Ege profile subjects. Serious Approach

The final exam is an important part of the educational process and allows you to check the readiness of the student for further education. After grade 9, students take the OGE, which consists of 5 exams - 2 mandatory and 3 optional. To achieve the best result, you should carefully consider the choice of items.

Getting almost any education is accompanied by a test of acquired knowledge or an exam. This is especially important for schoolchildren: the right choice of sciences and a large number of points scored can guarantee admission to the chosen university. The most important is the USE for grades 11 and the OGE for grades 9.

What is it about

For schoolchildren, the most important is the 11th grade and the final exam (USE). They prepare for it for several months and carefully choose items: they must match the requirements. The second most important is the OGE - the Main State Exam. Grade 9 graduates take it, after which they either remain at school or can transfer to a college or technical school.

Attention! The abbreviation "GIA" (State Final Attestation) is sometimes considered a synonym for the OGE, but in fact the GIA combines the OGE and the Unified State Examination.

The OGE is a mandatory exam for all students. Starting from 2014, it consists of 4 exams (since 2017 - of 5), of which 2 sciences (Russian language and mathematics) are mandatory for everyone, the rest are optional. The Ministry of Education plans to gradually increase the number of elective exams (one every 2 years) in order to improve the level of education of schoolchildren.

Each OGE exam must be passed no worse than the “troika”, otherwise some time is given to retake. If the student does not correct the grade or does not appear for the exam, then instead of a certificate, he will receive a certificate of completion of training. It is possible to retake the OGE only for the next year.

How to choose

Since almost all students continue to study after finishing grade 9, the OGE is not considered an important or decisive test. Its results only affect admission to a college or technical school, otherwise it is enough for a student not to get a deuce.

Attention! Colleges and technical schools can put forward their own requirements for the OGE, usually this applies to subjects taken by the OGE.

In addition to the compulsory subjects at the OGE, graduates choose additional ones at will. They are guided by different motives:

  1. Simplicity: since the main task for most students is to go to grade 10, they do not want to spend time and effort choosing the easiest sciences;
  2. Necessity for the Unified State Examination: in this way, students begin preparation for the final assessment in advance. This helps to better understand the program and prepare for graduation;
  3. Readiness level: The better the student performs in the program, the easier it will be to pass the exam. This will help to score a high number of points. This option is preferred for those leaving the school;
  4. Options required for college admission.

In each situation, the choice of motive will be different. Usually, students try to choose subjects for the USE, which they will then take for the USE. If they have not yet decided on a university, it is worth stopping at the simplest ones: this will help to score a large number of points without overstraining.

A number of features

In 2018, students will be able to choose from:

  1. Biology;
  2. Geography;
  3. Physics;
  4. Chemistry;
  5. computer science;
  6. history;
  7. Social science;
  8. Literature;
  9. Foreign language (English, French, German or Spanish).

Each of the options has advantages and disadvantages. Before making the final choice, you should familiarize yourself with each item separately. Below are some of the "pitfalls":

Attention! First of all, you need to choose at least a direction (humanitarian, natural science or technical) - it will be easier to choose subjects for the OGE.

What to choose

First of all, it is important to decide on the goal: if a student is going to go to college, he should choose the subjects that are required for admission. If the task is only to go to grade 10, you can stop at a simpler one.

Secondly, you will need to realize your capabilities: it is not worth taking social studies just because the majority chose it, if the student himself is poorly versed in the discipline.

Thirdly, you should try to at least roughly imagine what exams will be required at the university and focus on them.

However, the student still has to choose. For example, he can choose a story for the OGE to check whether he has enough strength for the USE in this science.

The OGE is a mandatory main state exam that students must take after grade 9. The OGE is also called the Unified State Examination for 9 grades: a similar exam structure allows examinees to better understand what awaits them at the very end.

Sooner or later in the life of every student there comes a moment when you have to start preparing for exams. And the very first serious exam in our country awaits students in the 9th grade. OGE - a general state exam, is a test to determine the level of knowledge of a student in each subject.

Also, the result obtained at the OGE (grade 9) affects the grade in the certificate, therefore it is very important to pass the certification well.

But not every student at the beginning of the year realizes which subjects are easier to take at the OGE and which is better to give preference to. Let's take a look at this step by step.

Classification of all items

First of all, each student should know that all subjects can be conditionally divided into two groups: humanitarian and technical.

There are quite a few items that belong to the technical group. However, it is these sciences that in 90% of cases are necessary for admission to a technical college. Among them are mathematics, physics, computer science. It should be noted that physics is the only subject that is passed in 99% of cases for admission to a technical specialty. Computer science is also not an uncommon choice for taking the exam, but it is required for careers in programming.

The list includes a much larger number of school subjects. Among them:

  • story;
  • social science;
  • literature;
  • geography;
  • biology;
  • chemistry;

Although, of course, biology and chemistry are often singled out as a separate group, it is generally accepted to include them in the list of humanitarian subjects that are passed to the OGE.

And you should not forget about the required subjects for passing the OGE. There are only two of them: Russian language and mathematics. Therefore, no matter which direction you choose, you must remember that preparation for these subjects is mandatory in order to successfully pass the OGE.

9th grade is a difficult period. This year, everyone must determine the subjects that he wants to take. But what subjects are easier to pass on the OGE?

Choosing directions

To make a choice, you must first think about which sciences are the easiest for you. It's no secret that some people understand physics perfectly, others are able to solve difficult problems in chemistry, and still others are well versed in history.

Therefore, the student must understand that there is no list of easy subjects, because for everyone they are different.

To understand which subjects it is easier for you to take at the OGE, first you need to choose one direction out of two. Having decided, we can proceed to further search.

Choice of technical direction

If the choice fell on the technical direction, then, most likely, physics is not an overwhelming science for the student. But, alas, this is not always the case. Sometimes the desire to get a technical profession may not come true due to problems with the subjects necessary for delivery. What to do in this case?

If you understand that physics is not the easiest subject, then you need to properly plan your preparation.

  1. Contact a tutor for help. If a student needs to score a rather large number of points, then it is very difficult to prepare well for the OGE on their own.
  2. In addition to classes with a specialist, the child must also study independently, which means planning his work and strictly following the class schedule.
  3. In order to pass the exam in physics successfully, you need to practice a lot. Constant problem solving is what is the key to success at the OGE.

The same advice can be applied to other exact sciences, such as mathematics and computer science.

humanitarian direction

With the humanitarian direction, everything is a little different. Of course, due to the large number of subjects, everyone can find the easiest one for themselves. But we can offer a list of the most popular subjects for passing the OGE, which suggests that they are relatively light.

Social science

This subject is passed by about 70% of students in the 9th grade. Such a high popularity is due to the fact that the subject is easier to understand and remember. This science is not exact, and the student receives a lot of knowledge in this course in the process of life, because this subject is a science of society.

But we should not forget that light subjects at the OGE will not be such if you do not prepare for them. A student who regularly does homework in social studies, prepares at home on his own at least a couple of times a week and is interested in the subject in the classroom, will undoubtedly receive a high score in the OGE.


In fact, it is difficult to call this subject easy. But about 28% of 9th grade students pass history. What's the secret? The fact is that history is a science that must be taught and memorized. There are no complex puzzles and formulas, but there are a large number of dates and events that you need to remember. If the child is responsible for the preparation, then he will not need anything other than careful memorization. And that means the exam will not be so difficult for him.


And biology completes this list. Biology is a very interesting science. In addition, it is necessary for admission to any medical college, without it it is unthinkable to get a medical education. Therefore, this subject is often chosen in the 9th grade. But he is not too easy. In the tasks of the OGE, the child can meet not only test questions, but also tasks that need to be solved. One good thing is that biology is not difficult to understand. With due effort, it will be possible to pass this subject.

That's it. It remains for the student to carefully think about his preferences and abilities, and he will be able to answer for himself the question of which subjects are easier to pass on the OGE. If he plans his preparation, the OGE will no longer seem so scary and difficult to him.

Also, the student must know how many subjects to take for the OGE. The changes that have taken place in a couple of years are unlikely to please future students. And they consist in the fact that if earlier a student could pass only compulsory subjects or choose the ones he needed, then today, in addition to the two compulsory subjects, everyone must determine two more subjects that he wants to pass.

This suggests that each student should prepare for at least 4 subjects, or even more. But this should not be feared either. Do not forget that if you are responsible for learning, then you will not have to think about which subjects are easier to take at the OGE.

Thousands of graduates of the next year and their parents today are concerned about the choice of core subjects for the Unified State Examination. What to choose, how not to make a mistake with priorities? We asked Alexander Shevtsov, an experienced teacher, teacher of physics at the branch of the RGUPS of the city of Mineralnye Vody, about this.

Carefree parents

Ivan Petrov, AiF-SK: Alexander Vladimirovich, changes have been made to the procedure for the Unified State Examination, which will be told to high school students and their parents in schools. But the question still remains relevant: what criteria for choosing a profile subject should be the main ones?

Alexander Shevtsov:Perhaps this question should be posed from a somewhat different point of view: to what extent should parents of graduates participate in the choice of a profile exam. After all, it is they who will financially support their children, future students. It is the parents who can, so to speak, “in an adult way” approach the problem of the profile through the prism of future employment, already today they can think whether the profession chosen by their son or daughter will be able to “feed” their families, will there be an opportunity for professional growth?

- Do you think that parents do not think about these issues?

In my opinion, not enough. How else to explain the fact that graduates of the last (and the year before last) prefer social science as an elective exam. Up to 90% of high school students!

- The popularity of the exam may be due to the fact that it allows you to participate in the competition for many specialties in universities throughout the country.

This is true. But we must understand that today education has become a business sector. In business, demand creates supply. But doesn't it seem strange to you that the customers of educational services (that is, applicants and their parents) are equal to the "majority" when they will enter only one educational institution? Higher education can be provided by hundreds and thousands of precocious "academies" and "universities", but after all, only one university is important for a student - his own.

Physics without lyrics

Having chosen social studies at the Unified State Examination, the graduate limits himself to "humanitarian" areas in choosing a future profession.

Certainly. And there is nothing wrong with that, if the choice is conscious, balanced. By the way, it is as difficult to score competitive 80-90 points in social studies as in any other subject: in addition to test tasks, you need to give a detailed answer to the question of part “C”. Then you can enter a prestigious university and get a real qualification. But simply “passing” social science by 40-50 points, of course, is easier than, say, physics or chemistry. But such low scores doom the family only to a paid form of student education, and even then - in non-state educational institutions, graduating tens of thousands of lawyers-economists-psychologists-managers every year. Who, where and when will be able to provide jobs for all these "specialists"? What if it's about young people? Won't they be forced to leave the profession, the training of which they gave 4-5 years of their lives, because it is simply impossible to get a job in it? They should choose engineering, men's specialties: now they are in great demand in the labor market. And the salaries of modern engineers are rather big, and career opportunities. But you need to choose physics for the exam!

- That's right, but many young people with the exact sciences have difficulties since school. There is also a personnel problem that is relevant for the current school, we must not forget about this.

You need to be able to adapt to new realities, because there will always be changes: not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. In past years, not all graduates, when passing the mandatory USE in mathematics, could complete at least one or two tasks from part “C”. This year, the mathematics exam will be divided into profile (more difficult) and basic (easier). Of course, graduates are tempted to take the path of least resistance. After all, high results on the exam require special preparation. And you need to think about it now, not in May.

- "Special training" - these are tutors? Expensive...

I remember Pushkin's remark: "Don't you, priest, chase cheapness ...". Many still have no desire to invest in the education of their children (namely, in education, and not in buying a diploma in installments). And as for tutors, I’ll say this: in the old days (before the Unified State Examination), preparing for admission to a good university, you had to study specially: in electives, additional classes and with the same tutors. Now many educational institutions are opening courses to prepare for the exam in various subjects. And group forms of training are not as expensive as individual ones.

Everything can be learned

- Sometimes you have to hear the opinion: the assignments for the exam are very difficult. Not every teacher can...

- In the USE, not a single question and not a single subject goes beyond the scope of the school curriculum. You just have to go to school... study! The idea is trivial, but today it seems almost absurd to many high school students. A lot depends on parental position. It is no secret that in many families they see only the problems of the modern school, but they do not form an active life position in children. Meanwhile, there is one eternal truth: nothing can be taught, but everything can be learned...

-...and get a bachelor's degree! Another stumbling block for today's parents... Many do not understand what a two-tier system of education is. Could you explain?

The introduction of bachelor's and master's programs into the practice of Russian higher education is associated with the desire to "fit" into the European educational trajectory. A bachelor's degree can be equated to the status of "unfinished higher education". It will be necessary to enter the magistracy again (by the way, parents and high school students should be interested in the conditions for this admission and the prices for studying in the magistracy right now). There are universities that have retained a single-level training system, the so-called specialist, where after the fifth year you can get, for example, a full-fledged engineering diploma.

- Now there is so much information about universities - there is simply nowhere to go from advertising. How to deal with this flow of information?

The Internet today is, perhaps, for everyone. Type in the search engine "Rosobrnadzor". There you will find a "black" list of 126 universities that were deprived of accreditation last year. It is easy to do a simple analysis to understand which "institutions" are closing. And they will continue to close!

- Are non-state institutions and academies specializing in the training of those “lawyers-economists” being closed?

Not only. Sometimes even reputable state universities sin by opening their branches here, “in the provinces”. In the calculation, no matter how insulting, our naivety: many are tempted by the words "Moscow" or "St. Petersburg" in the title! But one has only to ask oneself the question: “Will metropolitan professors go to these branches?” Of course not. Well, then what is in them of the capital?

- Excuse me, but we also have a branch of the Rostov University of Communications in Mineralnye Vody. Do professors travel from Rostov?

For teaching special subjects - of course, they go! And the diploma is defended in Rostov. But the state accreditation (conducted once every six years) in 2012, the branch passed as an independent educational institution. And the indicators of the annual monitoring of universities are independent (

The exam is not a "horror story"

- Do you think the exam will ever be canceled?

I do not understand these tremulous expectations. Some of our young compatriots are seriously preparing for the Unified State Examination and enter (for free!) In the best universities in the country. And someone is waiting for a return to the "classic" exams, which in recent decades have been reduced to the formula: one decided - and everyone decided. Comedians and populists on TV amuse the people with might and main, exposing the exam to a laughingstock. Or making a "horror story" out of it for the needs of the public. And this is just a new form of school exam. The procedure for the exam itself and preparation for it, of course, needs to be improved. Last year, for example, the answers to the questions of parts "A" and "B" could not be written off en masse - schoolchildren in the Far East had other options. And the wrong answers were posted on the Internet - the scammers did not have access to the correct ones. Result? In their native Russian language, some did not even reach the reduced limit of a shameful 22 points! On the other hand, those few graduates who took the risk of choosing an exam in physics, almost without exception, took state-funded places: in 2014, there were more state-funded places in popular specialties in state universities than ever before. So let's wish high school students to acquire and strengthen the "noble habit of work." And for parents - the ability to search for and correctly evaluate information. We have nothing more precious than children and more important than their destinies and cannot have anything. At all times.

School is a great time in a teenager's life. But sooner or later this stage becomes passed. This applies to future graduates.

Many of the guys decide to leave school after the 9th grade and start studying at a special college. But which subjects are easier to take in 9th grade? How to determine the future specialty? What to focus on in training and how to properly prepare for the GIA? Let's understand step by step.

Choosing a direction

It is necessary to decide on the passing of exams already at the beginning of the 9th grade. In order to properly plan your training, first of all, you need to choose the direction of future training - technical or humanitarian. Which of these is easier?

Here it should be noted that everything depends on the inclinations of the student himself. From elementary school to the very end of education, mathematics and other exact sciences are easier for someone, while someone is more inclined to study history and geography, so the answer to the question "what subjects are easiest to take in grade 9" will be different for everyone. The decision to make is quite simple, if guided by these principles.

Therefore, if you initially notice a tendency to study any science that you like more or is easier given, then answer the question: "What subjects are easier to take after grade 9?" - you will be much easier. In addition, you need to study the specialties of colleges, which may include your favorite subject or a similar direction. You should also familiarize yourself with the specialties that you can get in a higher educational institution.

But how to determine which subjects are easier to pass in the 9th grade for you? Here are some tips to help the student answer this question.

  1. Do a self-test. After passing tests for career guidance, the student will already have a reference point.
  2. Contact special organizations that provide career guidance for students. Specialists will help you more accurately determine the direction of your predispositions and inclinations.
  3. Assess the scope of the task. If you dream of becoming an IT specialist, then decide for yourself whether you can study computer science in depth for a whole year (and then all academic years) and acquire other necessary knowledge.

Please note that even if any subject is not very easy for you, but it is necessary for obtaining the profession that you have chosen, through great effort and work you will be able to master it. The main thing is to make a lot of efforts, devote time to self-study, and sometimes deny yourself walking with friends and other ways of relaxing.

What subjects do I need to take after 9th grade? Two subjects are obligatory - mathematics and Russian, the rest of the students choose at their own request.

And now let's look at what subjects it is easier to take exams in the 9th grade in each direction.

Humanitarian focus

If the student has determined that he wants to continue his studies in the humanities, then one of the subjects for delivery is social studies. This is not to say that this subject is very easy to pass. However, if you have positive grades and regularly prepare homework in this subject, then it will not be difficult to pass it with good marks. Considering self-training in social studies, you can achieve fairly high results.

What subjects need to be taken after grade 9 in the humanities? There may be several.

  • Story.
  • Geography.
  • Literature.

These subjects are not easy, however, they are most often found on the list of necessary for admission to college.

Biology and chemistry should be singled out as a separate group. These subjects can be called difficult to pass, but their complexity is due to the difficult specialization. Biology is taken even by future psychologists, and both subjects are required for admission to medical college.

Technical focus

What elective exams are best taken in the 9th grade for those wishing to have a technical specialty? Of course, the first in this list is physics. It is hardly possible to call this subject simple, however, it is quite possible to pass the exam for a good score if you engage in regular preparation.

The next subject is computer science. It is necessary for those who wish to become a programmer and have a profession related to information technology. This subject, like physics, cannot be called easy, but for a student who gets along well with computer technology, one of the answers to the question: "What subjects are easier to pass in grade 9?" - there will be informatics.

Also, do not forget about one of the required subjects - mathematics. It is required in 99% of cases for admission to a technical college. Since this subject is mandatory for passing the GIA, it is necessary to prepare for it as carefully as for the other selected subjects.

After the student answered the question: "What subjects are easiest to take in grade 9?" - Make a plan to prepare for the exams. What should be done?

  1. To begin with, you should draw up a schedule (and preferably a written one - this will help you more accurately follow the plan), in which you allocate time for classes. The more subjects the student plans to take, the more time he will have to devote to self-preparation - keep this in mind. In order to pass the exams well, it is necessary to devote at least 4 hours per week to each subject.
  2. If possible, study additionally with tutors - this will help not only reduce the time for self-preparation, but also give a greater result, since classes with a specialist are always better than independent ones. In addition, self-training requires considerable willpower, which is why it is possible that its results will sometimes be at a rather weak level. This will not happen with a tutor.
  3. Use codifiers when working. The codifier, in simple terms, is a document that displays the principle of compiling KIMs, and also includes all the topics used to compile GIA tests. This suggests that you will be able to initially know all the topics in your subject, questions and tasks for which you can meet in tests.

Don't Forget the Breaks

And of course, do not forget about the rest, which also needs to be given time.

Set aside days when you are not exercising. For example, it can be 1-2 days a week. In addition, the body needs daily rest, and best of all - an hour of walking in the fresh air.

Sometimes there are moments when it seems that the forces have dried up, and the subject being studied is sick and tired to the point of horror. Allow yourself a week of rest without classes, but do not part with such breaks.


We hope that now you have fully received the answer to the question: "What subjects are easier to take in grade 9?" Do not forget a good phraseological unit - "hard to learn, easy to fight." Any subject can become easy if you carefully prepare for it, and then the GIA will not seem as difficult as at the beginning of the preparation.

Students must select subjects for passing the exam before February 1, 2018. It's time to decide on the disciplines or to consider the choice already made: there is still time to change the decision. You can add a subject to the application for passing the exam until February 1, 2018.

Sometimes high school students cannot choose their future profession, so they follow the advice of their parents, teachers and acquaintances. Some go with the flow and enter the same specialty as friends. Such situations turn into the fact that a person devotes at least four years of time, effort and resources to a direction in which there is no ability and interest. Approach to the choice of subjects for the exam, and hence the training of the future profession, must be conscious. If you don’t have a dream or a clear idea of ​​where you see yourself in five or ten years, don’t be discouraged, but try to make an informed decision. We have put together some tips for students and graduates that will help in choosing subjects for the exam.

First step: introspection

At the first stage, you need to conduct a deep introspection, for this, answer the following questions:

– What field of science or what disciplines do I like?

- In what area would I be interested in developing?

What kind of working conditions would I like?

- What level of remuneration will suit me in the future?

- What abilities, abilities and talents do I have?

– In what area can these opportunities and talents be realized?

These simple questions will help analyze the wishes for the future specialty and objectively compare them with your capabilities.

Second step: choosing a direction

After the graduate has decided on the area of ​​interest, his capabilities and desired working conditions, you can begin to choose the direction of study. So you can narrow down the number of options for admission and decide on the disciplines in which it is worth starting intensive preparation for passing the exam.

The unified state exam is held in 14 subjects: two of them must be taken - Russian and basic mathematics (if you are not going to take the profile). The remaining disciplines are optional, they are necessary for admission in a certain profile to a university:

  • For the physics and mathematics direction, physics and specialized mathematics are needed.
  • For the natural sciences - chemistry, biology, specialized mathematics.
  • For the medical direction - chemistry, biology, Russian.
  • For the humanitarian profile - Russian language, literature, history, foreign languages.
  • For social sciences - Russian language, history, social studies, foreign languages.
  • The profile "Education and Pedagogy" requires the results of exams in the Russian language, profile mathematics, social studies and the Unified State Examination in the profile.
  • For the direction "Culture and Art" you need literature, Russian, a creative entrance exam in the profile.
  • For the profile "Economics and Management" you will need to pass profile mathematics, social studies, a foreign language.
  • For "Service and Tourism" - Russian, history, English.
  • For computer science and computer technology - Russian, specialized mathematics, computer science.
  • The direction of "Earth Sciences" is available for those who pass profile mathematics, Russian language, physics, geography.
  • For the direction "Geology, exploration and development of minerals" you will need specialized mathematics, Russian, physics, computer science.

We have listed only a few areas of training and approximate options for exams that you will need to pass for each profile. Information about entrance exams should be found on the website or in the admissions office of the selected educational institution. Some universities conduct their own entrance examinations, which will require additional preparation.

Third step: labor market research

After introspection and choice of direction, several options will appear that you have identified for yourself as a future profession. At this stage, you should find out:

– Are these specialties relevant: are they in demand on the labor market, are they in demand in the country of residence, what is written about them in forecasts about the future of professions.

- What are the working conditions and remuneration, guarantees and bonuses provided to specialists in this professional field.

This small study of the labor market will allow us to weed out professions that have lost their relevance, in which there are already too many specialists. Also at this stage, you can determine whether the proposed working conditions are suitable and whether the salary level corresponds to your ambitions.

Fourth step: choosing an educational institution

After two stages of selection, the list of desired professions has narrowed, so it's time to consider educational institutions that teach in the specialties of interest.

Attend an open day at a university you like - this will help determine if you would like to spend at least four years of your life within the walls of this educational institution. At such an event, you can get acquainted with teachers, students, see the educational institution from the inside, learn about the quality of education and student extracurricular life. It is useful to study the feedback of graduates, contact them on social networks - this will help to find out their opinion about the learning process and its results. The main thing is to interview several people: the point of view of one graduate may be fundamentally different from the views of another, the more opinions, the more complete the picture.

So, in order to make a conscious, balanced choice of a future profession, you need to follow three simple tips:

  1. Have an honest conversation with yourself: identify true desires and preferences, compare them with your mental, physical and material capabilities.
  2. Decide on the direction of your future professional activity.
  3. Study the labor market: learn more about the professions that you have identified after the second stage.
  4. Choose a university or college: get to know the educational institution and its graduates in more detail.

And, of course, it is difficult to enter a dream university without high results, which.

Work takes up a third of life: it is important that it brings pleasure and contributes to self-development, so choose the direction of study and subjects for exams thoughtfully!