation

It only takes a minute, but it brings a lot of benefits. As a rule, it turns out to get to the head less often than we would like, so several questions accumulate for each conversation, and this list will allow you not to forget anything.

Take a blank sheet of paper and write down what you want from this conversation. There are 4 types of such goals:

  1. Convey the information he wants to know: report on completed tasks, deadline shifts, important news, etc.
  2. Convey the information you want him to know: compliance with the deadlines, your initiatives and proposals, the problems that have arisen and the necessary assistance.
  3. Get information that will be useful to you: clarification of the task, news of subcontractors, statuses of issues important to you.
  4. Get a solution for your issue.

If a question is difficult to understand or you expect it to cause controversy, write down the thesis of the logic of your report on it - your arguments and conclusions.

When reporting to the manager

The usual report algorithm: tell the purpose of the conversation, give data, give conclusions, give solutions, give your recommendation.

5. No preludes

"Is this still 'getting in contact' or do I need to 'get it' on what he's saying?"

your boss thinks.

Immediately say directly what you need: “I want to report on the results”, “there is a problem”, “need to be solved”, “need to agree”, “there is a question”, etc.

The leader must set his mind to the correct mode: “I solve the problem”, “I accept the results”, “I make the decision”, etc. Until he tunes in correctly, he will not be able to effectively perceive your information.

6. He is not Nostradamus

“He didn’t even bother to ask if I was aware of this topic or not. Is this selfishness or incompetence?

your boss thinks.

Think about what your boss knows and doesn't, and bring him up to date. Until he is in the same context with you, you will not be able to effectively communicate.

Do not skip logical links. The "storyline" of your story should be continuous. If something is taken for granted for you, it is not at all a fact that your manager is obliged to guess about the logical connection that you decided to skip.

7. Take out the trash

“Why should I dig through this verbal garbage? Why couldn’t a coherent report be prepared ahead of time?”

your boss thinks.

Remove from your narrative all information that is not relevant. This includes information that is relevant to the case but is unverified or inconclusive. You run the risk of sidetracking the conversation or overcomplicating it.

Determine what decision of the leader you need and exclude from the report that information that does not bring you closer to him. Of course, it is important to know the measure at the same time - it is unacceptable to distort or manipulate information.

8. More numerals, fewer adjectives

“I really want my subordinates to rely on facts, and not on judgments and emotions. To do this, they must get used to communicating in the language of numbers.

your boss thinks.

Statements that are not provided with numbers sound unfounded. Until concrete figures and facts begin to sound in a conversation, people just exchange subjective judgments, not one iota approaching the truth.

If you want to convince your manager of something, the shortest way to this is through the preparation of analytics. The most amazing thing is that the figures obtained can surprise you and change your own judgment on the issue under discussion.

9. Be specific and transparent

“It’s like I have to pull the answers out of employees with pincers in order to achieve a complete understanding of the situation. Are they hiding something or just didn’t go into the details themselves?”

your boss thinks.

In response to the question "when" give the date. To the question "who" - give a name. To the question "how much" - a number: quantity, amount or percentage. The sooner you give specific data, the sooner you will end this protracted conversation.

10. Don't give data without conclusions

“And why do I need this bunch of tables? Did he try to figure them out himself, or does he not care about this issue at all?

your boss thinks.

It's not the numbers that matter, but your ability to draw conclusions from them.

A good employee is an independent employee. After all, if you understand that after receiving the data there will be an analysis stage, and after the analysis - decision-making, then why don't you try to walk this road yourself?

Throwing off the initial data without conclusions to the boss, then you tell him "now this is your problem." And, of course, no one likes it. A much better approach would be "I understand that this is my problem, and here's how I try to solve it."

11. Don't show up without offers.

“If I now come up with a solution for him, then he will be in my “manual control” all my life. Let him learn to think with his own head.

your boss thinks.

As the proverb says, “If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.” Always come not only with a problem, but also with suggestions for its elimination. Preferably in multiple versions.

Let your manager only have to approve your idea. Let him see that he has a motivated independent employee.

12. Don't leave without a decision

"I'm tired. I do not want to decide anything. I want a bonus."

your boss thinks.

You came to get a solution (see point 4). .

But making decisions is not easy. Your boss will avoid it. Keep your goal in mind and bring the conversation back to the decision.

In case of counter questions from the head

13. Answer the question in your first sentence

“Well, why do I need these jumps and antics? I ask a specific question and want a specific answer. If something is not clear to me, I will ask the next question. No need to waste time trying to answer questions I didn't ask."

your boss thinks.

If the boss asks a question, then, as a rule, he already understands in advance what and in what order he will ask next. He has already built for himself the outline of the conversation and wants to lead the conversation in this way.

No need to try to think out his question for himself and answer the question that he did not ask, but which, as you think, he means. Answer the question literally. All the details, reasons and logical explanations - later. If asked.

14. The truth and nothing but the truth

“Can I, in principle, work with a person who is trying to deceive me? After all, he not only demonstrates his insecurity by trying to lie to me, but also stupidity, hoping that I will not catch him in a lie.

your boss thinks.

No need to invent anything in an attempt to answer a difficult question. There is no need to draw reality when there are no facts. You will still be taken to clean water. It's much easier and faster to admit that you don't know or haven't done something and move on.

15. Don't Blame Your Subordinates

“If a person does not understand that he is responsible to me for the actions of his subordinates, then this is a clinical case. We have a hierarchy. I answer to my boss for all my subordinates, and they answer to me for theirs.

your boss thinks.

The task is assigned to you, and you are also responsible for it. You can delegate the task to your subordinates, but this does not relieve you of responsibility for its implementation. Delegation creates an additional relationship of responsibility between you and your subordinate, but your original responsibility to your boss does not disappear.

16. Don't waste time making excuses.

“The more I listen to excuses, the more my subordinates will hope that I can get rid of a beautiful story in the absence of a result.”

your boss thinks.

If your boss is result-oriented, then the reasons for his absence (especially those that are revealed only at the time of the report - see paragraph 2) are of little interest to him.

Therefore, do not waste time on excuses - it is better to spend it on completing your task.

When receiving a task

17. Questions at once

If in response to your report you received another task, and something in it is not clear to you, immediately ask questions. It's better to look stupid when you get a task than when you turn it in by doing the wrong thing.


As you can see, the listed rules are quite simple and even somewhat obvious. However, in my experience, there are very few people who systematically perform them - this requires courage and self-discipline. Try to stick to them, and, believe me, the trust and support of the leadership are provided to you.

See also:

  • 18 tips on how to overcome tension and fear in dealing with superiors.
  • Owner and manager: how to avoid conflicts. Manager's advice.

What is the most difficult thing for you in communicating with the leader?

Ekaterina Babkova
Source: Business newspaper "Business"

According to the classical rules of service discipline, a subordinate must address the manager as "you" and by his first name and patronymic, at least. Because following Vasya's orders can be more difficult than following the instructions of Vasily, say, Petrovich. However, as practice shows, addressing the authorities simply by name and even to "you" does not violate subordination. Unless, of course, it has a significant reason for this and harmoniously fits into the corporate culture.

Even Peter I wrote in one of his decrees that "a subordinate in the face of his superiors must look dashing and foolish, so as not to embarrass him with his understanding." The popularity of external "sillyness" in modern business has declined significantly.

Yes, and "understanding" today can only confuse individual representatives of the ruling class, suffering from doubts about their own competence and other complexes. But still, the general meaning of the royal demand still remains relevant: superior colleagues must be treated with respect. And the easiest way to emphasize this respect is to use the pronoun "you", and add a patronymic to the name.

Exception to the rule

The habit of referring to "you" and by name and patronymic to "senior in rank" is brought up in kindergarten - children are not allowed to call the teacher Masha instead of Marya Ivanovna and say "you" to her, like their own parents. Further, the habit is strengthened at school and at the institute, in communication with teachers.

The form "You + name-patronymic" seems to be a kind of symbol of respect, albeit not always deserved, but necessary to express the subordination of one person to another. That is, in fact, to maintain subordination.

However, in practice this symbol is often abandoned. For example, many leaders who have not reached the age of fifty, it seems that the middle name adds extra years to them, and therefore they do not mind using only their first name in addressing them, and sometimes even insist on it.

The form of addressing the authorities by name and "you" is increasingly used to create a democratic atmosphere in the team. And often it can be a prerequisite for maintaining good relations with colleagues. "For example, if people started together in the same positions and got used to a simple address in communicating with each other, but over time one of them took a leadership position - in this case it would be logical if colleagues continue to refer to him as "you" and name, despite his new position. It is very difficult to call Ivan Ivanych yesterday's Vanya. And in this case, the requirement of a freshly minted boss to change the form of addressing him can worsen relations with colleagues, "- characterizes a possible situation recruitment consultant Olga Dementyeva.

However, according to Takhir Bazarov, the head of the Center for Personnel Technologies - XXI Century company, the use of "you" between a manager and subordinates is not in itself a violation of subordination. "Breach of subordination means that a person takes on more authority than he is supposed to," he clarifies.

“Compliance with subordination means the ability to distinguish personal from business. If a simple form of address does not prevent the boss from being demanding in relation to his subordinates, and for them it does not become a reason to neglect the orders of the head, no violation of discipline occurs,” agrees Olga Dementieva.

Of course, subordination requires the permission of the leader to address himself as "you". However, there is an opinion that an inconsistent "you" does not violate the rules of discipline.

When the leader himself uses this pronoun in relation to subordinates, without being much older than them. The classics of the genre allow that "you - you" communication occurs with an age difference of at least 10 years. With a smaller difference - a moot point.

“According to ethics, the transition to“ you ”should be mutual. That is, if the leader begins to address his subordinates to“ you ”, he must understand that in this case they have every right to also stop using the address“ you ”in relation to him " - says Takhir Bazarov.

"You or you are not the most important in a relationship, it is important that the rules of the game are clearly defined," sums up Svetlana Ivanova, trainer and consultant at KPG Training Center.

"You" must be earned

"Personally, I do not require a special appeal to myself. I generally like addressing without a patronymic, as in the West. And in general, I think that a simple manner of addressing superiors can help unite the leader with the team. Only excessive, unjustified democracy harms. When a subordinate the boundaries of the internal hierarchy of the company are completely erased, the orders of the head may not be taken seriously," says Nadezhda Kopytina, head of the Ledovo group of companies.

In order for democracy in communication to be not excessive and justified, the appeal to "you" must be deserved.

“In the early 1980s, I had an absolutely amazing boss who said this: “You can only switch to“ you ”with a subordinate whom you trust and whom you want to show that your contacts are not only business, but also personal . That is, only if you want to show him your respect," says Takhir Bazarov. Nadezhda Kopytina, in support of this point of view, emphasizes that she herself allows the appeal to "you" only with those employees who have been working in the company for a long time and with whom mutual understanding has been firmly established.

In addition, the style of treatment of subordinates with superiors should be consistent with the general style of corporate culture. “If the team is young enough and the company’s management style is democratic, the appeal of subordinates to the manager as “you” can be a significant plus for work in general. If the company has a stricter management style, a simple form of address will interfere,” notes Svetlana Ivanova.

A simplified version of "you + name" looks logical in Western and pro-Western organizations, even between Russian-speaking bosses and subordinates. And, on the contrary, in a classic Russian company, especially in a state structure, even a very close boss and subordinate should use the pronoun "you" only in private with each other. And in an official setting, still adhere to the classical form of communication.

Olga Dementieva also adds that the choice of the form of address to the head also depends on the scope of the company. "In a creative field, for example, in an advertising agency, a simple form, that is, addressing to" you "and by name, is possible even between people with a large age difference, but in a strict structure, for example, in a bank, this form is also unacceptable in communication peers," she says.

Without a doubt

It is important that the appeal to "you" is precisely the consequence of a democratic management style or a trusting relationship between a leader and a subordinate, and not a tool for creating such a style and such relationships.

Just switching to "you" will not be able to correct the situation, for example, improve relationships with subordinates or turn a structure that is strict in form into a company with a free style of communication. So, not having one hundred percent confidence in the expediency of the pronoun "you", it is better to refrain from using it.

“Switching to“ you ”means reducing the distance between people and, accordingly, allows for more negligence in communication,” recalls Takhir Bazarov. “And if such a reduction in distance is unacceptable or undesirable, you should not force it. In addition, democracy implies equality between people Mutual appeal to "you" does not cancel this equality. "

According to Takhir Bazarov, the appeal to "you" is, in principle, more useful for business relations. "Try to make a meaningful speech, addressing the audience to "you", - there will be little persuasiveness and effectiveness in such a message. And, conversely, for contrast, try to quarrel using the appeal "you": such a quarrel will either not take place, because it will "give away" comical, or be much more constructive than it could be using "you"," he advises.

There are certain norms, the observance of which will help to better build relationships in the team. This is especially true of relationships with management.

Permissible forms of address to superiors

Depending on the degree of subordination, there are different standards of communication with management. If you can communicate with the manager face to face by name, in the presence of other employees, do not forget to address the boss by name and patronymic in a respectful manner. Whatever your relationship in an informal atmosphere, formalized norms remain at work that require mandatory compliance.
You can only use “you” with your boss if he personally asked to be called by his first name. Usually, this rule does not apply to newcomers and newcomers to the company. However, during business negotiations it is strictly forbidden to show your informal relationship with the leader, the format of such meetings is always strict and official, even if the relationship is actually friendly and trusting. This should remain a purely personal matter.
The use of pseudonyms and affectionate diminutives is not allowed in the office. Each employee, including the chief, has his own name and patronymic. Equivalents will be perceived as an act of disrespect.
Modern companies use the practice of referring to colleagues and management by name, but on "You". Familiarity has never been welcome in business circles.

What should you ask your manager when applying for a job?

Do not forget to develop your intellect and control your emotionality. The main quality of a good employee is diligence and responsibility. Try to reduce the level of initiative shown and focus on discipline and the results of your tasks. No matter how brilliant your ideas are, they will listen to an employee with an excellent reputation and high performance. Complete tasks on time and even ahead of schedule, this will be an indisputable advantage in comparison with your colleagues. Even if you do not have time, you should not panic and despair ahead of time. Calm down, formulate the reasons for failures and solve them effectively. If the situation requires it, ask your superiors to give you additional time and resources to overcome problems. If you have any questions while doing the work, do not be afraid to approach and ask the necessary clarifying information from your superiors. Thus, you will show that you want to understand the essence of the issue deeper and are ready for an open two-way dialogue for the most accurate result.

Be optimistic and friendly, communicate seriously with the management team, but do not frown or show your negative attitude towards the situation.
There must be a certain atmosphere in the team. If it is inadequate, aggressive and destructive, your task is to abstract from the general background of behavior in the office and focus on your work.
All of the above methods will help not only to achieve positive trends in the development of relations with the leader, but will also affect your career growth.