Instructions for students on working in the electronic information and educational environment of the shgpu. Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute

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Coordinates : 56°04′48″ s. sh. 63°37′23″ E d. /  56.08° N sh. 63.623° E d. / 56.08; 63.623 (G) (I)
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University"
Former name Shadrinsky Teachers' Institute, 1939-1943
Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute, 1943-2016
Year of foundation
Type state
Rector Dziov Artur Ruslanovich (acting)
Location Russia, Russia, Kurgan region , Shadrinsk
Legal address 641800, Kurgan region, Shadrinsk, st. K. Liebknecht, 3
K: Educational institutions founded in 1939

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University" (SHPPU) is a higher educational institution in the city of Shadrinsk, Kurgan Region.


  • Faculty of Russian and Western European Philology
  • Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics and Physics
  • Faculty of History and Law
  • Faculty of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship
  • Faculty of Physical Education

SHPU Library

In 2009, a two-year teacher's institute was opened on the basis of the Shadrinsk school teacher's college. 116 people were enrolled in the faculties of history, physics and mathematics, Russian language and literature. Three departments united 15 teachers.

The first graduation of teachers of grades 5-7 took place in the year. Among them were 14 teachers of history, 53 teachers of Russian language and literature, 26 teachers of physics and mathematics.

A pedagogical institute was opened in 2009, with the preservation of the teacher's institute. The admission plan has increased to 240 people. At that time, 31 teachers worked at the institute, including one candidate of sciences. By the year, there were already 4 candidates of science among the teachers, the graduation was 87 people.

In the year there were 9 departments, more than 500 full-time students and about 480 part-time students studied, 36 teachers worked, including 6 candidates of science. During the first ten years of its existence, the Institute graduated 736 people from full-time and 74 from correspondence departments.

In the year on the basis of the Shadrinsk Pedagogical Institute, the Kurgan Pedagogical Institute was formed. The Institute again became a teacher's department with two faculties: Russian Language and Literature and Physics and Mathematics. Only 19 teachers remained to work. This year, 179 people studied at the stationary department of the SHPI and 438 at the correspondence department.

In 2009, the Faculty of Education was formed as part of two departments: preschool pedagogy and primary education.

In 2009, the first admission of students to the specialty “teacher of a foreign language” took place in the English and German departments, and in 2009 the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​was opened with a total enrollment of 60 people.

In 1999, the Department of Preschool Pedagogy was transformed into the Faculty of Pedagogy of Preschool Education, and the Department of Primary Education was transformed into the Faculty of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education.

In 2009, the first admission to the specialty "teacher of labor and social disciplines" was held at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, and in 2010 the Industrial and Pedagogical Faculty was opened. In the same year, the department of physical culture and sports was opened. In the year the department was transformed into the faculty of physical culture and sports, the departments of physical education and sports disciplines were created.

Postgraduate studies were opened in the year in the following specialties: “general pedagogy, theory and methodology of teaching informatics”, “theory and methodology of preschool education”, “pedagogical psychology”.

In 1999, the Faculty of Psychology separated from the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology, and the Departments of General Psychology and Developmental and Pedagogical Psychology were created.

In 1999, the Faculty of Informatics separated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

Over the past decades, it has grown into a complex educational and scientific complex, which includes eleven educational faculties, the faculty of pre-university training, the faculty of additional professions, postgraduate studies, and a branch of the regional institute for advanced training of educators.

199 teachers work at 27 departments of the institute, including 26 doctors and professors, more than 102 candidates of sciences. Currently, more than 4,000 students study at the institute, 3,652 - full-time and about 2,125 students in the correspondence department, 29 and 34 people study full-time and 34 people - in absentia, and 61 applicants in the graduate school of the institute. Students are trained in almost all pedagogical specialties that are found in schools and preschool institutions.

The Institute occupies three academic buildings, which house classrooms, specialized classrooms and laboratories, 17 computer classes, 4 sports halls, a planetarium and an observatory, training workshops, a ski base and much more.

Over the years of the institute's existence, the number of graduates who received diplomas amounted to almost 30 thousand people.

On March 16, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute was renamed the Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University (SHPPU).

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University

A conversation with Count Rostopchin, his tone of concern and haste, a meeting with a courier who carelessly talked about how bad things were going in the army, rumors about spies found in Moscow, about a paper circulating around Moscow, which says that Napoleon promises to to be in both Russian capitals, the conversation about the expected arrival of the sovereign tomorrow - all this with renewed vigor aroused in Pierre that feeling of excitement and expectation that had not left him since the appearance of the comet, and especially since the beginning of the war.
Pierre had long had the idea to enter the military service, and he would have fulfilled it if he had not interfered, firstly, his belonging to that Masonic society with which he was bound by oath and which preached eternal peace and the abolition of war, and, in secondly, the fact that, looking at a large number of Muscovites who put on uniforms and preached patriotism, for some reason it was ashamed to take such a step. The main reason why he did not fulfill his intention to enter the military service was the vague idea that he was l "Russe Besuhof, having the meaning of the animal number 666, that his participation in the great cause of the position of the limit of power to the beast, speaking great and blasphemy, it is predetermined from eternity and that therefore he should not undertake anything and wait for what should be done.

At the Rostovs', as always on Sundays, some close acquaintances dined.
Pierre arrived earlier to find them alone.
Pierre has grown so fat this year that he would have been ugly if he had not been so large in stature, large in limbs and had not been so strong that, obviously, he easily wore his thickness.
He, puffing and muttering something to himself, entered the stairs. The coachman no longer asked him whether to wait. He knew that when the count was at the Rostovs, it would be before twelve o'clock. The Rostovs' lackeys joyfully rushed to take off his cloak and take his stick and hat. Pierre, out of club habit, left both his stick and his hat in the hall.
The first face he saw of the Rostovs was Natasha. Even before he saw her, he, taking off his cloak in the hall, heard her. She sang solfeji in the hall. He realized that she had not sung since her illness, and therefore the sound of her voice surprised and delighted him. He quietly opened the door and saw Natasha in her purple dress, in which she had been at mass, walking around the room and singing. She was walking backwards towards him when he opened the door, but when she turned sharply and saw his fat, astonished face, she blushed and quickly went up to him.
“I want to try singing again,” she said. “It’s still a job,” she added, as if apologizing.
- And fine.
- I'm glad you've come! I am so happy today! she said with that former animation, which Pierre had not seen in her for a long time. - You know, Nicolas received the George Cross. I'm so proud of him.
- Well, I sent the order. Well, I don’t want to disturb you,” he added, and wanted to go into the drawing room.
Natasha stopped him.
- Count, what is it, bad, that I sing? she said, blushing, but without taking her eyes off her, looking inquiringly at Pierre.
- No ... why? On the contrary... But why do you ask me?
“I don’t know myself,” Natasha answered quickly, “but I wouldn’t want to do anything that you don’t like. I believe in everything. You don’t know how important you are to grinding and how much you have done for me! .. - She spoke quickly and without noticing how Pierre blushed at these words. - I saw in the same order he, Bolkonsky (quickly, she uttered this word in a whisper), he is in Russia and is serving again. What do you think,” she said quickly, apparently in a hurry to speak, because she was afraid for her strength, “will he ever forgive me?” Will he not have an evil feeling against me? What do you think? What do you think?
“I think…” said Pierre. - He has nothing to forgive ... If I were in his place ... - According to the connection of memories, Pierre was instantly transported by imagination to the time when, consoling her, he told her that if he were not him, but the best person in the world and free , then he would ask for her hand on his knees, and the same feeling of pity, tenderness, love seized him, and the same words were on his lips. But she didn't give him time to say them.
- Yes, you - you, - she said, pronouncing this word you with delight, - is another matter. Kinder, more generous, better than you, I do not know a person, and cannot be. If you were not there then, and even now, I don’t know what would have happened to me, because ... - Tears suddenly poured into her eyes; she turned, raised the notes to her eyes, began to sing, and went back to walking around the hall.
At the same time, Petya ran out of the living room.
Petya was now a handsome, ruddy fifteen-year-old boy with thick, red lips, like Natasha. He was preparing for the university, but lately, with his comrade Obolensky, he secretly decided that he would go to the hussars.
Petya ran out to his namesake to talk about the case.
He asked him to find out if he would be accepted into the hussars.
Pierre walked around the living room, not listening to Petya.
Petya tugged at his hand to draw his attention to himself.
- Well, what's my business, Pyotr Kirilych. For God's sake! One hope for you, - said Petya.
“Oh yes, your business. In the hussars then? I'll say, I'll say. I'll tell you everything.
- Well, mon cher, well, did you get the manifesto? asked the old count. - And the countess was at the mass at the Razumovskys, she heard a new prayer. Very good, she says.
“Got it,” Pierre replied. - Tomorrow the sovereign will be ... An extraordinary meeting of the nobility and, they say, ten thousand a set. Yes, congratulations.
- Yes, yes, thank God. Well, what about the army?
Ours retreated again. Near Smolensk already, they say, - answered Pierre.
- My God, my God! the count said. - Where is the manifesto?
- Appeal! Oh yes! Pierre began looking in his pockets for papers and could not find them. Continuing to flap his pockets, he kissed the hand of the countess as she entered and looked around uneasily, obviously expecting Natasha, who did not sing anymore, but did not come into the drawing room either.
“By God, I don’t know where I’ve got him,” he said.
“Well, he will always lose everything,” said the countess. Natasha entered with a softened, agitated face and sat down, silently looking at Pierre. As soon as she entered the room, Pierre's face, previously cloudy, shone, and he, continuing to look for papers, looked at her several times.




In order to enter the electronic information and educational environment of the FGBOU VO SHPU, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Launch a browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex.Browser, Google Chrome, etc.);
  2. Enter in the address bar the e-mail address of the resource issued by the system administrator (;
  3. The main page of the EIOS SHPU will be displayed in the browser;
  4. On the right side of the site there is a link to the login page (Fig. 1.);
  1. After pressing the button, a form for entering a login and password will appear in the window (Fig. 2.);

Rice. 2. Login to the EIOS SHPU system

  1. Fill in the specified fields with the data provided by the system administrator (login and password) and click the button"Entrance".

What should I do if I have lost my account password? In this case, there is a link in the site login block"Forgot your username or password?"(Fig. 2.), by clicking on which a form for entering a login or e-mail address will appear (Fig. 3.). According to the entered data, an account is searched. If the account is in the database, an email will be sent to the address containing instructions on how to restore access.

Rice. 3. Password recovery request form


When an administrator creates a user profile, the necessary minimum information is added to it, the user can independently edit his profile, add photos, additional information, links to accounts in social networks, etc.

When you enter the site using your login and password, information about the user will be displayed in the upper left corner, next to which there is a drop-down list, clicking on which opens the menu for accessing the main profile settings (Fig. 4.).

Rice. 4. Menu for accessing profile settings

In step "About user"displays basic user information available to other users.

In "Ratings" you can see information about the user's grades received by him in the course of training in the courses.

In "Messages" you can see private messages sent to the user.

In "Settings" you can change the user profile settings.

At the push of a button"Output" the user logs out of his profile on the site.

Let's take a closer lookbasic user profile settings. In order to correct your profile, you must select the item"Settings" (Fig. 4.).

As a result, the user profile settings will be displayed in the central part of the site (Fig. 5.).

Depending on the role assigned by the site administrator to the user, the set of displayed settings may differ for different users. Consider the account settings block (Fig. 5.).

Rice. 5. User profile settings

In step "Edit Information"you can change the user's personal data, such as password, user's first and last name, email address, city, country, time zone, insert a photo into the profile, specify a list of interests, as well as addresses of profiles in social networks, place of study and personal contact information (Fig. 6.).

Rice. 6. Part of the information editing form

In step "Change password"you can change the account password (Fig. 7.). For security purposes, it is recommended to set a fairly complex password consisting of at least 6 characters, preferably including lowercase letters and numbers. The password should not contain simple, easy-to-guess words (eg qwerty, 123456, password, etc.) and your personal data (eg, last name or first name, date of birth, etc.). It is advisable to change your account password at least once every six months.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University"
Former name Shadrinsky Teachers' Institute, 1939-1943
Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute, 1943-2016
Year of foundation
Type state
Rector Dziov Artur Ruslanovich
Location Russia Russia, Kurgan region , Shadrinsk
Legal address 641800, Kurgan region, Shadrinsk, st. K. Liebknecht, 3


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics and Physics
  • Faculty of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship
  • Faculty of Physical Education

SHPU Library

Over the years of the existence of the university, the number of graduates who received a diploma amounted to almost 30 thousand people.

150 teachers work at 15 departments of the university, including 10 doctors and professors, more than 102 candidates of sciences. Currently, more than 4,000 students study at the institute, 3,652 - full-time and about 2,125 students in the correspondence department, 29 and 34 people study full-time and 34 people - in absentia, and 61 applicants in the graduate school of the institute. Students are trained in almost all pedagogical specialties that are found in schools and preschool institutions.

The university occupies three academic buildings, which house classrooms, specialized classrooms and laboratories, 17 computer classes, 4 sports halls, a planetarium and an observatory, training workshops, a ski base and much more.

About the university

The book you are holding in your hands is not the first in a series of such anniversary publications. Traditionally, the Shadrinsk Pedagogical Institute publishes commemorative works that reflect the most significant events of the past decades, absorb the fate of people whose talents and efforts created, grew, and developed our university. In 1999, the first such publication was published, created on the basis of the memoirs of teachers, staff and veterans of the SHPI. It contained unique historical and archival materials, previously little known. Without exaggeration, it still retains its significance as a source on the history of higher education in the Trans-Urals. The second anniversary book, published in 2004, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the university, was the history of the institute, seen through the eyes of its graduates of different decades.

The current edition in a compressed form contains the main motives of previous books, supplementing them with a story about the events of the last decade.

70 years is an anniversary date, which has not yet been reached by any higher educational institution of the Kurgan region, except for the ShSPI. And the region itself, created in 1943, is younger. Our university is the oldest in the Trans-Urals, but it's not just about age as such - let's agree that life expectancy in itself does not yet give any special privileges and rights. What is the general place and role of a provincial university in the life of our region and its inhabitants, more broadly speaking, in the life of the people and Russia? The first feature that will immediately attract attention is the proximity to the life of the rural population and small towns, the deep organic involvement in the everyday life of the Russian province. A pedagogical university, by virtue of its nature, has a tangible impact on the state of society, because concerns about the education of new generations, the moral state of society are natural for a teacher. The mission of the SHPI is not limited to the training of professional specialists, although this is a very important aspect of our activity, and there is something to be proud of. In my opinion, this mission should be connected, no less, with the formation of a new image of higher professional education in Russia.

The idea of ​​the Russian national model of higher education has not yet been established in the public mind as something obvious, but some of its features can be identified. Among them is an orientation to the traditions of Russian pedagogical and philosophical thought, reliance on the historical heritage of the ancestors. The universality of a higher educational institution as a bearer of the tradition of intellectual thought, a custodian of national spiritual values ​​is especially in demand in a situation where other public institutions are absent or weakly expressed.

The jubilee year for the institute coincided with the crisis events that shook our globalized and interdependent world, and the field of educational resources did not stand aside. Together, we must overcome difficult times with dignity, not lose our development potential in order to emerge from the crisis viable and ready for new growth.

In the difficult years of the transformation of the socio-political structure, social and economic upheavals, SHPI managed not only not to lose a significant part of its potential, but also to enter the trajectory of sustainable development. In recent years, the material base of the Institute has almost doubled. An extensive program of construction and reconstruction has been developed and is being implemented. The building of the former military dormitory transferred to the university is being reconstructed as an educational building, a new garage and parking lot have been built.

Orientation to the needs of the region and the achievement of high indicators of quality and efficiency of education are the priorities of the policy of the university. Along with pedagogical, recently the university has been teaching a number of non-pedagogical specialties: journalism, organization management, social and cultural services and tourism, psychology, translation and translation studies. theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures, applied informatics (in education, in economics), software for computer technology and automated systems, mathematical software and administration of information systems, home science, design, social work, arts and crafts, interior art. Today, about seven thousand students study at the university. Correspondence education is actively developing. The number of employees is 638. Of these, teaching staff 289 (full-time), including 11 doctors, 136 candidates of science. In addition, there are 99 external part-time workers, incl. 63 doctors, 36 candidates of sciences.

The management of the Institute, the entire staff are making significant efforts to improve the efficiency of the educational process, the introduction of innovative learning technologies and knowledge assessment. Computer testing, a rating system for assessing knowledge, the widespread use of new generation computers in the educational process (almost seven hundred computers are in service), the availability of electronic databases and fast Internet access - this is not a complete list of new ones. In recent years, the library has changed: it has become a serious scientific and information unit of the university. The library of the Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute is the largest in the city of Shadrinsk, one of the oldest libraries in the Trans-Urals, which has a rich universal fund of 463,911 copies of documents. The library fund consists of various types of domestic and foreign publications (scientific, educational, fiction), unpublished, audiovisual and electronic documents. The library fund includes a fund of rare books, consisting of publications of the 17th-19th centuries. on various branches of knowledge (about 4000 copies). Scientific life is developing intensively. Annually SHPI holds several scientific conferences, among them - international ones, "Scientific Notes" are published.

There are scientific schools, many of which have achieved recognition in their fields. In 10 scientific specialties, postgraduate training is underway, dissertations are successfully defended on the theory and methodology of vocational education, general pedagogy, theory and methodology of preschool education, educational psychology, theory and methodology of training and education. Every year the teaching staff is replenished with new qualified personnel. In total, 9 doctoral and 76 master's theses were defended in 2002-2009.

SHPI stood at the origins of the revival of the pedagogical team movement in the country: back in 1998, the student pedagogical team "Altair" was created, which is now the pride of the university. Today, student counselors from SHPI work in 18 children's health camps, while covering the geography of the whole country: from the All-Russian Children's Center "Ocean" in the Far East to the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok" on the Black Sea, including the Kurgan and Tyumen regions. The pedagogical detachment received wide professional and public recognition: at the All-Russian meetings of pedagogical detachments in Moscow in April 2003 and February 2004, in September 2004 at a meeting of organizers of recreation for children and youth in Anapa. In February 2005 at the Russian rally of pedagogical teams in Kazan, in March 2006 at the All-Russian scientific and practical conference of pedagogical teams in Chelyabinsk. For four years in a row, Altair has been recognized as the best pedagogical team in the Kurgan region.

SHPI is the center of culture and education in the Trans-Urals. The peculiarities of the socio-demographic situation in the Kurgan region are the presence of a fairly significant proportion of the rural population, whose life takes place far from the centers of culture and civilization. In this situation, the university acts not only with a narrow function of training specialists, but also with a mission of a cultural and educational nature. The problem of socialization of rural youth is being solved. The vast majority of residents of the Trans-Urals, having low incomes, do not have the opportunity to travel to large university centers in neighboring regions to receive education. The role of SHPI in providing these people with access to one of the most valuable benefits of modern civilization is the leading one. The Institute has a scientific and creative potential, which opens up opportunities for spiritual development and enrichment for rural boys and girls who come to its walls.

The conditions of pedagogical work in rural areas, especially in small schools, which are many in the Trans-Urals, have significant differences and require special training. A teacher in this school must have a certain set of professional, pedagogical and human skills and qualities, which can be obtained and developed only through purposeful and consistent work. Orientation towards the training of such a specialist is a regional feature of pedagogical education at SHPI.

The university closely cooperates with enterprises and organizations of the city of Shadrinsk in the transition to an innovative development path.

With the assistance of the regional administration, a student business incubator "Yuventa" has been created and is successfully operating.

I would like to say the warmest words to our veterans - teachers of departments and faculties, employees of various departments - all of you have contributed to the formation of the institute, strengthening its authority, and developing scientific and educational potential. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of what you have done in previous decades, this base allows us today to look to the future with confidence. It is impossible not to recall my predecessors in the rector's post - each of them contributed to the common cause in their own way, and on behalf of the entire team I express my gratitude to them for this.

I congratulate all our graduates on the anniversary of the university and wish that your human and professional "trajectories" always develop upward.

I would like you to find human destinies on the pages of this publication, see them in the circumstances of the time, in the change of eras and ways, because the institute is people, they are at all times the main wealth and heritage that does not become obsolete.

Wishing the Shadrinsk Pedagogical Institute prosperity, human happiness to its teachers and staff, success in the scientific and professional field to its students and graduates, let's often remember those whose aspirations, work and talents SHPI has been growing all these years. This is what our book is about.


SHPI Library

In 2009, a two-year teacher's institute was opened on the basis of the Shadrinsk school teacher's college. 116 people were enrolled in the faculties of history, physics and mathematics, Russian language and literature. Three departments united 15 teachers.

The first graduation of teachers of grades 5-7 took place in the year. Among them were 14 teachers of history, 53 teachers of Russian language and literature, 26 teachers of physics and mathematics.

A pedagogical institute was opened in 2009, with the preservation of the teacher's institute. The admission plan has increased to 240 people. At that time, 31 teachers worked at the institute, including one candidate of sciences. By the year, there were already 4 candidates of science among the teachers, the graduation was 87 people.

In the year there were 9 departments, more than 500 full-time students and about 480 part-time students studied, 36 teachers worked, including 6 candidates of science. During the first ten years of its existence, the Institute graduated 736 people from full-time and 74 from correspondence departments.

In the year on the basis of the Shadrinsk Pedagogical Institute, the Kurgan Pedagogical Institute was formed. The Institute again became a teacher's department with two faculties: Russian Language and Literature and Physics and Mathematics. Only 19 teachers remained to work. This year, 179 people studied at the stationary department of the SHPI and 438 at the correspondence department.

In 2009, the Faculty of Education was formed as part of two departments: preschool pedagogy and primary education.

In 2009, the first admission of students to the specialty “teacher of a foreign language” took place in the English and German departments, and in 2009 the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​was opened with a total enrollment of 60 people.

In 1999, the Department of Preschool Pedagogy was transformed into the Faculty of Pedagogy of Preschool Education, and the Department of Primary Education was transformed into the Faculty of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education.

In 2009, the first admission to the specialty "teacher of labor and social disciplines" was held at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, and in 2010 the Industrial and Pedagogical Faculty was opened. In the same year, the department of physical culture and sports was opened. In the year the department was transformed into the faculty of physical culture and sports, the departments of physical education and sports disciplines were created.

Postgraduate studies were opened in the year in the following specialties: “general pedagogy, theory and methodology of teaching informatics”, “theory and methodology of preschool education”, “pedagogical psychology”.

In 1999, the Faculty of Psychology separated from the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology, and the Departments of General Psychology and Developmental and Pedagogical Psychology were created.

In 1999, the Faculty of Informatics separated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

In October, the institute celebrated its 70th anniversary.

Over the past decades, it has grown into a complex educational and scientific complex, which includes eleven educational faculties, the faculty of pre-university training, the faculty of additional professions, postgraduate studies, and a branch of the regional institute for advanced training of educators.

About 313 teachers work at 29 departments of the institute, including 26 doctors and professors, more than 102 candidates of sciences. Currently, only 5777 students study at the institute, 3652 - full-time and about 2125 students in the correspondence department, 29 and 34 people study full-time and 34 people - in absentia, and 61 applicants in the graduate school of the institute. Students are trained in almost all pedagogical specialties that are found in schools and preschool institutions.

The Institute occupies three academic buildings, which house classrooms, specialized classrooms and laboratories, 17 computer classes, 4 sports halls, a planetarium and an observatory, training workshops, a ski base and much more.

Over the years of the institute's existence, the number of graduates who received diplomas amounted to almost 30 thousand people.

see also


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