A good characteristic for a preschooler is ready. Sample characteristics for pmpk

Logopedic characteristic

(full name of the child) entered the preparatory school group GBOU secondary school No. 1034 at the age of 5 years 10 months. with a diagnosis of FND (dated February 1, 2011).

speech environment. Bilingualism. there is a speech disorder in a close relative (brother). There is no control over the process of education by parents. Parents do not consult with the teaching staff.

The state of manual motor skills. Insufficiently developed fine motor skills of the hands of the leading right hand When performing exercises for the dynamic organization of movements ("Rings", "Links", etc.), inaccuracies are also observed.

General motor skills. Delayed switchability of movements is noted, slow.

articulation apparatus. The anatomical structure of the organs of the articulatory apparatus without anomalies. The volume, accuracy of the movements performed suffers. Speech motor skills are underdeveloped. Movements are slow, cannot hold the position of the organs of articulation.

The general sound of speech. The speech is slurred, speaks in monosyllables, does not use complex sentences. Makes mistakes due to the lack of formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech. Statements are intonationally unexpressive. The voice is weakly modulated, quiet.

Passive and active dictionaries are characterized by poverty. Many words are used in an approximate sense (for example, "mug - cup"). The child knows such generalized concepts as "vegetables", "fruits", "toys", "dishes", "furniture", "animals". With the help names the seasons, the order of the days of the week. The passive vocabulary prevails over the active one. The use of verbs, adjectives, and adverbs suffers the most. There are few complex prepositions in speech.

The grammatical structure of speech. Agrammatisms are observed in the formation of adjectives from nouns (for example, “banana - banana”, “glass - glass”) in agreement between the adjective and the noun (for example, “the boy has a blue flag, and the girl has a beautiful doll”) in agreement of nouns with numerals 1, 2.5 (e.g. 5 cherries, 5 trees). In speech, he mainly uses simple common sentences (2-3 words).

Phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis. There are violations in the sound-letter analysis, due to the insufficient formation of thinking operations (analysis and synthesis), for example, does not name the final vowel sound, the final consonant, does not compose a word from individual sounds.

The child does not determine the sequence and number of sounds in the word, its place in the word. Makes mistakes in determining the sound in the middle and at the end of the word. Phonemic representations are not well formed.

Sound pronunciation. Problematic sounds [С], [З] and their soft pairs are set. However, in speech they are sometimes distorted.

The syllable structure of the word. The syllabic structure of the word is distorted. Missing syllables are noted. Words of a complex syllabic structure are distorted.

The child does not know the alphabet, does not read. When retelling the text, he misses the main events, as a result of which the meaning of the text is lost. The retelling is carried out with the help of an adult (leading questions, repeated reading). Difficulties in compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures - changes the sequence of events.

The child knows information about himself, understands family ties. The skills of spatial orientation are incompletely formed, poorly oriented in the basic concepts of time.

Cognitive interests in the educational sphere are formed insufficiently. The child does not take an active part in organizational activities, is embarrassed to answer questions (is silent).

The situation of success causes positive emotions in the child. The response to approval and comments is adequate.

Relationships with adults are restrained, but unstable. It is difficult to get in touch with peers. Prefers quiet games.

The child has enuresis.

The child is responsive to the request of an adult, helps the teacher.

speech therapy conclusion. Phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech, General underdevelopment of speech II-III level

By the end of the preparatory group for school, he did not master the program enough: there is a lack of formation of the components of readiness for schooling and difficulties in mastering the program material. It is recommended to duplicate the program of the preparatory group.

Safarbekova Tatyana Kazimovna,


Psychological and pedagogical characteristics for a pupil of MDOU No. ____


group number __________

Typological features:

1. Active, mobile, sluggish, inert, slow. Excitable, unbalanced, calm, balanced, inhibited, whiny _________________________________

2. Quick response to verbal stimuli, switchability.


3. The prevailing mood is cheerful, depressed, without a special shade. Are there sharp mood swings during the day.

4. Whether he perseveres in the face of difficulties or retreats before them. Does he seek and use help?________________________________________________

Characteristic features:

1. Sociability, isolation. Easily makes contact, perceives the situation correctly, understands its meaning, behaves adequately, contact and communication are difficult, understanding and responding to the situation is not always or not entirely adequate, makes poor contact, has difficulty communicating, understanding the situation.

2. Attitude towards comrades - friendliness, negativism, kindness, rudeness, etc.

3. Attitude towards leadership - the desire for superiority, whether others recognize the leader. Shows organizational skills and initiative.

4. Attitude towards adults. Attitude to instructions, encouragement, censures ________________


5. What types of activities does he prefer._______________________________________

6. The activity of verbal communication - corresponds to age, increased, decreased, isolation is noted, a negative attitude towards verbal communication.

7. Behavior is organized, sometimes it does not regulate its behavior, constant external control is needed.

Psychological features:

1. Auditory memorization, visual memorization, tactile memorization. Remembers quickly or slowly, with difficulty, the transition to long-term memory, the amount of RAM is sufficient, limited, low.

2. Stability of attention - capable of prolonged concentration or quickly distracted. The nature of distraction - is distracted by stimuli, in the absence of external stimuli.

3. Switching attention - easy, fast, slow, difficult.

4. The distribution of attention is sufficient, difficult.

5. The general level of development of attention - age-appropriate, low, not formed.

Level of development of mental activity:

1. The ability to compare, classify, generalize, the ability to highlight the essential feature of objects, phenomena. _________________________________________________________________

2. the ability to use techniques for memorization - mediation, grouping, associations.

Development of sensory functions:

1. The state of the analyzers, the presence of generalizing ideas about the shape, size, color, the concept of relativity - corresponds to age, not formed, violated.

Imagination development:

1. Brightness, liveliness, richness of imagination, the ability to operate with images, in what types of activity it manifests itself (music, art, mathematics, physical education, speech, design, etc.) - corresponds to age, excessively, weakness of imagination processes.

Verbal part:

1. Understanding stories, the ability to answer questions on the text ____________________________ 2. Retelling ________________________________________________________________________.

3. Plot storytelling _________________________________________________________ 4. Ability to work in dialogue mode.________________________________________________________________

5. Speech activity - adequate to the situation and age, excessive, difficulties in initiating speech utterance, emotional inadequacy, problems of extended speech, difficulties in sound pronunciation, stuttering, etc. ______________________________________________

Efficiency in the classroom:

1. The attitude is active, interested, indifferent.

2. Focused or often distracted during class.

3. Quickly or slowly included in the work.

4. The pace of work is fast, medium, slow. The reasons for the slow pace of work are reflection, thoroughness of execution, decreased mental activity - lethargy, lethargy, distractibility, etc.

5. Fatigue is manifested in a slowdown in pace, deterioration in quality, or in the complete cessation of work.

6. Subjective and objective signs of fatigue - complaints of fatigue, headache, lethargy, drowsiness, distractibility, etc.

7. Decline in working capacity in the middle of the lesson, at the end of the lesson.

8. Ability to follow instructions, the ability to keep instructions for duration


Arbitrariness of activity:

1. Holds the goal of the activity, outlines its plan, selects adequate means, checks the result, brings the work begun to the end.

2. In the process of activity, he is often distracted, overcomes difficulties only with psychological support, needs frequent encouragement.

3. The activity is chaotic, ill-conceived, individual conditions of the task are lost, the result is not checked, interrupts the activity due to difficulties, the help is ineffective.

Somatic health. a) rarely gets sick b) often gets colds c) has chronic diseases d) poor appetite e) falls asleep for a long time and sleeps restlessly f) other ____________________________________________________________________________

General assessment of the level of development and behavior of the child: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Group teacher ________________________________________________________________

the date _________________

(for a preschool child)

MDOU No. ______

Group No. ______

Surname, name, patronymic of the child _____________________________________________________________________________

Date of birth _____________________

Length of stay in this preschool institution _______________________________________

At what age did ____________________________________________ enter

Where did it come from. from a family, from another preschool educational institution (reason for transfer)

Evaluation of the adaptation of the child in the group. a) good b) satisfactory c) insufficient d) poor e) other

Features of lateralization. a) right-handed 6) left-handed

Features of gaming activity. a) games correspond to the age b) games correspond to an earlier age c) manipulative games predominate d) there is no play activity e) other ______________________________________

The main difficulties noted in training. a) assimilates the program well b) assimilates the program satisfactorily c) assimilates the program with difficulty d) does not assimilate the program e) other_______________________________________________

Perception. a) corresponds to age b) there are visual impairments c) there are auditory perception impairments d) complex perception impairments e) other _________________________________________________________

Attention. a) stable b) insufficiently stable c) unstable

Features of memory (problems): a) without pronounced features b) remembers slowly and quickly forgets c) remembers quickly and quickly forgets d) other problems

Thinking. a) age-appropriate b) not smart enough c) has obvious thinking disorders (specify which ones) _______________________________

d) other __________________________________________________________________________

Motility. a) corresponds to the age b) the child is awkward, clumsy c) fine motor skills are poorly developed d) other

Major difficulties in communication a) no difficulties b) does not know how to support the game c) prefers to be alone d) cries, does not make contact with adults, children e) conflicts f) other ________________________________________________

Speech development. a) speech is age appropriate b) speech is slurred there are difficulties in pronouncing sounds c) poor vocabulary d) speech is grammatically incorrect e) stuttering in speech f) no speech g) other _____________________________


Social and household skills. a) correspond to age b) insufficiently formed c) practically not formed d) other __________________________

Orientation in space and time. a) corresponds to age b) insufficiently formed c) there are violations (indicate which ________ _________


Attitude to classes, features of activity. a) corresponds to the age b) is not able to control his activity c) restless, does not finish the job d) interferes with the teacher, children e) gets tired quickly f) other __________________

The pace of activity. a) corresponds to age b) drowsy and lethargic during the day c) the pace of work in the classroom is uneven d) works slowly with inattention e) the pace of activity is fast, but the activity is chaotic and stupid f) other ___________

Somatic health. a) rarely gets sick b) often gets colds c) has chronic diseases d) poor appetite e) falls asleep for a long time and sleeps restlessly f) other ____________________________________________

Other features of the child's development: _______________________________________


General assessment of the level of development and behavior of the child, the teacher's suggestions.

Teacher ___________________________________________________________________________

On this topic:

Characteristics for _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (full name of the child, date of birth) home address, telephone: _____________________________.

Writing disorders in children most often occur as a result of a general underdevelopment of speech, when both the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical systems suffer.

The attached file contains a plan-algorithm for writing a complete correct description of a child to send him for examination at the PMPK.

An example of a characteristic on a PMPK

Characteristics for a child

FULL NAME. date of birth entered kindergarten "__" ____________ 20___, in the junior group of MKDO No. ___. Brought up in a complete family, parents pay due attention to the child, upbringing full name. mother and grandmother are doing. The parents did not complain about the speech and behavior of the child.

The adaptation period was painful, the child got used to the new environment for two months. The difficult period of adaptation was aggravated by frequent illnesses, he misses 5-10 days a month due to illness.

He masters the d / s program with difficulties in all types of activities. Productive activities are especially difficult, mathematical representations are formed slowly, the girl does not enter into general conversations, and she remains silent in speech development classes. In educational activities F.I.O. behaves calmly, while often distracted by handouts and does not perceive the task in hand, does not show interest in the classroom. Can be engaged in the same type of activity for a long time, brings what has been started to the end only with the help of a teacher. Slowly switches from one type of activity to another, you have to additionally focus on this. He reacts calmly to the comments of the teacher, sometimes he can get upset, withdraw, refuse to complete the task, assignment.

The girl is contact, sociable, tries not to enter into conflicts with children, in case of a quarrel she seeks protection from educators. Game actions are mechanical in nature. FULL NAME. chooses games according to age, she can organize her own activities, but she prefers to play silently. Easily connects to role-playing games, the role does not lead to the end. In collective games, he takes the position of a follower.

Self-service skills are developed by age. Sometimes categorically refuses to eat (more often from breakfast). The girl quickly falls asleep and sleeps peacefully. FULL NAME. guesses that he is not talking like all the guys, so he talks quietly, with caution. The girl gets upset, patiently repeats the phrase several times if she was not understood.

FULL NAME. kind, open, polite, non-conflict, calm child.




O.V. Burlakina, E.S. Kuzmina,

specialists of the Southern District Department of Education

Department of Education of the city of Moscow

The main document from which members of the commission receive important and essential information about the child is a psychological and pedagogical presentation. Depending on whether the child is a preschooler or a schoolchild, we suggest using one of the following two forms of presentation.

Psychological and pedagogical presentation at the PMPK (for a preschool child)

Completion date _____________________ 20__

Surname, name, patronymic of the child Date of birth "___" __________________

Pre-school education institution ___________ type ___________ group _____ type of group

Length of stay in this preschool

At what age did he enter Where did he enter: from a family, from another preschool educational institution (reason for transfer)

Evaluation of the child's adaptation in the group: a) good b) satisfactory c) insufficient d) poor e) other

Features of lateralization: a) right-handed 6) left-handed c) ambidexter

Features of gaming activity: a) games correspond to the age b) games correspond to an earlier age c) manipulative games predominate d) there is no play activity e) other

The main difficulties noted in training: a) learns the program well b) learns the program satisfactorily c) learns the program with difficulty d) does not learn the program e) other

Perception: a) corresponds to age b) there are visual impairments c) there are auditory perception impairments d) complex perception disorders e) other

Attention: a) stable b) not stable enough c) unstable

Memory (predominant modality): a) visual b) auditory c) motor d) mixed

Features of memory (problems): a) without pronounced features b) remembers slowly and quickly forgets c) remembers quickly and quickly forgets d) other problems

Thinking: a) age appropriate b) not smart enough c) has obvious thinking disorders (specify which ones) _____________ d) other

Motor skills: a) age appropriate b) the child is awkward, clumsy c) fine motor skills are poorly developed d) other

The main difficulties in communication are: a) no difficulties b) unable to support the game c) prefers to be alone d) cries, does not make contact with adults, children e) conflicts f) other

Speech development: a) speech is age appropriate b) slurred speech there are difficulties in pronouncing sounds c) poor vocabulary d) speech is grammatically incorrect e) stuttering in speech f) no speech g) other

Social skills: a) correspond to age b) insufficiently formed c) practically not formed d) other

Orientation in space and time: a) corresponds to age b) insufficiently formed c) there are violations (indicate which ________) d) other

Attitude towards classes, features of activity: a) corresponds to age b) is not able to control his activity c) is restless, does not bring things to the end d) interferes with the teacher, children e) gets tired quickly f) other

The pace of activity: a) corresponds to the age b) drowsy and lethargic during the day c) the pace of work in the classroom is uneven d) works slowly with inattention e) the pace of activity is fast, but the activity is "chaotic and stupid" f) other

Somatic health: a) rarely gets sick b) often gets colds c) has chronic diseases d) poor appetite e) falls asleep for a long time and sleeps restlessly f) other

Other features of the development of the child:

General assessment of the development and behavior of the child, the teacher's suggestions:

Head of preschool educational institution

Psychological and pedagogical presentation at PMPK

(for a child of school age)

Completion date __________________ 20__

Surname, name, patronymic of the child

Date of birth "__" __________________________

Educational institution

Class (group) ____, _______ (general education, KRO, compensatory)

History of preschool development: a) attended (did not attend) a preschool educational institution (if attended, then which one: ordinary type, speech therapy, correctional group, preschool correctional type) _______ b) other Was left for a second year of study (yes, no, in which classes)

Home address

General impression of the child:

Characteristics of general awareness and social orientation (information about yourself, your family, the immediate social environment, the level of current development)

Characteristics of the features of psychophysical development: (performance, development of large and fine motor skills, visual-spatial orientation, visual and auditory perception, attention, memory)

The degree of development of learning skills

General assessment of the state of educational skills (compliance of knowledge, skills and abilities with the requirements of the program)

Mathematics (mental counting, the nature of the difficulties in solving examples, problems, geometric constructions)

Reading (type, pace, awareness, typical errors in reading)

Writing (features of graphics, accuracy, stability of handwriting, design features of works)

The nature of errors in writing (when copying, when writing from dictation, in creative works)

Features of oral speech (clearness of pronunciation of sounds, pace, fluency, vocabulary, grammatical and intonational design)

Labor skills and abilities (self-service labor)

Individual features of learning (how quickly he learns new concepts, methods of action with minimal help from a teacher, classmates, etc.)

Emotional and behavioral features (problems in communication, relationships with parents, students, teachers)

Signature of the class teacher "___" ______________

Head teacher

Published in the journal "Practice of administrative work at school", 2005, No. 2

Characteristics for a child

FULL NAME. child, year of birth, entered the group of ______ years, did not attend other kindergartens. Brought up in a complete family.

The child was hard to get used to the new environment, the period of adaptation was interrupted by frequent illnesses. For the whole year he attended kindergarten for a total of two months.

The child learned the program of the younger group of the kindergarten at a level below the age norm. Self-service skills are not developed enough: he does not know how to dress himself, eats selectively, often refuses to eat. In the classroom, he accepts the educational task selectively, with difficulty understands a simple monosyllabic instruction, when working with handouts, the child is often distracted, begins to play (constructs from it). Can count, but can't remember numbers. Has no idea about the ratio of numbers to quantity. In the speech development classes, the answers are slurred. It is difficult to perceive the assigned tasks, poorly remembers the sequence of actions, and traces the behavior of hyperactive children.

FULL NAME. choose games by age. He likes to fold a variety of buildings from all types of constructor. He chooses calm games, eschews noisy group games, likes to play alone. In collective games, he takes the position of a follower. Guys love to play with him and often involve him in role-playing games, but it is difficult for him to cope with the assigned role. The child easily switches from one type of activity to another, is able to complete the game without the help of a teacher.

Speech at F.I.O. slurred, therefore, in communication she meets surprise and misunderstanding of her peers. He does not enter into conflicts, he expresses his protest in silence, he can sit on a chair alone for about half an hour.

FULL NAME. he himself realizes that he is not talking like all the guys, therefore, meeting misunderstanding, he falls silent and steps aside. The boy is very open, kind, non-conflict, positive, smiling.

Parents are familiar with the characteristics: ___________ / ______________ /




Starikov Alexander Andreevich. 01. 10. 1996 year of birth, lives in the State Budgetary Institution KO "Yurginsky orphanage-boarding school", studies under the program for severely mentally retarded children for 1 year of study.

Entered in June 2012 from a correctional school of the VIII type, Tashtagol, Kemerovo region. The status of the child is OBP.

The adaptation period was slow and difficult. A teenager does not have a complete amount of knowledge about the world around him. Knows information about himself, the name and patronymic of the mother. Experiencing difficulties in establishing simple causal relationships between the phenomena of reality. General motivation is social. Educational and cognitive motivation is poorly developed. Attention is unstable, often distracted, the amount of attention is insignificant. Accepts the instruction manual, but cannot work on it independently. Cannot independently find and correct an error in his work. It is difficult for Sasha to express his elementary judgment, to draw a simple logical conclusion. Fine motor skills of the hands are well developed, it does not experience difficulties in orienting in notebooks for counting and writing. Follows the daily routine.

Self-service skills are formed. The pace of activity is fast, meaningful.

Calm in class, participates in class. Can answer the question. Understands learning objectives. The ability to volitional effort is reduced, often does not bring the work begun to the end. Sasha's skills and abilities are not sufficiently formed to master the educational material Mastering the program material:

According to the account - he mastered the ordinal and quantitative, counting backwards and in pairs within 10 knows and recognizes numbers. writes them in a notebook correlates numbers with the number of objects, understands the relationship between numbers within 10 establishes equality and inequality of groups of objects knows geometric shapes and sees them in the forms of the environment correctly names the parts of the day, knows the seasons, distinguishes between time concepts recognizes the right and left hands , denotes in words the position of the object in relation to itself, performs counting operations with numbers using abacus.

In writing and reading, he can write off the board, write off sentences, short stories on printed cards, independently divide words into syllables, carry out word wrapping, characterize consonant sounds, reads, very low reading technique memorizes verses and immediately forgets them, retells texts, answers to content questions.

According to the world around - knows and names wild and domestic animals, their signs, similarities and differences. Can independently name wild and cultivated plants. Distinguish between horticultural and horticultural crops.

In terms of subject-productive activity and visual activity, he copes with the program in full: he draws well, sculpts, cuts out, constructs various voluminous crafts from paper. His works are exhibited at exhibitions both inside the house and across the city.

Labor skills are instilled: he is involved in work in the garden, in the work of a janitor, loader, household work. Attitude to work is not always conscientious, often there is a manifestation of laziness.

By nature, the boy is calm, sociable, makes friends with the guys, but often is a provocateur of conflict situations. With adults tactful and polite. Bad habits are eradicated.

Educator: Pisarevich L.A.

tell me how to write a psychological description for a 5-year-old child for PMPK. The child has communication problems.

Natalya Berdennikova Student (176), closed 8 months ago

Marina******* Sage (11965) 4 years ago

An approximate scheme for compiling a psychological and pedagogical characteristic for a child of preschool age

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the pupil (tsy) _____________ group _______________ I / s

1. General information about the child:

Full name of the child

Date of birth Home address

Date of admission of the child to the preschool institution from where he entered (from the family, from another preschool educational institution). whether there were long breaks in attending a preschool institution, for what reasons

2. Characteristics of the family

Full name of parents, year of birth, place of work

Family composition: full, incomplete, large, the presence of brothers and sisters

Who is responsible for raising the child (mother, father, grandmother, others)

Is enough attention paid to the upbringing and education of the child

3. Features of the appearance of the child: (posture, gait (motor awkward, clumsy). gestures, facial expressions, the presence of salivation, etc.)

4. Somatic health (he rarely gets sick, often suffers from colds, has

chronic health disorders, eating poorly, sleeping difficultly and restlessly)

5. Characteristics of the cognitive sphere of the child:

5.1 Attention characteristic: (select the appropriate option (one or more))

During classes, he cannot be attentive and concentrate on something for a long time.

Constantly distracted

Able to concentrate on a task for a long time; diligent and accurate in completing tasks

what kind of attention prevails: voluntary or involuntary

Other __________________________________________________________

5. Characteristics of perception: (select the appropriate option (one or more)) Form perception: - correlates objects in shape

highlights geometric shapes

has no idea about the form (does not distinguish a circle from a square) Color perception: - recognizes and names primary colors

distinguishes colors (selects by word)

there is no idea of ​​color Perception of size: - relates objects by size

No concept of size

Familiar with the concepts: long-short, most

5.3. Memory characteristic: (select the appropriate option (one or more)) remembers slowly and forgets quickly remembers quickly and forgets quickly

Difficulty memorizing poems

retelling the content of a fairy tale, story, introduces fictitious borrowings (something that is not in the text)

concentrates on secondary objects, not capturing the main idea of ​​the content

The predominant type of memory: visual, auditory

5.5. Characteristics of thinking: (select the appropriate option (one or more))

Poor understanding of the essence of spatial relationships (left, right, in front, behind, above, below, from, under, above, etc.)

- (does not) carry out the simplest classifications (by pattern or word for various reasons (who lives where? Who flies and who runs? etc.)

Galina Rakova Enlightened (40961) 4 years ago

Psychological - pedagogical characteristics

Full name of the child, 06/08/2006

Brought up in a complete family.

Both parents work.

There are 4 people in the family.

Housing conditions: favorable.

The family has a younger sister.

Parents pay enough attention to raising their son, the family has a prosperous microclimate.

Andrey entered the kindergarten from home, adapted well in the group, but suffered from colds a lot and often.

The child has a speech disorder.

Parents are interested in the formation of correct speech in their son: they listen to the advice of educators, correct speech errors, and do a lot of work.

Interested in classes, mastered all sections of the program. In communication with children and adults, he is active, friendly.

Can play with a group of peers, likes leading roles.

Prefers plot - role-playing and outdoor games. Quickly switches from one activity to another.

Self-service skills are formed.

Day and night sleep is the norm.

Educator. _____________________

Source: describe communication problems in your own words. This is how we do it.

Sample characteristics for PMPK

Student characteristics

1 "____" class


Full name ____________________________, ______________ year of birth, living at _________________________________ street, has been studying at this school since September 01, _______. Before school, she attended MDOU Kindergarten ____.

Lives in an incomplete family (mom and dad are divorced, currently lives with a partner, has a second child). The family is registered with the KDN, PDN. The family is dysfunctional, the mother is currently coded, there are breakdowns.

The girl is sociable, the level of mental development is low, she is often distracted during the lessons and distracts her neighbors. ______________ is very inattentive, cannot understand the task the first time, most often can only copy from the board, copy from classmates.

When conducting pedagogical diagnostics, he scored 5 points out of 21 possible. I could not convey the shape of the figure, I made mistakes in the task with spatial representations, I could not solve the problem of finding the remainder. Does not know how to compare sets by the number of elements (regardless of counting skills). Disorders of phonemic hearing, inability to find the number of sounds in a word were revealed.

During the school year, she is passive in the classroom, often distracted by extraneous things (leafing through a textbook, sorting out pencils from a pencil case). Attention is unstable, memory is poor. Fine motor skills are poorly developed, but _________________ is left-handed. There is no desire for good grades.


Oral counting is slow, counts with fingers.

Does not know how to draw up work, a brief record of the task, does not orient in space (notebook)

Does not understand the terms "sum", "difference" and the name of the components when adding and subtracting

Cannot solve problems, both simple and in two steps.

Cannot understand the mechanism of subtraction and addition of single-digit numbers within 20 with a transition through a dozen.

Russian language:

Passing, replacing letters when writing

There are a lot of errors on the rules "Unstressed vowel at the root of the word", "Paired consonants in the middle of the word and at the end", "Capital letter selection"

Cannot independently perform the task "Deformed text" - divide the set of words into sentences, indicate the boundaries of sentences, make sentences from words.

Reading syllabic, for a very long time I could not learn to read, read by letter. Many additional individual lessons were held with a teacher, but there was no reading skills at home.

Characteristics for a child for submission to the institution's PMPK


for a pupil of the MOU "Xxxxxxxx"


Хххх (хх.хх.хх year of birth) has been attending MOU "Xxxxxxxx" since 2005. In the 2008-2009 academic year, the boy attended classes in the preparatory speech therapy group.

The general level of development is average.

Mental processes:

  • The volume and concentration of attention and perception, switchability from one task to another, arbitrariness of attention - in general, at the average level, when distracted, he often returns to the interrupted task, less often - according to the teacher
  • the level of visual-figurative thinking is medium, uses visual analogies intuitive-visual analysis and synthesis is difficult (help is used situationally) makes the transfer of a simple algorithm of actions to another situation
  • Abstract, verbal-logical thinking is very poorly developed: uses speech antonyms with the help of situational opposition, performs speech classifications according to insignificant features in speech analogies - does not understand the connection between words, has significant difficulty completing sentences
  • Visual memory - medium, auditory memory - weak, long-term memory - average.

Motor area:

  • General motor skills are developed within the age norm (the level is below average), general muscle hypotonia is observed
  • hand motor skills have improved: it has become more accurate to hatch, draws images on its own, plot pictures prints letters, writes its name, simple words, however, the volume and accuracy of movements are still insufficient, when copying, the composition is simplified
  • · in a state of oral praxis: doing the basic exercises of articulatory gymnastics (accuracy, volume, activity of movements are slightly reduced, there are observed - instability of the muscles of the tongue in statics, slight synkinesis of the lower jaw).

Speech development:

  • very often in spontaneous speech there is fuzziness of speech production: in situations of excitement or emotional stress, omissions of syllables, partial nasalization of the voice, lexical agrammatisms are observed
  • a slight violation of the auditory-pronunciation differentiation of oppositional sounds in syllables
  • in sound pronunciation - softening of the sound L (due to reduced muscle tone of the articulatory apparatus)
  • minor improvements in the sound-syllabic structure: omissions, replacements of sounds and syllables in multi-frequency words and phrases are still frequent
  • possesses the simplest skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis
  • Intermediate vocabulary, passive vocabulary wider than active vocabulary, makes simple generalizations, has difficulty finding antonyms
  • in spontaneous speech - phrases up to 5 - 7 words: simple, common, with complication, occasionally - agrammatic in stories based on plot pictures, highlights 2-3 parts, reveals micro-themes mostly sequentially, briefly, accurately enough, uses little expressive means, sometimes there are lexical and structural agrammatisms retelling - close to the text
  • Lexical and grammatical skills are not yet sufficiently developed: there are difficulties in the formation of relative, qualitative, possessive adjectives, some prefixed verbs, unstable errors in the formation of plural nouns of the Genitive case, little-used plural nouns of the Nominative case, diminutive form of nouns in agreement of nouns with numerals in the use of prepositional case constructions
  • in impressive speech: has difficulty in differentiating prefixed verbs, in understanding complex prepositional-case constructions, complex comparisons, inversions, constructions in the instrumental case, multi-link instructions, abstract concepts, figurative and hidden meaning, sentences with complex lexical and grammatical structure
  • reads simple words and phrases (when reading, optical and undifferentiated errors are observed)
  • writes his name in block letters, simple words under dictation, writes off printed words (errors are often observed: omission and replacement of letters on an optical basis).

Mental development.

  • · Consciously counts up to 20, tens up to 100 the composition of the number - on a visual basis, with a little guiding help from the teacher.
  • · From geometric figures knows a circle, a square, a triangle, a rectangle, an oval.
  • · Knows basic and tint colors.
  • · Knows the concepts: up, down, forward, backward, right, left top left, bottom left (etc.).
  • Uses temporary concepts - today, now, yesterday, tomorrow, parts of the day, seasons, days of the week, months.
  • · From the values ​​independently allocates "big - small", height, length in a choice situation determines the width, thickness.
  • · Does not always listen to works of fiction attentively, answers questions about the content, sometimes with a little help from a teacher.
  • Cognitive interest and performance - depend on the complexity of tasks and their understanding. With simple tasks, cognitive activity and working capacity are high, with complex tasks, the boy is not able to hold a goal for a long time, shows an unexpressed desire to achieve results and overcome difficulties, uses external means of mobilizing volitional efforts (closes his eyes, takes his head, turns away, puts his legs up on a chair) . Thus, the limitation of the zone of proximal development is revealed.
  • · Motivation for learning depends on the understanding of the material of the task, an unstable interest in the final result is manifested.
  • · The nature of the activity - reproductive, productive uses guiding, pointing, teaching assistance.

Communication, features of gaming activities:

the boy is a contact boy, prefers to play with children in a group, participates in role-playing games with pleasure, worries in outdoor games if for some reason one of the children does not want to play with him, tries to solve this problem on his own.

Emotional-volitional sphere:

  • There is a violation of the emotional-volitional sphere: impulsivity, getting stuck on inadequate reactions (most often on tearfulness), motor disinhibition
  • the boy's energy resource (vegetative coefficient) - in general, at a good level, optimal performance - provided that the task is understood and the loads correspond to the child's abilities with the complication of mental activity - after 8 minutes there is a sharp drop in productivity, a manifestation of lethargy, inertia, fatigue
  • In diagnosing the level of motivation for schooling, an immature position is visible: external motivation prevails (playing activities at school, communication with children) in the forecast - if expectations are not met, then there may be an unwillingness to attend school.

Speech therapy conclusion: OHP (III level): exit from sensory alalia.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristicsstudent of the __ class of the GKOU correctional boarding school of the YIII type in Volgodonsk _____________________________
Date of Birth:

Home address:

1.General awareness
The child hardly comes into contact, has an insufficient level of knowledge about himself, his family, the world around him. The scope is limited. The dictionary is poor, inaccurate.
2. Gross motor skills
There is imperfection of general motor skills, general lethargy, inaccuracy of movements, impaired coordination of movements, difficulty in maintaining balance if necessary, and difficulty in regulating the pace of movements.
3. Fine motor skills
The child does not coordinated finger movements, the ability to make small, precise movements at the household level. There is a lack of formation of motor skills of graphic activity.
4. Features of perception
Primary colors, geometric shapes, does not know the value or confuses, does not correlate the word with the subject; has difficulty recognizing an object; difficulties in perceiving the plot image (the plot as a whole does not perceive, lists the depicted).
5. Features of attention
The child cannotfocus on a task for a long time; not able to to the distribution and switching of attention from one type of activity to another. Manifests distraction of attention to the secondary with the loss of the main, observed significant difficulty concentrating, insufficient level of voluntary attention.
6 . Memory Features
With the preservation of information is difficult; dominated by mechanical memory. P When playing material, he constantly forgets details, needs leading questions, introduces fictitious borrowings, repeats individual phrases, but cannot state the main meaning, makes numerous mistakes in the playback sequence, distorts the meaning; concentrates on secondary objects, does not capture the main idea of ​​the content.
7 . Features of thinking
Not establishes causal relationships; when performing a task, it needs constant support on a model, the help of a teacher; sequence of actions to complete a taskinstalls or installs with; inconsistent and illogical in his judgments.
8 . Behavioral features
Take place behavioral disorders, bad habits. D dominant hobbies and interests s are weakly expressed. AT relationships with peers and eldersbenevolent. BUT inadequate to relatives, peers. Can not obey the demands of adults.
9 . Features of the emotional-volitional sphere
Child motor disinhibited, emotional reactions are inadequate,may appear affective outbursts, manifests tendency to rejection reactions, anger.
1 0 . performance
R operability low. Child weary, weary, absent-minded in class, not assiduous. Observed sharp fluctuationsperformance throughout the lesson, day, week, academic year; pace of work slowed down.

1 1 . Characteristics of oral speech

In speech d pronunciation effects, insufficient level l ex stock. Sentences used child uncommon, incomplete; builds statements with the help of a teacher.
1 2 . Characteristics of school-significant skills
When performing tasks en way exercise control over their own activities in a visual pattern.
1 3 . Learning Skills Assessment
Program material assimilates at a low level.
Mathematics: Experiencing significant difficulties in the implementation of mathematical operations; ratio
and numbers and numbers.
Reading: Reading pace
slowed down, reading method - letter by letter e, retelling on leading questions, fragmentary.
1 4 . Attitude towards learning activities
Learning motivation is not formed:does not respond to the teacher's words during the lesson; does not understand that during the lesson you have to sit, listen and work; plays with educational supplies like a small child. P accepts guidanceadult. Poor self-service and work skills.

Probably, in every school there are children with a low level of development who cannot master the material of the curriculum. As a rule, problems with learning arise in elementary school. While the child attends 1st grade or 2nd grade, you need to help him. If you do nothing, the situation will only worsen in the future.

To clarify the origins of the problem and develop practical ways to solve it, it was created. In order to send a child to PMPK, the class teacher must apply for this and prepare a special characteristic of the student for PMPK.

The decision to send a student to the commission is made by the school staff. They prepare a document drawn up in a certain form.

The work is carried out by the class teacher or a representative of the administration of the educational institution. The finished characteristic of the student at the PMPK is not just a list of the child's shortcomings, but a detailed picture of his condition. The nature of the difficulties, the measures taken to eliminate them and the student's reaction are described.

Information should not be exclusively negative. In the sample characteristics of the student at the PMPK, the positive qualities of the student must be indicated.

PMPK student profile template

The presentation is written according to the plan:

  • Document's name.
  • Personal data.
  • History of preschool development.
  • The general impression of the student (characteristic of his awareness of his environment, performance, memory and attention).
  • The level of development of educational skills (grades in basic subjects, problems that arise in the study of mathematics, features of reading, speech).
  • Individual features of learning (speed of mastering new concepts, actions during independent work).
  • Features of behavior and emotional sphere (communication with classmates and teachers, relationships with parents).
  • Conclusion.
  • Signatures of the class teacher, director. Seal.

The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student are written in a free style. The main thing is the reliability and simplicity of presentation. On our website you can download samples of ready-made characteristics of the child at the PMPK.

General information about the child:

Full Name.

Date of birth, age.

09.08.03, 10 years old.

Home address: R. p. Severo - Yenisei, st.

(written: st.)

Class 4, homeschooling.

Program. General education.

Family characteristics:

F.I. brought up in an incomplete family. Mother - full name, works ....

The mother is in charge of raising the child. The relationship between mother and child is trusting and respectful. The appearance of the child is neat, the necessary school supplies are always available. The requirements of the teacher are constantly fulfilled by the parent. E-na T.A. is engaged in raising her son, however, she takes care of her child too much, tries so that he does not need anything, while he does not have certain clear duties that he must fulfill, be responsible for something.

The purpose of applying to the PMPK: Continue learning at home.

Mathematics: When entering the 3rd grade, he knew the ordinal score within 100, he knew the numbers. Reading and writing numbers within 1000 was difficult: he could not distinguish digits, determine the number of units of each digit, pronounce and read hundreds. Addition and subtraction within 10 was mastered, within 20 he performed with difficulty (counting one at a time), he did not know the multiplication table. Could compare quantities (more, less, the same). Knew mathematical signs (+, -, =, >,<). На настоящий момент умеет складывать и вычитать устно в сотне, умеет выполнять сложение и вычитание многозначных чисел в столбик, умножать многозначное число на однозначное столбиком, знает алгоритм решения деления многозначного числа на однозначное. Таблица умножения и соответствующие случаи деления до автоматизма не доведены, при решении пользуется таблицей Пифагора. Понимает слова, обозначающие пространственные направления и отношения (верх, низ, право, лево, над, под, меньше). Однако, при выполнении письменных работ в тетради не умел правильно оформить запись, с трудом считал клетки в любом из направлений (вверх – вниз, вправо – влево). Понимал смысл арифметических действий (сложения, вычитания, умножения, деления), но взаимосвязь между действиями (сложение – вычитание, умножение – деление) не находил. Смысл арифметических задач понимал только при решении задач на нахождение суммы и остатка конкретных предметов в пределах 20. Запись решения задач оформить не мог. Способен решать простые задачи, изученных видов, составные задачи – под руководством учителя. Ориентируется в решении задач с применением изученных формул, во взаимосвязях между величинами, однако формулы наизусть не знает. Знает единицы измерения длины, массы, времени, способен выполнять перевод из одних единиц измерения в другие, действия с именованными числами -совместно с учителем.

Reading: Able to read. The reading technique at the beginning of the year was 20 words, today - 34. When reading, he made and still makes mistakes: replacing letters; replacement, distortion, addition of words or parts of words; slow pace of reading, long hesitation, loss of space in the text, inaccurate reading of phrases, rearrangement of words in a sentence. I couldn't work on the text. Able to guess the theme of the text by the content of the title, illustration; retell the text in separate fragments (which I could most vividly imagine, which made an impression). In the course of reading (reading with the teacher, in turn) presents pictures of what was read, expresses his attitude, including to the artistic side of the text (what he liked and why), while the answers are compressed or consist of a set of separate words by content.

Letter: Writes with his right hand. When mastering the letter, there were difficulties in writing letters. Copying was violated, mainly independent writing was violated. The student could highlight the words in the sentence and write separately. Knew fragmentally studied program material. He was able to write from dictation with a clear pronunciation of each sound.

The program material has been mastered: on the topic of the word, the student is able to distinguish the presence of a common root both on the basis of the variability of the letter composition of the roots (when alternating), and based on the similarity of meanings, forms related words; able to find and highlight parts of a word; can find and explain the spelling of the studied spellings; on the topic of the part of speech: distinguishes parts of speech according to their main features, is able to characterize each part of speech (on leading questions, and sometimes without them). Writes off the text and checks what is written; writes slowly from dictation.

The child entered the 3rd grade with very poor knowledge of the subjects. In the learning process, he gave relatively sufficient dynamics.

Learning characteristic: D. is trained individually. For the effectiveness of training, positive motivation is created daily at the beginning of classes, otherwise the student does not start educational work. Laziness, disorganization, lack of self-regulation, distractibility to minor stimuli (extraneous noise, writing on the board, an open monitor window, etc.) create certain difficulties in conducting classes. However, it should be noted that today the student has a fairly high cognitive activity, this is facilitated by an individual form of education. D. has no inner speech, he constantly needs an interlocutor, the teacher for him is both an informer and a coordinator of his actions. Work productivity at the beginning of individual training was 5-10 minutes each lesson, now from 40 minutes to 15-20 minutes. All types of work are carried out under the guidance of a teacher. An independent student performs tasks from practical and control work only after a preliminary analysis of each type of task. The student needs regular monitoring when performing work, because. constantly distracted, very weak organization of activities. During training sessions, motor discharges are mandatory.

The nature of behavioral disorders: Violates academic discipline mainly due to a lack of understanding of educational norms. Cannot behave properly during classes if present: jumps up without permission, moves around the classroom, answers a question from a place, if he is not even asked, speaks not on the topic of the lesson, interferes with children, and unintentionally. Knows the rules of behavior at school, public places, but he does not follow them, cannot accept them for himself, cannot apply them in a specific situation: familiarly addresses adults, strangers; without embarrassment and inconvenience, he can call a classmate, classmate, person, if he sees something comical for himself in his appearance or act, while he enjoys repeating these words many times; intervenes in conversations, sticks to others. He can scream loudly, run aimlessly, try to climb somewhere if one of his peers is nearby. At the same time, he does not respond to comments, because. does not understand that he violates the rules of conduct, which offends the dignity of a person. The effectiveness of various measures of pedagogical influence: the effect of comments, explanations is, but short-lived. There are no friends.

Particular problems are dysfunctions: motor disinhibited, restless, constantly distracted, impaired fine motor skills, very poor handwriting; gets tired quickly, very slow pace of activity. During individual lessons, he never sits still: he is fussy, crawls on a chair, always twists something in his hands, moves his legs, drops - raises, turns his head. Speech is most often explosive, loud, as if there is not enough air. The child experiences enormous difficulties in the process of organizing his educational activities, avoids tasks that require prolonged mental stress, does not finish the work on his own, and is easily distracted by minor stimuli. Danil often loses his things, although everything is always collected and lies in place, he does not keep track of his things on his own: he can throw them at any place along the way.

Emotional state of the child: Constantly excited, talks a lot. Behaves very directly, does not control emotions. The mood is unstable. Always trying to get attention. There are bouts of bad mood (it justifies one's unwillingness to study: a bad day, the weather; went to bed late, could not sleep; someone spoiled the mood, someone said something wrong, etc.); sometimes there are unreasonable bouts of irritation, indignation in relation not only to others, but also to oneself. Anger and aggressiveness can be caused when communicating with a certain circle of people: classmates, whom he recognizes only as his personal offenders, enemies; in such cases, his behavior becomes uncontrollable: he does not hear anyone, screams loudly, rushes at the offender or throws an object that falls under his arm.

The child must: consult a psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist, child psychiatrist, all specialists, provide him with assistance, continue individual training at home.

Head teacher:


General information about the child:

Full Name.

Date of birth, age. 08/12/07, 8 years old.

Home address.

Class. Grade 2

Program. General education.

Family characteristics:

F.I. lives in a complete family. Father - full name, mother - full name and younger sister. Parents pay great attention to the upbringing and education of their daughter, provide her with the necessary educational supplies, regularly attend parent-teacher meetings, work closely with the class teacher, and follow the recommendations and requirements of the teacher.Homework assignments are always done conscientiously to a high standard.

The purpose of applying to the PMPK : learning difficulties.

Compliance of the volume of school knowledge, skills and abilities with the requirements of the program:


    I came to school, knowing the ordinal count within 10, counting back with errors, I was able to count objects within 10, knowing not all the numbers. Could compare quantities (more, less). Without much difficulty, I learned to indicate the number of numbers. Learned to understand mathematical signs (+, -, =, >,<), но допускала ошибки при их применении. Понимала слова, обозначающие пространственные направления и отношения: верх, низ, право, лево, над, под, меньше. Однако, трудно даётся понимание: перед, после. Понимает смысл арифметических действий сложения, вычитания, умножения, деления. Считает в пределах 20 устно по линейке и в отдельных случаях по памяти. Выполняет сложение и вычитание, используя письменные приёмы вычислений в пределах 100. According to the algorithm, performs actions in expressions with and without brackets in 2-3 steps. Able to solve equationsfinding the unknown term of the minuend and subtrahend. Understands the meaning of simple and compound arithmetic problems (2 steps) to find the sum and remainder, writes down their solution. Cannot solve other types of tasks according to the program. He does not understand the meaning of multiplication and division problems. Knows partially the multiplication table and the corresponding cases of division. Knows geometric shapes, draws segments of a given length. Program requirements in mathematics are mastered at a reduced level.

Literary reading.

I entered the first grade, not knowing all the letters, not being able to merge them into syllables, not being able to read. I learned to read in first grade. By the end of the second grade, he reads 35-45 words at a pace, depending on the complexity of the text. When reading, he makes mistakes: omissions, substitutions of letters, distortion of parts of words. Able to find information in the text, expressed in an explicit form, to draw simple conclusions. Can't retell. Always teaches and recites by heart the poems provided by the program. The program requirements for literary reading have been mastered at a reduced level.

Letter, Russian.

Writes with his right hand. She came to school, unable to write in block letters (only her name, some simple words). When mastering the letter, difficulties were observed: in combining letters, if it was necessary to translate a printed letter into a written one, she did not follow the line. In the second grade, he writes texts without errors or with a small number of errors (2-3 errors). Does not independently write from dictation: does not isolate a sequence of sounds. She writes separate words from dictation, the spelling of which she remembers or distinguishes all sounds in them. Cannot indicate the softness of consonants in the letter ь, replacing with a vowel and. With the help of a teacher, he writes texts from dictation, with preliminary preparation and clearly pronouncing each sound aloud. Distinguishes vowels and consonants, but does not perform sound-letter analysis of words, there are great difficulties in setting the stress. The program requirements for the Russian language have not been mastered at the required level.

Other items. In the lessons of the world around him, he does not answer orally. Independent work in a workbook, control and verification performs independently and with the help of a teacher. The results in this case can be different: good, satisfactory, and unsatisfactory. At the same time, the reason for success or failure does not always depend on the complexity of the tasks, the volume and pace of work. In art lessons , technology performs all work from start to finish creatively with imagination. Physical culture group exercise therapy.

S. entered the first grade with a low level of preparation (results of initial diagnostics). Over the past period, the dynamics gave insufficient in the learning process.

Characteristics of learning.

At the end of the first year of study, based on the results of the final work as part of the monitoring of educational achievements, she showed a low level of preparation in the Russian language and literary reading, basic training in mathematics.Types of help used in the lesson by the teacher: explanation, hint, leading questions, direct demonstration. Additionally, work was carried out individually during the year: writing under dictation. There is a positive trend, but the results in the main subjects remain below the requirements of the basic level. Works independently and with the help of the teacher in the classroom. The girl tries to do the right amount of work in the lesson.

The nature of behavioral disorders.

There are no violations of academic discipline, but the child is not included in the educational interaction, does not show activity. Able to work in a group. Moderately mobile during breaks, does not provoke conflicts. Responds appropriately to comments.

Special problems - dysfunctions: cannot distinguish sounds in words, pronounces sounds indistinctly; does not know how to stress, divide words into syllables; does not take dictation; does not highlight parts of the word; does not distinguish parts of speech; does not highlight words in a sentence; does not recognize the grammatical basis of the sentence; does not respond verbally; shows a low level of reading comprehension; does not retell, cannot compose a text of 3-4 sentences; does not understand the meaning of arithmetic problems and does not know how to solve them; low pace of activity.

The emotional state of the child.

Predominantly favorable even mood. He is shy, easily lost when the teacher asks questions. It is indifferent, immersed in itself.

What positive character traits are noted in the child.

Neat. Tries to follow the teacher's requirements when preparing homework or in addition to learning activities. Interesting and distinctive in content and design creative works on fine arts and technology.

Estimated teacher's conclusion:

It is necessary to consult with PMPK specialists, providing read assistance in learning in the conditions of their class.


Head teacher: