How to set up a new phone in Russian. How to install Russian language on Android

The Android operating system can work in many languages, including Russian. And each user can instantly select the desired language in the settings of his device - there is nothing complicated about it. Russification is present on the vast majority of tablets and smartphones, but sometimes people are faced with its absence. How to Russify Android and what is needed for this? Let's try to go from the easiest way to the most difficult.

Russification in the service center

The easiest way to make your gadget speak Russian is to take it to the nearest service center. Specialists will inspect your device, find the right language pack and apply it. If there is no Russian-language package, they will add it or flash your smartphone or tablet. Turning to the service center, you can count only on positive results.

  • Novice users who do not understand the Android operating system device;
  • People who have not found the required language pack in their device and are afraid to take further steps;
  • People who are extremely far from modern technology (although it is not clear why they need a smartphone or tablet then).

By contacting the service center, you will receive a fully Russified gadget.

Quick Russification of Android through the settings menu

Another easy way to Russify Android firmware is to get into its settings. We will assume that at the moment all the inscriptions are displayed in English, and not in Chinese, since it will be very difficult to understand the hieroglyphs. First, let's check if there is a Russian language in the system at all, and if it is available for selection. This is done very easily - go to "Settings - Language and input - Language", look for the Russian language in the list that opens (all the inscriptions here are made in their own language).

If there is still a Russian language, feel free to choose it, wait a few seconds and enjoy full Russification. Next, you just have to choose a keyboard with the ability to enter the Russian language. If there is no suitable keyboard in the list, download it from the Play Market app store(After all, we don’t have an iPhone in our hands, so we can easily change applications with keyboards). We recommend choosing Russian Keyboard by GameWarrior developer.

Is your Android device "speaking" in a language you don't know? Then you can find the "Settings" item by the characteristic label with an asterisk. In order to look up the item "Language and input" try using some online dictionary - this is the easiest way to find the item you need.

Russification of Android 4.1 and older versions

How to Russify Android 4.1 and below without any extra effort? To do this, you need to install the More Locale 2 application using the Play Market application store. It will help to force the choice of the Russian language, even if it is hidden in the main settings.. We launch the application, press the "ISO639" button opposite the "Language" field, look for the Russian language there and add it to the general list. We go back and try to set Russian as the default language - if there are files with Russification in the firmware, everything will be successful.

Russification of Android 4.2 and later

The above method will not help if your smartphone / tablet is based on the Android 4.2 operating system and higher. We'll have to act in a different way. In order to translate Android into Russian, you need to download the ADB program and the ADB drivers corresponding to the device. First install the drivers, then install the program (do not forget the path, for example, D: ADB).

Next, pick up a smartphone / tablet, go to "Settings - Developer options" and turn on the "USB debugging" mode. Speaking in Russian, we went to "Settings - Developer options" and turned on USB debugging. If you don’t have the “Developer options” item, go to “About device” and find the “Build Number” item there and tap on it about 10 times - an inscription will appear informing you that the desired item is activated.

Now we connect the phone to the computer, open the Windows console, enter the cd D: ADB command in it, and then enter the following adb devices command - the program will start and recognize the connected device. Finally, we enter the long command adb shell pm grant android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION, reboot and try the method described for Android 4.1 and below.

Describing this technique, we proceed from the fact that your device works in English. If it works in some other language, try switching to English.

Other ways

All of the above methods of Russification will not help if the firmware on your device, in principle, does not have the Russian language (this is very rare). If you failed to activate the Russian-language interface either in normal mode or in forced mode, try flashing your device - we already wrote about this procedure in our reviews. If there is no knowledge in flashing, contact the service center.

How to translate an Android application into Russian

In order to Russify this or that application, you will need knowledge in the device of APK files and their internal structure. Using third-party applications for compiling and decompiling files, you can Russify the selected program. It should be immediately warned that this will not always work out - some points may remain non-Russified. It is best to find a localized program or its Russian equivalent.

You can find Russified applications on specialized Internet resources. When installing them, do not forget to check the box "Unknown sources" in the security settings of your device. And it is best to learn English at least at the very minimum technical level - this will definitely come in handy.


The easiest option is through the general phone settings. Go to the Nokia menu and select "Phone settings", then click on the language options section and check the box next to the language that you currently need. When you want to return the previous settings, you will have to use the general menu again and change the language only through the "Phone settings".

Most often, language switching in a Nokia phone occurs through the SMS text editing menu. In text input mode, click on the "Input functions" option and select "Change input language", where mark the language you need. As soon as you need to switch to another language, use the same procedure.

Also, in the process of entering a message, you can press certain buttons and change the language of the phone. Find those with an asterisk or a hash in the bottom row of keys, and when you type SMS and want to switch the language, press one of them. In addition to changing the language, you can change the mode of writing letters from lowercase to uppercase, activate T9 mode or other phone settings.

If your mobile phone supports a QWERTY keyboard, use the following keyboard shortcut - the button with the character input icon and the up arrow button. In this case, press the button with the arrow shown a little earlier than the button with the icon. When the menu appears on your Nokia phone's display, check the box next to the input language you want.

Since mobile devices bought abroad do not provide for the Russian language in the settings, you will have to do not just switch the language, but flash the phone. And here, do not get carried away by installing drivers and software yourself. It is better to contact specialists in order to subsequently use the phone without any problems.


  • how to change language to nokia

Language message entry in different phones can be configured in different ways. Most modern devices support changing the language messages already when typing in the text editing menu.

You will need

  • - telephone;
  • - instructions for it.


If you have a normal one, go to its general settings and specify the desired message input settings in the language settings, in the future you can change this item only from this menu. This usually applies to older phones.

In the text entry menu, sms- messages Select "Input Options" and then "Change Message Writing Language". In the future, to switch, use the same scheme. Please note that this menu can be launched using the shortcut buttons, which is also typical for some older models of mobile devices.

When typing a message in the Samsung menu, press the button with the image of a lattice or an asterisk - these buttons are responsible for changing the input language, as well as changing the mode of writing lowercase and uppercase letters, activating T9 and other settings, depending on the phone model. The same is true for ordinary Nokia phones, Voxtel, Sony Ericsson and so on.

If your Nokia has a QWERTY keyboard, use the combination of the up arrow buttons with the icon for entering characters and enable -connection, while paying attention that the arrow button needs to be pressed slightly. In the menu that appears, check the box you want

Users are often interested in how to change the language of the Android operating system from Chinese to Russian. Usually such questions arise after buying a smartphone in a Chinese online store. But, there are other options. For example, the language may change to Chinese as a result of . If you are also facing a similar problem, then this article should help you. Here we will talk about changing the language from Chinese to Russian in Android 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0.

How to change the system language on Android 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0

If you have a smartphone with Android 5.0, 6.0 or 7.0, then in order to change the language from Chinese to Russian, you must first open the settings. This can be done using the top curtain or the Settings app icon.

After that, you need to scroll through the settings and find the section "Language and input" there. But, if you have Chinese installed, and you cannot read the inscriptions, then you need to navigate by the icons. This section should have a globe icon.

Once the Languages ​​& Input section is open, simply navigate to the topmost subsection.

After that, you will see a list of languages. If there is Russian in this list, then you just need to click on the button to the right of the language and drag it to the top of the list.

If the Russian language is not in this list, then it must first be added. To do this, click on the button with the Plus sign and select the Russian language in the list that opens.

After that, Russian will appear at the end of the list of available languages ​​and you just have to drag it to the top, after which the language in the system will change from Chinese to Russian.

How to change the system language on Android 4.0

If you have a smartphone with Android 4.0, then the process of changing the language will be slightly different. First you need to open the settings.

After that, open the topmost subsection.

As a result, you should see a large list of languages. Here you just need to find the Russian language and select it.

After that, the language of the Android operating system will change from Chinese to Russian.

When you open the menu on your Android device, you may notice that a language you don't understand is installed. In this case, it is almost impossible to use the device and the main question arises - how to change the settings on a tablet or smartphone. To do this, you need to follow certain instructions. For most devices, they are identical, except for minor differences. For clarity, we will show the change of language on the example of devices from different manufacturers.

Instructions on the example of a device from Lenovo

Despite the same version of Android on a phone or tablet, the settings may have a different location depending on the manufacturer of the device. If you are the owner of a mobile device from Lenovo, then in most cases the following instructions will help you:

As you can see, changing the language on a tablet or other gadget running Android is not so difficult, because most of the settings have explanatory icons.

Example for Samsung brand devices

The methodology for this manufacturer is almost identical, with the exception that you need to go to other menu items. To change the language in the Android OS on a Samsung tablet or phone, follow these steps:

Now you can freely use your Android gadget. For brands of other phones, the instructions are almost identical. You need to go to the general settings, find the menu that is responsible for the language (as a rule, it has a pencil icon or letters), and change it on a tablet or phone.

For some users, these tips will not help for one simple reason - their phone simply may not have the required language, and therefore it simply will not be possible to change it. What to do in this case? There is an exit! Download required.

On the Android OS, there is one extremely useful application called MoreLocale 2. It allows you to localize your phone in order to set the desired language, for example, Russian. To use it, download it to your phone, and then follow these steps:

For users of newer versions of Android 4.2+, the Set Locale & Language program will help. It has similar navigation items, and you can easily handle "Russification" without outside help.

Now your Android tablet or mobile phone will be set to the language you need. Unfortunately, the program is not perfect, so some items may not be localized, but these are extremely rare cases. Thanks to this application, you can freely use the device by changing the language at any time, even if it is not provided by the standard settings. The application does not take up much memory, while it is very fast.

Most mobile phones and tablets with the Android operating system sold on our market already have Russification built into the firmware. Even in Chinese smartphones of second-tier companies, their manufacturers are trying to localize the interface of the system and installed programs, including into Russian. Unfortunately, in practice there are still cases when a phone or tablet of a little-known company ordered from China comes with firmware in which the Chinese language is installed, and at best you can change it to English or one of the most common Western European languages. For some users who are fluent in foreign languages, this may not seem like a problem. But we think that most buyers would like to install their native language on their device and enjoy all its advantages.

Today we will tell you, dear readers, how to translate your Android into Russian. If you are one of the owners of the aforementioned mobile or tablet with an unfriendly interface, this article is written for you.

How to check the presence of the Russian language in the operating system

We assume, dear user, that since you are reading this article, you have already checked the settings of your Android device and made sure that the Russian language is not in the selection list. But if you still forgot to do this, check the availability of the Russian-language OS interface right now. Go to the menu item "Settings" of your phone or tablet and then select the item "Language & keyboard". In the menu that opens, select the first item "Select language" and check the list of available languages ​​for the presence of Russian there. If it is missing in the system - it's time to install it, correcting this annoying flaw.

Russification of Android keyboard only

Some users are ready to put up with the fact that the firmware of their device or the interface of some programs do not have Russian localization, but they need at least Russification of the on-screen keyboard. After all, typing, social networking, sending messages, etc. in Latin are at least unreadable for those who will receive these messages. For such users, the solution may simply be to install a keyboard with Russian language support in the system. There are a lot of similar keyboards for Android, because, in fact, a keyboard is a regular program that you can download and install on your phone or tablet.

On the Google Play Market for the search query "keyboard" you can always find something suitable. One of the popular ones is SwiftKey Keyboard, which has support for Russian and Ukrainian languages. But you can choose any other keyboard to your liking, experiment. Installing applications from the Google Play market is described in detail on our portal at.

After installing the new keyboard, you just have to follow the path "Settings" ->

"Language & keyboard" and check the box for the keyboard we just installed. If necessary, you can click on the name of this keyboard and in the list of parameters that appears, make the desired settings for the program. Now you can type texts in any application in Russian.

How to Russify android (for Android up to version 4.2)

For many users, the conditional Russification given in the sections above is unlikely to be fully satisfied, and they will want their Android phone or tablet to communicate with them completely in Russian. You can do this, and now we will tell you how to translate Android into Russian completely if your phone or tablet has an old version of the operating system.

The most popular application for localizing Android firmware is MoreLocale 2, available for download on Google Play.

Download the program from there or install it on your mobile device in any way. Further, in order to install the Russian language in your system, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

Run MoreLocale 2 and select the green item "Custom locale" in the program window;

In the window that appears after this, you must press the "ISO" button, located next to the menu item "Language", and select the language "Russian" there;

After that, press the "ISO" button, located opposite the next menu item "Country", and select "Russian Federation" from the list of countries;

Press the "Set" button to confirm your choice;

You can enjoy full localization, your phone or tablet has learned to speak Russian.

Please note: if the applications installed in the operating system do not have the Russian language initially, MoreLocale 2 will not be able to Russify them. Perhaps, in this case, your operating system will not be fully Russified. But is it better than nothing?

In addition, using the method above, you must consider the following: due to the changed rules for making changes to the OS configuration, this method will not work on firmwareAndroid from version 4.2.x and older. How to transfer devices with new versions of Android, read on.

How to Russify android 4.2 and higher

Full Russification of the entire Android operating system version 4.2.x and higher is fraught with some difficulties, but there are no such difficulties that a true Android system enthusiast cannot overcome, right?

To begin with, let's say that on Google Play there is a Set Locale & Language program that allows you to set the system language, even if it is not in the firmware. The developers claim that it can localize even Android version 4.2.x and older.

True, many users complain that the Set Locale & Language program does not always work stably, and localization settings may disappear after the application is restarted. Only one recommendation can help here: try, try, and hope that you are lucky and your device is localized reliably.

But if the previous method turned out to be useless for you, now we will teach you another method on how to translate the system language of your phone or tablet into Russian. This method was originally invented for HTC smartphones, but for other phones or tablets it also works fine in many cases.

To Russify new versions of the Android OS, we will need to download the adb program and install it on our computer. In addition, in this case, it is also necessary to install the More Locale 2 application, which has already been discussed above. Also install drivers for your smartphone or tablet on your PC. To Russify your Android device, follow the instructions below:

1. Enable the "USB debugging" mode on your device (Program menu -> "Settings" -> "Developer options" -> "USB debugging"). If the "Developer options" item in the menu on your device is missing, you need to find the "About phone" item in the "Settings" menu and click on the device model name or on the firmware version ten times in a row. "Developer options" will appear in the settings menu;

2. The ADB program must be unpacked on the computer to the root of the C: drive (the path to the executable file should be: C:\adb\adb.exe);

3. Connect your Android device to your computer;

4. Launch the command line application on the PC by running cmd.exe;

5. Enter a command cd c:\adb to go to folder c:\adb\;

6. To search for your smartphone, enter the commandadb devices ;

7. The program should give the ID of your device below under the line " List of devices attached ";

8. Enter command

adb shell pm grant android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION

9. Make Sure, what in window appeared answer programs

lo cale android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION;

10. If we made a mistake in the command syntax, the system will display a message using the pm command. In this case, you need to carefully repeat the command again.

11. Disconnect your Android device from your computer and launch the MoreLocale 2 program.

12. Repeat the sequence of steps for Russifying the firmware using MoreLocale 2, indicated in the previous section.

If your phone or tablet is not found by the ADB program, and next to its identifier you see the inscription "offline", this means that your version of ADB is outdated for this model. Download the Android SDK and install it on your computer. In the /platform-tools/ folder you will find the latest version of ADB.

Please note that this localization method (like the method for Adroid before 4.2.x) works at the program level, and not at the operating system level. That's why if you do , your localization will fail, and to get the Russian language after resetting the settings, you will have to do everything all over again.

As you can see, it is not always easy to localize new mobile devices with fresh Android firmware. The only good news is that even little-known Chinese mobile phone developers are already paying attention to the Russian-speaking user market, and phone or tablet models that lack Russian localization are becoming rarer and rarer. For the majority of modern devices, it is usually possible to find, if not official, then at least custom (custom) firmware, into which the Russian language will be built. We hope your new mobile on Android OS will be just like that!