Didactic syncwine as a means of activating the work on the development of the speech of children with speech disorders. From work experience

The use of didactic syncwine in speech development

preschool children

master class for preschool teachers

He who thinks clearly, speaks clearly.
Ancient saying

The federal state educational standard of preschool education defines the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of preschool education in the form of targets, which are social and normative age characteristics of the child's possible achievements at the stage of completing the level of preschool education.

In the Standard of Preschool Education, Speech Development is singled out as an independent educational area, which includes the enrichment of the active vocabulary, the development of coherent grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech of preschoolers. Speech is included as an important component, as a means of communication, cognition, and creativity.

Targets at the stage of completion of preschool education:

The child speaks well enough, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech statement in a communication situation, can distinguish sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy;

The child's creative abilities are manifested in inventing fairy tales, he can fantasize aloud, play with sounds and words;

Child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games;

Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with the failures and rejoice in the successes of others, try to resolve conflicts;

The child shows curiosity, asks questions (why? why? how?) to adults and peers, is interested in causal relationships, tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people's actions;

The child is capable of making his own decisions.

Achievement of the targets of preschool education cannot be achieved without the development of speech culture.

The development of speech is a hot topic in preschool age. Children of older preschool age often have speech disorders, a poor vocabulary, it is difficult to compose a story from a picture, retell what they have read, and memorize a poem. Therefore, the pedagogical impact on the development of the speech of preschoolers is painstaking, daily and necessary work.

Today, there are many methods by which you can regulate the process of speech development in children.

Compiling a syncwine is one of the most effective and interesting techniques that helps to improve the mental and cognitive abilities, the development of the lexical and grammatical structure and coherent speech of preschoolers. Reliance on a personality-oriented, systemic-activity, integrated and differentiated approaches meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Education and the demands of modern society.

Cinquain is a French word, translated means "a poem of five lines."

Cinquain is a non-rhyming poem, which today is an effective technique for developing speech. The simplicity of building a syncwine allows you to quickly get the result.

Cinquain is a five-line poetic form.

Traditional (classic) Sincwine as a genre of poetry based on counting syllables in each verse was invented by the American poetess Adelaide Crapsey at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to Japanese poetry.

The didactic rule of compiling syncwine for pedagogical and educational purposes, as an effective method for developing speech, intellectual and analytical abilities, syncwine has been used in many countries of the world, since the late 90s and in Russia.Didactic cinquain is compiled mainly according to the meaning.

Cinquain is a means of creative self-expression.

Cinquain is a small poetic form used to fix emotional assessments, describe one's current impressions, sensations, associations.

Cinquain is a short literary work that characterizes the subject (topic), consisting of five lines, which is written according to a certain plan.

Syncwines can be composed on different topics.

Sinkwine for a kindergarten teacher is:

A tool for synthesizing and summarizing information,

child's creative expression,

vocabulary enrichment method

Preparing for a summary

And just an exciting activity, thanks to which every preschooler can feel like a creative genius.

Sinkwine is an effective technique for developing critical thinking at the stage of reflection.

What is its effectiveness and significance?

First, its simplicity. Sinkwine can make everything.

Secondly, in compiling a syncwine, each child can realize his creative, intellectual capabilities.

Cinquain is a game technique.

Sinkwine as an exciting game, as an opportunity to express one's opinion, to agree or not with the opinion of others, to agree.

Compiling a syncwine is used as the final task for the material covered.

Composing a syncwine is used to conduct reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received

One of the goals in compiling a syncwine is to achieve the ability to highlight the main idea of ​​the text, as well as briefly express your thoughts. “The meaning of a word is a phenomenon of thinking,” wrote the famous psychologist L.S. Vygotsky in "Thinking and Speech".

Cinquain is not a simple poem, but a poem written according to the following rules:

Cinquain consists of 5 lines. Its shape resembles" herringbone " .

1st line - one keyword - title, title, topic, usually a noun that defines the content(name of the object, work, name of the hero, etc.);

2nd line - two words (adjectives),describing the features of an object or its properties, words can be combined with unions and prepositions;

3rd line - three words (verbs), dactions of the subject related to the topic;

4th line - four words - a sentence, a phrase that shows the attitude of the author syncwine to the topic (aphorism, catchphrase, quote, proverb);

5th line - one word - a summary word, an association, a synonym that characterizes the essence of the topic, generalization, expresses personal attitude of the author of syncwine to the topic in the first line, usually a noun.

For preschoolers, strict and strict adherence to the rules for compiling syncwine is not necessary. In the fourth line of the syncwine, the sentence can consist of three or five words (you can remember with the children a proverb, catch phrase or aphorism on a given topic). And in the fifth line there can be two or three words. Other parts of speech are also possible.

What is written on each line?

In the first line syncwine sets a topic that contains one word - a noun (pronoun, denotes the subject of description), answers the questions who? or what?(It is proposed to choose a theme for cinquain and compose it).

Second line - two words - adjectives(or participles) - they indicate the signs of the selected subject and answer the questions: what? which? which? which?

Third line - three verbs (or gerunds)describe the characteristic actions that occur with objects, and answer the questions: what does it do? what do they do?

Fourth line is a phrase (sentence) ) of four words, expressing the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the described subject (aphorism or proverb).

Fifth line - summary, conclusion, conclusion. This is one word for expressing one's feelings, associations related to the subject mentioned in the syncwine, that is, the author's personal expression to the topic or a synonym.

Stages of work on teaching preschoolers to compose syncwine:

Stage I - preparatory(September - December of the first year of study).

Sinkwines will help to quickly and effectively teach a child the synthesis, generalization and analysis of various concepts. In order to correctly, fully, competently express their thoughts, the child must have a sufficient vocabulary. The richer the child's vocabulary, the easier it will be for him to build not only a syncwine, but also to retell the text and express his thoughts.

The purpose of the first stage: clarification, expansion and improvement of the children's vocabulary; acquaintance and enrichment of the dictionary of preschoolers with words-concepts: “word-object”, “word-definition”, “word-action”, “word-association”, “sentence”, introduction of symbols of these words.

We introduce children to the concept of “word”, denoting an object (living, inanimate) and “word”, denoting the action of an object, preparing a platform for subsequent work on a non-common sentence and its scheme. Graphic schemes help children to more specifically feel the boundaries of words and their separate spelling.

We introduce children to a word denoting a sign of an object, we teach preschoolers to compose a common sentence. The work of the ability to build non-common and common sentences of different structures, based on plot pictures, questions, diagrams, etc., is being completed.

We introduce children to association words that are related in meaning to the described subject (sometimes this word is a synonym).

Work at the preparatory stage ends with the acquaintance of children with designation symbols:"words-objects", "word-definitions", "action words", association words, proposal scheme. We introduce children to the symbols of words, which at the second stage will make up the didactic syncwine algorithm.

Forms of organization of educational activities of preschoolers, through which the enrichment and activation of the dictionary is carried out:

1. Educational activities(frontal, subgroup, individual).

2. Word games and exercises ("Who is it? What is it?", "Guess the Riddles", "Learn by description", "Tell me which one? which? which? what kind?", "Pick up the signs", "Who's doing what?" other).

3. Didactic games ("Find a couple" "Who's doing what?", "Words with Opposite Meanings"etc.), desktop printed materials from the workbook"30 lessons in the development of speech".

4. Speech trainings(card index of material for speech trainings).

5. Games of low mobility ("At Malania, at the old woman's", "What we do - we will not say", "Living words" and others).

6. Viewing multimedia presentations (site "Planet of Childhood").

Stage II - the main(January - May of the first year of study).

The purpose of the second stage: acquaintance with the algorithm for compiling a syncwine, the formation of the initial ability to compose a syncwinesymbols (with the help of a teacher).

Sinkwine algorithm for children who can't read yet:


words-objects (nouns);

sign words (adjectives);

action words (verbs);

words-objects (nouns).

When compiling a syncwine with preschoolers, you need to remember that it is necessary to compile a syncwine only on topics well known to children and be sure to show a sample. With the help of leading questions, children learn to highlight the main idea, answer questions and create their own non-rhyming poems according to the algorithm.

You need to be prepared for the fact that not all children may like compiling a syncwine, because working on it requires a certain understanding, vocabulary and the ability to express their thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to help and encourage the desire of children to compose a syncwine or answer questions. Gradually, children will get used to the rules for writing non-rhyming poems, and their compilation will turn into a game. And imperceptibly for the children themselves, playing cinquain will become a fun and entertaining activity for them. “Even instantaneous insight can become that first spark from which sooner or later the flame of creative search will ignite,” wrote V. Shatalov. Children will be proud of their achievements!

Stage III - practical(until the end of the second year of study).

The purpose of the stage: Formation of the skill and improvement of the skill of compiling didactic syncwine on various topics: about nature, about a picture and a literary hero, about mom and dad, about mood and much more.

To correctly compose a syncwine, it is important:

Have sufficient vocabulary within the topic;

Own: analysis, generalization; concepts (word-subject, word-action, word-attribute);

Be able to choose synonyms;

Learn to correctly, understand and ask questions;

Match words in a sentence

Correctly formulate your idea in the form of a sentence.

Practical part(Each teacher is invited to choose a topic for syncwine and compose it yourself, 3-5 minutes are allotted).

Conclusion . The simplicity of syncwine makes it possible for every child to compose it. This is an interesting activity that promotes self-expression of children. This is a form of free mini-creativity, a flight of thought, which is aimed at developing the ability to find the most important and essential features in a large flow of information, analyze, generalize, isolate, combine, draw conclusions and conclusions, and briefly express your opinion.

Compiling a syncwine is like a game, because composing is fun, useful and easy!

Sinkwine can be used to conduct reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received. Non-rhyming poems created by children are an original product - the result of children's creative activity "Piggy bank of syncwines". You can collect syncwines in a piggy bank based on learned poems, cartoons, read stories and fairy tales, situations from life, etc.

Cinquain is a French quintet, similar to Japanese poems.

Sinkwine helps to replenish vocabulary.

Cinquain teaches short retelling.

Sinkwine teaches to find and highlight the main idea in a large amount of information.

Composing a syncwine is a creative process. This interesting activity helps children express themselves through writing their own non-rhyming poems.

Everyone can compose a syncwine.

Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.

Sinkwine facilitates the process of assimilation of concepts and their content.

Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare sinkwine and evaluate them).

Thus, the method of compiling syncwine has a complex impact, not only develops speech, but also contributes to the development of thinking, attention, memory, imagination, perception. It promotes the development of communication skills, ensures full inclusion in communication, and also develops the creative abilities of children, promotes the expression of feelings, the manifestation of the individuality and initiative of children. It activates the cognitive activity of children: it teaches to analyze, draw conclusions, find the most important and essential features in a large flow of information, contributes to the development of critical thinking, which is relevant in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Reflection . Let's make a syncwine about syncwine.

I would like to end with the words of the innovative teacher Igor Pavlovich Volkov: “The creativity of a preschooler is the creation of an original product, a product, in the process of working on which, the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities are independently applied.”

I wish you creative success!

Used Books:

Akimenko, V.M. New pedagogical technologies: Educational method. allowance. Rostov n / D., 2008.

Akimenko, V.M. Developing technologies in speech therapy. – Rostov N/A; ed. Phoenix, 2011.

Dushka, N.D. Sinkwain in work on the development of speech of preschoolers. Magazine "Speech therapist" No. 5 - 2005.

Konovalenko, V.V. related words. Lexical-grammatical exercises and a dictionary for children 6-8 years old. - GNOMID - Moscow, 2009. slide 1

Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution "Yaya Kindergarten "Chaika" The use of didactic syncwine in the speech development of preschool children master class for preschool teachers Kozik M.V., senior educator

He who thinks clearly - he clearly states Antique proverb

Targets for the speech development of preschoolers (according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Education): - the child speaks well enough, can express his thoughts and desires; - the child develops the prerequisites for literacy; - the child's creative abilities are manifested in inventing fairy tales; - the child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games; - able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, try to resolve conflicts; - the child shows curiosity, asks questions (why? why? how?) to adults and peers; The child is capable of making his own decisions.

Speech development is a hot topic at preschool age Children of older preschool age often have speech disorders, a poor vocabulary, it is difficult to compose a story from a picture, retell what they have read, memorize a poem. Therefore, the pedagogical impact on the development of the speech of preschoolers is painstaking, daily and necessary work.

What is cinquain? The word "cinquain" comes from the French word "five" and in translation means "a poem of five lines." Cinquain is a five-line poetic form. Cinquain is a non-rhyming poem, which today is an effective technique for developing speech. The simplicity of building a syncwine allows you to quickly get the result.

What is cinquain? Cinquain is a means of creative self-expression. Cinquain is a small poetic form used to fix emotional assessments, describe one's current impressions, sensations, associations. Cinquain is not an ordinary poem, but a poem written in accordance with certain rules. Syncwines can be composed on different topics.

“The meaning of a word is a phenomenon of thinking” L.S. Vygotsky in "Thinking and Speech"

1 word - subject 2 words - definition 3 words - action 4 words - sentence 1 word - association Rules for writing cinquain: The cinquain consists of 5 lines. Its shape resembles a Christmas tree.

What is its effectiveness and significance? First, its simplicity. Sinkwine can make everything. Secondly, in compiling a syncwine, each child can realize his creative, intellectual capabilities. Cinquain is a game technique. Sinkwine is an effective technique for developing critical thinking.

What is written on each line? 1st line 2nd line 3rd line 4th line 5th line 1st word is the title. It is a noun or a pronoun. (Who? What?) 2 words These are adjectives. (What? What? What? What?) 3 words These are verbs. (What is he doing? What are they doing?) 4 words This is a phrase that expresses a personal opinion on the subject of conversation. 1 word Conclusion, summary. It's a noun. (Who what?)

Stage I - preparatory Purpose: clarification, expansion and improvement of the children's vocabulary; acquaintance and enrichment of the dictionary of preschoolers with words-concepts: “word-object”, “word-definition”, “word-action”, “word-association”, “sentence”, introduction of symbols of these words.

Forms of organization: Word games and exercises (“Who is this? What is this?”, “Guess the riddles”, “Find out by description”, “Tell me which one? Which one? Which one? What?”, “Pick up the signs”, “Who is doing what ?" other). Didactic games (desk-printed materials). Games of low mobility (“At Malanya, at the old woman”, “We won’t say what we are doing”, “Living words” and others). Multimedia presentations (site "Planet of Childhood")

Conventions for words for compiling a syncwine: Word - a living object (who?) Word - an inanimate object (what?) Word - definition (what? what? what? what?) Word - action (what does it do? what do they do?) Sentence Word - association

Stage II - the main goal: acquaintance with the algorithm for compiling a syncwine, the formation of the initial ability to compose a syncwine (with the help of a teacher). Algorithm for compiling syncwine for preschoolers:

“The creativity of a preschooler is the creation of an original product, a product, in the process of working on which, the acquired knowledge, skills, and habits are independently applied” I.P. Volkov

Stage III - practical Purpose: Formation of skills and improvement of the skill of compiling didactic syncwine on various topics: about nature, about a picture and a literary hero, about mom and dad, about mood and much more. Autumn Cheerful, colorful. Decorates, delights, dances. Beautiful time of the year. Gorgeous!

Sinkwine model Word-subject (topic) Word-signs on the topic. Words-actions on the topic. Topic suggestion. Association

The use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education. "Didactic Cinquain"

Makarova Elena Vasilievna, educator of the highest qualification category MDOU No. 6 "Spring" of the combined type "Olenegorsk, Murmansk region

In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, many questions arise before teachers of preschool education:

How to make a modern preschooler socially mobile by releasing him into adulthood, into school?
- How to teach to apply knowledge, skills in a specific situation?
- How to teach the ability to identify, observe, distinguish, classify, evaluate, draw conclusions, make thoughtful decisions?
- How to involve the child in interactive activities in the classroom?

One of the effective interesting methods that allows you to activate cognitive activity and contributes to the development of speech is the work on the creation of a non-rhyming poem, a didactic syncwine.

The use of this technique helps to create conditions for the development of a person who is able to think critically, that is, to exclude the superfluous and highlight the main thing, generalize, classify. This method can be easily integrated with all educational areas. The simplicity of building a syncwine allows you to quickly get the result. In didactic syncwine, the most important thing is the semantic content and the part of speech that is used in each line.

Cinquain - translated from French as "five lines", a five-line stanza of a poem. For pedagogical and educational purposes, it can be used as an effective method for the development of figurative speech, intellectual and analytical abilities.

Rules for compiling didactic syncwine:

In the first line - there should be the topic (title) of the didactic syncwine itself, usually this is the phenomenon or subject in question. Most often, only one word is written in the first line, but sometimes a small phrase. According to the part of speech, this is a pronoun or a noun, and answers the questions: who? what?

In the second line - there are already two words, sometimes phrases that describe the properties and features of this object or phenomenon. As part of speech, these are usually participles and adjectives that answer the questions: which one? which? which? which?

The third line already contains three words (sometimes phrases) that describe the actions that are usual for this phenomenon or object. As part of speech, these are verbs and gerunds that answer the question: what does he do? what do they do?)

In the fourth line - the child already directly expresses his opinion on the topic raised. Sometimes it can be just a well-known aphorism, phrase or something similar, sometimes even a small verse. The most traditional option is when this phrase consists of four words.

The fifth line - again contains only one word or phrase. This is, as it were, a summary of the entire poem, reflecting the essence of the subject or phenomenon that is discussed in the didactic syncwine, and the author's opinion about it. Usually, as a part of speech, it is also a noun or pronoun and answers the question: who? what?

Strict adherence to the rules for compiling syncwine is not necessary. For example, to improve the text in the fourth line, you can use three or five words, and in the fifth line, two words. Other parts of speech are also possible. Its shape resembles a Christmas tree.

When working with this technique, you can solve many important tasks at once:

The material studied in the lesson acquires a certain emotional coloring, which contributes to its deeper assimilation;

Knowledge of parts of speech is being worked out;

Knowledge about the offer;

Ability to observe intonation;

The vocabulary of the child is significantly activated;

The skill of using synonyms and antonyms in speech is being improved;

Cogitative activity is activated and develops;

The ability to express one's own attitude to something is being improved.

To date, dozens of domestic authors point to the great help of didactic syncwine in the formulation of the correctness and meaningfulness of speech for preschool children, as well as in the experience of the correct use of various terms.

For example:
Who? - Bear.
Which? - Furry, big.
What is he doing? - Growls, regales, sleeps.
Suggestion - Sleeps in a den in winter.
Association - Beast.

Didactic cinquain can be used:

To consolidate the studied lexical topic.
1. Rowan.
2. Thin, curly.
3. Grows, turns green, blooms.
4. Berries of mountain ash are loved by bullfinches.
5. Tree.

To reinforce concepts learned in literacy classes:
1. Sounds of speech.
2. Vowels, consonants.
3. We hear, pronounce, highlight.
4. Sounds add up to syllables.
5. Speech.

Using words from syncwine, come up with a story.

2. Fluffy. Redhead.

3. Jumps, Jumps, Harvests.

4. A squirrel lives in a hollow.

5. Wild animal.

A red, fluffy animal lives in the forest. This is a squirrel. The life of a squirrel is troublesome, it prepares its own food for the winter. Dexterously jumps and jumps along the branches. She has a hollow in a large tree. It is difficult for wild animals to live in winter. We feed the squirrel with nuts and seeds.

Sinkwine carries a certain emotional coloring of the author, we can compare:
Sunny, warm.
Gives, Shines, Pleases.
Leaves fall in the park.
Windy, cold.
It rains, rustles, frowns.
People look out the windows.

Various variations for compiling didactic syncwine contribute to the diverse composition of tasks.
In addition to independent (as in a pair, group) compiling a new syncwine, options are possible:
- compiling a short story based on the finished syncwine (using the words and phrases that make up the syncwine);
- correction and improvement of the finished syncwine;
- analysis of an incomplete syncwine to determine the missing part (for example, a syncwine is given without specifying a topic - without the first line, it is necessary to determine it based on the existing ones).

Cinquain is printed by children who have some knowledge of grammar, who can read by syllables and read words. For children of the older group who do not yet know how to read, it is possible to offer an algorithm by which they create their oral compositions, then arrange them beautifully together with the teacher.

In order to most correctly, fully and accurately express their thoughts, the child must have a sufficient vocabulary, so work must begin with clarification, expansion and self-improvement of the dictionary.

By introducing children to the concept of “a word denoting an object” and “a word denoting an action of an object”, we thereby prepare a platform for subsequent work on a sentence.
Giving the concept of "a word denoting a sign of an object", we accumulate material for extending the sentence by definitions.

What is the effectiveness and significance of syncwine?

Compiling a didactic syncwine, a brief summary based on large amounts of information, is useful for developing the ability to analyze.
Unlike compiling a story, cinquain requires less time, although it has a more rigid framework in the form of presentation, and writing it requires the compiler to implement almost all of his personal abilities (intellectual, creative, figurative).

The procedure for compiling a didactic syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine the elements of all three main educational systems: information, activity and personality-oriented.

Sinkwine for a kindergarten teacher is:
- a tool for synthesizing and summarizing complex information,
- means of creative self-expression of the child,
- a way to enrich vocabulary,
- preparation for a brief retelling,
- and just an exciting activity, thanks to which every preschooler can feel like a creative genius.

In compiling a syncwine, each child can realize their intellectual capabilities.
- Cinquain is a game technique.
- Drawing up a syncwine is used as a final task on the material covered.
- Drawing up a syncwine is used for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

Cinquain teaches short retelling.
- Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.
- Composing a syncwine is a creative process. This interesting activity helps children express themselves through writing their own non-rhyming poems.
- Sinkwine teaches to find and highlight the main idea in a large amount of information.
- Sinkwine facilitates the process of assimilation of concepts and their content.
- Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare sinkwine and evaluate them).

The relevance and expediency of using didactic syncwine in preschool practice is explained by the fact that:

Technology – opens up new possibilities; modern practice is characterized by the search for and implementation of new effective technologies that help optimize the work of the educator.

Harmoniously fits into the work on the development of LGK, the use of syncwine does not violate the generally accepted system of influencing the development of children's speech and provides an individual, differentiated approach.

Contributes to the enrichment and updating of the dictionary, clarifies the content of concepts.

It is a diagnostic tool that allows the teacher to assess the level of assimilation of the material passed by the child.

It has the character of a complex effect, not only develops speech, but also contributes to the development of memory, attention, thinking.

The passion for compiling didactic Sinkwine began with the release of traditional, for the Defender of the Fatherland Day, the international day of March 8, children's photo newspapers. Together with the children, they looked at photographs, selected a poetic text that most closely matched the content. And on the basis of textual analysis, using words and phrases from the text of poems, Sinkwine was compiled. This is where proverbs and sayings come in handy. I did not limit the children in the number of invented words according to the rules for constructing a didactic syncwine. In the fourth line, the sentence can consist of 3 to 5 words, and in the fifth line, instead of one word, there can be two words. Other parts of speech are also allowed.

For the development of speech activity, understanding and use of the figurativeness of words on each of the lexical topics, we try to select poetic material.

Remember what your happy time of childhood is connected with!? Of course, this is home, family, kindergarten, friends. Listen to what words the children put this concept into.

You will see - the pleasure will be not only useful, but also mutual.

The system of work on compiling Sinkwine on the lexical topics "Family", "Kindergarten", which I want to present, also had a communicative orientation. The assimilated elements of the language system were included in direct interpersonal communication, so that the children formed an active attitude to the communication process, optimism, communication, self-confidence. As a result of the work, the children's magazine of our group "Rainbow Pages of Childhood" was released.

Stages of work on the lexical topics "Family", "Kindergarten":

I stage. Information and cognitive (obtaining information with subsequent discussion)
Purpose: obtaining information about oneself, peers, people close to the child, their activities, hobbies, relationships.
II stage. Emotional-volitional (understanding and evaluation)
Purpose: to help children develop a positive assessment in relation to surrounding close people, peers.
III stage. Motivational-behavioral (testing ways of tolerant behavior in everyday life)
Goal: instilling moral standards of behavior, respect for others, goodwill, politeness, understanding.

The materials of the work on the compilation of didactic syncwine were grouped in the following areas:

Block 1: Sinkwines "What is a house?"

Block 2: Sinkwines "About the family!"

Block 3: Sinkwines "Childhood, children, friendship, friend, our group!"

Block 4: Sinkwines "About Mom!"

Block 5: Sinkwines "About dad!"

Block 6: Sinkwines "Relationships of children in the family!"

Block 7: Sinkwines "About Grandma!"

Block 8: Sinkwines "About grandfather!"

Block 9: Sinkwines "Birthday!"

Examples of Syncwines compiled by children on the topics "Family", "Kindergarten":

Native, warm.

Warms, covers, accepts.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Family. (Sasha Polozov)

Reliable, beloved.

Protect, protect, protect.

Everyone needs it.

Love. (Galya Shvydkova)

Big, beautiful, warm.

Warms, covers, protects.

Needed by all people.

Warmly. (Dasha Shunina)

Handsome, strong.

Protects, warms, loves.

The house is cozy.

Together. (Lena Tikhonova)

Big, friendly.

They love, care, live together.

I love when everyone is together.

Rest. (Kirill Simachkov)

Kind, beautiful, smart.

Love, grow, care.

Mom, dad, kids.

Happiness! Together!

(Kirill Simachkov)

The best, love.

We learn poetry, buy clothes, relax.

I love being together.

Daughter. (Soboleva Polina)

Friendly, happy.

We read fairy tales together, play games, bake a cake.

Adults take care of children.

Parents. (Dasha Gavrilova)

Friendly, happy, the best.

Dad repairs, mom cooks, we have lunch.

We play dominoes with dad.

Good together. (Sasha Polozov)

Caring, friendly, athletic.

We go skiing, skiing, fishing.

We love visiting grandma and grandpa.

We are good friends. (Vitaly Karpov)

Friendly, cheerful.

Lives, works, rests.

Traveling together is fun.

My! (Yulia Savchenkova)

Friendly, athletic.

We travel, we ride downhill, we love to cook.

I love when everyone is having fun.

Joy. (Alena Ionova)

Strong, big.

Warms, pleases, surrounds.

I love it when they don't get mad at me.

This is Good. (Dasha Shunina)

Cheerful, happy.

We play, we have fun, we grow.

The best time in life.

Joy. (Alena Ionova, Dasha Gavrilova)

Beautiful, wicked.

They play, they play, they run.

I love it when no one hurts each other.

Good to be friends! (Anya Sinyakova)

Good, close.

Friendship, play, protect.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

(Yulia Savchenkova, Sasha Polozov)

our group

Cheerful, friendly.

We learn, we play, we dance.

Our favorite kindergarten.

We are friendly! (Yana Filippova)

Dear, dear!

I listen, I help, I love!

We always need you.

Mommy! (Daniil Romanov)

Dear, kind.

He loves, cares, helps.

I love hugging my mom.

Kindness. (Lena Tikhonova)

Kind, beautiful, smart.

Caring, cooking, talking.

Mom bakes a delicious cake.

My mum. (Dasha Shunina)

Beautiful, kind.

She cooks, washes, helps old grandmothers.

I love it when my mom does her hair.

Beautiful. (Galya Shvydkova)

Affectionate, beautiful, strict.

Kisses, hugs, cleans.

Love. (Anya Sinyakova)

The most beloved!

I help, I listen, I try ...

There is no one more precious than you.

Always together! (Vasya Bashan)

Affectionate, strict.

Educates, cares, offended when I do not obey.

Mom helps me learn poetry.

Lifesaver. (Yuliana Savchenkova)

Resourceful, smart, brave.

Reads books, plays interestingly, likes to laugh.

With him every day is a holiday.

A true friend. (Kirill Simachkov)

Strong, kind, dear.

We go to the rink, hold hands and do not fall.

We are best friends with him.

The real superman! (Polina Soboleva)

Caring, kind.

He reads books, picks us up from kindergarten, reconciles us.

I don't think he is happier in the world.

He is the father of two daughters. (Yuliana Savchenkova)

walk with dad

Quirky, adventurous.

We dress, take skis, go to the park.

We made a snowman together.

It’s a pity that mom didn’t get into the frame ... (Vitaly Karpov)

Dad's helper

Hardworking, smart.

It had piled up, they took shovels, they cleared the road with dad.

I did not lag behind dad, threw snow with a shovel.

Satisfied with work. (Sasha Polozov)

walk with dad

Interesting, funny.

We ride, we rejoice, we laugh.

We fly together from the hill on the "cheesecake".

Dad and I are together. (Daniel Romanov).

Older sister

Caring, strict, skillful

He jokes with me, helps his mother, draw.

I love to play catch-up with her.

It's great that she is. (Sonya Kashinskaya)

Younger brother

Noisy, cheerful.

Doesn't like to dress up, takes away toys.

We ride down the hill with my brother.

It's boring without him. (Kirill Simachkov)

Younger sister

Small, slick.

He scatters toys, is naughty, asks for pens.

I love to ride in a car.

Baby. (Daniil Romanov)

Younger brother

Restless, noisy, beloved.

He is naughty, asks for hands, makes noise, has fun.

I like to entertain him, to hold him in my arms.

My brother! (Dasha Shunina)

Kind, caring, hardworking.

Pampers, loves, plays, sings.

I love traveling with her!

How are we friends! (Polina Soboleva)

Generous, light.

Regrets, loves, cares.

Fills the house with warmth.

Kindness. (Dasha Shunina)

Kind, loving, thoughtful.

Pampers, loves, treats, plays.

I love spending my weekends with her!

A true friend! (Vitaly Karpov)

Cheerful, kind, necessary.

Plays, jokes, tells, introduces.

I love to play with him.

Friends! (Soboleva Polina)

Serious, grumbling, kind.

Masters, jokes, teaches, takes on fishing trips.

I love to ride with him on a snowstorm.

Great! (Vitaly Karpov)

For every child, a birthday is a holiday, gifts and sweets, surprises.
Children are looking forward to this day, the more unusual it is, the brighter its joy.
Composing Sinquains about their birthday, they once again live this event.


Impressive, funny, entertaining.

Approaching, rejoice, invite friends.

It's fun, gifts, fireworks.

Astonishment. (Polina Soboleva)


Unforgettable, cheerful, long-awaited.

It's coming, it's coming, we're celebrating.

This is a holiday, gifts and sweets.

Many friends. (Dasha Shunina)


Fairy tale, captivating, colorful.

Approaching, rejoice, invite guests.

This is a fairy tale, contests, games with friends.

My friends. (Sonya Kashinskaya)


Long-awaited, troublesome, joyful.

Comes, decorate the room, prepare a treat.

This is a surprise, surprise, colorful garlands.

Congratulations. (Yuliana and Liza Savchenkova)

birthday menu

Unusual, bright.

We cut, decorate, cover.

We are trying to help mom.

The beauty! (Yuliana Savchenkova)

Conclusion: building up work with children on the formation of verbal and cogitative activity using the Sinkwain method contributes to the development of communication skills, ensures full inclusion in communication, as a process of establishing and developing contacts with people that arise on the basis of the need for joint activities, as well as preparing a preschooler for successful learning in school.

I think that colleagues who use the Sinkwain method in their work will agree that poems created by children often become the “highlight” of direct educational activities.

1. Mordvinova T. Sinkwain at the lesson of literature. Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson".
2. Terentyeva N. Sinkwain according to "Pit"? Literature. Magazine "First of September", No. 4 (2006).
3. Dushka N. Sinkwein in work on the development of speech of preschoolers. Magazine "Speech therapist", No. 5 (2005).
4. Writing syncwines and working with them. Elements of innovative technologies. MedBio (Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, KSMU).
5. Personal archive of Makarova E.V. teacher of MDOU No. 6 "Rodnichok" in lexical themes "Family", "Kindergarten".

Sinkwine was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by Adelaide Crapsey, an American poetess. Inspired by Japanese haiku and tanka, Crapsey came up with the form of a five-line poem, also based on the syllable count in each line. The traditional one she invented had a syllabic structure of 2-4-6-8-2 (two syllables in the first line, four in the second, and so on). Thus, there should have been 22 syllables in the poem.

Didactic cinquain was first used in American schools. Its difference from all other types of syncwine is that it is based not on counting syllables, but on the semantic meaning of each line.

The classic (strict) didactic cinquain is built like this:

  • , one word, noun or pronoun;

  • second line - two adjectives or participles, which describe the theme's properties;

  • third line - or gerunds, telling about the actions of the topic;

  • fourth line - a sentence of four words, expressing the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the topic;

  • fifth line - one word(any part of speech), expressing the essence of the topic; kind of summary.

The result is a short, non-rhyming poem that can be devoted to any topic.

At the same time, in didactic syncwine, you can deviate from the rules, for example, the main topic or summary can be formulated not in one word, but in a phrase, a phrase can consist of three to five words, and actions can be described as compound ones.

Composing a syncwine

Coming up with syncwines is a rather exciting and creative activity, and it does not require special knowledge or literary talents. The main thing is to master the form well and “feel” it.

For training, it is best to take as a topic something well-known, close and understandable to the author. And start with simple things. For example, let's try to compose a syncwine using the example of the topic "soap".

Respectively, First line- "soap".

Second line- two adjectives, properties of the subject. Soap what? You can list in your mind any adjectives that come to mind and choose two suitable ones from them. Moreover, it is possible to describe in syncwine both the concept of soap in general (foaming, slippery, fragrant), and the specific soap used by the author (baby, liquid, orange, purple, etc.). Suppose, in the end, the soap turned out to be “transparent, strawberry”.

Third line- three actions of the subject. Here, schoolchildren often have problems, especially when it comes to syncwines dedicated to abstract concepts. But we must keep in mind that actions are not only actions that an object produces by itself, but also what happens to it and what effect it has on others. For example, soap can not just lie in a soap dish and smell, it can slip out of your hands and fall, and if it gets into your eyes, it can make you cry, and most importantly, you wash yourself with it. What else can soap do? Recall, and in the end we will choose three verbs. For example, like this: "It smells, washes, bubbles."

Fourth line- the author's personal attitude to the topic of syncwine. Here, too, sometimes problems arise - what kind of personal attitude can there be to soap if you are not a fan of cleanliness, who loves to wash very much or not, who hates soap. But in this case, personal attitude does not mean only the emotions experienced by the author. These can be associations, and something that, according to the author, is the main thing in this subject, and some facts from the biography related to the topic of syncwine. For example, the author once slipped on soap and broke his knee. Or try making your own soap. Or he associates soap with the need to wash his hands without fail before eating. All this can become the basis for the fourth line, the main thing is to put your thought into three to five words. For example: "Wash your hands before eating." Or, if the author ever tried to lick deliciously scented soap as a child and was disappointed, the fourth line could be: "Smell, taste nasty."

And finally last line- a summary in one or two words. Here you can re-read the resulting poem, think about the emerging image of the subject and try to express your feelings in one word. Or ask yourself the question - why do you need this item at all? What is the purpose of its existence? What is its main property? And the meaning of the last line depends heavily on what has already been said before. If the fourth line of the cinquain is devoted to washing hands before eating, the logical conclusion would be "" or "hygiene". And if the memories of the bad experience of eating soap - "disappointment" or "deception."

What happened in the end? An example of a classic didactic syncwine of a strict form.


Transparent, strawberry.

Washes, smells, bubbles.

The smell is sweet, the taste is disgusting.


A small but amusing poem in which all children who have ever tasted soap will recognize themselves. And in the process of writing, we also remembered the properties and functions of soap.

Having practiced on simple subjects, you can move on to more complex, but well-known topics. For training, you can try to compose a syncwine on the theme “family” or a syncwine on the theme “”, poems dedicated to the seasons and so on. And a cinquain on the theme “mother”, composed by elementary school students, can be a good basis for a postcard in honor of the March 8 holiday. And the texts of syncwines written by students on the same topic can form the basis for any class-wide projects. For example, for Victory Day or the New Year, students can make a poster or a newspaper with a selection of their own written thematic poems.

Why compose syncwine at school

Compiling a syncwine is a rather exciting and creative activity that, for all its simplicity, helps children of all ages develop systemic thinking and analytical skills, isolate the main thing, formulate their thoughts, and expand their active vocabulary.

In order to write a cinquain, one must have knowledge and understanding of the subject - and this, in addition to everything, makes composing poems an effective form of testing knowledge in almost any subject of the school curriculum. Moreover, writing a syncwine in biology or chemistry will take less time than a full-fledged test. And a syncwine in literature, dedicated to any of the literary heroes or a literary genre, will require the same intense work of thought as writing a detailed essay - but the result will be more creative and original, fast (to write a syncwine for children who have mastered the form well, it is enough 5-10 minutes) and indicative.

Sinkwine - examples in various subjects

Sincwine in the Russian language can be devoted to various topics, in particular, you can try to describe parts of speech in this way.

An example of a syncwine on the topic "verb":


Reversible, perfect.

Describes the action, conjugates, commands.

In a sentence, it is usually a predicate.

Part of speech.

In order to write such a syncwine, I had to remember what forms are, how it changes, what role it plays in the sentence. The description turned out to be incomplete, but nevertheless, it shows that the author remembers something and understands that.

In biology, students can write syncwines dedicated to certain types of animals or plants. Moreover, in some cases, to write a syncwine in biology, it will be enough to master the content of one paragraph, which allows you to use the syncwine to test the knowledge gained during the lesson.

An example of a syncwine on the theme "frog":


Amphibian, chordate.

Jumping, spawning, catching flies.

He only sees what is moving.


Synquains in history and social science allow students not only to systematize their knowledge on the topic, but also to feel the topic more deeply, “pass” it through themselves, and formulate their personal attitude through creativity.

For example, cinquain on the theme "war" could be like this:


Terrible, inhuman.

Kills, destroys, burns.

My great-grandfather died in the war.


Thus, cinquain can be used as part of the study of any subject of the school curriculum. For schoolchildren, the composition of thematic poems can become a kind of “creative pause”, introducing a pleasant variety into the lesson. And the teacher, after analyzing the creativity of students, can not only assess their knowledge and understanding of the subject of the lesson, but also feel the attitude of students to the topic, understand what interested them most. And, perhaps, to make adjustments to the plans for further classes.

Human society is developing, the mechanisms of interaction between people are changing, and social institutions, such as the family, are changing in the same way. The traditional family was characteristic of an agrarian society, the industrial family is characterized by its nuclear type, but in the modern world a new phenomenon is born - the post-industrial family.

traditional family

The family is the cell of society. Everyone has heard this phrase since childhood. It is this view of the family that is characteristic of its traditional understanding. The traditional family was formed when people lived on subsistence or semi-subsistence farming. That is, they had to do everything themselves: grow food, keep livestock, and even spin fabric for clothes. If the family coped well with its tasks, then all its members were full and did not die of hunger. The feelings of people entering into marriage, as a rule, were not taken into account too much. The economic component was considered a priority in the family.

Everyone's personal life was controlled by societies and other family members. There was a single head of the family, and the rest obeyed him. It is the patriarchal type of family that is considered traditional, when three generations or more lived in the same house at the same time. The newlyweds could not "" and occupy a separate house.

The attitude towards children and women in a traditional family was sometimes quite. Children were seen as a labor force. They started working from an early age. If people believed that a child would be an “extra mouth”, then they simply stopped feeding him, especially often this was done with babies who could not yet work and help the family survive. For example, L.N. Tolstoy, as well as researchers of peasant life.

A woman in a patriarchal family is always in submission. Whatever character she had, no matter how smart or strong, she still depended on the decisions of her husband, who, in turn, depended on the decisions of her father.

The traditional family is characterized by the absence of obligations of the elders to the younger in rank, but the exaggeration of the duties of the younger to the elders. Domestic violence - beating of wife and children - has always been characteristic of traditional families in all countries of the world.

Nuclear family

As soon as people acquired the opportunity to work and be independent, their income and well-being ceased to depend on coordinated actions within the family. Therefore, the instruments of control over each person on the part of the family have become much less.

Love and deciding with whom to start a family has become a personal matter for everyone. The need to live in a large group disappeared, and the nuclear family, that is, consisting of a couple and a small number of their children, became widespread. Despite the fact that some consider this transition a disaster, it, as the researchers note, has a lot of positive aspects, for example, domestic violence in families is gradually fading away.

In an industrial society, spouses are faced with the need to educate and provide for their children, at the same time, child labor is no longer used. Therefore, the birth rate naturally falls.

However, the upbringing of children and the monopoly on sex still belong to the family. The role of a man and a woman has not changed: the husband earns money, and the wife raises the children and takes care of the house.

Postindustrial family

Thanks to the ever-increasing economic independence of women, marriage has lost its appeal for them in terms of arranging their future. A “sexual revolution” took place, so the family also lost its monopoly on sex. Thus, in the post-industrial world, the family, in comparison with the traditional one, fully retained only the function of raising children.

The world, its objects, phenomena and processes are a complex system. In order to correctly reflect all the features of reality, human thinking must also have a systemic character. Systemic thinking is characterized by a holistic perception of phenomena, taking into account their inherent interconnections.

A system is usually understood as some specially organized set of elements interconnected into a single whole. At the same time, the characteristics of the system cannot be reduced to the properties of its constituent elements. Being an organized unity of its constituent parts, the system has its own special qualities.

Any phenomena of reality, including material objects and social processes, scientific theories, artistic images, and so on, constitute a system. Its elements are interconnected by stable or temporary connections and function in such a way that the entire system can fulfill its purpose. But ordinary thinking is not always able to fully reflect the complexity of the relationships in systems.

The systemic organization of thinking helps to form a correct idea of ​​reality. It is based on the provisions of a systematic approach that has long been used in science. With such an organization of perception and analysis of reality, the world appears before a person in all the variety of its connections. Systems thinking is holistic and comprehensive.

At the heart of systems thinking lies the concept of contradiction. But here we are not talking about a confused and inconsistent thought, but about a dialectical contradiction that reflects duality in the state of any phenomenon. The presence of opposite tendencies is the driving force behind the development of each system. A conscious search for contradictions with the aim of removing them is a distinctive quality of strong thinking, which has a systemic character.

Systemic thinking is characterized by consistent use of analysis and synthesis operations. At the first stage, thought reveals the internal structure of the phenomenon, decomposes it into its component parts. After such an analysis, connections are established between the elements of the system and different levels of its hierarchical structure. A holistic image of the phenomenon helps to create the operation of synthesis, the connection of parts into a single and interconnected whole.

Systems thinking allows you to see reality in development. Each system has its past, present and future. One of the tools that help to represent the development of an object in time is the so-called system operator. Conventionally, it can be represented as several mental screens on which images appear that describe the state of the object itself, its subsystems, and a more general system in which this object is included as an integral part. Such screens are projected into the past, present and future.

“Multi-screen” thinking is just one of the ways to reflect the system and the stages of its development in integrity and temporal dynamics. Unfortunately, in the course of evolution, nature did not provide built-in mechanisms for systemic thinking. Correct, planned and purposeful organization of mental activity, based on the recognition of the fact that the world has a systemic character, helps to bring mental operations into a system.

Compiling syncwines - short, non-rhyming poems - has recently become a very popular type of creative task. It is faced by both schoolchildren, and students of advanced training courses, and participants in various trainings. As a rule, teachers are asked to come up with a syncwine on a given topic - to a specific word or phrase. How to do it?

Rules for writing syncwine

Sinkwine consists of five lines and, despite the fact that it is considered a kind of poem, the usual components of a poetic text (the presence of rhymes and a certain rhythm) are not mandatory for it. But the number of words in each line is strictly regulated. In addition, when compiling a syncwine, certain parts of speech must be used.

The scheme for constructing a syncwine is:

  • the first line is the theme of syncwine, most often one word, noun (sometimes two-word phrases, abbreviations, names and surnames can act as a topic);
  • second line - two adjectives characterizing the topic;
  • third line - three verbs(actions of an object, person or concept designated as a topic);
  • fourth line - four words, a complete sentence describing the author's personal attitude to the topic;
  • fifth line - one word, summing up the syncwine as a whole (conclusion, summary).

Deviations from this rigid scheme are possible: for example, the number of words in the fourth line can vary from four to five, including or not including prepositions; instead of “lonely” adjectives or verbs, phrases with dependent nouns are used, and so on. Usually, the teacher who gives the task to compose a syncwine decides for himself how strictly his wards should adhere to the form.

How to work with the syncwine theme: first and second line

Consider the process of inventing and writing a syncwine using the example of the topic "book". It is this word that is the first line of the future poem. But the book can be completely different, how to characterize it? Therefore, we need to specify the topic, and the second line will help us with this.

The second line is two adjectives. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a book? For example, it could be:

  • paper or electronic;
  • luxuriously bound and lavishly illustrated;
  • interesting, exciting;
  • boring, difficult to understand, with a bunch of formulas and diagrams;
  • old, with yellowed pages and ink marks in the margins made by my grandmother, and so on.

The list could be endless. And here it must be borne in mind that there can be no “correct answer” here - everyone has their own associations. From all the options, choose the one that is most interesting to you personally. It can be an image of a specific book (for example, your favorite children's books with bright pictures) or something more abstract (for example, "books of Russian classics").

Now write down two signs specifically for “your” book. For example:

  • exciting, fantastic;
  • boring, moralistic;
  • bright, interesting;
  • old, faded.

Thus, you already have two lines - and you already quite accurately represent the "character" of the book you are talking about.

How to come up with the third line of a syncwine

The third line is three verbs. Difficulties can also arise here: it would seem, what can a book “do” by itself? To be published, to be sold, to be read, to stand on a shelf... But here one can describe both the impact that the book has on the reader and the goals the author set for himself. A "boring and moralizing" novel, for example, might to enlighten, to moralize, to tire out, to put to sleep etc. "Bright and interesting" book for preschoolers - entertains, motivates, teaches to read. Captivating fantasy story captivates, excites, excites the imagination.

When choosing verbs, the main thing is not to deviate from the image that you outlined in the second line and try to avoid words with the same root. For example, if you described a book as fascinating, and in the third line you wrote that it "captivates" - there will be a feeling that you are "marking time". In this case, it is better to replace one of the words with a similar one in meaning.

We formulate the fourth line: attitude to the topic

The fourth line of the syncwine describes the "personal attitude" to the topic. This causes particular difficulties for schoolchildren, who are used to the fact that attitudes must be formulated directly and unambiguously (for example, “I have a good attitude towards books” or “I find books useful for raising the cultural level”). In fact, the fourth line does not imply evaluativeness and is formulated much more freely.

In fact, here it is necessary to briefly state what is most important to you in the topic. This may be relevant to you personally and your life (for example, " Started reading at age four" or " I have a huge library", or " I can't stand reading"), but this is optional. For example, if you think that the main disadvantage of books is that they use a lot of paper, for the production of which forests are cut down, you do not need to write “I” and “condemn”. Just write that " paper books - tree graves" or " book production destroys forests”, and your attitude to the topic will be clear enough.

If it’s difficult for you to immediately formulate a short sentence, first put your idea in writing, without thinking about the number of words, and then think about how you can shorten the resulting sentence. As a result, instead of I love fantasy novels so much that I often can't put it down and read them until the morning' might look like this:

  • I can read until the morning;
  • I often read all night long;
  • I saw a book - I say goodbye to sleep.

How to sum up: the fifth line of cinquain

The task of the fifth line is to briefly, in one word, summarize all the creative work on writing a syncwine. Before you do this, rewrite the previous four lines - almost a finished poem - and reread what you have.

For example, you thought about the variety of books, and you came up with the following:


Artistic, popular science.

Enlightens, entertains, helps.

So different, everyone has their own.

The result of this statement about the infinite variety of books can be the word " library"(a place where many different publications are collected) or " diversity».

In order to isolate this “unifying word”, you can try to formulate the main idea of ​​the resulting poem - and, most likely, it will contain the “main word”. Or, if you are used to writing “conclusions” from essays, first formulate the conclusion in your usual form, and then highlight the main word. For example, instead of " so we see that books are an important part of the culture", simply write -" culture».

Another common version of the cinquain finale is an appeal to one's own feelings and emotions. For example:


Fat, dull.

We study, we analyze, we learn.

Classics is a nightmare for every student.



Fantastic, captivating.

Admires, tightens, deprives of a dream.

I want to live in a world of magic.


How to learn to quickly write syncwines on any topic

Compiling syncwines is a very exciting activity, but only on condition that the form is well mastered. And the first experiments in this genre are usually difficult - to formulate five short lines, you have to seriously strain yourself.

However, after you have come up with three or four syncwines and mastered the algorithm for writing them, things usually go very easily - and new poems on any topic are invented in two or three minutes.

Therefore, in order to quickly compose syncwines, it is better to work out the form on a relatively simple and well-known material. As a training, you can try to take, for example, your family, home, one of your relatives and friends, a pet.

Having coped with the first syncwine, you can work out a more difficult topic: for example, write a poem dedicated to any of the emotional states (love, boredom, joy), time of day or season (morning, summer, October), your hobby, hometown, and so on. Further.

After you write a few of these "trial" works and learn how to "pack" your knowledge, ideas and emotions into a given form, you can easily and quickly come up with syncwines on any topic.

"Speech development of preschool children

method of didactic syncwine "

(consultation for educators)

Organization: MBDOU kindergarten No. 52 of the city of Belovo

Location: Kemerovo region, city of Belovo


  1. Didactic cinquain as a teaching method……………..........4

  2. Rules for compiling syncwine……………………………………5

  3. Examples of syncwines………………………………………………..7




In the age of modern technology, adults pay very little attention to their children in terms of communication. Children have forgotten how to speak "rich and powerful" Russian. Every family today has computers, televisions, tablets, cell phones and other equipment that replaces the communication between an adult and a child. Parents cannot understand why talking with a child cannot replace computer games or watching cartoons, even if they are educational in nature. Children do not know how to talk because they are not given due attention at home - parents do not have time for this. Today, figurative speech rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions in preschool children is a very rare phenomenon. There are many problems in children's speech: poor vocabulary, inability to compose a story from a picture, retell what they read, it is difficult for them to memorize a poem, and also to use not only simple, but also complex grammatical constructions in speech. Therefore, more than ever, the problem of the development of a child's speech is relevant today. And the pedagogical impact in the development of the speech of preschoolers is painstaking, daily, necessary work.

Purpose: development of coherent speech of preschoolers by compiling a syncwine using models.

Tasks: 1. To consolidate the concepts: an object, a sign of an object, an action of an object. 2. To teach how to use noun, adjective and verb models when making sentences. 3. To teach independent work on compiling a syncwine based on an algorithm model.

  1. Didactic cinquain as a teaching method
Speaking about the forms, methods and techniques of teaching children, one cannot fail to mention serious changes in the system of preschool education, which have affected both the organizational and content aspects of education. The adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard requires the educator to think more deeply about the methods and techniques for organizing educational activities, since the role of the educator is guiding, developing. The search for approaches to improve the efficiency of the educational process makes it necessary to pay great attention to the use of innovative pedagogical technologies and methods.

At older preschool age, you can use such a modern interesting method in teaching children to tell stories like syncwine.

cinquain(from French - template) - a five-line poetic form that arose in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century under the influence of Japanese poetry. Later it began to be used (since 1997 in Russia) for didactic purposes as an effective method for the development of figurative speech, which allows you to quickly get the result. The procedure for compiling a didactic syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine the elements of all three educational systems: information, activity and personality-oriented. This method can be easily integrated with other educational areas of the educational program, and the simplicity of building a syncwine allows you to quickly get the result. Didactic syncwine in work with preschoolers can be used starting from the second half of the year in the older group, when children have already mastered the concepts of “word-object”, “word-action”, “word-sign”, “sentence”. The richer the child's vocabulary, the easier it will be for him to build not only a syncwine, but also to retell the text and express his thoughts.

It is appropriate to compose a didactic syncwine at the end of each lexical topic, when children already have a sufficient vocabulary on this topic. At first, when compiling a syncwine, it is planned to work with children in pairs, in small groups, and only then individually. It is necessary to encourage syncwines, which contain the most accurate description of the various aspects of the topic or subject.

When compiling a didactic syncwine, the number of syllables in each line no longer matters. In didactic syncwine, the most important thing is the semantic content and the part of speech that is used in each line. We can say that this is a free mini-creativity, subject to certain rules. The syncwine method can be used not only by group educators, but also in speech therapy classes, artistic and creative activities, and music.

2.Rules for compiling syncwine

1 line- one keyword - the title of the poem, title, topic, usually a noun that defines the content (name of the subject, work, name of the hero, etc.);

2 line- two words (adjectives or participles). This is a description of the features of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine, words can be combined with conjunctions or prepositions.

3 line- three words (verbs). Actions related to the topic.

4 line- four words - a sentence. A phrase that shows the author's attitude to the topic.

5 line- one word - a summary word, an association, a synonym that characterizes the essence of the topic, a philosophical generalization, expresses the author's personal expression and emotion to the topic in the first line, an ordinary noun.

Strict adherence to the rules for writing syncwine is not necessary. To improve the text in the fourth line, you can use three or five words, and in the fifth line, two words. Other parts of speech are also possible.

Composing a syncwine is like a game, because composing is fun and useful and easy! Develops interest in the world around, speech, thinking, memory.

One of the goals of compiling a syncwine is to achieve the ability to highlight the main idea of ​​the text, as well as briefly express your thoughts.

What is the effectiveness and significance of syncwine? First, its simplicity. Sinkwine can be everything. Secondly, in compiling a syncwine, each child can realize his creative, intellectual capabilities. Cinquain is a game technique. Compiling a syncwine is used as a final task on the material covered, as well as for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

  1. Examples of syncwines

  1. Who? Dog

  2. Which? Furry, big

  3. What is he doing? Sleeping, playing, barking.

  4. Offer. I like to play with the dog

  5. Association. Friend

  1. sly, fluffy, red

  2. Sneaking, catching, jumping

  3. I do not like - cunning and winding

  4. Ate a kolobok
On the basis of syncwine, work on teaching storytelling is being built.

An example of compiling a story on syncwine:

White, fluffy.

Afraid, scared, running away.

I pity the rabbit.

Wild animal.

Story: “The hare is white, fluffy. Lives in the forest. The hare is afraid of the wolf and the fox, he gets scared and runs away from them. I feel sorry for the rabbit. It is difficult for wild animals to live in winter"


Sinkwine helps to replenish vocabulary.

Cinquain teaches short retelling.

Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.

Composing syncwine is a creative process. This interesting activity helps children express themselves through writing their own non-rhyming poems.

Sinkwine teaches to find and highlight the main idea in a large amount of information.

Sinkwine facilitates the process of assimilation of concepts and their content.

Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (where children can compare sinkwine and evaluate them).

The outstanding Soviet linguist A.N. Gvozdev wrote: “The construction of grammatically designed sentences is the culminating process of speech formation in children.” This statement allows us to emphasize the importance and necessity of working with children using the syncwine method.


  1. N.D. Dushka Sinkwain in work on the development of speech of preschoolers. Magazine "Speech therapist", No. 5 (2005).

  2. AND ABOUT. Zagneev, S.I. Zair-Bek Critical Thinking: Technology Development. Publishing house "Scythia", "Alliance-Delta". SPb. 2003

  3. AND ABOUT. Zagneev, S.I. Zair-Bek, I.V. Mushtavinskaya Teaching children to think critically. - St. Petersburg: Alliance-Delta Publishing House, 2003.

  4. Writing syncwines and working with them. Elements of innovative technologies Med Bio (department of medical biology and genetics of KSMU).

  5. SPO: Journal: Russian Academy of Education, 2013, No. 7.



Lexical topics that older children learn serve as the topics of syncwines. Children of the senior group draw up their works (syncwines) in the form of graphic drawings. word watermelon

Graphic schemes help children to more specifically feel the boundaries of words and their separate spelling. In this work I use various pictures and objects.

The use of syncwine allows the teacher to harmoniously combine the elements of the three main educational systems in the work: information, activity and personality-oriented, which is especially important when working with children.





"Didactic syncwine as an innovative technology used in correctional and pedagogical work in children with severe speech disorders."

Prepared and hosted:

teacher speech therapist

Kostakova E.A.

The purpose of the master class:

to give an idea about the use of the innovative technology for the development of speech "sinkwine", about the significance of this technology in the system of correctional and developmental work in children with severe speech disorders.Determination of correctional ways and psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of children's speech through didactic syncwine


Experience working with children with general speech underdevelopmentIIIIVlevel shows that even after the course of correction and development of speech in children with good diagnostic indicators, there are difficulties associated with the speed of updating existing knowledge and their own speech utterance, they need more time to think and formulate an answer


With regard to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of something new in the goals, content, methods and forms of education, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the child. The main criterion for the "innovativeness" of technology is to increase the efficiency of the educational process through the use of this technology.

What is cinquain.

Cinquain is from the French word for five. This is a specific poem without rhyme, consisting of five lines, which summarizes information on the topic studied. Despite the difficult and mysterious name, syncwine technology is very effective and easy to use already at preschool age in children with general speech underdevelopment.

Stages of work.

Innovative technologies in speech therapy practice are just an addition to the generally accepted, time-tested technologies. Today I will talk about the practical implementation of syncwine technology in the correctional and pedagogical process.

In order for the work to be successful, the impact must be systemic, describing and covering the entire correctional process. Preliminary work is needed to create a speech base for compiling syncwine, which does not contradict the program of Tatyana Borisovna Filicheva and Galina Vasilievna Chirkina and that part of it that concerns the development of lexical and grammatical categories in children with OHP 3ur and serves as a means of optimizing the educational process.

To correctly compose a syncwine, a preschooler needs:

have sufficient vocabulary within the topic,
concepts: a word is an object (living is not alive), a word is an action, a word is a sign,

learn to understand, understand and ask questions,

master the skill of generalization,
coordinate words in a sentence

correctly formulate your idea in the form of a sentence.

Correctional and pedagogical work on syncwine begins at the end of the lexical week. At first, when compiling a syncwine, I work with children either in subgroups, then in pairs, and only then individually.

At the first stage of work when teaching how to compose a syncwine, the dictionary of preschoolers is refined, expanded and improved. Children get acquainted with the concepts of “a word denoting an object” and “a word denoting an action of an object”, thereby preparing a platform for subsequent work on a sentence. Giving the concept of "a word denoting a sign of an object", I accumulate material for extending the sentence by definition. Children master the concepts of "living and inanimate" object, learn to correctly ask questions to words denoting objects, actions and signs of an object.

1st line "Who? What?" - noun, one key word that defines the content (title of the work, name of the hero);

2nd line "Which one? Which? Which?" - two adjectives characterizing the first line;

3rd line "What does he do?" - three verbs denoting action related to the topic;

Exercise "Pick a scheme for the word"

I teach mnemonic memorization techniques by selecting associations (pictures). What is necessary for the formation of a system of links between lexical units.

At the second stage work continues to enrich and activate the dictionary; drawing up a sentence of several words, showing the attitude to the topic, expressing the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the described object or object, subject (plot) picture. At this stage, it is very important to teach children to express their personal attitude to the topic in one phrase; as well as use knowledge of proverbs, sayings on a given topic. Children make sentences from pictures using diagrams.

4th line of syncwine - four words, a key phrase that shows the author's personal attitude to the topic or its essence

5th line - one word noun (or phrase) - an association (synonym), which repeats the essence of the topic in the 1st line.

Main stage. Compilation of syncwines.

“Essays” are written once a week, or twice a week and have different topics, which is reflected in long-term planning. Lexical topics that children learn serve as the topics of syncwines. They can be dedicated to a person (his qualities), natural phenomena, animals, birds, holidays, etc.

Variability in the application of syncwine technology.

I use cinquain in the classroom to consolidate the studied lexical topic.


    2. Thin, white-barreled.

    3. Grows, turns green, pleases.

    4. Birch is a symbol of Russia.

    5. Tree.·

In the classroom for the development of coherent speech: using words from syncwine, come up with a story.

1. Hare.

2. White, fluffy.

3. Hiding, afraid, running away.

4. I feel sorry for the hare.

5. Wild animal.

A white fluffy hare lives in the winter forest. The hare's life is difficult, he is afraid of the wolf and the fox, when he sees them, he hides or runs away. I feel sorry for the rabbit. It is difficult for wild animals to live in winter.

Various variations for compiling a syncwine contribute to the diverse composition of tasks.

    Compose a syncwine according to a subject picture (plot) pictures,

    Compiling a short story based on the finished syncwine (using the words and phrases that make up the syncwine);

    According to the story or fairy tale heard;

    Sincwine is a mystery. Analysis of an incomplete syncwine to determine the missing part (for example, a syncwine is given without specifying a topic - without the first line, it is necessary to determine it based on existing lines):

1. ?

2. Vowels, consonants.

3. We hear, pronounce, highlight.

4. Sounds add up to words.

5. Speech

    You can give work at home for the joint activities of the child and parents: draw an object and make a syncwine.

    Children who can print can create their own cinquain on a piece of paper, those who cannot - in the form of oral compositions

    Compiling a syncwine is used as the final task for the material covered.

    Composing a syncwine is used to conduct reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.To reinforce concepts learned in literacy classes.

    It is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare syncwines and evaluate them).

Given that the leading activity of preschoolers is play, it is necessary to organize the process of learning new words during the game. Compiling a didactic syncwine is an exciting and interesting game. The child should also be able to read his work. And no matter how badly or well he does it, he always has a desire to sit in a poetic chair and read his composition aloud to everyone.

The work of compiling syncwines is a source of inexhaustible creativity for children and adults. With the creative, non-directive use of syncwine in the classroom, it is perceived by preschoolers as an exciting game, as an opportunity to express their opinion, to agree or not with the opinion of others, to agree. The effectiveness of using syncwine lies in quickly obtaining the result and consolidating it, facilitating the process of mastering concepts and their content, expanding and updating vocabulary, learning to express one's thoughts, choosing the right words, and developing the ability to analyze.

For parents, it is proposed to hold a consultation "Application of the cinquain method in the development of speech of children of older preschool age", a master class "Learning to compose cinquain".

A piggy bank is being created - samples of children's syncwines.

Production of colorful individual children's albums with hand-printed cinquains.

Experience shows that already at the end of the first year of study, most older preschoolers gradually master the skill of compiling syncwine, exercising in the selection of actions and signs for objects, improving the ability to generalize, expanding and refining vocabulary.

Advantages. The effectiveness and significance of syncwine technology.

    First, its simplicity. Sinkwine can make everything.

    Secondly, in compiling a syncwine, each child can realize his creative, intellectual capabilities.

    Cinquain is a game technique.

    Compiling a syncwine is like a game, because composing is fun, useful and easy!

    This method can be easily integrated with other areas of the Program.

    The syncwine technology does not require special conditions for use and organically fits into the work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories in preschoolers with OHP.

    Harmoniously fits into the work on the development of LGK, the use of syncwine does not violate the generally accepted system of influencing speech pathology and ensures its logical completeness.

    Contributes to the enrichment and updating of the dictionary, clarifies the content of concepts.

    It is a diagnostic tool that allows the teacher to assess the level of assimilation of the material passed by the child.

    It has the character of a complex effect, not only develops speech, but contributes to the development of HMF (memory, attention, thinking).

II. Practical part:

- Collaboration with teachers "Sinkwine about Sinkwine"

1. Sincwine.

2. Creative, activating.

3. Develops, enriches, clarifies.

4. Cinquain helps you learn.

5. Technology.

- Independent work of teachers.

- Discussion of the obtained results.

- Summarizing.


New technology opens up new possibilities. Didactic syncwine allows you to create conditions for the child to freely choose activities, make decisions, express feelings and thoughts, thanks to him it is possible to support the individuality and initiative of each child, and this, in turn, creates a social situation for the development of the child, which is relevant in connection with the introduction of the action of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.

The use of didactic syncwine in speech therapy practice allows you to harmoniously combine the elements of the three main educational systems in your work: information, activity and personality-oriented, which is especially important when working with children with special educational needs.

The technology "Didactic syncwine" can be successfully applied in speech therapy practice.