Physicists have figured out how visible matter in the universe arose. Where did dark matter come from? How did matter come about and from what?

Perhaps the most important explanation for inflation is where the one extra baryon in a billion came from in our universe, and how matter even appeared in the universe. But first we need to fill in a couple of gaps related to matter and antimatter.

We have already mentioned that particles and antiparticles are simply each other's evil alter egos. Will we notice if some maniac rushes in on the wings of the night and replaces all quarks with antiquarks, all electrons with positrons, and all neutrinos with antineutrinos, and so on? Physicists call this charge symmetry. According to everything we have told you so far, everything will remain the same.

Until now, we have not talked about how charge symmetry affects our Universe, but this influence should be very strong, because it is obvious that everything is made of matter, and not of antimatter. As it turns out, neutrinos and antineutrinos are not exactly the same. Both spin like clockwork, but experiments show that all neutrinos spin clockwise, and all antineutrinos spin counterclockwise.

At first glance, it seems that this does not play any role, but it turns out that if we replace all particles with antiparticles, there will still be a difference. But everything can be corrected - it is only necessary not only to replace particles with antiparticles, but also to swap right and left. This is called parity or parity symmetry. As a result, "clockwise" will turn into "counterclockwise" and vice versa.

The main question is: if we change both charge and parallel symmetry, will physics behave the same? If so, then the Universe does not distinguish between matter and antimatter, and we have no idea why our Universe has an abundance of both.

Here again experiments with accelerators come to our aid. At high energies, particles called kaons are produced - along with their antiparticles. For the most part, kaons and antikaons behave in the same way and decay into very similar products. However, in about one case in a thousand, kaons produce different Decay Products than antikaons. It's a tiny phenomenon - but it shows that the universe actually distinguishes between matter and antimatter.

The bottom line is that just at the end of the era of great unification, the energies were high enough to create a hypothetical particle called the X-boson. X-bosons were very massive and quickly decayed into other particles, including quarks and antiquarks - but they were not equally divided. But the anti-X-boson, apparently, behaved just the opposite way, and on average, these particles mutually annihilated. On the other hand, if we assume that the X-bosons behaved like kaons, that is, the antiparticles did not always accurately reflect ordinary particles, then we got a few extra quarks, and ultimately a few extra baryons.

So if you want to tell Little Willy where he (and all the rest of the matter in the universe) came from, you should tell him that we all evolved from a symmetry breaking in the first 10 -35 seconds of the universe's life.

  • Translation
When you see your copy, consisting of antimatter, which runs towards you, think carefully before hugging it.
- J. Richard Gott III

Perhaps you have not thought about the fact that the entire Earth and everything that is on it is created from matter. It seems intuitive and it cannot be otherwise. However, the laws of nature have not yet told us why the universe is so arranged.

The reader asks:

Is it true that at the dawn of the universe, matter and antimatter were created in equal amounts? And if not, is it known why such inequality has arisen?
And if their number was the same, why is there so little antimatter? Is there a mechanism to explain the prevalence of matter over antimatter in the visible part of the Universe?

Think about it.

Here is part of the universe. Hundreds of billions of stars and star systems exist only in our galaxy. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the observable part of the Universe. Of all of them, we have studied only our own star system, which, not surprisingly, turned out to be made of matter, not antimatter.

But, apparently, the rest of the universe is also made of matter. More precisely, there is a lot of material in the Universe, and if somewhere there was a part made of antimatter, we would witness a grandiose catastrophe when matter and antimatter would meet.

For example, the space between stars in galaxies is full of material, even if there are no stars. Space is vast and the density of matter is low. It can be calculated - if we threw one particle of antimatter (say, an antiproton) into space, how long it would live before meeting with a particle of matter and annihilation. On average, in the interstellar space of our galaxy, it would have existed for 300 years - which is nothing compared to the age of the galaxy. This limitation says that among the matter particles of antimatter can be present only in an amount of the order of 1 particle per 10 15 .

On a larger scale, we mapped galaxies and their clusters, looked around at different wavelengths, including visible light, infrared, microwaves, radio, ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays. In particular, X-rays and gamma rays are very important for observations, because when matter and antimatter annihilate, they emit characteristic high-energy radiation that we can detect.

Having studied 55 galactic clusters, at distances from a few million light years to three billion, we have seen that on cosmic scales, 99.999% + of all matter is ordinary matter, not antimatter.

And yet it is unexpected. You may have heard something about the formula E = mc 2 , and you know that it states that not only does mass contain energy, but that you can also create a particle, having enough energy on hand to do this. But that is not all.

As we have established in laboratory experiments on Earth, the only way to create matter is to take twice as much energy as the formula E = mc 2 says and create the same amount of matter and antimatter. Conversely, we can destroy matter only by colliding it with antimatter, as a result of which pure energy is released. And all the laws of physics say that this is true at any time for any energy.

And yet, our universe is before us.

If we started with the Big Bang, then at the end of inflation, with all the necessary initial conditions and known laws of physics, we would have this state:

  • The universe would be hot, dense, expanding, filled with radiation and equal parts matter and antimatter.
  • Matter and antimatter would collide, annihilate, turning into radiation, and high-energy particles would collide with each other, spontaneously creating new particles from matter and antimatter in equal proportions, with an excess of energy.
  • The universe would expand and cool, and in doing so, energy and density would drop.

But, if the energy drops, it becomes more difficult for high-energy particles to produce new matter / antimatter pairs (b), as a result of which the number of reactions of turning matter and antimatter into radiation decreases. But as the density drops, it becomes more difficult for matter/antimatter pairs to find each other (a), as a result of which the number of these meetings does not drop to zero. There will always be remnants of matter and antimatter.

And here the strangeness begins. According to all calculations, based on the known laws of physics and our experiments, there should be 10 20 particles of radiation for each particle of matter or antimatter. But in our universe there are only a billion of them, 10 9 pieces, per one particle of matter. And there is very little antimatter in general.

So where did the extra matter come from? Why did extra matter appear, but not antimatter? And when? And How?

To be honest, this is one of the biggest unsolved mysteries of physics. But if we do not know everything, this does not mean that we do not have any clues at all. For example, it has been known since the 1960s that if the following three conditions are satisfied:

  1. imbalance
  2. baryon number nonconservation
  3. violations of C- and CP-invariance

It is possible to create more matter than antimatter (or vice versa). Moreover, asymmetry in this case is simply inevitable. And, fortunately, two of these criteria are easy to satisfy.

"Lack of balance" occurs when certain events in one part of the system do not affect another part, because the information does not have time to reach them. The expanding Universe is an excellent example of a system in which, by definition, there is no equilibrium, and the above description of the emergence and annihilation of matter and antimatter during the expansion and cooling of the Universe is an excellent example of a non-equilibrium process.

There are also many examples of differences between matter and antimatter, and violations of various symmetries. One of them is charge conjugation symmetry, or C-symmetry. If you replace all particles with antiparticles, and the C-symmetry is preserved, then the system will behave exactly the same. Another one is parity symmetry, P-symmetry. If it is preserved, then the real system and its mirror image should behave in the same way.

An unstable particle like a spinning muon will decay in a specific way - by emitting an electron in a certain direction according to the spin. If you reflect this in a mirror (P), then the electron will be emitted in the opposite direction, which does not happen in life. If you replace the muon with an anti-muon (C), it will emit a positron in the original direction - and this also does not happen. But if we replace the rotating muon with a mirror copy of the rotating anti-muon (C and P, CP), one would hope that its decay should occur as reliably as the decay of the muon in the real (non-mirror) world. But that doesn't happen. There are other examples of violation of C and CP symmetries, in systems of k-mesons or B-mesons.

Therefore, we only have to get interactions that do not preserve the baryon number in sufficient quantities, in other words, create baryons where there were none (and there was something else). Unfortunately, this requires a kind of physics that is not in the Standard Model.

But there are plenty of such mechanisms:

  • grand unified theories containing GUT-scale particles
  • theories with new scalars containing Affleck-Dine mechanisms
  • extensions of the Standard Model to include heavy sterile neutrinos
  • theory of excess leptons in the young Universe (leptogenesis)
  • new electroweak-scale physics that could improve the asymmetry between matter and antimatter

I will give you just one example in detail.

Imagine a hot, dense, young universe. In addition to radiation and the particles of matter and antimatter included in the Standard Model, there is another particle (and antiparticle), Q (and anti-Q). Q is very heavy, much heavier than a proton, has a positive charge of +1 (like a proton) and appears in abundance in the early Universe, along with its anti-Q counterparts, which have the same mass and opposite charge.

Since they are unstable, when the Universe cools down, they will stop being created. Most of them will find each other and annihilate, and the rest will disintegrate.

For each decay of Q, there must be a corresponding decay of the anti-Q. If Q decays into a proton and a neutrino, anti-Q must decay into an antiproton and an antineutrino. If Q decays into an antineutron and a positron, anti-Q must decay into a neutron and an electron.

These are not real particles, they are given as an example. But there are particles in different theories, like the X-and-Y bosons in the GUT and the leptoquarks in some extensions of the Standard Model, which work according to very similar rules.

In the absence of CP violation, they will decay in the same way as their opposite.

While all this is boring, this process will not create excess mass. But if we allow CP violation, then the difference between particles and antiparticles can be in the number of decays. What percentage of Q decayed into protons and neutrinos, compared to what percentage of anti-Q decayed into antiprotons and antineutrinos. We can end up with something similar to the following picture, which is similar to what we see in systems with Kaons and B-mesons. Note the difference between Q and anti-Q decays.

Let's assume that our Universe is full of matter and antimatter in equal proportions, and radiation, which we will ignore. Let's also assume that there are a bunch of Q and anti-Q in equal numbers, which decay in accordance with those violations of CP-symmetry, which are described above.

What will be left?

A sea of ​​protons, neutrinos, antineutrinos, positrons, antiprotons, antineutrinos, neutrons and electrons. It's true. But there will be more protons and neutrinos than antiprotons and antineutrinos, and there will be fewer antineutrons and positrons than neutrons and electrons. If we ignore leptons (neutrinos, electrons and their antiparticles), then this is what a sea of ​​decaying Q and anti-Q particles will leave us with.

And after all pairs of matter and antimatter meet, there will be an excess of matter in comparison with antimatter.

Some version of such a development of events clearly took place and led to the fact that we have different amounts of matter and antimatter, and that the density of matter (but not antimatter) is the same everywhere we look. Even though this is one of the greatest unsolved problems in physics, we know a lot about it, and it is worthy of retelling.

Universe. User Manual [How to Survive Black Holes, Time Paradoxes, and Quantum Uncertainty] Dave Goldberg

VI. Where did matter come from?

VI. Where did matter come from?

Perhaps the most important thing that explains inflation is where the one extra baryon in a billion came from in our universe, and how matter even appeared in the universe. But first we need to fill in a couple of gaps related to matter and antimatter.

We have already mentioned that particles and antiparticles are simply each other's evil alter egos. Will we notice if some maniac rushes in on the wings of the night and replaces all quarks with antiquarks, all electrons with positrons, and all neutrinos with antineutrinos, and so on? Physicists call this charge symmetry. According to everything we have told you so far, everything will remain the same.

Until now, we have not talked about how charge symmetry affects our Universe, but this influence should be very strong, because it is obvious that everything is made of matter, and not of antimatter. As it turns out, neutrinos and antineutrinos are not exactly the same. Both spin like clockwork, but experiments show that all neutrinos spin clockwise, and all antineutrinos spin counterclockwise.

At first glance, it seems that this does not play any role, but it turns out that if we replace all particles with antiparticles, there will still be a difference. But everything can be corrected - it is only necessary not only to replace particles with antiparticles, but also to swap right and left. This is called parity or parity symmetry. As a result, "clockwise" will turn into "counterclockwise" and vice versa.

The main question is: if we change both charge and parallel symmetry, will physics behave the same?

If so, then the Universe does not distinguish between matter and antimatter, and we have no idea why our Universe has an abundance of both.

Here again experiments with accelerators come to our aid. At high energies, particles called kaons are produced - along with their antiparticles. Mostly. Kaons and anti-kaons behave in the same way and form very similar products upon decay. However, in about one case in a thousand, kaons produce different Decay Products than antikaons. It's a tiny phenomenon - but does it show that the universe actually distinguishes between matter and anti? matter.

The bottom line is that just at the end of the era of great unification, the energies were high enough to create a hypothetical particle called the X-boson. X-bosons were very massive and quickly decayed into other particles, including quarks and antiquarks - but they were not equally divided.

But the anti-X-boson, apparently, behaved just the opposite way, and on average, these particles mutually annihilated. On the other hand, if we assume that the X-bosons behaved like kaons, that is, the antiparticles did not always accurately reflect ordinary particles, then we got a few extra quarks, and ultimately a few extra baryons.

So if you want to tell Little Willy where he (and all the rest of the matter in the universe) came from, you should tell him that we all evolved from a symmetry breaking in the first 10 -35 seconds of the universe's life.

From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 3 [Physics, chemistry and technology. History and archeology. Miscellaneous] author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

From the book Secrets of Space and Time the author Komarov Victor

From the book Theory of the Universe the author Eternus

From the book Universe. Instruction manual [How to survive among black holes, time paradoxes and quantum uncertainty] by Dave Goldberg

From the book Knocking on Heaven's Door [Scientific View of the Universe] by Randall Lisa

III. Where do atoms come from? The Birth of Elements (t = 1 second - 3 minutes) We have already deviated very far from Little Billy's original question “Where did I come from?”, But now we are ready to give a better answer to it. First we need to tell the baby what he is really made of.

From the book Tweets About the Universe by Chown Marcus

VI. Where did matter come from? Perhaps the most important thing that explains inflation is where the one extra baryon in a billion came from in our universe, and how matter even appeared in the universe. But first we need to fill in a couple of gaps related to matter and

From the book Hyperspace by Kaku Michio

From the book The New Mind of the King [On computers, thinking and the laws of physics] author Penrose Roger

DARK MATTER It is possible that in addition to the issues of elementary particle physics, the LHC will help to illuminate the nature of dark matter (also known as hidden mass) of the Universe - a substance that has a gravitational effect, but does not emit or absorb light. Everything, that

From the book Universe! Survival course [Among black holes. time paradoxes, quantum uncertainty] by Dave Goldberg

32. Where did the moon come from? The origin of the moon is a long-standing mystery. Nowhere else is a moon as large as its parent planet. The Apollo missions have uncovered important information. The moon is made of material similar to the Earth's mantle. Moon rocks contain much

From the book Interstellar: the science behind the scenes author Thorn Kip Steven

103. What is dark matter? No one knows. Unlike ordinary matter (atoms), it does not give off light or gives off too little light to be detected using our best modern instruments. It outweighs the visible matter of the Universe - stars and

From the author's book

Matter as Condensed Energy Earlier discussions of the unification of the laws of nature were rather abstract and would have remained so if Einstein had not taken another decisive step. He realized that if space and time can be combined into one

From the author's book

From the author's book

IV. Where do these forces come from? We started our conversation by saying that fundamental forces are similar to games, but our game lacks one component without which nothing will work: the ball. Think about it. Without the ball, tennis is nothing more than convulsive swinging.

From the author's book

III. Where do atoms come from? Birth of Elements (t = 1 second - 3 minutes) We have already deviated very far from Little Billy's original question “Where did I come from?”, But now we are ready to give a better answer to it. First you need to tell the baby what he is really made of.

From the author's book

I. What is dark matter? It seems that our universe is much stranger than it should be. For example, we found that a mysterious dark energy reigns in it, and most of the rest of the mass has nothing to do with us, because it consists of some kind of dark matter,

From the author's book

Where the disk comes from In 1969, Linden-Bell suggested that quasars are located at the centers of galaxies. We can't see the galaxy around the quasar, he said, because its light is much weaker than the light of the quasar itself, the quasar outshines the galaxy for us. Decades later

This is how the theory of the formation of matter as a result of a big explosion from cosmic plasma is described in "clear language", it is possible that now some details have been added to this, but hardly anyone has written them in such a way that it is clear to everyone.

The primary bunch consisted of light energy of the same type as that emitted by the Sun. The term "light" is used by us to denote a general phenomenon called "electromagnetic radiation" by scientists. This phenomenon is most easily explained by turning again to the Sun. The electromagnetic radiation of the Sun, visible to the eye, is called visible light. Its spectrum includes all shades from red to blue (the colors of the rainbow familiar to us). The sun also emits electromagnetic radiation that is not visible to the eye, or invisible light. The "color" spectrum of invisible sunlight includes infrared rays (which give the skin a warm sensation), ultraviolet rays (the cause of sunburn), microwaves (used in microwave ovens), radio waves, x-rays, and the like. There is no significant difference between the colors of visible and invisible light; together they make up the full spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. A camera loaded with the appropriate film will register all these colors with equal success. Therefore, following common practice, we use the word "light" to refer to all electromagnetic radiation, including both visible and invisible light.
We are now approaching the most important event, which took place shortly after the "big bang", and is indicated in the table by the number 0.001. To understand this event, some basic information is needed. The form of matter known to us is an atom or a group of atoms called a molecule. However, when, immediately after zero time, there was the formation of matter, it did not exist in the form of atoms. The incredibly high temperature of the primary clot would instantly destroy any atom. Therefore, matter existed in a different form, which is called "plasma". The essential difference between these two forms of matter is that the atom electrically neutral, whereas plasma is made up of particles that carry either a positive or negative charge.These charged particles "trap" light, blocking its penetration through the plasma.So from the side, the plasma always looks dark.
A fraction of a second after the "big bang" the universe consisted of the light of the primary bunch penetrating the plasma. Although the light of the bunch was incredibly strong, the plasma absorbed it; light could not penetrate it and was therefore "invisible". To imagine this situation, imagine that there was someone with a camera in the world at that time. The universe would appear dark to our photographer because of the plasma, and the frames captured by him would be completely black, although the universe was filled with the light of the primordial fireball. It would look as if someone, without using a flash, snapped the pictures in a completely dark room.
Starting from the zero moment, the red-hot primary clot began to cool rapidly. By the time indicated on the table by the number 0.001, it had cooled so much that it allowed the charged particles of the plasma to combine and form atoms. The formation of atoms from plasma was a vital event that determined the path of development of the Universe in its present form.
In contrast to plasma, any space filled with free atoms and molecules is completely transparent. One has only to remember the transparent atmosphere of our planet, consisting of air molecules (mainly nitrogen and oxygen). Light flows freely through the atmosphere; From the surface of the Earth, the Sun, Moon, distant stars and galaxies are clearly visible. Thus, when the plasma suddenly turned into atoms and molecules 15 billion years ago, it ceased to trap the light of the fiery clot. This light has become "visible"; it soon filled the entire universe and fills it to this day.
This concludes our very brief description of the main provisions of George Gamow's theory of the "big bang". As with every scientific theory, the criterion for its acceptability is the practical confirmation of the correctness of its assumptions. The most striking thing about the "big bang" theory is the assumption that the world has been filled with light for 15 billion years, since the "beginning of time". This light, most of whose spectrum is invisible, has very special qualities (it is not necessary to consider them now) that make it easy to distinguish it from any other types of electromagnetic radiation. However, the predicted radiation was not detected. And here's why: the primary clot was incredibly hot and contained gigantic energy. Over time, however, it expanded and cooled, causing the radiant energy to spread in all directions. Today, fifteen billion years later, the energy of the primary clot is extremely rarefied, its electromagnetic radiation is so weak that it was technically impossible to detect it using the scientific equipment that was available before.

A small lesson in astronomy: all galaxies in our universe revolve around the same center at high speed. But when scientists calculated the total masses of galaxies, it turned out that they are too light. And according to the laws of physics, this whole carousel would have broken long ago. However, it doesn't break. To explain what's going on scientists came up with a hypothesis, as if there is some dark matter in the universe that cannot be seen. But here's what it is and how to feel it, astronomers do not yet represent. We only know that its mass is 90 percent of the mass of the universe. And this means that we know what kind of world surrounds us by only one tenth.

A group of physicists proposed a hypothesis that explains the disappointing results of the search for dark matter. The researchers' article appeared in the journal Physical Review D. Briefly, the ideas of scientists are presented on the Physics World portal.

Dark matter, or hidden mass, is a hypothetical substance that participates in gravitational interactions, but does not participate in electromagnetic ones. Her existence was postulated to explain lack of mass observed in the universe. Scientists are trying to detect dark matter in several different ways, but so far they have not succeeded - moreover, the results obtained contradict each other.

In 2008, the PAMELA (Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics) detector installed on the Russian Resurs-DK1 satellite received data that can serve as confirmation of the existence of dark matter. PAMELA has registered in space an excess of positrons - positively charged "twins" of electrons. According to some hypotheses, positrons can be formed during the annihilation of dark matter particles with “ordinary” particles.

On the other hand, in 2010, possible traces of dark matter particles (they are called WIMPs, from the English abbreviation WIMP - Weakly Interactive Massive Particles - Weakly Interactive Massive Particles) were registered in the CDMS-II and CoGeNT experiments. The contradiction lies in the fact that dark matter particles that give a “trace” noticed by the PAMELA detector cannot be “caught” by the CDMS-II or CoGeNT devices in any way.

The authors of the new work suggested that dark matter can consist of two types of particles. The first is "standard" WIMPs, which are Majorana fermions - particles that are also their own antiparticles ( until scientists have experimentally found a single Majorana fermion). Such wimps produce very little antimatter when colliding with ordinary matter, and, accordingly, PAMELA cannot "detect" them. At the same time, WIMPs can be registered in experiments like CDMS-II and CoGeNT.

The second type of dark matter particles, according to the authors of the new work, is particles that are still unknown to physicists. They must have their own antiparticles and it is possible to detect them with the help of PAMELA detectors.

Colleagues of scientists were not enthusiastic about the proposed hypothesis - according to skeptics, this is one of the many attempts to explain the discrepancy between experimental data and, like the rest, it has not yet been confirmed by anything.

And what is left for them to do if they do not know that energy (in particular, “dark”, and, therefore, incomprehensible to them) is a property of bodies and does not exist without them, and therefore cannot produce any expansions. Without bodies, energy is one of the ordinary qualities of matter, the same as mass. However, scientists do not even guess about the difference between matter and property and often repeat, following Newton, “mass is the amount of matter.” Those. property is substance, and likewise energy is also substance. And the substance can create both expansions and contractions and anything.

They do not know that emptiness is nothing, and how nothing has properties, and, therefore, does not exist in nature, but only in the minds of the subjects who created it for the “mathematical simplicity of describing physical processes”, in a free presentation of Einstein’s thought. And if something appeared in the void, for example, a thought, not to mention fields and other physical attributes, then the void is no more. There is a space formed by thought. By definition, nothing can be squeezed into the void. It is not a physical, but a manufactured object. And it is used only in the absence of thoughts.

A surprising illogicality runs through sections 13 and 14.

The question is asked: “Where did dark matter come from?” The answer lies on the surface. light matter(dark - incomprehensible to physicists), having mass, the same luminiferous ether, which at the beginning of the twentieth century, with the light hand of Einstein, physicists famously threw out of science. And since the honor of the uniform does not allow you to say directly: “Guys, well, our colleagues hurried up with dashing. With whom it doesn’t happen, ”and this completely solves the problem, physicists have to postulate the existence of empirically existing matter, launch Marjoram particles that do not exist in nature into it, launch “particles that are still unknown to physicists” (I will add, and they will never be known, since they were invented to explain only one fact) and commit a lot of other illogicalities , if only not to return to the real ether. But, alas! The material ether existed, exists and will exist even when there will be no physicists proving its absence.

fifteen. comet dust

"As at high temperature ice comets form dust? Comets are small icy celestial bodies that have a hazy appearance, revolving around the Sun, usually in elongated orbits. When approaching the Sun, the ice begins to evaporate and comets form a coma and sometimes a tail of gas and dust. Presumably, long-period comets fly to us from the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud, which contains millions of cometary nuclei.

On January 15, 2006, the Stardust capsule, carrying priceless samples of comet Wild 2, made a soft landing at a test site in Utah. The substance of the comet was subjected to a comprehensive analysis. The main conclusion: comets have a much more complex composition than expected. The real surprise was the discovery that most of the matter is apparently cold material from the outskirts of the solar system, but about 10% was formed at high temperatures. It is not known where this 10% came from if the comet did not enter the inner region of the solar system.

Scientists just shrug.

And here is an interesting paradox: it is stated that comets are made of ice (I would like to know how this ice appeared in space and persisted for millions of years), and the capsule showed that “most of the matter” is not ice, but dust. In addition, ~10% of the collected material was exposed to high temperatures. It is known that ice and fire do not combine well, and the appearance of ice in space only for the formation of comets is difficult to imagine. However, their presence suggests that comets are by no means the products of sticking together of a dust cloud, but solid material formations, in the structure of which ice can occur. But comets themselves are not made of ice. And the coma and tail of the comet do not suffer from excess water. Scientists know about this, but they cannot refuse the established ice hypothesis, since there is not a single suitable sample in mind. However, samples exist. These are gravibolides. Everything that happens to comets in their movement in space is easily superimposed on the movement of gravibolides. But that is another topic.

۞ 16. Global warming

NASA spoke about global warming

“The first decade of the 21st century was the warmest on record for the weather in the United States. This was reported by CNN on Friday, citing NASA experts.

Scientists from the US Space Agency's Goddard Institute for Space Studies also found that 2005 was the warmest year since 1880, when scientists were able to make systematic and increasingly accurate observations of the weather with the invention of various instruments. The second in this indicator was the last year, 2009, experts emphasized.

At the same time, 2008 was the coldest year in the first decade of the century. This was mainly due to the influence of the La Niña climate phenomenon, which caused a strong drop in temperature in the eastern and central Pacific Ocean, ITAR-TASS reports.

The study highlights that the temperature on Earth has increased by 0.6 degrees over the past three decades and by 0.8 degrees over the last century. In this regard, it is safe to say that the process of global warming was slow and with large fluctuations over the past century until 1975, but then its rapid acceleration began to be observed - by 0.2 degrees Celsius per decade, experts say. .

“Each year, we observed that temperatures fluctuated depending on the El Niño and La Niña phenomena. However, when it became clear that the average temperatures over five to ten years did not correspond to the cycles of these phenomena, we stated that global warming continues to gain momentum,” - said the director of the institute, James Hansen.

Scientists at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies use data from thousands of meteorological stations around the world, weather satellite readings of sea and ocean surface temperatures, and data from research stations in Antarctica to produce their report on climate change.”

Scientists just shrug.

In their research, American scientists have the most advanced instruments and almost excessive funding. However, over a half-century period of observing the heating of the planet, they, focusing on modern physics, have not been able to determine what causes the heating of the Earth? And how long will it continue?

This is a failure of science. And this failure threatens the existence of all mankind even if warming continues to increase at the same pace as in the last decade, and it seems to be growing exponentially. And most importantly, scientists still cannot find a global reason for the heating of the Earth, although it lies on the surface.

This cause- unsteady motion of the Earth in orbit. The period of time when the Earth was in a stationary orbit ended in the middle of the twentieth century, and the planet's trajectory took the form of a twisting spiral. The earth began to move closer to the sun. But scientists haven't noticed it yet.

The movement of the planet towards the Sun is accompanied by the compression of its volume by the luminary's gravitational field. Under the influence of compression, the surface of the planet is deformed in different ways, and this deformation is accompanied by the subsidence or rise, while not significant, of vast territories. Accompanied by the extrusion of the ether and its modifications (hydrogen, helium, radon and other gases) from the depths of the planet. All of them, and, above all, the ether, take the heat of the depths with them and heat the Earth. This process is especially active in the Atlantic Ocean south of Iceland (the activation of volcanoes on the island is not accidental) and west of England, at points where the ocean surface is raised to a height of 62-68 m. It was the ether squeezed out from the depths that changed the circulation of water flows in the Atlantic and atmospheric in Europe and North America. It also regulates precipitation throughout the year. (I will note the almost complete absence of floods last spring, and this, in the presence of almost double the amount of snow and a cold winter, is due to the fact that ether-saturated snow turns into vapor, bypassing the liquid state. And scientists do not notice this.)

Another center of heat release is located northeast of Australia in the area of ​​the Coral and Solomon Seas and east of the mainland in the area of ​​the Fiji Islands. And here, too, the water surface is raised to a height of 65-70 m, and the released ether contributes to the emergence of El Niño (scientists do not know the causes of the current) and the spread of heat in the depths, both to South America and to the coast of Antarctica.

And these changes of the Earth will continue until the planet moves into a new orbit.

So, I state:

Modern physics contains mythological theories (quantum mechanics, general relativity, etc.), which one cannot even call hypotheses. It is unable to explain not only the above phenomena, but also hundreds, thousands of others. The position of "just throwing up your hands" is not the best for scientists. It's time to realize that modern physics has hit a dead end. It, as an unsystematic science, is experiencing a crisis of scientific impotence and cannot find solutions, in general, quite simple, such as, for example, the tasks listed above. The time has come to change the physical paradigm, to revise all the principles of physics, and with it all the exact sciences. Without this revision, humanity will not cope with the impending global crisis.

(see - third movement - self-pulsation p.30)

Preface to the second edition

Modern classical mechanics ( point mechanics) in the description of nature proceeds from the assumption ( postulate) that the surrounding reality in its essence is only material. Matter in mechanics is a kind of primary substance. Postulated that material self-immobile (implicit postulate) bodies have two types of properties: fundamental properties (mass, time, distance, charge) and derivatives (all others). Supposed (also postulated) that the latter may be present in the body or absent, appear or disappear depending on the interactions in which the bodies participate. Supposed ( postulated) also that isotropic space, in which there are unrelated bodies, is independent, empty, self-immobile, qualityless substance(physical vacuum in a modern way). In a vacuum in an indefinite way (according to postulate) there are self-sufficient physical (non-corporeal) fields - fluctuations of an indefinite nature. Moreover, the concept, for example, electromagnetic fluctuation does not have a clear definition, since it is not known what fluctuates in empty uncertainty. Therefore, the immaterial volume is everywhere an empty independent and isolated independent substance in no way connected with the bodies included in it.

Somehow science does not perceive the logical circumstance that emptiness is a physical abstraction that has no properties, a fictitious illogical construction that has nothing to do with the bodies “placed” in it and exists independently of them. Emptiness is a “volume” in which there is nothing, and cannot be, by definition. As soon as something “fits” in this “volume” (a body or indefinite fields), the emptiness (abstraction) disappeared, and with it the non-existent incorporeal receptacle disappeared. Another bodily quality appeared - space made up of matter. The physical vacuum is a veiled emptiness.

This is a conceivable assumption ( postulate) of emptiness determines the qualitative equivalence of bodies moving with stationary bodies. It served as the basis for postulations relativity of any movement, because mathematically (not physically - the anisotropy of the body space does not allow) it is possible to simply transfer the origin of coordinates to turn a moving body into an "isotropic" void (also conceivable), a body into a motionless one, and a motionless body into a moving (basic postulate GRT). Those. two qualitatively different states of the body - movement and immobility in classical mechanics are (are postulated) identical. The "proof" of the relativity of movement (rectilinear motion) was the apparent impossibility in a thought experiment (I emphasize again - in mental ) detect the state of movement while in a closed room (car). Alas, this was a mechanistic fallacy, since in real space, all motion is absolutely. There are many simple ways to empirically prove the movement or immobility of the apparatus, without looking out of it. Some of them are shown below.

In classical mechanics, only two types of movement: the movement of some bodies relative to others and the rotation of bodies around its axis. The first is considered relative motion, the second - absolute. This misses third, main type of movement - self-pulsation(self-movement) bodies. The absence of the concept of “self-pulsation” in classical mechanics, the presence of assumptions, postulates and axioms that are not present in nature, caused mechanics to incorrectly describe natural phenomena, a closed structure of relationships between properties, and as a result, an inadequate understanding of natural processes. Two types accepted today in mechanics motions are derivatives of the self-pulsation of matter, and absolutely all bodies and all bodily space - the ether - have self-pulsation.

Classical mechanics or the mechanics of a “material” point (how can a point be material?) in its development, under the influence of accepted assumptions and postulates, gradually developed into physics and stratified into several independent, practically unrelated disciplines (mechanics, electrodynamics , quantum mechanics, optics, etc.), based on its laws and preserving the incorrectness inherent in mechanics. For more than three hundred years of the development of science, the absent self-pulsation of bodies has not allowed to shift formal description of the movement of a mathematical point to a description of the real interaction and movement of physical bodies.

A point is a mathematical abstraction that has no dimensions (nothing) and for this reason it cannot reflect the circumstances and interactions inherent in real (material) bodies in space. It is the endowment of the living Earth with the property of a point that turns it into a dead abstraction, into a large boulder, flying by inertia along a “stationary” orbit around the Sun. Endowing a point with separate properties that it lacks, and in particular with mass, does not change its qualities, does not turn an abstraction into a body, since the point remains unidentified in a certain space, does not interact with space, and the properties attributed to it turn out to be unrelated and with space. This is one of the circumstances that hinders the transition of the description from a point to a body.

Another circumstance hindering such a transition is the non-specific definition of the concept of "body" and endowment ( postulation) properties (time, space, mass, charge, etc.) by functions of a substance, i.e. body functions. (For example, property - mass becomes substance when defined as "amount of substance"). It seems to be assumed that the concept of "body" is known to everyone and therefore does not require clarification. However, clarification is required. Mechanics, like all physics, deals with the study of bodies and their properties and, therefore, the concept of "body" is the most important physical concept. However, strange as it may seem, in modern physics there is no clear definition of the concept of “body” (for this reason, for example, the concept of “elementary particles” does not fall under the concept of “bodies” and does not refer to substance). The author could not find any definition of this concept either in the physical literature, or in reference books, or in textbooks. Moreover, all these carriers of modern physical information testify to the substitution of the substance "body" for the properties "mass", "energy", "charge", etc. None of them emphasizes the difference between a body and a property, and it is not defined how their functions differ. And it turns out that physics and mechanics study the properties, and not the interactions of bodies, moreover, in a static, and not in a dynamic form. For this reason, all four laws of classical mechanics are not related to each other in the same way as the basic concepts independent of each other: “space”, “time”, “force” and “mass”.

All of the above incorrectness remains in modern mechanics to date and hinders the development of body mechanics. Scientists, developing the mechanics of a point, somehow forgot about its limitations, abstractness and isolation, and no longer remember the need to transfer in the description of real processes from abstraction - "point" to the system "physical body". Moreover, since the middle of the last century, a firm conviction has been established in science that the study of classical mechanics is basically over. That all its physical problems are understood, described, and only some questions remain about the mathematical formalization of individual processes. Further it will be shown that the understanding of mechanical processes is far from being as cloudless as the luminaries of modern science are trying to advertise.

This work began with the publication of small books "Dialectics of Mechanics" - 1993 and "Non-Newtonian Mechanics" -1994, in which the author, following the luminaries, still singled out mechanics from physics. Further work showed that uniform laws of mechanics operate both in the macro and in the microcosm and there is no separate quantum mechanics (acting according to the laws of the microworld) as well as other mechanics (for example, general relativity) in nature, which was displayed in the book "Russian Mechanics". At the same time, a new geometric apparatus appeared - physical (dynamic) geometry, based on the fourth formulation of the axiom of parallel, golden proportions and physical properties, which makes it possible to describe natural processes in a uniform way in all sections of physics.

Now, after almost 10 years after the publication of these books, by the way, not noticed by scientists (more precisely, ignored by scientists, since they did not find empirical and logical arguments for denying the principles set forth in the books), more and more natural phenomena and experiments explain modern physics unable. It becomes clear that physics was gripped by a general conceptual and theoretical crisis. All attempts to get out of it on the basis of classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, relativity theory, string theory and other artificial hypotheses (theories?) are not effective, since they are aimed at preserving the existing scientific paradigm.

The presence of many arbitrary assumptions, axioms and postulates has a particularly great harm on the development of physics. A postulate is a statement of the truth of a certain phenomenon that has neither physical nor philosophical justification and is accepted in the theory only in order to temporarily ensure the relationship of the parameters in the proposed hypothesis and remain in it forever. A postulate is a thrombus in physical theory that blocks the relationship of properties. To emphasize the dominance of physics by explicit and hidden postulates, they are highlighted in bold italics in the process of presentation.

Currently, more and more properties are being recorded, indicating the corporeality (materiality) of space, formation of space by matter, in science there are still the same ideas about filling abstract empty receptacle of bodies, about the independence and substantiality of space. And in order to combine the incompatible (emptiness and matter), a new term appears in physics - "vacuum materiality" - a modified physical vacuum (MPV). It is neither matter nor emptiness. This is something like "boots with horseradish." There is a very difficult, complicated by scientific pride, a return to the physics of the ether - self-moving bodily environment, forming an anisotropic space and being the carrier of all physical interactions.

In the second edition, the content and structure of the presentation have been preserved, if possible, some clarifications have been made with the addition of new material. When presenting the main provisions, repetition of the material is used.

Preface to the first edition

A rather unusual situation has developed in modern theoretical physics. Newtonian mechanics considers the gravitational interaction of bodies and their slow motion. But for the study of the same gravitation when bodies move at speeds approaching the speed of light, somewhere around a hundred relativistic theories (hypotheses) have been proposed. Moreover, these theories (hypotheses) differ in experiments so slightly (despite significant differences in theory) that this difference is not captured by the most accurate physical instruments. And even more sadly, these theories do not add a single fundamentally new gravitational experiment to the few proposed by the general theory of relativity.

What causes such a theoretical dissonance in explaining the same natural phenomena?

First, because before no theory alternative to Newton's mechanics has yet been proposed, it remains the sole pillar of any relativistic theory. All these hundreds of competing theories (hypotheses) have as their common basis the postulates and hypotheses of classical mechanics.

Secondly, because does not occur even the slightest doubts about the correctness of the conceptual representations of classical mechanics, especially for slow movements.

Third, inherent in Newtonian mechanics mathematical apparatus satisfies with sufficient completeness all the needs of technology and celestial mechanics in calculations.

Fourth, the fundamental hypotheses and postulates of mechanics were not subjected to systematic epistemological analysis. Moreover, philosophers are sure that there is no need to analyze them.

Fifth, the partial analysis of mechanics encountered in individual works was limited to provisions related, for example, to inertia or relativity of motion, but did not go beyond mechanistic epistemology. The beginnings themselves were not analyzed.

At sixth, the only mechanics that can compete with classical mechanics, ¾ mechanics of Aristotle, set out in his "Physics", after the appearance of Newton's mechanics, no one develops and, moreover, constantly and unreasonably rejected.

Newtonian mechanics is based on four independent basic concepts: space, time, force and mass. The body as an object of study is not considered by this mechanics. Space and time are introduced postulate and are the external background of all events. Mass (as the amount of matter) and force (as the cause of motion) are completely independent and independent. The connection between them exists only in a certain sequence of interactions and mainly in an axiomatic form. But as a reflection of the interdependence of a single system of interactions, there is no connection. Axiomatic dependencies in the description of physical laws replace the systematic description of the connection of natural phenomena with their quantitative display, cause an unequal qualitative approach to various physical phenomena and, as a result, give a local character to physical laws, isolate them from the system of interconnection of properties, create conditions of incompatibility and deprive the interaction process bodies of visibility and understanding. Moreover, axiomatics leads to the division of the description of a single nature into a number of separate, unrelated sections, and together with gives rise to conflicting theories.