Phrases from psychology on statistics every person. Quotes of famous psychologists

  • № 12479

    Do not imagine that your case is extraordinarily difficult. Even those who eventually became the most eloquent of their generation suffered from such unconscious fear and shyness early in their careers.

    Dale Carnegie
  • № 12419

    Everyone is firmly convinced of his own objectivity, and no one believes in someone else's

  • № 12323

    In psychosis, the fantasy world plays the role of a pantry, from where psychosis draws material or samples for building a new reality.

    Sigmund Freud
  • № 12322

    In our dreams we always have one foot in childhood.

    Sigmund Freud
  • № 12320

    The dream is the guardian of sleep, not its disturber.

    Sigmund Freud
  • № 12305

    If here (in the art of relationships between people) there is any secret of success, then it lies in the ability to understand the point of view of another person and look at things both from his and from his own points of view.

    Henry Ford
  • № 12299

    A person has two motives for behavior - one real and the second, which sounds beautiful.

    Henry Ford
  • № 12081

    A psychologist is a person who looks at everyone else when a beautiful girl enters the room.

  • № 10754

    Normal people are just the ones you don't know very well.

    Alfred Adler
  • № 10736

    Separate the incident from the underlying problem. The problem is not behavior, but the inability to change the situation, to have tears and mixed feelings.

    Gordon Neufeld
  • № 10733

    If a child experiencing irritation could not change the situation and could not cry out tears of futility, could not go from anger to grief, then the energy of frustration goes further, to the last defense mechanism against the manifestation of aggression.

    Gordon Neufeld
  • № 10722

    To invite an older child to depend on us is to convince the child that he can rely on us, count on us, can trust us with his problems and we will solve them, he expects our help. We kind of tell the child that we are here for him and that it's okay if he needs us.

    Gordon Neufeld
  • № 10719

    An invitation to depend and a consent to depend is the choreography of two people who love and trust each other.

    Gordon Neufeld
  • № 10717

    The accusation of psychotherapy in missionary work does not seem to me justified. It is strange to talk about the development of psychotherapy, while excluding the expansion as a property of life. Psychotherapy in its current sense arose as a proposal in response to a socio-cultural request. But, having arisen, it - like any other area of ​​activity - cannot but form demand. The logic within which the formation of demand for medicine is called enlightenment, and for psychotherapy - missionary work, is the logic of biased subjectivity, a double standard.

    Victor Kagan
  • № 10716

    My task as a therapist is not to penetrate into the meanings of the patient and the causes of their occurrence, but to create conditions in which the patient has the opportunity to live and experience these meanings himself more fully and differently, to change them so that, in some cases, they ceased to generate or maintain symptoms, and in others led to the optimization of coping strategies and the maintenance of quality of life with persistent symptoms.

    Victor Kagan
  • № 10715

    I have serious doubts about the thesis about the need to subject psychotherapeutic methods to "serious scientific analysis" - at least as long as this analysis is associated with a "scientific worldview", on the basis of which, allegedly, psychotherapeutic methods do not want to act, and so far for sure it is not defined what constitutes "serious scientific analysis" to which they supposedly do not want to be subjected. Here it is appropriate to recall an anecdote: a private driver drives up to a person standing in a long queue for a taxi: “Give me a lift?” - “But you are not a taxi” - “What do you need - checkers or go?”. The now catchphrase, “I don’t know why it works, but it works,” reflects the situation in psychotherapy much more accurately than supposedly scientific “checkers.”

    Victor Kagan
  • № 10714

    Psychotherapy is often reproached for being represented by many closed sects with their own beliefs, their own “bird language”. Indeed, each of its directions forms its own theories, from which methods allegedly follow, although on impartial consideration it turns out that these theories themselves are mythologies based on individual perception and empirical findings.

    Victor Kagan
  • № 10713

    With regard to psychotherapy, we can say that a person today lives in a culture of changes, not canons. This culture itself is devoid of the former psychoregulatory traditions that helped to cope with changes. And if the scientific and industrial revolutions of the XIX century, changing lifestyles, naturally relied on "scientific psychotherapy" with its laboratory and medicalization, today the emphasis is increasingly shifting from sciences to humanities.

    Victor Kagan
  • № 10712

    Psychotherapy is first and foremost a hypostasis of culture. I especially want to emphasize the non-replicability of psychotherapy: just as in the theater each performance of the same play is unique - the same but not the same, in psychotherapy each session is unique even when using the same method or technique. Dialogue - and psychotherapy is a dialogue, not an impact - is not replicable.

    Victor Kagan
  • № 10711

    Term psychotherapy denotes various principles of (secular, that is, secular) ethics and their application in practice. Thus, every method and every school of psychotherapy is a system of applied ethics expressed in the idiom of treatment. Each of these methods and each of the schools bears the imprint of the personalities of their founders and adherents, their aspirations and values.

“We do not choose each other by chance ... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious.” Sigmund Freud

“Joy comes into our lives when we have things to do; there is someone to love; and there is hope." Viktor Frankl

“Having a specific goal, a person feels able to overcome any problems, since his future success lives in him.” Alfred Adler

“We are what we ourselves have inspired about ourselves and what others have inspired us about us.” Erich Fromm

“You can truly understand only what you try to change.” Kurt Lewin

“Every person has desires that he does not communicate to others, and desires that he does not admit even to himself.” Sigmund Freud

"The art of being wise consists in knowing what to ignore." W. James

"By changing our thoughts, we can change our lives." Dale Carnegie

“If a person can live not by force, not automatically, but spontaneously, then he realizes himself as an active creative person and understands that life has only one meaning - life itself.” E. Fromm

"The presence of anxiety indicates vitality." Rollo May

“After a period of happiness, joyful excitement and a feeling of fullness of life, the perception of what has been achieved will inevitably come for granted and there will be anxiety, dissatisfaction and a desire for more!” Abraham Maslow

"It's not our fears or our anxieties that matter, but how we deal with them." Viktor Frankl

“Loneliness is not due to the absence of people around, but the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views to others.” Carl Gustav Jung

"If I love another person, I feel oneness with him, but with him as he is, and not with the way I would like him to be, as a means to achieve my goals." Erich Fromm

“People sometimes say about a person, “He has not yet found himself.” But they don't find themselves, they create them" Thomas Szasz

“The world is just perfect, so there is no need to improve it, all your efforts are in vain. Leave the world alone, in the end, and take care of yourself at your leisure! Nicholas Linde

“At the basis of all our actions are two motives: the desire to become great and sexual attraction”, “Every normal person is actually only partly normal” Sigmund Freud

"The task of making man happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world." Sigmund Freud

"Encounter with oneself belongs to the most unpleasant." Carl Gustav Jung

"Everything that irritates in others can lead to an understanding of oneself." Carl Gustav Jung

“When you have to make a choice and you don’t, that is also a choice.” William James

“Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you turn your attention to other things, happiness will come and sit quietly on your shoulder.” Viktor Frankl

“Suffering has as its goal to save a person from apathy, from spiritual rigor.” Viktor Frankl

Harry Sullivan, psychoanalyst:

Love exists when another person's satisfaction and security become as important as one's own satisfaction and security.

John Gottman, psychotherapist:

The greatest obstacle to love is self-importance, which causes people to end marital relationships because they "deserve" the perfect partner.

Henry Dix, psychoanalyst:

The opposite of love is not hate at all. Both coexist as long as a living connection is maintained. The opposite of love is indifference.

Otto Kernberg, psychoanalyst:

In a love relationship, there is a desire to complete oneself - starting with delight and satisfaction from the fact that the other accepts and even enjoys in us what we ourselves did not accept, and ending with overcoming the limitations of our own sex in a "bisexual" unity with a partner.

Heinz Kohut, psychoanalyst:

The greater the confidence with which a person is able to accept himself, the more certain his self-image, the more confidently and effectively he will express and offer his love without experiencing excessive fear of being rejected and humiliated.

Karl Menninger, psychoanalyst:

A huge number of people suffer from unrequited love for themselves.

Esther Perel, psychotherapist:

Love has a price, but should not require self-renunciation. It is difficult to find attractive someone who has completely renounced personal independence. It is probably possible to love such a person, but it is definitely difficult to lust. Not enough resistance and tension. Loving each other without losing yourself is the biggest difficulty in emotional intimacy.

Adam Phillips, psychoanalyst:

One way to love people is to recognize that they have desires that exclude us, that it is possible to love and desire more than one person at the same time. Everyone knows this is true, but we don't want those who love us to think that of themselves.

Viktor Frankl, existential psychologist:

Love inevitably enriches the one who loves. And if so, there can be no such thing as "unrequited, unhappy love." Love is the "experience" of another person in all its originality and originality.

Erich Fromm, psychoanalyst:

If an individual loves only one person and is indifferent to others, his love is not love, but a symbiotic attachment or an overgrown narcissism.

Carl Jung, psychiatrist:

Where love reigns, there is no will to power; where the desire for power is paramount, love is absent. One is not a shadow of the other.

The selection presents statements collected by psychotherapist Konstantin Yagnyuk in the book “Under the sign of PSI. Aphorisms of famous psychologists.

On this page you will find quotes from great psychologists, you will definitely need this information for general development.

Psychological growth leads to awareness of the present without escaping into the past or the future. The experience of the present at any given moment is the only possible real experience, the condition for the satisfaction and fullness of life, and consists in accepting this experience of the present with an open heart. Frederick Perls

There is no worse lie than the misunderstood truth. William James

When you have to make a choice and you don't, that is also a choice. William James

The art of being wise is knowing what to ignore. William James

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a person can change his life by changing his attitude towards it. William James

Life is vain only for those who pursue vanity. K. Jung

By changing our thoughts, we can change our lives. Dale Carnegie

If a person can live spontaneously, not by force, not automatically, then he realizes himself as an active creative person and understands that life has only one meaning - life itself. E. Fromm

Anyone who has watched the baby, having been satiated, pulls away from the chest and falls asleep with rosy cheeks and a happy smile, cannot avoid the thought that this picture continues to exist for the rest of his life as a prototype of the expression of sexual pleasure. Sigmund Freud

Everything is important for a person, except for his own life and the art of living. He exists for anything but himself. Eric Fromm

Because of the isolated way of life that we lead, few of us are well acquainted with human nature. Alfred Adler

The presence of anxiety indicates vitality. Rollo May

Humanistic ethics under the good understands the affirmation of life, the disclosure and development of human potentials, under virtue - responsibility for one's existence. E. Fromm

After a period of happiness, joyful excitement and a sense of the fullness of life, the achievement will inevitably come for granted and there will be anxiety, dissatisfaction and a desire for more! Abraham Maslow

How seductive is the popular talk of self-realization and self-realization of man! As if man is meant only to satisfy his own needs or himself. Viktor Frankl

What matters is not our fears or our anxiety, but how we deal with them. Viktor Frankl

Life either has meaning, in which case meaning cannot disappear from anything that can happen. Either it does not make sense - but then it also does not depend on the events taking place. Viktor Frankl

Man has become a commodity and regards his life as a capital to be invested profitably. If he succeeded in this, then his life has meaning, and if not, he is a failure. Its value is determined by demand, and not by its human virtues: kindness, intelligence, artistic abilities. Erich Fromm

The unfortunate fate of many people is a consequence of the choice they did not make. They are neither alive nor dead. Life turns out to be a burden, an aimless occupation, and deeds are only a means of protection from the torments of being in the kingdom of shadows. Erich Fromm

The task of man is to expand the space of his destiny, to strengthen that which promotes life, as opposed to that which leads to death. When I talk about life and death, I don't mean the biological state, but the ways of a person's being, his interaction with the world. Erich Fromm

The main life task of a person is to give life to himself, to become what he is potentially. The most important fruit of his efforts is his own personality. Erich Fromm

The main danger in life is excessive caution. Alfred Adler