How to be always cheerful and sociable person. How to be sociable

Smile more. You don't have to give everyone you meet a big smile to appear friendlier. If you set yourself the goal of smiling 30% more every day (this rule applies to acquaintances, strangers, or random people you meet), you can become a more approachable and friendly person. Remember how you walked past a guy you've only met once, and he turned away and pretended not to see you? What did you feel at that moment? If you want people to be Nice communicate with you, smile more often.

  • Try to smile more often while talking.
  • Choose gestures of openness to the conversation. If you want others to feel you are available and open to conversation, you will have to learn the art of sign language. Here are some gestures that can help people connect with you:

    • Instead of crossing your legs, put them side by side
    • Stand up straight and don't stoop
    • Place your hands on your knees and don't cross them over your chest.
    • Lean towards the interlocutor
  • Eliminate distractions. To seem friendlier, you need to notice everything that is happening around, and not stare at the screen of your phone, hoping to pass the next level on Candy Crush. Whether you're talking on the phone, reading a book, staring at a computer screen, or admiring the color of your nail polish, people will think you have better things to do than talk to them. Look a person in the eyes, smile and accept everything that the world around you gives you. The fact that many people consider you a friendly person and reach out to you will surprise you greatly.

    • Talking on the phone is considered a gross violation of the rules of etiquette, especially when you interact with other people.
  • Try to make eye contact. This needs to be worked on. It doesn't matter whether you greet the interlocutor or talk face-to-face with him. You don't have to make eye contact throughout the conversation, but you should work on maintaining eye contact with the other person. In this case, the person will understand that you care about him, and he is not wasting his time in vain.

    • If you're walking down the hallway and you meet another person, why not make eye contact and say hello, instead of staring at the floor or pretending to care about the color of your nail polish?
  • Laugh carelessly. The ability to laugh carelessly is an essential characteristic of a friendly person. You don't have to laugh at everything said otherwise you will be considered a sycophant. Try to laugh at least 20% more than usual, especially if the person is trying to be funny. You can also tell a joke. Laughter is required if a person needs to increase self-esteem and self-confidence. Laughter will not only set a person on a positive wave. The people around you will begin to consider you a friendly person.

    • More smiles and laughter? You have a decent combination in front of you.

    Part 2

    Conversation Skills
    1. Hone the skill of talking over trifles. This skill will help you become a friendlier person. Maybe you still don't know how to talk about trifles, because you are busy, distracted, or just being modest. But the devil is not as terrible as he is painted. All you need to do is create a comfortable environment for another person, find a common language with him and tell a little about yourself. If you feel comfortable with your interlocutor, you can start talking on deeper or more personal topics.

      • Some people think that small talk is too superficial, but it's not. All friendships and romantic relationships began with a trifling conversation. You can’t just jump to another topic and ask a new acquaintance about the meaning of life, right?
      • You can even talk to a person on trifling topics just to show friendliness. Make a comment about the weather, say something about a delicious avocado you bought the day before, or compliment someone else's decorations. Your mood will improve, and the day will go even better.
    2. Ask the interlocutor questions about his person. If you want to be friendly, you need to show genuine interest in people. They need to see that you are interested in their personality, opinions and actions. Friendliness involves a lot of simple questions to the interlocutor that will demonstrate your interest. You should not ask questions on personal topics, otherwise your new acquaintance will be very offended. Start by discussing common hobbies and move on to more serious topics. Here are a few topics to help you start the conversation:

      • Pets
      • Favorite sports teams
      • Hobbies
      • Favorite bands, books or movies
      • Brothers/sisters
      • Trips
      • Study or work
    3. Compliment the people around you. A sincere compliment will help you create an image of a friendly person. Even a small compliment, given at the right time, will form a positive opinion about you. The interlocutor will think: "He's really a cool guy!", And he will be more comfortable and fun in your presence. It is not necessary to make thoughtful compliments, especially at first. It is better to say something approving about the clothes, jewelry, hairstyle of the interlocutor, or simply confirm the fact that your interlocutor has an excellent sense of humor.

      • When you talk to a person, think about what characteristic of his personality you would like to compliment? You will have an answer soon.
    4. During the conversation, call the person by name. This is a simple but effective method that will help you create the image of a friendly person. When you call a person by name, you demonstrate your interest in him and show that you treat the interlocutor as an individual. Try not to overdo it, even if you want to convey to your interlocutor the essence of the conversation. Using simple phrases such as "Hello Ellen!" as a greeting or "You're absolutely right, Ashley" will help you become friendlier in the eyes of the interlocutor.

      • If your new acquaintance introduces himself to you and uses his name 2-3 times during the conversation, try to remember the name from the first time.
    5. Pay attention to when you ignore people. Some people are very unfriendly, but they don't even know it. If someone with joy in their voice says "Hello!" and approaches you, slowing down, this means that the person wants to talk with you. If you just said "Hello" and continued on your way, you have acted rudely. Most likely, you think that this behavior demonstrates your busyness or neutrality, but people may regard such a move as a signal of hostility.

      • Even if you haven't held the door for the person, try to smile at them. Do not look in the direction of strangers, even if they are standing nearby. This is considered indecent.
    6. Focus on positive topics. When you are talking to a person, try to talk on positive topics. Instead of complaining about work or school, talking about an accident or a negative experience, think about the good things that happened in your life last week. Maybe you met someone after a long breakup, or you laughed at the characters on a TV show. Talking on positive topics will help you show friendliness in everyday conversations because you have the kind of fun, confident person to talk to.

      • Don't pretend just to avoid embarrassing topics in a conversation.
      • Of course, if trouble happened to you or you feel really bad, tell us about it. Try to discuss three good news before discussing one bad one. Such a maneuver will help you create the image of a friendly person.
    7. Open up. Friendly behavior includes a little talk about their weaknesses. You don't have to reveal your deepest secrets to everyone. Recall a situation that confused you, discouraged you, or unsettled them. Stories like this are great for people. They demonstrate to new acquaintances that you do not take everything too seriously, and you are comfortable communicating with strangers. Here are some topics for conversation:

      • Pets you had as a child
      • stupid weekend
      • Prank on your sister
      • Ridiculous mistake
      • What you always wanted to do
      • The first experience of a strange hobby
      • History of your family

    Part 3

    Dedication to the life of society
    1. Try to start a conversation with new people. This is another cornerstone of friendliness. You may be a little shy, or feel that new acquaintances do not deserve your time, or that there is something wrong with them. Change your mind today! Talk to the stranger who is sitting next to you on the plane. Chat with new acquaintances or friends of your friends at the disco. Make sure you get the gist of the situation and the person is really wants chat with a new friend. Secure the result with a big smile on your face.

      • You don't have to talk to the first person you meet. The more often you communicate with new people, the more comfortable you will be in their company.
      • Introduce yourself to strangers. If you are chatting with friends and a stranger joins you, take the initiative.
    2. Give out more invitations. Friendliness means you spend more time with other people. How to do it? Invite them to spend time in the same company. Start small. Invite a group of people to a free concert, movie theater, coffee or ice cream. If people happily accept your invitation, this is a kind of test of friendliness. Try to invite a group of people to an event at least once a week and you'll earn a reputation as a friendly person.

      • Take courage. Invite friends one by one and turn your acquaintance into a true friendship.
      • Throw a party. Invite a diverse crowd of people and have fun introducing guests to each other.
    3. Accept invitations. Another way to become a friendlier person is to accept invitations to events. At first, you will be a little scared, because you will have to communicate with unfamiliar people. You will feel that you are too busy or prefer to walk alone. Maybe you enjoy eating ice cream alone or playing with your pet. But you have to deal with all this if you want to be friendly. Start accepting invitations to the movies, to dinner, or to a disco.

      • It is not necessary to agree to attend an event whose name sounds simply awful. But the next time you feel like giving up, ask what's driving you. Are you afraid of novelty? Crowds? Or are you just lazy? None of these are reasons to turn down an offer to have a good time.
    4. Lead an active social life. If you want to become friendlier, you should spend more time with your friends. Spending time together will make you an understanding and knowledgeable person for whom communication is a common thing. Fill your schedule with a variety of activities: parties, social events, group hikes, biking, swimming, and other fun social activities. Plan your schedule as carefully as possible if you want to become friendlier.

      • In order to lead an active social life, it must be your priority. Don't let your studies, work, and other pursuits consume your social life. At least don't stop talking.
      • An active social life is very important, but don't forget to make time for yourself. You will have to cut time for yourself, especially if you spend a lot of time with other people.
    5. Practice friendliness towards people you don't like. This will require a lot of effort. You don't have to turn your worst enemy into your best friend. Try to be more friendly with people you know, even if it's your hated math teacher, cranky uncle, or shy girl who's outside of your social circle. The fact that you were able to change your attitude for the better, and gave up hostile feelings, will greatly surprise you. Maybe this person will answer you the same.

      • Make a list of five people you've always had a crush on. Try to be nice to these people. They probably deserve it.
    6. Fight self-doubt. You are not the friendliest person due to your lack of self-confidence. You think that people will judge you every time you open your mouth. Ask yourself what is at the root of your distrust or coolness, and you will find yourself thinking about how you can deal with it. Work on loving yourself for who you are. Choose the weaknesses you need to deal with.

      • Most likely, the fight against insecurity will take years of hard work on yourself. Keep in mind that it is self-doubt that prevents you from showing your friendliness. If you work on yourself, you will improve your relationship with others. Remember that self-doubt visits not only you.
    7. Make friends with people based on their age and stage of development. The words "Age and development" refer not only to the age of a person, but also to the stage of his development. For example, your interlocutor may be a university student, a young professional, a middle-aged mom, or an old lonely person. If you find someone your own age and life stage, you will be more likely to find time to spend time together and talk about common topics.

      • For example, if you are a new mother, join the company of young mothers, and you can make wonderful new acquaintances.
    8. Genuinely take an interest in people. This behavior will help you not only look friendly, but also become one. A friendly person sincerely cares about others and is concerned about their comfort. A friendly person is interested in other people's problems. He draws attention to the fact that the other person is upset and depressed, even if there is fun around. A friendly person does not seek to use communication to look cooler, and does not boast about the number of friends on Facebook. If you really If you want to become a friendly person, keep these tips in mind when you start interacting with people. If you are sincerely interested in the interlocutor, he will be able to trust you.

      • Of course, you will not be able to be interested in every new acquaintance. But the more you try to be nice to people, the more natural the process of communication will be.
      • Remember that friendliness has nothing to do with pretense. friendship has lot in common with accessibility, respect for people and the emission of positive energy.
    • Be yourself. Don't be afraid to show your personality. Smile kindly at people.
    • Don't tell anyone about your problems. Time will pass, all problems will resolve themselves, but strangers will remember them, and this may affect the availability of new opportunities.
    • Make a conscious decision to treat your interlocutor favorably. In this case, you will use positive body language, and you will be able to make a good impression on the person (People will be as friendly towards you as you are).
    • Do not be shy. Say hello to people you haven't talked to in a while. Keep in touch with them and your efforts will be rewarded.
    • Don't be rude or insult people.
    • Look at yourself in the mirror and evaluate your appearance positively. If you like your looks, people will appreciate it too.
    • Try to call people by their first names. In order to remember the name, you need to repeat it several times immediately after meeting.
    • Always be polite!
    • Each of us has our own preferences, whether it is a favorite pastime or a pet. Try to find out what other people like and remember this information.


    • If you are too friendly, you will be considered a sycophant. This kind of behavior scares people away.
    • Be careful with your sense of humor. Sometimes a joke that seems funny to you may seem ridiculous to the people around you. It is very easy to upset a person, and not even notice it. What may be a joke or "teasing" to you may offend another person. This behavior can lead to a huge number of problems at work and in public places.
  • The ability to communicate with other people is one of the most important life skills. After all, we all live in society. We offer you to get acquainted with important tips that will help you become more talkative and self-confident.

    Ways to gain skill in communication

    Control gestures

    Sign language will help you explain your thoughts and ideas to the other person during a conversation. The main thing is to apply it correctly. Don't snap your fingers - it's not polite. Also, do not constantly look at your watch and smartphone screen, because this gesture will let you know that you intend to leave as soon as possible or you are tired of listening to a mournful speech. If you have a serious meeting, try to take a "powerful" pose - straighten your back, spread your shoulders, smile.

    Get rid of intrusive words

    Plan a conversation

    Conversation is a whole science that is important to master and understand. Before an important business meeting, a speech in front of a large audience, it is necessary to prepare a conversation plan. Choose the most universal topics (family, vacation plans, dreams, leisure) that can distract from the forced environment and relax the speakers a little. Also, the interlocutor will be able to get to know you better, how versatile you are. The most important thing is to avoid a moment of awkward silence.

    if you have an important meeting, you should gather your thoughts and prepare well

    Tell a funny story

    Recall a funny life incident. Get together and tell it. This method will make you more interesting and persuasive, others will begin to listen to you.

    Don't be afraid to ask questions

    If during the dialogue you did not comprehend some information, then do not be afraid to ask again and clarify. It is very important. Otherwise, there will be misunderstanding and even a conflict situation, which must be avoided. You can do this in the following way: “Are you going to go to the theater on Saturday? Did I understand you correctly?"

    Do not be distructed

    When another person tells you something, tries to convey the essence of the situation, then in no case do not look at the phone, do not answer the incoming call and do not switch to chatting with a friend you met by chance. This behavior is considered bad manners and will alienate people.

    Adjust to the interlocutor

    Experienced speakers know how to adapt to a conversation with a specific interlocutor. With parents and relatives we speak in one manner, and with the boss or colleagues - in a completely different manner. Learn to find the fine line that separates people according to their life status.

    Become more concise

    Conciseness or brevity is the sister of talent. Become more talented, try to exclude "water" from the dialogue. Don't use a lot of unnecessary words using the following structure: "Background" "Cause and Effect." Listening to such speech is boring and uninteresting.

    Swap places

    Put yourself in the place of the speaker, even though you have your own point of view. Know how to listen to other opinions, extracting a lot of useful information from them, comparing it with your own ideological convictions. Try to empathize, switch and immerse yourself completely in the situation described, and then you will be able to more objectively judge what happened.

    Listen carefully

    Focus entirely on the conversation. Absorb each word as you speak it in your head. Thus, the correct picture of the story will appear in your head and you will be able to more confidently answer the questions posed.

    Be yourself

    Don't go out of your way to please people by flashing a fake smile and trying to please everyone. Be yourself. Show yourself real, sincere and good-natured. After all, deceit and secrecy can be seen immediately.

    Criticize less

    Being in society, among colleagues or friends, criticize others less. A confident person will never discuss the mistakes and actions committed by people behind their backs. Respect for one's neighbor is the key to a successful position in society.


    Smiling brings joy into our lives. Try to smile as often and as widely as possible. Non-verbal communication is an important point that determines the attitude towards people. For example, give a good mood to a grandmother passing by you on the street, laugh along with a baby looking at you. The world is built from little things..

    Improve Yourself

    Become the most comprehensive person possible. Sign up for courses in oratory, play sports, go to theaters, cinemas. You should have various topics for conducting dialogues with interlocutors.

    Chat on social networks

    Social networks are a modern way to say hello or wish good night to a loved one who is at a distance, arrange a meeting and just chat about nothing. If you are embarrassed to speak directly, start with a dialogue on the Internet. Do it daily. Success will not be long in coming.

    Always say hello

    Seeing a familiar person, many hide their faces, turn away, showing their unwillingness to talk with their whole appearance. It's not worth doing that. Always greet people with a wide and friendly smile.

    Love yourself

    Throw aside negative emotions, think more about positive and joyful. Dream and try to turn the myths into reality. Pamper yourself with small gifts, take care and watch your figure. People should admire you..

    Speak with beautiful epithets

    Read books, dictionaries. Increase your own vocabulary. Do everything to quickly learn to speak beautifully. Instead of the usual “che”, say “what”. When your speech is like singing, consisting of words that harmonize perfectly with each other, then you will receive public recognition.

    Be cheerful

    Joke, laugh, tease. Become the soul of the company. People should want and crave your company.

    positive people are conducive to communication

    How to overcome complexity?

    Describe yourself

    Take a piece of paper and make a list of your own positive qualities. Think about what kind of person you are, why you are good, why people should communicate with you. /p>

    Don't be antisocial

    Stop avoiding society. If you sit constantly at home in splendid isolation, success will definitely not be achieved.

    Stop turning up your nose

    Remember that all people are busy with their personal problems and life. No one will run around and beg you to talk. You are not the king of the universe. Be simple, and then people will reach out to you.


    Talk to your parents and relatives. Then switch to friends. Gradually, you will be able to start a dialogue with other interlocutors.

    Accept invitations

    Never refuse an invitation. If they called, then they want to see you. Do not offend a good-natured host with your ignorance. Avoid excuses and explanations.

    Become an initiator

    Try to start a dialogue on your own. Ask how much time, how to get to a certain place. It's not hard.


    A list of popular psychological exercises aimed at improving communication skills.

    "Tell about…"

    The basis of the method is to train the skills of confident communication. A minimum of 3 participants is required to run. Various objects are laid out on the table. Each participant takes a thing that he liked and begins to give her a verbal description. Other players can ask any question of interest on the topic.

    "East market"

    The subjects must come up with a set of associations with the expression "Oriental Bazaar" (for example, the market, screams, spices). Whoever names more of them wins. The game forms vocabulary and the ability to find the main points without using unnecessary phrases.

    "Describe in other words"

    It is necessary to assemble 2 teams of 4 players each. The leader pronounces a simple phrase consisting of several phrases and asks the first four players to describe what they heard in their own words, and then the second team enters the game. Whoever comes up with the most rephrases wins.

    "Listen and repeat"

    Requires 3 participants. Two should start a conversation on absolutely any topic, the third acts as a listener. After 8-10 minutes, the controller participant is asked to express his opinion on what he heard in order to understand how attentive he was and understood the essence of the dialogue. Each participant will be in this role.

    "Internal Translator"

    The unique method "Internal translator" is based on the solution of a fictional situation by two people who have a different point of view. The goal is to come to a common denominator and agree on a common way out of the problem. Due to this exercise, a communication skill is formed, a person learns to find compromises.

    Telephone conversation

    The task is quite simple. Call the help desk and find out the numbers of the dry cleaners closest to you. Half an hour later, call back the previously dialed number, ask for directions to the railway station. Model questions in your head - ask - communicate.

    Conversation with a stranger

    Approach a stranger in the yard. Introduce yourself. Ask about the weather, about the work of public services. Ask a few simple leading questions.

    "Remember the Face"

    The exercise can be performed in public transport, in the subway, in a store, that is, where there are a lot of people. Select a certain person from the crowd. Look carefully at his facial features, try to remember. Look away and try to remember from memory.

    Say yes"

    Answer “Yes” to people as often as possible to their requests. They asked for help - "With pleasure", invited to a picnic - "Of course."

    2 players take part. The purpose of the assignment is to describe general facts about each other's characteristics. Each participant must name at least 10 matches.

    Promotion - dismissal

    To conduct the test, 5 people will be needed - the boss and subordinates, who will prove to the boss their own importance in the team, explaining in words. The loser is fired, and the rest are promoted.

    "We will call you back"

    This phrase can lower the self-esteem of some individuals. Don't panic. The essence of the exercise is to learn how to correctly and calmly accept defeat, relying on your own strength. There are 4 people in the team. Two are conducting an interview, and the rest have come to get a job. Players take turns answering questions. Whoever steadfastly and clearly answers each of them, he won.

    Become more sociable and liberated, due to the ability to understand and hear other people, and then everything will work out.

    The question of how to become cheerful and sociable sooner or later is asked by all teenagers without exception. The fact is that young people at this age are striving with all their might to find themselves, become better and win the favor of the opposite sex.

    And sociability and the ability to enjoy life are very important qualities for any girl. Not everyone has them from birth. But you can learn the art of communication.

    How to become more sociable and more fun quickly?

    Most of all, normal, easy communication is hindered by uncertainty. A teenage girl doubts her abilities, clamps down. As a result, communication does not bring pleasure, the mood drops, and the feeling of self-doubt only grows. But if you wish, you can break this vicious circle and become a cheerful and sociable girl. To do this, you should follow the following recommendations:

    First, become an interesting and positive person. Read more, find your favorite hobby. Do not be afraid to share your emotions and impressions. A passionate person attracts people. After all, you yourself noticed how many friends girls have who are engaged in dancing, needlework or vocals. Passion will expand your circle of acquaintances, and you will feel free even in a circle of unfamiliar people.

    Secondly, communicate at every opportunity. With a new student in the classroom or a saleswoman in the store, on the subway and buses. Communication is a skill that needs to be constantly improved. A few months of such training - and you will be able to communicate freely on any topic.

    Third, smile. This will set the interlocutor in a positive mood, demonstrate your good mood and readiness for a conversation. No wonder they say that a smile is the key to the human heart.

    How to be cheerful and sociable in a company?

    Fun communication in the company is a big challenge for many teenagers. Good mood often changes at this age. Depression and despondency - that's what needs to be dealt with immediately. The main weapon against them is constant employment.

    It is important to find something that really inspires you. Youth opens up boundless horizons. Study, work, hobbies, friends, hobbies…

    Some tips on how to become cheerful and sociable in a strange company:

    • Try to find common topics for conversation with any person. Start a conversation with a common phrase, establish contact.
    • Call the person by their first name. You will immediately see that it will become easier to communicate with him. The sound of one's own name is pleasant for a person.
    • Respect the people you interact with. We have no power over facial expressions, so irritation or displeasure is difficult to hide.
    • Don't look down on anyone. Arrogant girls are not popular in society.
    • Try to look at life positively. Now this quality is appreciated. There is nothing more attractive than a positive-minded girl. After all, positive people are little suns. There are always a lot of people around them.

    The ability to communicate is very important for a person. Socialization plays an important role in adolescence and young age, when relations with society are just beginning to build.

    And remember that you need to communicate with pleasure, sincerely interested in your interlocutor. Only in this case will they want to talk to you again. Be patient with the shortcomings of other people and smile more often - this is the key to success. Then you will definitely become a cheerful sociable without unnecessary difficulties.

    And a super informative video:

    Openness is one of the most attractive features of the human character. Closed, secretive people cause alertness, it is difficult to contact them. But isolation often burdens the loner himself, and he tries to understand how to become an open person, how to communicate freely and easily in any company. It is worth first understanding what openness is.

    What is openness

    Openness in psychology is understood as spiritual generosity, the ability to share one's thoughts and feelings with others, the ability to accept any person in one's social circle. However, these attractive qualities are only the tip of the iceberg. And if you want to understand how to become a more open person, then you need to understand the deep psychological characteristics of these people. Here are the most important ones.

    By knowing how to become an open person, you will be able to enjoy life more.

    • Extraversion is a person's orientation towards the world, acceptance of the world, and not just sociability, but sincere pleasure from contacts with others.
    • High emotional tone and optimism. Positive emotions experienced by extroverts not only attract people to them, but also infect them with energy and good mood.
    • Self-confidence. This quality allows a person not to be afraid to freely express his opinion, share thoughts and feelings.
    • Sociability. Communication is the native element for an open personality. Such a person is fluent in basic communication tools, their choice occurs almost on an intuitive level. These people are called the soul of the company, they are charming and at the same time convincing, they are able not only to entertain, but also to captivate with their ideas.
    • Sincerity. Often this concept is equated with honesty, but it is deeper and is closely related to positive emotions. The word "sincerity" comes from "spark" - it is a bright fire burning in the soul and reflected in the eyes. He attracts an open person, makes him believe.

    Most of these qualities are based on individual psychological characteristics. There are people who were already born with the makings of an open personality. But is it possible to develop these qualities? Can a closed person, squeezed in the grip of conventions and his own complexes, change? Yes maybe. But for this, he must want to change and make efforts for this.

    The main difficulty is not even the need to change yourself. The fact is that "openness", "sociability" - these are the qualities that other people see in us. And it is very difficult to change the already established opinion of others, their stereotype of perception. But if you decide to create a new image for yourself, then do not back down and follow the advice of psychologists.

    How to become an open and sociable person? We need to communicate as much as possible.

    • Learn to treat criticism in your address calmly and with humor, laugh at yourself without waiting for others to do it. In any community there are envious people and ill-wishers, the most effective weapon against them is a sincere smile.
    • To become an open and sociable person, you need to communicate. Expand your circle of contacts. But not in social networks, where the formation of the image is just a game, but in reality.
    • Show interest in others and do it actively, but unobtrusively. Try to listen carefully, show interest, do not shy away from the opportunity to help, support. Train yourself to be useful to people, not for some benefit, but just like that.
    • Learn to talk about yourself. In a conversation, remember an interesting case, a story, an example from your life, share your successes, complain about oversights. Just don't complain - people often don't like to hear about other people's problems.
    • Try to use the maximum number of means of communication: facial expressions, especially a smile, gestures, intonation, speech means.

    Openness is a great quality, but it is appropriate only in combination with positive emotions and optimism. It should be remembered that open demonstration of your anger, irritability, complaints about problems and failures are unlikely to attract people to you.

    Problems in communicating with other people are currently experiencing every third inhabitant of the metropolis. It is difficult to find such a person who would be completely satisfied with communication with the people around him. In any company and situation, at any event, there will definitely be a person with whom, for one reason or another, it will be difficult to establish contact. For many people, this is a real problem, as a sociable person is known to be much easier to establish new relationships, make friends and find a prestigious job. With the question "How to become more sociable with people?" Many turn to a psychologist, because they cannot find a way out of this situation on their own.

    How to become more open, sociable, friendly and fun

    To understand how to become more sociable, you first need to understand what may be the reason for the inability or unwillingness to communicate with other people. The ability to freely communicate with other people is otherwise called sociability. Communication disorders in people can occur for various reasons. So, everything can be to blame:

    • low self-esteem and complete lack of confidence in oneself and one's abilities;
    • experienced psychological trauma, which became the result of a negative experience of communicating with people;
    • too high demands on oneself and others;
    • dissatisfaction with one's own appearance;
    • health problems, chronic fatigue and stress;
    • age crisis and loss of interest in life.

    These are just some of the moments that can turn communication with other people into unbearable torture and lead to lack of communication.

    Do not know how to become a sociable and self-confident person? The tips below will help you with this:

    1. Remember once and for all that every person on planet Earth is unique and simply cannot be fitted into any framework. Everyone has their own appearance, character, manner of speaking and moving. There are no ugly people in the world, some just feel like that;

    2. A person is worthy of the respect of others to the extent that he himself respects them. Each person standing next to you is as unique as you are, so you should not compare him with yourself, just look for features that you like in him. No need to try to change someone who does not meet the "standard". The basis of a good relationship is respect, so you should not use words and phrases that cause discomfort and pain to another person;

    3. Do not know how to become more open and sociable in society? Just be yourself! You should not adapt to someone's interests and views in order to make friends. You must always and in everything have your own style and opinion, be sincere and honest - such qualities of self-expression are much more valued and attract people more strongly;

    4. Want to make friends and don't know how to become friendly and sociable? The answer is simple - always be friendly with everyone, smile more often (if appropriate), find kind words for people. Always remember that courtesy and courtesy are the keys to many hearts;

    5. Learn to listen to the interlocutor. A person has two ears and only one mouth, so you need to listen more and talk less. How to become a sociable and interesting person, be able to prompt in time or, on the contrary, remain silent? Just show moderate interest in the interlocutor and in the subject of conversation, try not to miss the details. The ability to listen at the right moment is valued much more than jokes and eloquent chatter;

    6. Still don't know how to be fun and outgoing? Stop being afraid to put your word into the conversation. Don't be afraid to express your opinion. Let it be different from the opinions of others, for that it is your opinion.

    These are the main tips, listening to which you can become a more sociable person. However, these are not all ways to improve your communication skills.

    How to become a sociable and interesting girl in the company and with a guy

    For those girls who do not know how to become a sociable and interesting girl, experts recommend always trying to "be" in the subject. Very often, the problem of most conversations started is a complete misunderstanding of the topic by one of the interlocutors. It is known that each microgroup of people has some common interests that allow them to unite, identifying themselves with other people. It turns out that in order to stop worrying about how to become more sociable and confident in the company, you just need to be on the same wavelength with everyone.

    For example, for a group of students, one of the common topics may be a new lecture schedule, a past practical lesson, future exams and preparation for them. In the office, the team can discuss projects, salaries and even the boss, it is not necessary to throw mud at him, you can simply express your opinion on how he does business. For housewives, husbands, children, repair and cleaning in the apartment, grocery shopping, etc. will become a favorite topic.

    When we are talking about communication in any particular group of people, then the rule of "being on topic" works great, but what to do when conducting a dialogue? For example, how to become sociable with a guy, especially with one that you really like? In this case, the conversation should start with general phrases that will help you understand what exactly the person is interested in.

    How to become a more liberated and sociable person

    How to become liberated and sociable in any company? You need to try to be an interesting conversationalist for other people. Those people who know a lot can always bring some interesting fact to the topic or tell a funny story, and they themselves feel more confident and are perceived in companies as an easy-to-communicate and interesting person.

    At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to have a higher education or a doctoral degree in order to be smart and interesting. If you travel a lot and spend your weekends doing interesting and varied things, and not lying in front of the TV, you already have something to say!

    Do you want to learn how to become a more sociable person and always have a couple of stories in reserve? Then replenish your vocabulary and develop. An excellent assistant in this matter will be reading books. This will not only allow you to replenish and significantly expand your vocabulary, but also diversify the range of topics that you can communicate freely.

    How to become a very sociable and interesting person

    Every person at least once in his life had to deal with the so-called nerds and bores. Indeed, there is such a category of people who have a lot of useful things and certainly want to tell everyone about everything at once. Nobody likes such interlocutors, therefore, of course, you need to engage in self-education, but you need to retell “everything new and interesting” to others without fanaticism.

    How to become interesting and sociable in a company? It is enough to be smart and tactful in order to know when it is worth being smart, and when it is better to just keep silent and smile. All people prefer to communicate with interesting and cheerful interlocutors, but not with boring teachers.

    Do not answer the banal question "How are you?" respond with a story about how number theory was created or how you studied quantum physics. This, of course, will make you a smart and well-read interlocutor in the eyes of another person, but at the same time, it will discourage the desire to continue to communicate.

    By the way, thinking about how to become a very sociable and interesting person, one cannot fail to mention such a concept as “going too far.” Everyone regularly notices in their interlocutors that their jokes are not always well received, especially if there are a lot of them and they are inappropriate. You should not create a reputation for yourself as a clown or jester, it is better to use jokes strictly metered and certainly in the subject and place.

    How to be more social with the opposite sex

    A lot of questions arise from not particularly sociable people about how to become more sociable and liberated when communicating with persons of the opposite sex? The main advice of experts in this case is to be consistent, reasonable and patient. Even if you are very scared to talk to the guy or girl you like, you still have to start a conversation. To quickly understand how to become a sociable girl or guy, you need to learn a specific plan of action and strictly follow it.

    It looks like this:

    • To get started, you just need to get to know the person, just say hello, shake his hand, smile or nod, then ask his name and give your own. This is quite enough to establish the first contact. You should not behave too relaxedly, you need to be calm and confident, otherwise you will get the impression that you are a hypocrite or even worse a sycophant;
    • After the acquaintance has happened, you need to start talking on general topics. It doesn't have to happen on the day you meet. You need to determine the topic yourself and very carefully, it is better if it is something neutral - the weather, the schedule of lessons or buses, the premiere of a new film, etc .;
    • When contact is established, you can move on to discussing deeper and more important topics. At this point, it is already necessary to get to know each other better so that trust and interest appear. Topics can be such as the cost of education, the opportunity to earn money, love for animals;
    • When you feel that you have already become as close as possible, you can touch on more personal topics in a conversation, for example, family relationships.

    It is important to remember that you should not force and rush things too much in a relationship with a guy or girl, since not every person is able to open up right away. You need to learn to wait and guess the most convenient moment for a question, conversation, etc.

    The most important thing- just stop being afraid of other people, become more open to the world and your surroundings. There are no ideal people, everyone has flaws and virtues, everyone knows how to be embarrassed, worried and insecure. But this can and should be fought in order to get maximum pleasure from life and communication.