Where can I communicate in English. New flirt chat

Friends from another country are a good way to expand your knowledge about the culture of different places on the planet, practice your knowledge of a foreign language, get a personal "guide" and just have a nice chat. How to make such acquaintances? Of course, in the era of communication on the Internet, everyone finds friends through it. We have selected the best apps for communicating with new people and meeting foreigners.


With its help, once in one of the foreign cities, you can find friends with the same interests. Here they do not meet alone, but gather in and have fun: they visit various cafes, sports events, organize hiking, cycling, etc. It all depends on what interests you and what association you join. Thus, you can immediately meet a company of the same mind or find only a couple of friends. In any case, you will have a good time and get a new experience in communication.

2.Meet Me

The service will help you find new people who share your interests and want to communicate right now. It's fun, friendly and free! The application has more than 100 million people from different countries with whom you can video chat, correspond, exchange voice messages and broadcast live.

3. Bumble

This is a 3 in 1 app. Like other dating apps, this one provides the opportunity to find a friend. And also make romantic acquaintances or business relationships around the world. There are over 21 million registered users. If you have Bumble BFF enabled, you can only search for friends. When it is turned off, you will be considered as a person for a possible pairing. But on this site (with a coincidence of sympathy), the girls are the first to write, and they can do this only during the day.

4. We3

The application was created solely for friendship, without any hint of a relationship. If you have moved to another country, you do not have enough friends and communication in the language in this place, connect the application. With the help of special technologies and a well-designed survey, 3 group chats with the most compatible people are selected for you. A survey of 150 factors, for example: personality traits, temperament, character, interests, hobbies, human values ​​and much more. But people will be of the same sex as you: either boys or girls. You will be able to see commonalities, interests and common goals. The peculiarity of this application for dating foreigners is that no one else, except for these people, will see your profile.

5. Speaky

This application is specially designed for language practice with foreign friends around the world. Here are collected native speakers of Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Arabic and other 110 languages ​​with whom you can make pen pals and pump up yours. You will only need to select the language and your level. Further, the application will independently choose with whom exactly you would like to meet. In the application, you can chat or exchange voice messages.

6. Friender

You can create your own profile, tell about hobbies, interests and views. And profiles from different parts of the world will be automatically selected for you, with which at least one match will be found. You can freely browse profiles, talk about your hobbies, and create events that other users of the platform can join. Dating apps like these provide a great opportunity to make a good pen pal.


The application positions itself as a lever for organizing real meetings. Because most of those who meet on the Internet hang in this space for a long time and meet each other after a long time or never at all. If you have changed jobs, want to acquire new hobbies and skills, make new friends through the REALU app and spend time together. The application specializes in finding people who are perfect for you based on your interests. Designed for people 18+.


With this dating app, you can meet foreigners and connect with new people who are near or on the other side of the planet. You yourself set the parameters by which you want to start the search (you can choose between men and women). Chat with new friends, give gifts, share photos, and more. You can sign in to the app using your Google or Facebook account.

Today, in social networks, you can not only like photos and follow the lives of your friends, but also learn foreign languages. Special language social networks will help you find a live interlocutor who will raise the level of your foreign language. And at the same time it will help to replenish vocabulary, get rid of hackneyed phrases and enliven speech with real phrases of English, German, Italian, Chinese, and any language. All Courses has collected for you a selection of popular language social networks created just for this purpose.

You can already communicate "with a dictionary" but still worry about pronunciation? Then social networks will come to the rescue, where you can find new friends around the world.


The social network unites people from 190 countries, which means 90 languages ​​to learn. The idea of ​​the site is simple: the user writes a phrase or post in the language they are learning, and a native speaker checks and corrects speech, grammatical and spelling errors, if any. You can attach tags to notes, and the most popular ones get to the top. You can also make friends on the site.

There are two options for using the network: paid and free. The second allows you to learn only two languages ​​and make no more than 500 notes in a notebook. Paid content has an unlimited number of posts and languages, and at the same time it is allowed to post photos, leave comments in pdf format.


Lingq relies on vocabulary replenishment, so communication requires at least a minimum knowledge of a foreign language. The social network has been open since 2007 and today offers access to 16 languages, among others there are English, French, Japanese, Swedish, Italian, Chinese, German. All new words are easily stored in the profile. In addition to free communication, there is access to audio lessons and you can send a written work for verification.

The site has paid and free content.

English, Baby!

The main feature of the site is communication in correct English, American or British. To do this, the site has daily free lessons on a new topic, thematic audio materials, including monologues and celebrity interviews. Many use the net in preparation for the TOEFL. There are those who prefer to improve grammar, and just chat.

For English teachers there is a separate section where teachers share their experience.

There is paid content.


A site for finding an interlocutor for a language exchange. Friends from 154 countries are now available. And this is more than 100 languages, including the main European and Asian ones. The social network is completely free. You can register with Facebook. There is a forum and chat for communication, you choose a partner yourself. You can select an interlocutor by age and gender, or by specifying a specific country. The resource always shows who is online and who is not online at the moment.


On Conversationexchange.com, you need to register and choose a partner to communicate in Windows Messenger or Skype. The resource is also interesting because it helps to find a native speaker of the language you are learning in your own city. So you get an additional opportunity to chat with a person face-to-face. In addition, on the site you can improve your written language.


After registering on the site, you will see a quick search for native speakers. You can choose an interlocutor by age, gender, language being studied. The resource will immediately offer you the contacts of a person in Skype or other messengers. The main advantage of the site is only communication. Free speech is encouraged here and there is not much focus on grammatical errors.

Easy language exchange

The new social network for communication in a foreign language today has about 72,000 users from 56 countries. The site pays special attention to learning English: there are courses for beginners, as well as courses for those who want to increase their vocabulary and improve grammar. In addition, useful articles are published on the resource, there is a forum where you can find an interlocutor to learn Chinese, Arabic, Korean and other languages. A separate plus is registration as a teacher.


The service offers more than 5,000 active chat rooms where you can discuss the latest news in music, sports, current events, and just chat with people around the world. And these are 37 major European and Asian languages. Additionally, you can communicate via text messages, which will allow you to master the written language.


Site for advanced users of foreign languages. A community that can help not only find interlocutors and friends around the world, but also invite you to attend events and meetings. The service will be very useful for immigrants - in a short time, a person will be able to acquire a new social circle and get to know the city.

The site will help you practice your language. On the main page, you can immediately select the interface language: English, Russian and Spanish. You choose the interlocutor yourself: gender, native language, studied language. In addition, there are sections "Forum", "Articles", "Invitations". To communicate, you must register on the site.


This is not a social network, but a chat program for a mobile device that offers you to communicate with your interlocutor through text and voice messages in more than 100 languages. The program options allow you to train pronunciation, as well as collect your own database of materials on the language being studied (audio, words, sentences, pictures).

English can be learned in a variety of ways. Of course, studying or taking courses is more entertaining, and there is hope for successful development. But nowadays, many people prefer to comprehend English on their own. Do not think that in this case nothing will work. It will certainly work out with great desire and perseverance. The problem is only how fully you can practice this or that skill in practice.

Learning words on your own is not difficult, but how to be completely confident in their pronunciation? Especially if you are not in contact with anyone who teaches English. You can also comprehend alone, but how to see if you are applying them correctly in practice? After devoting at least a few months to English, you realize that you already have a vocabulary sufficient for initial communication in English. However, when it comes to a live conversation, our notorious “language barrier” arises. I know a lot, but I can't say. I can’t find the right word or I’m afraid to make mistakes. This problem is closely related to the lack of proper language practice. What to do to correct all the mentioned situations, but there is absolutely no time to attend courses?

There is an exit. And it's available to anyone with internet access. I would advise you to pay attention to chats in English. The word "chat" is no surprise now. Everyone knows that it comes from English " chat" (chat, conversation) and denotes a means of exchanging messages over a computer network in real time. Initially, chats were just online correspondence. Now we can use both voice and video chats.

How can chat in English help in the learning process? First of all, any chat is a conversation between two people, in our case it is you and that is already of some value. Communicating in any chat, you meet new people, make new friends, and this is already a big plus.

If we are talking about a standard non-English chat, that is, chat chat, you can practice spelling skills and practice grammar knowledge when writing messages. Just immediately agree with the person that you would like to pay attention to the quality of correspondence. The fact is that chat in English is so popular that special slang for chat has long appeared, which has many in its arsenal. They are designed to communicate quickly, but since we use chat in English as a learning tool, both you and your interlocutor will have to give up slang.

If we are talking about voice chats in English, pronunciation practice, listening comprehension training in English, as well as improving conversational speech come to the fore. You just imagine as if you are talking with the interlocutor on the phone. Very often, along with the voice chat in English, there is also a video chat. This is already a full-fledged conversation with a native speaker, well, perhaps on the monitor screen. You can not only tell something, but also show. You learn not to be shy in the company of a person who speaks fluent English. In any case, you can always ask something again. With frequent communication, you also begin to imitate the intonation of the interlocutor and try to get rid of the accent. These factors also positively influence your knowledge of the English language.

Where can I find chat in English?

If you decide that chat in English will help you, and it will, visit several of the resources presented and choose what suits you best:

  • - one of the most popular resources in this area, containing not only chat in English, but also English lessons, blogs, forums and all kinds of information materials.

What is learning English without speaking it? And, of course, it is best to communicate with native speakers, because their language is the most alive. True, classes with native speakers are usually not cheap, and not everyone is happy with them yet - many of them are not professional teachers and cannot really teach anything, but can only chat in English. But not everything is so sad. There is a way to get the practice of communicating in English for free, and I already talked about it in an article about - these are sites for international communication.

Today we will take a closer look at the use of the site. InterPals Penpals, designed to search for pen pals from different countries. With it, finding a native speaker to practice your English is no longer a problem. It, like other similar sites, is sometimes criticized for the abundance of intrusive Turks and Arabs. In fact, you just need to know how to use it (I'll show you how to block some countries so that you don't receive messages from there). Using this site wisely, you can find pen pals to communicate in English and make new interesting acquaintances.

My experience with this resource has been quite positive. A few years ago, I found some interesting people there, including a talented young photographer from the UK, a teacher from America, and a lawyer from Japan who spoke English very well.

Some tips for newbies

  • If the main goal is language practice, it is better to try to find a native speaker or a person who speaks almost at the level of a native speaker. Sociable but illiterate Turks, Arabs or Indians will not give you anything in terms of learning the language. If a native speaker wants to learn Russian, you can offer a so-called language exchange - a language exchange, i.e. mutual assistance in learning languages.
  • It's good if you have some common interests with your language exchange partners. You are going to speak, and everyday topics quickly exhaust themselves.
  • If you have found a language exchange partner, agree on how your mutual learning will take place. For example, first he writes to you in English and you answer in English, then he writes in Russian and you answer in Russian. Or you agree to chat on Skype - 5 minutes in Russian, 5 minutes in English, etc.
  • Ask the other person to point out your mistakes. Native speakers are usually very comfortable with mistakes. If you do not ask, then your interlocutor, most likely, will simply not pay attention to them.
  • Do not waste time communicating with everyone who has written to you. At first, many of the courtesy try to answer absolutely everyone, and this can take a lot of time and effort. As a result, you no longer want to go to the site, thinking that there are hundreds of messages that you need to unsubscribe to. Have you looked at the profile of the interlocutor and realized that you most likely will have nothing to talk about? You can safely ignore it.

registration on the site

1. The site offers to log in with a Facebook account, but for some reason I didn’t succeed. Fill out the following registration form and click sign up .

2. Next, we are asked to indicate our real name ( first name) and select an area ( region ) and city ( city ) . Press again sign up .

3. You should then receive an email with a confirmation link. It never came to my gmail mail, but gmail has lost a few more of my emails from other resources in recent days, so the problem is most likely not Interpals. Then I re-registered for Yandex mail and everything went fine.

Let's move on to editing your profile.

4. Step 1- step one. Adding a profile photo. In the Description box, you can add a description of the photo, but I'll leave it empty. Click to add more photos Add files or simply drag and drop the photo into the adjacent gray box. Click Save changes .

5. Step 2- step two. Fill in the profile information. in the window Tell the world a bit about you you can write a few words about yourself (interests, hobbies, etc.). I skip it for now, because a more detailed questionnaire can be filled out later by going to the profile.

Here you also need to indicate which languages ​​​​you speak and at what level:

  • beginner/elementary - beginner
  • intermediate - middle level
  • advanced - advanced
  • fluent - fluent speaker
  • native speaker - native speaker

To add a language, click + add a language .

And on the same page you need to select the goals of communication:

  • Email Pen Pals - correspondence by e-mail (on the site, that is)
  • Snail Mail Pen Pals - exchange of real paper letters
  • Language Exchange – language exchange: you help a foreigner in learning Russian, and he (s) help you in learning English or another language
  • Friendship - friendship
  • Romance/ Flirting - flirting
  • Relationship - relations

I chose Email Pen Pals , Friendshi p and language Exchange . To save changes, press Create Profile .

6. Step 3- step three. Here we are invited to invite friends. We skip it, promising to do it later - Not right now, remind me later .

7. Now we can set up a profile and choose where we want to receive messages from and where not. Open the top settings panel - Settings, in the settings, select the privacy tab - privacy.

First point Accept messages from(from whom to receive messages) can be left unchanged, let it be all users of the site. We are most interested in the second point, which I circled in a red box - Age/sex/location limits - Age, gender and location.

  • In the first line, choose with whom we want to communicate - with men ( males ), with women ( females ) or with both ( males and females ).
  • The next line is the age of the interlocutors from and to.
  • Then choose from which continents you would like to receive emails. I chose Europe, North America and Australia.
  • And another useful setting item - Blocked countries. We block countries from which you do not want to receive messages. I blocked Turkey and Egypt (of which they write most often), but then the list can be expanded.

Understood the main thing. Let's see the rest of the settings on this page.

  • available for chat with - with whom you can communicate. I left it unchanged - with everyone on the site.
  • view my wall— who can view my wall. I didn't change anything here either. Everything is on the site.
  • Blocked users- blocked users. If someone starts texting you intrusively, you can block them.
  • View instant messenger - who can view information about your messengers (Skype, etc.) I did not add any contacts (and I do not advise you, you can exchange contacts already in the process of communication), so I leave everyone - everything.
  • View my friends Who can view my friends list. I also leave everything.
  • Display my profile in searches — display my profile in the search. Check the box so that site users can find you through the search.
  • Receive friend requests - Receive friend requests. We also tick the box if you want to be added as a friend. In general, adding friends is not necessary for communication.
  • Only people I have contacted with can add me to friends - only people with whom I communicated can add me as a friend. I checked this item because I'm not going to add everyone as a friend.
  • Exclude my profile from search engines — exclude my profile from search engines. If you do not want Google to index your page, for example, check the box.

8. Fill in information about yourself. If you have no ideas what to write, you can look at the profiles of several users and draw inspiration from there.

  • About- About Me.
  • Requests- wishes.
  • Language exchange requests - wishes for a language exchange.
  • Hobbies & Interests- hobbies and interests.
  • Favorite music- favorite music.
  • favorite movies- favorite films.
  • Favorite TV shows- favorite TV shows (this also includes serials).
  • favorite books- favorite books.
  • Favorite quotes-Favorite quotes.

9 . To start looking for language exchange partners, open the appropriate tab - language exchange.

Choose which language you speak I speak… and what are you studying I am leraning... If you press More options, you can choose the gender, age, country, and purpose of communication of your interlocutor, as well as the presence of a photo.

When you have decided on all the parameters, press Search. In general, you can not look for yourself, but wait until someone finds you and offers to communicate. Usually, this happens pretty quickly.

! Separately, I note that this and similar sites are suitable exclusively for older teenagers and adults. Correspondence resources for children must be moderated. Here I wrote about my experience with ePals, a site for finding pen pals for children.

I hope this article was useful for you. If you have any questions - please write in the comments. Good luck with your learning English!

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