Essay on the theme of the poet creative personality. Essay: "Creativity that brings joy

New opportunities

for creativity

in the educational process.

"Everyone chooses for himself

woman, religion, road.

Serve the devil or the prophet -

everyone chooses for himself."

Y. Levitansky

Each of us makes his own choice for himself: to be a teacher by vocation or out of hopelessness, inability to find himself in another area. When a teacher becomes a slave to the profession, disaster strikes. This is an unfortunate teacher, constantly complaining about the claims and requests of students, parents and administration. But the most important thing is that he is surrounded by unfortunate children who are not loved and do not understand.

Any child comes to school with a sincere desire to study well. If you do not maintain faith in success in him, the flame of the thirst for knowledge goes out. The child loses faith in his own strength, but it is even worse if he gets used to the idea that he has no abilities for anything. And then all pedagogical searches and constructions fail.

The teacher must educate himself andimprove yourself. The ability and desire to learn is one of the most important qualities of a teacher. Learn from your mistakes and victories. Learn from the experience of colleagues at school and the experience of colleagues obtained through the Internet. This constant striving for perfection, in my opinion, is what distinguishes a true teacher.

There is a well-known law in pedagogy: we cannot pass on to our pupils more than what we have and what we own. It is not words that convince, no matter how beautiful they may be, but deeds, a personal example and the life of the speaker. I recall the words of the Russian philosopher Vasily Rozanov: “A school is first of all a teacher, secondly a teacher and thirdly a teacher. And then everything else." After all, teaching is not a profession, but rather a way of life.

In our school, I am the youngest teacher of Russian language and literature. Why did I become a teacher? So far I don't have an answer to this question. None of my classmates went to work at the school. None of them connected their lives with the education and upbringing of the younger generation. Why did I do it? When did interest in the profession begin to emerge in my life?

We all come from childhood. Memory, as if in a kaleidoscope, shows certain events.

Maybe the unconscious desire to study myself and teach children came on a cold bus, when my mother and I were returning home on a winter evening, and on the frozen glass, I, a four-year-old girl, with my fingers, watching how the frost on the frozen glass thawed from the heat of my pens, drew large and small mugs, compared them, counted and added them, and my mother watched me and corrected me if I was wrong?(Problem learning)

Or in line at the children's clinic, when I told the mothers with children in their faces sitting in line and showed the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"?(Public speaking)

Or six years later, when I played with my younger three-year-old brother at school and was surprised with him when he assembled from plastic letters and read the first word “MAMA”?(Independent practical work)

Or when I rejoiced with the son of friends of my parents, six-year-old Dimka Pereguda, whose letters he knew did not want to form into syllables and words. And here is a miracle! While our parents were busy with their work in the yard, Dima, repeating first after me, and then after my brother, for the first time independently read the sentence laid out on the refrigerator from magnet letters: “DIMA IS READING”.(Ability to work in a group)

Or when my little brother's 4th grade prom crashed? The hosts were unable to hold this event and found out about it the day before the holiday. What to do? Leave children without a holiday? Well, no ... "The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing." I am a student of a pedagogical college, I took a standard script as a basis, removed from it poems that children did not have time to learn and rehearse, added riddles, charades, comic tasks in mathematics by Grigory Oster, various developmental tasks in the Russian language, tape recordings of children's songs from famous cartoons. Together with my mother, wearing wigs and constructing costumes of fairy-tale characters from improvised materials, we held the event “The Last School Day at Primary School”. These were non-standard fun "competition lessons" between teams of girls and boys. It was my first working day, for which I received a fee from the parents of my brother's classmates.. ( The ability to improvise, i.e. the ability to quickly and correctly assess the situation, make a decision, game technologies, and integrated approach to learning ).

Now I understand that everything I did: the desire to tell strangers about my knowledge, to teach others what I have already learned, to show my creative abilities - is calleda variety of personal-oriented technologies.

The main engine of learning is the joy of learning, a sense of comfort and positive emotions. All people at any age love to create. It is important that the children be liberated, together with the teacher, "create" a lesson. After all, not only and not so much knowledge determines the effectiveness of the learning process, but the readiness and desire of children to participate in communication, work in groups.

Being a young teacher is not easy.My pedagogical principle: "The main thing in the lesson is not the teacher - the student, but the person - the person." It is necessary to see a Man both in a stubborn, restless, disobedient, sometimes importunate teenager with youthful maximalism, and in a quiet, inconspicuous, eternally silent student who tries to sit out at the last desk.

Since literature lessons solve the problems of moral and aesthetic education, none of them is unthinkable without creating an emotional atmosphere of enthusiasm. It is achieved with the help of the living word of the teacher, dialogues with students, music, visual images, poetic text. The more sense organs (according to K.D. Ushinsky) take part in the perception of any impression, the stronger these impressions are placed on the memory of children.

In this regard, it is interesting to look at the so-called "learning pyramid". In fact, this is a graph that reflects the assimilation of information by a person, depending on the way it is presented.

From this we can draw an important conclusion: one of the most effective ways of mastering and transferring knowledge is through practical exercises and subsequent training of other people.

The modern information society sets the school the task of preparing graduates capable of:

- navigate in changing life situations, independently acquire the necessary knowledge, applying them in practice to solve various emerging problems;

- think critically, work competently with information (collect facts, analyze them, make the necessary generalizations, comparisons with similar or alternative solutions, establish statistical and logical patterns, draw reasoned conclusions;

- be sociable, contact in various social groups, be able to work together in various fields, in various situations;

- independently work on the development of their own morality, intellect, cultural level.

To accomplish these tasks, it is necessary to use in the educational process such forms of classes that ensure the active participation of each student in the lesson, increase interest in knowledge and individual responsibility of students for the results of their work.

A large role in maintaining and maintaining students' interest in the subject, the development of their cognitive activity belongs to non-standard forms of the lesson. The lesson is an excursion in the study of poems. Lesson - a dispute in the analysis of prose works of art.In my lessons, children began to learn to think, analyze the text they read, evaluate events and facts on their own, they are no longer afraid to express their point of view.

An integrated approach to learning, used in the creation of the Federal State Educational Standard, involves the active use of knowledge gained in the study of one subject in lessons in other subjects. For example, in a Russian language lesson, I pay great attention to working with a literary text, because I think that the texts of Russian classics such as L.N. Tolstoy, K. G. Paustovsky, I. S. Turgenev are examples of correct speech. With the help of the analysis of works, aesthetic taste is instilled in children, speech and thinking develop. This type of work helps students to correctly formulate their thoughts, express their point of view.

Classes in Russian do not always arouse interest among students. Some kids find it boring. The unwillingness to study Russian breeds illiteracy. In my teaching career, I have repeatedly encountered endless mistakes of students. It is always very insulting, annoying, sometimes hands down. “What to do?”, “What is the reason for the mistakes?”, “How to teach children to write correctly?” Thinking about this problem, I use both traditional and new teaching methods and technologies in my work.

Elements of programmed learning began to be used in teaching the Russian language. The use of the algorithm is intended to make it easier for students to apply the rules when writing.Work according to schemes allows the development of logical thinking skills to a greater extent, equips students with means of self-examination in cases of difficulty, contributes to the formation and awareness of concepts, definitions, rules.

In my work, I actively use electronic resources and problem-based learning.A variety of illustrative material, multimedia and interactive models raise the learning process to a whole new level. The psychological factor cannot be discounted either: it is much more interesting for a modern child to perceive information in this form than with the help of outdated charts and tables.

As one of the forms of education that stimulates students to be creative, I often suggest that one student or a group of students create a multimedia presentation on any topic studied.

As for Internet technologies, there are also problems associated with the widely used abstract work of students. To avoid “downloading” material from Internet resources or using the existing database of ready-made abstracts on various media, I formulate the topics of the abstract so that the student at least uses various sources, choosing from there the material corresponding to the proposed topic. Also in the work, to expand the horizons of students, to obtain additional material that goes beyond the scope of the textbook, I use electronic encyclopedias and audio books.

I use game activity as an element of the lesson at any stage of it and as an independent educational lesson in the Russian language: lessons-games, lessons-competitions. I was convinced that in such lessons the students work more actively. It is especially pleasing that those students who study reluctantly work at such lessons with great enthusiasm.

When I enter the classroom, I experience different feelings: the joy of meeting students; and anxiety: what they are today, how they will meet; and the expectation of small and big victories, which must be, otherwise my work does not make sense. Each lesson must be unique, it cannot be repeated, just as it is impossible to live a second life...

The ultimate goal of creativity is not material.
Creativity creates spirit.

Life asks us many questions. But do all of them have easy answers? Here, for example, the question: “what is life?”. You can answer it in the language of a dictionary: life is a set of phenomena occurring in organisms ... and so on. etc., or... is the physiological existence of man, animals...etc. But will such answers be at least moderately exhaustive? Obviously not.

The inexhaustibility of answers finds a solution in expanding the concept to an abstract definition that includes the totality of these phenomena: life is movement. And movement is a process, multifaceted, multilevel, developing. At the same time, development manifests itself both in the direction of expanding the quantitative diversity of manifestations (movement in breadth), and in the direction of their qualitative, intrinsic-essential content (movement in depth).

The world ideally expresses these principles and modes of existence in Nature. Its steady development is based on a commensurately verified unity of quantitative and qualitative, functionally expedient parameters, manifested in the world of images, in each of which these principles are merged into the harmony of existence. We call this world simply Nature, far from always showing due understanding that this whole wonderful world is a model of divine creativity, taught to us as the ideal of our existence.

And yet, there are people more than others gifted with the ability to understand the laws of such existence. Moreover, they are distinguished by the desire to participate in this universal creative process. Often this striving is so irresistible that it itself becomes the ideal of existence, subordinating all other life strivings to itself. And then creativity becomes their life, their spiritual feed, transforming a person from an ordinary creation of the material forces of nature into the divine creator of her immortal spirit. Thus, the idea of ​​immortal existence as its highest meaning is realized in the human creator.

In the diversity of creative aspirations, a person seems to compete with the Supreme Creator himself, transforming the world in accordance with his thoughts and spiritual experiences. However, this competition does not always lead a person to success, littering the world with an excess of unnecessary things, concepts and images, thereby violating the harmony of the world. So what is creativity? Can everything that a person “creates” be called this high word?

A person truly lives when he thinks. And a person thinks in images embodied, both in material forms and in abstract figurative symbols. Creativity can be likened to the process of creating new forms and ways of life, that is, the process of its development. And any development has its own stages and stages of incarnations, which, in relation to creativity, we call the level of perfection. Creation is an external reflection of the inner state of the creator, and the degree of his perfection in this role is determined by the level of his understanding of the laws of creation, which are ideally embodied in Nature. Interest in creativity both on the part of the creator and on the part of connoisseurs of his work increases with the growth of such understanding. If this understanding coincides in its aspirations, what is created forms an invisible spiritual connection that harmonizes the inner and outer worlds, elevating the author of creation to the rank of a divine creator.

Each of the types of creativity has its own, inherent to a greater extent, the nature of the generation of these connections. Music builds them at the level of emotional perception, visual arts connect figurative and mental associations to this process, dramaturgy actively introduces the person himself into the process, forcing him to empathize in the course of action. And only literature is most inherent in the ability to raise all manifestations to the highest level of understanding, through the belief in the attractiveness of this level. That is, literature is able not only to satisfy the existing demands that have been formed at a particular level of development, but to form new levels, drawing thoughts and feelings to them. The ability of the creator to form new levels of understanding of the laws of harmony of the world elevates his creativity to the rank of High Art.

For a creatively developed person, there is no religion higher than High Literature, capable of talking soul to soul with him. She is for him: and the path of searching - for thought, a haven - for a wounded soul, and food - for a thirsty one, she is a confessional, and a comforting mother, and the Book of Great Revelations, and a guiding star that is always with you.




Methodological instructions contain a description of the procedure for passing the training session "Oral Essay". The student gets acquainted with the method of preparing a public speech in the form of an essay on an academic discipline on a given topic, studies and masters the technique of creating an audio-visual electronic version of an essay, the procedure for submitting work for its subsequent certification, learns to act as an assessor and evaluate the quality of speeches of other participants in the lesson.





3 Ways to choose the lesson "Oral Essay". 6


4.1 The order of the lesson "Oral Essay". eight

4.2 Planning the date of the training session "Oral Essay". eight

4.3 Familiarization with the topic of the oral essay. nine

4.5 Preparing a speech for the training session "Oral Essay". ten

4.6 Video recording of the student's speech and preparation of an electronic file of the speech for the lesson "Oral Essay". eleven

4.6 Performing an assessment. 12

4.7 Submitting work for evaluation.. 13

4.8 Attestation of the lesson. fifteen

APPENDIX A Instructions for setting up a student's workplace. eighteen


Tort (academic)(from lat. delictum- misdemeanor, offense) - a deceitful act of a student when performing a training session or an attestation procedure.

Criteria(ancient Greek κριτήριον - the ability to distinguish, a means of judgment, a measure) - one of the quality indicators evaluated during the certification of a productive lesson.

Socialization(from lat. socialis- public) - the process of assimilation by an individual of patterns of behavior, psychological attitudes, social norms and values, knowledge, skills that allow him to successfully function in society.

oral essay- a type of training session in which the student presents his research on a given topic.

Assessor - a specialist involved in issuing an assessment of a phenomenon using special knowledge. Within the framework of the "Oral Essay" lesson, a student (quasi-assessor) acts as an assessor, who is instructed by the teacher (tutor) to evaluate the quality of other students' oral essays on a given topic on the basis of the developed main criteria in order to form and develop the assessor-student's control and evaluation competencies as one of the most important professional skills of a graduate of an educational organization.

Asessing- a training session within the framework of a collegial environment for students to evaluate the creative works of other students.


Purpose of the lesson- the formation of students' general cultural, professional and communicative competencies through the preparation of an oral presentation (essay) and the implementation of its video recording, the formation and development of students' skills of critical analysis and objective assessment of the phenomena of humanitarian and professional culture, including an oral essay.

Lesson Objectives:

Formation in students of the skills and abilities of planning educational activities, self-organization of the implementation of the educational task and preparation for the lesson;

Development of methods for preparing a speech (essay) on a given topic;

Mastering by students of the general principles of the formation of an electronic audiovisual version of an oral presentation (essay);

Getting students practical skills and abilities to work in information environments for the transmission of digital data;

Teaching students the methodology of multi-criteria assessment of creative work - an oral essay;

Formation of skills and abilities of critical evaluation of the peer-reviewed work and scoring for each criterion;

The development of the student's motivation for self-esteem in the performance of creative work.

Duration of the training session determined by the duration of the following stages:

Assessing oral essays of other students - 90 min;

Preparation and digital recording of the text of a pre-prepared oral essay on the discipline - 70 min;

Sending work for certification through the electronic information and educational environment "Roveb" - 20 min.

4. Certification of students produced in three stages:

Robotic assessment (input automated control);

Asessing by students (mutual assessment);

Evaluation by the teacher.

Location of the lesson: the training session is conducted using the electronic information resource "Oral Essay" and can take place both in the classroom and regardless of the student's location online if the student has a personal computer or other personal device with a video camera and microphone function, an Internet connection , as well as in offline mode when there is no Internet connection.


For the technological support of the "Oral Essay" training session, the electronic information and educational environment "Roveb" is used, which belongs to the category of information and educational environments (IEE). IEE is a system of tools and resources that provide conditions for the implementation of educational activities based on information and communication technologies (GOST R 53620-2009. Information and communication technologies in education. Electronic educational resources. General provisions).

The student's electronic workplace, equipped with a computer for preparing and sending the prepared UD file, must meet the following requirements:

Internet connection: Dial-up or broadband Internet access required (provided separately). Local or long distance charges may apply.

Graphics or video adapter, audio card: video adapter or video driver that supports Microsoft DirectX 9.0

Optional equipment: webcam, microphone.

Additional compulsory programs: webcam software, The use of IOS "Roveb" allows you to guarantee the conduct of the training session "Oral Essay" regardless of the location of the student. Entrance to the IOS "Roveb" for students is carried out individually through authorization in the "Personal Studio".

3 Ways to choose an Oral Essay class

There are two ways to select an activity to study.


Through the section "Training" - "Classes" (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Selecting the menu item "Training" - "Classes"

At the same time, your curriculum will become available, in which all disciplines and ZETs that you must study are indicated (Figure 2). Click the left mouse button on the ZET of the required discipline and you will see a list of classes. Select the activity you want and click the "Start" button.

Figure 2. Curriculum


Through the section "Education" - "Catalog of educational resources". In the window that opens, select the item "Selecting an educational resource (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Window "Select educational resource"

In this case, the page for selecting an educational resource will become available (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Educational resource selection form

The program provides for the following states of the lesson:

· "Started".

· "Done".

· "Not done".

· "Requires retake."

· "Not available".

The Not Completed status corresponds to activities that you have not taken.

The status "Completed" corresponds to classes that are completed and evaluated positively.

The state "Requires retake" corresponds to classes that are completed and evaluated negatively.

The status "Started" corresponds to unfinished activities.

The state "Not available" corresponds to classes to which the student is not allowed.

By clicking on , open the desired "Discipline", "Class Status", "ZET" and "Virtual Classroom".


4.1 The order of the lesson "Oral Essay"

The lesson "Oral Essay" is performed in the following order:

Planning the date of the training session "Oral Essay";

Familiarization with the topic of the oral essay;

Preparation of a speech for the training session "Oral Essay";

Preparation of an electronic file of the speech for the training session "Oral Essay";

Assessing oral essays of other students;

Sending work for certification.

4.2 Planning the date for the completion of the lesson "Oral Essay"

At this stage, the student, using the information and educational environment "Roveb", determines the date of the training session.

Students will be offered an electronic timetable indicating the planned dates. The student, using this schedule, independently determines the dates of completion and presentation for certification of the training session "Oral Essay". At the same time, in the course of the educational process, the student will receive in the Personal Studio reminders of the upcoming classes assigned to them, organizational notifications, comments on the progress of their training sessions and other information. The student must take all measures to comply with the schedule of self-recording of classes compiled by him.
In case of missing the lesson assigned to him, the student is obliged to give explanations about the reasons for missing the date of the lesson. After that, you need to re-register for a new date (time). All documents approved by the student, notifications and explanations, as well as notifications, comments and requests sent to him are stored in electronic form in the data bank.

For self-recording, you need to start the Oral Essay lesson. In the window that appears (Figure 5), sign up for a suitable date by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

Figure 5. Self-registration for the Oral Essay class

A window will appear with information about the successful recording (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Self-registration for the Oral Essay class successfully completed

Introduction to the topic of the oral essay

The topic of the lesson "Oral Essay" is selected automatically for the student and is displayed after the date of the lesson "Oral Essay" is selected (see Figure 6).

The topic can also be reviewed later at any time by starting the Oral Essay lesson.

4.4 Preparing a speech for the training session "Oral Essay"

Preparation of a speech for the training session "Oral Essay" consists of the following steps.

1. Essay goal statement. The purpose of the essay should be formulated by the student from the very beginning, since it determines the central idea of ​​the speech, his main thesis. The goal should be short, clear and unambiguous, not containing contradictions.

2. Search and selection of materials on the topic of the essay. The student must carry out an independent search and selection of literature and other materials on the topic of the essay. The selected material must be up-to-date. For example, the time of publication of literature, the release of sociological surveys, statistical materials and journal articles should not exceed 5 years. The exception is works that require reference to historical and literary sources, the time of creation of which is determined by the topic of the essay. For normative acts planned for citation, the statuses must be defined - "active" or "cancelled".

3. Essay planning.

The essay must contain the following sections:

Introduction (introduction): the topic of the essay, its relevance, and the goal set, the main literary sources used are determined;

Main part: the main content of the essay is revealed;

Conclusion: conclusions are drawn and general results of the speech are summed up.

4. Essay text development.

Approximate material distribution:

– introduction – 10–15%;

- the main part - 60-65%;

– conclusion – 20–30%.

4.5 Video recording of the student's speech and preparation of an electronic file of the speech for the lesson "Oral Essay"

1. At the stage of direct implementation of the training session, the student must decide on the place of his educational activity. If it will be an access center, then you need to plan your arrival. If this is their own electronic workplace, then the student must independently prepare it in accordance with the recommendations given in Appendix A.

2. The variety of devices that allow you to record video does not allow you to form a single instruction. This can be a tablet computer, a smartphone, and a desktop PC with a webcam. The procedure for recording in this case is entirely determined by the instructions and manuals of the manufacturers of the specified equipment. Therefore, before making a video recording, the student should carefully read the documentation. It can be a manual for a webcam, smartphone, etc.

3. A prerequisite is the presence in the video of the image of the author, who independently pronounces an oral essay. Moreover, the speaker can present in the frame additional illustrative material necessary for the full disclosure of the topic. The image of illustrative material should not take more than 30% of the essay. Illustrative material can be shown in the form of drawings or videos. Studying in an educational organization of higher education implies the presence of a certain level of general culture and business etiquette, so the speaker must have a neat appearance, business style of clothing, speech and background, expressing respect for other participants in educational relations.

When recording your speech, you must:

look directly into the camera lens,

Avoid direct exposure of the light source to the camera lens , otherwise, only the silhouette of the speaker will be visible, and the student will not pass biometric identification. The face should be well lit and should be completely in the frame. Failure to meet the requirements will result in the need to repeat the course.

In connection with the ongoing identification of the student, when recording an oral essay, it is not recommended: turn away from the camera, show slides, cover your face, etc.

Unidentified essays are not accepted for certification. In this case, you will need to repeat the course.

4. As a result of the video recording, the student must receive a file that meets the following conditions.

File size: minimum - 5 MB, maximum - 100 MB;

Video length: 300 to 600 seconds (5 to 10 minutes).

If the file does not meet the specified requirements, it will not be possible to upload it for further certification in an educational organization.

Creativity is an important part of every person's life, and creative thinking is his unique ability that distinguishes people from animals. It is creative thinking that is the driving force behind the development and improvement, both of an individual and of all mankind. The main goal and result of human creative activity is the creation of something objectively new that has not been created before. If people did not have such an ability as creative thinking, most likely, we would still live in caves and kill mammoths with stone. After all, everything familiar that now surrounds us is to some extent a product of creativity. And the table, and the chair, and various gadgets were invented and created by mankind, and are culture, in the broadest sense of the word. Thus, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of creative thinking in our lives. And the psychology of creativity is just that branch of psychology that studies the process of creativity, the features of creative thinking, the barriers to creativity and is looking for ways to overcome these barriers.

It is easy to explain why I was interested in this particular research topic. From an early age I have been fond of the work of such famous artists, poets and writers as Ivan Aivazovsky, Valentin Serov, Marina Tsvetaeva, Anna Akhmatova, Ivan Bunin and many others, so for me research on the psychology of creativity is a great opportunity to better understand what was driving the strength of these great men when they created famous works.

The relevance of the topic of this work is beyond doubt. The question of creative thinking has been relevant at all times. Even long before the transformation of psychology into an independent science, attempts were made to explain the phenomenon of creative thinking, and research in this area of ​​knowledge still does not stop. But, of course, the psychology of creativity is not limited to the official framework of science. It covers our entire life. Indeed, almost every day we meet on the street or at home, at work or school, in a museum or on the Internet with various works of art: paintings, architectural structures, sculptures, poems or stories. And the psychology of creativity will not only help society understand how they were created, but also explain how to become a creator yourself.

Creative thinking becomes more and more valuable for the individual in an age when the importance of individualism and uniqueness is growing. “Not to be like everyone else” is the motto of modern man. Then a question arises before a person: How to overcome conformity and become a creative person?

So, purpose of my research- identify ways to stimulate creative thinking.

In my research, I put the following tasks:

    Describe the features of a creative personality.

    Review the stages of the creative process.

    Explore barriers to creativity.

    Find a solution to overcome these barriers.

An object of this study is creative thinking.

Thing research is a creative person.

Method research - the study of various material on a given topic: psychological theories, surveys, ongoing experiments.

    Creation. Features of a creative personality.

At the beginning of the study, it is necessary to determine what we mean by the basic concepts of work “creativity” and “creative personality”. What kind of person can be called a truly creative person?

Under the term "creativity" scientists understand the process of activity that creates qualitatively new material and spiritual values. The main criterion that distinguishes creativity from manufacturing is the uniqueness of its result. That is, no one, except the author, can get exactly the same result if you create the same initial situation for him. For example, in a kindergarten, ten children were given the same task: to draw a house (initial condition), but none of the children would get exactly the same drawings (results). Thus, in the process of creativity, the author puts into the material some personal properties and abilities. That is why they say that the creator puts his soul into his work. This fact of uniqueness gives the products of creativity an additional value in contrast to the products of production. The psychology of creativity distinguishes the following types of creativity: production and technical, inventive, scientific, political, philosophical, artistic, everyday life, and so on, that is, the types of creativity correspond to the types of practical and spiritual activities.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that a creative person, in the broadest sense, is a person who has creative thinking and has developed creative abilities that allow him to create something new without much effort. On the issue of the emergence of creative thinking and creative abilities in psychology, there are two main opinions: the ability to be creative is an innate property of an individual or it is an acquired ability that can be developed. But there is also an opinion that combines two extremes: creativity is determined by inclinations, but largely depends on how the individual will develop them. And I agree with this opinion. If an individual has a predisposition to any creative activity, then by improving his abilities in this area, he can develop them to the level of talent or even genius. For example, the famous poet and writer A. S. Pushkin, in order to rightfully be called the genius of Russian literature, worked hard, wrote a lot, constantly developing his talent. Otherwise, the person loses the ability to be creative and think creatively.

In the psychology of creativity, there are many criteria for creativity - the ability to think creatively. So, in Gestalt psychology, the following requirements for the mental makeup of the creator were considered mandatory:

    not be limited, blinded by habits;

    do not simply and subserviently repeat what you have been taught;

    do not act mechanically;

    do not take a partial position;

    not act with attention focused on a limited part of the problem structure;

    not to act by partial operations, but freely, with a mind open to new ideas, to operate with the situation, trying to find its internal relationships.

In other words, a creative person must think independently and consider the situation as a whole, without highlighting individual elements.

The American psychologist Gilford Joy Paul identifies the following criteria for creative thinking:

    ability to detect and formulate problems;

    the ability to generate a large number of ideas;

    flexibility - the ability to produce a variety of ideas;

    originality - the ability to respond to stimuli in a non-standard way;

    the ability to improve an object by adding details;

    ability to solve problems, i.e. ability to synthesize and analyze.

Another psychologist A. Olah points to the following personality traits inherent in creative people:

    independence - personal standards are more important than group standards,

    non-conformity of assessments and judgments

    openness of mind - the willingness to believe one's own and other people's fantasies,

    receptivity to the new and unusual;

    high tolerance for uncertain and unsolvable situations,

    constructive activity in these situations;

    developed aesthetic sense, the desire for beauty.

In psychology, there are many other classifications of the criterion of creative thinking, but, in essence, they are all similar: the main thing is that a creative person has non-standard thinking and is not influenced by stereotypes.

    The creative process and barriers to it.

Each psychologist distinguishes the stages of creative thinking in his own way. For example, Henri Poincare, in his report to the Psychological Society in Paris (in 1908), described the process of making several mathematical discoveries by him and identified the stages of this creative process, which were subsequently distinguished by many psychologists:

    Preparation - task formulation; attempts to solve it. Poincare describes this stage as follows: “I tried to prove that there could be no function analogous to the one that I later called automorphic ... every day I sat down at the desktop, spent an hour or two at it, exploring a large number of combinations, and didn't get any results."

    Incubation is a temporary distraction from the task. At this time, Poincaré believes, unconscious work on the task takes place.

    Illumination - the emergence of an intuitive solution. This is the moment when suddenly, without immediately preceding reflection on the problem, in a random situation that has nothing to do with the problem, the key to the solution appears in the mind.

    Verification - testing and implementation of the solution. When the key idea for the solution is already known, the solution is completed.

P. M. Jacobson (1934) distinguished the following stages:

    The period of intellectual readiness.

    Perception of the problem.

    The origin of the idea - the formulation of the problem.

    Search for a solution.

    Obtaining the principle of the invention.

    Turning a principle into a scheme.

    Technical design and deployment of the invention.

There are many ways to distinguish stages, but here, too, common features can be distinguished. In general, we can say that the creative process is divided into theoretical and practical parts: first, the idea is born and processed in the mind of the individual, and then it becomes reality. For example, before we draw a picture, we first see its image in our head.

So what prevents many people from developing and using their creative thinking? The psychology of creativity is trying to answer this question. The main factors hindering creative thinking include conformism, external and internal censorship, rigidity and the desire to find an answer immediately.

Now let's look at each factor separately. Conformal behavior -

moral-political and moral-psychological concept denoting opportunism, passive acceptance of the existing social order, political regime, etc., as well as the willingness to agree with the prevailing opinions and views, general sentiments common in society. How K. is also regarded as non-resistance to prevailing trends, despite their internal rejection, self-withdrawal from criticism of certain aspects of socio-political and economic reality, unwillingness to express their own opinion, refusal of excellent responsibility for their actions, blind obedience and following any requirements and instructions, emanating from the state, society, party, leader, religious organization, patriarchal community, family, etc. (Such submission may be due not only to internal beliefs, but also to the mentality, tradition).

The phenomenon of conformal behavior plays a negative role in creativity. Such behavior is caused both by the individual properties of the individual and by interpersonal relationships in the creative team, moreover, by the peculiarities of the social environment in the broad sense of the word.

In a number of artistic and philosophical-critical works, the social environment acts as a hostile force in relation to creatively gifted people. Society's hostility to the manifestation of creativity was reflected in the words of the protagonist of Diderot's Rameau's Nephew, who declared: “Geniuses are disgusting; and if any child is born with the characteristic signs of this dangerous gift on his forehead, he should either be strangled or thrown to be eaten by dogs. The Argentine psychologist J. Ingenieros in his book "Mediocrity" justifies this attitude, characterizing it as protective, and therefore useful for society.

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2 COMPETITION TASKS for the WorldSkills Regional Qualifying Competition of the Oryol Region 207 in the Teaching in the Elementary Schools Competitive tasks. Oral essay. Speech on a given topic with an element of creativity. 2. Preparation and implementation of a fragment (the stage of discovering new knowledge) in the primary grades in one of the subjects. 3. Development and conduct of extracurricular activities with design elements. 4. Development of a parent meeting for parents of first graders. 5. Competition "I'll teach you in 5 minutes." 6. Development of an educational presentation for the methodological support of the educational process. 7. Solution of a situational pedagogical problem. Oral essay. Speech on a given topic with elements of creativity. Objective: To demonstrate the ability to creatively present individual impressions and thoughts on a particular topic. Description of the object: essay with presentation Time limit for the task: hour 20 minutes Time limit for the task presentation: up to 7 minutes (the participant uses the materials indicated in the infrastructure list) Task:. Define the idea of ​​the presentation. 2. Find information on the topic of the essay. 3. Conduct an independent analysis of the information. 4. Determine the content of the speech. 5. Prepare the accompaniment of the performance (presentation, audio, video recording, etc.) 6. Prepare the equipment necessary for the performance. 2. Preparation and implementation of a fragment (the stage of discovering new knowledge) in the primary grades in one of the subjects. Purpose: to demonstrate the ability to prepare and conduct a lesson of a certain type Description of the object: a fragment of the lesson (the stage of discovering new knowledge)

3 Time limit for task completion: hour 30 minutes (participant uses the materials specified in the infrastructure sheet) Time limit for task presentation: 5 minutes Contingent: children of primary school age (5 people) Task:. Determine the subject and topic of the lesson 2. Determine the purpose and objectives of the lesson 3. Develop the structure and course of the lesson fragment 4. Determine the content 5. Select materials and equipment 6. Prepare the equipment necessary for organizing the activities of students 7. Rehearse 8. Inform the experts about completion work and readiness to demonstrate a fragment of lesson 3. Development and conduct of extracurricular activities with design elements. Purpose: to demonstrate the ability to prepare and conduct an extracurricular activity with design elements. Description of the object: extracurricular activity Time limit for completing the task: hour 30 minutes (the participant uses the materials specified in the infrastructure sheet) Time limit for submitting the task: 5 minutes Contingent: children of primary school age (5 people) Task:. Determine the topic of extracurricular activities. 2. Determine the purpose and objectives of the lesson 3. Develop the structure and course of the lesson 4. Determine the content of the lesson, including design assignments. 5. Select materials and equipment 6. Rehearse 7. Inform experts about the completion of work and readiness to demonstrate the task 4. Development of a parent meeting for parents of first graders. Purpose: to demonstrate the ability to conduct a parent meeting. Object Description: Parent Meeting Time limit for task completion: hour 30 minutes (participant uses the materials specified in the infrastructure sheet) Time limit for task submission: 5 minutes

4 Task:. Determine the purpose and objectives of the meeting. 2. Develop the structure and course of the meeting 3. Determine the content and form of the meeting 4. Select materials and equipment. 5. Rehearse 6. Inform the experts about the completion of the work and readiness to demonstrate the task 5. Competition "I'll teach in 5 minutes." Purpose: to demonstrate the ability to create applied creative work Description of the object: creative work Time limit for task completion: 0 minutes Time limit for task presentation: 5 minutes (the participant has the right to use his own equipment) Contingent: volunteers Task:. Determine the goals and objectives of the competition, taking into account the age and interests of the audience 2. Prepare materials and equipment for the competition 3. Inform the experts about the completion of work and readiness to complete the competition task. 6. Development of an educational presentation for the methodological support of the educational process. Purpose: to demonstrate the ability to create a multimedia educational presentation using various interactive elements in accordance with the requirements for the design of audiovisual didactic and methodological material. Object description: presentation Time limit for task completion: hour 20 minutes Time limit for task presentation: up to 0 minutes Task:. Determine the learning goal of the presentation; 2. Determine the main idea of ​​the presentation; 3. Pick up additional information; 4. Form the structure and logic of the presentation of the material; 5. Create a presentation structure; 6. Check the logic of material supply; 7. Inform the experts about the completion of the work and the readiness to complete the competition task. 7. Solution of a situational pedagogical problem.

5 Purpose: to demonstrate the ability to analyze the proposed pedagogical situation, transform it into a pedagogical task and suggest solutions. Description of the object: performance Time limit for the task: hour 20 minutes Time limit for the task presentation: up to 0 minutes Task:. Give an analysis of the pedagogical situation. 2. Define the problem in the context of the pedagogical process. 3. Formulate a pedagogical task based on an analysis of the situation and specific conditions. 4. Find options for solving the problem based on an assessment of their expected effectiveness. 5. Select your preferred option. 6. Prepare a speech presentation of the way to solve the problem. 7. Inform the experts about the completion of the work and the readiness to complete the competition task.

6 CHAMPIONSHIP I Regional Championship WorldSkills 207 Oryol region NAME OF COMPETENCE Elementary school teacher (RU Elementary School Teaching) Number of participants 5 PER ONE PARTICIPANT (COMPETITIVE SITE) Equipment, tools and furniture Name Link to the site with those characteristics or those characteristics Unit. Quantity of measurement instrument Single wooden table 600x600 mm pcs 2 Chair At the discretion of the organizer pcs 3 Writing pads A4 pcs 4 Notebook ICL Si 45 pcs 5 Computer mouse Optical laser mouse pcs Consumables Name Link to the site with technical characteristics or technical characteristics Unit . Number of measuring instruments Container for handouts 30x25x20 pcs 2 Children's scissors safe for creativity At the organizers' discretion pcs 3 Spill-proof glass At the organizers' discretion pcs 4 Palette At the organizers' discretion pcs 5 Watercolor paints At the organizers' discretion pcs 6 Brush stand At the organizers' discretion pcs 7 Protective oilcloth 60 x 60 pcs 8 A set of colored cardboard A4 pcs 9 A set of felt-tip pens At the organizers’ discretion pcs 0 A set of whiteboard markers At the organizers’ discretion pcs 3 A set of velvet paper At the organizers’ discretion pcs 2 PVA glue At the organizers’ discretion pcs 3 A set of one-sided colored paper A4 pcs

7 4 A set of white A4 cardboard pcs 5 Paper napkins At the discretion of the organizers pcs 6 Wet wipes At the discretion of the organizers pcs 7 Colored stickers At the discretion of the organizers pcs 8 Eraser At the discretion of the organizers pcs 9 Simple pencil At the discretion of the organizers pcs 20 Paints Gouache At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 Set brushes Artist (squirrel) 5 pcs. At the discretion of the organizers pcs 22 Fountain pens At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 23 Wooden ruler 5 cm At the discretion of the organizers pcs AT THE EXPERT (COMPETIVE SITE) Equipment, tools and furniture Name Link to the site with those characteristics or those characteristics Unit. Number of measuring instruments Writing pad A4 pcs 2 Wooden table At the organizers’ discretion pcs 3 A4 note paper pcs 4 Pencils At the organizers’ discretion pcs 5 Ballpoint pens At the organizers’ discretion pcs 6 Chair At the organizers’ discretion pcs ROOM OF PARTICIPANTS Equipment, furniture, stationery and etc. Name Link to the site with those characteristics or those characteristics Unit. Number of measuring instruments Hanger At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 Wooden table At the discretion of the organizers pcs 3 Mirror At the discretion of the organizers pcs 4 Chair At the discretion of the organizers pcs 0 EXPERTS ROOM Equipment, furniture, stationery, etc. Name Link to the site with those characteristics or those characteristics of the tool Unit. measurements Qty

8 Hanger At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 Conference table At the discretion of the organizers pcs 3 MFP A4 laser MFP XEROX WorkCentre 509 pcs 4 Laptop Notebook ICL Si 45 pcs 5 Computer mouse Optical laser mouse pcs 6 A4 paper pack 2 7 Fountain pen At the discretion of the organizers pcs 0 8 Extender 5 m, 5 nests At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 9 Wall clocks At the discretion of the organizers pcs 0 Chair At the discretion of the organizers pcs 0 ROOM OF THE CHIEF EXPERT Equipment, furniture, stationery, etc. Name Link to the site with those characteristics or those characteristics Unit. Number of measurement tools Hanger At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 Conference table, art B35, 880x880x760 At the discretion of the organizers pcs 3 MFP A4 laser, COLOR MFP XEROX WorkCentrre 320 pcs 4 Laptop ICL Si laptop 45 pcs 5 Computer mouse Optical laser mouse pcs GENERAL COMPETITION INFRASTRUCTURE SITES Equipment, furniture, stationery, etc. Name Link to the site with those characteristics or those characteristics of the tool Unit. measurements Quantity Magnets set At the organizers' discretion pcs 2 2 A set of felt-tip pens for the board At the organizers' discretion pcs 2 3 A4 paper At the organizers' discretion Packing sheets 4 XEROX WorkCentrre MFP 320 pcs 5 Racks with shelves At the organizers' discretion pcs 6 Sets textbooks of various teaching materials At the discretion of the organizers pcs 7 Extension cord 220 V, 5m, 5 sockets At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 8 Tables At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5

9 9 Ball At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 0 Container for handouts 30x25x20 At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 Stapler At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 2 Hole punch At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 3 Broom At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 4 Scoop At the discretion of the organizers pcs 2 5 Interactive whiteboard On organizers' discretion pcs 6 Computer mouse optical laser mouse pcs 2 7 Laptop ICL Si laptop 45 pcs 8 Chairs Organizers' discretion pcs 5 9 Adhesive tape Organizers' discretion pcs 20 Double-sided tape Organizers' discretion pcs 2 Stapler staples 0 Organizers' discretion pcs 2 22 Corrugated paper of different colors At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 23 Plasticine At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 24 Whatman At the discretion of the organizers pcs 5 25 Acoustic speakers At the discretion of the organizers pcs 26 Bottled water At the discretion of the organizers pcs playground 220 volt 2 Wi-Fi with Internet access

10 Evaluation criteria Competence "Teaching in the elementary grades" Module Criteria Maximum score A General cultural development 0 B General professional development 40 C Interaction with parents and employees 25 of an educational institution D Methodological support of the educational process 0 E Self-education 5 Module Task Aspect A Task Oral essay. Speech on a given topic with an element of creativity. To the Task. Preparation and implementation Criteria Maximum scores О Compliance with the rules of the competition 0.5 О Compliance with sanitary standards and 0.5 safety rules corresponding to the profession О Identification of the problem within the specified topic О Formulation of the thesis, own opinion, provision that needs to be proved О Reasoned statement own position О Semantic unity and logic of the speech О Literacy and clarity of speech О Information completeness О Creative approach to the speech S Originality 0.5 S Variety of presentation means 0.5 S Spectacular performance, 0.5 artistry S Overall impression 0.5 0 Total О Compliance with the rules of the competition О Compliance with sanitary standards and 0.5 safety rules, Participant points

11 lesson fragments (the stage of discovering new knowledge) in the primary grades in one of the subjects. corresponding to the profession O The educational content corresponds to the topic and objectives of the lesson O The level of complexity of the material, its volume and method of presentation correspond to the age and individual characteristics of students O The formulation of the purpose and objectives of the lesson O The results of the lesson are correlated with the goals set O O O O O Owns a conceptual apparatus, selects the actual and illustrative material from the point of view of scientific character Motivates students to learning activities Fixes individual difficulties in learning activities Involves students in the process of setting goals and objectives of educational activities Involves students in the organization of the lesson (by determining the sequence of actions in the lesson) О Demonstrates elements of modern teaching technologies (including including ICT) O Organizes the alternation of forms of work (frontal, individual, pair and group), O Most students demonstrate the assimilation of new knowledge, correctly answering questions from the teacher O Most students demonstrate the formation of skills change the acquired knowledge when performing educational tasks for new material (primary skills in the first lesson on the topic)

12 O Uses various forms of assessment (including self-assessment) O Educational potential of the lesson B2 Task 2. Development and conduct of extracurricular activities with construction elements O Atmosphere of the lesson (emotional comfort, respect for the personal dignity of students) S Neatness 0.5 S Individual style 0, 5 pedagogical activity S Originality of the lesson 0.5 S Emotionality 0.5 S Overall impression 0.5 Total 20 O Compliance with the rules of the competition O Compliance with sanitary and safety standards relevant to the profession O Knowledge of exemplary programs 2 extracurricular activities for primary general education O Knowledge and taking into account the age characteristics of children of primary school age О The ability to organize various types of students' activities О Independence of children's activities О Formulating the goal and planned results О Demonstrates elements of modern technologies for organizing extracurricular activities О Involves students in the organization of classes О Effective application equipment and materials О Expediency and validity of using design during the lesson О Availability of instructions (algorithm) for the implementation of design elements О Culture of speech О Originality of teaching methods О Atmosphere of the lesson (emotional comfort, respect for the personal dignity of students) О Achievement of set goals

13 C Assignment. Development of a parent meeting for parents of first-graders and planned results S Neatness 0.5 S Creative approach 0.5 S Emotionality 0.5 S General impression. 0.5 Total 20 О Compliance with the rules of the competition 0.5 О Compliance with sanitary standards and 0.5 safety rules corresponding to the profession О Goal-setting during the meeting О The logic of building a parent meeting О Information completeness Task 2. “I will teach in 5 minutes”. D Task. Development and presentation of an educational presentation for the event of the educational process. О Scientific and authentic 2 information О Variety of activities 2 (technologies and forms) О Taking into account age characteristics 2 of the target audience О Feedback 2 О Creative approach to organizing a parent-teacher meeting S Originality, individual style 0.5 S Expressiveness and clarity of speech 0.5 S Emotionality 0.5 S General impression 0.5 Total 5 О Compliance with the rules of the competition О Compliance with sanitary and safety rules corresponding to the profession О Goal-setting О Compliance with the age characteristics of students О Achieving the goal 2 О Style of interaction 2 S Expressiveness and clarity of speech S Creative approach 0.3 S Originality 0.2 S Emotionality 0.3 S Overall impression 0.2 Total 0 О Compliance with the rules of the competition О Compliance with sanitary standards and 0.5 safety rules corresponding to the profession О Compliance with the age characteristics of the primary school student О Compliance with the content of the stage of the learning process

14 О Presence of sound accompaniment of the educational presentation О Presence of animation in the educational presentation О Interactivity (interaction) О Compliance with the requirements for the design and use of the educational presentation О Expediency of using the selected teaching aids S Emotionality 0.5 S Originality 0.5 S General impression 0.5 Total 0 E. Task. О Compliance with the rules of the competition Decision О Compliance with sanitary standards and 0.5 situational safety rules corresponding to the teaching profession О Description of the proposed situation 2 tasks. О Identification of problems (s) О Identification of possible causes of 2 problems (s) О Formulation of pedagogical task(s) 2 О Choice of methods for solving 2 pedagogical task(s) О Argumentation of one’s own position in choosing methods of solution О Information completeness performances О Professional speech literacy S Originality of presentation 0.5 solutions S Expressiveness and clarity of speech 0.5 S General impression 0.5 Total 5 Total maximum points 00 Penalty points are awarded by the Expert for the following violations:) work with equipment (up to 5 for each) - violations that could endanger the life and health of participants or third parties (up to 0 for each) - violations of discipline (up to 5 for each) 2) technical errors - improper use of equipment or its damage (up to 5 for each) - irrational use of consumables (up to 3 for each) - leaving garbage at the workplace (up to 5 for each e)

CRITERIA for holding the Worldskills Russia Young Professionals championships in the R21 Elementary School Teaching competency Module Criteria Maximum score A General cultural

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